1 Hour of Space Marine Propaganda - Choosing your Space Marine chapter!

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 46 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going all right it's time for us to make me suffer yeah this is this is definitely an episode of making bread suffer and it's gonna be fantastic so for those of you wondering what we're talking about every six months we have separate recording seasons of which this is the last episode of this recording season before we take a couple weeks off for the holiday break and then we come back for the next chunk of weekly recordings during each of those six month segments the patrons get to vote on an episode every time our patrons are mean yeah so we just recorded the one for our other podcast solely Singleton and it was also the patrons just really giving it to us but for poor Hammer we could have had fantastic things like the black library book club that would have been fun yeah we also could have done you know like a serious episode where we look at the rules of 40K versus AOS to figure out which rules are the best between the two I actually think that'll be a really fun topic when we eventually cover it we could have done all sorts of stuff instead the winner by a large margin was force Brad to Hype up each major Space Marine chapter for those of you at home wondering why that's a big deal Space Marines is by no small March and my least favorite faction [Laughter] our longtime audience members probably already know this fact but I have to play nice today and give you all a positive outlook on the Space Marines so without any further Ado let's get to an hour of Brad being tortured sounds good but before we begin we need to get this warning out of the way we're not going to talk about specific rules in this episode because we have it on pretty good authority from leakers that there is going to be a new Space Marine 2.0 book coming out soon so any rules we throw up on screen are very temporary any rules I say allowed are probably a waste of time to talk about in a month we're going to focus more on the lore the looks the general play style the fantasy of each of these chapters and how they want to be playing also as a warning I am not going to interpret this as all three thousand or whatever ever official Canon chapters of Space Marines I'm only going with ones that have official rules okay I'm expecting some big hype Brad sell me on ultramarines I I get the joke but they're actually one of the easier ones for me to sell you on they're blue they are blue Dawn sold [Laughter] so ultramarines you're the poster child you are what's on the tin that everyone knows what an ultramarine looks like because you cannot get into 40K without seeing one at least 30 times they are shoved in your face we all know them that being said it's one of the easier sub factions for me to Hype up first of all you've got a pretty cool Roman theme going on you've got what is without a doubt the most stable and successful part of the Imperium uh they have the Ultramar sector which is like the only part of human civilization that you would want to live in and like even then it's like a real stretch to want to live there I was gonna say I feel like that's not really true but I guess in comparison to other things it just being like not great is good thing yeah the Roman aesthetic to it is very cool I will give them that I like the whole like robed ancient look they like to have where where you've got the toga and stuff the Greek scholar the Roman philosopher yeah I appreciate that standpoint of them there's also like the plus side of however you end up painting your Marines you can play them as anyone I will fight for your ability to do that at all times but even the worst that guy in the world cannot point to a color scheme and go that is not a Canon ultramarine chapter from a book that I know sir because every single chapter is secretly an ultramarine successor chapter they have so many successor chapters each with their own schemes and names and it is impossible to list them so it's one of those that like there's so much it's not just blue you can do anything and I will fight for the fact that you can do any of these chapters in any paint Scheme color you want and just say I'm the such and such successor of the Dark Angels I don't care yeah but it is nice to have ultramarines like have some lore behind it and really prop up the defense on that yeah and I will say all terrains you do have the problem of you're the poster children and you're going to get a lot of extra Flack for that because while a lot of us like to pick on Space Marines and in general because it's really easy to pick on the favorite Child you're the favorite favorite child even other Space Marines get annoyed with you you do have like a lot of books that are pretty bad that have been written over time like just poorly written books but you just have a lot of books in general so there are tons of good ones you can read too yeah and I mean ultramarines have been around for a while so there's a lot like you said as bonus points we'll talk about the primarks for each of the chapters because they each have a different Primark other than some weird stuff we'll talk about later big bonus points for ultramarines you have the only living loyalist Primark right now and Gilman is like one of the only intelligent sane people that you can have empathy for in the Imperium downside get used to jokes about how much he enjoys Elven booty namely from me but uh I mean that's just all upside it's not like the man's wrong I know like gotta respect the drip have you seen your brains dump truck all right enough of ultramarines let's keep going or we'll be here all week we're gonna move into Dark Angels Dark Angels is the dark and rooting Knights hell yeah dude you are the first Legion you are the first you are the bestest because number one is the first number and that holds special weight for some reason one of the cool things for you guys is you end up with a lot of the old Tech from Emperor's storage locker the super special secret collection that he kept around and gave to the Dark Angels for some reason you're the keepers of the weapons of the Dark Age of technology so you get to have like a really plasma heavy Army be very thematic if you're really liking plasma stuff okay is it like just weapons or is it like just all the old Tech it is old weapons that they have the Armory okay but it shows up mostly in the form of better handling plasma another cool thing with Dark Angels is you've got the wings which is like the Raven wing and the death Wing So if you want to have like a bike heavy army or you want to have a Terminator heavy heavy armor style Army both of those can be part of Dark Angels you get to paint three different paint schemes you're basically playing three factions in one as a single sub faction of another faction it's layer upon layer of too many rules but we're gonna spin this as a good thing you're the special children who get all of the cool rules specifically to make your dreams come true as a warning though if you are picking Dark Angels currently if you want to play like a Deathwing heavy Army it relies a lot on Terminators who don't have a good primaris equivalent yet to like the gravis line gets more filled out yeah I can feel the pain on that one from a gray night yeah so you're going to end up with a lot of the 511 short King models so if you like old Marines cool Dark Angels are definitely a good plus side for you if you like the objectively better looking new stuff it's probably coming well there is that that is true but currently it's not there yet it's probably coming reasonably soon I will say like lore wise with Dark Angels you've got one stick it's really good as a hook to get people in but you're going to get sick of it over time just as a warning in advance you're gonna grow bored of every story beat being the same of we must stop the Fallen we must also kill innocent people who find out about them to save ourselves from being executed for our past crimes we're so troubled and brooding and that's every dark angel story it gets people in the door people love the idea of it it just when you realize that the universe is static State and this is going to be every story you have for forever right at a certain point you've read all the dark angel books even if new ones come out but there is the very cool aspect of if you're into the power armor stuff and you want like night chivalry Middle Ages swords all that stuff if you're big into the Renaissance festival or LARPing this is probably one of the top two chapters I'd recommend for you because they are huge into the nightly stuff all right I mean there's definitely a big following for that kind of thing so I can see that being pretty cool into the final note of your primer you've got Lionel Johnson as a Primark it's spelled wrong as a joke cool there's a good and bad side to the news here so good news he's alive he's just secretly taking a nap on the asteroid ship that the chapter flies around in they don't even know he's there so at any plot convenient moment he could pop back alive and be like hey I'm Lionel Johnson I'm back that's cool there's a bad side to that though him being back is probably going to be kind of a bad thing because his character is incredibly boring and his entire stick in the Horus heresy is being a pompous [ __ ] it's like literally his only defining character trait to keep him separate from four other identical primarks to be fair that can be entertaining for a while like sparingly used Being A pompous [ __ ] can be funny I do think he only works as part of a wider character set he gets old quick kind of like the Dark Angels one note stick gets old quick if he comes back cool you get to paint up a Lionel Johnson and play him but lore wise you may end up liking him about as much as death guard players like mortarion oof ah what do you want to hit next oh uh Dark Angel Players a final note for you your subreddit if you ever go on Reddit is not our Dark Angels that's a different subreddit you might still like it though we can't even show it on YouTube [Laughter] it's not where you go you can go there but that's not where you're going for painting little green Spacemen it'll be a bit of a shock let's move into the other angels in the room okay that is the the blood angels but Angels obviously yeah I knew that so the blood angels are easy for me to Hype up because they are probably my first second or third favorite Space Marine chapter well I mean they're just vampires right yes they're they're pretty easy to like they're pretty basic like I've read three blood Angel books that's pretty impressive actually I wouldn't call them the best thing I've ever read but they're you know at the acceptable schlock level I expect out of generic fantasy sci-fi book that's a pretty big hype factor for you to say that about a Space Marine book you have no idea so for blood angels you've got the whole honorable artistic Warrior stick like they're super into art they like chisel out statues and make fine tapestries and all this stuff are they musicians everything if it's art nice it's a blood Angel thing this is all because of them trying to use getting super into art as a way to like Channel their vampireness so that they don't go crazy because their their main stick is just being vampires and like we can say no they're not technically vampires because of like this minor no they're they're straight up vampires man read the blood Angel books they're vampires it's not it's not a hint it's not subtext yeah they're [ __ ] vampires the only thing they're missing is the word in the 40K lore because that doesn't exist here it's like when zombies are called like the daddies the daddies really I don't know what are they called on like is it The Walking Dead calls them just the walking dead because zombie doesn't exist in that Universe yet I think so yeah yeah vampires are called blood angels to be fair like that's not even like that big of a deal for 40K Universe no it makes them kind of cool snacking on some blood from a city is it that bad compared to some of the other things that go on true and to be honest they they have the like they have every vampire Trope for good or bad if you're into that stick it's great so they burn in the Sun but no okay I was like I don't remember that one that gets into the whole like technically they're not exactly vampires because they can eat garlic they just drink blood they have all the the like bloodlust thing going on and our tragic hero anti-hero sorts who are like trying to help the good of the people but also have this subconscious need to feed on them right while hyping up like Artistry and creativity and that kind of stuff yeah okay they've got all the vampire I mean that's cool I like it they like gameplay wise have a nice slant to their army construction of they tend to be very into Mobile melee where they want to use a bunch of jump packs and you know play like close range repositioning a lot uh sanguinary guard is a special unit for them that's very jump pack heavy where you have Angels flying around the board it is pretty cool it's pretty neat the models are dated I'll give them that I would like to see some of them redone but I do think like they still look cool the general idea is there you can see like it's an old sculpt but it's an old skull that still has Soul like I get what it was trying to be exactly I just want it updated I will say you also have like some of the best character in space brains you've got Dante who is a great tragic hero character if you go with 30k sanguineous is your Primark the guy scored a natural 20 in Charisma while designing his DND character a downside to that though he's dead dead like on-screen death dead he's not coming back comic book Dead style I don't know man he's a vampire I've seen this dead vampire thing before well specifically he's an angel because he has the massive Eagle angel wings okay but yes he is the original vampire guy and he's got the whole Jesus stuff going on too all that but no he's dead is like part of the 40K setting sanguineous has to be dead okay kind of sucks but that's fair I mean you got other characters like you said yeah Dante is for all intents and purposes already primarked here yeah and Laura Wise again you're a big winner if you're into like figuring out the lore of your chapter and getting into it you also have a bunch of actual fun successor chapters like if you want to go flash chairs who are like what if I want to be vampires but I don't want to feel guilty about it what if I want to play chaos but not yeah yeah like basically right it do be a little coordinate up in here just a bit blood for the emperor skulls for the emperor's throne as a final plus sign for blood angels there's the favorite joke of Corn's favorite Legion is the blood angels not the world eaters sounds right sounds right yeah corn really wishes that it was sanguineous and not anger on he ended up with we should move on to one of the other of my favorite chapters here which is the salamanders ah okay okay the salamanders get bonus points because out of all of the chapters of Space Marines they are by far the most cut and dry good guys like if you want to play Space Marines but you don't want all the guilt associated with the fact the Space Marines are like pretty shitty yeah yeah the imperium's not a good place it's not a nice place no but salamanders are there to be the uh exception that proves the rule well because I mean they're supposed to just be like Smiths and like Forge workers and stuff like that essentially yeah and they're like the peace loving hippies as far as Warriors go peace loving hippies in 40K yeah sure Brad [Laughter] as far as the souped up Space Marines go they're as close as it gets as long as you're not an Eldar child you have nothing to fear ah okay just don't ask Vulcan about the Eldar children uh so salamanders have that going for them you also have as the name implies the uh whole fire aesthetic that salamanders love hey they take the we are the fire in the flame line a bit too seriously I will say there's a current downside to this which is if you want to play like salamander's heavy Army in the game right now there's not many units other than aggressors that are like super flamer heavy I wish there was more support to make people want to play like flamer heavy salamanders lists that's something that I'm hoping to see improved as the primaris couple last kits come out yeah that would be nice I have seen some lists from salamanders that are pretty cool but yeah it would be nice to flesh it out a little bit more as another note like they're one of the only Space Marines that I get to have like functional families and not have like weird daddy issues unfortunately like I can't Point very well to the parents and siblings and having your family still stuff because that's mostly an old lore and the new lore hasn't really confirmed or denied that yet so are there female salamanders no no okay so it's no it's like still a problem but it's like not that much of a problem that's the other chapters it's the every other chapter is the like this Space Marine was built in a tube and has no memories of his weak Humanity right salamanders are like they still know their parents that's kind of nice but unfortunately yeah this is a potential old lore thing that hasn't really been updated in new lore as a yes no thing which kind of gets into my last Point here of warning which is you don't really get as much lore as a lot of the other chapters because you're not dark and brooding you'll get occasional lore but you're treated more like every other faction instead of you know Space Marines are there like salamander focused books or is it just like they're tacked onto it this single sub faction of Space Marine still has more books than most xenos races okay I was gonna be shocked if you had said no it's a comparison scale yeah on the curve here on the overall 40K curve you're fine in the Space Marine sub-faction curve it's less okay okay so Primark time before we move on right right bad news your Primark is comic book dead so like he might come back it was an off-screen death okay but probably won't and he's not really required for the story to move forward and he's got problems where the good news is he's probably the most likable Primark who is generally a good human being and like a good character and is like likable which is unfortunately bad news because it means he's probably not coming back right they already have gilliman and why do you need a second Gilman who's slightly more ethical and slightly less logistical yeah it's easier for them to bring back Lyon and have him do something stupid and make that a plot point it is true good people don't make good plot lines to book well they one is important but we have the one so we don't need the second so it's unlikely you're going to see Vulcan come back that being said for the 30k lore Vulcan is probably the best Primark from a like writing standpoint he's written very well nice so what do you want to go into next what I believe is my actual favorite space brain chapter which is weird so the chapter we're going to talk about is iron hands Oh I thought it was wolves no why Eric thinks that's weird is I kind of [ __ ] on the iron hands from a lore standpoint you're one of the factions kinda kinda I [ __ ] on them a lot you're out there in my list of factions that could just be outright deleted to remove Some Space Marine bloat they're like the generic punching bag for Space Marines for you it's them in ravenguard who we'll get to in a minute okay and the Imperial fists so if we're taking them seriously lore wise they do suck iron hands you're not here for the lore guys what are you talking about we're here to have iron hands that's great lore iron hands lore is essentially non-existent you technically exist you technically had a Primark who was technically a character written in books Ferris Madness is not a well-written character I would argue he is close to not being a character and instead being a plot point for fulgrim's character with the greatest theme ever and yeah there's the whole iron hands the leader of the iron hands has iron hands iron hands give the themselves iron hands to honor iron hands who had iron hands and was Primark of the iron hands the Primark iron hands that alone is a selling point for iron hands just the like it feels very like 80s comic book schlock of this is funny because it's taken so extreme yeah so we're not here for the lore in Iron hands I'm sorry if you are what you actually have going for you and why I think they're my favorite Space Marine chapter is gameplay the reason I like them so much is they are one of the funnest alternate way to play Space Marines I will do this a lot where my brother owns blood angels they're painted up as blood angels He has characters who are named characters he has a sanguinary guard off to the side all that I will take his Space Marines and I will use all of the vehicle units and I will play them as the bloody hands successor chapter to the iron hands this is my custom OC successor chapter that I play when I have to play Space Marines to figure them out I really like them gameplay wise like from a from a lore standpoint and gameplay standpoint they are all about the vehicles and as someone who is not a big fan of Space Marines I'll admit the redemptor dread is cool hell yeah it is the levy dread is one of my all-time favorite weird Dopey but lovable models God I love storm Cannon Leviathan dreadnoughts you really do and it's like they're not even that good no they're bad but look at that thing he has all of those giant cannons I love the daredeo because the daredeo looks like it's from Grand Logan is that the one okay yeah yeah yeah he's a boat he's a boat with legs I like the Gladiator especially the reaper Gladiator with the chain gun that one's cool I like Space Marine vehicles for the most part like as much as I like [ __ ] on you guys I like your vehicles I really like dreadnoughts they're cool so that's what I like playing so iron hands is kind of in a way gone from like oh please delete this bulk chapter to my favorite thing to play but also still please delete this because it's eating up space for a hate we could combine a several Space Marine chapters in my opinion no that's heresy we're not going that direction on this episode we have to Hype them all up I am under obligation yeah so iron hands Primark Dead uh yeah okay that pharah's Madness is very dead he again is barely a character he is more a plot device for full Grim turning to chaos now he got his head removed ah okay because I was I was like I know that he's dead but I wasn't sure if it was like dead dead no straight up on screen decapitation fatality the Mortal Kombat guy showed up and everything nice okay fair enough yeah he ain't coming back nor does anyone care to bring him back including iron hands players all right then so let's move into the Raven guard the other forgotten shoulder nobody cares about hello Raven guard players all three of you I don't know the Raven guard lake at all what do they do sneak there's a sneaky boys okay they're like if Alpha Legion had boring lore oof I thought you were supposed to hype this up Brad you're on your obligation So Raven guard my hype up for you is do you like the Tactical look of the Phobos armor you're allowed to say yes it's probably my favorite Space Marine look though I do really like gravis and Terminator armor I like the heavy and I like the Tactical I don't like the middle ground tactical Marines intercessors I don't like that look the standard space brain looks like crap to me but I'll give you the super heavy guys and I will give you the looks more like Master Chief guys yeah so I just I just took a quick look at some of those and I'll give it to you it's kind of cool the Phobos Marines are they're the lighter armor they look very nice if you want a lower accurate reason to play a ton of Phobos in your army ravenguard's a great excuse alright the coolest thing Raven guard have is unfortunately not part of the game their Primark is still technically alive he is off in the warp as a giant demon vulture where not allowed to see because that would be too cool and he is hunting down his brother to kill him so he's a demon yes but a good Demon but a good Demon although good is in air quotes because it's still Imperium aligned he believes he is good okay basically zinch is weird I was gonna say like that's just zinc [ __ ] with him right yeah okay I forgot to actually name the Raven guard Primark I've actually named the Primark corvus corax who is a crow man so Raven guard corvus Kovacs and now he's a demon vulture yeah all right a little on the nose anyway so he he's on his like Vengeance Quest because he is the most emo [ __ ] if you are into the emo scene and think emo is cool Raven guard is also for you sign up this is the emoest you make the dark angels look like clowns they are the happiest people alive compared to you but yeah corvus is the ultra emo proto-emo emo distilled Primark and he's on his Vengeance quest in the warp and because he's been there too long he has become a vulture demon dude I can't wait for that to actually become a model to be great that model is painful that it doesn't exist like I get that he's like not a well-beloved character because he's kind of forgettable like his entire chapter but like why don't we have giant demon vulture Primark that's the coolest [ __ ] thing it is pretty cool Raven guard would become like the third to first most popular chapter if corvus got that model probably just for the sheer interesting aspect of having that in an Imperium Army have I been calling him a vulture instead of a raven okay he's a demon Raven I don't know if I've been saying vulture this whole time because I have a brain condition I think he might have because vulture sounds like what I've called him as well because you did but yeah maybe that was just me calling him a vulture because it's a bird the word is Raven makes sense Raven guard yeah I'm not going back and re-recording that entire chunk Raven guard's not worth it all right then let's move on to something that's definitely worth it the Imperial fists I was required by the patrons to say that line yeah the Imperial fists are by no small margin my least favorite of the standard codex compliant chapters you could call them but you still love them because you're hyping them I'm forced to love them I actually do have positives so like okay Imperial fists if I'm trying to sell you your armor is yellow it's very eye-catching that alone may make you become an imperial fist player I would argue that's how most of you became Imperial fist players because no one's doing it for another reason anyway uh you are the wall they are the Fortress the final line of defense if we don't count the custodies yeah I was like except for the other wall the First wall they are the great Bastion they are the Defenders of you know yeah that's their stick they're holding off the white walkers yes exactly heavy bolters is like their stick it's their thing they like the big guns defending the Fortress because of that I actually really like gravis heavy intercessors like a big yellow list of all of that looks very cool on the table top I'm not gonna lie and as someone who's a fan of gravis armor I'm here for that I would rather play them in Iron hands personally but Imperial fists is a valid option and is very pretty there's not too much else two Imperial fists if I have to stay positive here so is there like that's a dumb question is there how many books of this faction sub faction are there surprisingly a lot okay one of my negatives for Imperial fists is you're the backup ultramarines you're the what if we have vanilla and other vanilla are they kind of treated like special guard to a certain point of like no it's so they are better than just like hey there's generic guard yeah the thing with Imperial fist too is we're not going to get into all of the successor chapters right yeah but there's there's two memes one is everyone is an ultramarine successor chapter and the other one is everyone is an imperial fifth successor chapter they have like one of the most stable Gene seeds so there are a lot of them which means they get split up into a bunch of sub chapters because of how 40K Works fair enough so like while Imperial fists only have a section of books Imperial fit is successor chapters if you pile them all together is like a library wow they have so many successor chapters I'm not covering I'm not covering Crimson fists today I'm not covering the minotaurs today also you're going to find that every Imperial fist successor chapter gonna chew black Templars all of them have huge anger issues and are incredibly violent towards innocence the Imperial fists technically don't have that as part of their imagery but it kind of points to Daddy's problem of rogaldorn he's a huge [ __ ] and probably has done more damage to the Imperium on accident trying to help then most of the trader primarks did on purpose trying to yeah I remember you bringing up a few of those he's the cause of many problems and if the black Templars agree that dad was a huge [ __ ] who should have listened to his brothers more often holy [ __ ] okay then so Primark is not what is going to sell you into that ironically sort of oh yeah because rogaldord in if the emperor had a text-to-speech device which is where most people get their 40K lore from is [ __ ] amazing and he's one of the greatest characters written rogaldorn the difference between Canon rogaldorn and rogueledorn and TTS is night and day and I wish TTS robledon was in every real book where rokaldorn shows up can we just have him please okay okay I mean that's fair I mean TTS was good stuff I miss it every day yeah rip all right let's move into white scars we need to go fast I like going fast not just because there's not much to talk about here but because the white scars are fast so speedwa uh speedwa yes absolutely if your buddy plays Orcs And you want to like have a really fun rivalry thing going on right white scars versus speed freak Orcs is like 10 out of 10 fun like the coolest thing to be doing that's cool man I'm here for it just as a reminder of how gotta go fast oriented the white scars are they eat something called speedweed you've also got the whole like Mongol Raiders theme going on that you can play into to have like some character to your army instead of you know Ultra vanilla and I think that's an important part of why I like certain chapters I like when a chapter is different from ultramarine yes feels like it has a reason yeah to exist that isn't just ultramarines in a different outfit uh so you get a lot of points if you like get some really cool kit bashing going on for that and I've seen amazing kit bashes for White Scar stuff there is also the like shamanistic approach to it where the white scars are one of the better psycho chapters oh okay they've got like the whole they're like the reverse of thousand suns they are ultra um diligent super respectful of the warp and and like they're the ultra control like the shaman monk yes whereas you've got Sorcerers in Thousand Suns who are the I'mma slam back the entire bottle of warp juice and go for it yeah if it blows me up well somebody else will learn that that blows me up yep so you've got the cool thing to go from the librarian standpoint there there is the basic if you want to play fast this is the strike fast strike hard gotta go fast Sonic the Hedgehog Army jagat icon was not a subtle man and although I can't say that memes of jagatai Khan do not make him a subtle man he's actually a pretty Zen dude oh that's the Primark yeah he's actually a pretty cool dude just like normal con from our real world really chill dude certain ones not not the one you're thinking of I do give jagatai extra bonus points for not liking the Emperor or his Imperium he was building in 30k and just kind of going along with it because he was like if I resist they'll just kill my Planet so screw it I'll try to make this the least shitty result possible did he succeed no okay I actually don't remember if he's off screen dead or if he just stops existing at one point I'm pretty sure he like went to fight drewcari in the web way left screen and never comes back it just he's just he's just out for lunch man no he's he's getting milk he went out for cigarettes and maybe he'll be back one day went to the corner store he'll be back he unfortunately like Vulcan suffers from the like as a heartless businessman standpoint there's no reason to add him back back into the story because you already have gilliman fulfilling that role you don't need Gilman but already hated the Imperium in 30k whereas gilliman learned to hate it in 40K yeah white Skies is pretty simple you'll know if you like it they have an amazing color scheme stark white with red and yellow is very eye-catching it's really nice with just the little accents on the white armor one of the coolest looking factions pain in the ass to paint it can be made easy I'm not saying it's impossible to paint like don't be afraid if it's your first Army you're like oh God I don't know if I can do this you can do it I'm just saying there's easier choices you just kind of ADD racing stripes to the white it's good enough Red Racing Stripes so that orc players will agree you have to go faster now yeah exactly all right it's time to talk about my other favoritest faction I was like you're obligated to hype this faction up Brad if you're watching this on YouTube right now I am a thousand Sons character this is my vtuber avatar I have chosen look Mom I finally made it I'm a v tuber now yeah so the Space Wolves exist and definitely didn't commit a shitload of war crimes I love them they have Norse themes God of War is a video game that's true they love wolves some would say in the Catholic way I'm not going to insinuate that yeah I was gonna say that's getting dangerous close to that not hyping Brad so you get to have a lot of wolves and a lot of Vikings if you like those maybe the Space Wolves is for you Norse Viking crazy man Prospero burned though I'm just saying that's a thing that happened is it a good thing that happened no technically the Space Wolves in modern day are supposed to be one of the more uh helpful of the Space Marine chapters one of the ones that has a higher likelihood of saving civilians stuff like that as a thousand Sons player I don't believe this propaganda they didn't just kill a thousand Sons they killed a thousand women in the Thousand children too [Laughter] so Space Wolves if I'm Not memeing For a Moment are pretty fun one of our friends in our play group plays Space Wolves we got them it for Christmas years ago and he has built up an impressive collection they're fun to play with they're fun to play against you do rely a lot on Old Marines which is a problem because again some of these scallops are pretty ugly I'm not gonna lie yeah it's another one that I'm expecting new models to come out it's weird though because a lot of these ugly ass space Wolf models are some of the last old Marine models that existed like the wolfen are shockingly new and they're heinously bad are they really it's weird they're newer than like the entire gray night line wow I mean okay Space Wolves is a mixed bag you can field a lot of Primera stuff but like the things that make space well space wolves like all your wolfen units and all of your Thunderbolt Cavalry all that stuff is old Marines still your characters are mostly old Marines still yeah it's the downside you're gonna have your short Kings you're gonna have squatty dumpy little terrible models compared to everyone else's nice new shiny ones until you get your special units updated to Primera scale that's just a realistic warning that we have to put out there yeah I mean there is a decent amount of Kit bashing that you can do to make them better absolutely prints and stuff like that 3D prints of space Wolf Thunderbolt Kev are not uncommon no and there's some pretty cool ones like they're actually cool not just like yeah me Ming they're like pretty cool and I have seen people who have 3D printed bear themed space bear armies which is a space Wolf successor chapter that is not official but everyone loves it so it exists yeah bears are cool it's [ __ ] dope man yeah like as someone who likes Warhammer fantasy stuff because I came into this hobby through Total War yeah anything that reminds me of Keys live and bear Cav is dope as hell so like like the entire reason key slime is cool is because of bears yeah absolutely otherwise it's just Russia yeah it's just Russia so yeah there's a lot you can do space holes wise especially if you're into like 3D model printing stuff like that this could be a huge fun project depending how you want to go as a last note for space holes though your Primark while I'm still thinking of it he definitely had one of his Hearts punched out by Magnus TTS has added that lore to Canon it's real okay also always remember that Lehman Russ is named after the battle tank all right then these are true facts we're only spitting true facts on this episode I have my doubts but you know I'm not the lore guy so I'll accept what you're telling me okay so we have made it through all nine Space Marine chapters that matter because there's nine primarks there is nine loyalist primarks uh so nine is the correct number unfortunately there are entire books of rules written for other stuff so we're gonna bring up two more chapters in air quotes the first being Death Watch which I don't even know if it is a chapter and I'm not going to look it up to Hype up the death watch for you my positives are you're able to use non-imperium Tech on your characters like you can have a character who's got like a necron staff stuff like that which is very primark-esque because the more you read Horus heresy stuff the more you realize that all the primarks said by American and then bought a Toyota yeah yeah uh and you get to use a lot of the non-standard unit layout stuff like you can have two white guys and three guys on foot and that's one unit like you can do weird stuff and have it be a legal unit in Death Watch because you are the kill Team game where you like mix and match in every character is a unique is based off of Death Watch kill teams where they're super adaptive and one guy will be in a gravis suit and other guys in whatever I think that's why I do actually like death watch is because they're unique no you like death watch because they're part of the Inquisition and they are essentially gray Knights but not psychers they're I mean they're just you but only a part of you yeah that probably helps foreign I'm not considering gray Knights a chapter of Space Marines because they're not they're not set up the same way they don't give a [ __ ] about the primarks their Primark is technically the emperor we're not going to talk about how that works because the Lord doesn't want us to know it doesn't matter they're psychers they kill demons it's all that matters but death watch is neat you have options and you can build things in interesting ways and it looks cool yeah and you get a lot of weird options that no official chapter gets like right shotguns yeah there's some cool stuff with Death Watch there's also I will give them wholeheartedly it is very cool that your chapter when you make it you can give pauldrons from all the other chapters you can think of and have like an ultramarine next to an iron hand next to a White Scar next to a raven guard and that's all one unit because that's the Death Watch thing is everybody sends people to the death watch it's like half punishment half boot camp half reward very strange yeah and I mean that is kind of nice if you're interested in really customizing like you can go further than just like oh I'm gonna customize all my death watch to be kind of the same it's cool to be able to be like oh yeah this guy's an ultramarine but he's part of my death watch upside downside thing death watch's whole theme is being the xenos hunters which is why they get to use xenos Tech because because hypocrisy Inquisition sounds very yes exactly so gameplay wise it can feel a little weird you don't have as much as you used to for like haha I'm a hard counter versus this specific xenos trick but I can't do anything special against two-thirds of the game it's less like that now but there's still little things that may tick off your friend even though like math wise they're not a big deal okay just because like screwing with reanimation protocols is kind of a dick move they already suck yeah that's fair the kind of stuff that's like it should just be in like Crusade rules yeah Death Watch should just be in Crusade rules but I'm supposed to be positive on this episode I mean that there could be positive you know it could be a great Crusade list that's positive if you're into Crusade a hundred percent Death Watch would be a cool Crusade yeah I would give space holes that one too as like a final point to give them positive is Spaceballs have really cool rules about their sagas and like building up the lore of your characters and it's a very neat thing but we've got one last elephant in the room the successor chapter that has an entire book written for it why I love black Templars I must be kindly of you for some reason uh this is a successor of the Imperial Fists to Hype up the black Templars they are the warrior monk Trope they are the monastery monks who are warriors like if you like that aesthetic black Templars is your go-to they are also the Crusaders if you wish you were just playing a fantasy game where you are playing medieval Crusaders black Templars is for you is that just like aesthetically or like also lore wise they're just like a crusader both okay the black Templars aesthetically look like Crusaders from the Crusades they wear black and white they have the symbol of the what is it is the multi one of these is going to piss off people who know War [ __ ] I'm sorry I don't know the difference between the different types of dangerous iconography that could mean very problematic real world history [ __ ] and one of them is technically innocent even though they look the exact same right but it's the one that you've seen on like crusading old stuff sure it's the plus sign but it's fancy yeah yeah I want to say it's called a Maltese cross but I don't know and that might be the problematic one that it gets mistaken for and I'm gonna move on fair enough it's not the Red Cross and no man the black Templars are a [ __ ] problem child um but lore wise they match that by their lore is they are always on Crusade against it doesn't matter the xenos demons doesn't matter other imperiums always on Crusade the black Templars are the malicious compliance chapter okay they read the Codex astartes and it said you can only have more than a thousand Space Marines if you're on Crusade where it's expected you're going to take a lot of casualties so you can over bulk Beyond a thousand yeah and technically you can have any number of chaplains as long as it's one per world or something weird so the black Templars are always on Crusade taking over new planets nice therefore they are a legion hidden as a codex compliant chapter if you want to play the bad guys like unashamedly black Templars is for you they'll like actually really bad guys if you want to be the horrible [ __ ] you want to have no redeeming qualities you want to play drukkari but you want power armor black Templars are for you I played rukari this isn't an insult no I mean it's fun to be the bad guy yeah sometimes you don't want to have a tragic maybe I'm kind of good but oh I'm troubled no I'm the bad guys yeah right sometimes it's you just want to be the not good person that's fair you gotta admit there's a lot of others on this list that have been kinda bad that have been like trying to be like oh put a positive spin on it I like the black Templars just being like not we're on Crusade [ __ ] everybody I hope I never have to do this again I hope this was entertaining for you all and hopefully informative but I can't take this anymore let's get out of here sounds good [Music] thank you
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 314,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9th Edition, 9th Ed, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Guide, Lore, Codex Review, Space Marines, Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Black Templars, White Scars
Id: a5o4k8GFFcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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