SCARIEST NoSleep stories that actually happened (r/AskReddit) reddit stories

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[Music] our /as credit posted by user colonial 83 reddit what is your are slash no sleep story that actually happened we moved into a new house a few months ago as we were in the process of purchasing the house the renter who was living in it died unexpectedly of natural causes in his mid-40s he died right in the middle of the living room shortly after we move into the house and almost immediately our two-year-old daughter starts talking about the ghost that lives in her house now let's be real here she is two and two-year-olds are very impressionable Halloween had recently passed and she had this Halloween themed picture book that she loved to read so it's entirely possible that all this talk of ghosts was just coming from looking through that book on a regular basis still she was always telling me that the ghost was in her Playhouse in the basement or that the ghost was on the stairs or that the ghost was standing in the corner she never seemed to be afraid of the ghost and considered him to be her friend so I wasn't all that concerned even if there really was a ghost haunting our house if he's a nice and helpful ghost it could certainly be a lot worse I would often tell the ghost that he was welcome to stay if he wanted to but he was also welcome to go if that would make him happier I was about thirty seventy on the ghost being real and she could see and talk to him versus the ghost being just her imagination fueled by her Halloween book until one day when we were going out to the car to go to daycare in the morning it was still dark out and rainy my daughter told me that the ghost was on the back deck and then she told me that today was the ghosts birthday and she wanted to sing him happy birthday once again I mostly disregarded what she was saying as she is birthday obsessed and has in the past made us sing happy birthday to Mickey Mouse a bowl of fruit snacks and the bathroom so we sang and wish the ghost a happy birthday and went on with our lives later that day out of pure curiosity I looked up the obituaries of the man who had died in our house and wouldn't you know it it was his freakin birthday this is for my parents I was about three years old and it was way past my bedtime but I was Restless and I snuck out of my bed and made my way to the living room where my parents were watching a documentary about World War two I remember hearing things like Hitler and Luftwaffe and Messerschmitt now to a child toddler who had a trouble enunciated hard consonants those words were actually very easy to replicate and sound out then I heard my parents talking to each other idly wondering if the pilots all bought into that evil bad man Hitler's lies and how some of the pilots felt if they had a conscience at all anyways the next day I drew a crude plane on a piece of paper and was making airplane noises like I had overheard on TV according to my mother I never had expressed any interest in planes had no exposure to planes before at least not to her knowledge so she was curious why I would suddenly draw a plane out of the blue it's my plane oh it's your plane yeah my plane its Messerschmitt what Messerschmitt mama I was in the Luftwaffe honey where did you hear those words I wanted to do good but Hitler made me bad then I had to go away for a while but now I'm here anyways for years my parents were convinced that I was a reincarnated soul of a world war ii german pilot it wasn't until fairly recently that i had a random recall of the whole thing and told my parents everyone was very amused i was at my uncle's apartment in this rustling scratching sound started I figured it was some animal outside and waited for it to stop it did but it had start back up every 15 minutes then I became convinced that it was in the room with me I walked around the room and looked in all the corners and couldn't find anything so I said [ __ ] it it's just a poltergeist and ended up getting about thirty minutes of sleep total that night since the noise never stopped in the morning he asks how I slept I said I didn't because of the weird scratching noise he pulls a hedgehog from behind the TV edit Hedgehog was in a glass tank behind the TV I missed the part about the uncle and thought that poltergeist pulled a hedgehog out from behind the TV that is a much better story posted this before but it's one of my family's favorite stories my uncle called my mom one morning and told her this I have four little cousins and who never got to meet my grandfather he passed before they were born one morning they ran downstairs for breakfast as they usually do as my uncle was getting their food ready one pointed to the fridge and said that's him my uncle not thinking much of it said who and looked over they were pointing at a picture of my grandfather that they never got to meet my cousin responded the man that comes and talks to us at night until we fall asleep sometimes not horrifying but still eerie I had a very similar experience happened to me directly I'll keep it short my great grandfather passed away when I was five and so as it was just my mom and I after her divorce she took me up to Leeds to attend the funeral with her both of us were upset and so we slept in the same bed as mum felt heartbroken and I was just upset though never was one as a child to share my parents bed just this one occasion fast forward to the very early hours of the day of the funeral around 3:00 a.m. and although I don't remember doing it my mom says I say bolt upright in bed wide-awake and started talking to someone she didn't dare interrupt even though it freaked her out loads and just lay there in bed listening to me talk to my great-grandmother who had passed away in 1981 14 years before I was born yeah this is exactly what I want to be reading at 3:00 a.m. in my bed in Leeds I've posted this before in a similar thread for reference this happened a few months ago like most couples my husband and I have a designated side of the bed I sleep on the right and him on the left my comfortable sleep position is laying on my left side and facing the window away from him he alternates between facing the bathroom door of me one night a few weeks back I'm fighting my sleep I'm laying on my left side for the norm but I just can't get comfortable my neck has sort of sore from laying on my left so I turn over and face my husband when I turn over I am not only faced with my husband's back but with a large shadow standing over him immediately the shadow stretches to me and somehow communicates for me to turn over I remember thinking its face was contorted somehow expressing malice but I can't for the life of me remember what it looked like I didn't hear a voice but the communication was urgent and angry like it wanted to hurt me without thinking I turned back around and quickly fall asleep to be honest I'm not even sure if I was dreaming the next morning my husband and I wake up around the same time and go about our usual routine I don't say anything because my husband doesn't like to talk about supernatural stuff or the like which I felt it was however this morning is strange and he seems to be uncomfortable after a lot of prodding he finally admits he had an awful nightmare he dreamt a demon was trying to make him do things while he was sleeping really evil [ __ ] wouldn't elaborate and I woke up during this and the demon attacked me I didn't tell my husband that I remember the same thing only I wasn't sure if I was asleep TLDR turned over to face my husband while sleeping which I never do demon shadow got in my face and communicated that I should turn around I did next morning husband has same dream but demon was telling him to hurt me / attack me edit ok some of the recurring questions here particularly about the sleep position her trying to explain it best way I can since I'm at work and can't draw a picture when entering the room you will see the been against the wall facing where you entered the bathroom door is the on the left side of the room and the window is on the right side of the room from your perspective walk up to the foot of the bed and you are standing over a sleeping my husband is laying on the right side of his body sleeping facing the bathroom and I am sleeping on my left side so I face the window I'm speaking from my perspective when referencing my right in my left I'm sorry if this confused anyone another thing without thinking I turned back around and quickly fall asleep there was a comment that I should have saved my husband when this occurred I honestly felt like I was dreaming I saw the shadow but it felt so surreal I assumed it wasn't there plus I don't remember seeing its face just remember feeling the angry presence and I fell back asleep so quickly which never happens if I actually open my eyes and look around I don't remember voluntarily just turning over it was automatic so of course I didn't just leave my husband to fend for himself honestly if I thought it was real I would have at least screamed or woke my husband up which may or may not have it bad consequences other comments on sleep paralysis her maybe I've never had anything like this happened before maybe it was a weird coincidence of ESPE on my behalf in an awful nightmare on my husband's maybe where that psychologically linked this was overall a terrifying one-time experience in my life it did leave me uncomfortable and anxious a few days after I didn't sleep well for a night or three after but when it never returned I began to write it off my husband and I never spoke about it after that morning tbh it does feel that if we ignore it it will go away if you believe me thank you if you don't believe me even better hopefully that will help you sleep tonight it's not something I would like to experience ever again not only because of the fear but because of my awful feelings afterward I work in a small building with three wings and my office is located in a little back hallway of one of the wings I share the office with another girl and it's usually pretty quiet one evening she and I were the only ones in our wing still there and we both heard a door loudly shut in the hallway we were both a bit confused and upon peeking out I noticed nothing out of the ordinary the next two weeks I was staying really late to catch up on hours so I could have a winter break and I began noticing little noises in the hallway when I was positive nobody was in the building it sounded like a shoe sliding on the floor this happened a couple of times earlier in the evenings it would just be me and the janitor and she started getting really spooked she said she heard door slamming in one of the wings even though everybody had left we investigated one night to find that all of the doors were properly locked but I noticed that the kitchen light was on even though the door was locked the janitor freaked out because she knew she'd turned the light off before locking the door I also recalled the light being on a couple of nights when I was the only one ere I started to ask around if other people in the building had experienced anything weird like that and one lady said some of her room decorations would have moved when she came back from bathroom and here's the one that really creeps me out another lady said that one day she noticed a footprint in the middle of her desk it's that black material that shows skin prints pretty easily to be honest I'd rather it be paranormal stuff because the idea that there's a person doing all this really creeps me out TL DR a mild white-collar paranormal activity my daughter slept in the bed with me for a few years after her father and I had divorced probably ages three through six or so my bed was against the wall and she slept on the side of the wall I slept on my side facing her so my bathroom was to my back we had not fallen asleep yet but had just been laying there being quiet and still all of a sudden she says mommy why is there a man standing behind you my body turned ice-cold and it felt like all of the blood drained out of my body I finally got up the nerve to turn over and look there was nobody there she had said it so seriously but the little tooth was totally joking I have never been so scared in my life and to this day I will not sleep with my back facing that bathroom door this was 13 years ago and that is exactly why I do not want children I work night shift as a palliative care right now in a very big very old nursing home it's important to note that this home and the religious organization that rented are currently part of the royal inquiry into the institutional response to the abuse of children the nurses that had worked there for 30 plus years used to delight and telling younger staff that when it was used as a children's home they used to bury children that died in the Rose Garden this hold Rose Garden was apparently under a newer wing of the home at least four times in my two years of working there we would have elderly close to death patients wake totally lucid in the dead of night and ask us please tell the little girl to get out of my room or please get that little boy out of the corner he's looking at me being in this huge dark old creepy building that had a very awful history and then that happening [ __ ] that I would never do my rounds alone when it happened it was terrifying it made my blood run cold and I'd get a friend to work with me the rest of the night I was not the only person this happened to either it was a regular occurrence I worked the graveyard shift in a hospital kitchen about five years ago before the kitchen was renovated a few years prior our dish room used to be part of the morgue while I was training I'd frequently feel like someone was watching me especially when I crossed into that part of the hallway every time I went into the dish room something would be moved turned over or missing assuming it was my coworker I didn't think anything of it about a week later my coworker leaves and I'm left on my own every night I would hear carts being moved around dishes being put away and silverware rattling if I would leave for a minute I'd get back in my radio would be switched to a different station it got to the point where I was terrified to come to work every night I called my old co-worker told her what was going on and she very calmly said oh yeah I forgot to tell you about George apparently George was a nurse slash medical examiner who had a stroke and died while at work he was in his 50s I was told from then on everything actually went quite well I introduced myself to George asked him to please keep it down and as long as I said hi to him as soon as I started work he didn't seem to wanted to bother me anymore it took us a little while to find a radio station we could agree on but we worked harmoniously after that when I left the job a year later I made sure I told the girl that replaced me sleep paralysis story incoming before I experienced did myself I honestly thought people had been exaggerating how absolutely terrifying it is I must have been pretty close to having a heart attack at least that's what it felt like bit of relevant background it happened when I've been having insomnia I was sleeping at like 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. as I just couldn't sleep anyway the heating man had to come over to do something with the radiators as we were having a new boiler installed I was sleeping in my mom's room as the old boiler was in mine and she thought I wouldn't be as disturbed anyway I was briefly woken up by the guy turning on the radiator which made a sound like steam being released next thing I know it's morphed into this demonic scream and this shadow thing emerges from above the bed behind me grabs me from behind around my chest and pulls me to the bed I can feel this thing school using my chest and the pain was indescribable I tried screaming for my mom but my voice was just a wisp one of the creepiest experiences of my life copying this from an old post under an old profile I no longer use new addition is in italics at the bottom I'm not much of a storyteller and this isn't as creepy as some of the stuff I've read here in our / no sleep but it was the first experience since finding this place that made me want to share my 21 month old daughter has never been a good sleeper no matter what we try she rarely sleeps through the night we've set up two night lights a regular one across the room and behind her little dresser and a red one by her bed she's in the ballpark of where a fear of the dark and imagination can manifest and we were trying to get ahead of it the last couple of weeks she's been waking up and acting completely frantic crying in a way that she doesn't normally cry if I try to leave her alone she doesn't just cry no she sounds absolutely terrified and it's not her normal scared cry three nights ago I was woken up by the sound of a pig snort at two different times you might say that I woke myself up snoring but my wife and I do not snore unless we are congested and that's not the case at the moment it was an odd thing but I simply went back to sleep I point this out because my daughter has started making pig snorts she has a little stuffed pig but we haven't been teaching her that noise two nights ago we were woken up around 12 a.m. by her cries on the monitor I went into her room the red light that was on when we put her to sleep was unplugged from the wall I tried to get her back down but she wasn't having it she kept looking over my shoulder the door to her room is across the room and was behind my back but she wasn't looking at it rather she was looking at the glider a kind of rocking chair in her room I looked back at it and for the briefest of moments I swore that I saw a shadow moved from the light of her normal nightlight back into the shadows it's 2:00 a.m. and my mind is playing tricks on me I said to myself half outloud I said it out loud because of the feeling slowly washing over me the feeling that something was there unseen eyes watching me I made me uncomfortable powerless I haven't really felt that feeling since living with a friend of mine and encountering an aggressive entity that I did there I tried to play it off and asked my daughter is there someone here aha it's one of the few things that she will clearly says where are they there was no one in the room with us she pointed at the corner where the glider is we keep it locked because we rarely use it so I knew it wouldn't be moving I still looked in that direction there's no one there sweetie are you sure I was hoping she'd shake her head no ah huh okie dokie put her head down on Daddy's shoulder I was patting her back half to comfort her and half to comfort me she patted my shoulder back she put her head down and we swayed for a few minutes but she wasn't closing her eyes she was watching the glider I waited a few more minutes and asked is someone still here aha where are they she pointed to the same place this time something caught my eye that I'd completely overlooked before her stuffed pig was on the floor next to the glider she looked absolutely terrified she slept with us that night last night she cried but wasn't pacing in her crib I went in to check on her and the red light was again unplug I rubbed her back and told her everything would be okay she fell back asleep she does make the cutest content noises when she's sleeping well well I thought she was sleeping well I went to leave the room and she'd start crying she was fidgeting which was abnormal for her she's normally a fairly still sleeper like I am she was sleeping on her stomach which was normal but she was keeping her hands tucked under her body normally she sleeps with them out like a typical toddler / baby sleeps went on their belly I moved her arm out and she quickly tucked it back in we did this back and forth thing with me rubbing her back walking away and her waking up for about 20 minutes I started to walk away for the last time so certain she was asleep dah dah I turned to see her pointing at the glider which was illuminated by the night light nothing was there but the lever was in the unlocked position I started to get lightheaded and my chest started to tighten my legs felt like lead I started to hear a distinct buzzing sound in my head maybe it was fear maybe it was adrenalin me it was something that I have no idea about I willed myself to move grabbed my daughter and took her into our room needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night we ended up selling the bladder to clear up some space in her room once we sold that however my daughter started sleeping in her room after most of her life sleeping in our bed and then on a pallet on our floor it took three nights for her to sleep in her room [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 313,485
Rating: 4.792573 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation, r/nosleep, no sleep
Id: Qb3Ex6sPg8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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