Creepy and Chilling NoSleep stories for your needs by poloniumpoisoning -NoSleep Ep 12

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[Music] we revived two homo neanderthalensis to discover why they were extinct now everyone in my building is going to die i don't have a lot of time so i couldn't possibly explain the anastasis project in detail all you need to know is that it was a bold and very well-funded venture involving scientists paleontologists historians programmers and a lot of other professionals from around the globe as a relatively well-known historian i had the privilege and the despair of being one of the department coordinators the other heads were drive vega a brilliant scientist mr bisset a friendly french paleontologist and miss gagnon a woman young enough to be my daughter who developed a software and the neurotransmissors to upload modern language on the neanderthals brains once they woke up so we were all able to communicate my name is annelistrange and i came to peace with the fact that there's nothing else that i can do i can only document what happens so in the future no one else will try again the same disastrous things we did it's bittersweet for a historian to die this way it all started when a certain billionaire whose name islam it got two nearly perfectly preserved neanderthals on an auction he then contacted dr vega his good friend you think you could reconstruct them and make them alive drive vega replied with the right team and infinite budget sure and the billionaire said consider it done the scientists then asked what for of course eccentric billionaires don't need a good reason to waste their money in other people's time but then our bosses reckless demeanor changed because i want to ask them why they were extinct drive vega told this story over and over always making it sound more impressive than the former i confess that it gave me goosebumps on the first time i always wanted to know it as well the neanderthals had been around for over 150 000 years when they disappeared and no one knows why we scholars like to believe that they weren't as adaptable as the sapiens but what could be best than asking them in person it then became drive vegas project of a lifetime and i was one of the first people to join him just to find the right team it took him two years we spent five more years working on bioengineering historical research and finally how to reanimate them countless tests were performed in animals to determine the exact electric current that would force their axons to start working in their reconstructed hearts to pump oxygen through their bodies then today was the big day the first test to try to bring them back to life if this one failed to bring them to life we'd need plenty of months maybe years to understand what went wrong if the electricity damaged their bodies we'd probably never have the chance again i wish we failed i wish we never knew why and how they were gone i want the assistance and general staff out drive vega yelled he was a demanding and obnoxious short man but i loved working with him because it was nothing personal it was his way of accomplishing our goals lestrange bisset commands you history people can push some buttons right judy gagnon rolled her eyes but with a smile i prepared the conference room so the rest of the staff can watch us from there i wish she wasn't so kind i wish she just sent them home for the day we would have so much less blood on our hands now i'm a paleontologist that's not history people mr bisset muttered dramatically as he walked to his assigned panel after saying some quick encouraging words to my team and sending them off i headed to my panel too doesn't it worry you that they will have no soul madame lestrange francoise had asked me he had sweat on his forehead we can't be sure that souls actually exist mr bisset and i'm sure not even drive vega could make an artificial one if they do i replied calmly although i was now slightly intrigued if souls are real then are our neanderthals incomplete will the experiment work language data ready to be transmitted ms gagnon announced with a firm voice dissipating my negative thoughts prepare subjects for electrical discharge drive vega commanded and the engine started positioning the two neanderthals in 45 degrees their arms torso and legs were tied to some sort of hammock for safety both theirs and ours when the bodies started being reconstructed we couldn't be entirely sure but we suspected that both the subjects were females their bodies were exceptionally unintentionally well preserved so mr bisid and i inferred that they were really important probably queens or priestesses i then nicknamed them lilith and eve the two first women of the world in the christian mythology although lilith was mostly erased from the bible for being too insubordinate to adam she still survived in obscure apocryphal scriptures though lilith and eve were both dressed in simple shapeless robes meant only to cover their nakedness one of the girls from the biotechnology sub department had given them hair because she feared that they'd be aware that they should have it no one knew what to expect when they woke up and no one could expect what would happen starting countdown for discharge the monotone ai voice announced 5. i took a deep breath but it felt like my lungs suddenly didn't know how to process air anymore 4. i watched judy gagnon's delicate hand tremble 3. drive vega bit a nail unable to hide his anticipation 2. mr francois finished his prayer and crossed himself 1. dr vega absent-mindedly stared at the fish tank that took up a whole wall he had it installed on our main experimenting room because it calmed him down discharge activated a blinding bolt of light filled the room while the ai voice informed that the data download was now starting i did my best to compose myself and regain my site so i could search for signs that the test worked or that it didn't download completed the digital assistant announced mere seconds later and i saw ellis hand twitching we collectively held our breath until the two of them opened their eyes all their organs came from sapiens donors except for the brain that was completely reconstructed as well as their outside limbs and skin ignisto minimum eve muttered full of fury like an anathema her eyes were transfixed on dry vega we had no time to be amazed she clasped her fists and dry vega was sent flying in her direction all the while his trachea was being crushed his dead body then fell like a stringless blue marionette what the [ __ ] judy screamed running towards his corpse mr bissett let out a high-pitched shriek and hid under his assigned machinery eve started rising judy in the air but lilith simply said in a warning tone woman i couldn't help but be stunned that it all worked they came to life and they knew english technically their thoughts translated to english and even to latin probably when they thought in a different language but maybe mr bisset was right and they didn't have a soul that's why they reacted so violently eve then let go of judy gagnon carefully putting her up on her feet weird woman eve called out judy why we're not the same species as you judy replied nervously as a computer programmer she wasn't exactly a social butterfly seeing her hesitation i decided to take the lead we wanted to ask you i said loud enough to make both the neanderthals turn their gaze to me what happened to your people even though dr vega was killed and things were bad this was still only one casualty my logical brain could only think that after all this time i was the chosen one to ask the question that every historian ever wanted to ask the moment felt grandiose sacred even eve looked calmer but bitter your men afraid our powers lilith replied killed all us women using no eve screamed interrupting her we not kill women but they're women still enemy after we die men perish our kind and this generation i'm really sorry i said not being able to think of anything else i was indeed sorry for the violence they went through why we here lilith asked looking into my eyes despite her slightly beastly features she was beautiful the eyes and hair we gave her really matched nicely they had no idea that they were miracles of science they barely knew what science was other than vaguely knowing this word from judy's vocabulary because we wanted to understand how your people disappeared mr bissett replied coming out of the shadows our people no exists more lilith asked i braced myself for tragedy as i saw eve's furious reaction her eyes gleamed in rage as she roared clenching her fists really tight with a loud thump mr bissett's body and head fell separately eve had squeezed him to the point of making his body fall apart and she didn't even need to be freed from the shackles somehow she was able to damage other people's bodies without even touching them just manipulating it from a distance somehow you hoarse people destroy all eve finally yelled after a heavy moment of silence horse people did the sapiens went to war with them and won because they were faster of course animals hadn't been tamed during the short time span of our coexistence but maybe it was an exception maybe a few sapiens were able to incite wild horses against the neanderthals while my anthropology-oriented brain conjectured judy was quick to act assistant terminate subjects she commanded checking all terminals all terminals are functional preparing destructive discharge the monotone computer voice replied the eyes of the two neanderthals gleamed with awareness they knew what we were trying to do no tricking eve screamed as she launched the whole wall-sized fish tank towards the machines short-circuiting them the fish tank was built in on the wall so it would be more accurate to say that she broke the whole thing sending shards water and the fishes flying across the room how did you know how to damage them your prehistorical [ __ ] terminals 1 3 4 6 and 7 malfunctioning activating emergency mode all entrances and exits locked luckily both judy and i were wearing lab coats and protective glasses we shielded our faces with our arms and none of us got seriously injured as the two of us recovered from the unexpected bath of fish-scented water and glass there was a loud desperate knock on the door and it's me kathy all the men in the conference room suddenly died i rushed out of the room with kathy she was hysterical after watching over half of her co-workers die i wanted judy to leave with me but i knew that this would upset eve even more you go and calm people down i'll try to get our answers my colleague whispered in spanish she hadn't programmed the neanderthals to understand it i was welcomed in the conference room by the most heart-wrenching and gruesome scene i have ever seen all around the mails i saw every day worked with joked with were just corpses their faces still and forever contorting in pain women were crying cradling the lifeless heads of her peers and friends on their laps no one was watching the tv that showed the main experimenting room so i was the only one who paid attention as judy tried to reason with eve and the neanderthal demanded to be freed you help revenge lilith ordered moving her hands and throwing judy against one of the damaged computers or you suffer and i'll buy us time destroy this room somehow judy begged in spanish dr vega installed a system that lets out sulfur mustard in that room an older lady from the science department informed me still teary it was to kill them in case they went berserk okay this helps but look at their power i'm afraid it won't be fast enough and we only have one chance to surprise them how did the sapiens kill them even though the women were so powerful i know lilith said something helpful think think killed all us women using igneous dominim the way eve threw the fish tank like it was nothing how do they control people's bodies what in people's bodies make them exert control over it water the neanderthal women can freely control water so the sapiens killed them with the thing that made us a superior species the way we instinctively killed witches across the millennia with fire is sulfur mustard flammable i asked aloud one of the ladies from the biochemistry division replied that it isn't can any of you replace the sulfur mustard with something flammable and throw the [ __ ] flames of hell on those neanderthal [ __ ] absolutely a sturdy girl replied someone just needs to show me where this gave our surviving team a sense of hope i coordinated some girls and together they headed to the reservoir this gave our surviving team a sense of hope i coordinated some girls and together they headed to the reservoir i then sent all the remaining programmers to the control room maybe they could fix the system or at least part of it enough to deactivate the lockdown it's been an hour since i started writing this judy bravely endured the injuries refusing to release even lilith i don't know if judy realized that their power is to control water but i know that she knows that freeing them from that room means that they'll make it outside and kill thousands probably millions of people our facility is on an isolated location surrounded by a body of water from all sides except for one it's a matter of looking through the window to see it and they would use all this water to destroy the building maybe we won't die maybe for a miracle the tech people will restore the system but we all have accepted our deaths as punishment for playing god the fire just started i'm not sure if judy is still alive she wasn't moving lately and i don't know what's worse being beaten or burning to death it seems to be working as both even lilith let out guttural screams and cursed at me the room i am in is very close to there it's quickly getting hot and steamy in here none of the terminals are fixed yet the men's corpses are starting to smell the neanderthals were so scary at first i felt bad for lilith and eve but now i'm glad we exterminated them my only wish is that this time we got rid of every last one of them for good [Music] our second story is posted by dove rs an actual sociopath i worked with during my time as a social worker i'm not much of a writer but this is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to me and i've wanted to get it off my chest beyond what my co-workers know and yes this is actually a true story obviously a lot of the specifics have been altered for confidentiality but the story itself is true and one i've wanted to write for a long long time i'm a social worker i have been for five years and i've seen a lot in my line of work but absolutely nothing compares to this one case in college i got my degree in psychology and specialized in psychological trauma i worked my way through until i was a full social worker working with kids 8 to 18. many of my cases were not kids with trauma but i was always assigned the most challenging cases due to my education and psychological trauma is one of the most difficult types of mental health issues to work with effectively i'm explaining this because despite all of my education and experience i could never identify anything remotely connected to any sort of trauma to explain this 13-year-old boy's behavior background of the case i was referred by a school counselor for general misbehavior and opposition in class he was never violent or aggressive to staff or peers but he constantly tested boundaries and made people uncomfortable he had constantly shifting friends and often his former friends reported he was very charming at first but would eventually become more and more uncomfortable and manipulative by the time he was referred he was a bit of a loner and had only one identifiable friend his school counselor suspected abuse at home because this type of behavior is very typical for traumatized and abused kids this is why i was assigned the first day of the case i called the family beforehand as i always do and complete a general safety assessment to understand any potential risks i'm walking into it as you can imagine going into households is always a risk in this line of work the family seemed very normal over the phone no weapons in the house a safe neighborhood family were courteous and polite all very good signs i submitted my assessment practically blank due to how normal they seemed their house was impressive not a mansion but definitely upper middle class father was a lawyer and worked out of a home office and thankfully had plenty of time for his family mom was unemployed at the time but was a former educational specialist before staying at home full-time both parents were very supportive very open and easy to work with trust me you have no idea how difficult most parents can be at first i met my client's two younger siblings let's call them mark and james both of them were very bright for their age and easy to talk to they didn't seem to have anything notably wrong with them however i had just some general feeing that there was something they weren't telling me something that they were hiding from even their parents it's something i honestly believe the parents didn't notice but after my years of experience it was a gut reaction i felt lastly i met him my client let's call him chris chris was noticeably different from the family he didn't smile when i first met him he was pleasant enough to talk to but he just felt off like the type of feeling you get when you meet someone and just feel uncomfortable but can't pinpoint a reason after talking to all of them it was clear that there was no significant source of serious stress or trauma in the family positive community supports attentive parents lovely family stable income everything a family could want his parents did not see any serious trouble with chris they said he had some executive functioning problems got frustrated quickly with stuff and had typical teenager behavior by pushing boundaries and being oppositional they were more than willing to accept help but believe the school was overreacting the next session i had was one-on-one chris that session will always stick out to me it was noticeably uncomfortable he would constantly pry for information about my personal life which was very typical for my clients but in this case it just felt like it was more than curiosity he was fishing for information like specific information he wanted to learn about me like he was plotting something i'm extremely good with boundaries so it wasn't hard to deflect his questions and catch on to his clever games for him trying to trick me to give away more of my personal life he got very frustrated with me because he could see i wasn't someone he could play around him i fully expected him to say he never wanted to see me again but surprisingly at the end of our session he said i had fun today i'm looking forward to seeing you again those words chilled my heart it was just the way he said it i can't fully explain it but it was one of the first times in my job where i truly felt nervous months go by and things start to become more clear at home the parents confessed that things were worse than they were willing to admit chris totally ran the house and they were too scared to admit to themselves they've lost control dad actually had been burying himself in work locking himself in his room and only coming out to binge on family activity when he felt comfortable mom was actually a nervous wreck but was very good at hiding it she spent the most one-on-one time with chris and the family and out of everyone was the one to work with him the best still you could tell it was wearing down on her his brothers however they avoided him at all costs they never said why and always provided reasonable excuses for avoiding him but you could tell something was wrong chris began to get progressively more open and honest in session always tested my boundaries but at least was able to explain his feelings and thoughts as i worked more and more with him i could tell he truly had no empathy for those around him he wished that people would just listen to him and felt sad that no one can put up with him but really it was because people would get driven away once he tried to control them and manipulate them into doing what he wanted despite being an impenetrable wall to him chris really liked me definitely saw me as a challenge but also i became the one person who he could open up to because of this i felt confident that i could make a difference with him he listened to me and it sounded like he took my advice to heart still every session he would end it by saying in a baby voice make sure you're good boy until i see you next okay i always minimized it by treating it like a joke but still i fully recognize it as a warning sign unfortunately it was only the first warning sign one day we were talking about pets and animals and the use of them as coping skills his parents were debating getting a pet and i thought it was a good opportunity to learn how to build coping skills with them chris said he really liked dogs and really wanted one he expressed how he really craves that unconditional love and i thought this was all great it wasn't until eileen that his idea of unconditional love was a being that would obey him utterly i tested this by talking to him about having a cat a pet definitely less inclined to taking orders his response was chilling he said that he hated cats they annoyed him he said the neighbors had a cat that stayed outside and he hated it in fact he actually said that one day he kicked it because it was bothering him too much i asked what happened to the cat and he said that it thankfully ran away i knew this was bad remorselessly hurting animals is a big sign of serious problems i turned this case into a high priority case for my office afterwards and we kept very close eye on it still despite doing this there was something i and my whole team clearly couldn't see we knew it was there but we couldn't see it things got slowly worse at home especially during the approaching winter i now had a family specialist working on the case helping with behavioral interventions and frankly with help just living with chris and his ability to control the house i still worked one-on-one with chris one day i came over and he was building a snow fort a very elaborate one with multiple rooms it was honestly impressive he played games with his siblings and one friend one of which was some cops and robbers game he even made a mini prison room for i went into this prison room and i noticed bones embedded in the snow at first i was curious but not even shocked or worried a lot of 13 year olds are curious about animal bones and it's not developmentally abnormal still probably not appropriate for a jail i asked him about it and he said it was from a squirrel that must have died right before the winter this is something entirely possible they had a forest in their backyard and it wasn't the first dead squirrel they found i asked him to toss out the bones out of respect for his siblings playing the game and he agreed and pulled them out as he took them out i saw the animals skull it wasn't a squirrel skull i confronted him and said that this wasn't a squirrel skull it looked like a cat's skull his face went blank and he challenged me he said that i didn't know what i was talking about and that it was a squirrel skull i pressed more and he eventually cut me off and said i don't want to talk about this i'm removing the bones what more do you want from me i was scared that was definitely a cat skull and if i had to bet i bet i knew exactly which cat a few months more went by and i did everything for this family it started taking more of a toll on me now and i didn't even realize it at first i had nightmares and his words would echo in my head but i didn't want to give up i worked on cases that would also chilly or soul to hear about yet it was this case that kept me up at night we went through three different family specialists during this time who would all leave for various reasons but honestly i could tell they didn't want to work with this family anymore they knew something else was wrong but couldn't tell what it scared them i don't blame them for leaving but i didn't give up i wanted to find some solution for them i wanted these nightmares to stop but most of all i wanted to know that missing link what was going on that i knew was happening something that i couldn't figure out eventually it came to light i got a phone call at 9 00 pm one night that i'll remember for the rest of my life we need you to come over right now the father said we discovered something my heart went cold and i went over immediately the family was grim chris himself looked scared and this was something i never saw before it took a lot of prying but the truth came to light during bedtime the father walked up and noticed the door cracked he opened the door just to check in and saw something that finally solved the situation the father walked in on chris sexually abusing one of his younger brothers they didn't get into specifics and i didn't want them to hearing that made me feel sick how long has this been going on how did i not notice the signs i've worked with dozens of sexually abused kids and i knew the signs yet i completely missed this i told them i had to step out to make a phone call but really it was because i was ready to throw up i came back and checked in with both siblings the other sibling james insisted he had no idea and that this wasn't happening to him but i knew this wasn't true mark was quiet mostly it was obvious that this was something that has gone on for a long time but he had very little to say about it the only thing he told me was that he wanted it that he asked chris for this hearing this only made me more sick then there was chris himself this was the first time he had no excuses and no lies he begged for forgiveness and finally fully admitted to being sick and needing help it was obvious what my next move was i called child protective services the next day i was waiting to hear about how one or more of the children were removed for their own safety yet when i came back i was shocked everyone was they closed the case they told me straight to my face that it was a misunderstanding and that sexual behavior between siblings at their age is not extremely uncommon and not indicative of abuse this is true to a degree in this case it was crystal clear what happened while i was gone what did they say i fully suspected chris to minimize it but in order for this worker to not open the case they all had to minimize it i asked the family afterwards what happened and they told me they were just as surprised as i was it was clear they weren't i was worried how this would affect chris's ego i'm sure you can imagine that something like this would make him cocky and feel invincible yet it didn't chris was cautious and worried he was on edge and he knew that he [ __ ] up yet i don't fully believe he saw what he did is wrong the following months i struggled the nightmares got worse and i had trouble working with the family clinically i should have switched with a co-worker and it was a mistake to not transfer the case i just didn't want to give up i needed to do something more than ever the family was in shambles the months following were worse than ever chris was actually much more behaved he was different more nervous and cautious but more suspicious too i felt like his manipulations were more subtle than ever i felt like he was now playing the long game with his manipulations the mom had daily breakdowns she began to disassociate often and was noticeably a different person the dad appeared fine stoic almost yet he sometimes never left his office he would lock himself in there for full days at a time and the siblings the poor siblings they were more quiet than ever like i said the family has never been this bad i won't list everything but trust me when i say i did everything i could for them made referrals for trauma therapist for the siblings i looked into residential schools for chris i fought child protective services on their decision i even took on the role of a family support specialist because all of the others stopped working with them something my supervisor directly told me not to do things were grim i started to lose hope but then i made a breakthrough chris started to open back up to me and started to vent about his feelings and worries of being alone i took the opportunity to teach him something that may have saved the family after the years of working with him i knew that i couldn't teach chris to feel empathy but i might be able to teach him to emulate it as long as he learned that being empathetic was actually in his own best interest it took a while but it worked he improved relationships with his whole family his siblings still traumatized but started to feel more comfortable he even made two new friends he finally learned that all these behaviors were only hurting him and despite not being able to fully empathize acting that way worked out for him i'm not sure what happiness actually feels like to chris but it looked like he started experiencing something that really resembled happiness and finally finally he stopped being creepy to me after every session things were going up and the nightmares stopped for me too a few months later the family ended up moving to an even nicer house this house was out of my coverage area yet i worked for the duration of my insurance authorization to help with the transition the transition went well and chris was even able to attend summer camps something the family never felt comfortable with unfortunately i never got a traditional farewell session due to insurance complications despite that i felt comfortable leaving on the positive note that i did i haven't seen or heard from the family for a number of years but definitely remembered them the case always stuck out with me but recently something changed i got a text message from the mom out of the blue all it said was we need help i started to type a response trying to help them reach out for the appropriate services in their area i could get into a lot of trouble if i directly worked with them without authorization but i still cared before i finished she typed back immediately please i beg you please come over right now we need help it was clear i needed to call them they most likely would need to call 9-1-1 for whatever was going on yet when i called the phone went straight to voicemail i consulted with my supervisor and she agreed i should call 9-1-1 i did and the police went over quickly due to the family's history hours later the police called me and asked if i could come over to the house normally i wasn't allowed to do this but i got special permission given that the police were asking for my assistance i drove for quite a while and i was dreading the worst yet i wasn't prepared for what i saw the police escorted me into the house and i was shocked the house was empty nothing was destroyed no damage nothing thrown around just missing basically everything yet it was clear that they were just home food was sitting on the dinner table and just recently went cold it looked like they somehow stopped whatever they were doing and just loaded every important piece of belonging and left how they did this and the hours they had was unbelievable a month has gone by and the police have been searching for them without luck they have contacted me multiple times to ask if i heard word but i haven't no one knows what happened to them i have stopped hearing from the police or anyone really by now but i still wonder what happened i might never know what actually happened but i'll certainly never forget this i don't take this word lightly but chris was and is a true sociopath i don't believe in ghosts demons or monsters and i don't need to people like chris walk among us and most of the time we never even know about it
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 196,471
Rating: 4.8293757 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: NnPmlv_73Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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