5 Dark Web Stories | r/nosleep #9 | Deep Web

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welcome back Wolfpack I know you've been asking for more dark web stories and I have returned with five more so before we delve into the dark web whether you're sitting around a campfire on the night shift or even laying in bed let my voice soothe your nightmares [Music] in retrospect it's kind of ironic that my love for science I chose would be my predicament I mean it looks unfair that my curiosity and thirst for knowledge would lead me in such a shady path the only thing I ever wanted was to be better at my job I am a medicine student for as long as I can remember myself I was fascinated by the human body no matter how bad we treated sometimes it is nothing sort of perfection the structure and function of the organs the delicate high functioning brain the blue snake like veins carrying the blood into the heart to be cleaned and recycled simply magnificent it was a simple choice for me I wanted to study more about the body learn all the details it hides and sometimes rectify it now don't get me wrong I didn't really enjoy studying to get to the medicine school most of the time it was a tedious process of learning about irrelevant topics that I really don't care about but I managed to pull through and get into the university there I developed two very mixed feelings although some lectures were diving into the secrets of what we were supposed to be learning about most were simple stuff read from a PDF presentation by a semi board professor the kind of knowledge you could acquire by reading some science magazines magazines I had already read so most of the times I went to the campus feeling indifferent secretly hoping that I could get to learn something amazing like perhaps a new fun fact in the anatomy class but that was rare I can't say I have many friends come to think of it I don't think I have any I am friendly with all my classmates and peers but we really don't have anything else in common other than we studied the same subject they didn't study the way I did most of them valued the prestige and paycheck that comes from being a doctor some truly wanted to help others in times of sickness but no one actually wanted to learn not the way I did they consumed themselves some parties drugs and sex with each other while I went the extra mile and studied something more than a given material every night just to tame my lust for knowledge I remember the day Jonathan approached me in the campus cafeteria he was in a break between some classes we both participated in he sat opposite to me and asked me how I was doing we chatted a bit about everything and nothing mostly regarding some projects we were working on as homework at the time I liked this guy Jonathan wasn't the best student or the most intriguing person but I knew he also truly loved medicine and tried his best to learn more I liked this guy Jonathan wasn't the best student or the most intriguing person but I knew he also truly loved medicine and tried his best to learn more than what the university spoon fed us I respected him for that so it came as a pleasant surprise when he introduced me to a new idea hey men he said I know that you feel bored here I sort of get it sometimes too boy was he right I have found a man that really knows his stuff he continued and then more hesitantly there's a link to the dark web of a very good doctor his methods are a bit unconventional so he can't broadcast for the normies but he is really skillful I mean at least his teaching has helped me a lot with my exams he laughed at this I thought about it for a while before answering sure I said let's see what this mysterious doctor has to offer by then I had read many books and articles already and I would give anything to see something fresh Jonathan smiled and gave me a note with the alleged link nice bro if you need any help with this dark web thing give me a call my phone is also on that note would be cool to chill out in this doctors chat room and learn from him I didn't have to call him I politely said goodbye as he left and resumed with my lunch but I was curious now I am by no means a computer guy but I can work my way through some stuff so I won't bore you with the details of how I got to the site most of you here are familiar with this kind of story anyways the path is simple you get the appropriate software to enable you to go into the dark web and then you start searching you have to be very specific for what you are looking for otherwise you get lost on a mountain of cyber junk and specific I was I got to the link I wanted relatively fast it was a site called anatomy 102 it had a plain grade template and the classical ancient Greek symbol of medicine is a logo a snake wrapping itself around a rod although it was a little different than the usual one the snake looked like it was biting on something and that something sort of resembled a human skull that looked a little peculiar there was a camera focused on an empty white room and also a chat room the cherrim had around 50 active people casually talking about various medicine specializations speculating what they would learn about today around ten minutes later two people appeared in the room both wearing the typical operation ROM uniforms dragging a big table of surgery tools with them one of them disappeared from the scene and the other stood in front of the camera still wearing his mask hello my dear audience it brings me great pleasure to see so many of you here today this is a place of learning and understanding so I would advise all of you to pay attention and observe all the details I liked this intro a true professor for all of those who happen to be new here let me introduce myself I'm going by the name dr. Manson here but you can just address me as Doctor in the chat every two weeks we gather around here to discuss something about Anatomy and how it works in practical ways as he finished his words the second guy got in the frame again this time pushing a surgery table before him the table was full I guessed it had a dead body or a sleeping person on it by that time the count on the chat room read 250 online the other guy also wearing a mask took the sheet that was covering the body on the bed to reveal something I was not prepared for a living human fully awake muffled and tied on the bed with leather straps he was middle-aged with brown hair and a very scared look in his eyes the man was sweaty and an obvious distress but couldn't do much tied like a piece of meat as he was as you may know the doctor continued the digestive system is one of the most important systems in the human body it is the source of all the energy input and output of animals today we'll give it a closer look the chat box was filled with lots of expressions of happiness as people seemed to be content with the idea of lesson I for once felt nervous I could never expect what followed next the doctor started operating on the man on the bed without using any anesthesia he cut open an incision in his belly while the man screams were drowned behind the muffler after that he started taking parts of the victims intestines out and showing them on the camera talking in detail about everything and also applied pressure at certain points to demonstrate what he was talking about generating huge amounts of pain for the helpless victim during the whole process he shown no hint of emotion the chat was filled with questions most of which he replied to same way our professors talked to us in uni he paid extra attention to those who wanted him to experiment on the litter tations of the victim he noted that the people asking those questions had true motivation to learn and will progress in their career after that statement he followed through with the suggestions given to him blood had started to make a puddle on the floor every now and then the victim would faint by the sheer pain he felt but the doctor's helper would make him wake up every time the doctor insisted that it is important for the patient to have his senses in order for us to take notes of his reactions I was shocked but I couldn't look away same thing when you see a gruesome accident on the street and you know that if you check to see what happened you'll feel an urge to throw up but you still turn your head and look your eyes thirsty for the odd in the gore the procedure was getting more and more extreme the incision was even bigger now and the doctor was explaining the reflexes of the stomach while holding the actual man's organs in his hand he applied pressure to it and the wave of gastric fluids went through the now crying man's esophagus choking him as he was lying face-up it didn't last much longer after this the victim went unconscious and it seems that even the helper couldn't bring him up anymore after a few tries the helper looked at the doctor and nodded the doctor then returned his face to the camera all right class that's all I had to talk about today any questions a few messages appeared on the chat box and he selectively answered some of them unfortunately that's all the time we had for today's class he said and then continued okay who would like to volunteer for the next lesson the chat was suddenly silent oh come on such a shy audience you'll never become true scientist if you are afraid to take risks but anyhow most of you know the procedure if no one volunteers I will randomly choose someone from the chat and by next lecture in two weeks time he will be the person in this bed leading all of you guys into enlightenment to be honest the patient's job is more important than mine I am just explaining things so he should be very proud and cherished the fact that he's actually the real teacher still silence alright then but I'm not happy about that he went on let me find someone myself he appeared to be searching for someone on this monitor username healthy Raven 96 will be with us the next lesson I'll see you all then healthy Raven 96 got instantly disconnected the other started to logout too while some stayed to discuss a lesson I turned off my PC what had I just watched this was more like a cult than a classroom it was natural to use a human guinea pig for teaching but still I learned so much this person talked with so much passion for science and had a strange charisma you may even call it charm but no matter what I decided to never open this site again I was not going to be participating in this illegal situation I knew how wrong this was but deep inside me my everlasting thirst was still demanding more I broke my promise two weeks later it was the day of the supposed lecture and I just couldn't take it out of my mind I logged in for anatomy in 102 once again this time a young woman was on the bed the process was similar dr. Manson introduced himself and started his lesson this time focused on the nervous system I was hooked before I even knew it and watched the entire talk without even flinching this time until the moment that the unlucky girl was dead I hadn't even moved from my chair and this became part of my life I was following every lecture showing 100% attendance I watched his men woman in some rare times even underage people were brought in to the untimely death for the sake of science I started participating actively asking questions about amputations and tissue damage and sometimes I was even the one who suggested the craziest experiments I was addicted to the gore in particular but it was a small price to pay for the knowledge I learned so much for example that the pain threshold we are taught that the human body can withstand is bullcrap I saw with my very own eyes how much the human organism can suffer before giving up for good that and many other things that are not to be told in this post the months went by fast I kept watching the lectures some rare times there was someone aspired so much from the doctors words that he or she would volunteer for the lesson making all of us sigh and relief but those times were rare it was mostly Russian roulette every week I was scared of course but the risk was well worth the reward at the same time I studied even harder completely locking myself out of the real world I wanted to learn even more now so much was I inspired by this masked man then the day came which I never expected to come the doctor had finished a lecture slowly turning a man's brains into mashed potatoes and as always was looking for a volunteer after the usual awkward silence I heard something truly terrifying ok students next to come with us will be Lotus Eclipse my username my stupid username made as a pun from my favorite car I had thought that this might happen but never actually thought it would the chances were always pretty low and I was enjoying the class's way too much to stop for the first time since that fateful day that I had learned about this damn site I called the only man that could understand me Jonathan he picked up the phone we talked for a long time and in the end we managed to formulate a solution we spend the rest of the time until my lecture in my house we were together all the time in order to succeed what we planned three days before the lesson was to happen we were attacked while we were in the house I didn't know how they found us but truth be told the doctor had never failed to locate his forest volunteer he was with his helper as I had predicted Jonathan had a flash earlier this week as he had bought us gas masks as a precaution I don't know how he foresaw that but we were prepared for the gas that our stalkers used that night I guess that's how the doctor managed to get his victims in the operating room in one piece every time perhaps people were prepared for an assault but very few had thought of it I was lucky to have access to a gun heirloom of my early past father and managed to shoot the knee of the doctor before he could attack the helper was not much of this ice-cold man I had thought of when I watched the live streams he was still very willing to help us with whatever he wanted he was very willing to help us with whatever we wanted in exchange for his life after I got all the information I wanted I shot him in the head just to take his annoying whining out of my ears and here we are today as I'm typing this I hear the muffled voice of a man behind me it was easy to get the codes for the streaming and the doctor's username and password from the crying helper pleading for his life so that I could continue the job in the idea he had started I felt they had helped me a lot during this time and it was time for me to help others myself with Jonathan at my side we would venture to experiments which no one had even dared to conduct we would take science and medicine many steps ahead through our will to try new things but it just felt right that I would give dr. Manson a great gift he always believes that the man in the bed was doing the greatest sacrifice and I wanted him to have his honor for his last appearance in the classroom his screams and violent shaking on the bed though gave a different suggestion I guess he wasn't such a believer in pioneer as he always thought but no matter what the time is now for someone new to take his place someone with vision skill in cunningness someone like me to continue his work so friends I invite you all to join us we will learn together and find answers to all the questions we still have for the human body so that in time we can have perfect knowledge of medicine and its practices come to the stream and be part of the class as we will examine all that there is to the human organism and feel free to ask and questions like you my helper will be happy to answer them or show some real-life examples to help you understand better now if you'll excuse me the lesson is about to start and I have planned a very special lecture as a parting gift for dr. Manson I will see you all in class July 1st 2018 faces staring into the camera sandy hair mid 20s male somewhat reminiscent of a squirrel in his rabid mannerisms the big day is finally here this is our first time testing our new Spider bot on the dark web and we're both pretty excited we've only got a week left to iron out all the bugs before kevin has to defend his thesis but I won't anticipate any problems kevin is nervous as hell but the kid is an absolute genius he's still configuring his tor network and VPN so I'm going to catch everyone up who are just joining the stream now typical web crawlers haven't been able to explore the dark web because they can't index specific inputs like forms or authentication passphrases I'm mostly here for moral support and don't understand it completely but Kevin's spider bot has machine learning algorithms which have been training the last few weeks to learn a new adaptive method of keyword selection you hear that diverse of snort am i oversimplification yeah that's Kevin say hello Kevin the streamer looks off camera off camera voice shut up Brian whatever screw you two men based on the training results we should be able to index a couple thousand pages a day Google only reaches 16% of all available web pages so that means it's going to take us approximately forever to get through it all with our current computing power this is just proof of concept though all were using at the moment is Kevin's old laptop that has dog crinkles practically smashed the power cord was stretched across the room and this little Bulldog came barreling right through indistinct grunt off-camera hold on it looks like we're good to go if all goes well then in a couple of months you're going to start reading about how the dark web cease to exist because of our little spider I'm going to end the stream now to get it started but join us again tomorrow to explore the cool stuff we found July 3rd 2018 the sand eat hair man is back there are bags under his eyes but he's enthusiastic as ever hey guys it's me again sorry for the delay but we hit an unexpected bump spider was doing great and had already logged a few hundred sites when it abruptly stopped with this weird error it keeps telling us that ADA had already indexed everything kevin is able to manually direct it to keep finding new sites but as soon as it's automated it just says it's finished again Kevin is practically ripping his hair out but it's not like this has ever been a complete waste of time we did discover a brand new never-before-seen cover that I'm pretty sure it didn't used to exist all Kevin had to do was put it on a white t-shirt a week ago then eat nothing but barbecue chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce the camera starts to pan to the left an unseen hand shoves it back into place anyway Brian rambles it looks like we might still be a while so off voice camera we got it I don't understand but I've got it well whip me red and call me applesauce because it looks like we're back in business off voice camera what that's not a saying nobody says that Kevin Kevin Kevin you have got to get out more people are saying that all the time so what's the holdup off-voice camera it's all linked look at this a drug marketplace in anime forum a counterfeit producer some dungeons stuff you have my attention off voice camera it's all referencing the same destination spider stops indexing because it thinks the whole dark web is just one site I'm gonna try to get in that relates to a joke I know so a drug lord a weeaboo conman and a porn star all walk into a bar off voice camera this isn't a real joke just shut up I'm trying to concentrate and the barman says what are you guys doing together so the drug lord says off-voice camera they've all got something to hide off voice camera it's got to be the blackmail thing these guys must be tunneling into other websites to get info or hold them ransom but there's no way they can be everywhere every single site spider finds crap crap oh like that's a real saying off voice camera they're on my computer I have no idea how they trace spider back but the mouse is moving on its own it's typing an address in the Tor what are you doing popping out the battery the power button isn't working no don't the streamer dives off camera bumping noises dude give that back the streamer returns in front of the camera holding a battered old laptop nah man this is what the people are here to see let's find out where these hackers are trying to take us I swear to god Brian and overweight torpedo wearing a blotchy shirt of unclassifiable color hurdles across the screen the streamers chair tips over and then both men go down the laptop is left in front of a camera where a long line of seemingly random letters and symbols are typing themselves and in the address bar of a tor browser indistinct muffled swearing the website loads a countdown timer starts at 15 minutes begins to tick down Kevin and Brian stick their heads up over the desk in unison to stare at it at least shut the damn camera off Kevin says only if you'll let it countdown to see what happens Brian replies swatting away Kevin's hand which stretches for a laptop god he's such an ass whatever fine just shut it off the Sandy man begins to wave and the stream turns the timer reads 15 seconds the angle is weird as if the camera is in his lap hidden beneath a desk the looming brian is pacing and muttering to himself in the corner of the screen kevin surreptitiously leans over the camera and gives a thumbs-up mouthing the letters OMG the timer hits zero and stays there a dog starts barking in the distance are you happy now Kevin grunts give it back okay there's a knock on the door a single knock loud and deliberate the barking intensifies snarling growling all the hell breaks loose in its little world not really Kevin whispers a second knock then a third each about three seconds apart you get it both men say nearly the same instant they stare at each other until the next knock this is your fault Kevin wheezes in a voice halfway between a whisper and a shout yeah yeah he replies he approaches the door the camera angles still at waist height then in a lot of voice who is it are you still recording Kevin hisses unbelievable the screen is filling by the doors Kevin gets closer he's right up against it so he's probably looking through the Pico crash a sound loud enough to max out the speaker volume the door explodes inward in a wave of splinters the screen shaking erratically and there's nothing but splinters and Lance's of light and screaming a gray skinned hand streaks across the camera if you freeze the frame you'll notice that the skin looks more like coarse cloth and that there is stitching running up and down the fingers the stream cuts off July 10th the streamer is back his face seems paler his skin is breaking out and his hair hangs in greasy strings around his face he's sitting at a bear table in a concrete room the lights are dim but there's a large man standing in the back of the room his hands are folded motionlessly in front of him yeah hi guys this might be my last broadcast for awhile he glances back at the figure in the corner but there's no movement back to the camera Kevin's okay I mean he's different but he's okay he glances back to the corner of the room but the figure still hasn't budged Brian shadow shifts with his movement for a moment the stitch skin of the person in the corner is visible running all the way up his arm I guess they had something like spider they were only tunneling into web sites on the dark web anyway I guess those kind of people could disappear without as many questions being asked and wanted my followers to know though Brian swallows he looks behind again then a sudden burst a movement grabbing the camera and dragging it up to his face close your browser now shut off your computer the figure in the back has started to move great lumbering steps charging forward Brian's words are a breathy rush it only takes 15 minutes for them to find you once they've established a connection the cloth hand sees Brian from behind and dragged him off camera don't do this Kevin he shouts how long has your browser been open already just shut the damn thing off there's a heavy thud a heavyset face appears in from the camera for movement the human eyes will look strange embedded within the cloth stitch has run down either side of the face along the jaw line the cloth might just be sewn to the skin but it fits so closely to the anatomy of Kevin's face that it looks more like cloth has replaced it the stream cuts to black replaced by the last few seconds of a depleting timer do you know that a person can survive without water for only three days but Gandhi was able to survive as much as 21 days without food those were things I used to know as a normal student in a small town I know none of those things anymore I just know about rage and feeling constantly hungry I was in the last year of high school and working a part-time job so I could save money for higher education things were dull but mostly fine until an otherwise normal afternoon after class it happened in the light of day I was shoved inside a vehicle with expertise I never saw the faces of the men that took me I never saw their vans stinking of old blood and rancid food I can only see the blackness am i blind and tastes a slight sweetness of chloroform before I lost my senses when I woke up again I was completely naked in a poorly lit room the state I was in made me expect the worse but there was no pain or bleeding indicating that kind of violence it was cold and there was a maddening dripping sound something was gleaming in the dark as soon as I adjusted my eyes I realized it was a knife drip drip drip the small room had nothing but an already dirty toilet a knife and a crack on the ceiling dripping slimy slightly green water the walls and floor were gray and featureless the very strong light like a camera flash popped into my face blinding all my senses with a shock it disappeared after a moment and I heard a voice we want to watch your death let's see how long it will take they took someone unremarkable frail with nothing to live for but now I had a purpose I had to frustrate my captors if they wanted to watch my death I would be the most resilient person in the world I wouldn't grant their wish back then I didn't know I was being watched by a bunch of sick and twisted people who kept up with my daily misery in the comfort of their house and their Anonymous nests I slept on the cold hard floor food never came in the only source of water was the murky leak on the ceiling I drank it humiliated it tasted worse than crap and I would know that since I fed on my own waste during the first few days the only indication that a day had ended was the blinding flash in the same cold mocking voice telling me they were surprised I had made it so far I was so hungry so very hungry the room was getting hotter than my breathing every day there was no proper ventilation it seemed to just be enough to not let me die from carbon monoxide poisoning a merciful death compared to the one they'd planned for me I didn't know why they chose me I still don't know I never wronged anyone I never excelled at anything to be a target of one's envy it was just a purposeless act of evil the fact that it was completely random made my hatred grow and with it my determination my stomach hurt beyond words I was constantly sick from the putrid smells around me my body ached all over my skin was matted and flaky my hair falling from malnutrition I grabbed a knife I felt watched in cruel anticipation not today I chopped off my left pinky and shoved it in my mouth before I could think too much about it my own blood dripped on my chest as I chewed on my own bones the crunching sound should be so sickening my teeth would be hurting so much or even breaking bone against bone I should be horrified to phagocyte a part of my own body but I was just happy to be eating after that I felt my body growing stronger every day like a member of the cannibal tribe on Papua New Guinea after ritualistically feeding on their departed loved ones I laughed manically for hours at a time and trembled endlessly but I was more alive than I've ever been in that captivity I rationed on my food wisely I needed my right hand so it was crucial to spare at least four fingers on it but I was freed to feed in my left hand my toes were pretty much useless I've been dragging myself on the floor to move around anyway but I didn't need to feed him myself for long no more than a week after I first took my bye to myself the voice after the blinding flash had something else to say we are selling you the official story is that I miraculously escaped my perpetrators during their flawed operation to move me to my new owner and by the time I had reached a neighbor in the police was called they had already fled the crime scene the investigation was kept under extreme secrecy so I didn't make the world news hell I only made the local news as local teenager mutilated by unknown man someone even donated me a prosthetic hand the police was able to take down the website where my daily torture was being streamed non-stop and I just then found out that I was a star I laughed for days because everyone felt so bad for me not knowing that the torture I endured was way beyond losing a hand in a few toes I laughed for days because I know the truth but no one else does right when they opened the door to my prison my body felt like it was possessed by a beast eale creature and before I knew it I used superhuman strength to crush the bones of five men all at once then eat their flesh corpses whole I even licked the leftover blood from the walls before I opened the doors and headed to the closest house dragging my bad foot in that moment I felt like I was the copilot of my body the wheels Minh was a voice screaming kill and devour I could never escape if something hadn't taken ahold of me I'm not strong or even fast I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life quietly having my body and mind slowly heal and recover from a devastating trauma the problem is that eating the raw flesh of my captors was the most pleasant experience I've ever had in my life and while I've been chasing mercilessly all the monsters that watched my suffering for their own enjoyment I'm too hungry they're tainted flesh has not been enough for me no for us last year I ordered my first mystery box off the dark web basically what happens is you pay an unknown person somewhere in the world money through a cryptic ordering channel so both parties can remain anonymous and that person will ship you something based off the amount you send boxes typically tend to be between 30 dollars and up to 500 dollars or even more for my own protection of being a complete noob I decided to pay middle ground to deter the risk of paying too little or too high and not getting anything of value after I placed the order I was a complete wreck from anxiety until the box finally arrived one from fear of the unknown and two because of the real possibility that I could be ripped off and there would be nothing I can do about it two weeks later to my surprise what arrived was a seemingly new MacBook Air heavily wrapped in bubble plastic and black duct tape hidden beneath an abundant amount of medium sized pink shipping peanuts all in all a mystery box cost me a hundred and thirteen bucks and some change so when I finally saw the contents I considered my first time ordering to be a complete success almost four months to the day after my first successful deep web order I decided I wanted to try and order something again I psyched myself up by telling myself and I would repeat the exact same steps only this time I would buy a box for $300 since only spending a hundred put a Macbook in my hands last time I wrestled with very two rational thoughts that seemed to keep coming to mind one of which was I was extremely lucky it turned out so well the first time and the other thought was that I needed to keep every step the same including the price if I was going to attempt this again the sobering rationality was quickly extinguished as soon as I glanced over the MacBooks lying seductively at the foot of my bed thinking back onto now really my decision came down to good old-fashioned greed not knowing how to leave the craps table when you've already beat the house so $300 it is I'm all-in this time after placing my order the pseudo confidence for my first victory squelched any real potential fears I had any new anxiety that I tried to gain life was snuffed out from the wildly successful last go-around 15 days after placing my order I pulled into the driveway on a Tuesday evening after work to see a medium-sized yellow and white box patiently waiting for me on the front porch I could literally feel the dopamine rush run down the back of my neck and send a warm burst of energy down through my body the sudden jolt shot through my limbs which caused me to grip the steering wheel with white knuckles and bright eyes that were focused on the mystery box to the left of me I nervously exited the car moving as slowly as a teenager on his way to the front door of his very first date slowly I climbed the three concrete steps to the wooden porch and instantly noticed the box is slightly smaller than the one I ordered last time it was roughly 8 inches high and 8 inches across what could it be I ease down to squat and pick it up since I have no idea how heavy it is instantly I'm amazed at how much more this one weighs then the last one despite its smaller size quickly I unlocked the deadbolt not a pure instinct I glanced around for onlookers and when it's clear I tucked the box under my arm like a running back and stiff arm the defending door slamming it behind me I gently placed a five-pound box on the coffee table I used the door key to carefully slice the yellow transparent tape across the top to free the two flaps being held captive too excited to cut along the edges I dropped the keys an attempt to pull the flaps open with my strength but proves no match for the well packaged box note to self calm down relax and confidently but calmly and I do mean calmly cut the remaining tape and open the box after cutting through the remaining tape I made it a point to slowly place the keys back on the coffee table just to prove that I was back in charge and not the rogue manic who attempted to take over very carefully I opened the box and see a very large beige terry cloth it was folded several times into a rectangle to avoid the one-inch dead space that ran along the top inside the box to protect whatever was under from sliding around I reached down and poked a cloth a couple of times as if I was expecting someone or something to suddenly jump out the terrycloth was surprisingly soft not sure why I feel a need to point this out but even thinking about it now it amazes me how soft it felt inside the box there was an old handcrafted wooden box with intricate floral details and a single black round button on top that extended about an inch in three quarters taped to the button was a note that read you will be paid 1 million u.s. dollars in the event you decide to push the button if you in fact do push the button a single life will unexpectedly be taken and no trace a repercussion will be tied to you you will be given 24 hours to decide at which time my confident will return to retrieve the box and/or hand you your payment pondering on until the 23rd hour I reluctantly decide to push the button I felt horrible knowing I selfishly took the love of money over a person's life for the next 30 minutes I wept and pleaded for forgiveness praying for the person selected for my soulless personal gain was somehow a murderer rapist or someone deserving of having their fate in my hands my anguish in grief was finally sidetracked as the doorbell rang standing of the door was a youthful looking older man whom I would guess to be in his mid-60s a very slender man straight up and down wearing a black fedora and a black pinstripe suit that was just too big for a small frame the old man wasted no time indirectly asking me for the box I believe you have something of ours young fella as I handed him the wooden box wrapped in the terry cloth he pulled the large box into his chest as if carrying a delicate newborn wrapped in a hospital blanket at this point the old man noticeably makes a point to stand up straight now I've got something for you he says in an almost sarcastic tone he extends his arm as if to shake my hand and in his grip he is holding what clearly appears to be a check I see the 1 million dollars written on the cheque in my head once again falls in shame I can taste the salt water like tears as they run down my face somehow I managed to grab the check without even looking at it startling me the old man rises his thumb and first finger he holds the pose for a second longer than he actually should he then winks clicks his teeth and shoots me the get'em tiger imaginary gun all in the same motion spins on his heels and just like that he was gone two minutes felt like hours as I stood in the doorway in disbelief the whole time analyzing how the last 24 hours were even possible in the total disbelief trying to connect the unconnected dots of how a check was made out to me with my first and last name the payer name was a Solomon King the cheque header displayed the same bank name I currently have an account with is this some sort of sick joke I needed to sit down and think almost as soon as the door shut my phone buzzed with an incoming text message from a zero zero zero zero number I opened the text and all it was was a single website link I nervously pressed a link links from unknown sources can be harmful and can be potentially damaging to your phone with unwanted viruses do you wish to continue I press the continue button agreeing to follow the link my screen navigated to a website that showed a video of a man sitting in a chair with a black knapsack over his head he was tied with his hands behind his back and what appeared to be an unfinished basement or some type of garage with cinderblock walls you could hear his muffled cries echoing off the cement walls he had no shoes or socks just soiled blue jeans and a white t-shirt with new and old blood stains from his collar to the top of his chest from the left of the screen and armed with a wristwatch came into the view holding a silver revolver which was pointed inches from the middle of the knapsack involuntarily a yellow warning for the man to watch out it's no use the man can't hear me unable to turn away I watched in horror as this muscular hands slowly tensed and squeezed sending a single bullet directly into his knapsack the body of the man so tight he appeared just sit straight up in a seat his feet and toes curled into tiny fists as his right shoulder twitched and moved several times the camera then focused in on his wristwatch of the shooters arms which was still raised the time on the watch showed for 39 which was 33 minutes ago I instantly realized this was an approximate time I had pressed the button on the box the video then stopped in horror I clear my web history and erased the text message assuming this is the death that I caused with all the energy I could muster up I bravely get into my Ford Focus and drive to the bank I pulled up just past the ATM and opened my door you see my damn window no longer goes down ever since I left my window cracked last August during that wicked downpour that swept through the valley anyways I enter my card and PIN then select deposit to deposit the cheque if you're wondering why I would use an ATM it's a must I know wow this is the only teller who works on Wednesdays and she's going to make a rise about how I came across a million dollar check and asked more questions than the cheque is worth this is my only choice that night I couldn't sleep remorse an anticipation of my new wealth knocked on my eyelids every time I attempted to close them the next day I received a call from the bank too scared to answer it I let it go to voicemail two minutes later my phone chirped letting me know of the new voicemail I call my own number listened to the automated message in hit pound please enter your password zero eight one four you have one unheard message and two saved messages to listen to the unheard message not letting her finish I pressed one first unheard message a curious but confident male voice begins to speak mister this is Thomas the branch manager down at the community financial we received your deposit and have a few questions for you I guess the first thing is a deposit of that amount would always need to be made in person with that being said we also began to process your deposit request I'm not sure if you were attempting to deposit in cash the funds well regardless there would have been I instantly noticed this emphasis on the word been a mandatory hold on any deposit of that amount it seems that the account of Salomon king who also holds the account with the institution has insufficient funds we need to have a word with you about this matter mister please call me at once click message sent today at 9:35 a.m. to delete message press 7 to save message press 9 I know you're frowning the title is weird I know but if you could just give me a moment I'll explain I'll have to be fast though I don't know how close they are essentially I ordered myself in the dark web I'm a drug user I'll admit it weed is my usual go-to but I buy that off my friend if however I want to get something a little heavier like acid or coke I'll just order it off the dark web it's surprisingly simple a few clicks some Bitcoin transfers and then BOOM I'll have acid in my P o box but I'm also a curious guy the dark web has always intrigued me up until a few days ago I had only been on there to buy drugs off sites some of my friends gave to me but late one night I was sober and at home which was a rare thing for me so since I was bored I decided to boot up my tor browser and try and see what sort of screwed-up crap I could find in the dark web if you've ever been on the dark web you'll know that you can't just search up red rooms or hitman for hire and get results no you have to find links for these websites first so I hopped back onto Google again and try to find some links to a messed up web site I know it's weird that I was actively searching for the worst but as soon as I got on the dark web that night I had a sense of morbid curiosity overcome me anyways I spent a little while trying to find some links anything I found though was either too tame for me or links that didn't work at this point I was about ready to give and I wish I had but in one final attempt I clicked on reddit hopping into our / deep web I didn't think I would find anything so I just scrolled through hot for about half an hour before sorting by new then I found it one simple text post titled Slayers assassination in life ruining services in the textbox in the post was what seemed to be just a random assortment of numbers and letters it took my entire brain a second to figure out what it was but I realized pretty quickly it was a link presumably to a hitman website so I decided to paste the link into my dark web browser and what do you know it worked but before I decided to go any further I figured I should go back into the opiez profile to see if they had posted any other dark web links however when I went back to the posting question Oh Pete's profile was deleted anyways I reopened my dark web tab and hopped unto the site up along the top of the website was its name Slayers assassination and life-ruining services and next to it what looked to be a skull inside a crosshair I chuckled when I saw that the site must be fake upon scrolling down however I was not disappointed it was a paragraph of white text on a black background in a small box to the right of the text that just said place an order the text was the main part though as it took up most of the page it read Slayers assassinations and life ruining services offers everything from acid attack crippling blinding castration torture beatings and good old death we have the lowest prices out of any company running similar services and we are worldwide we have a dedicated and experienced group of staff based all over the world if you need someone to be assassinated or maybe you just want them scarred for life don't hesitate to contact us again I laughed this had to be satire right hell I was even tempted to order it on someone just to see what would happen ironically I actually have a half-decent job so I can afford to better not to risk it though I thought to myself I was about to close my computer and call it for a night when I heard a knock at the door I live alone so it was unusual to get visitors especially so late at night but when I opened my door it was just my good buddy mark who also happened to be my weed plug as I opened the door he didn't hesitate to let himself in and shove a big baggie full of pot in my face this dude is the best crap I've had in a minute we got to try some I couldn't say no cut - a couple hours later it's early morning and Mark and I are chilling on the couch both blazed as hell he suddenly decides to get up and I assume he's going to get some leftover pizza but he walks over to my desk in computer slayers assassinations are you gonna kill someone or something he mutters what I reply your computer dude it's got some hacker crap on it it's the dark web man don't screw with it at this point I'm still on my couch half asleep and not paying full attention however I sat up pretty fast when he said the words amen let's order hit me in on you I hopped up and walked over to my PC part of my brain was screaming no what the hell are you doing but the majority of my brain which was also the high part was thinking about how funny it would be to order a hitman on myself so I agree I do make him get out of the chair though because I didn't want him seeing what my credit card numbers were as I transferred some Bitcoin at the end after I wrote all my personal details like my address age and even a photo I had to select what I wanted to happen to me I just selected plain old assassination as it was actually cheaper than some of the other things I could have paid an extra couple of grand to be beaten before my death but even my high brain didn't want to splash the cash too much on my own death god this is ridiculous anyways I placed the order and then replied to my confirmation email and boom it was done a couple of clicks and I had ordered myself on the dark web mark and I laughed about it for a while but then he left about an hour later and I fell asleep not too long I woke up around 9:00 a.m. which meant I got at least six hours of sleep even if it felt like I got three I got up and out of the bed threw on some track pants and a cotton shirt and brewed myself a coffee before sitting down to play some games and just enjoy my Sunday can you imagine how shocked I was when I saw that I had ordered my death the previous night even though I still thought the site was bullcrap I still felt a pit open up in my stomach even when I'm high I usually can make sensible decisions I chuckled not like I could remember it anyway but I guess Marx knew crap was really good I would assume a normal human being would be able to do something else but I was still kind of out of it from the night before so I just carried on with my day I was a little more paranoid sure but as I said I just assumed it was BS I even laughed at the email I got from the web site saying that their hitman has been dispatched and was on its way it was like ordering a package off of Amazon I was tempted to email back and ask for same-day delivery but I didn't need to ask because that's exactly what I got I didn't see it arrive but around the time I started to cook myself a crappy dinner I noticed a blacked-out sedan parked on the other side of the road from my house I didn't live in a rural area but there was a lot of trees and bushes between each of the houses on my street so I would be surprised if any other house saw the car except for mine at this point I was freaking out what if the site was real I don't own any weapons aside from a slightly larger than average kitchen knife screw it I'm confronting it I decided I put on a hoodie and slid the knife into my front pocket before waltzing out of my own house and walking right up to the driver side window of the vehicle even I was astonished at my own courage knocking on the window nothing happened he was rather anti-climatic I was fully prepared to have a fight for my life all because I did something really dumb while I was baked but like I said nothing happened I even put my head right up to the window as if there was a reflection to try and get a better look see what's inside I could barely see what was inside of the car but all I could make out were two empty seats none no one was even inside I got all hyped up for nothing I decided to wait out by the car for a bit but after half an hour or so I was hungry and I had to go back inside to take my dinner out of the oven I swear it was only a minute between me going inside to take my dinner out of the oven and looking back out of the window and the car being gone I didn't even hear it go guess I'm eating my dinner with all my curtains closed and doors locked I muttered to myself I had just started to calm down when the power shut off it was sunny outside and coupled with a car I now knew that this was the real deal I had signed my own death warrant I ran into my upstairs bedroom and locked the door and then hid under the bed I couldn't call the cops what would I say oh yes hello sir turns out while super high paid 5k for some anonymous hitman to kill me and now he's arrived send an officer ASAP please and thank you so I just stayed hidden under my bed and still him now I've been here for an hour now writing this think of this as my epitaph I know I'm scared just a minute ago I heard my back door slowly creaking open this piece of writing may seem humorous to you the reader but in reality as you read this I'm under my bed praying to God that lost all faith in me years ago to spare me to let me go but I know that won't happen my bedroom door just opened and I can see a big pair of black boots thanks for watching Wolfpack if you want to submit your story my email and subreddit will be in the description below and also if you're not subscribed please do if you want and don't forget to like and comment as well have beautiful nightmares and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: WolfsCampFire
Views: 135,787
Rating: 4.651845 out of 5
Keywords: #scary, #stories, #reading, #dark, #spooky, #horror, #audiobook, #reddit, #r/nosleep, #atmospheric, #terrifying, #mystery, #dramatic, # deep web, #dark web horror, #scary stories, #dark web stories, #dark web horror stories, #deep web stories, #scary deep web stories, #true horror stories from reddit, #reddit scary true stories, #stories from reddit, asmr sleep, #asmr reading
Id: SkaVylriZP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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