🔴 LIVE Among Us with Proximity Voice Chat Mod

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hello everybody and welcome to the live stream today we are doing voice proximity proximity voice chat modded among us nobody is here yet oh well okay um yeah so the closer we are to each other the more we can hear each other you can't hear people if they're far away um this is a nus mod um and i'm excited to try it but we have a twist me and lauren have a twist up our sleeves that we haven't talked to anybody about yet um we are doing this but the thing is is i'm gonna be lauren so she's me five up is in the lobby so he's going to be pink um so she's posing as me right now over there okay do you know what i'm saying this is me and this is lauren and we thought it'd be really funny to do voice proximity chat among us um but be each other to make it really really hard does that make sense here we go [Music] way hello oh you want to stick together yeah yeah i do um let's go here let's go hey let's go hey come on come on come on come on this is so bad let's go let's go to storage i don't want to die okay okay i'll follow you okay do you think anyone can hear us hello hello hello all right who do you think it is this is so interesting i know this is intense um i was i was like i'm fully committing to yeah somebody eat strawberry oh thank god okay all right well i gotta i gotta do this so oh okay sorry i'm a little nervous so i i i'm gonna mess it up a few times okay all right you got medscan or what oh hello everyone oh hey good do you have met scan um i do not i i have something in the lab all right well what do you mean something in the labs i i don't know at some point oh my gosh you guys are so quiet yeah everyone's so quiet skip skip vote okay all right then we'll be knights of the round table okay so how do we like give it a time on the meeting uh caleb let's let's just get started let's just get things out here we're all here me as fast as we can he's right outside of uh sorry can we not talk during the meeting if we button right now isn't that the point oh right now if we are all here and we button will we [Music] sparkly and red were over by the oxygen [Music] okay that's cool so you're so you guys were all you guys were all together i reported this body um it's right it's right outside of uh the the med bay not really what's it called guys help me cupcake tiff's above storage yeah yeah it's okay it's above storage it wasn't cupcake it wasn't cupcake it wasn't lauren and it wasn't me i can hard patch jack we were together was there okay oh red red this wasn't you was it no i saw red on the left hand side i was doing tasks we did lights together and then i didn't see anything and then i ran down why would you run the comms why run the comms well i had just finished uh doing the lights so i went to comms you don't have anything on the left no no you came you came from the top side i think you might be we were in there oh i mean that comes what do you call security okay so a lot of people are vouching for each other who's the odd one out red oh right now but red came down like right at the end of the round and greeted us right that's true earlier but you guys came to me i was at the park you've seen who did this um i don't think it was red really but you were with you were with me and lauren what do you mean you don't think it was red i had just left i just left red come on guys why would you be avoiding me okay tiffany i believe in you tiff come out of the room together this would be awesome i'm all right come on girl let's get it going are we going to lab still yeah yeah yeah with tips on the corners right during my tests i'll do that later no no let's let's i'll walk you there okay yeah okay so it's not med bay it's this little other one i'm gonna do this one i trust you oh he left all right up now where is this oh you're real quiet oh you guys are really quiet to me too what about what about now oh oh hi yeah i think when lights goes your area gets smaller so you can learn oh wait i have it that's crazy i have a thing too what if we somebody hear him in the vents which was kind of cool guys somebody just meant it do you have metscan or no i don't okay i mean i feel like we're i feel like uh we're maybe chilling us for you know yeah yeah yeah this is a circle of trust it is yeah we're the we're the we're the goof troop oh guess who came in late yeah i saw somebody who came in right after okay let's get oh my god that was so funny i thought he was coming with us you're being right yeah we have to skip but we can include the talking before the bunk cooldown as part of the meeting so we can talk now okay as you can and we'll include this in the meeting time though okay so this body was at the entrance to the lab okay we should go here should we all be on one side of the table i think it is yeah yeah okay i can hear you guys now okay so body was in the entrance to lab i came from office where joey was chasing me and i was screaming get away from me i mean i was chasing you but i was funny at the same time yes yeah jack you found the body no no casual yeah i did yeah i reported i reported the body me tiff cup quake hanging out being friends having girl talk i'm telling each other secrets and then red comes in late and says oh hey guys and then when we all go out as four um we found a body how did it get there i was with them no not the whole time not the whole time right guys oh wait i was doing telescope right before that and then uh and then i did the vials and then we all stood i mean before before that like when you came in gloom lorne and myself all walked in together yes yeah yeah and red was right behind us because like listen i no no i'm willing to skip on seven but you were not with us the whole time when you're when your voice came in when we were on wires i was like oh hi red oh really i i saw you the entire time it's weird and that's all so called too right so that's fascinating i was with jack yeah i don't think yeah kill after that i that jacket trash can somebody yeah somebody came in last week when we reported the body who was that oh i can't came on the other side yeah yeah and um after that i had to go after it i went to trash um i was on the way to specimen i was on the way to specimen went to specimen oh yeah thank you for [Laughter] relating okay so we got to remember that everyone was accounted for except from joey base trade and red for the first kill right no no no no no no no no no no no red was accounted for sparkles and red oh jordan as well okay okay okay um by the way oh wait car's dead i was gonna say me and cara mid-base oh no oh convenient i'm sorry okay okay i'm gonna die right now all right lauren come here i have to talk to you about some things and tiff because i trust you i don't oh hello hi hi hey guys uh are we cheating it's not cheating this is cheating we just want to talk to each other what are we doing i'm going i'm going to go should we go with uh hopefully you don't have too much to do down there because we're gonna need to go and check uh vitals before this game ends okay okay hey jordan hey everybody how are you doing how is your oops going i wish i could hear you i know this it feels red is this story time with jordan okay okay uh i'll are you guys you guys coming with or what's up i'm i'm gonna go to vitals bye guys cool sounds good hey girl oh hey uh okay i'm going to vitals still live is everybody still alive let's see okay a lot of us were in specie somebody's gotta fix the light is it cheating if we talk about the game here yeah hey all right everybody hello yeah right i guess okay i think so is everyone else talking can we only hear each other because we're in the dark together probably okay cool right okay everybody along side all right everyone everyone here so i feel like uh i i can oh sorry no no you go first i talk too much i walked up on uh jack at the entrance of uh not office the one above this sorry guys i'm really bad at the map i don't have it pulled up like we're near lab laboratory it was actually in the same location where we found the other body but i know it's not red because we were together lauren and gloom we were together with sparkles [Music] okay so i went down i did the air canister and then i went up when lights went off and i was freaking out because nobody else was coming there i see you were alone so i don't know yeah you're you're odd one outing yeah you're an odd one outing here i didn't see anybody at that time it was when we were all at that group that's when i went down to uh canister to fill up the thing and then i went up to lights and then the body was reported soon after um was there anybody in the group from specifically anyone who worked were you guys all together in specimen or before that very stuff that you're still pushing that because i feel like if together yeah well there's still a few killers on the loose so but it can't be and then vote joey out if you guys we have no no joey we have to vote we have to vote yeah and you can see how people is trying to push that oh and for everybody who's asking there's no overlay because you can't do it with the browser for those who like this yeah who is it can you guys have confirmations on right no we split up i think we should i think we should button i mean unless they want to sab oh right who do we think the other person i mean who are we gonna what evidence do we have on the button uh well what if it's not joey that is true we can double somebody yeah they would have won by now i think um oh oh maybe i shouldn't have talked about it where's red i think okay all right come on lauren we're taking left side [Music] to the left to the left all right we should go hit button after this you do it cause i've already done it or i'll do it me and you will do it no this game would be over we were right now for example uh k are the ghosts all hanging out okay tiff how positive are you that it's not red i want to say i'm like 80 positive so so wait if you guys vote me out right now uh do you guys still have a chance to vote somebody else out yeah oh then just vote me out no okay we'll get sparkles out then right wait why are you suddenly jumping to me i can't hear him so cause cause i really cause uh okay so jordan's saying why are you suddenly jumping to me that that was like the best voice i could do i really feel like it can't be lauren i really feel like it can't be cup quake red is saying vote me out now i'm talking too much tiff take the reigns let's go i feel the same way i i think it's sparkled so so you you guys are a hundred percent certain that nobody could have i mean it's it's not me but if you guys feel comfortable just vote me out and then just hit the button and vote him afterwards i mean sorry if i'm talking over you jordan [Laughter] i mean it would be it would be a do i sound like that ray romano that sounds like what you're doing romano voice sounds like what you're doing is a river monovoltaic i've been with cassie most of the game i've been with you most of the game dashing through the snow why are you singing jordan i hear a i hear a ghost haunting us in the background i can't come here i can't hear them you hear them oh i can't hear them this is crazy are you guys are you guys actually we have a connection a spiritual connection i'm if it's actually red i love i love those plays like that those are those were good plays let's go man i did nothing to make myself suspicious [Music] my body was dead for like i saw like 40 seconds on around the other you guys were all around the weather tonight you grouped up and talked to each other for a while there's one thing one other thing i guess if you call the meeting it still doesn't count as everyone being together so you gotta call a meeting skip and then call another meeting yeah because the ghosts were left out of that final [Music] or report you have to always skip okay yeah it makes sense okay there any rules do you want to change is everyone happy with how you oh i think less grouping can we make some rules about that yeah um yeah duos only duo's only only i think that's fine i mean i think trios is fine too don't run away from your tasks but don't purpose please yeah don't purposely follow someone yeah maybe not asking like what tasks and like escorting each other yeah yeah that was that was kind of broken sorry [Laughter] here we go good luck good luck okay hi [Music] jordan you lied to me we were just having friendly conversations i didn't want to be around people it's just so fun to be around everyone cool how'd you get the red name huh did you get the red name i didn't oh he sent you up oh oh oh oh five up i've heard story i've heard tales i've heard tales of your mind oh well i'm gonna leave those kills lauren she's the killer i can tell are you sure yeah look at her lauren if you're the killer go up and down i knew being lauren would pay off i believe it is yes very loud yost as soon as we can but i was on vitals in the dark two people killed at the exact same time i start running to the left to find the bodies because there's two admin table in o2 i run in there how quick uh vouch that i went past her and sparkles as well [Music] oh with uh gloomy cupcake uh when the lights went off i went up to fix the lights so if you said it was a double kill when the lights were off i was missing people yeah i was with joey yeah he went straight from sorry he went straight from me and lauren to the lights five up did okay yeah joey now we're together away i don't know so the man's is very good isn't he known for this it looks like it was event kill because jack reported it and then yeah it is on the bodies are both on o2 canister i don't think five up could have gone there that fast okay yeah 100 happened in the dark because i was only going to double kill they happened at the exact same time and both bodies are there yes okay well it's not cassidy it's because they're the only other people i passed when i was on my way there well gloom and cupcake were together in the dark no no no i was with lauren oh that was warren yes oh okay i was on the right side of the map i i went i went down and i did my weapons and then i ran into sparkles and jack and then we were going in together uh near o2 and not with two of the canisters and then that's when the body was called is that true back in there i didn't see you following me back in your voice yeah you sound a little nervous i don't have my map pulled up so i'm trying to think of all the yes joey if this was you and you've managed to wriggle out of this i will never play this game ever again i don't really understand what your story was it was the funniest thing i've ever seen congratulations jack then who do you think it is where are we going follow me i want you [Music] i'll wait for you while you do your thermometer thanks hey guys just kidding you can do it you can do it here no one else can hear us do it oh oh hey is this uh hey no don't double kill hi you're here to kill some people yeah you here to do some murder hey what up you hungry you guys all hear me i hope someone doesn't turn out the lights right that was ominous yeah do it all right nobody what is happening run run guys hello hello okay okay okay okay okay what do we do okay hey look let's go to specie i i don't like it here okay i feel like somebody definitely died nah i would get a report button oh dude um yes [Music] okay definitely stack killed in front of me in front of five up yes i believe i believe that are you sure yeah yeah jack you are who is this yeah um i think is that the ghosts it's it's fine you know we don't we don't welcome imposters i just heard very faintly it's me yeah it might be uh so we have to all go to the front all right let's stack up on top of it towards the table uh while you're on this side i hear each other lauren come back lauren don't touch the glass yeah you're just up against the table okay okay good yeah yeah i was but until the drawing was cold though oh it's weird yes okay let me say right now it's fiverr it is not me no fighter could have killed me there is no way it's you you it's you and jordan round one it was both of you you somehow shook me but now it's over so jack i'm clear from round one because there was a double kill and i would wait hold on we need to call them one from your account of um you said that people died in the dark you can hear me right yeah yeah you said that there was a double kill in the dark as soon as police went off lauren gloom and i all went up to lights and i turned on the panel so i couldn't are you 100 sure they never left your bubble in the dark okay red red who do you think it is i think it's jack how can you be so sure well because of the the very beginning uh he i think was a self-report but on the second kill jordan was standing on top of the body unless jack must have moved away but the last frame i saw was uh uh jordan on top of the body is this a is this a five up in red and then i moved a couple inches with the report for me if you guys want that make sure you stop doing that that's why it's not me really quickly round one i saw both kills happen on vitals how would i know that information both bodies are stacked on top of each other because because jack last round you said you saw it you said you saw five up calling red to go with him yes right i think it's both of them i still think it's both of them but you said you're the one that shook me but i couldn't have got that kill because i was with uh yeah i think yeah and and five love was like look look look come here come here career how could i have done it i thought on that light skill is completely wrong which makes me think it's five up again what do you mean i came in last i didn't even go on the stack and a kill happened on the stack it looked like from what i saw it looked like you were the person that did the kill don't vote yet jack okay well we need to we don't have to [Applause] oh [Music] i'm gonna need to talk to you one on one okay please come over here [Music] hear anyone okay so the the thing is yep oh okay sure it's fine it's fine okay no sabotaging though because i got this button yeah yeah this is this is just to do another another button what is happening they're they're kind of faint i can't really hear them [Music] hold on we don't need a button outside well no we do we do because we're doing a meeting uh everybody come to this side and just get as close to the table as you can i can hear you perfectly over here okay yeah i could hear you guys okay all right so whoever is imposter don't don't do any any stuff i have a question for five up in red do you think i did the first kill i mean or the first two kills the information you're providing is um you provided which clears me i don't know if it clears red because i wasn't with red but um i know it's not lauren and gloom okay yay i don't think i know he's the imposter lauren i know i don't know i think was the correct person by the way like i think it would be insane to think that i did either one of those kills when i was the other side of the map jordan knows i was on vitals because i ran past him yelling double kills he was on vital yelling double kill well i don't know if he's on vitals but he was in the area what would you guys see on top of the body because i saw jordan on the opponent oh you said he was in the atman area what oh yeah i was invited this is the first the first round no no no this is this is for the last one uh on uh like the last one i i was in the lights panel and then i can barely hear him what the [ __ ] he was in the lights panel wait he can he can hear me in progress it was just for a second let me just yell really loudly i was in the lights panel but and then i backed out and then i saw the report the way that red jumped on jack i just didn't really like it because i don't feel like red has that like that info from the last round so it's either no because or the reason why i jumped on jack for the for the first round was because i thought it was a self report oh the first round i was suss too but this last one i'm get the [ __ ] out of here yeah all right come on okay five up i don't know i don't know about you right now i just don't know i mean okay you're you're a goofy guy i mean listen i was on that weather note with you too you were talking about the lights going out then they went out then you did a little sneaker yeah i definitely followed joey the entire way there and then he's the one that got killed unfortunately um but if jack is saying there was a double kill in the dark um i couldn't have done that because i was with you two right yeah but you ran in you ran in a little bit ahead of us so if it happened like in the hallway between electrical and o2 you could the double kill happened in the o2 canisters oh my camera went out dang it hey we're just talking we're talking about toys r us five up i've heard i've heard things okay you know i heard that you're smart dude you know you came up to me in the beginning you said how's that red name and i was like you know what well this guy's freaking me out all right well let's let's hope we don't die here you know i'll take the charge okay oh hi jordan what's up hey what's up everybody i have a feeling you're a killer but you're not gonna kill me i thought i saw my kill flash right i'm gonna leave you guys uh should we check vitals man i don't know what it is about these games they are hard oh we're all here can you okay so here's the issue i have a lot of tasks you know i'm saying i thought we would have figured it out by you guys are just like now together so much it makes it very difficult to do things here here's here's the deal here's a no no here's the deal sparkles wait kill one of us and we won't rat why would i do that i'm just going to leave hi bob you want to kill one of us hey you want here's what i propose i say we stand in this corner the killer will kill yep everybody stand here the killer will kill jack jack [Music] okay wait we need to fix the lights and then we have to let the lights be called again lauren's ghost has to go on top so she can be in these meetings and talk i'll be back wait okay and i'm like i'm like playing for lauren and she's talking for me all right we got this we won't we won't watch oh the camera's in the freezer guys it'll be back soon oh this is such a great game though i hate when this happens me too you can uncheck the camera [Music] [Laughter] if you're eliminated early on these games take way longer than usual yeah they do great though no this is so funny okay everyone everyone here all right everybody's here just wait for the car right so from what i did see bring me my cam back suddenly to the front of the stack for me it was you up the front but i know you didn't kill them just put a fan on it the jack it looks like you you can swap it i jordan i don't think you can i think it is jack that's the thing though so the only other one who had suspicion before is five up i am of the opinion potentially jordan put five out if you managed i don't i don't this man's wins among us competitions where's lauren something i can't get over is why he was yelling at red come look at these two bodies come look at this does nobody think it's me no i don't know no one is us why i wanted red to see was i wanted another eyewitness so it's not just me reporting bodies yeah but you can you can go in you can take somebody out run out and be like hey come on come with me make sure that i didn't do this yeah tim's coming but jack said there was a double kill when the lights were off and jack walked in there um and there were two bodies in there he can confirm it yeah i everybody who was around at that time is is eliminated i don't know you could have done events you could have done something there's a vent in the o2 room from the outside i don't know dude but when you were uh i trust gloom gloom is very good at this game and if i'm wrong it's gloom's fault that's why i feel happy shooting jordan over fire bob when did i ever shoot me when did i ever distraction when did i ever say that satisfaction when did i ever say that oh if it's jack somehow i'm voting it's jack somehow thank you thank you if that was you lauren for saving me i appreciate you it was a kind choice oh my god oh can i talk to you about this so are we just allowed to button or um how do you want to do this should we just play this is for you we have um so many we've got so many tests and see what happens all right well i'm gonna be in specimen make sure you have a button and try and find the body okay i'm not the imposter good luck cody you're not me uh you're not talking also lauren by the way or i can't hear you oh i'm here there you go i need to order food at the same time is it is it you no it is not me wait you know what we're playing right now all right i have one more thing in here but we're going to check them oh no oh he's more and run right out i don't really want to be in a three though all right we're gonna go leave him he's going to die yeah i'm gonna go find him all right just no no no no one of us is gonna die here done we're just gonna keep running i need to we need to find jack i'm pretty sure he's dead now okay okay i don't know what to do watch your back the second i leave i'm gonna get killed all right he's on cam yeah i saw my last thing in specimen all right jordan tell me are you going to kill one of us i'm i'm not because i can't you see how jack has like disappeared oh he's popped up in electrical but i have not seen jack all along all right i mean i'm gonna go finish my last thing in here it's 100 him alright uh just a couple not much okay i'm gonna leave you you're gonna try and make sure nobody's dead okay vlog thanks yes i was hoping she could hear me but i don't think she can hey barely oh i'm not paying attention to this oh god it's tough it's tough it's a tough life out here being lauren i will say it's a tough one [Music] i gotta hit i gotta press a button right now i gotta press the button right freaking i now like they could have won welcome back you're alive i can't hear you hello um um is he he's that he's that he's that he's that i didn't want to be the one to hit the button how did five up not see what how did five up not see he was dead before well i guess i'll start is everyone ready oh no yeah you're not pink i'm gonna be so confused i'm sorry uh there's nothing i can do oh boy why am i white now the banana makes me okay wait what hey guys don't kill me [Music] yo yo shout out for this [ __ ] man yo yo make sure to like comment subscribe okay cool where's my buddy i i'm gonna mute because i just got i think i got to be a silent killer here thank you so much for that oh hey hey hey sweetie hey sweet thing what have you been doing i wasn't talking because i was scared i muted myself hopefully you guys aren't talking because i am just not hearing that [Music] we're all here okay oh hey guys wait wait wait wait wait where the button settings is your heart racing oh god dude that must be the death cry it had to be sorry i'm so sorry get up here five up get up here no it's fine you guys come down here perfectly okay wait was that me you guys heard screaming what happened i'm still alive there was a body in weapons i came upon gloom and lore and chillin and then we all went into weapons and i found the body first and then they came in after me and started screaming and started screaming and i was with cupcake for most of that so i don't think it was cupcake hello iva was in um oxygen yes yes it's in weapons okay me and rifkin were in lab the inside around i tapped out and they produced they can't hear me joey where did you come from when you went into o2 with us where did i come from yeah were you in were you in lights with us yes you were yeah i was talking to tiff i said tiff and i were doing the lights and the the right light wasn't um fully finished so i went back in to finish the lights because everyone left and it wasn't done so make sure you think it's that joey cup quick five up it looked like you came in from the bottom of o2 after though joey the bottom of o2 yeah did you not what do you mean by the bottom of o2 did you go down through the middle or did you go outside and then back in i only stayed within the confines of the okay i think it's lauren and gloom then what that's i don't know anyone that's absurd we were together all last game too that was a surprise screen that was awesome and rifkin yeah it could be you're right yeah but you guys are vouching for each other i didn't vouch for him man you didn't vouch for me all right oh yep yeah we gotta make sure okay i was like i was like uh yeah let's let's go over here kind of listen listen yeah no i yeah i was like i was like i don't know where to say i was because i don't know where i was i just know where i was oh my god oh hi gloom what's up oh hey sup all right hi people oh there's the killer hey party people hey party people i'm gonna go down here and check just because i look suspicious doesn't make me suspicious stay away from me you psycho okay it's joey no you're supposed to like us joey lauren i know it's you please don't kill me though i'll be your friend okay i don't know if um tiff has it in her to double so i don't know if i can do this back and forth i just want to hang out with you guys let me have fun let me live my life kill cathy yeah joey joey what's happening what's happening oh my god jesus christ what was that yeah stop oh yeah i was trying to find him i think we do skip that she's sick she's just twisted into a horror game [Music] yeah wait is that why joey didn't hear us last time i heard you i can hear jack hello why isn't jack with us oh my gosh i think he's fixing the lights yeah don't worry come back yeah yeah oh i have zero meetings left who wants to do that uh i can hit it oh we're gonna go we're gonna go okay so what happened well there and lauren was chasing me and i snuck out of the contamination room and she was trapped inside there with base and who else me yes and then gloom called the body because lauren killed bass that wasn't true and lauren was both of them i mean i wasn't chasing joey i was trying i think she was i think she was meaning i think she was meaning yeah and also i mean cassie was in there with me so you can ask her but cassie what happened you see it was quite what is happening it i don't what stop wasting time i don't know for sure what did you say there were four of us in there joey was in there too no i was not me and tip were outside we're on the other side of the door oh where are you it's i mean i'm pretty sure joey was in there with us i'm almost positive i'm almost unless it was a visual glitch i'm almost like this is what i think i think we shouldn't vote on seven oh you're sick and twisted [Laughter] i agree with that i'm i'm 90 i'm 90 sure i'm 90 sure it's lauren but i joey was in there oh you guys i think joey and lauren be honest tiff are you sure i'm positive he was in there it looked like he was with me am i unfunked is this [Music] does tiff not realize that she's impostor too innocent i'm living in a horror movie okay tiff girl right girl look at her the killer the killers i don't like the math tiff girl hello [Laughter] joey hello hey people how did that happen oh well how did it happen the thing that confused me i hate you guys so much i was running there for safety okay the the thing that confused me is tiff joey was actually in there with us unless it was a visual glitch no he wasn't it was yeah he wasn't he wasn't in there okay i took care of him go go go we gotta get goomy i literally thought i was safe with tiff and she killed me that was my killer and then i haunted her dude it's a jack jack as soon as i left you because i thought you were being like coy with me i started screaming and i just ran into like [Music] by the way and we also skip when we report bodies so we can all go to the table so we can hear each other yeah so we have like five meetings to use only because we have to use them for logistical purposes but if you're actually calling a meeting use the buddy system or the uh the honor system yeah so no more than one meeting but like like a meeting meeting heck yeah let's go this is a wild game i love it so much yeah this is fun you guys feel like best screen but it really feels more like a horror game no where's jack being here yet oh joey i'm so sorry my eyes betrayed me [Music] yeah hey can you guys hear me no hello hello okay on this last round uh lauren killed me first and i thought it was lauren and gloom because lauren ran out and gloom's like hey where'd you been up here she's like yeah that's why i thought it was born or a what why did you scream in the first round i just started if i hit this little box on the google chrome that says mike mitaga will it actually mute me yes it will yes you need to manually click that if it didn't mute i'd be screwed yeah okay okay i'm ready to go all right all right let's get it did anyone play with me i'd like to kill some people this round please yeah uh volunteers tribute joey okay all right hey guys we all really have keys right i just realized i volunteered lauren as tribute nobody kill me first please all right if you don't want to die follow me hey no wherever you want let me let's just go hey hey can i tell you something i'm crew shhh probably eventually reveal why did you scream i was like uh i screamed it's called acting really good yeah i'm just you know i'm just really talented what do you want from me hey check this out oh yeah oh [Music] okay i i'll call this meeting because i think five hops up to some [ __ ] [Laughter] minute [Music] [Laughter] 22.5 more seconds you'll see something real quick i don't think i'm going to be honest i don't think you waited long enough [Laughter] he's trying to get six of us to not do tests okay okay what happened so we're on the bridge for the lava you know oh my god you know as you do and there's like six of us there five months like hey did you guys know the cool easter egg here if you stand here for one minute a sea monster will pop out then he runs off immediately after telling us this fun fact five of us are standing there waiting for the sea monster and i'm like no i'm not having this [Music] i chose five of them i actually want to go check it out now yeah oh my god oh okay here we go wow again this lava monster what color what color is it five up oh it's red i mean it's coming from lava of course [Music] all right meeting at the lava pit in 20 seconds we're all just wasting time on doing tests no that's right don't do it it'll be quality time though well they can't kill all of us exactly they can only kill two of us at once true but then you'll stay right room i want to hold groom's hand oh you can yeah sure somebody killed joey next round so that we don't have to wait [Laughter] natural selection she's just saying that because she wants to kill me again true what's a free kill so lava don't do it yep we're going come on guys lava come on guys let's go to this i'm starting one minute simon what's come on guys let's get some cider you have the summer then you have to stand on the edge i'm trying okay okay wait the cooldown's coming down lauren let's get out of here [Music] i am walking next to lauren gloom if anyone kills me i'll kill you right now i'm just kidding yes i don't know what happened i could barely hear you guys hey oh look it's it's the quad stack the fame the world famous quad right here check us out every time you say that we find something i'm sad we didn't see the lava monster yeah me too maybe it'll come out right now wait are you guys joking about that okay we don't know what happened okay so this is the worst detail of events of all time but five up and i are arguing about this dumb sea monster thing and this gumiho and jack on the bridge gooby and i start walking up together and then all of a sudden car's bodies are portable i don't even know where it was oh wait cara died yeah yes oh no where was it it's okay so you're the lavatory entrance oh okay wait how do you know that because we were walking up there and the report button came up oh you left jimmy yeah you do me and i give me and i walked up yeah i don't think teleported or anything so i don't think i lost this isn't base he knows it's not me probably i hope it's not human but we have no idea how long it was probably therefore well we were all in the lava right that's really good i feel like this probably just happened to be honest yeah i'm pretty sure he saw her i don't think five up left the five board once i i know i didn't the vibe board is that what we're gonna do why was nobody turning on the lights we were here we didn't i just know where to look all right okay so this so can anyone i want to click from five ups chat that's what i want it depends how new the kill is i can clear a lot of people if it's fresh but otherwise i don't know who's who's together right now like yeah let's let's figure at least that out uh okay so me me lauren me lauren cupcake and red or we fixed lights together okay uh me bass were on the board fully jack and gumi were there but i don't know where they went mm-hmm i never left yeah was dance around in the dark she didn't leave briefly but i don't think long enough to go all the way there no i was there the entire time i see right now are they like hard cleared the lights for oh no no it depends no it's not a hard clear yeah it depends how fresh it was because i walked through i walked past that direction i didn't see any report button somebody voted for me why would you vote for me i was in a circle of trust i thought it was free okay i didn't know you could moonwalk in this game whoa what maybe maybe the sea monster was him all along spooky should we just go eavesdrop yeah i heard some voices over here i think i think they're hanging in o2 hello oh hey buddy hi hey is it looking clear here i haven't seen you guys are the first oh hide i said hide oh there you go hi hey hey guys can i tag along oh hey bud wait where the hell are you where are you yeah come haunt us all right i'll follow you let's actually get tasked on this game maybe or do you want a detective uh no it's probably a test yeah i feel like i've done any tasks lately okay i'm here i did a task okay i don't know why this is so fun to me it is really fun it's like cosplay you know but with wait no no no no no what do you mean no what are you talking about the hills have eyes that was weird oh hey guys oh hey hey what's weird what's weird you murdered whispering it was like right by the event i was like are they in the fin hey jack can you guarantee your crew okay run oh it's oh it's com sabotage jack can you guarantee your crew uh i can guarantee i'm crying through the wall you swear on the vibes around the vibes is that what you said yep for sure oh wait you swearing on the vibes am i about to die i just saw you guys on cams so i wanted to join the party oh that was you okay that's nice i like that okay i've done all my tasks i heard uh i have not he oh no oh dude [Music] i think so yeah okay well depends where it is uh is talking now considered cheating do you think oh i'll shut up no i'm asking do you think i'm partial to saying no but that's because it's a selfish answer isn't true oh yeah a lot of time do you want to talk about something else yeah what do you guys want to talk about um all right let's talk about your silence you downgrade sometime in silence is that a spook is that a spooky game yeah i mean i i always like to get scared that's why i like fasmo there's not too much going for the game other than the fact that it makes me uh pee my pants seems quite a lot scarier than um uh we have to wait for you that's the unfortunate thing oh yeah i can hear wait you can hear him i can't hear him oh yeah oh i can hear him because of uh discord oh okay yeah i'm the only one that's not deafened um yeah insulin seems a lot scarier than first of all yeah it does like really scary the point of the game is you have to be quiet because they the killer is blind but they can see in sound earward it looks so fun and so scary it's way more jump scary as well solitary confinement dude i couldn't hear anything all right bass can't wait to hear it bass hey joey hey what's up what's up dudes why we should go on this side of the table it's a lot easier it doesn't glitch out for anyone you know what [Laughter] because your voting team was bugged right yeah um wait wait for the skip anyways i found gumi on oxygen tree side really okay it's not a cup quick the last people i saw over there were gloom and lauren i don't know when they left that area we left we went to uh we went to coms then we went to weapons and then we hung out with jack and joey at the end of the day i did come from bottom left i did my trash before i saw you guys but i didn't go through the tree i guess or the kill happened after that hmm they might look sauce for me though i also want to say i was with gumi and specimen and they said with their diet well not their dying breath but they said if i die what they knew it's like they knew they said if i die five up is safe they were like they're laying their life on the block the marination yeah she was really adamant about saying that i was writing her way right here it's definitely not me i don't think it's joey because he said he was on cams before he met up with us and i did see the red lights yeah yeah i was with cupcake before this and bass yeah um no wait sorry what was the question like when you were on cameras did you see anyone in the bottom left camera by oxygen like by trash oh no the only people that i saw was you guys so i was like all right i need to go be round people it looks kind of bad for jack where was five of us i was in specimen [Music] i was scared i was red where was the red tell me max because honestly this is um i've got my thoughts does anyone want to be my all right i'm down i don't know if three is uh too many for everyone else but you guys have any questions yeah i think lauren has a med scan that she's got to go do i didn't feel like gleam was telling lauren that they haven't met that and lauren didn't know right lauren yep hopefully joey can skip oh we can skip let's go joey the sudden screaming is going to give me a heart attack yeah [Music] all right what was this you're gonna answer why you gave me a heart attack everybody ready i think there was a double kill it didn't work really you would be the other one joey if that was true why why would it be me because i reported the body [Music] and i are relaxing in our download i'm teaching her how to do the task where you have to do the wi-fi we lock down we encounter both red and joey what i tell her like we need to watch out we might actually get double killed here and then red immediately as i say that kills cupcakes no dude are you you framing this on me are you gotta be kidding me dude you gotta be kidding me together okay yeah goomy allegedly her dying words were one jack and five opposition killer manipulator okay me and glue and lauren were in each other's vision the entire round yeah yeah are we voting for seven or are we skipping yeah we're voting on red definitely rad are you sure rifkin why aren't you in the right no way right we all saw that oh god guys i don't know if we got red guys we might be making a huge mistake here um i feel like two imposters voted for wait oh we're not muted yeah it feels uh it feels weird i promise i assure you guys red is one killer if you're not the killer and you did that dumb dragon quest task man i'm gonna be so mad at you like it's gonna be oh oh anyway i'll just jump in a little bit oh fine all right i'm you dude i'm trying where do i look guys something about the two top jack are you a ghost how can i hear him so good i just hope i don't oh hello uh-huh nice acting charlie you looking for someone to kill yeah okay well i'm leaving no let's go for one ladies oh you know oh you know just not doing many tasks oh okay there we go don't say anything don't say anything join you killed my auntie no no come on this way but you killed my auntie come on this way what do you mean come on i have to be the third imposter i it'll be fun join the dark side let's go but let's go kill people aren't you sure now let's go okay good one good one listen if you tell anyone what you saw i i'm starting to feel guilty i'm starting to feel really guilty what just happened i keep thinking why didn't lauren why didn't lauren report the bodies wait rift came why didn't you report that buddy i was singing audible if you heard me i was saying let's see if there's anyone cameras yeah and then you run over a body yeah like i see there's a body there i want to see if it's a double kill like do we mess up on the vote on red right so i see if there's another thing in the cameras which there was not [Music] right whose body did you report wait is gloom alive she wasn't hi hey live comes to life i'm here yeah i didn't see her she wasn't underneath me oh yeah okay okay wait who's what is your report did you report quickly i'm not i did five over lauren's body you know that right all right base who do you think it is wait wait where's lawrence mike because five up was there that was right it was by the storage node you guys kept running so i didn't i didn't get it yes and come right back to a vote so i can be a part of this part yeah yeah yeah you can call the button because this voting thing is bugged uh you guys can hear me right yeah yeah okay anyways um yeah so i didn't see lauren's oh we can't because he can't skip this was kind of pointless anyways i didn't see lauren's i walked past it i guess apparently but i saw five up on top of i thought you were just about to talk to me about this might report five up on top of the electrical no lauren's body was just outside of storage and you just kept running and i was like rifkin i found a body you come back and you just kept going and then you had a different body [Music] wait are we doing discussion right now we're in a meeting i thought we were just gonna like we're just doing his voting thing next is what we're doing oh oh we're actually supposed to be talking that's what i thought okay well we wasted all our time i thought we were waiting for the button okay understandable mistake yeah okay thank you who didn't vote me who who that's awful you're voting fine a few moments ago okay oh we have to wait 15 seconds i really don't see glue what's right here i'm right here no i don't see her like there's only i only see three models you me and joey but strange okay can we talk about uh the bodies yeah okay so obviously only one imposter is left because there's four of us and the game's not over i call them i have i have information okay okay go ahead okay base trade joey and jack one of you has threatened my life and i can't speak and i cannot speak what does that mean so find out who the imposter is you're speaking pretty well right now i can't choose anything i'm scared i've been threatened okay with my life yeah what's the thing okay well i haven't seen gleam this round at all but the the last two rounds that we were all hanging out i know only one car in those rooms okay but what i'm saying is that i wasn't there to threaten gloom at all are you sure and then i was with yes wait what do you mean and then i was with rifkin for the final 20 seconds i think it's true why have you voted wait what oh no i have nothing to go off of but okay are you sure we should be we should be skipping and staying together bloom you know we were together with the rounds and stuff and i was like doing my task and i showed you i was like doing the water wheel through the wall and stuff you remember that it was good times i remember the good old days yeah rifkin i don't feel great about you uh i i reported five of those is the thing like i didn't think i still reported five of them wait no what and you were just stood by the wall of lab you're next to the phone right now oh this should be escape i think it's gloom though still i genuinely it could be any three of you i'm gonna be quite honest with you guys i didn't make a friend you never know what that meant i mean i don't think gleam would put a threat on their own right let's see glue still [ __ ] if she's actually you're gonna get killed by cine okay i mean i've been done with my dance for a long time i'm gonna go fix those lights all right listen up girl thank you you'll be safe for now okay i'm gonna go kill jack and joey didn't want to come with me oh okay all right let's go finish this girl what [Music] i hate you guys [Music] oh you can't do that i feel so bad i feel so bad i feel so bad i feel so bad you know what happened oh i can't go i can't call the meeting wait where'd he go you turned the lights off i'm gonna hit report here we go imposter turned the lights off no now rifkin can't hear oh my god well i got the listen i got the meeting so we're gonna we're gonna stop it then we're gonna redo it and then we're gonna do a vote this is terrible i think he thinks you guys are going to vote him [Music] tell him that just rifkin if you can hear us skip i don't know if you can hear me or anything is anyone following him no i think he's outside okay carla messaged him unless he's got the book glitch now he's not hearing me he's not listening he's angry i feel his goodness maybe he glitched in the history [Music] okay do you think that you're going to be able to get into the next vote [Music] uh 20 seconds again okay okay let's set up another lobby soon okay i don't know why lauren didn't report those bodies i just started being a hostage you just tell one of the mods and they'll set that will give you like a role oh she did it for content because you can't do multiple of these at the same time yeah so right now we're in the club quick and joey frank group and one gameplan yeah so it's like time slots and stuff yeah yeah got you if i can yeah it literally ran me off the map that was the weirdest thing i just kept going but my screen did not like hello hi hello okay so oh cool i don't have a screen but i can argue it is so i guess it's bass so i yeah what do you have to say for yourself bass i think it's not so well i okay so i ran over and i reported the body right self-reported okay i reported the body and i heard joey giggling and then when we're supposed to skip to come to the meeting he says i think it's base and then votes i think so the man like can't see me hey hey oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you're red we can hear you what what i'm sorry cassie if you know what i can hear red vote for base so the problem here is the problem is if you already uh locked in your thing it's gonna skip at best unless you both vote for me i know who it is i'm gonna vote for that person i'm gonna vote for exactly who that person is and we'll see how it plays out so here's what i'm saying my vote would be to joey if i could vote did you vote joey you're not voting i have no screen face to you wait what that's what i'm saying like we should we have to like decide this and then actually have the person oh um so i've i would have locked him for joey if i could i think that's already tied so yeah who did everyone else vote for we can just say it because it would reveal it right now shall we just probably vote for rivkin glenn who did you vote for gloom is rift about to lose [Music] well i guess we just lost the game then no because you would have voted for joey too right so that'd be two votes for joey yeah technically would have won that's true oh yeah so then it wasn't the windows after i can see what happens yeah should we should we just say that you guys won okay so did it work this time everyone that can vote vote for joey we'll just do it like that i'll just go leave the game and see if that faces it for the wait time okay did joey vote for joey oh let's go joey what a win oh my god all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what we have a reveal oh i know what it is a reveal yeah lauren is it what is it uh me and cassie were playing as each other the entire time so when i didn't report i was like i i was like yes i know i was like together every single round of questions that are being asked to her it was because if one of you came across me as gloom and tried to oh no that's why the electrical round was so confusing for you guys yeah and we were with jack at one point she was like lauren has med bay right oh yeah i look like i feel like gloom is telling lauren she has that task and then joey joey started threatening cassie so i just like went with joey dude that was so good it makes so much sense i was dying i was like let's see how cassie handled the the guilt the guilt was insane the guilt was insane right now okay yeah yeah gggs do we have enough people to like keep playing normal among us so are people getting all right guys i'm going to end the stream here i hope you enjoyed it that was a mess terrible headache but it was really fun i hope you enjoyed it
Channel: Gloom
Views: 880,381
Rating: 4.9397511 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, lauren, joey, proximity chat, kara, cupquake, captain sparklez
Id: t4Z-Kl_DK-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 41sec (5441 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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