1 Hour of Traitorous Propaganda - Choosing your Chaos Space Marine Legion!

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foreign [Music] ER podcast episode 56. I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and this week chaos shall reign I was gonna say it's about time but we just did a chaos related thing last week so yeah it's still about time look we only made you wait 10 extra episodes compared to Space Marines GW would have made you wait like two more years our chaos tax is very low and comparatively all right without any further Ado though let's jump into this and let's explain how this is gonna work sounds good all right so chaos Reigns this week chaos Space Marine codex type whatever on that we did the space rain one as a part of our sub-faction series but we did it a little bit different because of the sheer size of it and the fact that they may be coming out with a second codex and people are really wanting an equivalent of that for chaos so we're not going to do this like a normal sub faction breakdown we're not going to talk about rules in detail we're going to make this like a counterpart to the Space Marine one where we just give you the whole propaganda Spiel for every one of the legions also because of that we're not going to do strictly down the Codex line we're going to include all of the chaos Legions including ones that are not part of the chaos Space Marine codex and are their own factions but we probably will go pretty light on at least thousand suns because we've done an episode on them yeah the first episode of the poor Hammer podcast proper yeah so I mean we'll talk about it but I don't know we'll figure it out what are you talking about Eric we do everything highly detailed we have tons of show notes in front of us all of this has been planned out for weeks yeah that is why it took 10 episodes to get here from the one that we did the Space Marine one and that's our story and we're sticking to it which one do we start with let's start with black Legion because there are ultramarines equivalent this is our poster Childs for chaos which makes sense that's like the one that Horus was like championing or happened to be pushing or something like that you guys wanted Eric to lead this episode I'm just gonna point that out it's not gonna happen well this is a fun one ready here's how the black Legion came to be there started out being one of the original Legions which was called the lunar wolves okay unrelated to the Space Wolves right then they found their Primark Horus he was a bit of an attention and so he renamed them the sons of Horus then he got yeeded into Oblivion Abaddon took over and said screw all that or the black Legion now boys and then like wasn't there something about like they go on like a bunch of Crusades against the like the emperor and stuff like that yeah the 13 black Crusades or whatever they're called yeah is that still like going on the 13th one blew up Cadia and caused the Citrix maledictum so I don't know if they're still on the 13th or if the 14th is the new one okay one of these times they're gonna get it it's it's really dumb because they just wanted the number 13. so they just oh we'll call it the 13th Black Crusade or whatever it was called and they're like but that means we need 12 previous ones so then they make him look like a chump who takes 13 times to do anything of note this is the main enemy of the Imperium I mean if at first you don't succeed try and try again this is just good grade school help man if at first you don't succeed try try try try try try try try try try try try try try try and try again nailed it so this is this is propaganda hyping you up the black Legion is if anyone is going to take the Imperium down other than itself it is either going to be the tyranids or the black Legion tyranids are definitely in discussion on that one yeah yeah but like this is Chaos's main character okay and I mean Abaddon is cool he is and he's a neat character because you can read about him in Horus heresy and then you can read about him in the 40K setting you can watch his sort of fall sort of Meandering towards chaos he's an interesting character because he doesn't worship the dark Gods he is one of the key people who thinks the chaos gods are Chumps his whole thing is we will use them because we are against the Imperium and we need their powers but we are not going to be chaos worshipers we are here to abuse the chaos Gods yeah and I mean that's kind of why the black Legion are are so focused on trying to ruin the Imperium like that's their true enemy and they'll just use whatever they need to get it done but yeah I mean it is a bit disappointing that it takes 13 Crusades you know I mean well it's it's not like they didn't do anything right like all the previous ones they still killed people and caused chaos right in the five paragraphs about him I'm sure they did oh geez I will say one of the cool things with black Legion is while ultramarines have to deal with being the ultramarines like everyone gets sick of them no one really gets sick of black Legion in that way and everyone's still pretty much agrees they're pretty cool especially like abaddon's a cool character in general you get to play any flavors you want in your army like it makes sense to have a portion of the black Legion that all takes marks of slanesh and uses them today then takes marks of corn when it suits them having mixed marks makes a lot of sense so for the Imperium side each of the factions basically had their color their theme is that also true for chaos Space Marine yes and black Legion is black and gold they're they're what's on the tin okay the sons of Horus was actually like a sick green color it was more close to death guard it's like the slight tinge of blue but it's a green so it was like ultramarines but then sickened no it it was a green it's just got little tinges of blue to it ah okay someone is screaming in the audience it's chartreuse I love that like doesn't mean anything to me but they upgraded from Sons of Horus to black and gold and a lot of the trader Marines actually changed color post heresy so black Legion is the modern day version though all right but enough of black Legion let's start getting spicy let's get into the things that take our vanilla and flavor it yeah let's start off with one of the best ones word bearers this one I actually do think it's cool I it's neat it's just funny because they're the the punching bag Legion of like nobody likes the word bears like they are the unlikable Legion but at the same time they're very likable from their theme standpoint yeah I don't know I I just think they're neat bread I'm talking about specifically them as characters in the story are bags okay like they're they're always the worst that's actually kind of makes sense because they're like the super duper worship the chaos Gods everybody needs to worship them if you're not then you're doing it wrong and will make you worship them anyways kind of stuff they're the opposite extreme while Abaddon is the hard to get girl who is trying to string them all along lorgar is a complete slot for chaos he will do anything to worship the gods and like his entire Legion they're the first Heretics is their stick they are the most demonic of the legions they love possessed they love anything to do with demons they're the people most likely to be summoning flat out demons they've got a lot of cool stuff going for him yeah I mean as dumb as it probably is in like books and stuff like that from a high level it is kind of neat to me that like this is the legion that like summons demons and that's kind of cool yeah they're very cool like in the abstract I love them they're probably one of my top two and three of the legions for a general Army theme standpoint like if you want to play a bunch of demons with your chaos Marines and that's the way you want to go word Bears is a great excuse if you want to play with a bunch of the like master of possessions a bunch of possessed the like demon engine sure you can go the demon engine root that's an interesting bleed because demon engines are also there like heavy artillery pieces right which gets into iron Warriors but at the same time they are demons which gets into word Bears which is where you get the nice flow yeah I think it's one of those that I like wordbearers because that's the kind of play stuff that on tabletop it's cool to me those are the models that I enjoy and we even brought up last episode the fisherman take a look at that but that's the kind of thing I want to do when playing CSM yeah and that's totally like I think wordbearers is easy to sell they are a very cool flavor the only thing is like a lot of people who are into lore on the word bearers and then they get a bad rep well from gameplay standpoint they're really cool it's just lore wise don't root for them yeah lore wise it's kind of cool for a very very small amount but then it goes a bit far it also doesn't help that like Primark wise lorgar is like the bottom tier the one that nobody likes yeah is he still like a thing that's annoying he still exists he's been hiding in his Tower in the warp do you remember how the Primark of the Raven guard is a giant raven Monster hunting in the war yeah he's trying to kill logar and lorgar is like hidden in his Tower trying to hide that's hilarious yeah so that's what a non-character he is that's so dumb and I love it and wordbearers are red reddish purple they're like a burgundy color so wordbearers are word Bearer color got it I mean it does look pretty cool with the models so I'm good with it yeah any any shade of red is about right for him but all right then we can move into night Lords this is good old Conrad curves [Laughter] no idea who that actually is but it came up a lot when I was looking at this and it seemed like it was kind of an Conor occurs is the example of the Primark who didn't betray he just was cuckoo yeah and so he betrays in that way of just falling out of the story and his Legion with it and there's a whole bunch of stuff going on in the background with the original night Lord storyline the long and short of it is a few of them are honestly good halfway decent proper Space Marine Soldier types okay the vast majority of them are cuckoo crazy killers so okay question on that what's the like cuckoo crazy killer scale of night Lords and like drakari the same okay one's a human one's an elf so pretty cuckoo crazy yeah it's just slight flavors to it [Music] the night Lords is you go to like a super max prison you take the most heinous criminals and you jack them up on Space brain roids they are irredeemable for the most part other than like the few super ancient ones who are like the original not garbage ones so Conrad was crazy because he had like the future visions and was like gonna make them happen or whatever yeah and he's he's just schizo in addition like he he was actual crazy does that also like screw with the rest of the night Lords or is it just him and then he's kind of like leading and everybody's just like yeah sure let's be crazy I haven't read night Lord lore I know everyone says the soul Hunter series is really good I haven't read it I know it's super old but I don't know if it affects them I'm pretty sure it does in the same way that sanguinius's equivalent power screws with the blood angels that's kind of what I was thinking yeah it's not like everybody has it but it's like it's a common mutation that you can end up with okay and that would kind of make sense on why they are the way they are in a weird way but yeah not a huge fan of night Lord because at least in play there's a lot of things about leadership and that's a stat that just doesn't matter yeah so night Lords are the fear guys they Conrad kurz's whole schtick was being overly cruel his argument was if Dorne or the lion took over a planet they would do so through a war that would kill billions of people and subjugate the planet instead he would go down kill off their leadership and just abuse the hell out of the population until they kowtowed to the Imperium and in his eyes this left more living people and thus was less evil than just doing a war I mean yeah yeah okay so this is the whole night Lord stick you're not trying to be stealthy you're trying to be well you're trying to be stealthy in the fact that you're assassinated but like you're not assassinating secretly you're like doing it with a chainsaw in the middle of the Senate so kind of like Ivan the Terrible yes you put a few people up on Pikes and then the rest of them fall in line yeah okay yeah night alerts are kind of uh jeez but again they're not really chaos worshipers as far as the like how much they care about the chaos Gods it's like nil right it's just nobody's gonna light him in the Imperium yeah do they have like they have their color scheme yeah they're a very dark blue color and they like lightning bolts on them which is just just the worst you know I did not know that they had lightning bolts on them I just thought it was like filigree type stuff nope they really like showing lightning on their armor it's so dumb looking I know that certain people love it but I can't stand it yeah we can move on from that into iron Warriors I love that one of the few things that I know about iron Warriors is that they hate the Imperial fists and I can get behind to that the audience doesn't know this but I let Eric handle show notes this week yeah the show notes for iron Warriors is just a quote which was very nice followed by hates the Imperial fists yeah and that's it that's all you put look for them hey man you know I feel like I did a good job of selling people on iron Warriors very quickly and efficiently right there yeah so they're the ultra utilitarian the no flash no Style just get it done engineer core slash Siege Master it's a very like Spartan in There's No Frills it does what it does and it does it as good as it can did you do the Spartan joke on purpose no okay so pretty Robbo is their Primark perderabo grew up on I forget if his planet is called Olympus or if that's the city no but the point is he lived in Greece oh off so yes very Spartan okay but yeah there's a lot of neat Greek stuff with per trouble but anyway he is just just the worst oh yeah he's not even like evil he's a petulant Man Child redditor ah one of those Perabo posts giant walls of green text on 4chan oh my God he is a basement neckbeard through and through potentially the worst out of all that we've talked about so far that said he's almost like the type where it comes around to likable for a lot of people because he's just such a caricature where it's like that's the point yeah it it's why that green text gets shared yeah where it's like this is so dumb it's funny cringe at this man nerd Emoji per tarabo hey man that's you know what that's fair I can accept that so one of the things that I saw on this was like they're so good at like building Siege weapons and stuff like that but it's just because they want to prove that everybody else is worse by destroying it oh this gets into per Travis whole thing it's supposed to be like an iron Warriors hype piece but like they're very neat in some ways and in others I feel like it gets overdone but perderaba's whole thing is he wanted to be Bob the Builder and the emperor made roguel door and Bob the Builder oof perturavo's Primark superpower is he can look at anything and see how it functions okay and then could like recreate it or whatever but that's what he advertises it as what it actually is is he can look at anything and we'll see how it fails and that allows him to see its entire functionality so like if you show him like a watch he'll know immediately how it all works but that's because he will see how it will break ah so that's why he gets put in charge of being The Siege master and he doesn't want to be the siege Master he wants to build things he's just cursed with powers that are shitty for what he wishes he could do so in trying to prove that his stuff is good he breaks everything else yes hahaha that's so dumb don't tell me that like that's one of the reasons that he turns to chaos it in fact is oh it's about the only reason because he really just wants Daddy's attention he is the younger brother who is just so obnoxious that fits so well I love it I'm enjoying this like the neckbeard green text it's so stupid it's cool pretty Robbo definitely wears a fedora and the worst part is I still like it more than Doran having read about them both okay yeah so like the iron Warriors themselves are like the ultra calculating completely willing to sacrifice a thousand men to see a job done they care not for the individual they're for the greater purpose of the whole cogs and the Machine blah blah blah yeah willing to utilize any weapon willing to do whatever to get the job done all of that there's a lot of cool stuff with the iron Warriors I really like them from that aspect you just have to enjoy the stupidity yeah I guess it does make sense that iron Warriors have the demon engines at that point because they're like they'll use whatever weapon they can so this is something that you'll get weird cross signals on of old players will be like iron Warriors should never use demon engines he like actively hates the chaos gods and thinks they're stupid idiots like perturable is openly an atheist he is the I'm 14 this is the Predator I would expect no other from what we've talked about here so like older players are like it's so dumb that per travel use demon engines but then in newer lore they've been rewriting it because they gave demon engines to chaos and there has to be a reason he's not using like mechanical Tech so the point is he will utilize any thing to get the task done and that is why now in New lore they use demon engines he actually made the demon Kabbalah from what I know which is like the horrendous thing we will never be covering because we'll get destroyed and taken off YouTube all right then we can move on from that but basically he's in charge of a whole bunch of nasty because he is willing to be the one to do it okay yeah I mean I could see him kind of teaming up with the word bearers to make those ritual offerings into demon engine stuff exactly while at the same time being on exact opposite ends of the spectrum yeah that is kind of neat so like on table iron Warriors focus on the machine aspect the vehicles that kind of stuff yeah you'll play a lot of heavy support type stuff you're gonna play Demon engines heavy guns blowing stuff up that type of stuff cool yeah they'll play like a equivalent to iron hands or somewhat Imperial fists kinda sort of they're supposed to be the mirror to them but honestly because they're supposed to be the demolition Siege part they play more like iron Warriors and they are the equivalent of iron Warriors for chaos where they're the mechanical guys who are the engineering core okay and right before we move on they've got a paint Scheme apparently which is what brown because they're Spartan no purple more Spartan Eric it's silver because why paint it because why paint it oh no oh no is it is it like actual silver or is it like the gray no it's it's metal okay it's unpainted metal and then they'll have Hazard Stripes all over everything uh that's that's like the downside if you play Iron Warriors you're going to be the guy who's known for figuring out how to make Hazard Stripes whoever your iron Warrior player is you have have to clap for them because Hazard stripes are hell to do and like any time I've attempted them has been miserable and they put them on every single model they have hold on can you just leave it you don't prime it or anything and you just Hazard stripe on the sprue [Laughter] per travel would let you to play that but like hell yeah dude the GW Star might not all right let's move on to what is without a doubt my favorite Legion we've got Alpha Legion why is this the fave religion for you cause like we talked about alfarious a bit and like you were like oh it's not just the meme yes but it feels a lot like it's just the meme it kinda so like real talk this is not a great thing in our selling chaos space brains episode my personal plan that I have had on and off since before my second Army like back when I only had necrons yeah was to paint up only primaris Marines as Alpha Legion hahaha and play with loyalist rules just paint them all as Alpha Legion and play them as literally anybody else like they show up as ultramarines one day blood angels the next whatever they have to do to get the job done that fits exactly what I would expect you to do out of something like this so I can understand it but it's dumb and the best part is because you're doing like all primaris Marines It'll like annoy certain people and other people will be like oh my God this is layers of Genius right because like Alpha Legion is famously slightly larger than all the other Marines while alfarious and Omega were supposed to be slightly smaller than all of the other primarks which means they can blend in okay and the imlfarious meme laughs I see what you're saying there which is why the vast majority of the alpha Legion could be mistakable for their Primark and the primaris is supposed to be slightly bigger than normal Marines which would mean their Alpha Legion size ah and Carl definitely didn't use Trader Jean seeds so like it's so perfect I've always wanted to do this I probably never will pull the trigger unless I have like infinite money to spend an infinite time on my hands but like I have always wanted to do that I mean so long as we keep doing this whole Warhammer 40K thing eventually we'll get to a point where I've got to do it for content's sake or you've done everything else because that's basically how you operate uh it's it's also perfect because like I would just end up playing them as iron hands most of the time because I enjoy that rule set yeah so Alpha Legion so so talking about them like properly as chaos space brains Alpha Legion is in all of the legions like of all the original ones they are the Spy Legion they're the gene Steelers basically sort of fun they're supposed to be the sneakier than the sneaky ones like Raven guard are the special ops guys and night Lords are the sneak up assassinate you and make it horrifying thing Alpha Legion is that you didn't even know they showed up the like actual ninjas that are like yeah no we don't dress up like that we're just normal people and got the job done exactly they're the real spy not James Bond okay so that's what Alpha Legion is supposed to be they have a cool like dichotomy in the lore where they're supposed to be the Super stealthy Legion that is like always doing something five layers of obscure where you don't know what their job is yeah but they always show up in the lore in really interesting ways this is like a super minor spoiler for dark Imperium I promise you won't care about this but it is a minor spoiler so skip ahead like a minute if you're super against that but as a background for one of the characters who ends up as like Gilman's right hand man yeah he set on that path by a bunch of alpha Legion guys showing up coked out of their minds shouting where the alpha Legion hello this is chaos here attacking this doing this thing and they do like horrendous stuff like specifically to scar people and make them remember yeah and they're famous for doing this on multiple occasions where like they show up and announce like the alpha Legion the chaos Legion is here doing Chaos stuff and then something will happen that makes the Imperium respond and then the Imperium gets a big win okay that plays into the whole double agents thing of did they ever really betray or are they secretly acting this way publicly while doing other things behind the scenes right you never know where their loyalty lies if it's one of those where it's like yeah we're just trying to bring awareness so that people can fight it properly yeah so like they end up putting like one of the key members of Gilman's team on the path that ends him up there and there's other examples throughout different lore but that's kind of why I love Alpha Legion is you just don't know what the plan is so why are they not ziege they didn't fall to a chaos God technically if you want to argue what they fell to it was alfarious and Omega agreed to a Xeno plot to pseudo betray the emperor like okay this gets an Allure stuff okay but like their chaosy sometimes when it's they want to be basically it's all just a big plot so that they can act like they're if Alpha Legion is telling you where Alpha Legion and is like clearly showing up with like possessed and stuff which they've done in the lore okay and they're the Spy Legion yeah is because they want you to know that and report it right because there's other things happening in the background they are they are competent at their jobs they are never shown to be bad at being spies so when they do it on purpose then in the 40 K setting your assumption should be from a metal level is that the alpha lesion needs someone to report that the alpha Legion has shown up and is doing something so it is one of those where it's like Alpha Legion if you think about it you should think about it in like the anime all according to kikaku like exactly that's the sales pitch right there all according to keikaku if you're into that Alpha Legion is your jam and that's where I am it is in a way the zinciest Legion in that way where it's like it feels very exactly like ziege of like I've got all these plans and you'll not know it until it's after and like and there's there's famous like pseudo jokes about like the corn has X Legion and stuff like that but one is zinch has three Legions his least favorite is the Thousand Sons his second least favorite is the Space Wolves because the spirits of Fenris are Siege demons ah okay okay and his favorite is the alpha Legion because no one even knows including the alpha Legion that they're serving xinji's plan yeah but Yelp it's not canon but it's like a funny Canon fits perfectly in this like dumb meta level kind of thing or the same thing of like Orcs and purple yes it also fits as a thousand suns player of the Thousand Sons there's each his least favorite toy okay so El Faris oh my God is not one thing entity technically you could see this as a pseudo spoiler but it's pretty well spelled out throughout like the Horus heresy books and specifically alfarious out of the Hydra alfarius and Omega and are known as like the twin soul and the started as one Primark when all the primarks got scattered in the warp they split in half and it's alfarius and omegaon okay the vast majority of the primarks only know them as alfari so Megan as one guy but they constantly switch who is playing alfarious Omega okay but that's their stick and uh at the end of Horus heresy Doran in His Infinite Wisdom when alfarious is trying to warn him hey I'm a double agent here's what I need you to get info to Dad he chops off alvarius's head in response brilliant because Doran is the smartest Primark that sounds about right so in current day if anyone is still alfarious it is Omega if that makes sense except for all the ones that are alfarious but not yes and that gets into the hole yeah yeah there is the meme version and the serious one I very much enjoy the serious take of it but the meme is still hilarious so Alpha Legion on the board like on tabletop does it actually play out in this like it doesn't really matter so like they tend to play the same as Raven guard but chaos Bay Springs don't have an equivalent to um Phobos armor which is the like sneaky armor the like quick agile sneaky stuff which I feel like is a meta reason the alpha Legion shows up in stories acting like a normal chaos based Marine Legion because they need an excuse for why on the tabletop your Alpha Legion exists okay and isn't three tables away doing the real plan right right because I was gonna say like I've seen Alpha Legion lists and they're cool but it's not like it's just gonna look like a chaos based reading list it just looks like a chaos based mirror which is fine and this is why I have my master plan yeah no I what's so what's the actual color scheme not your dumb I'm gonna just play whatever toilet bowl no no my color scheme was going to be Alpha Legion I'm just going to play them like they're in their camo oh okay okay but you as the player will met us see them as Alpha Legion so what's the color uh they have a beautiful turquoise color over metal I was gonna say don't say blue green it's specifically they're always shown with metallic armor which is rare for Space Marines to be shown with they're usually like a candy coat right yeah yeah but they're always shown with metallic turquoise armor okay and it's just a gorgeous look alfarius's model has it if you ever look up like The Forge World model that's the paint Scheme it's beautiful I love it all right we have spent enough time talking about Alpha Legion but let's save Emperor's Children for when we talk about all the chaos God ones at the end and let's talk about some of the non-main legions all right I'm not sure why we're skipping them but we can move on to Red corsairs this one I spent a bit of time actually trying to figure out because I read a bunch of stuff and got nothing other than Pirates you're ridiculously close I spent probably the most time trying to figure out what Red corsairs is because it was just like I'm reading and I'm reading and I'm reading and I'm like it's Pirates it's just Pirates all right before we get any further would you like to guess their colors uh red you nailed it all right so I was like this is a trick question no I secretly blew yeah they're secretly this bluish green red corsairs are really cool I don't have the best knowledge of the bad AB or what I've read of it is super interesting and I actually kind of like it more than horse heresy but it's kind of been usurped so from a meta level here's the long and short of it in three seconds before Horus heresy was a thing in the lore and before primarks were really a thing that mattered okay they needed an excuse for why Space Marines fight Space Marines every other game ah so they made the badab war which is an example of the Imperium being just a complete and bureaucracy is the real villain and you end up with two right sides to a conflict that end up at war with each other right so how things like likely would happen on that scale constantly there should be all sorts of that occurring right but uh the red corsairs were originally the astral clause in the bad at War they are on the side that betrayed the Imperium because the Imperium whole bad at War background sure so they end up being the chapter that betrays and gets ousted because they were never a legion they're technically like a tenth founding or something sure but to put it in that perspective like their Primark is not one of the trader primarks is it one of the not real primarks no there their Primark is most likely either the lion or Gilman oh okay I was like is this is going to be one of those oh the red corsair's Primark is one of the ones that got undone nope but how do we not know if it's because it never got written about in Modern War for who the astral Clause's Primark was if this was Modern lore it would all be spelled out like here's their Primark here's it but this is older stuff okay and since they've been around for so long in the war the current thing is they don't have an official Primark at this point because they've refreshed their Jean seed from their people dying all the time so they just take whoever they murdered Jean seed and use that to make more of them so not only do they pillage weapons and money and stuff like they also pillage Gene seeds yes so they're what chaos is often called as like the over-encompassing thing is Renegades and Heretics so you have Heretics are the ones that worship chaos Renegades are just the Space Marines who betrayed the Imperium but don't give a about chaos that's the red corsairs okay now in more modern lore they chaos a month a bunch because they don't want you playing with Space Marine models that's fair and this is a chaos Space Marines thing yeah so are the red Corsair is supposed to be a single entity kind of thing or is it just like they're just the rebels they're specifically a single entity that shows that there is probably a hundred variants of them if that makes sense like they're an example yeah yeah the red corsairs are a group yeah there's probably other groups that do the same kind of thing yep and a small small version of them is in the first aramon book okay where you see a group of Space Marines who were loyal to the Imperium but something vague happened and they got ousted and now they're considered Renegades and they're like screw it or stuck betrayed by the Imperium so I guess we'll hang out with aramon it goes poorly for them as one would expect ironman's not known for winning so one of the things that was weird when I was looking at this was in the CSM codex there each Legion has their like actual rule set and so there's the traits the warlord traits and Relics and all that stuff but like each one had six warlord traits but red corsairs doesn't sounds right I think creations of Bio might have been the other one but like is it just because they're old and they don't have new lore it's probably just because GW kind of wants you to not play them anymore but needs them as an example okay I don't know again like I tried like searching through and figuring out what the hell red corsairs are and like they're very anemic compared to the ones that we've previously talked about on rules side and they seem cool to me like I like pirates pirates are cool I want to make custom orc models that are pirates definitely my jam I feel like I should like red corsairs a lot but I don't see enough you know like it all sounds cool but I don't see see the Army like I don't see like I'm playing red corsairs no I think you get into them as a lore thing okay I don't think there's like a a game reason to play Red corsairs I know in 8th Edition they were technically very broken for a while they just had like the best actual trait it's not like the the play pattern of like style exactly I don't know any type of flavor you could give your army to make them feel red Corsair Z yeah it's just you like them I think they're cool and I hope that they don't just like disappear because I think that there's a lot that could be done with that kind of thing I I doubt they're gonna disappear because like Huron Blackheart just got a whole book this year and that's their their leader you can think of him like a chapter Master equivalent okay cool cool yeah I guess you know we can move on to creation's bio this one's new that was the other one in the Codex that was pretty anemic in comparison this is the off branch of Emperor's Children that is specifically bile so Fabius bile is an Emperor's Children space brain that's what he originally was uh fulgrim is his Primark oh but Fabius bile is the chaos equivalent of call okay because like I was just like oh the Primark bile I guess I don't know it was a Primark but cool so this is the offshoot from Emperor's Children that is the people who follow bile and go hey can you juice me up on that real good Tech heresy and he's like yeah let's be better than everybody else he's like trying to improve on the space brain like he he was basically trying to make primaris not knowing that call had secretly already done that and then he starts stealing Primera stuff to figure out how to jack up chaos base Marines equivalently without needing to offer up to the chaos Gods to do it because that's like his whole shtick is he is the other atheist right because he's huge brain I'm too smart and he's also like the guy who in a conversation with slanesh like slinash takes over a body to talk to him and he is unaffected by slnesian anyway because he refuses to believe in slaanesh that's a hell of a superpower read his books I've heard they're fantastic so I have all three of them and I'm going to eventually be reading through them but I have to get through a couple other ones first one of the things that was kind of neat with creations of bile is it felt very tyranids but not Gene stealer that's a fair way to think of it like the the tyridon's biomorphing trying to progress Ultra Evolution thing like it felt very much like bile was just trying to be as good as like tyranidar at that Evolution type thing and so like a meta thing I know with bile is he trained under I don't think it was specifically rakarth but it's one of he trained basically he went to camera he went to the web way and joined the drukkari and is like hey you homunculus guys are into some Weird Science I want in on that and so he became basically a drakari homunculus equivalent so that's how he trained up his and science stuff okay okay I just know that's a thing I haven't read into him too much yet but I remember that being like in some lore that I read for drekari stuff oh dude that's so dumb so yeah he's the chaos call essentially from what I've gathered of he is trying to basically create the new super soldiers redo the astartes program essentially I mean it's kind of neat honestly there are some pretty cool rules there's not that much of it they had to get nerfed pretty hard because they had the broken rules in ninth Edition but yeah they're an interesting faction it basically exists because bile is a beloved character at this point and so they made a model for him and it's kind of silly to run him in Emperor's Children so they they split it off into you can run people who are loyal to bile okay and I mean it does feel like the lists are creations of Bio yeah you like try to Jack people up on super good drugs yeah which not really my thing but I can definitely understand it being cool for a lot of people I mean I play covens in drakari this is my stick yeah the mad scientist man is the one I love like this is exactly my thing when dark mechanicus comes out my wallet may be in trouble like ad Mech was one of my original things I looked into but one of our buddies was already getting into it when we were first starting oh I I do remember you actually being like yeah I I mixed that one off pretty immediately when he was like oh I started ad macaroni I was like well never mind I guess I don't care that much about them so what is the color scheme of Creations bile I don't actually know I'm gonna be real with you I don't know okay I know bile himself has like his whole leather Motif so I don't know what his guys wear it's a brown sure we'll go with that we'll go with that now it's it's now Brown hahaha all right so we saved Emperor's Children for last even though they're pretty important and should be talked about higher up but it's because we're going to be talking about the four dedicated Legions one to each of the chaos Gods right so Emperor's Children is still in the main codex the other three are their own factions fully fleshed out at this point sorta kind of for world leaders I'm sorry that one page rules wrote your codex that was the worst crossover of all time some of them wished that they didn't get taken out of the uh CSM codex so world leaders if he knows aside it's a REV .8 of a codex but these are the four that are like very closely related to each of the Gods yeah and if we follow the pattern in seventh edition thousand suns came out we got Magnus eighth edition death guard immortarian 9th Edition world leaders in angron it is most likely that Emperor's Children is going to get a whole range update and pulled out of the Codex and turned into their own faction and then they'll get full Grim at the same time so you get your big snake man is fulgrim an option or is he dead or gone or something no he he's still alive then okay he's a vile dude as the slanesh guy Emperor's Children is Slane I can't expect there to be any good parts of this Emperor's Children it's the slanesh worshipers you know slanesh is the excess God drug sex rock and roll take everything beyond the most and then keep going yeah do whatever it takes to go one step further in every stimulus and Emperor's Children themselves were like obsessed with perfection and like becoming you know the perfect thing whether it be in beauty or in combat Elegance whatever that was their whole stick and it's why they fall to slanesh that kind of makes sense of like they're the perfect they're the vain Legion that ends up falling to slash it sounds right kind of obvious uh fulgrim being the same as his Legion in that way I expect his model will end up looking a lot like Marathi from age of Sigmar except with a Space Marine warped Prime marked body on top instead of Marathi giant snake monster honestly out of everything Emperor's Children is one of the coolest because of noise Marines it's true the rock and roll aspect I hope they play it up when they get them like actual dedicated models I will be honestly pissed if they don't it's such a cool and unique style of theming when it comes to war gaming is like noise Marines it sounds like oh it's like you know an 80s meme of Death Metal and like like whatever it's almost like it was it's almost like it was but it's also so unique and cool that I'm like yes please just lean into it that's what I want to play I want to play that style Army I want to play noise Marines they're cool and I have to say that's why they're kind of rough as like uh hyping them up thing is like I think it's easy to Hype them up but I also think if you're interested in them two years from now is a much better wanting to get into them than now yeah I mean it is one of those that like they could change what like the focus is and like noise Marine like no the noise Marines will be like the corn Berserkers the rubric Marines and the plague Marines all became the core of the Army's identity noise Marines will be the core of The Emperor's Children identity it better be especially because a lot of the trio of sex drugs and rock and roll rock and roll's the one that you can sell the only one you can sell in a store where children may walk by is going to be rock and roll so they have to play out that aspect so yeah I mean it is one of those that like Emperor's Children very cool but I'm with you can't really sell them right now as a go out and buy and build this Army because I think they're beautiful too because they've got like the purple and gold scheme oh they're so cool I love seeing Emperor's Children armies and like they're just fun because they're slaneshi you run really fast stab people with stuff like the faster finesse style of play all right but let's talk about the opposite end of the spectrum and the first one that is not part of like the CSM codex and is like its own identity at this point let's talk about death guard all right yeah death guard this is nurgle and miracles cool these last three are kind of like the easiest to sell on YouTube they get so much artwork and new models and like a very clear identity where we're trying to explain why you would pick loyalty to a certain Legion with the others it's like when we come to these ones look at the death guard models do you want to play that big fat man with a giant Scythe because like I do they're cool yeah honestly there are very cool death guard models I'm not a huge fan of all of them but like they all hate exactly what they're supposed to for death guard like they're all having the nurgle epoxiness to them and they do it well yeah so like obviously they're all about being stinky and spreading around covet and not wearing their masks like they should yeah they don't like to social distance they're real dicks but they love everybody man death guard is a fun one because they've got the whole irony of like the god of death and pestilence is the one where you feel all this love yeah dude Papa nurgle yep so you get grandfather nurgle you get all of the fun sickness based stuff you're the tanky slow Army you actually have a lot of artillery to you because of the whole tanky slow Army thing so you're actually pretty mechanized as a force compared to most CSM I'd say you are like it's it's not iron Warriors level but it's up there there are good options that you can have with like the plague burst crawler and stuff like that like yeah the slow grindy War Machine yeah they're fast attacks are fun it's like moves 10 inches super fast yeah I like you said I mean it's tough because death guard they're fleshed out they're doing good stuff you know if you like a death guard and it's pretty obvious the only problem is you won't enjoy mortarion if you read lore oh yeah he's like really unlikable oof he's just lame there's a really cool quote in Lords of Silence about how the death guards see the primarks because they have a unique experience of they are doing battle for 10 000 years while their Primark sits around moping in the warp and like doesn't really do much and then you've got the Loyalists who are they put their primarks up on pillars and pretend they were these amazing figures but the death guard would say that the primarks are incredibly disappointing it's just you have the advantage of not having seniors in 10 000 years so you remember only the good stuff about them yeah one of those where it's like when you're a little kid you look up to the older cousin or whatever like they're so cool and it's like well no they're actually like super lame because they're hanging out with like someone that's eight years younger than them yeah they're just a dumb stoner so we've gone over the color scan a death guard uh puke green yeah it's gross yeah fair enough if you go with a heresy scheme they're amazing because they're that like bone white with green accents it's beautiful anytime I see modern death guard with the heresy scheme I'm like this is so good all right so let's talk about my Legion before we move on to the final one the Thousand Suns the sons of Magnus we're the psycho Army how do you sell it they're the psychers good job do you like playing hero hammer do you like having characters who have mile long data sheets full of spells they know and different abilities and you get to take a 20-minute psychic phase every turn the dice or your play thing I Love A Thousand Suns it's hard for me to sell them when it's like so automatic for me but like do you like being an evil wizard Harry [Laughter] yeah the only downside of the Thousand Sons is like they're cursed to never win and I don't mean that literally like that's not a Canon thing but the writers have apparently decided this well okay so there's each it makes sense that like thousand suns are supposed to be like oh they're you know doing all of these intricate plans but we also can't have them just like kill the emperor so like they still have to not succeed in all of these plans and like make it more convoluted most of the Thousand Sun's lore is trying to undo their last screw-up and failing and usually causing something worse to happen it's just a cascading Boulder of failure and it's kind of interesting from a certain perspective because like if you read into like the Magnus books and the aramon books you get to watch the like cascading disappointing fathers like the emperor is a Dad yeah and Magnus looks up to him and like tries to emulate him and emulates him in all the worst ways develops his dad's narcissism is a terrible father to his sons eventually because of this nice while while loving them and wanting them nothing but the best in life hold on a second wait wasn't the emperor not that at all but that's the grand irony is Magnus learned to do it wrong because he laughs so is he also an absentee father kind of thing sort of yeah in modern 40K he's come back and is like the dad who comes back from smokes for 10 years that was a long long trip to the corner store basically Armin screwed up gets exiled for 10 000 years while Magnus knows that he's going to screw up and tells him to stop but doesn't stop him because he's also emulating his father uh and then you end up with aramon constantly trying to make amends with Magnus and failing and then eventually Magna stops screwing around with whatever he's been working on for 10 000 years vaguely and he's like oh I should probably be less of a dad to you guys and like mostly makes amends with aramon and they somewhat work together now uh which is not true for like mortarion and typhus so it kind of works out but like they're doomed every plot line the thousand suns are in is one that ends in Failure so what's the actual like underlying reason of why a thousand swans fell Prospero burned so for Horus heresy Magnus busts a hole in the psychic defense the emperor put up around his web boy project because he's trying to bust into the throne room through his like warp perception so he can chat with the emperor because he can't physically get there in time to warn him that Horus betrayed ah okay okay and zinc is like hey you should put a little more gusto in it if you break the wall down you'll be able to talk to Dad he's like genius zinch you're so helpful so he busts open the hole oh that's all the demons in so even from that point he's this like every plan fails in the most worst way Magnus tries his best but God damn is he bad at picking dads that's hilarious but the long and short of it is Prospero burned fair enough Magnus is dumb he is but tries real hard in the heresy they had an amazing red over metal scheme that was very pretty I've seen other color schemes for them than the like whatever the blue the blue that's what they end up with in 40K and they've got other there's like the war bands all the CSM there's excuse to choose colors that are not your specific color because everything is like split and shattered and Chaos kind of Anarchy yeah chaos exactly a little bit of Anarchy and everything yeah well that leaves us with one last one we've got world leaders up blood for the blood God exactly World eaters once again the color is red if you choose red or black you've probably nailed it it's kind of disappointing box art colors of some of the stuff could be a bit more interesting in my opinion but I'm okay with it for world leaders it makes sense we're here for blood hahaha so world leaders are easy to sell blood for the blood God skulls for the skull Throne it is the meme you knew before you even looked at 40K this is Corn's favorite toy that he actually got to play with because man does he wish he had sanguineous working for him instead yeah anger On's not uh not really doing it for him no the lobotomized angry child is not the one that makes for the best weapon so World eaters are driven mad by spikes in their brains that make them incredibly violent and feel only rage anger pain and the sweet Badness of emotions on that do they have to have the spikes this gets into a whole lore thing I'm not getting into just short answer yes no no but they get them because angron puts them there but uh yeah World eaters is is your Unga Bunga melee army man what do you want they're overly simplistic you'll push your models forward you roll your dice and you ask your opponent who won because you can't do math because you play world leaders look if strategy is not your thing world leaders is for you I mean there is some strategy still but there is there is a lot of strategy required in melee harmies to be honest if you want to be successful it's hard to play but I get what you're saying of like it's not huge big brain plays at a meta level it's like you're gonna charge and hit him with a sword that's the plan that's the goal the big thing is learning about counter charges where you set up a bait unit and have it get destroyed to get someone out of position so that you can charge them and I mean there honestly is a lot to do with manipulating your advantages around terrain so you don't just get like blown off the board and stuff like that so yeah there is actual strategy to it yes memes aside it actually takes a lot of work to figure out good melee armies yeah but I it is still funny because it's like yeah it's still just the melee Army they're trying to run up and hit somebody with a club and I love that gruel is charming and Magic world leaders is Charming in 40K it's lovely it's very orcish too I was gonna say it hits the orc things of like just run up ahead of man your classic RPG Barbarian right yeah I want to be the simpleton with the club and way too many steroids and while it's not the most fun all the time at least to me having it as an option like a secondary Army super cool yeah where it's like yeah I don't really want to do the whole psychic phases with thousand songs that are gonna be complicated and take forever you know what I want to do instead I want to run up the board and hit him with the club yeah and as long as I get to have my complicated armies like thousand suns I'm fine with some armies being world leader simple I love it yeah so I think that rounds them all up and overall yeah CSM is kind of cool I find them so much easier to Hype up than space brains because I just like chaos more I know I'm a dirty chaos boy but I'm more a xenos boy than anything but I think it's easier to accept the negative aspects yes when you you aren't trying to play both sides of being the protagonist but also you're a piece of yeah you're just stupid idiots yeah like it's nice to just like we're we're not good people we're not playing good people this is that's my job this is okay and they hit their spots right man iron Warriors per trabo you sold me on that pretty well which is funny because it's just the dumbest it's so dumb that it it plays into it perfectly and you know what it's cool this we're in 40K man things are not supposed to be the most thought out and the most amazing sometimes just good dumb fun and I'm here for it all right with that all finished please make sure to do whatever YouTube pleasantries you can if you're on YouTube yeah whatever you can do to help because these are not easy to put together that's why we don't do them every week was fun though incredibly fun even if I'm losing my voice this far in the recording also don't forget to take a look at the last episode where we did the world bearers Lord disco fisherman your attempt at wordbearers is amazing there you did the same thing I always do worldy bearers yup it's it's supposed to be World bearers it's not right there's that L doesn't exist all right but thank you all for joining us thank you for sticking it out I know this was a long one but it's worth it because chaos is the best until next time everybody [Music] thank you
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 305,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9th Edition, 9th Ed, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Guide, Lore, Codex Review, Black Legion, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion, Night Lords, Red Corsairs, Creations of Bile, Emperor's Children, Thousand Sons, World Eaters, Death Guard
Id: kog_Ch7kIlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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