Who are the Lamenters, and what did they do to deserve this? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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[Music] welcome everyone to a very special episode of the adeptus ridiculous this is going to be our lamenters episode voted on by you patrons over at patreon.com adeptus ridiculous we put up the stretch goal of 1 337 dollars a month and y'all crushed it apparently everybody wants to hear about the lamenters bricky you're a little iffy on the lamenters but it's apparently a fan favorite so we're gonna get into it um and shy gave me a couple of stats that she wanted to wanted me to read out so since this is our 10 10th episode right now you can listen to our podcast nonstop for 10 hours which officially makes it bingeable i think it was bingeable before that uh we now have over 200 patrons which is enough to fill an entire anti-social distancing movie theater that's a that's a weird stat try um we're also closing in on 10 000 subs on youtube which is enough to fill a social distancing compliance stadium i'm sorry anti-social anti-social distancing theater you mean a [ __ ] theater you mean a normal ass theater a normal ass theater yeah all all of our goals by the way are socially distant compliant by the way so that's just to make sure we record this online in discord very far from each other oh yeah we we have the social distancing regulations all filled out we're so far away from each other so when you really think about it space marines are always wearing giant suits of armor so they're always social distancing oh yeah totally uh we also got around 50 000 downloads on podcast platforms and 200 000 views on youtube brickie has been we've this is an actual stat bricky has been actually 1537 times nice that means i'm doing my job right wait this next stat okay i this next stat is is heresy and i'm calling [ __ ] on it dk exclaimed the lord's name in vain approximately seven million times oh yeah because you're always like jesus jesus it's warhammer what am i supposed to say emperor hallelujah jesus oh my god like you what else crazy praise be gork and mork oh that's true oh my gork and morg i could do that uh over the course of the last nine episodes at least two characters who use weapons of mass destruction for the purpose of planetary-grade devastation were turned into awful memes colonel yuri and doge van dyke that's true i um boy we can we pick him or what i i i think i think doge van dyer is a personal favorite of mine well he is the uh the new channel the the objectively worse than hitler man is our official mascot in doge form in doge form ooh i mean it's kind of i i don't know it's i was gonna say it's kind of fitting but i'm like not that bad anyway uh shy's vegas pro 18 crashed at least twice while editing each of the podcast episodes oh you should you should probably look into a new editing i mean i mean adobe can suck a dick but premiere is a very good software i have heard premiere is actually really good yeah it's hard to relearn but it's it's it is pretty i mean it does crash still sometimes but it's better than vegas and no squiggs were harmed in the creation of this podcast that was an important factoid that we needed to get out of the way on our landmark 10th episode so i didn't realize this was our 10th episode yeah yes it is it sure is i was um i was looking at the list uh before this all started yeah we're at 10. i'm just like damn it feels like we've been doing this for like two weeks seriously 10 episodes and we covered the entire horus heresy and yeah in just three and necrons and el wow we've actually gone quite a bit quite far wow all right we've done a lot of stuff so thanks again to everyone at patreon.com adeptus ridiculous as we're sort of closing in on the two thousand dollars a month goal um so yeah i'm glad that we have a uh a statistic on how many times i've been actually i feel that feels good because i'm like it's just like it's you know the point is just going so over their heads i'm like ah if i could actually that means that i'm doing a good job yep and and apparently you're doing a great job fantastic job and now i need to find different exclamations i say i use the lord's name in vain far too much use snack food my holy bugles holy bugles oh my ritz oh my doritos oh my dog oh mountain dew that's so much fun well well shall we shall we get into the lamenters now we we shall and i i have specifically prepared for this episode by so i was i was scanning the discord the other day um maybe like three or four days ago and i noticed that i had a mention and it was from shy all caps don't read anything on the lamenters dk spoilers so i was like okay i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of avoid the discord not look anything up all i know about the lamenters is that their color scheme looks like a taxi cab it's the yellow it's oh my god it does i just think about literally taxi cabs dude oh my god i never thought it was about the taxi cab part it dawned on me like a day ago and i was like i gotta bring this up they are literal taxi cabs oh my god so all right so the lamenters i obviously so there's gonna be a die hard lamenter like guy watching this and he's gonna be really upset because i am not going to be able to do these guys justice straight up i will not be able to do them justice like he like he probably wants me to but at the same time you know tough but upset yeah tough [ __ ] but honestly i i did some looking up i did my i did my research i got my google doc here i got all my things down and i will say i appreciate them more than when i didn't look them up um i still think that you know as a as a huge salamanders fam they're not quite like up there on my on my like oh my god they're so amazing because uh they're just salamanders but depressing um so so it's like you know they're both really big bros and everything but yeah let's let's get into it so um i actually kind of wish we had did an episode of the blood angels before this because it probably would have helped out more but we'll do that later i guess um all right so the lamenters are a blood angels successor chapter so way back when horus heresy era you had the uh the 18 chapters nine turn uh traitor um those are like the the first foundings they're they're like the the og chapters but you can have successor chapters and successor chapters are like okay you still have the gene seed from the main primark but it's it's like it's like a smaller organization because if i'm not mistaken i think gilman was like you can't have marines in a chapter that are any bigger than this amount because if you do we get heresy problems again or something like that okay something like that so you don't have to do heresy problems that's we're sick of heresy problems yeah so like the imperial fists with the rogul door and they have like the black templars and the crimson fists and they're both they're both successor chapters and they have their own dealios so okay the lamenters are a successor chapter of the blood angels uh with the primark of sanguinius who uh famously got got [ __ ] choke slammed by horus in the uh in the in the horace heresy um piece where he's just laid out [ __ ] dead yeah emperor it's a good that our piece is so like it's it's surprisingly iconic maybe just because of the art style or maybe it reminds me of like old 18th century paintings mm-hmm it's kind of cool uh but they were started in something known as the 21st founding which is the i guess it's the 21st founding of a successor chapter or whatever it's also known as the cursed founding um so we're starting off harm so the ad mech were like okay so those blood angel guys right they they're primark dime and they all and now they're they're haunted by visions of their dead primark forever they're vampires they drink blood they need blood otherwise they go into crazy rage pretty much and they go and eventually they go into crazy rage no matter what uh it's called it's called the uh the black rage uh right right right and once you've reached a black rage level you're turning to like a death company which is just your purpose is to just run at the enemy at mach five and hopefully die while inflicting as much carnage as you can uh because if you if you survive you're going to get sent back and killed anyway because you're too dangerous to be kept yeah which you know so they got crazy things so the ad mech took lamenters and they [ __ ] around with sanguinius's jean seed to hopefully get rid of that black rage defect right and they and they did and they were able they were able to get rid of it um but there seemed to be like can you know you know the the idea of probability where it's like okay technically everything has a chance to happen but these boys got got [ __ ] over so much that there's got to be something else going on like zinc is just there like let's look at this [ __ ] like something's up with them um right so almost a huge amount of the chapters found in the 21st founding were [ __ ] up in some way and so lamenters were naturally disliked by many other space marines because they thought they were untrustworthy oh they're just they just didn't they didn't trust them they're like that you guys are unstable you'll turn to chaos get the [ __ ] away from me so they had no reason to really distrust them it's not like the lamenters were like oh yeah hey guys did you know we're gonna betray you or something they were just inherently untrustworthy of them thought they were unstable and [ __ ] you guys you're the worst it's like if your anime club at your high school it's like if nine out if like nine out of ten of them all like decide to shoot somebody like that like that that tenth guy is probably a totally nice guy but i don't trust him right that's i don't trust him at all that's fair something about the company you keep yeah yeah so they were all all kind of had problems and so the rest of the space marines were like ew lamenters taxis get away from me um they also had a problem with their gene c where they had a constant amount of like mental melancholy they were constantly like like kind of suffering from this weird state of melancholy the whole time which right is weird and not great that yeah that's not great that's um and yeah apparently a lot of the other 21st founding chapters turn to chaos so another another reason to not trust them so the lamenters were like okay okay you guys don't like us we're gonna instead of like risking persecution by the inquisition and stuff we're that we're gonna go fight uh the xenos because when it comes to the map of the galaxy the far far and away space like in the corners of the galaxy tends to be xenospace and since they're a chapter that doesn't have a home planet unlike everyone else uh they're they're a fleet based chapter you know like uh um koreans in like mass effect right right right so yeah big flotilla ships so they decide okay we're gonna go instead of fighting the enemy within we're gonna fight the enemy without and we're gonna go fight zenos at the far reaches of space uh however during that period time uh did we talk about abaddon we haven't yet have we no i so i think after the horus heresy was done i was like hey what comes next who's the big villain and uh i think you and shia were like oh it's abaddon but we'll get to him later because he's a he's a dick too yeah he's a dick um okay so he's had like he's had 13 black crusades which like his big crusades to stop the imperium um he's failed like almost all of them besides the 13th but uh that's kind of why he he's jokingly referred to as a failure he's like fail bedon um he's tried 13 times like of course i mean she's i mean he's caused problems but yeah he hasn't done he's never won yeah well besides the 13th one right right right um if i'm a mistake in the 13th one was the fall of kadia and that was his that was his uh good stuff but it is pretty tough anyway um during the ninth black crusade the lamenters were called back to defend a hive world uh from you know his his shenanigans and the other space marine chapter that was there on said hive world straight up refused to fight with them the mortal factors chapter they were super suspicious and they were like we would rather leave than serve with you so they bailed they bailed on the entire planet because they didn't want to fight with the lamenters so the lamenters in order to help save the population and and save the humans in the hive city they held out until only about 200 lamenters were left there like a massive chunk of their entire chapter [ __ ] died until until finally at the end the ultramarines and the white scars came to help them out oh man that's so [ __ ] up so it gets worse so after of course it does it's warhammer so after only 200 of them were left they were really [ __ ] sad that like most of their company died and so they they left after being rescued by the vice cars and ultramarines and then they got stranded in the warp for a hundred years due to a warp storm and constantly fighting demons from like trying to [ __ ] them for like 100 years that's a that's a uh that's so unlucky so like how did they get caught in the warp is it just because like they were fling and then blip they they like accidentally warped into [Music] no like a warp storm big old warp oh right i i didn't i didn't realize warp storms just popped up out of nowhere and like just engulfed people that sucks yeah they were just they were stuck in the war for like 100 years i think their geller fields didn't always work well so they had demons attacking them and they were there for a hundred years 200 men constantly fighting demons and then they finally came out and and they were good again and then they they started refilling back to full strength they were working their way up and they decided to fight with another group called the astral claws who were un like surprisingly like the only friends the astral claws were the only group that ever showed them like any kind of kindness oh and and and they started fighting them no no they started fighting with them oh with them okay i misheard you i thought you said they started fighting them and i was like man these lamenters cannot catch a break no not yet no don't worry they won't catch a break but at the current moment they're working with them because they were the only chapter that showed them any kind of of kindness damn even a hundred years later after being caught in the warp after after making that last stand going down to only 200 of them everybody still [ __ ] hates them yeah holy [ __ ] okay okay sorry that was that wasn't that funny i don't know what that was so funny um so anyway um okay so space marines are are petty [ __ ] all right space i mean they're not as bad as imperial knights but they're hoity-toity douchebags quite often because they consider themselves better than the average person which they are yeah they are yeah they're very like the duty of the chapter and the brothers are more important than an imperial citizen goodbye enjoy getting getting murdered by tyrandes oh jesus indeed [ __ ] yep so let's go into some notable battles um we got about four we have about four and they make up the bulk of the elementary's lore so the first one is the corinth crusade now it was fought in a planet called slaughterhouse three which was an orc uh slave mining planet um i was about to ask who names their place slaughterhouse five and of course the orcs dude okay fair enough um so about 300 lament so they were chilling around with the ultramarines at the time and um basically they were looking down there and they saw hundreds of thousands of human slaves going into like mining mines and just never returned and because they were a bunch of orcs and of course the lamenters were like this russell's my jimmies you know because they're they're the broads here guys so yeah working along with ultramarines uh the ultramarine's chapter master is a guy named marnius calgar um so calgar was like okay we'll we'll help them it's like it's like a whole orc world it's quite hard um to deal with but he was like all right well help them sure or you're allowed to help them but we ultramarines are not going to assist you if you're going to help them this is on your own right and i guess that makes sense because like to like the ultramarines or like whatever um trying to save a bunch of civilians from an orc planet it's got to be a massive undertaking because those are orcs like yeah we just discussed we just discussed how hard orcs are to kill and how bad they are and how much they'll [ __ ] you up i imagine trying to save people from a planet of them is just like nope sorry sorry civvies it's not worth it kind of i mean i think ultramarines are supposed to be nice but they get so much preferential treatment that i'll [ __ ] on them regardless um i'm looking at you luton so speaking of shots um the lamenters decided to go for it anyway they only had 300 of them uh but they attacked the orc population and aft and while i started attacking the human population kind of rose up you know they were like yeah rebellion um and three million people were rescued um wow but they only the elementaries only had one major battle barge and they and they couldn't escort three million people off the planet and so this one badass tech marine was like furiously trying to fix orc ships that you know our orc ships yeah good luck it's always scrap metal that falls apart right no sometimes but pretty often and so they kept on trying to fix theirs entire time but then about a hundred lamenters died during this fight so you know that was pretty bad but then the humans were like hey you guys are awesome you really were helped us out we like you leave us behind and get off world it matters more that you guys survive oh that's good it's like yeah damn go bro to your humans and so the mentors were not happy with this decision but they said okay fine and so what they did is they detonated a fuckload of bombs underneath in the underground orc mines and which uh basically was akin to declaring exterminatus on the planet so yeah only about a hundred lamenters survived and with some furious adjustments to the battle barge and the orc transports about 250 000 survivors uh were able to make it off world which compared to 3 million is less than 10 yeah that's at least i got some of them they got him 250 000 they got him and they they made it back and marnius calgar the ultramarines guy was like [ __ ] ecstatic he was like holy [ __ ] you guys are like really really brave and powerful and and there's only 100 of you left oh my god here's an iron halo an iron halo is like a i think it's a force field type deal it's a it's a damn powerful piece of tech um okay and the as like as like uh like a gift or like a like a medal almost yeah a medal of honor almost yeah yeah kinda yeah and then and then the mentors denied it because they were like we don't feel like heroes what three million people were there yeah they had realized that so many humans they could only save less than ten percent only a hundred of them survived yeah i guess they probably wouldn't feel like oh we won yeah but yeah we're all dead yeah so they decided to deny it and then kalgar well gagar was like all right fine but then the rest of the ultramarines were like how what the [ __ ] why aren't you taking the thing from our chapter master you guys are weird and suspicious we don't like you so the rest of the ultramarines got more angry and suspicious at them because they wouldn't accept his gift they really can't catch a break can they nope after all that after saving all those people regretting it only 100 of them survived finally they get some recognition and everybody's just like yeah [ __ ] you you didn't you didn't take his gift you're shady as [ __ ] back to hating the lamenters don't like doing that our gift are you chaos what are you chaos or something huh so sorry halo come on you idiot hey those things are cool actually i'm gonna i'm gonna look up what iron halo is real quick because i'm kind of i'm trying to figure this out uh a revered part of the armory of the chapters that's the starties and it's a common astartes award for valor um let's see prestigious honor oh here it is combat effect uh very strong conversion field around its wear which makes his armor even harder to pierce oh yeah so maybe they should have taken that so they because it would have made them tankier but oh well yeah i mean like i i get being i get lamenting that you couldn't save all those people and that you lost a bunch of people but like um that's a that's a that's that's a that's a perma buff homie like you you want that so that you don't die the next time this happens i think in game it's a four up in full save or something like that which is pretty good yeah it's an iron halo you should he should have taken it i'm just gonna say that he should have taken it you know suddenly i'm just like man these lamenters i'm suspicious now are you suspicious now i'm suspicious of these lamenters they seem weird they seem heretical to me well let's we'll talk about the badab war in a moment and then you'll change your mind but oh i can picture someone dabbing downwards and doing it wrong and it was like man that's a bad dab it's a bad it's lamenters doing a bad dab [ __ ] [ __ ] this all right so there's this other thing in the the jericho reach which is uh this is the thing where they escorted a rogue trader imagine a rogue trader kind of like uh another massive example it's like shepard in his group it's like a human guy he works for the the um works for the imperium sometimes they they bring aliens on their ship to help them out they're like mercenaries or they're like uh their own kind of little like like uh investigative group or something it's kind of cool it's like if you want a more like uh human style yeah yeah yeah um so they had like a thousand year debt to this rogue trader guy so they helped him out and they like escorted his ship well one other ship suffered a massive drive failure and uh and and they all had to escape from the ship and most to all of the lamenters there died um wow and like only like a few of them survived and they were then indicted into the death watch which is a different version of space marines but a lot of the ones on that on that escort vessel died so the mentors the elementaries are once again not very doing very well jesus so do lamenters ever have that many people in them it seems like every battle they go to they they fight tooth and nail they do really well but like 90 of them get [ __ ] and they need to like rebuild the lamenters all over again yeah kinda they're mainly just being kicked when they're down they finally get like back up to a solid amount of strength and then they immediately just get pummeled again and they and that's that that jesus oh sorry i didn't come for the snack food sorry i was waiting i was like how dare you damn you messed it up i've dive i [ __ ] up so let's talk about the badab war um so here's so basically remember those guys the astral claws they kept fighting with yes so astral claw i think chapter master look futuron where are the kazoo height what the [ __ ] his name is i don't listen man all right listen i'm putting this name in chat tell me how you pronounce that oh god uh l-u-g-f-t h-u-r-o-n look for the i don't [ __ ] know man i would guess that the g was silent and i'd go left her on or here on her that's not as funny i'm not he's not left at all there's nothing left about him he's all his name is lucky all right shai told us he's going to call him luggy now luggy lucky her on luggy of the astro claws so good old lucky wanted to fight a a big old war in a maelstrom uh area of space and the imperium was like nah he was denied and so he was like how dare you and so in the badab sector he led like a kind of an insurgent an insurrection against the imperial forces there who they believed to be pretty damn corrupt like like greedy [ __ ] when they were like we need to lead our fight we're gonna we're gonna do an insurrection here yeah and so obviously the lamenter is being like lifelong bros with the astral claws uh helped them out as well as another group called the manta mantis warriors because they were their first ever like genuine actual friends oh so so with that though uh turns out our good friend luggy actually turned chaos and and so did and so did all of the asheville claws oh no so then the the minotaurs chapter which is another arrived and we're like oh boy a whole lot of traitors oh no and the minotaurs are like pretty brutal they're like space wolves level and so they just came in and like and just like curb stomped them yeah they're very they're very like doom slayer space marines absolutely the minotaurs are like doom slayers they're like doom slayer space marines wow actually that's pretty hardcore i think they're i think their color scheme does carry like a little bit of a doomslayer look to it oh well actually maybe that's the color scheme more so the fact that they just like they just really like killing man i i suddenly feel so so very bad for the lamenters again they had one group of friends lifelong friends in the astra clausen whoops all chaos and it's just oops all chaos oh man so the minotaurs came by and then they just pounded them into submission oh man they fought tooth and nail the astro claws you know they went to chaos and all but uh eventually the lamenters surrender reduced again to only like 300 marines yeah of course and by doing so they were then imprisoned and the minotaur is very upset that they lost a bunch of their dudes and their gear they you know requisitioned a large amount of the lamenter ships in their gears oh and basically stole it because they were like you [ __ ] destroyed our [ __ ] it's our [ __ ] now oh god so the mantis warriors and the astro claws i don't really know what happened to them i'm pretty sure the astral claws are all you know they're all chaos who cares oh okay or they're dead or they ran away or whatever i don't i don't care much about i don't care about lucky um but the the elementors they were actually given a pardon by the courts so i was i was wondering when when the astral clause went chaos did the the mentors didn't turn on them that did they actually like fight the minotaurs off or try them with the astral claw no so the astral claws they they lied and they were like hey all these imperium officials are corrupted or they're corrupt that's why they're not letting us fight okay guys so they didn't know they were chaos oh okay gotcha i got you got you they were just they were just completely unknown they're like oh my god we didn't know they turned to chaos um in my head i was like oh god are the lamenters being punished for something then like they didn't even you're friends with bad people prison uh well that's what that was what was happening um but they they did get a bit of a of a uh like they got they got let go they gotta let go the courts were like you know you know okay you know you screwed up but you're going to show some penance right now all right so they had to do a thing called the penance crusade the penance crusade is a hundred years of crusading for the emperor but you are completely unallowed to replace your losses with new marines oh no just not allowed to oh no this is bad for the lamenters isn't it this is real bad for them the way this story has gone so far this this can't be just imagine a 100-year crusade with like a lamenter and a half there's like there's one lamenter that's still just trudging along and another one that doesn't have a leg he's on a crutch and they can't replace anything and the other one's in a dreadnought like he's already died he's already dead yeah sure so in their 100 year crusade they decided to uh to get to another area of space um they've made this so they found these dudes they're called the tyranids and uh there's these things called high fleet kraken which is one of the more terrifying tyranted hive fleets um they found the highfleet the fringes of space and they the the tyranids were like you know no no no no no no on on a [ __ ] human planet and they were just eating up all the populace and you know the mentors were like oh god it's the populist there's some good humans i'm gonna go help them so they went down there and they helped and they tried to fight the tyranids for as long as they possibly could and they really held out but then if things could not have gotten worse they got worse so it turns out that during this fight the ad mech solution for the black rage didn't work and the black rage came back oh toaster strudels uh that's pop tarts yeah pop-tarts toaster strudels and any other pacer you can think of because that's that sucks so this is a real pillsbury doughboy moment this is this is yeah that's everything bad that could happen has happened to these fools hasn't it well because they the black rage came back they had to send a lot of marines as death company which obviously was to their death but they can't recoup their losses because they're on the penance crusade oh yep that's uh that's so scary so they they uh they couldn't refill their losses they lost nearly all of their men besides like two companies and to most of the world this was thought to be the death of their chapter and the tyranids ate the rest of them alive and the lamenters are no more oh geez cheese and crackers no this is this is not true uh it was thought to be the end it was thought to be the end it probably was the end until gw probably retconned it because that's what they do um they wanted to sell more lamenter's minis of course dude then they won't start the winter's mini you've seen these [ __ ] and their taxi cab ass looking that's that's true they are well i mean you could custom paint them to not look atrocious probably well so it turns out that there's like like for instance one of the major dementor characters is a dreadnought and he's currently working with the death watch um the death watch we'll get to them eventually but they're like like spec ops spec ops marines okay uh they're they're entirely about killing aliens um okay so it's the idea like like the death watcher are are built from other chapters like like this a team of guys might be like one salamander one ultramarine one lamenter because it's the idea that like okay we've we've fought the alien we've seen the terror they can provide we are now gonna dedicate our life to killing aliens okay so they're just like the best of the best or are they just like they're they're specifically suited for killing aliens they have they have a bunch of rules that uh that like are specific to like stop the eldar from being annoying make reanimation protocols not as powerful screw up the hive mind of the tyranids they're very like dedicated to killing aliens okay gotcha um but one of the and they actually they actually look [ __ ] cool they have like jet black armor with uh like gold symbols on this we'll talk about them eventually but they're really cool looking um and they are shy just posted a picture of them they look sick they're badass they're they're literally like the spec ops they're like the the navy seals like the danish frogmen of space marines but um yeah so one guy particularly is the dreadnought kyron and basically he's one of the only dreadnights dreadnought sorry dreadnought within the elementary's chapter and he's part of the ordo zenos of the death watch and he thought he was the only surviving member of the entire lamenters chapter because he's the last guy part of the death watch um not anymore the elementaries have been bolstered thanks to giliman the you know primark of the ultramarines yeah um he gave them a bunch of primaris marines which are all those like new marines and so he started to bolster their their groups started to help out their their chapter a bit but before them lamenters were thought to be just they were gone they were they were dead zoe they were out out um and and that like there really isn't a whole lot else on the lamenters there's a couple likes maybe small uh battles here and there but truthfully it's just having a really bad time so so let's let's uh let's let's roll it back curse founding tried to remove tried to remove the black rage couldn't remove the black rage constant state of melancholy all the space marines considered them untrustworthy uh were left behind on a chaos planet uh got strained in the warp for a hundred years made friends with the astral claws astro claws turned chaos and and betrayed them and then the imperium you know messed them up uh had a horrible painful death on the orc planet ultramarines didn't like them because they refused their honor um a bunch of them died and then got turned to death watch when they were escorting the rogue traitor and pence crusade and then the tyranids ate most of the the rest of their chapter and we're and after all of that they are a bright bright yellow color with a checkerboard shoulder pad and a bleeding heart circle in the center it is horseshit trying to paint like imperial fists at least they got that bumblebee look they're yellow and black but what is this yeah from what i've seen of people painting the checkerboard is the [ __ ] worst it's the most [ __ ] thing that people try to paint because there's no there's no decal that's just like oh here's a big decal sheet of checkerboard it's just like no you gotta custom paint that [ __ ] yourself teeny tiny little boxes on these teeny tiny little shoulders and it's just like ah [ __ ] harlequin players are just sitting there like first time oh oh you don't know harlequins have a ton of checkerboards yeah uh harlequins are one of the few uh that i've seen that's like where i first heard people like complaining about checkerboards is someone was trying to paint a harlequin leg with the checkerboard pattern and it was like it was it's the worst it is so how often uh so the laments got put on that crusade that went for it was supposed to go for a hundred years can't replenish any of their losses how often does uh do do these chapters get set on like these um the past and how often does the chapter just [ __ ] die out because well you can't you can't replenish your losses this is a 40k universe you're gonna you're gonna suffer a lot of death and destruction and and losses here well there are a couple chapters that i know have been extinguished the problem is the fact that naturally games workshop doesn't want to outright kill a chapter because then it makes painting and playing them kind of seem weird that's fine um which is not which you know and they don't want they don't want the players to have less of an opportunity to play their favorite chapter so not often i wouldn't say uh but to say that they've come to the brink of death is pretty common i'd say yeah i mean if you have to if you have to crusade for a hundred years i don't see any way around that in this wacky warhammer world that we've got wacky warhammer world yeah we've got a lot of alliteration man the the i mean the lamenters as far as i'm concerned are i i mean they're they're obviously they're not doing particularly great they they're they're not they're not happy i mean they're they're pretty bros they're helping out the civilians they're really nice they're really kind but ah man they just it is it is very true they cannot seem to catch a break it is very difficult for them to ever catch a goddamn break i mean they never have they've never caught a braid like throughout this whole episode it's just been like hey watch the lamenters not catch a break watch them catch the exact opposite of a break and get brutally [ __ ] for kind of no reason oops all all pain all tragedy oops all depression yep that's the lamenters jesus yeah they're they're not they're not doing they're not doing good let's say the least i mean i think that's one of the reasons why i may not be as uh like excited when it comes to elements compared to some other chapters is because they actually have a kind of a smaller amount of lore compared to everyone else um but also maybe i just don't gravitate towards murder porn but but but or tr or tragedy porn or whatever it's called like i'm not the guy who's like oh i'm gonna go watch a 911 documentary because i just want to have a good time oh i'm not i'm not one of those dudes yeah that's that is definitely not a good time yeah but regardless they they are they are interesting i appreciate their their uh their like inclusion i like that they that they're really trying their hardest their damnedest and i i do i guess i have to say that the uh people who pay them i gotta have a bit of respect because you don't have to really i do because they're really hard and you know all right you really did good yeah you did it and i'm like all right you did you did it and as far as far as i'm concerned i got to respect that paint job even if it looks ugly yeah it's oh boy they're basic colors like god it's atrocious like that if i really wanted to play lamenters for some reason like maybe on the table top they were just like op as [ __ ] i would custom paint the [ __ ] out of that like no way would i make them look like a taxi or construction equipment no way no it's awful absolutely not i mean i'm glad that they're bros but i guess i guess maybe the the i mean the heart the like the crying heart obviously has like a like a blood angels you know type of yeah thing yep i i actually do want to know more about the blood angels because ever since the horus heresy like sanguinius seems really cool the whole vampire thing super dope black rage and and all that seems really really cool um but uh i know next episode we're gonna be talking about the death guard right oh yes yes so the uh obviously the the uh blood angel's slime that we will have to get to uh there's not much to talk about with sanguinius anymore cause uh he's dead he's dead but uh yeah we'll definitely be doing the death garden next though because heading off with the lamenters and we're gonna talk about some really good guys and now let's talk about some really really bad guys because the death guard are pretty awful and mortarion is pretty evil well i suppose that makes sense that he'd be pretty evil sure uh because he he's a hmm he was a primark that was he's a he's a demon primark he's still the primark but now he's like a gigantic like demon creature instead of just being a dude and i have seen his i i don't know if calling it a mini is right because it's [ __ ] huge his mini and god it's so cool his [ __ ] figure is so like with those big decaying wings the gas mask the cloak i think he has a scythe right uh yeah yeah his sight is called silence he's uh he's really he's he's really cool he's really cool i mean he's still a mini in the sense that that dude would be towering over you but tower over your house it's actually probably yeah he's so big and and and i i got to know about typhus i have been i've been kind of ever since you mentioned typhus i have been chomping at the bit to know more about typhus and and how much of a [ __ ] rat he is yeah type is [ __ ] man he [ __ ] life as [ __ ] yeah i'm i'm stoked for the next episode um hopefully hopefully the lamenters lived up to everybody's expectations they are sad boys they oh they they did not they absolutely this episode did not live up to it because i know that the lamenter fans are like this was [ __ ] did not do them justice didn't talk about that time when all of their moms were killed and their dogs died or something or something that is in that's that's in contrast with lamenters i'm sure it happened it's the lamenters i'm sure it happens it's like oh i didn't talk about any of that it's it's funny because i do get a lot of i can't believe i didn't talk about which you know that's obviously missing the point because the point is to do a small condensed version for people who don't understand it if you want me to do seven hours of lore find a different channel but yeah this is the bullet point version this is the the spark notes only one guy only one guy has maybe be like oh i should have [ __ ] said that was that was in the l was in the orc episode about the the orc with this did you read that comment about the orc in his gun the orkin is gun oh was that the the the lumber oh no the two by four one is funny but um no no there's an orc that traveled back in time to kill himself so he could have two copies of his of his favorite gun he just how did he how did he go back in time i don't [ __ ] know man it's works who cares guys i really need to go back in time to get another copy of my gun if you could all just believe that i can time travel that'd be great hey you know he built like some scrap machine and they were like oh that's what is this the time machine it's like i believe them yeah i mean this is momentous are a successor chapter you know if we talk about like a big boy one like an ultramarines or an iron hands or something i'd be like okay god damn we got a lot to talk about for this one though it's smaller it's simple and you know what that that one guy what's that what's that joke where it's like don't [ __ ] with us lementos fans there are dozens of us dozens dozens dozens even that's probably an overestimation there's like six people you know it's whatever yeah if gw ever makes like a like a lamenter's named character as like as a model it's gonna be like an entirely quiet stadium and there's gonna be one guy in the back like yes one guy clapping if you had to pick or i don't know if if if they have anybody that's notable but if you had to do a named lamenter like mini like you had to come up with one who would you come up with was there even a record of someone oh yeah no they have some few characters um i probably their chapter master uh the chapter master is actually kind of neat and there's not a lot about him but he is seemed kind of cool his name is uh chapter master malachim forros he's a pretty cool name yeah he's kind of cool there's not a whole lot um i mean he's part of those wars that i mentioned earlier and all but the main thing about him is that he like when he's uh fighting the black rage kind of like seeps into him but then he like constantly pulls himself back from the black rage so he's yeah he's like he has he's nicknamed like the watcher of the deeps because he's constantly like pulling himself back from the abyss oh okay yeah that'd be a cool it'd be a cool little minute have you gonna have like a little i was gonna say he could have a tortured soul vibe but i was like it's the lamenters they're all tortured souls so lamenters i did it i'm just kidding i'm sorry i can't make it like it's super [ __ ] exciting because it's hard because normally the excitement comes from when they like they they win against all odds but these guys don't win yeah they always come just a hair away from being obliterated entirely that it's it's hard it's hard to get super duper pumped i don't i don't have like uh i don't have i don't have like a bunch of orc randomness i don't have the the famous gauche van dyer speech before his death i don't got that with these boys but when we do death guard we'll have more don't you worry yep laments is just a series of unfortunate events starring jim carrey oh yep all right guys let me let me let me roll us out here take us home thank you everyone for watching this episode of the adaptive ridiculous my name has been brickie you can find me at all things bricky twitch youtube etc dk where can they find you you can find me at dkdmonty's everywhere twitter twitch youtube well not instagram because i'm still i'm still not raking it enough to buy my property back so soon soon one of these days once once we're all rolling in the cash from patreon right he'll rolling it hopefully rolling yeah rolling it in speaking of speaking of rolling in i i i uh that that's my segway cause i'm rolling shy you can find shy at quite shallow and quiet shy in multiple different areas um that was a great thing that was my joke um and for everyone else thank you to our fantastic patrons at patreon.com it's ridiculous uh if you are a patron make sure that you have your discord synced because we have a discord and it is quite bumping for all the patrons and it's quite enjoyable as the three of us do talk in the chats every so often so please give it a shot and we will see you next week for death guard and maybe a special guest oh you're gonna leave him on a cliffhanger like that he's going to but then you kept talking sorry [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 435,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, 40k lore, warhammer lore, warhammer podcast, lamenters, warhammer lamenters, lamenters lore, podcast, warhammer 40000 lore, space marines, space marine lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: MQt2Z-FwTkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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