The Social Experiment - Creepy NoSleep stories - r/NoSleep Ep 57

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[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised are / no sleep episode 57 our first story is posted by user like I did the social experiment part 1 all the stories are used with authors permission let me start off by saying that I joined the experiment a while ago I have tried before to talk to people about it but nobody believes me and I can't exactly blame them I haven't been able to properly sleep either live since I made it back home plagued by feelings of tremendous guilt I hope sharing this will help my conscience day 1 the apartment looked pretty decent it was small but had everything I needed one room with a bed although pillow and blanket were missing in the middle of the room was a table with two chairs not sure why I would need to as the main part of this experiment was me being alone in the room isolated from the outside world in the back was a small food elevator like the ones you see in old movies that's how I'd receive my meals there were big abstract paintings I had a chalkboard to write on and of course there was a laptop so I could communicate with with who exactly I opened the laptop everything was wiped away no internet access no apps or programs only one little icon in the middle of the screen social I double clicked it thinking it might provide some more information social will start soon make sure a laptop is charged at all times alright I guess I have to wait I walked over to the chalkboard somebody must have been in this room before because it said days written on top with white chalk underneath ten strokes I drew a circle around the seven strokes instead of wiping them away next to it I drew one stroke for my first day they took away my phone I had no calendar or even clock so I figured it could get difficult to keep the day's in check I realized I didn't remember if they told me how long I would be staying my window view didn't offer much all I could see were empty fields and I could tell that I was pretty high up I tried opening the window to let in some fresh air but it was blocked probably so nobody would jump out after go crazy from the solitude I was the kind of person that loved being alone though at a pretty apartment food being provided for me decent payment and I'm living my dream I would have been dumb not to participate ding ding the laptop was lighting up in neon green lights I guess things were getting started the social app was running in the former screen had turned into something that looked like a chat screen social welcome John we are very excited that you are participating in this real-life experiment I am social everything you need are that we need from you will be communicated through me you will not directly talk to anyone else during your time here make sure that your laptop is charged at all times do you have any questions so far me hello social I am also excited I haven't received any sheets pillows or blankets from my bed yet could those be sent over please social that will be up to the other participants as you will learn soon are you ready for the first round me yes social as you know you will be receiving all your food and drinks from us what exactly that will be however will be chosen by another participant for the first round you can choose a meal combination for participant Julia I was actually pretty excited about this I was awful at making the right decisions probably one of the reasons I changed my major three times it might be interesting to put my fate into someone else's hands I scroll down the list of food and drink items wondering what Julia might enjoy there were a number of breakfast items as pancakes eggs bacon but also a lot of random disgusting sounding stuff raw liver bull testicles sausage water pretty nasty you'd really have to hate the other participants to send any of that except if you were into power moves eventually I picked hosts with jam scrambled eggs and cheese with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice happy with my choice I sent it in a minute later the laptops started ringing again social julia has chosen your breakfast walk to the food elevator now to pick it up I wasn't too hungry just yet but I was hoping for something nice to drink I opened the small gap of the elevator and got the tray out a piece of bread with something on it I picked it up just to realize that the stuff on top was mold a gag didn't let it fall back on the plate I guess Julia was one of those people that liked power plays I grabbed the glass next to it at least she had sent me some water my throat felt extremely dry so I started chugging right away I really should have smelled it first what I was drinking there wasn't water it was vinegar as the acid he tastes filled up my mouth I couldn't keep it in anymore I ran to the bathroom and started puking into the toilet the bitter taste of vile made me feel even worse but I had no toothbrush or toothpaste either I wanted to rinse out my mouth but there was no water I couldn't even flush the [ __ ] toilet this experiment was starting off pretty badly I was just about to ask social about this when I heard another ringing noise social you just lost 50 social points me what the hell what are social points social during your participation you collect points more points equal more power and more access during this experiment you have to make many decisions one of them on do you want to be do you want to be nice or gain power me I'm not sure I understand but I'm really not feeling great is there any way I can get some water social that's not up to me John social you have another decision to make this time you will be sending an item to men well please select one item out of this list toothpaste a shock collar a knife this list seemed even more random but this time I really had to think this through if I sent toothpaste I would probably get more negative points although at that point I wasn't sure what exactly that meant the knife sounded like a terrible idea I figured if I picked the shock collar he could just decide not to wear it social congratulations you just received 30 social points walk over to elevator now to see what Manuel sent you it was a blanket I felt like a real dick but I kept telling myself that this was part of the experiment maybe those people didn't even exist my laptop let out another sound there was a new icon on the screen a green circle with a smiley face on it I pressed it but nothing happened social Manuel has received an attached Koller around their neck press green circle to send over shocks [ __ ] had I just shocked him without even knowing no that couldn't be true they can't purposely hurt participants I grabbed my blanket and took a nap the experiment had only just begun and I was already exhausted the bitter taste a vinegar and puke in my mouth wasn't helping either when I woke up again it was already getting dark outside had I missed lunch I walked over to the laptop but there were no missed messages I was really getting fed up with this experiment when my laptop made another sound social dinner time pick one meal for Jackie I scrolled through the list again but I had no idea what to do should I go with something decent and risk losing points I went with a safe choice and sent a cup of vegetable broth something I was really craving myself after throwing up it wasn't a real meal but it wouldn't make them sick either after my choice was sent over I went to the elevator to see what Jackie had sent me it was a BLT and a bottle of coke Thank You Jackie I shouted out loud I felt a little bad for only sending her broth but at the same time I was so happy to have something decent to eat and drink that would also kill up the terrible taste in my mouth day 2 the sound of a loud alarm blasting through the apartment pulled me out of sleep I had no idea where it came from but it wasn't from the laptop the sound was followed by a robotic voice score to low wake up immediately it was still dark outside it felt like it was the middle of the night I got up from my bed which felt like pure concrete my head was aching from not having a pillow but I was grateful that I had at least received a blanket it was freezing cold I realized that I didn't even have any spare clothes hadn't I brought any as I walked over to the laptop the loud alarm finally stopped social good morning Jon your social score has gotten dangerously low increased score now by pressing shot button me no social as a negative player you will lose all perks including nutrition remember more social points equal more power me I don't care I don't want more power the music started blasting again I felt like my eardrums would explode shielding them with my hands wasn't helping as this wasn't bad enough a foul smell filled up the room I thought I would throw up again [ __ ] this it's not real I set out loud and pressed the shock icon I took a deep breath and pressed it two more times finally the siren stopped social congratulations John you are now the highest ranking participant me yeah because you [ __ ] forced me to social it is now time to pick a meal for Jackie I felt bad for only sending her broth last night so I chose pancakes and orange juice after a few minutes I went to pick up my meal from the elevator this time I almost threw up just by looking at it on that plate I found the head of a chicken raw and bloody next to it a glass with what I can only imagine was blood as well I guess I deserved that I was really fed up with this whole operation I was hungry tired and sad no money was worth this torture me I want to get out of this experiment now I am done social you can't leave you will stay until the experiment is finished me what the [ __ ] you can't force me to stay I never consented to any of this social yes you did and you will stay until the experiment is finished I started thinking about that did they give me a contract as much as I tried to remember I couldn't I couldn't even remember what day it was today social do you remember how you came here John I didn't social do you remember what you did before you came here I was so certain that I had joined an experiment they offered me payment but as much as I tried I couldn't recall how or when that happened I remembered things as who my family and friends are I remembered what my home looks like but not what I had been doing lately I had started studying psychology after giving up on coding but when was that my mind was blank me what the [ __ ] did you do to me social we do not make any decisions for you play the game right and you will be leaving the experiment happy and healthy me who are you what is this social I am social social time for another decision you can send something to a participant of your choice pick one out of the following items a gun a bottle of water a death threat I decided to send a bottle of water to men well it might cost me some points but if I had really shocked him he deserved this after what must have been an hour the laptop started ringing again social you just received a video press play now it was a video of a shirtless man maybe in his mid-30s he stared right into the camera and I could see the shock collar around his neck without a word he picked up a knife and cut into his palm with his other hand he dipped his index finger into the blood and started writing something on his chest Mary no way I thought this must be a coincidence I think he tried writing something else underneath it would have been really hard to recognize what it was with a smudged blood but I knew exactly what it said it was an address one that I recognized very well it was the address of marry my mother day three I hardly slept through the night I wasn't too afraid what men well might do just yet considering he was locked in here as well what scared me however was that whoever these people were they knew where my mother lives and I had no way to warn her I needed to talk to social figure out if they were a real person maybe I could somehow level with them I couldn't contact social if they didn't initiate the conversation and I didn't know how long it would be until it messaged me about breakfast so I impulsively walked over to the laptop and removed the charger laptop needs to be charged at all times the robotic voice filled up the room again I ignored it I ignored the sirens in the smell and stared at the laptop in hindsight I was a pretty big idiot instead of going through this in a clever way I just tried to force a reaction out of it the smell got stronger and I started feeling weaker I could hardly think anymore remove everything turned dark I woke up on the bed my head was hurting like crazy it took me a little while to get back to my senses but then I noticed that the laptop was attached to the charger again somebody had been in here suddenly an excruciating pain went through my entire body I felt like somebody was choking me panting and shaking I slowly reached over to my neck where my fingers touched the metal not only had someone been in here they had given me a shock collar I slowly walked over to the laptop social had been messaging me social I have received information that your laptop is an attached to the charger social somebody is on their way to fix the issue social breakfast-time please choose one out of the items from the list for participant Josh Josh is there a new person social josh has selected your items go to elevator now to pick up your meal social please choose one of the following items to send to participant Julia a book a gun five minutes of fresh air social the item that Julie is selected for you will arrive soon and be attached by one of our workers that [ __ ] I didn't even get the chance to send anything because I had been passed out another shock went through my body even more painful this time I picked myself up from the ground and got back to my laptop I hadn't noticed before but the shock icon was gone at least the chat was still open this was my chance to contact social me social are you there social hello John you have been very quiet today remember less activity equals less social points me were you inside my room social I never visit the participants I thought about what to say I had to be more careful me social are you a real person social I am social I started to think that I was talking to a bot if that was true I could get some answers out of it as long as I asked the right questions me what is my current social score social your social score is +10 you are now the second lowest ranking participant me who is on top social I am not allowed to share this information with you I figured it must be either Julia or Manuel Josh or Jackie would be the lowest ranking me why is it beneficial to have many points social higher points equal more power me define power social in this experiment we want to see how much it will take someone to to the top being on top means more options for decisions decisions as getting food comfort and freedom me freedom as in being able to leave social dinnertime you may now choose a meal for participant Julia I was just about to pick bull testicles when another shock went through my body my hands were shaking I could hardly breath anymore she was sending me a message I had to be careful she had total control over me at the moment I picked steak potatoes beans and a bottle of wine the best options I could find it felt awful sending someone that was torturing me these things especially while I felt like I was starving but I didn't want to risk getting another shock I was still hurting from the last one after a moment I went to pick up my dinner for the night a chicken sandwich coffee and a bottle of water the coffee was cold but I didn't care I hadn't eaten anything decent since that BLT and I was even happier about that water I took a few sips and decided to ration the rest I honestly couldn't believe that Julia had sent me something decent hadn't it been for the shock collar around my neck I would have thought that she was actually starting to be nice at least she didn't shock me for the rest of the evening I spent the rest of the evening making up a game plan I was done just playing it safe if I wanted any chance of getting out of here I had to make it to the top I still wasn't sure if social was trustworthy okay Who am I kidding it definitely wasn't trustworthy but it felt too calculated in a sense I don't think it wanted to torture me it wanted to see how I would get through this the meal gave me some new energy I went to the chalkboard and started writing down the info that I had so far together with things about myself things I didn't wanted to forget that would remind me that I had a life outside of this I made sure to keep it vague just in case they came back here 25 my age kiwi the name of my cat psych my major K and F the first litters of my two best friends Julia [ __ ] Manuel has leveraged knife Jackie neutral so far Josh my thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the laptop social time for another decision something from this list to be sent to a participant of your choice a towel a death threat a bracelet keeping the participant from sleeping I'm not sure what that last thing was supposed to be but I guess it was another form of torture I decided for the death threat if I got the same chance to take a video that maybe this could be my way to communicate with man well either way if he sees that I am wearing the shock collar now he might go milder on me me I want to send a death threat to men well social great choice would you like to receive leverage information me yes social the most important person in the life of Manuel is Sabrina currently working as a nurse at Central Hospital always takes bicycle to work oh [ __ ] hell social a video recording app opened the microphone was blocked that was [ __ ] I was planning on speaking I had to get creative fast social would probably check the video and make sure it's an actual threat I grabbed a glass of blood that Jackie had sent me the day before it was smelling horribly but I had kept it just in case I started filling up my mouth with the blood I really had to fight not to vomit I pressed play and got up to the middle of the room looking straight into the camera I started spitting out the blood trying to be as theatrical as possible choking myself coughing with a freakish look on my face social recording complete video will now be sent to participant Manuel I could only hope that he understood what I had done social you just received an item from participant Jackie walk up to elevator now to pick it up a pack of cigarettes day for the day started off by another lovely shot from Julia I started cursing this person at her evil [ __ ] mind she was in here to win showing no remorse she had to be on top at this point what reason could she have to shut me even more I tried to get up from bed I was feeling extremely weak at this point my legs were shaking I was smelling horribly and I was starving after only having one meal yesterday walking around the dry blood on the ground I made my way to the table I picked up the pack of cigarettes that I got yesterday I usually don't smoke but thought it could distract me a little I opened the pack and notice that it also contained a lighter obviously you'd need one but I didn't think about it until then a lighter could get really [ __ ] useful I left the cigarettes where they were and put the lighter in my pocket social opened the chat to inform me that I could choose breakfast for men well I was already dreading what he would sent me at least this was my chance to talk to social some more me social is there a way to remove the shot-caller social only if another participant decides to send it to someone else alright that's some new info me is there only one out of each item like the knife and the cigarettes social correct social choose food combination for men well now me oatmeal and tea me social how long have the other participants been here for social Manuel has chosen your breakfast walk to the food elevator now to pick it up for [ __ ] sake I had to be more precise with my questions it only gives me a really short timeframe I walked over to the elevator expecting something smelly or rotten I almost cried when I saw what was sitting on that tray three Kiwis while I was going crazy in the middle of the room last night I had made sure that my chalkboard would be in the picture just enough for someone to notice if they really paid attention and he did why did he pick three though did this mean he has been here for three days just like me I spent most of the day thinking of other ways to send messages of course all of this could still be part of the experiment that thought was always in the back of my mind but somehow I felt sure that meant well and the other participants were just that participants somehow tricked into this nightmare just like me another alarm went off my room turned red and the sirens started blasting suicide attempt suicide attempt suicide attempt what the hell I definitely wasn't trying anything like that I walked to the laptop but there was no information and just like that the alarm stopped again social you are now free to send another item to a player of your choice bandage shock collar death threat this is where I made another foolish mistake guided by pettiness not logic should have tried to send another message or at least get someone the bandage maybe there really was a suicide attempt but even if that's true I wouldn't know who in the end the hate and pain ruled over and I sent Julia the shock collar as I logged in my choice the collar around my neck snapped open it must be automated social move shock collar into the elevator now at least a better option than being drugged again I don't think everyone gets the same options because I was sent a book from Jackie I was so happy that I would finally have some form of entertainment but that was before I realized that the entire text was nonsense I spent a long time going through every single page to see if maybe there was some secret message in there but I couldn't find anything eventually I gave up social congratulations John you have received 200 social points tonight you may pick your own dinner under normal circumstances I would have been ecstatic about this finally I could get decent food some vitamins some protein and more water under normal circumstances I would have been proud but how could I be proud if I got all these points through letting out my anger and frustration like this a shiver went down my spine when I thought about how painful four shocks in a row must have felt for Julia that night I couldn't fall asleep as much as I tried I kept thinking about everything that had happened I jumped up from bed as a thought struck me please please let this be true I mumbled to myself Jackie had sent me two items today that couldn't be a coincidence I opened the first page of the book and held the lighter underneath god I remember doing this when I was younger she must have somehow gotten lemon juice help me I can't take it anymore I opened another page this was extremely weird the message said I'm Jon are you real [Applause]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 156,155
Rating: 4.9091115 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, Radio TTS, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Id: r8EZNU1CZ48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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