Independence Day: An American Disaster

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happy birthday America it's just the neighbors setting off fireworks Day After Tomorrow 2012 moonfall Godzilla some of my favorite movies of all time all of them are pretty trash there's something pulling us apart if you didn't know by now I enjoy Roland emeric disaster movies kind of like you enjoy a double cheeseburger from McDonald's is it made out of quality beef cooked to medium rare never in your wildest dreams but it is still technically a burger a McDonald's double cheeseburger and sometimes you just crave a double cheese not because it tastes like a quality burger or anything but because it tastes like a double cheese MSG infused and all now I think about it maybe this isn't the best analogy double cheeseburgers are consistently mediocre across the world go anywhere and you probably get similar quality not with Emer movies though sometimes they're just plain bad okay most of the time the reason I enjoy them kind of differs from film to film like I like moonfall in a much more ironic way than I like day after tomorrow or Hell 2012 but of all the Roland Emer movies there's one I love Above the Rest the original that started it all Independence Day Welcome To Earth Independence Day is by far Roland emer's most popular film he may have had others before and others after but nothing connected with the general audience More Than This tight end of cliches and Peak 90 stupidity when I say tighten I mean it this was the fourth highest grossing movie of the entire 1990s among films like Titanic Lion King and Jurassic Park was this all of these movies went on to Define film history where they're still talked about to this day and then there's Independence Day once the second highest grossing film of all time but now in 2024 it's barely mentioned only to be remembered by those who were dumb kids in the early 2000s dumb kids who thought that this movie was the greatest thing ever and if you know this channel you know that dumb kid was me I loved Independence Day time's up when I was 8 this was the movie it had had everything aliens explosions that was it it was what got me into disaster films cursed me with a soft spot for all Roland Emer cheesiness when people talk about kids liking dumb things and not seeing the flaws Independence Day pops into my head I didn't know this was considered a trash film Peak Hollywood garbage I thought the alien ships were cool and the president was badass I still think the president is badass let's SN the bastards in fact I still think a lot about this film is great there's a lot wrong with it for sure but I still like it you know I don't know if it's because of nostalgia or not not just Nostalgia because I was a little goober who had an undeveloped frontal lobe but Nostalgia for this type of film in general Hollywood trash but like '90s Hollywood trash because you know what's worse than '90s Hollywood trash 2010's Hollywood trash ah what if we weren't alone in the universe but we sure wished we were that's the premise of Independence Day aliens exist and they sure do suck right before the 4th of July an alien Mothership arrives outside Earth and sends city-size ships down to hover over every important Landmark you can think of as flawed as Independence Day is I would say it has a certain cheesy Hollywood magic I have got to get me one of these and it's a magic that Roland has tried to recapture with every disaster flick since or maybe he just likes recycling ideas either one large cast of various characters from different locations large scale destruction that obliterates cities the mandatory My God moment my God it's kind of funny because these aren't even signature emeric tropes they're just Hollywood cliches he didn't even invent them but he is certainly one of the last still using them there used to be a time where I'd watch this movie every 4th of July up until I was like 16 or something after that I would watch it from time to time but then I just kind of stopped it's probably been like 6 years since I last saw it so how is Independence Day after all these years oh it's garbage but I love it oh crap things can be enjoyable whether I like them ironically or unironically but in between these two zones there's another place the zone of it sucks but I like it anyway that's where independence day is Independence Day has flaws but those flaws are also its strengths it would not be what it was without them and I think first and foremost it's thanks to the overall Vibe independence day has been described as a 1950s movie mased in 1990s Hollywood and I don't think I can agree with that ever watch an old 1950s alien movie it's 90% guys talking in rooms than a bad costume shows up the only way this is really similar is that aliens invade and also it's kind of bad well I got it right here yeah not everything has to be an homage or a reference even if the movie tries it can just be dated even at the time of release cheese can be good just like a pizza it's a layer in itself and Independence Day is that big triple cheese from Pizza Hut I'm using a lot of food analogies don't write while hungry a big part of this movie's Aura is just how sincere it tries to be every shot is momentous occasion the biggest thing that's ever happened and it's all absolutely carried by that bombastic music score this movie's soundtrack is full of the most swelling inspirational music I've ever heard and that helps cement this movie in the Nostalgia of whatever dumb kids were watching it if Independence Day is anything it is absolutely Peak 9s Americana not the 1990s as they were or even the '90s in pop culture but the 1990s as we today kind of perceive them to be this movie kind of absorbed itself into our idea of a simpler time a time after the Persian Gulf War and fall of the Soviets but before well everything else and that post Persian golf energy is soaked into this movie like the president himself was a fighter pilot in the Gulf War but that Peak America energy isn't what makes the film no it's the corniness I better call my housekeeper I got to call my lawyer I forget my lawyer the dumb bombastic energy that made Ebert and csll hate this movie has over the years shaped its lasting Legacy Independence Day has kind of morphed into something the filmmakers never intended a time capsule that many just feel existed like an emotion what I'm getting at here is that with enough time stupid and cheesy can become simple and Charming night three pull ups showing complete failure in the St pull up this should be a lot darker of a situation than it really is me like humanity is about to be wiped off the map but at the same time the the overall tone is schlocky pure uplifting and positive schlock like hell yeah we'll beat back the aliens and that's its greatest trait realistically the aftermath of this attack would be horrific entire nation's wiped out the United States would probably collapse canonically 3 billion people were killed more than half of humanity but at the end of the day that doesn't matter cuz this kid got his fireworks on the 4th of July didn't I promise you fireworks [Music] okay let's talk about the aliens in a world with so many unique alien designs I appreciate the classic design of a bigheaded bugy little guy a gray gray aliens make me laugh and I'll admit these aliens make me laugh too it's just something about their face man it's hilarious look at him go it's strange that there were complaints about how generic the alien designs were because wasn't that the point like these are the area 51 aliens the ones people think looked like this if anything these designs are kind of clever like you can't just have silly little aliens as your bad guys that would look pretty stupid but at the same time you also want them to be faithful so you compromise these aliens have two forms they first arrive in a biomechanical suit it's almost like a fleshy power armor gives them a permanent scowl and then on the inside is a little gray alien look at that little guy what's kind of neat is it's like they sit inside the Armor's head like a pilot wait are these Mech is this like Gundam or Ratatouille the squid tentacles also go a long way to make them seem gross and violent just tentacles going all over the place choking Brett Spiner out now I think about it every alien has a practical effect a puppet except for you know the crowd shots that's probably why I laugh at them so often puppets just make me laugh revisiting this though there were a lot more practical effects than I remembered this kind of has the reputation of being one of those big CGI Fest movies but it's not really most of the effects even the ones you think are CGI including the explosions and the city destruction were all done for real well not for real for real they didn't blow up LA but they did blow up Miniatures it's kind of getting to a a point where if a movie uses Miniatures it's Classic Hollywood I love a film where everyone and everything is stupid even the opening is stupid look at how the font comes in they thought this was the coolest ever the marketing was even kind of stupid id4 like I get what it means it's Independence Day 4th of July but like it could also mean Independence Day 4 and this is the first movie that lack of thought just for something sort of cool is what this film is all about starting off let's break down the arrival of the aliens so in the very first scene the Mother Ship passes by the moon the first reports of the ship are from instruments like radar or heat Maps alarms going off from instruments meant to receive distant communication stuff like that but this ship flies right over the site of Apollo 11 a site that is directly visible from from Earth now the mother ship is about 600 km long or 372 Mi even at its furthest distance in the movie you probably could have still seen it from space with your naked eye even better with a normal telescope from Walmart yet for the whole first 10 minutes of this movie NASA's best and brightest are slowly uncovering what this object could even be all these alarms and minute-by-minute updates as they try to figure out if this is a natural object object just look up at the sky you idiots the wiki says that nobody could see the Mother Ship because it was hiding behind the moon but like the scene right here has it directly outside the Earth why are you lying id4 Wiki now I get what they're doing like it's for suspense and buildup of course but it is still very amusing when you think about it for like 5 seconds and realize that the arrival of these giant spaceships just catch everyone off guard one by one I love it it takes Will Smith a pilot in this movie like 4 minutes to finally spot the city-sized pancake floating right outside his house you know a job that requires perfect eyesight and spatial awareness and he doesn't even notice until he looks to the left and looks to the right and finally dramatically looks forward this whole film has logic thrown out the window simply for cinematic moments and I appreciate that like when everyone looks at the spaceship disbelief starts normal enough right people stop what they're doing a look some slam on their brakes get into fender benders and then this one cop just straight up gets out of his car in the middle of the road like he bolts out of a still moving vehicle for some reason in the middle of an intersection too and he causes this massive pile up why'd you do that dumb ass when the spaceship arrives it somehow catches this military aircraft offguard too like somehow this giant ball of fire sneaks up through the fog and this plan got on the phone with the president earlier for really no reason like the only thing they're reporting is that they can't see through the fog but of course we know the only reason they're on the phone is so the president can hear them explode 5 seconds later everyone's just kind of stupid in this movie except for one guy nobody at NASA or the military could have pieced together what the aliens were actually doing except for Jeff gold Jeff Goldblum or David David David David David why did I just send my mother David pieces everything together including giving the aliens a cold how do you defeat aliens with impenetrable Shields just hack them of course doxs them on the Internet with the power of Windows 95 Anything is Possible Oh wait that joke doesn't even work he uses an apple you're a phony yeah David hacks the aliens with a '90s MacBook I'm easy I wouldn't call this cast star studded you know for the Time Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum are big today but in 1996 eh Will Smith's only other movie before then was bad boys and while that was a hit he was still mainly known for you know fresh prins Jeff gold blo had been in Jurassic Park and the Fly but he wasn't the biggest a-lister and then we have the rest of the cast who were just character actors B to C listers who could play a distinct role and that was the strategy of Emer and develin memorable but more importantly cheap actors like lonar from space balls Cousin Eddie Viva Fox data every character here has traits that are conveyed in like the most blatant way possible doing there's a reason we have bins labeled recycle we don't have time for y Will Smith wants to be an astronaut so his locker is filled with a bunch of space pictures Jeff Goldblum wants to save the Earth so he's always trying to recycle each get their little payoff by the end and learn that nothing is better than smoking smoke Viva Fox is here really her most notable moment is escaping with the dog oh yes how could I forget about David [Music] levenson what the hell are you doing I'm sorry my fault David carries the weight of the entire world on his shoulders because nobody else figures anything out he's the only one that knows the satellites are carrying a signal he knows the signal is a countdown clock and he knows how to give the aliens a virus nobody else at NASA or the military figured this out where is our defense budget going you don't actually think they spend $220,000 on a hammer $30,000 on a toilet SE do you maybe they're just there for moral support like President Whitmore I love President Whitmore he's one of my favorite fictional presidents but upon rewatch he really doesn't do anything for most of the movie he's just responding to the situation like any normal president would calm people down on TV Evacuate the cities nuke the bastards we all know his moment to shine it's that speech that damn speech we're going to live on we're going to survive today we celebrate our inde dependence [Music] day can't help but make you smile and go USA USA let's go get Saddam I mean the aliens all the characters in this movie exist just to have one defining moment in the plot and nowhere is that more true than with Randy Quaid on me they've been sping it for years fighting out our weaknesses we've got to stop them they're going to kill us all a drunk pilot who was abducted by aliens in the past and turned to alcohol to cope becoming the joke of the town I think the movie brings up anal probing twice the aliens abused him sexually in my personal opinion I think Randy Quaid wasn't even acting I think he was just drunk on set and they rolled with it but hey he gets his famous payoff when All Is Lost when nobody else has remaining missiles and the aliens are about to blow up Area 51 he sacrifices himself in one of the best ways to ever go out hello boys I'm back if I die it's going to be by flying an F-16 into the center of a UFO who am I kidding we all know I'm going to die falling down the stairs or something independence day went on to make a gazillion dollars and take the World by storm it was the definition of a dumb popcorn flick that probably lowered the collective IQ of the film industry as a whole with Studios now knowing that this was the stuff people were into but hey I still like it not everything has to be well-crafted to be enjoyable what was once seen as the death of Cinema to critics alike just becomes dumb Nostalgia for kids who didn't know any better Emer and delin would ride this wave for two more years until crashing and dying on the banks of Godzilla 1998 while Emer would go on to make more movies of questionable quality Independence Day remained forever in 19 1996 Untouched by modern Hollywood you know until they made a horrendous sequel Independence Day Resurgence is a 2016 sequel that everyone forgets even existed except for me okay maybe you remembered it existed you don't need to tell me all I know is that from what I can see everyone forgot about it like nobody ever brings it up I don't think many talked about it when it came out it just released bombed at the box office and was promptly swept under the rug lost to the sands of time it didn't even get an ironic moonfall treatment but was it deserved was this movie actually a lost gem that was unfairly forgotten have we for all these years been missing out on a fantastic successor to a '90s blockbuster n man this movie sucks God if the original was everything wrong with '90s Hollywood then the sequel was everything wrong with The 2010s instead of big bright and dumb we now got dll gray and boring yippe Independence Day 2 was such an obvious attempt at turning the original into a giant franchise ironically it didn't resurrect anything on its opening weekend it lost to Finding Dory which was on its second week ouch turns out some things can't be replicated whatever magic boosted the original to the top was gone audiences in 2016 weren't into something like Independence Day they were into more sophisticated films like Captain America Civil War suicide squad Deadpool and Batman v Superman dawn of Justice oh my God who knows it was released during the summer maybe everyone was outside playing Pokémon go so what did audiences back then miss out on not much to be honest I talk about a lot of dumb movies on this channel you know stuff like Transformers and Dr giggles and this is like below all of those so he's shaking hands with the president I'm stuck on the moon that must be nice it's such a nothing movie it throws away everything that made the original even ironically entertaining and replaced it with mush oh God okay you get the point it's been 20 years since the war of 1996 not the most creative name for an alien civilization blowing up half the world but okay it's like if the Spanish American war resulted in Florida sinking Beneath the Sea what a catastrophic event to move past billions dead cities destroyed the way of life for people entirely gone with modern infrastructure obliterated and the global economy in sham imagine what life would be like after such a disaster might lead to some interesting story ideas so what does the sequel do it does nothing yeah all the cities are rebuilt in fact things are better than ever we're in the future baby thanks to reverse engineering alien technology Humanity has progressed a century into the future in the span of 20 years there's a colony on the moon everything is Chrome and helicopters look exactly the same except they float with the world coming together in peace and love anything is possible America finally works together with all the nations of the globe especially China all right so what's the problem here do I just hate World Peace yes but that's unrelated by rathon stock when you think about it it's not a shock that they went with the optimistic route plus the realistic path doesn't really give you much to work with it'd just be another post-apocalyptic setting Mad Max but with these guys humans can't really fight back then hey who knows with futuristic Tech a United Earth maybe the playing field would be balanced enough for the next time the aliens arrive give Humanity a Fighting Chance Humanity having a Fighting Chance is a neat idea you know there are a lot of paths you could take that concept and the movie does none of them it's such wasted potential the leap in technology just creates a generic futuristic setting tall buildings here moon base here every indoor environment is a dark steel room with blue computer lights the movie's technology is in that boring Middle Ground where the tech changes literally everything about the series but also it doesn't change it in an interesting enough way at least in a way to justify the change why get rid of humans fighting aliens with modern technology that was pretty cool the only change they even made was giving the planes plasma lasers I got you now I got you I got you they don't even get shields how the hell did humans adopt everything from the aliens but not their Shields this futuristic upgrade would be kind of cool if you leveled the playing field but they didn't even do that the aliens just steamroll past this fancy orbital defense system in a few seconds they take out all the satellites humanity is just back to square one either push the AA farther or don't have it at all if you want future Tech just go nuts with it make it a challenge next time for the aliens instead we just get the original movie with Star Wars lasers crazy how all this rebuilding happened in only 20 years it takes longer for a subdivision to get completed not only that somehow they rebuilt every Landmark to a te man London looks exactly the same maybe we can just handwave this away as the power of work together there's no remnants of the previous destruction it feels like everything just got instantly fixed the biggest disaster in human history swept under the rug like this movie if you couldn't tell I'm not the biggest fan of this Tech leap but it's not because things are rebuilt too fast or because they don't do the idea in an interesting way now I mainly hate it because it changes the dam athetic this doesn't even look like it's from the same series anymore the original bounced between so many distinct locations but you know what the second has dark room dark room with computers another Dark Room Salt Flat where are my regular rooms Emer what'd you do with them even Area 51 which was white and clean and sterile became another dark room this whole movie feels like one long scene in the same location despite the fact some scenes aren't even on Earth how is that possible it all blends together in a mush of gray blue and teal green the main reason the tech leap sucks is because now this whole series is just Star Wars but worse get ready for a closing coun bit everything looks so muted but there's always one solution to fix bad color grading just add more stuff more stuff means better movie when people say they hate CGI what they really mean is stuff like this the original feels Pain by comparison most of that was practical stationary camera movements restricted to hide the effect Quick impactful Cuts it kept the action grounded the puppets and Miniatures helped add to that visual language of this schlocky B movie even if unintentionally but now in 2016 they can do whatever they want throw everything at the wall make it look like a video game the camera flies freely Bound by nothing the aliens aren't even puppets anymore they're like twice the size they used to be the charm is simply gone this doesn't even feel like an Independence Day sequel not just because of everything I listed before but because it commits the worst crime of all it's so damn boring I can forgive bad effects I can forgive terrible acting hell I can even forgive an abysmal script but the one thing I can never forgive is a boring movie and that's what this is a boore which is strange because plot-wise it really isn't that much different than the original alien ship arrives destruction aerial battle to fight back the gang figures out how to bring the aliens down and they trick the aliens to save the day why does the original work while this one doesn't is it '90s Nostalgia yeah probably but there's something deeper first off the destruction it sucks remember those iconic scenes from the first movie remember destruction from any Roland Emer movie that's not really here in this 120 minute long science fiction disaster film there is like 4 minutes of something destruction related that's being generous too this isn't even entertaining destruction unless you like seeing monuments slowly float into the air the mother ship has its own gravity so while it's Landing it carries everything with it it's like a bigger version of that scene from Transformers 4 somehow with even less tension because our gang is in an industry destructible hovercraft all of the marketing everything surrounding this film revolved around this scene a scene that is less suspenseful and ironically less impactful than one done in 1996 I'm going to have to admit it as funny as moonfall was Emer lost the sauce at least after 2012 I don't know if he can make interesting destruction anymore it's now like things exploding is just an obligation without thought that original City explosion was full of so many little moments of action tiny vignettes people flying around buildings exploding Harvey firestein saying the funny line the Dog Day After Tomorrow had the buildup with all the rain and showed the way from so many different perspectives 2012 was just a wacky cartoon destruction scenes need more than just Destruction for them to work they need buildup payoff aftermath characters we know being in danger even if we know they'll get out okay this movie has none of that no buildup it just happens we see this Chinese City get picked up and that's it our main characters aren't even on Earth while it happens they fly down to see the debris falling to Earth monuments float and fall down that's it I like to get the landmarks it's destruction and its most literal like if the slasher just shot the victim with a pistol without any tension or moment to process I mean good job you technically did what you were supposed to do I should probably bring up the biggest issue with the entire movie The pacing it is crazy how much time they discuss things that never matter and rush through important moments that should despite having a ship land on Earth that is 3,000 M long and the character saying how this situation feels more dire than the last time it just doesn't feel that way if feels like an episode of a show like this is just another occurrence the first movie trimmed all the fat it began with the arrival of the alien ship something that doesn't happen for a full 30 minutes in the second one a fifth of the sequel is spent introducing that there was a time Skip and our protagonist is now Liam Hemsworth they called the first movie a 1950s be movie but if anything is it's the second because just like those alien flicks of old this is just people sitting around in dim gray rooms talking the original had a lot of conversations too but because the situation was desperate they kept moving from place to place here it's just one gray room to another the only time they break it up is to show Jeff goldblum's dad taking a road trip with a bunch of kids this is an entire subplot in the movie who's in charge here no one our driver left us to take a ride to Minnesota just like that dad he just left he went to go have sex with his girlfriend to show how bad this movie's pacing is I have to dissect a certain moment so the aliens are controlled by an alien queen you know like a bug kill the queen you stop The Invasion so the whole movie is building up to tricking this queen into getting out of her ship and blowing her up with a bomb it's a suicide mission what we some kind of a suicide mission that ex-president Whitmore willingly does to get back at the aliens make the voices go away yeah 5G destroyed his mind in the climax of the film they lure the queen out she's exposed Whitmore in one heroic last act pilots and aircraft one more time flying right into the queen and detonating the bomb he sacrifices himself and saves Humanity that's right arguably the most iconic character of the last movie sacrifices himself to save Humanity The Queen Is Dead the alien ship leaves and the movie ends it ends on a Bittersweet note President Whitmore made the ultimate sacrifice and everyone recognizes his heroism yeah that's not what happens Whitmore blows himself up and he does die but the queen has a shield so she just doesn't God she has her own Shield his death is actually just whiffed away as an oopsy it kind of comes and goes in 30 seconds flat a real blinking you miss it moment he blows up the ship sh the queen just shakes it off and chases Jeff Goldblum in a school bus full of children for like 10 more minutes before uh Star Wars stuff kills her imagine if at the end of Halo Reach Carter just F missed the Scarab and crashed into the mountain his death contributed nothing and then the Scarab chased the noble 6 while he drove a school bus every moment that should be a big deal is kind of just hurried along I don't know maybe they needed more scenes of not John Oliver and this African warlord I sure do love not John Oliver while the movie just sidesteps the president's death it will not shut up about the speech he made at the end of the original this movie opens on that speech they even try like three times to replicate it each falling flat every time Charisma is not something this film has I don't care for Liam Hemsworth nothing against the guy he's just there even in other films he's always just there he kind of fits this film perfectly then cuz they're both boring they spend so much time introducing his character and what do we learn by the end He's a brave pilot he works on the moon I'm stuck on the moon he's getting married to the president's daughter he really doesn't have a goal or motivation outside of being a human who wants to save the Earth the original at least had characters who had individual goals in some sort what motivation does Liam Hemsworth have make up for almost killing Will Smith's son you know the character son not Jaden Smith though that would be funny if that was his motivation since it's been 20 years that fireworks kid from earlier grew up I wonder how he turned out it's great to be back wait a second he looks familiar oh my God is that talk about a movie changing in retrospect I know an actor isn't a single role and getting typ cast sucks but like I simply can't unsee it how's it looking up there Captain she TR humbling to see how beautiful Earth is from here Madam president his character really does nothing special like you would think because he's Captain hillard's son the plot would include him more like almost as much as it included Will Smith but nah he's given equal screen time to such fascinating characters like comic relief guy did you miss me and obligatory Chinese actress it's like they only included him because well they needed something to tie back to Will Smith couldn't get Will Smith himself he's too expensive now and filming Suicide Squad so they just killed his character off screen made him die in a training accident or something I can't believe they goosed Will Smith hey at least Viva Fox returned she found time in between those shark NATO movies and cool cat apparently over those 20 years her character went from being a stripper to a doctor good for her her she's in this for like a minute and then they kill her off I think her cool cat Cameo was longer no no it's kind of mean-spirited when you think about it this poor guy now has two dead parents and it's all because their actors were too expensive for this cheap ass movie Roland Emer orphaned a train sorry that's my last a train joke I just can't help it the ending really does feel like that fake movie vaw make while Will Smith was too good for this film and attached himself to another cinematic disaster that's not true that's a lie you know who wasn't Jeff gold Blum it's a very constru experience it's Floyd we have to meet a friend right now great guy come say hi Jeff gold Blum is fascinating in this because I have never seen a sequel just forget what a character acted like we can bait her like she baited us I don't think anybody gold Blum or Emer cared enough to go back and watch the original movie again because David levenson between these two films is just an entirely different character uh hey fellas how do you doy say um I'm looking for DMI utu so in the original David levenson is pretty reserved you know he's soft spoken nerdy almost D yeah that's right I'm telling you we're wasting time he's not going to listen to me we should go why wouldn't he why wouldn't he listen cuz last time I saw him we we got into a fight like his jokes are just him being overly serious in the situation oops oops what do that mean what do you mean I got by the end of the movie it's like he gained a little bit of confidence in the sequel he's now just Jeff goldbloom hi the real sphere inside the isolation chamber and pack this decoy transmitter so to speak onto a tug filled with cold fusion bombs funny internet man Jeff gumu junor need a psychiatrist resolve daddy issues watching these movies back to back shows how much he truly flanderized in real life right before our eyes you've seen a Marvel you know what I'm talking about I just think it's kind of hilarious that nobody gave enough of a to go back and think about David levenson as a character that's kind of what this whole movie is all about like I didn't even notice this until my brother pointed out they straight up just repeated the same clip twice these are the same planes they just mirrored the shot you can tell because the letters are backwards wow one thing they did seem to really care about though was President Whitmore yeah I guess I should probably end this on a high note I got to say I like President Whitmore in this movie 20 years have certainly not been kind to him his brief experience with that mind zap kind of ruined his sanity a he stumbles onto the stage like Joe Biden he's absolutely the best part of this whole movie taking down the alien queen for putting him through years of Torment honestly that's a fitting end but then they just had to have their stupid bus Chase so even the best part of this movie gets ruined oh yeah Brett spiner's here too and also the orb oh yes the orb so much time is dedicated to the stupid ball no one has ever killed a harvester Queen they defend the ball they kill the queen for the ball all because this orb wants to form a resistance against the aliens an Intergalactic one and it wants the humans to be at the head of it so Independence Day regurgitation ends with the most 2010 thing possible sequel bait and do we leave we are going to kick some serious alien ass yeah they didn't get that sequel when planning the sequel Amer and Devin wanted to make it a Trilogy with two and three filmed back to back pirate Style baby but unlike Pirates 2 and three this movie was horrendous and not good and bombed at the box office so that third movie Never Happened imagine if Dead Man's Chest was the last pirate movie none of that would make any sense it have no payoff and that's the biggest issue with Independence Day 2 most of its runtime is setting up for the grand finale that never existed this is very much a middle chapter in a book that has no finale turns out there are a lot of alien queens and the only way to truly defeat them is to you get it I'm both intrigued and terrified by what this third movie would have been Emer was going to take this series to another planet literally this was going to become emeric Star Wars imagine how terrible that would have been it's so tragic we never got it we almost had an utter Abomination that would have rivaled moonfall a laughing stock that could have been clowned on by the entire internet H what could have been sadly this was the end of the road the Independence Day franchise series duy whatever you call it is two sides of a very stupid coin from two very different eras the first was Peak schlock full of explosions and brain dead cheese corny sentimental moments and on liners abound audiences in the 9s just ate that up and I still do to this day the second was a dull miserable CGI mess that failed to reboot a series oh and it tried so hard to appeal to China I probably should have mentioned that more but it's so tired to talk about by now Hollywood was really leaning in that direction before 2020 and Independence Day 2 remains a time capsule of that it didn't even work China didn't even save it the movie tried though Chinese Brands Chinese cities this actress it's happening the chemical reaction the phon all the blood of my body it really was the most 2010s movie of all time for all the wrong reasons maybe Independence Day is that series that will continue to pop up every 20 years create a movie that combines every negative trait of Hollywood at the time maybe we'll get a Independence Day 3 in 2036 one that's filmed entirely for VR headsets with a permanent Family Guy compilation attached to the screen because viewer retention is dead this is the only way for movies to grab the attention of the brain dead youth call me Emer I have some ideas [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: PointlessHub
Views: 1,255,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Independence Day, 4th of July, Fourth of July, Independence Day movie, Independence Day 2, PointlessHub, PointlessHub Emmerich, PointlessHub Independence Day, Independence Day An American, Independence Day Resurgence, 2012 movie, Day After Tomorrow movie, disaster movie pointlesshub, pointlesshub disaster, funny review, pointless transformers, transformers reviews, pointlesshub reviews
Id: kOK1jXHli6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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