🦄 Palworld Port Forwarding Dedicated Server

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let's talk about port forwarding everyone's favorite subject to hate yes if you've been running a server at home chances are high that you've had to deal with this while it is quite straightforward once you know your router and the basics it can be intimidating and a huge source of frustration for those new to it this video is going to cover port forwarding why we do it and some examples of how we do it while I will do so in the context of pal world servers it works very similar for most Game servers the only real difference being the actual ports that need to be opened and the protocols so if you have been having issues I hope this guide will help you I do get a lot of frustrating comments on my server videos about how I'm not teaching them how to port forward unfortunately port forwarding is a network activity that is really hard to help people out with without getting really lengthy about it and this is why I always recommend people to go read their manuals however since this is a dedicated video to Port folting I'm going to give you examples for some specific router models and you'll quickly see that there are similarities in how it's done but each brand model version can handle it widely differently Let's Get Back to Basics and I will be using this drawing that I put together to help out we have this home network that is in the purple box it consists of two PC and the server if you are running the server on your PC is the same it doesn't really matter we then have the router and we have two PC outside of the network which could be in somewhere else in the globe that are trying to log into to play the internal IP of the server is 1921 168 0.2 and we have the router which has a 0.1 which is the internal IP that you normally Ed when you access it which has an external IP public IP W IP of well this is just an example of what 111111 we're looking at the Port UDP 8211 in a nutshell if the p pieces on the same network within this box is trying to connect to the P World server normally you don't have to do anything they can directly input this IP and this port and log into to play that's because by being on the same network they have access to the game server IP because well they're on the same land however if you are on a PC outside so somewhere else on the internet if you want to connect you can connect directly because there's no way to do that all these PCS here and servers are hidden behind the router so the way it works is that this PC will connect to the router through the external IP and of course the UDP Port the router if it has been configured properly when it receives this traffic will route it down to this game server PC or server the powerwell server will respond accordingly so the external PC will use this IP this port and the router will send it down here if you haven't done the port forwarding it will simply fail because the router will reject the traffic but how do we tell the router to send the traffic down to the correct PC how does it know it's this one and not somewhere else that's where Port foren comes in but let's have a look at how it looks on my router and this is normally somewhere under the network settings advanced settings and the like here I have defined a name which is just a pal dedicated just so I remember what it is there is no TCP Port because well I'm not going to forward any TCP Ports schedule I put that as always is the default I can if I want to say only daytime or nighttime Etc IP address this is for the server the game server PCI IP in my case is 1.42 UDP 8211 is the P that pal World game server requires and in Bon filter I'm just allowing everything and I've saved it you can see the tick mark there because it is enabled the next image is my w IP the public IP the external IP it's usually under status page and easily accessible and it shows what the external IP is and the diagram it's that 11111 IP of course I've blanked it out on mine and put the exes because you shouldn't be sharing this with other people unless needed your friends is okay just not randoms on the inter internet because you want to avoid people trying to hack in maliciously the router itself of course it has an internal IP because you need that to actually log into it and access it through a web browser but that's only for when you're connecting to it it's not actually used in this setup so I forwarded all my traffic compan in through the UDP Port 88211 down to the PC that is 1.42 which is where my game server runs someone wants to access my server from outside of a network say a good friend that I'm playing with would input that IP the one that would be in red and the port 8211 and they would be able to connect and play with all that clear let's get into some specific routers I'm going to rely on a great site which is port.com which has a page which links to instruction for a great number of routers I'm going to scroll down here you're going to see these are all different brands there's quite a few of them as you can see and each brand can have a lot of models like you can see here there one that has well quite a few of them naturally and to complicate matters even more each model can have different versions even though versions tend to not change uis extensively but this is where I tell people to find your router brand find your model and if it's not there find one of the recommended models to see that will help out we're going to look at the TPL link router Archer C9 first you need to log in through your browser apparently the default address is this you might have changed it on your network logged in you want to go to the Advance Tab and if you have a look at the bottom here there is actually some when information and this is where the when IP would normally be they've blanked it out here but this is where the public external IP would be you want to go to folding virtual servers and now you're ready to configure figure it the port will be 88211 you can put that for both service and internal for the IP address you put your game server IP your internal IP the 192168 0.2 in my diagram for protocol you can leave it all you can turn it UDP in this case status enabled click save and you're done you should now be able to log in yourself by inputting the external IP in Port into the direct connect in game and your friends should be able to do that as well to play on your server easy right let's have a look at a Netgear NW R 7000 router as usual make sure you log in this one has a different default IP again on your network it might be different you want to click on your Advanced that takes you to this screen and you'll actually see the internet IP here and this in says 192168 17812 if you know networking you know this looks a little bit weird because it's not a true external internet IP but you know for the purposes of this video It Doesn't Really Matter this is the when IP you go to Advanced setup go to Port folding and then you get the screen where you enable and configure everything again we need to put in a service name for your reference such as pal server you leave at TCP and UDP external start and ending Port should be 8211 internal Port 8211 and then the internal IP address of the server click apply and that saves the configuration as you can see it's fairly similar it does use the same information although it's an entirely different UI to navigate this is the Asus RT ac8 6u router you should be familiar now we have to log in again default IP is different you want to navigate to settings and when and then virtual server port foring at the top tab we do need to enable Port foring if it's not and then we configure our server specifically with the usual you have the service name of pal server you can leave the source Target Blank Port range is 8211 local IP is 192168 0.2 or whatever your server IP is local p 8211 switch the protocol to all or UDP don't leave it TCP then click the plus button and apply as you can see from this example there is a common theme with the information being input but each router is different in how you log in to doe where you navigate actual terminology is also somewhat different as well across the routers the website is pretty good and if you can't find your specific router manual it is a great place to look at least for the brand and hopefully a router model will which is similar normally when there is a failure to connect externally it is due to portf foring failing if you can connect on the local network then at least you can confirm that the server is running and anyone else failing is having a network issue on very rare occasions the ISP might be blocking inbound traffic it does happen but it is extremely rare an issue with the server firewall can also occur but generally if you accept the firewall request we install and run the server the first time it should have already been added to the firewall white list hope hopefully this gives you a better view of what port forwarding is for pal world and game service in general and some ideas of how to resolve it even though I am unable to cover the thousands of models out there it should give you a general awareness so you can poke around on your own in your router and get things set up good luck if you watched all the way here why not hit that like button and sharing the video with others who need help and of course subscribing for more content
Channel: Vedui42
Views: 2,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, dedicated server, server, guide, how to, tips and tricks, tips, admin, servers, multiplayer, coop, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld news, palworld tips, palworld new gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld early access, palworld new info, palworld guides, palworld how to, pokemon like games, palworld advanced tips, palworld tutorial, palworld explained, steamcmd, steam command, steam cmd, server install, free server, port forward, palworld port
Id: 4-9bkEvCXsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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