DARK ANGELS - Uncrowned Princes | Warhammer 40k Lore

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foreign s wielded by the emperor's Legions it is not the cannon or blades that are most deadly it is knowledge that has carried us to victories Beyond count and wisdom that has broken Empires and kings among the legiones Estates there are debates on the efficacy and strength of each Legion rivalries abound and grudges are born from the glories won and lost in battle though of all the legions there would be one held above all as the template for each to follow the first Legion of the adeptice Estates the Dark Angels as the first of the Space Marine Legions to be founded the history and Heritage of such a prestigious honor would be far-reaching first deployed during the end of the unification Wars it would be the first legion's solemn duty to Aid in the culling of The Emperor's enemies of holy Terror exceptionally deadly from their Inception the first Legion of the adeptice astartes would be armed with extensive and Powerful Advanced weaponries and armor systems while simultaneously being quick to produce and optimize for battle with the Emperor of Mankind's utter conquest of holy Terror his first brutal Army of Thunder Warriors would by necessity need to be cuddled alongside the ligio custodies the first Legion would Aid in the culling of the goliaths of Terror heralding the New Age of Warriors at the Forefront of Humanity's conquest of the Galaxy the Estates of the first would lay the foundations and deeds for all astartes that would follow their Origins shrouded in mystery the first Legion would wage war with distinction yet The Chronicles of their victories would be Untold initially comprising of a diverse range of recruits from the islands of Albia to the anatolic steps varieties of Terran cultures would Define the legion's early service The Crucible of Knowledge from eras of Untold Wars from terror's history the first would Forge a mentality and martial code of exceptional pedigree forming so-called hosts within the legion that would later be remolded into the hexagrammaton these combat doctrines of War would specialize in decoders of battle strategy as their name would be known as the angels of death the first Legion would adopt a symbol to represent their guise to which they had been attributed the skeletal icon of death itself would Adorn their banners and as the left hand of the emperor the first Legion would accrue their battle honors and glories with humble Grim Pride with the emperor's expanse into the soul system and beyond the newly proclaimed great crusade to unite Humanity would see to the expanse of The Emperor's war effort as the remaining 19 Legions would grow in number before being sent to conquer the Galaxy alone the first Legion would stand vigil as their brother Legions would grow in number known singularly as his angels the first would cleanse the Frozen moons of the outer segments of the solar system for 10 Terran years further refining their formations into orders specializing in specific Arts of war the first Legion would face the most grueling and difficult trials laid forth by the emperor and succeed with their continually improving Skillet arms their armor painted deep shades of purest black the first Legion would return to Holy Terror as toughened Veterans of War seeking no Fanfare for their deeds the first would be assigned to the shipyards of Mars and receive vessels dating from the days of old night for each other Legion they would be gifted ships but the vaunted first would be entrusted with a fleet the first to be crafted refined and proven it would be the duty of the first Legion to carve a path at the spear tip of the great Crusade they were the first of the angels of death and their legacy would be every Legions heritage as the remaining lesions brought planets into compliance the first would hold the collective Wrath of a remorseless Galaxy at Bay as worlds of humans would be brought into the fold of humanity his angels would cleanse nearby hovels of Untold Terrors from existence for every shining spark of hope gleaned for the Imperium the first Legion would lay waste to a hundred nightmares there are many victories against fathomless Monsters of unremitting Cruelty censured from the knowledge of the first legion's histories to better Safeguard Humanity yet with their continued victories the first Legion would slowly be consumed by their ego as the triumphs of the Legion would grow the Estates of the first would enshrine tradition as their foremost virtue as each host and Order grew in power they would jealously guard their expertise teachings and tactics turning upon themselves the Estates of the verse would become secretive and no longer share their knowledge with their brother Legions with some Legions such as the ultramarines and Imperial fists challenging the first legion's Power with their primark's discoveries the superiority of the first would be challenged their pride would begin to cost the legion victories and losses to their number defeat would be a better taste for a legion accustomed to unchallenged victories and the greatest of weapons vessels and numbers to fight their opponents yet with the discovery of caliban by the Scouts of the fifth Legion the first legion's downfall would be prevented within the dark forests of caliban a Primark had faced the dangers of the feral world lion l Johnson Master of the order of knights had called the beasts of the forests and United caliban's populace under his own Banner despite the world's primitive technological capabilities the Knights of caliban had faced the Terrors of their Homeworld and conquered them with the Emperor of Mankind's reunion with his Gene son the lion would be given command of the vaunted first Legion renaming them the Dark Angels after the ancient calibanite myth of their Heritage a new era would begin for the first Legion the lion would test his new Warriors to observe their prowess in battle standing against the captain of each company carved in their cataphracti pattern Terminator armor the lion would best each in combat with his own calibanite Steel taking their measure the lion would begin to incorporate his Knights of caliban into the legion ashamed of the state of their once glorious Legion the terroristatis of the first would attempt to redeem their honor by throwing themselves into engagements with renewed zeal yet with descent Rising between the Terran and caliban asatis the lion would disband the nightly orders and to start his hosts in order to rebuild the legion as a unified Army as caliban surface would be transformed by the Imperium so too would the first Legion the lion would see the Galaxy teeming with Beast display in the name of the Imperium and with his archangels by his side he would slay every one of them that dared to stand in his way a primal force of Destruction the lion would not heed the passions Often championed by his brother primarks instead he would renew his legion's honor by crushing the enemies of humanity merging the teachings of caliban with the terroristatis experiences the hexagrammaton would be forged and his quest to reunite the disparate companies of his Legion into a cohesive fighting Army after years of toil the lion would succeed in reorganizing his fragmented Legion into a hundred thousand to start he's strong swearing an oath to his astartes the lion would declare we are the Angels of Darkness for us there is no peace no end by War and death we shall not walk in the golden Halls of Mankind's future but stand Resolute in the shadows Beyond while we at draw breath this Imperium will not fall and we will not know defeat for I pledge every Warrior every drop of blood in the Legion in the name of Victory no matter the cost assigning new Masters to each newly formed wing of the Dark Angels the lion would lead his Legion into the wars to come pledge to kill the enemies of his Imperium and nothing else as the great Crusade waged on the Dark Angels would reclaim their Glory as a respected and indomitable Force despite the Lion's dower and cold demeanor his deeds as a general of his Imperium would be exceptional bringing many worlds into compliance and slaying malevolent Terrors of the Galaxy the Lion's quest to unify the galaxy in the name of humanity would be absolute never relenting in his duty the lion would never rest on his Laurels for parades or self-indulgence but rather prepare for the next battle to bring Humanity closer to its ultimate goal for these qualities the lion would be considered for the rank of War Master despite the honor being bequeathed to the Primark of the lunar wolves Horus lupacal yet with the war Masters fall to the thrall of the ruinous Powers it would be the lion and His Dark Angels which would be arguably the greatest threat to the traitor's schemes ordered to wage war on the furthest reaches of the Galaxy Horus Lupica would spread the Dark Angels far from his treachery before his opening Gambit despite their stalling to face the traitors the Dark Angels would nonetheless prove an exceptionally potent Force against the war master facing the night Lords during the framas Crusade the Dark Angels would best the undisciplined rabble of the eighth Legion yet be delayed from returning to Holy Terror to defend the throne world joining with the blood angels and ultramarines within the Ultramar system the free Legions and their primarks would be separated from the Imperium with the birth of the Great Rift across the Galaxy however attempting to staunch the wound inflicted upon Humanity the primarks were found the contingency of Imperium secundus in an attempt to create an empire to replace the potentially destroyed Imperium yet with the news of The Emperor's continued survival the primarks would resolve to travel to Holy Terror enabling the blood angels to breach an opening within the ruined storm the ultramarines and Dark Angels would not return to Holy Terror in time to prevent the death of sanguineous or wounding of the emperor instead Lionel Johnson would attempt to draw the traitors from the throne World by raising their own homeworlds to the ground destroying the Emperor's Children Homeworld of kimos and deafguard Homeworld of barbarous the Dark Angels would be unable to prevent the traitors from enacting the siege of Terror as the Emperor of mankind began his long vigil upon the Golden Throne the Dark Angels under the command of the lion would seek retribution rallying the loyalist Legions in their great scouring of the traitors to the throne the first Legion would pursue the fleeing traitors across the Galaxy despite many foes being slain by their hand the Dark Angels would attempt to muster reinforcements from their Homeworld of caliban to better suit the legion's new duty to destroy the war Masters broken armies yet as they arrived in orbit of caliban the planet's defenses would fire upon the Lion's Fleet enraged the lion would lead his men to confront the duplicitous Warriors whom had once served in his name confronting his once most trusted mentor and friend luffa the lion would duel the now chaos empowered Knight the lion would be wounded by his once Father Figure and with the deceit of his actions realized luffa would be racked with guilt at his actions as the planet began to be torn asunder by the birth of a chaos-infused warp storm the waters in the dark would rescue the Primark caliban would be sundered with only the Fortress Monastery of Alderbrook and the Earth it stood on Surviving the destruction wrought by the ruinous powers yet with time caliban's broken Earth would be salvaged and be formed into the vast space vessel known as The Rock serving as the dark Angel's Homeworld and Flagship The Rock would Harbor its armies armaments secrets and he within its Chambers are known by all but the emperor himself the Primark entombed within a stasis chamber the lion Slumbers until the time for his dark Angel's Redemption shall be at hand their quest to hunt down the Fallen Angels whom betrayed their trust seemingly never fated to end the Dark Angels know not as to the fate of their Gene father hidden within the most sacred and hidden chamber of their home with the fall of their brothers to the thrall of chaos the Dark Angels concealed the truth of their Legions corruption from any outside of their ranks fearing censure or even excommunication from the Imperium should such a truth be revealed the Dark Angels go to any lengths to obscure and redact any traces of the Fallen Angels of caliban with their home well destroyed and Primark missing the Dark Angels would busy themselves with the destruction of the enemies of his Imperium yet as news of the Fallen survival would be revealed the Dark Angels would resolve to purge their treacherous kin from the Galaxy despite all that the first Legion had endured a glint of redemption sparked in their duty to slay their former Brothers atoning for their failure the Dark Angels would be divided into successor so-called Unforgiven chapters by the ruling of the Codex astartes yet the imperative goal of All Sons of the lion would be to hunt down and destroy the Fallen no matter their directives or assignments tossed by the Imperium torturing the former first captain of the Legion luffa for centuries within the bowels of the rock the Dark Angels would attempt to decipher the treachery indulged by the Fallen yet with the invasion of the corrupted Fallen demon Prince marbas of the rock luffa would Escape despite their reinforcement of primaris Marines sent forth by The Returned ultramarines Primark rabute Gilman portents of the Fallen building a sizable Army within Imperium nihilus trouble The Unforgiven chapters of the Dark Angels sightings have fallen within the somnium stars in numbers capable of threatening the Imperium now of the utmost danger with their former Commander now returned to wreak havoc across the Galaxy the Dark Angels bereft of their Homeworld draw recruits from a variety of planets but predominantly recruit from feudal worlds lacking in industrial sophistication alike to caliban initially recruiting from a singular World known as The Plains world the Dark Angels would diversify their candidates with the plane's world's corruption by the tyranid zenos taking Only the strongest juveniles from each planet recruiters screen the candidates to join the legion and erase all traces of their past lives undertaking the rights of initiation akin to other chapters of the astartes the Dark Angels aspirants who fail in their undertakings are mind wiped and converted into servitors unlike other chapters the Dark Angels use a preponderance of servitors in the stead of chapter surfs believing serfs with free will to be corruptable to their cause the Dark Angels prevent compromise of their secrets and schemes the gene seed of the aspirins and Veterans of the chapter amongst the purest of any astartes degradation of their Gene seed is unheard of as even their primary Space Marines of the chapter carry Gene seed of amongst the greatest quality observed in any chapter with no known Gene flaws or mutations it is nonetheless baffling as to the high loads of terrorist decision to rarely found new successor chapters of the first collectively known as The Unforgiven the successes of the first Legion share a uniquely close Bond of cooperation compared to their cousin Legions rumored to function more akin to a legion than separate chapters the emperor's holy Inquisition often caused The Unforgiven chapters to take flight from war zones with their mere presence as a result The Unforgiven chapters are regarded with distrust from most branches of the Imperium with many successors of the Dark Angels disappearing from Imperial records shortly after their founding the adepter's terror only permits new chapters under the most desperate of circumstances yet with the involvement of reboot a Gilman's position as Lord commander of the Imperium that Archangel successors have once again burgeoned much to the dismay of the ecclesiarchy the Dark Angels do not give praise to the Emperor of mankind as a god venerating their Primark Lionel Johnson above all with exception to the emperor the Dark Angels believe the master of mankind to be a singular man but a man regardless fully consumed by their betrayal of their kin in the form of the Fallen Angels the Dark Angels are Relentless in their pursuit of their traitorous brethren driven to wipe all traces of their Legion Sin from the Galaxy the Dark Angels seek Absolution from the destruction of their Homeworld and fracturing of their Legion for 10 Millennia the first have toiled in their pursuit of the Fallen capturing fallen angels and returning their charges to the Rock The Dark Angels interrogator chaplains utilize every method in their means to cause their fallen kin to repent given a Swift and painless death should they comply the Fallen rarely surrender to the methods of the interrogators the names of the slain Fallen added to the book of salvation though it is true to say that only the inner circle of the Dark Angels know the truth of the Fallen secrecy is a trait necessary for any astartes of the first preferring to stand alone or at most with their cousin astartes the Dark Angels are stringent in their dealings with Outsiders impatient and terse with their dealings the Dark Angels are seen as aloof and difficult to work with by their counterparts notoriously intolerant about humans the Dark Angels refuse to deal with such militarum contingents yet despite their friction with Imperium forces the Dark Angels are amongst the most capable and respected chapters of the adapters astartes the first service to the death watch a continual example of their fortitude in battle the Dark Angels occupy several senior positions amongst the ranks of the elite zenos Hunters bringing extensive knowledge to the death watch the Dark Angels are often at the Forefront of the most dangerous of engagements though some Scholars posit that the Dark Angels extensively serve within the death watch in order to use its resources to ascertain the location of splinters of the Fallen during their time as a legion the dark Angel's numbers would Peak at the amount of 180 000 astartes amongst the largest of all the legions such as the ultramarines and Sons of Horus the Dark Angels would be one of the single most powerful armies within the Imperium difficult to observe by Outsiders the Dark Angels would maintain an obscured and complex command protocol in order to maintain secrecy within the legion often presenting themselves to Allied Forces without explanation to their command structure to allow their allies to correctly identify the legion's leadership to prove their insight as commanders and earn the respect of the legion comprised of many of the most accomplished astartes within the great Crusade the Dark Angels would gain incredible skill and Proficiency in every discipline of War deployed widely during the Great Crusade and armed with the single most deadly Weaponry recovered from the Dark Age of Technology the Dark Angels seen on mass would be a great Omen for any engagement necessary to draw so many of the deadly first Legion to bear gifted with the largest Fleet of any of the legions the Dark Angels even prior to their reunion with their Primark would bear many victories and compliances across the Galaxy encumbered during the Horus heresy due to the war Master's meticulous planning to divide the legion the Dark Angels would be fragmented lest they overwhelmed the war effort of the traitors denying the influence of the war Masters Warrior lodges due to their inherent structure of wings and orders the Dark Angels would deny the corrupting influence of Chaos yet with the Legion structuring by their separatist kin and the scouring of the traitors to the throne the fractured Legion of the Dark Angels would be broken down into codex compliant chapters more insular and paranoid The Wider Imperium would note the further spiral of secrecy subsuming the Dark Angels turning a blind eye to the chapter's new monastic and reclusive Behavior the newly founded Inquisition and other Imperial orders which sanctioned the Dark Angels to continue to serve the Imperium due to the loss of their Homeworld Primark and otherwise exceptional Deeds instrumental during the scouring of the traitors the Dark Angels would prove themselves to be effective in driving the traitors to the dark corners of the Galaxy whilst the Dark Angels follow the combat doctrines outlined by the Codex astartes the former legion's history of stubborn Defiance endures ignoring objectives should they catch even the hint of information usable to track down the Fallen though an indomitable force of Reckoning for the Imperium the Dark Angels are not without flaws should a human life or an astarty's life stand in the way of a clue to track the Fallen such life will be readily sacrificed for the need of the chapter for records exist of the Dark Angels turning on their allies in order to prevent information of the Fallen from being revealed to those outside of the first but any who survive with knowledge of the Fallen are taken to the Rock to be lobotomized as serviters to the chapter adhering to the Codex astartes with exception given to the Deathwing and Raven Wing companies organization of the chapter is otherwise compliant with the tomes outlines extremely flexible in their use of combined arms and Rapid deployments the Dark Angels employ immensely proficient tacticians and specialists with the incorporation of primaris Marines further bolstering their exceptional skills at hunting down their prey and striking with overwhelming Firepower incorporating these new units into their Raven Wing Company to great effect the Dark Angels Have Become reinvigorated with their new blood into the chapter the core of the majority of strike forces comprise a battle line squads supported by close combat and buyer support elements yet they do exist unique specialist formations within the chapter the elite Deathwing first company and Raven Wing second company can be called to support any engagement should the need arise though their primary objective is always to hunt the Fallen Angels should their presence be found the third company the unmerciful fourth company the feared and fifth company the unrelenting serving as the backbone of the chapter these battle companies serve as the chapters might brought to bear the sixth company the Resolute and seventh company the unbowed are defined as tactical companies comprised entirely of tactical squads the sixth and seventh companies excel at launching diversionary tactics and flanking maneuvers the eighth company the raffle consist entirely of assault squads and act as the close support company outfitted with jump packs the eighth company overwhelm enemy positions and cleave their way through defenses using melee combat the ninth company the remorseless consists entirely of Devastator squads and serve as the fire sport company armed with the most powerful long-range fire support Weaponry of the chapter The Knife Company Aid their Frontline Brothers with overwhelming Firepower and finally the 10th company the redeemed Harbor the chapter Scout Marines the neophytes of the chapter trained to become full battle brothers with their most veteran members being assigned to strike forces to the other companies as needed yet with the return of rebute Gilman and the influx of primaris Marines the structure of the Dark Angels and its successors has once more shifted now composing of six battle line squads two close support squads and two fire support squads most deployments now consist of a battle company with additional Deathwing Raven wing and Scout Marines bolstering their forces as needed with exception to the first second and tenth company each company maintains a variety of Transport Armor Designs such as rhinos Razorbacks and repulses dreadnoughts of the Legion remain in service to the company to which they serve during their internment and Slumber within the Rock's Halls of Silence until they are needed during the era of the great Crusade the Dark Angels would paint their armor jet black with the calabanite Estates adorning the heraldry of their night houses on their right pauldron the lion would order his sons of caliban to honor the forests of their Homeworld by painting their left pauldrons dark green yet with the end of the Horus heresy the color schemes of the chapter would be reorganized the second company would remain jet black to honor their Heritage with the wider chapters adorning their plate with the dark green of caliban whilst the elite first company the Deathwing would paint their Terminator armor bone white in honor of a battle fought against the gene steel occult on the plane's world said to paint their armor in the color of death as Dead Men Walking the ghost-like Deathwing of the engagement did not expect to survive their battle with the Devourer yet their fighting Spirit would be proven and their Reclamation of the world would cement the colors of the Deathwing forevermore for the regular astartis of the chapter each battle brother signifies their Battlefield specialty on their right pauldron with their squad numerical on their right shoulder whether they be battle line close support fire support or veterans the winged blade adorns their left pauldron though members of the temp company for not earning their wings utilize only the blade of their chapter the Deathwing replaced the bladed sword with a broken variant and the Raven Wing utilize a blade held with a single winged Raven claw the battle and Reserve companies show their company identifier on their left knee plate whilst Veterans of the chapter are identified by their arm as adornment in hooded tabards and cloaks signifying their knowledge of the Fallen these cloaks are used to hide their Shame of the chapters fallen angels unlike many codex compliant chapters of the adapter societies the Dark Angels use terminologies and ranks to orchestrate the command between their various successors the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels acts as the chapter Master of the first said to command not only the Dark Angels the Supreme Grandmaster leaves the chapters Inner Circle and is privy to every secret of the chapter and its legion's history supposedly commanding every successor chapter as the most senior rank of all the Lion's Descendants the Supreme Grandmaster of the Dark Angels is amongst the most powerful individuals of the Imperium for each wing of the Dark Angels there also exists a grand master the Grand Master of the Deathwing commands the elite first company of the chapter and acts as the successor to the Supreme Grand Master the Grand Master of the Raven Wing commands the chapter's second company and serves as the chapter's leader of the hunt of the Fallen Angels the Grand Master of the Librarians maintains the chapter's records and the protection of the chapter's secrets the master Apothecary tends to the chapter's medical needs and biological research with his most important duty to preserve the chapters near Peerless Gene seed stocks the master of the rock is a title equivalent to a chapter's Master of the forge leading the chapters Tech Marines vehicle pools and maintenance of the chapters Armory the master of the rock Bears the technological prowess of a magos of the tech Priests of Mars permanently hardwired into the control Nave console of the rock the master of the rock maintains the workings of the gigantic vessel but is not privy to the dealings of the chapters Inner Circle due to his Creed's ties to the adeptus mechanicus the high interrogator of the chapter serves a like to a chapter's high chaplain as reclusiak and master of sanctity of the first the high interrogator trains his Junior ranked interrogator chaplains in their art of psychological manipulation the Grand Master of the fleet commands the chapter's naval contingents transports and warship assets captains of the Legion are known as company Masters and lead each of the ten companies of the chapter although serving as members of the inner circle of the chapter the company Masters are not privy to the most dangerous secrets of the chapter each a veteran of the first company the Deathwing the company Masters have proven their metal in battle as reliable commanders and are given the honor to lead since the adoption of the Codex astartes lieutenants have served within the Dark Angels as the right-hand facilitators of their company Masters often splitting each battle company into two smaller Demi companies the lieutenants lead these smaller battalions into battle allowing for their experience to place them as company Masters should their senior officers fall in battle the lieutenants are a vital role for each company and for those of exceptional battle prowess within the elite first company there also exist the Deathwing Knights imbued with the Lion's own semblance of strength these Veterans of the first company uphold the traditions of the chapter whilst purging all manner of their most deadly foes members of the Inner Circle the Deathwing Knights are brought to the Chamber of judgment within the rock to face the trials incumbent of their rank once prevailing in these tasks the knights are presented with a mace of absolution and Storm Shield by the Watchers in the dark as a mark of their office with even these Elite Warriors promoted to the rank of Knight Masters armed with the flail of The Unforgiven to better slay the enemies of the chapter The Raven Wing Black Knights storm into battle on their customized mark IV assault bikes heavily armored Cavalry units the Black Knights passed seven rights of the Raven in order to Bear the honor carrying their corvus hammers into battle their bikes plasma Talons Ren the enemies in their path led by their Raven Wing hunt Masters the Black Knights form rally points for their kin companies to support each company also bear their veterans and champions with humble reverence agents of the companies carry the chapter's banners into battle spurring their battle brothers to fight with renewed vigor and for their Champions each company appoints such Heroes of battle by combination of Honor Jewels contests of strength another means to challenge one another confronting enemy Warlords captains and Senior officers the Dark Angels Champion stride into battle not only against the enemies of his Imperium but also any space Wolf Champion offered to challenge their chapters honor in battle for the Dark Angels have many enemies across the stars and should they relent in their persecution of the guilty Humanity shall be subsumed by Darkness Empires monuments and legends are built by those who are merely Victorious we were born to kill not to build we are not idle long enough to leave monuments and we leave no work of the enemy intact to spawn Legends we are the first Legion and he that follows in our wake is death this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the vaunted first Legion lay the foundations for every Legion that would follow yet their pride would be their undoing in many crucial moments of their history for our next transmission on the legiones Estates we shall illuserate the Pathfinders unconcerned with pride above honor or deeds Unbecoming a true warrior the star Hunters of his Imperium the white scars [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 98,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, dark angels, dark angels lore, dark angels painting, dark angels 30k, dark angels horus heresy, dark angels battle report, dark angels army, 40k dark angels, 40k dark angels lore, 40k dark angels painting, dark angels tribute, lion el'jonson, lion el'jonson return, fallen 40k
Id: Xa8uL2dkmJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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