I'm a night guard at a subway station. I found a user manual with some disturbing rules - r/NoSleep

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[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised are / no sleep posted by user not necessarily you can check more of their work at our / not necessarily on reddit links in the description I'm a night guard at a local subway station I found a second user manual outlining some disturbing rules all the stories are posted with the author's permission I was desperate for a job I was in my final years of college and I had lots of student loans built up as soon as I saw the nightguard job advert in the local newspaper I knew I was fit for the job I usually stay up late each night anyway so it won't make a difference to my schedule I realized I could also just chill on my phone the whole shift and get paid for it we had a small local subway station for our town it only had one platform and few trains ever went there the subway station itself was very old only used by the local town people recently the old night guard for the subway station had retired and they needed someone to take over the position as soon as I called they immediately hired me looks like this wasn't a popular job let me give you a little description of the subway station I've only ever been to the station a few times so basically you walk down the stairs to get to the subway yes it's Underground then you will see the long tracks extending forever on either side of you and also a short platform for boarding the Train on the platform to your right would be a ticket and also a security guard booth nowadays you can just tap your MetroCard so the booth was used as a security guard booth since it was an old subway station the lighting also wasn't very good it was very poorly lit and had a very creepy vibe to it there were shadows everywhere and the light was so dim it took your eyes a while to adjust and be able to see your surroundings so anyway here I was now making my way to my little security booth the day guard shook hands with me and as he left wished me good luck who the hell wishes you good luck as they leave you to your shift I ignored it and got myself settled I read through the boring instruction manual that outlined basic evacuation procedures and what to do in unlikely scenarios like a bomb threat my shift was from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. I was about to just go on my phone and scroll through Reddit when my eye caught on a single piece of paper it was titled must read important rules the title was overwhelming and written in big red block letters I picked up the sheet and read it this is what it said if you see a man in a black tuxedo and bright red leather bag walk in asking for a ticket say I don't work here and immediately turn around he will not be there when you turn back around if you see a black figure in camera number four quickly look away and never look at the camera again if you start hearing whistling get them out immediately around 12 a.m. you may see a woman with an umbrella come into the subway station she will be walking facing away from you do not under any circumstances try to look at the woman's face if you see yourself staring at you from any of the cameras immediately cover up that camera you may hear yourself speaking telling you to come out stay put in your booth and do not come out if the door to your booth starts shaking and starts to open push the door closed as hard as you can do not let the door open an extension to rule four if you see yourself staring at you from the booth window immediately look away and hold the door shut as hard as you can if you notice that the clock on the wall has stopped working immediately hide under the desk and do not come out until you start hearing the ticking of the clock again at 303 a.m. a weird-looking train will come you will hear it from its distinct horn that doesn't sound like any other train carefully look out and see if anyone steps out of the train if you see even a single person to part that train immediately grabbed a handgun in your drawer and shoot them no matter who the person is if the train departs and you still have it shot the person it is too late your clock phone or any device that shows the time will try to deceive you they will show the time incorrectly and instead show your shift and time they are trying to get you to come out if you feel like the time isn't right to stay put in your booth and wait until morning and you see people walking into the subway station apart from the weird train that will come you should only see one other normal train arrive at the station at exactly 11:00 p.m. that will be the last train until 5:00 a.m. if you see any other train arrive at the station no you are not tripping hide in your booth and wait it out until morning if you break any of the above under law rules we are no longer responsible for your safety we will nonetheless come to collect you in the morning if anything goes wrong the safest place at the station if you break the rules is on the tracks the subway management team the rule sounded totally fake suddenly a man in a black tuxedo came inside the station he knocked on the glass my heartbeat flew like a plane as I saw the man in the black tuxedo asked me for a ticket my body was suddenly frozen on the spot I was unable to speak my voice got trapped in my throat I barely managed to choke out no I don't work here the man suddenly seemed confused his face slowly got even more distorted his left eye got larger and larger his nose bent at awkward angles and his mouth twisted impossibly long I grimaced at the sight and nearly threw up my dinner on the floor the man turned away and literally crawled out of the station before his body got so messed up he'd be unable to move well I just experienced the first rule I'll update throughout the night I'm definitely not coming back after this shift I was very traumatized after seeing a man turn into some messed-up organism right in front of my eyes I just sat in my booth rereading the rules again and again it was so dark in here that I had to use the small lamp on the table next to me they really need to fix the lights here yeah I also realized I had already broken the first rule hopefully other than traumatizing me it didn't do much damage this is going to be a great shift the first thing I tried was to walk out but I could see movements in my peripheral vision they got closer as I moved towards the exit the shadows in the station elongated towards me and I got a horrible gut feeling I'm telling you I won't even make it a few steps outside the station if I exit before the end of my shift I ran back to my booth and just sat there it felt like the shadows themselves were watching me suddenly I saw movement in one of the cameras there it was a dark figure no I can't even call it a figure it was a literal monster it was worse than your worst nightmare it had four arms or were they tentacles they each ended in a razor sharp point were those eyes all over its body it had red beads like things over its whole body they reminded me of small bright red jewels on a pitch-black fabric it had things coming out of its mouth that's all I can call them things they weren't like tentacles they were twisted and curled like worms as if it was vomiting its whole brain out it had legs like the fins of a fish thin and floppy how was it even standing straight suddenly it dawned on me I quickly tore my eyes off the camera feed I covered the camera feet with my jacket the whole image of the creature had been fully etched into my brain and I was shaking uncontrollably I swear I hadn't looked for too long chills ran up my spine as I heard a high-pitched whistle it sounded exciting and hungry more shrill whistles echoed around the dark subway station my whole body was frozen on the spot and I swear the creature could hear my panicked heartbeat the whistles got louder and louder as if they were coming closer a black sticky liquid oozed out from underneath the door of my booth I backed up in the second time this night nearly lost my dinner on the floor my stomach must be very strong the liquid bubbled and seeped in very slowly it didn't have a color it was the color of nothingness I was mesmerised by its color it was the color you see in between your dreams at night it was the color a blind man would see I suddenly saw the same creature I saw in the camera feed now literally touching the glass of my booth I let out a sharp Yelp as the creature suddenly moved towards the door and the doorknob started rattling then I heard another sound a sound that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up just when I thought I couldn't experience any more fear than what I was currently experiencing all my muscles locked up I was literally frozen in fear the sound was indescribable it was a mixture of moans and laughter crying and shouting it was a sound nothing can recreate the sound blared like a horn and my brain suddenly processed what was happening the phantom train was coming the creature that was at the door of my booth looked scared too it spasmed all over like a fish out of water suddenly it turned around and ran or slithered I don't even know what word to use for its movement looks like I just survived to break another rule The Phantom train came in have you guys watched Thomas the Tank Engine yeah that's exactly how the Train looked like it had a human face embedded into its front other than that the Train was fairly normal and it came to a stop on the platform I couldn't erase the image of the face of the train looking at me as it stopped by it had an unnatural grin on its face its size way too big and cartoony it took a lot of effort to snap out of it and pick the handgun out of the drawer under my desk it was already loaded I did not wanted to break this rule even the creature that came after me was scared of this train I honestly do not wanted to face whatever comes out of the Train something deep in my gut told me that if this time I failed to follow the rule I won't make it out of this subway guess who came out it was my little sister she's recently turned 15 she walked out looking dazed as she had just woken up she looked around and saw the train station her eyes lit up and soon as she saw me I pointed the gun at her and her face crossed over with fear and concern she told me to put the gun down she asked me why I was doing this suddenly the train blared it's hideous horn and its doors started to shut my sister looked back equally disgusted at the sound I pushed the trigger it all happened in slow motion the handgun made a loud sound that echoed all across the subway station the bullet pierced the back of my sister's hadn't made blood splatter everywhere my sister dropped like a stone and blood gushed out of her wound like a waterfall it pooled all around her lifeless body the train left its horn mocking me I quickly ran back to my booth and broke down I cried for what seemed like hours and screamed at the subway station she seemed so real was it actually her body laying there did I just take the life of my sister no I couldn't have no no no no I am trying to calm down by typing this up it's still only 320m and I have around 2 hours to go before my shift ends I don't think I'll make it this isn't a subway station it's a portal to Hell as soon as I finished typing up the post it dawned on me that the clock had stopped ticking I scrambled over to my desk and got under it just as I slipped my head under the desk I caught a view of the platform my sister's body got up like nothing had happened and stared blankly ahead shadows from the station twisted and curled into weird sorts of silhouettes I wasn't gonna break another rule so I tore my eyes off the sight and hid under the desk I checked the time on my watch 4:30 a.m. I only had 30 minutes left before my shift ended I nearly jumped in pure ecstasy finally this nightmare is over finally I could go home and check on my sister the clock started it's rhythmic ticking again and I pulled myself out from under the desk I checked my watch again 5 a.m. wait hold up how did 30 minutes pass away so fast just then I remembered the rule all my timekeeping devices may show the time difference to trick me that meant I had to wait in my booth and not come out til it's morning and I see people coming into the station I scanned the camera feed for anything new making sure to not look at camera 4 which was conveniently set away from all the other cameras then the worst possible thing happened I saw myself staring at me from camera 2 I had a painful grin on my face my eyes were so wide open I swear they could have popped out of my sockets at any moment before I broke another rule I quickly tore away my eyes from the disturbing sight and came face to face with my twin staring at me from outside the booth I jumped to the door and pushed for dear life luckily the door opened inwards so it was so much easier for me to hold the door I only had to push my twin battered itself onto the door repeatedly big bulky thoughts shook my whole body my twin shoulders started to get bloody but he continued unfazed I could feel myself get pushed further and further back every time he rammed into the door I was not going to be able to hold the door for any longer I quickly picked up my handgun from the desk and turned the safety off as soon as my twin moved back and got ready to ram in through the door I aimed my gun at the door my mind took over for me at that moment adrenaline pushed through my body and my heart rate was high as ever my demented twin pushed through the door and fell on the floor I three rounds straight into his head and neck I jumped past his body and sprinted to the tracks demented me got up again and ran towards me at lightning speed I jumped off the platform onto the tracks in the last thing I remembered was hearing my demented twins ragged breaths right behind me and the crushing impact of my body on the metal tracks I woke up with a doll pain throbbing through my forehead I tried to get up and felt even more pain in my knees and my left wrist how long have I been passed out for I had lost all track of time I crawled across the tracks to the far wall of the subway station and slumped against it my foggy mind cleared in all the memories of this hellish place came rushing back I looked around the dark as ever at the subway station for any more threats my demented twin has thankfully disappeared I had the subway station all to myself again I was bruised all over and I had definitely broken something in both my knees I had a big deep gash in my forehead my left wrist was definitely broken and it was severely swollen I could not move it without feeling intense pain the adrenaline rush had long worn off and I felt defeated and extremely tired if I was going to die here I wanted to die in peace at least I took my phone out of my pocket the screen was cracked into a million pieces and it would not turn on my watch was still working surprisingly although its glass was also cracked 405 a.m. I had no idea if this was the actual time or not either way I was pretty much unable to get on to the high platform again and walk out of the subway station I couldn't call for help I just realized why the hell did I not call the police as soon I broke the first rule so they could get me out of here I had made several poor choices along the way and now Here I am ready to die on the tracks suddenly a woman with a deep black umbrella walked into the station she was facing away from me and looked confused hey can you call more people I'm stuck in here please I need help I desperately spoke out [ __ ] I realized too late as the woman turned around there we go I just broke another rule she turned around and gasped as she saw me she came closer I guess that's the final rule I'd ever break I thought to let the creature do whatever it wanted surprisingly the woman asked me if I was okay and told me to stay put and wait until she got the ambulance here then she picked up her phone and started calling I was only able to mumble thanks before I passed out again I guess I got very lucky I had pretty much broken every single rule on that list and still survived I returned home and thankfully my sister was still alive I told my family I fell down the stairs of the subway station to explain my injuries which they are definitely not buying but then again I don't want to tell them about the rules or they'll think the head trauma has made me crazy today I received a text on my phone congratulations you have been promoted to work as a night guard on our only night train we have also sent a sum of $100,000 to your bank account as your pay for your first shift we hope to see you at redacted for your next shift in two weeks time update I have decided to work on the night train I will post my experiences as a new series you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 72,502
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Id: gZcEZsjbMGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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