Ranking the MANY Guns of the Imperium - Warhammer 40K

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hello and welcome to the poorhammer podcast episode 107 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going we have a very fun episode today yeah it's a uh Zach and Mike talks about guns rant Eric gun rants legally distinct yeah so we're going to be ranking the weapons of the Imperium but I luckily said let's uh hone that down to Infantry guns yeah guns that infantry use technically there's some like there's some real loose this should not be an infantry weapon this should be on a ship but but Space Marines are strong so without any further Ado let's jump into something we're going to regret sounds good all right where do we want to start off probably just go with like the L gun or the L pistol or something like that the L gun is the classic let's start with with it that's the Sci-Fi guard weapon yeah it's the I'm in a Sci-Fi Universe I need a laser gun we have to know we're in sci-fi you need a laser gun to know you're in sci-fi it's true I mean Star Wars has kind of hammered that into the Zeitgeist of you got to have your pew pew laser weapon I did going into this read up on all of my Imperium weapons at a base level again to make sure I understood everything and could tell you the differences to everything okay well we'll see cuz cuz I feel like I know a good amount about weapons comparatively to the rest of the lore like I know some real weapons and I know some of this stuff so like you probably know more but also for when we talk about these from a real life perspective we're going to mention how silly certain weapons are from a design standpoint we're not going to hold it too much against them because 40K is absurd I mean that's it could be used as a positive nonsense is fun Eric is a true red-blooded American and has fired a gun in his life yeah yeah I technically have on at least like three occasions but like we're talking about a hunting rifle not like going shooting you didn't go to the shooting ranging college did you never did I guess I just assumed that you were there at least one of the times I did get to listen to our Buddy's 2hour rant on why the 1911 is the greatest gun God ever invented yeah that happened a couple times I also know to insult the 1911 if you ever want to start a fight it was a year I think the Las gun is just classic a tier goodness through and through like it's so correct in this setting the setting wouldn't be complete without it it would be disappointing to see the setting without the W gun it doesn't fire like a little bolt of light like it would in Star Wars it's not a laser pointer yeah it's the you zap a line between here and there is now atomized I also like the versatility of it sometimes it gets displayed as the uh flashlight and then other times you see how absolutely brutal it can be of like just deleting a man's arm off right yeah well I mean there's you know we'll get further into it but like some of these other guns are deleting people some of them you wish you got deleted instead yeah so like yeah it's not the most powerful thing but it's so perfectly designed so iconic I would put it a little bit lower but like I think a tier is right it's just perfect but it's not overachieving shall we piss off a large section of our audience right away or should we bury the lead a little further and do something else I'm fine with whatever you want to go with on next one I figured we just had to start with at least the last gun right yeah you want to move on to something simple we'll just hit the shotgun okay the shotgun is lame I agree what the hell you're in the far distant future it's not a bolt shotgun or anything it's a shotgun like reading up Scouts use normal shotguns that fire slugs and how the hell did they make it look less cool than real life shotguns they're all kind of the same fat vertically shotgun kind of thing like it's the shotgun is very dumb it's got no Elegance to it really my favorite part is when I was doing my double check I read through for a lot of these I just did a quick glance at the wiki to make sure that my knowledge matched to like General tier zero no interest knowledge right yeah and for the shotgun it mentioned like Space Marine shotguns have the ability to fire between semi-auto and auto this has a pump action on my picture that they use as the example right next to that I think most of them have that pump as well which I understand the British don't understand guns I realize that there will be many funny comments of people pointing out how silly certain guns are built in the art where it would make no sense I can't do that but I get that but the like base level of a pump action shotgun is not semi-automatic or automatic and like there's some coolness about you know you have the slide but again like the way that these are all designed it's not elegant like it doesn't have any of the you could have the old school shotguns that have like the break action kind of stuff or you could have like the more modern like Sleek tactical kind of shotguns I just want a spaz 12 yeah I was like a spaz 12 is like that's a cool [ __ ] shot gun what the hell did you do to it why did you make this I honestly I think it's a d tier okay good I'm glad I didn't have to argue you down there yeah and like there's dumb kind of shotguns out there that have a bunch of like stuff to them and they look cool like they're impractically cool looking yeah just the fact that the shotgun has no stock I get that a Space Marine is holding it so it shouldn't require one I don't care it's a shotgun but like it's so sad to see a shotgun gun with just a little stubby handle yeah D tier man get better so let's do something a little more actual sci-fi feeling again let's cover some admech let's talk about the ark pistol [ __ ] tasers man all right so this is neat cuz Arc weapons is not just Emperor Palpatine lightning right they are you spawn a lightning bolt between it and your target it's a bang essentially yeah it's like a Zeus lightning bolt yes it's not like a sizzly like you think from Star Wars where it's like you got to hold it for a minute before they start taking the damage it's like a boom wrath of God thing yeah and I got to say the ark pistol I know it's not as strong as the proper Ark rifle and all that but like it's kind of badass looking I love the style points it's got I agree actually surprisingly yeah when you look at the normal Arc rifle it's nice it's elegant but it's downplayed whereas the ark pistol is like hilariously overdone yeah the AR rifle looks like it's like okay this is ignoring practicality of actual science this looks like a fine weapon this looks like something that was designed with a purpose and we'll get to it but the ark pistol is like we took steampunk and made it fun it is funny while we're discussing these while I'm ringing this High tier if you were to go on the terrible Wiki The 40K fandom Wiki right that's like huge your average 40K gun if a Space Marine has ever touched it once in history has about five paragraphs minimum describing it and then talking about the exteris Super Deluxe Mega Edition x ivvi q-14 which was used in the siege of rack by Officer tily Winks in the book from 1998 and it was mentioned once as an off-hand thing all right where are you going with this that's what your average space spren one looks like the entire Arc weapons have like two sentences really because they're admech and they're newer because admech itself is newer for actually having plastic sold okay yeah so it's very minimal by comparison to the point where it's like I just told you how it works that's half its Wiki article wow that's dis I mean I guess I get it I very much understand why it doesn't have enough of like the random books from like you know the'80s 99s but that's disappointing because it is very cool and like you know you can just look on some of the YouTube videos for like High Energy electric arcs it's [ __ ] frightening so real life thing I work in factories a lot or used to work in them more I still work around them if you've ever seen aluminum welding done with a spot weld robot they're very high energy welds cuz aluminum does not like to melt no that is one of the reasons that it was so expensive for so long so when you do aluminum welding it has to be very high voltage so you have a spot weld robot that has a single bite jaw it's like a on to jaw right if you get water on your partk and it fires the weld you hear a very loud explosion from across the plant and then you go investigate why everything is stopped and I have a picture on my phone I don't think I can legally share certain things from my work but I can describe this to you it is a picture of a part to a vehicle and there is a hole the size of like larger than a quarter like close to theze size of like the top of a Coke can right like a sizable Circle missing and just like a blast radius around it from where this thing exploded from water leaking onto it and then the firing yeah dude high voltage is scary it is extremely scary and it's hilarious because like you know we see like normal people experience lightning right like that's a thing but it happens over there you know like oh that lightning strike was way the [ __ ] over there wow that looked very cool kind of loud now when it's like right next to you and it's one of those high energy things it is amazing how your entire body physically feels energy in the air from the discharge like all the hairs on your body your arms your legs your eyebrows your [ __ ] nose hairs it's all like static just charged and freaking out it is very very frightening so the fact that a pistol is is supposed to be able to do something like that and it like it's not just a short range like taser like handheld taser it's not one of those like which would be way lower tier to me which yeah like that would be okay that's cool I get it you know you got your cattle prod and we just souped it up this is [ __ ] shooting it and it is not realistic at all but so [ __ ] cool like I think all of the arc weapons are going to be high tier to me this is the highest at s tier because the design of the pistol version is the cool of them and I think I think they're all high tier but this one goes above and beyond the others to me I am okay with that for now I haven't fully thought out the rest of my thoughts on everything else right like okay okay I've got like rough ideas we're in like a s tier like somewhere in there once we figure out like if it falls to a it falls to a but for now yeah I'm good with that it's definitely up there I want to do another pistol okay which one I want to do the neoa pistol okay H do you know what the Neo volite pistol is yes I do this is one I was actually going to save for later because it requires me to give you elra on both plasma and meltas we can push it that's fine I'm I'm good with that as much as you were going to meme I actually am prepared for it okay that's fair because I want to hear your opinion on that Neo volite Plasma Las gun all that stuff so I can't wait to talk to you about how melas and plasma work as a physicist oh yeah it's going to be great so okay then what do you want to go into then first let's talk about something that I think is a little lame which is the melta pistol which is called an inferno pistol it's kind of aggravating to me it's aggravating to you I think it fits the setting very well in that it's maximum stupid in that it is a melta weapon which you want to get into sure we'll talk about what a melta is for those unfamiliar meltas are the most IL defined of weapon types the Imperium has to offer in books as someone who reads a lot well listens to a lot of 40K lore through books a melta firing is so IL defined and it's like half the time the authors are like barely comprehending what it's supposed to be yeah so and if you read like the wiki for this it's also [ __ ] on how it tries to argue something but anyway it is super heating it's basically using the plasma thing that we'll get into where it is using a mini nuclear reactor to super heat chromium which is the Napal of 40K it's their catchall fuel SL naal it is super heating it at a subatomic level until it becomes a plasma like a plasma gun but it's made out of flamer juice instead of like hydrogen or something mhm mhm mhm and then it fires it as a super heated spray well more like a beam like a goober like a snot and that will eat through anything that it fires through but it's not like a you know like your flamethrower kind of thing either like well it's more like a real life flamethrower which is why it annoys me that on the wiki they're like it has more in common with plasma than a flamer and I'm like no this is you not understanding how flamethrowers work you're throwing the gas and then it's on fire and then it's on fire that's yeah basically how that works but like from what I kind of vaguely understand again it's not real like yeah yeah I don't even hate the idea of meltas that much no it's kind of neat it's just I get the difficulty in trying to like figure out how it's different from a beam of plasma or a jet of fuel that's lit on fire yes and in Books A lot of the times it's there's a flash of light and the thing in front of the guy with the melta is gone now and is is smoldering hot stuff on the ground right yeah that's how it's often describe meltas are fine my problem is The Inferno pistol you have an anti-tank weapon and you took all the fight out of it to Pistol ay it so that you could have it as a sidearm right and because you smif IED it you lowered its maximum output essentially because it was trying to use you know like nuclear energy and promethium and all that stuff so you can only fit so much in space so you made it super low range low range and lower power overall for an anti-tank weapon it does nothing then as like a sidearm yeah right like this is a pistol it's a sidearm why would you want this anti-tank low range that isn't actually able to really puncture through any armor that you're trying to get the only time I've seen Inferno pistols get used in like gameplay perspectives is on sanguinary guard something that is supposed to unab banga up close fire their Inferno pistol once and then swing with like power axes or whatever yeah it's like and then actually finish closing to melee it gets a minor excuse there I'm not saying it's the worst thing ever but I'm saying if you argue above a C I'm putting a stop on it I think it is a c just because it fits so well the stupidity saves it where it's like that's 40K being stupid it feels more to me like having a sword and a modern Commander where it's like the [ __ ] is that for that's stupid but all right like you're not expected to ever use it it's just there and I'm okay with that Inferno pistol just being there all right Brad I want to talk about one that's on this list and I don't know why it's on this list because we're talking about a World War II weapon no we're talking about an infantry ranged weapon thing why do we have the heavy stubber on here yeah this is like it is the high stretched end no like realistically what infantry ever actually use it so in guard heavy infantry squads use it do they really yeah okay they have heavy stubbers there I mean it does kind of make sense to a certain point of like yeah guard would be the ones to have like okay set up the tripod you got your spotter you've got your actual Gunner you know it's like it's this is your troop of specialized but I didn't know that they actually cuz it's not a portable weapon it's a more portable weapon than several others on this list the problem is it's not a portable weapon and it doesn't delete God Space Marines will make non-portable weapons portable if it means that it deletes God yeah cuz a stubber is just a gun it is like literally a 50 cal heavy machine gun that's what a stubber is it might be slightly bigger than that just cuz 40K it is in the auto gun classification of 40K of like it fires normal bullets like a normal old school gun yes it is very real life I know that the like example one I grabbed looks like it's got parts from Two Guns I have seen in video games before one is a light machine gun with the over bar that you hold on to but then the front almost looks like a Bar's cheese grater yes the cheese grater exactly the cheese grater the most important part of a gun is a cheese grater that's how you know uh you know it's actually serious the point stands it's a normal gun now here's my problem I love the mighty stubber it's a bad gun in 40K that's the joke it's like a 501 terrible ass gun gameplay-wise because it's just a modern-day weapon that they put on like vehicles or heavy weapon teams use them Stu stuff like that it's supposed to be the like this is how useless your modern day [ __ ] is 401 oh it's 401 I'm sorry for some reason it was 5 one in my head it's awful it's a pistol it's basically a Bolter yeah I love it though it serves a very specific purpose in the setting it's such a obvious like all of these other guns are [ __ ] ridiculous yes cuz the weakest of them is this which is a big [ __ ] off real gun technically the last gun is weaker but like the last gun is an actual infantry weapon that you could sling over your shoulder I I think it might be B tier just because it's so out of place but needed I wanted to put it in B I figured you'd already me down to see but okay I am going to take my win yeah I kind of just like it it's nice to have a real weapon from a gameplay perspective it's also a very fun weapon because every custodes player every one of them will remember with fear the oh also I've got my stubber because the last Cannon failed to kill a custodian but she' got that custodia on one wound and he forgot three shots of stubber and we all know what by some miracle happened it's still shots man you still got to roll those saves I think stubbers have killed more custodes than anything in existence it's possible I mean bther Destiny Wills that a custodia will fall to a random stubbor shot yeah and they deserve it too what do we move on to next probably one of like the core okay we should round out the core ones so that we've talked about everything once the flamer is my beloved but let's start with the heavy flamer we're going to go with the heavy flamer huh the heavy flamer is probably the most memed weapon that non 40K people will know just from like the old Russian Badger get the flamer the heavy flamer yeah I remember that as well yeah you just have to search for a heavy flamer gift and that thing pops up immediately brother get the flamer the heavy flamer yeah throwing prometheum around on fire yeah it's just a normal idea but cranked up to 11 through sci-fi [ __ ] and the heavy flamer is literally what if we had two flamethrowers I feel like that's the one that makes it stupider it does it makes it so much stupid especially because it's like overslung mhm well that one's under oh wait no it's hard to tell with how that terminator's holding it I think it has to be cuz like you've got the igniter and then you put another barrel of promethium on top of it oh that's what you're talking about I thought you meant on the Terminator no no no no like the actual gun yeah yeah yeah so instead of like a left right it is vertically two and then you put another one on top of it which one you still have to like ignite that one correctly you know but well maybe not maybe you're just going to throw the promethium at them and it'll light on fire from the other flaming promethium because of the lower flame yeah yeah sure I guess that's fine inefficient and dumb but like it's even more irritating to me just because of like thermals that gun is going to melt itself within seconds right like it's got no ability to deal with heat because it's got another one on top of it yeah they're like unibody because of the one I'm using is from the new Terminators like thermals are all already going to be a [ __ ] problem on all of these flamers but this is like let's make the design as [ __ ] stupid as possible all right how low do you want it I put it up here as sacrifice so that my beloved flamer doesn't get flamed I think it's probably a c I am totally fine with that the heavy flamer is not a flamer they're very different to me no they are and similarly different than the hand flamer we'll get to that one what do we want to hit next all right we've waited long enough in the episode we can piss everybody off it's time for the Bolter and by the Bolter I mean bolt rifles bolt car carbines bolt I don't carees Guardian Spears if it's not a bolt pistol and it's not a heavy Bolter it's in this category they're all here everyone is here it's Super Smash Brothers the bolt guns like all of them that are just bolters so I do happen to know of a certain gun that the Bolter is basically accidentally based off of thankfully because I obsessively watch other people play video games I've learned about the gyro Jet and that it was a very stupid gun because it turns out that firing a rocket is worse than firing a bullet firing a jet rocket as a bullet is very impractical it's real bad to do versus just firing a bullet like there are interesting ideas on like what it can help alleviate and stuff like that but at the end of the day the mechanics are just nowhere near worth the effort it's an extremely complicated thing to put together and have work and to then make make it work reliably is another problem then to make it work reliably in the field is just the extra [ __ ] what not going to happen you could have just done the same thing without the rocket and it would have probably just worked better yeah it definitely would have been cheaper to make would have been easier to produce would have been easier to explain how it works and uh more reliable and if it wasn't more reliable you'd just get another one cuz it's so much cheaper now this is AED for in the lore partially it does tell you in the various iterations of Bolter lore that they do fire as regular bullets that are just also Rockets afterwards so like it fires like a bullet and then during flight the rocket fuel After Burner happens it's like a solid rocket or whatever sure which is still dumb but we can't say it's full gyro jet bounces off of somebody at 5 ft away yeah cuz I mean like the idea of firing the logistics of firing that casing and shell would be confusing to me don't worry we'll get to the worst one later oh yeah yeah so okay apparently the bolters are supposed to fire like a 75 K yes so it's like you know a rocket propelled round sure whatever but it's a 75 do you understand how [ __ ] huge that is I've added in the show notes a giant [ __ ] off elephant gun bullet you see that one that's a 700 that's not even as big as a regular Bolter round I feel like this is smaller than I expected are you kidding me no I it really is cuz space Marin are supposed to be the like first of all it's interesting because this gets into another bit of 40K lore bolters were meant for killing zenos not other Space Marines horos sery then occurs right sure well yeah cuz it was you know the the Empire expanding whatever yeah so the Bolter was actually not designed to deal with Space Marine Level Threats but still gets used that way and I expect it needs more than this to take down a Space Marine I think this kind of looks a little sad it's as big as a person's hand yeah but it's only like it's it's like two fingers wide I mean you could have a good time I yeah I guess you're right except for the fact that like it's a really big shell dude like I feel like so far left is a 308 yeah yeah 308 is a big caliber those are big guns this thing is insane but it's got to get through the ceramite Eric sure take a look at that video at some point that I have linked in there because just take a look at the recoil that this guy suffers oh yeah the bolters are supposed to be horrendous recoil in lore 2 humans don't normally carry bolters around yeah I can imagine because he's using an actual elephant gun shotgun and it tries to like rip his shoulder off and he's like well stanced like prepared I do know that human grade bolters are a lower caliber than aardi grade ones I don't know if the human grade ones are the 75 Cal though and the aardi ones are bigger I mean the heavy bolters are bigger the heavy bolters are like a 998 but I'm saying like an aardi Bolter is larger than the one that like an AST milit arm guy would carry around cuz I can't imagine any cuz like asarm is just like normal guy well an athletic normal guy right like you're not just like average American sure average Soldier average Soldier like a 50 kill would make sense to a certain point like it's big it's it's going to be a problem but like you know you could probably get used to it to a certain point you can make things happen at 75 dude like it's insane I think it sounds perfect this is the least of my problems with the Bolter well I mean yeah and then it's got all of the jet nonsense where do you want to put this the symbol of 40 K's Firearms I don't want to say where you want to put it to me B is for Bolter I actually have less issues with this than a different thing that is a Bolter two of them even I could go as low as C if you want to argue it down there for rage I'm okay with a B I guess it's so stupid fine a b be will take it less pipe bombs in the mail remember this Bolter for when we get to the pistol what do you want to hit next let's not do the pistol I I need some time let's cover the mighty plasma perhaps my favorite of the bunch I have a personal love of flamers right you know my tastes and gameplay plasmas from a cool Factor standpoint are basically unparallel looking at this list I nothing does it for me the same way as seeing some well painted plasma wood fair enough it is very cool if you force me to pick an anti-tank weapon LZ Cannon solid but very dull meltas why not just take the plasma why not just take the plasma I kind of agree it's so much cooler it is it doesn't make any sense it uses a fusion reactor in order to hyper heat super heat whatever yeah particles into a plasma State and then fires the bolt of plasma out of it and you can overheat it in order to get more powerful plasma but then it could explode and take you with it I love it it is the 40 kest weapon to me in that like the Bolter I know is like Space Marines use bolters therefore it's the 40K weapon the plasma gun is the most 40K weapon to me of the fact that it can just randomly kill you if you try to press your luck with it yeah that does seem about right and like shooting essential like bullets of plasma is cool and they look nice like they're gorgeous there is something to be said about this one and the arc weapons they just look really cool when properly painted and and designed and stuff like that if you want free points in a tier list if you're stuck in a tier list if you're stuck in a tier list you're stuck in a tier list and you want free points to get higher up you should glow is all I'm saying RGB is a thing for a reason I'm a hard s for the plasma it may be the highest rated gun of the bunch I can accept it's an S tier yeah yeah yeah I think so it is the 40 KS weapon to me the solid plasma gun s tier okay uh do we want to get weird for a moment okay let's talk about gravity oh did I go too weird which one do we want to start with let's start good and cool the full Cannon then the full [ __ ] grab Cannon yes okay so grab cannons grab weapons in 40K are so cool the way they work is they alter the laws of physics in an area you fire at to change gravity so that you can turn that man in power armor into soup under empty power armor you know there's some fun to be had about using like the Sci-Fi we're going to alter the graviton in the local area that we shoot at and it's going to be you know instead of this constant it's going to be that constant and it's going to basically turn whatever it is super super gravity and just rip the fundamental forces apart essentially it's cool all right that is [ __ ] awesome and impractical and dumb at the same time if I was to think of weapon that did that kind of thing it would be a Giant Cannon yeah right like it's like I'm altering gravity it needs to be a big thing it's kind of my feeling on meltus too of like the bigger it is the cooler it is you don't want this to be like a Ply little thing you want this to feel like a no [ __ ] you yeah I pointed it at something and the local gravity is now 100 times what it was get imploded idiot yeah and I do love that like the lore Snippets thing for the use of the grab weapons is to kill tank Crews inside of tanks and to disable enemy Vehicles without the risk of exploding them because so many things explode so badly in the 41st Millennium that's fair just deal with the squishy things inside I get it it is weird to me to bring the gra Cannon up in an infantry episode katron technically are infantry the KRON are technically infantry you are right I wanted more adx stuff and after you run out out of Ark stuff and the one rad weapon it's like I guess I'm going to use krons I think this was kind of cheating because of they're not really infantry weapons and I think that's why I like the grab Cannon it's most of a dude he's just got tank treads under him but he he's still a dude sort of I mean he's lobotomized and gone you hope I feel like I I want the grab Cannon to be a tier I like it a lot I will be fine with it being a tier but I want it below the L gun really yeah okay fair the fact that it's basically cheating it shouldn't be on this list it will get yelled at for even including it I know but Terminators are fine yeah right but everything the Terminator carries is fine speaking of you want to talk about the missile launcher well that's not carried by Terminators I know it's not it's not even do you like out of every missile launcher I had access to which one I picked for our picture for the I love it it's great I couldn't it's the desolat of course for anyone wondering so missiles in 40K what are your thoughts yeah I'm okay with it honestly okay I kind of hate them I think it's fine you chose an anti-tank weapon and out of the anti-tank weapons out of all of them I would pick this one dead last I'm in the 41st Millennium why am I using an overthe shoulder rocket shouting back blast area clear that's lame when I could be firing a LZ Cannon or a grav Cannon or just even like a melta that is true it's so low tier to me I even rage baited you with the picture I feel like honestly my issue is it's designed in this way and these are the ones that use it like Space Marines shouldn't use these this should be Jean Steeler cult kind of level right like that's the kind of like it should be a [ __ ] an RPG a missile launcher a back blast you know like that's what it should be and that makes sense that's a I don't have the tech to make all of those fancy things I'm just going to fire a rocket at you honestly you've hit the nail in the head there of like if I can choose from all these high-tech options why would I pick this and Space Marines are the ones using it yeah that doesn't make any sense if guard and Jean Steelers or someone were the ones using this I'd probably be more like okay it's a classic yeah probably be like a b of like yeah solid option good job it would depend on how it was designed you know like this current design [ __ ] stupid what the [ __ ] is that chain fed I love the underslung extra a missile launcher I just can't even the chain feed what oh God everything about it just it's the worst design ever and I love it because it's the worst design ever it's a [ __ ] orc weapon all right it really is it's such a cool orc weapon but it's just ruined just absolutely ruined you just got to call them tank Busters and paint them green no that's exactly what should be done I mean this one is like a D [ __ ] off I hate it okay I don't know if like are there other the other looking at them I'm shocked that they remade the missile launcher for primaris because basically the only thing they're in in 40K that's not like a vehicle mounted like Hunter Killer missile or something is old Marines and the excuse is it's from the mid99s get over it but like they decided to bring the bad idea back and make it a meme as well yeah okay I hate it okay let's go to something less detestable then let's go to the auto Cannon so what if howt her but you can carry it around because you're a walking tank yeah I enjoy that like your initial thing in our list was like this looks like a 100 K I'm like reminder that the heavy Bolter is a 998 so to be honest very little difference I think this might be like 20% more than a heavy Bolter but this fire is like standard issue rounds not like the Rockets yeah jet propelled [ __ ] it's a pretty classic looking big gun right mm the militarum use it in the same way where they do the stubber where they you know have a team go out set up a heavy weapon team yeah it's a neat standard weapon it's probably the biggest standard weapon on the list I don't think anything else comes close Terminators can lug them around the Terminator one that I've seen has two barrels and alternates which one fires I mean that's basically just an assault Cannon well it's not that fast though but it's like kchun kchun you know what I'm saying it's just like that's just like you didn't finish making your assault Cannon and now you're trying to sell it as a butter Auto Cannon the autoc Cannons are much bigger though the assault cannons probably only fire in around a 75 count right sure since you're obsessed with caliber here it's just none of it makes and like Eric the size queen again with the British don't understand size apparently no they don't understand numbers that's why they call it maths yeah and the numbers what do they mean I I think the autoc Cannon's Fair fine B or C do we just throw it in see sure it does nothing for you I have no real hatred towards it you know when we've talked about the middle tier six and seven that everybody kind of feels about is that's the autoc cannon the worst thing is to be unmemorable and okay yeah but it's still doing its job so I'm okay with that I guess do we want to do one of the grenades that you have on here cuz technically you wanted to talk about grenades as well I guess they are they're ranged weapons they're ranged weapons though we'll get into a crack grenade let's do fra first it's classic pineapple grenades yeah frag grenades just a frag grenade it's literally a fragmentation grenade it's the same as the ones we have theirs are even worse because they look like pineapple grenades from the'80s instead of a modern frag grenade but whatever it's probably like a c I just don't care okay shall we do the other one then I think so so the crack grenade Eric do you know the lore behind crack weapons I'm not entirely sure because I feel like it's changed from what I remember but I thought a crack grenade was an implosion grenade no it's stupid oh I also thought there was something cool about them I double checked a crack grenade is literally just a shaped grenade charge oh used to get through heavy armor thing you throw in an area because you can't be accurate you need something mildly in that direction gone it's a pack of C4 that no it's like a claymore that you throw that you throw and it needs to correctly I I hate it's still a shaped charge so it has to be land in the right spot I could argue a way to make it work where like you throw it and it magnetizes to a vehicle that is magnetic you hope and the shape charges at that direction of the grenade some type of like sticky yeah sure it's future like I can argue a way to save it but the fact that I have to do that annoys the [ __ ] out of me that is weird yeah it was way cooler when I thought it was an implosion grenade I also thought it was some sci-fi like some sort of BS where it would do something cool and I'm like what is the crack grenade versus frag grenade like it's a shaped charge that you have to correctly a wait how does that work on a grenade that's dumb so I'm putting this in D tier out of anger yeah I'm with you that's dumb Eric we can move on I just realized we've learned what plasma is we've learned what meltas are and all that jazz we can talk about Neo volite pistols oh yeah let's go back to those fun things okay so the Neo volite pistol is the only vulite weapon that is 40k volkite was a thing in 30k because it's actually pre- Imperium technology or pre Horus heresy at least I did not know that at all that's why when call came back from being gone for 10,000 years doing the primaris project Neo volite came with him and it's like the belisarius call version or whatever it's called sure but because he still remembered how to make them from back then okay but anyways volite is essentially a safe plasma it can't overload like plasma can all right it's essentially a nuclear reactor handgun or in 30k they had like the full gun version that is more designed for taking down Marines and stuff than the Bolter is because it it's essentially pseudo anti-tank like the tier below anti-tank so like just light armor yeah light vehicle destruction type stuff so that's why it's meant for the stuff it's meant for but then the only version of this call decided to make was the pistol and give it to the lieutenant from the indominous box and then forget about it again all right yeah it's like a safe internalized plasma it is close to how a melag gun works it is far closer to a melta than anything else but it doesn't have the it's designed as an anti-tank weapon it's designed as like a light armor weapon it's just a better L gun yes by a long shot but yes with using technology of plasma or it's a much less infuriating Inferno pistol I'm not saying saying it's great it is the version that doesn't make me mad so I'd say it's like low B tier yeah that makes sense to me it's not full meme cuz I know you were like Neo volite what does that even mean but that's also why you didn't know what it meant yeah from everything that I know of it it was like the [ __ ] is this and like it honestly has a fairly unique design yeah I'm good with a B let's do the arc rifle it's not as cool as the ark pistol I'm not going to try to shove them all up in s tier where I've got the arc pistol in fact it goes the least hard out of the three the heavy Ark rifle is way cooler really yeah cuz it gets close to looking like plasma I think out of the three it's my least favorite I actually like the ark rifle because it's classy it looks like a gun that's designed for war right it's got the you've got some weird technology that's sci-fi going on got it understood it's still a war designed weapon it has the grip it has the stock it has the barrel yes a classic rifle layout it's a gun which is not the case for several other guns on our list you know it's it's one thing you know the ark pistol has its flare the grav Cannon it's got flare that's great and all it's nice to have that this is a gun I like it at an a honestly okay it is up to you on that one I would put it at B and heavy at a if I had the choice but if you want to go opposites whatever let's do heavy while we're at it tell me about heavy and your problem with it the ark pistol is cool because it's this like unique tasers are fun but this is like a shooty taser and I'm all like badass and the arc rifles okay we're at War let's actually pay attention and be soldiers and the javar rifle is like okay but we made it bigger because Zeus has a tiny dick okay it's just there it's a little petty but all right at a certain point I feel like it should be one of the other gun types like you should just have fair I get that argument of like if I'm going to the point where I'm picking up the heavy Arc rifle why aren't I picking up a sniper or a heavy destruction device like a melter or plasma or something yeah okay that is a fine argument Zeus having a tiny dick is weird but and also the [ __ ] well no look at like the stock comparatively to the rest of the gun how short the stock is yeah GW art for these weapons is rough uh let's pick up your mood we're doing storm bolters ooh and specifically I grabbed a picture of a grey night stormbolter because if we were grading the actual stormbolter where you have to hold in your hand I think it's D tier but the wrist mounted stormbolter and having the Tony Stark Iron Man wrist Rockets is way cooler it is probably my favorite Bolter on the list it's my favor bter on the list as well and that's because it's so [ __ ] stupid we put a dual barrel on my wrist that's firing these [ __ ] huge bullets it's just so 40K I kind of love it because like if you're walking around in a walking tank outfit yeah why aren't you making use of the fact that you have to wear all this armor and like putting guns in places other than your hand let's actually instead of just being like extreme armor let's actually turn it into a more Mech let's let's utilize the technology yeah we got to be Frankie from One Piece hell yeah dude got to ouchy finger him yeah I'm good with a tier for it it is a fantastic weapon only because it goes in the wrist the normal one I I don't think it's a d it is stupid it is the worst Bolter other than one let's talk about it oh comi weapons the I couldn't choose so mom said I can have both yeah I despise Combi weapons for those who have not heard me R about them before comi weapons are stupid well they're they're orc yes stupid is allowed when you're an orc when we get to orc weapons one day and do a tier list for those stupidity is going to be a bonus yeah the one I grabbed a picture of for our tier list is the one that made me the least mad really the top half is a melta pistol the bottom half is a Bolter nothing is redeemable no the worst one I found is the ones that are used in like uh Terminator chaplain or someone has one it is literally a Bolter and of flamer or melta or whatever and you glue them together left to right and they look like normal guns before you do it it just looks like an orc weapon it sounds exactly like an orc weapon as well we'll just take two of them and put them together Kami weapons are stupid as hell I hate them it's such a dumb idea I want to put it with the Inferno pistol it looks so much like down in the bottom of C tier I could go to D tier if you'd let me I'm fine with it being at D I'm not going to argue with you yes sit there with that crack grenade there's no real redeeming Combi there isn't unless you're an orc then it's [ __ ] awesome but I want a sidearm but I want it to be like doubly inefficient and I can't choose between a melta and a Bolter for some reason I want a sidearm that can do anything but be terrible at it should we talk about the assault Cannon the sexy chain gun sure I love me a chain gun Eric's played against my SS enough to know I should hate them but I love them as well they're so cool I was putting together for the spiteful idiot Army some custom Terminators from a 3D print right yeah I had my brother print like literally enough to make like 40 dudes and picked my favorites to make 25 out of which is more than I'll ever need for Terminators but I don't care because I was just enjoying the hell out of myself but I gave five of them assault cannons I have no no reason to have that many but I'm like just in case at some point we may need an assault Cannon per fiveman I'll have that excuse to run 25 Terminators to get five assault cannons in it's a Gatling gun it's a big Gatling gun Gat Gat let's go where does it belong though is Gatling gun enough for a tier is it just B tier next to our uh Browning I think it's a b tier with that but like I feel bad cuz I know you want it to be an a tier it is in my heart but I'm aware it's a very personal choice I think it's a be but I'm with you it is cool let's go back to lasers it's been a while since we've talked about a laser a last Cannon let's talk about the L Cannon it's barely mobile I [ __ ] hate this thing I love L cannons this is the one that like when I was talking earlier and I was like we're talking infantry but like only kind of because some of them are ship guns this is a [ __ ] ship gun that somebody put over their shoulder I'm glad you clarified I thought you hated the LZ Cannon and I was like how dare you sir no okay you hate that it's on the list that's very fair I hate that this is this exists on this infantry list yeah flame Space Marines they'll pick up anything this is ridiculous I do love the last Cannon though I love the logic behind it too of like you can make a more powerful L gun the more you go up in battery size and all that so when you get to L Cannon you have to Lug around like a whole setup which heavy support squads in guard even can use them the same way they use the stubbor and everything else else they got to set them up but they can tripod it out it's a whole setup to get the gun out there right whereas space ring just Chuck it on their shoulder grab a power pack and toss it on their back and just go walking around it do be like that when you're a Space Marine apparently it do be like that it's cool I can't deny that the gun is cool ignoring the fact that it's just being lugged around by the Space Marine and it looks very stupid in the picture I've got it's just so damn stupid I even grabbed a chaos Bas Marine picture because it looked better than the actual old Marine was on the other one the other thing is like and I know that this shouldn't come up but like the amount of energy to do like even the normal last guns would be more than these backpacks oh yeah yeah even with like technology that is like Eric in our top pick there's a nuclear reactor in this gun that you can hold with your hands yeah I know to heat up some random matter into plasma it's just but like you know it's one of those like suspension of disbelief this one's trying to make me remember that there is a backpack setup that needs to be associated with it right I like it it looks better it's just you know one of those like do you want me to believe that you have like infinite energy or not I believe it's an a tier but it shouldn't be on the list it's legal as much as most of the others on this list are there's a lot of them that only get here because of Space Marines I let's talk about the proper melta I know I roasted our first run with the melta because of The Inferno pistol but the actual melta I don't have much against other than you could just be a plasma and the plasma just looks better but like the melta is fine I kind of want to just throw it next to the Bolter yeah it's like once you accept meltas this seems okay what do accept melt us we learn about acceptance today yeah I mean you have to jump that hurdle first that's not a nothing but uh I see you want to talk about the hand flamer next ah you noticed that did you yes I did notice you brought that sidearm carrying promethium towards the front of our list what are your thoughts on that hand flamers are the least cool of the flamers actually I'm about neutral between them and heavy flamers I think they're just some of the stupidest [ __ ] things ever it's slightly more practical than a heavy flamer if I'm trying to critically think about it of like a handheld flamethrower with super Napal everything in this universe can explode and kill me that's fine but like why do I want an INF no gun you don't I mean you just don't whereas a hand flamer is like I got to light the orc that's charging me on fire then there's a orc that's on fire very close to you still I chose poorly for my target that's the thing is like the hand flamer is one of these like there's no way you can get enough out of it and it's your sidearm so like whatever is very close to you is now on fire and still very close to you the trader guard are in this uh bunker you want to just turn this around the cor and and spray it in there and hope you get some of them fine it's somewhat practical on the grand sche on the 40K curve on the 40K practicality I can see it being a bit more useful than an inferno pistol but like I feel like more people are going to die to their own promethium tank sidearm than killing anything else I'll put it here in C tier somewhere yeah while we're getting rage worthy pistols out of the way you want to do the bolt pistol yeah sure that's uh gyro jet gun so this gets into the problem right the argument that the Bolter isn't strictly worse than a normal gun is no no no it fires like a normal gun and then it's better because it also then does the second stage rocket thing right so you still get all of the recoil kick sure sure you still get all the recoil kick but then it goes a little faster yeah the close range sidearm a bolt pistol where you would need time for your projectile to speed up enough to actually do the full amount of damage you're claiming it's going to which I'll give you on the proper Bolter sure maybe you're doing this from 5T away yeah yeah cuz like the proper Bolter is like you know an assault rifle you're shooting reasonably far yeah okay this is full gyro jet meme territory it is this is a d tier weapon let alone the fact that like okay the thing is like oh you still fire the bullet out of it it's still a normal gun and a big one at that yeah it's a huge gun but like [ __ ] that's not actually that beneficial as a pistol think about that elephant shell sitting in the in your pistol that has no way of yeah I'm just going to completely shatter my wrist and then the gun's going to smack me in the face and kill me brilliant this is why it's mostly used by aartis at which point like get something better or just [ __ ] punch him in the face I will remind you that plasma pistols exist they do speaking of let's throw this in a d tier yeah put it down with the comi weapon you know what put it down with the shotgun all right fine and let's talk about the sidearm you should be equipping yourself with if you are cool enough which is the Plasma Pistol hell yeah boy is it as cool as the proper plasma gun no but as far as sidearms go it's probably close to the coolest I do think style points wise the ark pistol The Arc pistol is the coolest the Plasma Pistol is extremely cool and also like that's the weapon you would want if you had options yeah it's just don't overcharge it unless you're looking to go out like a champ which if you're in the situation of needing to pull your sidearm that's when an overcharge would kind of make sense right like I'm already [ __ ] also there's like the weirdness getting into lore for a moment there's the weirdness of in some lore like in the alarius book which granted is Horus heresy era so maybe it's better plasma early in the book he's firing his Plasma Pistol in like like a close-range encounter right he's firing it a lot in my head I'm going this is a poor show of plasma it hasn't exploded and taken his hand off yet right and immediately as I'm having this thought he realizes his Plasma Pistol is overheating and whips it at a dude to explode him all right yeah yeah yeah so if your Plasma Pistol just becomes a grenade instead of actually blowing your hand off when you overcharge it that's dope yeah like if you can actually like look at it and be like yep it's going to blow up there's like no downside to the Plasma Pistol essentially it's just a good sidearm the problem is gameplay-wise it definitely does kill you so I'm going with the one in alarus is Horus heresy era where it's better yeah all right but it's still up there you still get the choice to decide if you want to overcharge it and again I feel like anytime I'm going to be pulling my sidearm out I'm probably pretty [ __ ] and like yeah you're you're probably like 50/50 dead you're overrun that's when I'm okay with being like yeah guess so This Gun May kill me but if I've got it out I'm probably dead anyway so I might as well maximize what I can do on my way out and like maybe it works out in my favor probably not but maybe so like yeah I think I think it's an S tier okay it's not quite as cool looks wise as the arc pistol but yeah it's close it's got flavor to it it's got the Sci-Fi I like it for anyone looking for the plasma cannon in this list I have not added it because I couldn't find any unit that actually is an infantry unit with a plasma cannon they get used all the time on vehicles but we're capping out at plasma gun I'm sure that there's probably some Space Marine somewhere some 50 people in the comments will remind me there's something Beyond plasma gun that someone can carry I'm so looking forward to the comments about all of the guns like this is based on the Storm tiger and it's not even the one we have in our tier list it's it's the one that bellia put later yeah that we've never seen cuz he found a better picture instead of whatever the [ __ ] some of this [ __ ] is oh yeah I grabbed the laziest pictures you guys are lucky you get whatever bilio sends you uh do you want to do the grab gun next sure we can do the grab gun it's not nearly as cool as the grab Cannon no we can even do the grab pistol at the same time is it I'm fine with that because the grav pistol is a d it is [ __ ] stupid I like the grab pistol more than I like The Inferno pistol it's so boring you whip your grab pistol out and just turn the guy charging you into goo on the ground no it's dumb it would just make them have a better exercise I I don't think it's that weak it should be if we're in any amount of like the grav Cannon is you let me Place The Inferno pistol I'll let you place the grab pistol I have no real attachment to it the grav Cannon is up in anywhere it should be the grav gun in the middle is kind of just lame the grab Cannon's cooler the grav gun makes some sense right it's a a carriable without problems anti-tank weapon yeah all right and it's kind of it's still you're manipulating gravity so that's still kind of cool and like it's not a Dopey pistol cuz it's just something that I cannot get past of like if you're going to be manipulating gravity you have to have big thing the bigger it is the more gravity it does that's how gravity works that's how gravity work man with physics background I mean I'm not entirely wrong either though like as dumb as it is it's just like the grab gun seems like fine okay where do we want to put it in B with the rest of the fines hang out with the melta gun yeah fair enough talking of the melta gun let's talk about the multi melta ooh the multi Mela the one that is most arguable for its job the I'm going to Lug around the biggest melta I can physically carry because my job is to delete something the multi Mela so you know you don't fire both barrels at once it is so that you can fire it multiple times I agree and that's why I actually don't like it why because they're too close yeah I get your argument there if the barrels are too close no no no okay like it's dumb it's Petty but hear me out okay that's the point of having two of them because like having two of them like the heavy flamer is [ __ ] stupid yeah yeah this is more like when you have a double barreled Auto Cannon or something yeah so it's like I use one that one is on its cool down you get an extra couple seconds before you warp a barrel yeah switch over to the other one I can still keep going I'm good to go and we'll just toggle back and forth between our cool Downs like some MMO but they're so [ __ ] close to each other I did just check even the newer Eradicator one the barrels touch yeah it's all one package essentially and I'm not saying that ruins it for me because I'm thinking to myself like okay if I were to design that how would I do it with like splitting them up but also make it not just the dopiest looking thing ever right I don't know of a way to do that it would have to physically get larger like the double barrel Auto Cannon maybe yeah where like it'd have to be Terminator sized yeah at which point it's like you've missed the mark somehow of like the original idea that you had of like okay you're logging around this backpack and you've got yeah that's my issue with it all right where do we want it then it's not s it's not D like I said I don't hate it it's neither of those I don't think it's C either I think it's a or b but I don't know where I feel like it's high B but I could see a low a if that's what you're interested in it can hang out with the mighty stubber all right yeah yeah yeah it's got the right profile from looks shall we finish off our collection of lasers I like lasers I am fond of all three remaining lasers all right let's go with the fancy hell gun okay hear me out this one I'm interested to hear some lore on is this just a fancy expensive LZ gun that's not not for the general grunt correct but also it comes with the downside of they are harder to charge up so they often require you to have a small backpack okay and they're a bit unwieldy and they are more expensive to produce so it's not just the we produced a [ __ ] ton of L guns and these are the ones that perform better so no no no they do take more energy and everything that's why they often have a tube coming off them to like a small backpack all right that makes more sense this is one that like I legitimately didn't was like there has to be some type of lure cuz like it's got a name of Hell gun no so they tend to get used by like the Stormtrooper equivalent the like whatever your Elite infantry is who's going to need to be able to pack a punch and do something all right they're like the thing below going full heavy weapon Squad right I can understand realistically it being an infantry gun right it's much closer to a standard heavier infantry gun in real life yeah yeah yeah where it's like that's going to be a pain in the ass to Lug around but you could do it I like it I think it's cool I love the name hot shot too getting into it like certain IG weapons have those perfect slang names that you know it's got the real life equivalence it feels so this is a gun nut this is an army grunt that named their weapon that and everybody's just kind of accepted that yeah that's what it's called now I also love the idea of like the guy who gets it calls it a hell gun and the guy who has to stare at that guy calls it the hot shot gun which is just it's not sir I'm not insulting you it's a hotter running gun it's not me calling you a hot shot but there was that top gun scene where you're a [ __ ] hot shot I love it I want to put it in a tier with the last gun I think so yeah and then we've got the classic L pistol the sidearm you're actually going to be given cuz you're not important Star Wars if you're important enough to get a sidearm that's true Star Wars Blaster pistol whatever you want to call it when you look at it I mean that's what it is yeah it is I have no problems with it it's obviously the weakest of the last things because again you need a larger battery and all that which I kind of like is is properly handled L wise for the reason last guns are the way they are the whole way through I don't know B I feel like it's a be orc but it's got such an iconic profile yeah I want to put it with the stubber actually that's fine we'll keep it above the Bolter make the Bolter know its place uh the last laser the long last my favorite name for a sniper rifle I still can't believe that's the actual name that they went with I love it it's got the same like hell gun hot shot yeah yeah it's got the obvious name it's the nickname the gun got and never un just calls it by it because it's hand me the long La yeah and there's a certain aspect of that is there's a great story that's shown not told yes the name makes you smile because you think of how it happened yeah I actually really like it I want to put it right next to the other two the Las guns basically live in a tier for the most part I love them yeah the only like the pistol is like the pistol has the problem of like you want to be important enough that you get a Plasma Pistol yeah and also Star Wars is overrated maybe but like it's still cool I just like making nerds on the internet fight me yeah right it is though they have like two good movies out of 12 I'm glad you checked the PO Box uh heavy Bolter this is the real rocket launcher this [ __ ] yeah this is the real rocket launcher this is why does the rocket launcher exist when the heavy Bolter exists there shouldn't there shouldn't even be like magazines for something like this like a lot of them are belt fed the one I grabbed a picture of is not but most of them are belt fed cuz this is the equivalent of like the light machine gun for which is more a heavy machine gun for uh Space Marines okay that makes sense this is like you put two bolts in it yeah great what the [ __ ] is the point ignore the random picture I sent I actually think of all the bolters this is my favorite because of all the bolters this one most has the argument for how bolters work it's the Midway point between a real life light machine gun and a real life rocket launcher which is very 40K it is very 40K and there is some all right if you're going to be firing such large calibers this is what you want to do and this is what you want to kill you're essentially using a rocket launcher so we're going to stick it right with the stormbolter as the two cool bolters I'm good it is absurd to think of a heavy Bolter as a infantry weapon but let's take one moment to talk about the grenade launcher I was ready to detier until I saw custody's variation [ __ ] you for having this one as the picture this is such a better idea for grenade launcher and it's custodes representation cuz I didn't use a guardian Lance so stupid and then you're like yeah but what if we put a Noob Tube on the arm and I'm like God damn it that makes sense if anyone's going to have a Noob Tube on his wrist it's a custodian [ __ ] you that actually makes some sense it's so perfectly custodies it's like actual I was ready to deter when I was like all right grenade launchers exist in 40K and then I saw that the ballistic grenade launcher exists in custodies and it's the wrist rocket thing and I'm like The Noob Tube on the forearm is the funniest [ __ ] I love it instant s tier to me yeah this is sitting here gatekeeping s tier I love it I hate that you managed to make it like you're absolutely I was fully ready to grab a generic crappy one throw it in D tier and move on with the shotgun that's what it should be but but we found the custodes one it's good good job it's so good it's so stupid and fun all right to me the final last tier is the mighty flamer just the normal your standard issue flamer a flamethrower that's been juicing I love flamers in game playay everyone in our play group is very sick of Auto hitting d6es it's been the entire time we've played the expectation when you shoot it's what I do I have more fondness for the flamer than any other thing the Imperium has to offer I still think the plasma gun is better than it though but I have more emotional attachment to the flamer but the plasma gun is like Peak 40K plasma has more sci-fi there's more that you can do with it painting I do like that the flamer is it's like a real weapon yes it it has decent design philosophies if we don't start looking into like real gun nerd stuff it's fine yeah it's fine but it's also kind of cool right like it's not the [ __ ] shotgun correct like they made something that's like it's cool I'm fine with it in s but I don't think it's like high we'll put it above the Plasma Pistol okay which one of the uh admac rifles do you want to hit let's do the Arcus yeah something like that the transatlantic or whatever the [ __ ] it is so the arabus is like a Ottoman Empire gun I love it from the sheer meme factor of you've got the entire squad has a normal base size but the guy with the arut has a double long base because he has his stupid long sniper rifle that's on a not even a tripod it's on like a it's just a sck yeah well like that's that's basically what they did though I'm pretty sure like if any of the other games that I've played like total war in age vampires have anything to say about it that's what it did is like they just carried it around as a stick I kind of love the absurdity of it I don't think it's that special compared to like the arc pistol or anything but it it's pretty cute I rather like it it's got a lot of of like antique Vibes that are like why is this in sci-fi but all right I want to argue it's an a I really do think it's cool I that's where I was putting it I'm fine with it okay cool all right I was like but you're going to try and tell me that like I'm insane cuz like look at it it's a it's a I was totally ready for it honestly so to go to the other end of the spectrum let's talk about the rad carbine for a moment this is the only radiation-based weapon that I put on here I mean there's only like two or three of them anyways cuz I think is it only admax guari that use them yes because it's considered basically War crime territory and it's very stupid to carry one in the first place it kills you as well it's just hopefully it kills your enemies quicker and if you're enough machine then you can delay the inevitable it's a very dumb weapon you should not use one I could say it's very 40K and how Grim derp it is but I don't think it saves it in any way I'd say it's like the top of D tier I don't want to give it too much thought but it angers me for things like it works on necrons it works on NE oh yeah I see just because in game it works on necrons it's like why does it still have projectiles or is it literally just shooting radiation I honestly don't know to that detail and it's not that helpful on things like the crappy Wiki so either way yeah I think top of D tier we just move on forgetting about it we can do the galvanic rifle to finish off admech we laid quite a few of these it looks out of place just being like a flint lock rifle head mag always looks out of place though I love it I think It suffers from the ark weapons are cooler I would just toss it at the bottom of B tier ooh aesthetically I love it it's got the very Dopey like it's got a revolver setup yeah aesthetically it's very neat it's very out of place but it's in place within admec do you want to raise it higher than b is that why you're humming me yeah I know that this one's a personally I think this silhouette is very cool true to me that's how rifles are cool let's put it next to to the Mighty stubber B tier I'm good with okay but I really do like that silhouette so there's one last thing that I didn't put on the list on purpose but you did add it which is the silencer it's a gun to me it was a assault Cannon and I've already covered it but give us your excuse no but it shoots psychic energy this is the true t gun so it's just like when I cast a spell now this is the gun that cast spell I don't know why it has three barrels I don't know why it has any of the [ __ ] if it's shooting psychic stuff you're a psycher use your psychic why do you have to involve a gun in this this is why I kind of kept the side weapons off this cuz they're a little weird yeah but like the rest of them are still they are still firing a projectile they're just psychically enhanced it's a gun that we just made better with psychic yeah I didn't put psycho grenades either for like an anti psycher weapon that got into a hole Yeah but like the silencer is a gun that does nothing other than shoot psychic so this gun is 10th edition you're saying s tier s tier for 10th edition you can sit next to the grenade launcher that's a r rocket I yeah like other than that like I think it's probably like a c it is actually a c tier I'm going to put it in C tier I can't keep that it looks cool but what the [ __ ] is this yeah solidly down and see that thankfully wraps this up 2 hours into this recording I'm glad we didn't go with all of the weapons I'm very glad that before I was like we'll just Cowboy it on the Fly I was like I should count this up and research this before I bite off more than I can chew that was a good quick check I think we did a good job of here's the unique ones without wasting too much yeah and it means we get to come back several times if people like this at least we're definitely going to do one on orc weapons at some point I refuse not to talk about orc weapons I do think we'll do probably one for I think lar have enough unique weapons alone that we can do them as a pool they've got some pretty unique ones too yeah I think TOA honestly has a lot too yeah especially if we start adding in some things like the drones and stuff like that yeah but we should come back to Imperium for melee because I mean the thunderhammer has to get raided yeah it does hammers we'll wait until Eric Gets a codex and praise before we start talking about hammers in front of him it's a touchy subject for grey night players it is it actually is but yeah there's the uh definitive ranking on weapons in 40K for Imperium ranged infantry yeah so if you liked this or not or whatever please share your opinions with us all the YouTube pleasantries would also help you know the deal also once you're done with your YouTube pleasantries if you're interested Ed in more of us for some reason over on our patreon we did a whole bonus hot takes first reaction thing of us seeing the announcements from adep toon including AOS fourth edition launching I will warn you it's not the most positive reception for me I was a little sour and also like we're not primary AOS but I think it should be fun to listen to us complain and uh merch still there we do have the new merch we have the old merch it's all there except for objective markers are coming back soon and then and uh we also have the fall of Cadia book club at the end of next month the week of April 29th we'll be doing the fall of Cadia once again reminder it's like a 20 hour book you should probably start on it yeah got to do that all right that's it for us goodbye what a weird exit I don't know goodbye after two hours of talking about guns I'm tired sci-fi guns [Music] bye [Music] n [Music] [Music]
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 98,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, tier list, ranking, custodes, space marines, grey knights, admech, adeptus mechanicus, imperial guard, imperium, astra militarum
Id: 6sDeGbrTeW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 59sec (4499 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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