🔴 LIVE: Among Us but it's a NEW Zombie Mode

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hey hey guys and welcome to zombies among us zombies we are we're trying our best we're trying it out this is actually our first practice game we're all gonna stay unmuted for this one just kind of get a feel about what this new game mode entails i'm standing up because i didn't have time to sit down i was late all right all right all right you ready we're ready to go i'm raring to go born ready actually yes okay i don't know what's what christmas fit oh my god all right never mind that's fitting pants are a little dirty but i'm putting on the full thing all right we're ready to go while you are working on that oh yeah please do you sure all right yeah so somebody's still troubleshooting but we're gonna get in here and get it going can you guys hear my background sound uh nope i okay that's good i gave my rats a piece of pasta and they're going crazy oh cute oh my gosh nice little crunch all right let's go let's get it somebody is a host that's not me because i have left the game so i don't mind looking for start it ain't me let's go oh i click start it's starting yay so yeah i don't quite know how this is going to go um we're just going to give it our best shot oh we're all blue yeah we're all okay oh these incoming okay there aren't there's a lag we have to do talks to win right yeah yeah there's like no tasks this is this is light work we can do this oh i'm already done with my task so i want to be avoiding the green guys i'm guessing yeah yes yes okay very low view i'm so confused what happened just just run around and do your tasks [Laughter] i hated that i hate that yo this is hard do they look like zombies or what do they look like yo what's the button ah oh what's the button to make someone a zombie i don't know you just walk into my oh it'll lag at times so even if you walk on someone it won't register i'm slow i'm blind give him a big old hug and keep hugging did you i think y'all i wish that i still kind of had my tasks so i could know like where people gotta go i'm too scared how do we come a zombie you'd get all your cast done too it looks like the zombie like field of vision just like super small yes it's like the lights are all the same oh and you can vent it looks like really oh my gosh oh easy dub oh what wait who's red yeah who's red i forgot oh yeah i think i got kicked out wait click play again oh i can't it said you were kicked interesting we were just tired of playing with you already oh good wait now that's not even letting me click on anything i can't even click back you wait what do you guys like my christmas ornament head and the whole the whole group like i have to re-enter the code yeah yeah just re-enter the code but it's not letting i can't type anything in what what i don't know what like i can't click anything on my screen oh i just hang on let me know brittany is here okay before we start damning lauren i want to make an executive like hey we're going to mute at this point like should all the zombies just mute and not talk the whole time or i want to figure out what i think so here like hearing if you're still alive and just hearing less people talking it gets a little eerie as they're like slowly so mute when you're a zombie zombie okay okay okay cool cool cool and if you start as a zombie you you stay muted the whole time correct yeah okay does that work for everybody i'm scared yeah so we're just kind of like testing out this game mode it's very interesting oh it would be fun to hear noises isn't muted or something we could how because zombie noises would be fun too figure out something then i shouldn't have reset my computer i went uh what's happening sorry i have to retype in this code uh we're figuring yeah i definitely want to make sure like if you all are filming this or something you get content if you're a zombie too so i don't want it to be trying to i'm trying to think of the best way to go about it i wish they put our names on still yes yeah it still kicked me out oh like i retyped in the code um to join and it kicked me out again does it say uh skelet.net in the corner did it switch um look at this kill cool down it's like pie but not really pi gosh dang it okay hold on half of my problem's done to you carrie i'm sorry it's okay is this a modern new game mode it's a mod i feel like i should be more festive i have to sneeze thank you i need some drink how do you get the mode uh we got it through um skel.net see if this works again i'm hoping it'll be super interesting we'll see i i did see too when people were playing a lot of them played this live did just start it's huge so it's a little harder to like get everybody oh i can change maps easy it worked all right i'm back totally up to you yeah i was trying to look up like what other people did earlier back in the game i definitely think that would be good lauren because also you have the decontamination chamber so it'd be pretty funny if like you close it before a zombie comes in this is uh brianna's lobby chat okay you see these are screams yeah just like my dad no you just logged on okay i think we're switching maps okay okay click here and then just leave game okay uh instead of typing out the code carrie just uh like copy it and then paste it yeah that's what i did to get a tour it was set to polis oh you can switch the map yeah i think you could switch it like my dark hair i feel like it's been dark for a while all right what's the okay so muted how do you get christmas stuff i think it's just like the date on your computer has to be like december and then you get all this cool christmas stuff cool and if we don't like it we can switch up where'd you get that proximity voice chat that's through an actual server that we're in and then someone helps us you look like zendaya i wish no i don't know let me know already i'll start my recording post that map in the chat ready ready ready ready ready ready maybe i'm gonna be deadly deadly okay am i good to start guys yeah you're good go for it girl get it girl lauren meet me in o2 see you there what if you're a zombie a little trouble in o2 okay here we go there's so many people oh wait oh my gosh oh i thought this was scald where are we going everybody just blends in everybody just blends in oh okay there's way too many zombs already i'm gonna stick around everyone that's blue i think that's a good strat well well wait this is making me nervous a big hug wait who's with me here okay this doesn't sound good no it's it's not it's it's not a juice cleanse i'll tell you that much i don't like the sound of that at all okay the zombies have limited vision so all i have to do is not be seen all i have to do is not be seen this is the most risky the risky most recently part of the game i'm on med scan how about you guys running you guys like that i'm just here for the zombie noises i don't even know what's happening oh my goodness did i just hear a card swipe through somebody else's mic i see i'm on my way i'm too late oh you gotta be quicker zombie i can't i'm so slow can we turn up my speed it's very unfortunate that i think i'm the only one with tasks left i think i just got somebody oh oh who's the red guy zombie who is [Music] was i the only one who as i spawned turned into a zombie because i was running next to the song oh no oh i'm ready i want to be oh no get in what do you mean get in okay this time i'm going to live longer let me try again long tasks first yeah we'll be here i'm just running around where's everybody at it's terrifying yes it is what happens if i press the emergency meeting button oh try it i'm not sure apparently i have zero emergency meetings left you called a super meeting i'm gonna get a quick win here no problem it's harder in zombie mode i can't get it i can't get it the first time oh come on come on come on come on come on oh no no i saw that simon says in this mode is death it's certain death come on come on come on come on just gonna chill in my please corner and hope everything goes over right you did all your tasks yeah yeah me too let's hang out task doers task doners you guys are fast oh my gosh all i'm getting from this is i'm a horrible as a crewmate oh gosh oh you might not want to go up there whoever's in specie with me there's a zombie up there oh oh no oh my gosh no i'm alive save me yeah come back to where i was yes staying alive guys i can't do this card swipe oh okay i'm gonna do that i'll come help you they're all at the rocket kind of it just keeps going too fast zombie going into admin hey that's that's rude hey zombies we need to have like some sort of strat wait are the zombies even allowed to be oh i mean no no no no no no no no no no you are no no no no no run run guys i got two more tasks no you don't zombies there's so many zombies zombies zombies zombies you can stay oh no guys i was the last one i can't be trusted with this oh i can kind of look at chat with this game mode i really don't think it matters like there's no discussion aspect i don't know interesting i'm in such a weird screen now what the heck yes thank you i was i actually don't know them at all with the host to see if i can join just met him today uh you enjoyed the a and this is called zombies uh yeah it's doing the thing where i can't click anything on my screen anymore uh just completely restart them on this i'll close it out and then open it up vsteam uh zombies sure exit i think that'd be fun like yeah yeah yeah be muted if you're grouping me and not if you're zombie because i feel like the zombies um i think uh one or two people are born zombies and if they run over you then you become a zombie so you have to get your tasks done before we're all zombies um it's kind of kind of fun kind of fresh kind of like new so thought i'd try it and stream it see how it goes i can look at chat so i'm going to be looking at chat a lot you're a zombie on mute and if you're a crew mate mute correct yeah yeah okay so crew mates now yeah yeah and when you're a zombie you can you gotcha okay so it'll be quiet in the beginning and then until the zombies start cool here we go i am a normal person trying not to get infected i'm going to do a sweep of the left to begin with hopefully the zombie doesn't go left first if i was a zombie i go right first so i'm trying to like reverse oh my god you that was the worst am i the only zombie that's the most shy timid zombie i've ever heard just a cute little why am i so alone get back get back here come back lame okay well then i'm gonna go in labs through species i don't want to get chased i think or is that a bad idea everything is dark this is the loneliest zombie in the history of zombies hello poor thing being dead is no fun when you're by yourself has she eaten has she not eaten a single brain hello oh oh oh bro can i go through all right that's yeah that's what i'm talking about i gotcha i can't i can't feel your best zombies oh my goodness run no i don't know who you are baby but run hey you run run run run okay don't go this okay they're dead me there's nothing i can i can't talk to them i can't talk to them only the zombies are allowed to talk right now who turned you into a zombie i don't know you don't got your name tag that's a good point i didn't run by anybody okay the zombies are kind of blind so i don't think the zombies saw me they told me this whole time they just didn't talk yeah i think for this lauren's unmuted for this you just have to take off angles they just don't like me they want to talk to me that whole time i was by myself you can't really take an off angle to talk oh i wasn't just leaving you hanging curry i just think you're trying to just be more suspicious as a zombie yeah okay it's looking clear down there whoever's blue i just want to give you a high five [Music] i'm coming to get you guys we gotta we gotta strategize where you at oh oh that's another zombie all right i'm right here i'm right here i'm right here are you i'm panicking i'm actually panicking okay i'm done i'm gonna hide oh got you right here i'm gonna hide so we can't lose what's our strategy i mean get a hide and spawn spread out i think we gotta spread out there's so many people left okay so i feel like this time man they are staying away you know i feel like this is the strat right here because they have really limited vision and if somebody's coming in i can just like i can just dodge them like i feel like this is the crew strat for this i'm like trying to like get a zombies meta going but i really feel like this is it you little blue man i converted someone you're welcome man i i the one that got away oh why is reminding me like at the end every time she's like a professional can't tell you i'm muted i'm almost there okay let's let's get gloom she deserves it check your specimen look at this yo juke just dodged me at spawn jukes oh i can't see that well there you go yeah how did that not work i shouldn't i shouldn't have a pet into a zombie i'm keeping you in my head you get back oh no no no no no no no yeah you get back how'd you escape like that i'm chasing someone but i can't see where they went oh okay i shouldn't i shouldn't have a pet i'm throwing no it's not changing them the one thing i'm not only on this person did it work how much money will you pay me if i find somebody in specimen uh five pesos oh perfect that's exactly what i wanted can i hide behind the electrical i need to not have a pet invest someone do i just like stand on top of them yeah give them a big zombie hug guys i don't i think i'm a fake zombie these guys need to get their tasks done dude what guys they're almost done with your tasks we're letting you know no we can't let the team down i keep standing on this person and they don't change don't think i'm actually infected show yourself blue men will it show the crew mate on vitals uh maybe it did on cams did it and you disappeared in front of my eyes please please please please please please please come on just finish your tasks dude the game's been going for like like 10 minutes now i want many still on the lookout but i'm not seeing any i'm not even seeing any zombies where'd everybody go okay to be fair this is a big map it is a big map very big i think this is the meta guys this is the meta of zombies see you little man woman speed run your tasks and then hide in the biggest area i feel like we should be faster i just i know well we are zombies so like you know they're known for christmas the task bar has not moved still prompting me to do a task which is weird because i'm a zombie you might be glitched come here blue person i'm at drop ships we're going to the right side of the map come here we're by a rock five people did that work why did that not work why are you not why are you not turning into a zombie because you can't catch me i'm literally on top of this person no you're not where are you at um i don't know i buy it i see you did that work was that you bree yeah i just turned my one more tasks dude or what it's one or two one or two please come on come on come on come on come on how are these guys not done their tasks yet i gotta take my pet off oh you're hiding yeah guys i think there's two more two more people two more crew mates please please please one more task please i'm gonna win i'm single-handedly gonna win this game zombie squad no let's go oh wait wait does it just always say victory because it's just meet a bunch of zombies i don't i don't know yeah it's good i think zombies took a dub right there no no way no way we had one task left for so long yeah there was like one task left for so long i figured out the zombies meta how to live to the very end you speed run your tasks then wait and spawn and their vision isn't good enough for them to catch you so you just dodge them yeah zombies can't see anything they did where you're kind of cheating because you're the color of a zombie so either way it looks like you're infected true just trying to be incognito it's all about that hat the hat really yeah all right here we go okay this is actually the one version of among us where it's like more fun to be crew well i think it changes me because i'm blue right now i got a few more seconds and then now i'm a zombie okay a zombie okay this time i'm gonna try to oh i forgot to get rid of my pet this time i'm gonna hide here i'm guessing what kind of task can i help there we go i'm helping with the potassium someone's in front of me oh i hit movement unbelievable movement well that's just fine and dandy seems like a lot of people are getting eaten i should do zombie noises i'm gonna use this guy as a human shield zombie sound like i said make him go first i see whoever that is in there but i don't know where it is get him zombie you're near him oh i don't know who i got but this might be a death sentence you ran right into me i know i was i saw another zombie up here so i thought that i don't know that was planned run the other way don't totally don't do it don't do it no don't do it yikes don't go in zombies there a post-it note that says dumb on it yes because we have no brain because we ate all the brains good point this is so great now the zombies gotta win because i was here for the crewmates man i was really trying to trying to pull it up wait i gotta die that's not fair oh my goodness so many people are getting eaten i think i should go pro in zombies that's true that's true and now i'm i'm trying to infect but i can't come on open sesame oh left the game poop someone left the game did someone dc it disconnected me somehow get back in why do i still have my dog stutter step stutter step stutter step come here to the end is anyone in med bay or lab i i need to go to specie in labs but it's so dangerous okay zombies i think there's one up by the rocket okay i am in the last man standing [Music] i might have the last i might have the last uh tasks i do if i'm the last one it is like hide and seek it's so hard oh we're gonna find it i just haven't i'm right there in here oh my god i just checked there she's running around no i have to just do this last wires i think it's the last task that could have been me i'm if that's true i'm sorry please please please legend smartest gg oh i was gonna say how's there a ghost but i think it's lauren did you get the task done or did you i did i got the glass wires oh my god i need to switch up my energy i am zombies pro i'm a zombies pro hey terry i'm a zombies pro i'm a pro zombie christmas uh try changing the date on your computer so it's uh december because that's how people got it in events oh okay oh it is december oh but that's how people got like october stuff before it was october maybe your maybe your computer's the wrong date no are you still in november no no guys i don't think there's any country still in november your pet oh pet off thank you thank you chad no no no no no no no no no no no no you guys tried to tell me you tried to tell me but you tried to tell your stupid uh hello everybody youtube friend xd and she was too stupid to look soon enough that was uh i knew it kind of all right i needed a teammate i couldn't do it alone oh hello person what what what guys i killed and got kicked wait i have the vision of it i have the vision of a zomb i look like a policeman but i have the vision of a zombie i'm confused okay so we're all doing that i think it got messed up when he got picked because he was the original zombie oh uh should we leave it's glitched yeah yeah it's super glitchy i can't see anything right now let's all how romantic of all of us okay i'll come to spawn too if you're the original zombie don't click kill because that breaks that kill brit yeah kill breaks game kill oh like if people are around like look at us all oh we're adorable wait up i'm going yay awesome wait is this everywhere i think wait right let me know when you all are back in lobby um we're just all hanging out in drop ship sorry dylan but we missed it i wanted to be a part of it might be glitched and just not end do we need to leave the game yeah i think we do the never ending oh roll call would have been cute right heck yeah i'm out here breaking games go oh we made dylan the zombie we should probably start over that's going to be a bad one like oh again you don't want polish still yeah yeah really up to you i mean yeah yeah it's up to you i feel like uh what what's the one with the y that one would be like mirror be so hard for crew yeah it would i just realized i had my headphones like halfway on my head and i have no idea why like just like guy here yes i'm going to flavor town but instead it's polished all right so we're just missing you is there nine of us or ten of us did you all use the same code yeah this is the one yeah oh there's a new code [Music] gotcha okay oh there's not enough people in the room i can pick my color let's go oh wait no no oh snowman oh my gosh cute yes that's adorable i wanted him to have like a custom scarf that would be the ultimate yes we're doing the same way zombie sam dude all right all right time to do my magic yeah yeah no why'd they make me all alone that's risky i'm gonna make somebody else's zombie with me i'm not gonna go down alone where'd you go come back get back get back come back nope nope i will make you my zombie friend i refuse yeah no i refuse where'd you go you got juked girl you got oh okay i'm going to try it once more she couldn't possibly think that i wouldn't go through it perfect hi you i was like just running i was running around in circles i was like she won't possibly think that i would go in here the third time i have a zombie friend now and now we gotta make more zombie friends i just got you and you i just got you a new bud you did yeah collecting some new buds for you [Music] what that should have made you a zombie little buddy there you go i can finally vent around too no the ping the ping oh oh yeah you're right oh if you're on someone and it doesn't work sounds like somebody got lauren oh my god sorry i got both directions of specimen oh yeah i hate when specimen hey buddy cute welcome to the zombs i didn't even see who just made me a zombie oh oh oh we got people leaving i got you yeah i got dc'd the game too strong we have too much power too i will say it it kicks people as soon as you mean zombies so oh brie what kind of worry do you have on this you're like no i'm not doing this i'm ruining the game for everybody i mean sounds like me right i know that's so your mo i still want to try the emergency meeting did it not work uh we had zero meetings in this hey brie can i bring a buddy so we have ten yeah hell yeah i kill you i can't find anybody i'm a sad kick zombie i will find you all right zombies should we come up with a game plan i mean i just ran someone over in cold blood and they didn't turn oh leah i know i have one too it's okay you'll get the little whatever this thing is on your head one day one day and clapped up one zombie test when i've earned my wings or my zombies don't have wings what would they have my bones i don't know zombies [Music] oh is it over is it over can i come back yeah hi i can't believe i'm back thank you that is the best i've ever done good job and then i just got killed i don't know who got me was it dylan did dylan get me i love taking credit where credit is due uh we can probably fit one in between because of all like this setup oh she's a crew man okay so this girl just said not again and it appears she likes to go this way so i'm gonna get the hey heck out of here can't get away from me this time no i'm not gonna finish my task greedy greedy girl sometimes you're in here sometimes you just gotta hope for the best that you can get the initial tests done now okay don't go to admin note to self oh no oh no i've got the storage task oh boy un lucky it's the longest worst task in the game hey how about you guys just stop hiding and stop doing i tasks like this well this uh went through very safely i think that okay i think that now the play is gonna be i'm gonna try to finish my tasks and then i'm gonna try to hang out here because in this game mode the zombies can't stab so there's no reason for the zombie to ever go there i just let's just hope i can pull it off because once there gets to be like you kind of have to get your tasks done before there are too many zombies wait no whoever just walked by office going down i'm scared oh i'm scared i'm shaking no no come on you know you want to turn around okay she's pursuing somebody so okay that was just rude okay if you guys finish all the tasks i'm the only zombie and i haven't found anyone i'm gonna feel real bad i'm gonna deserve the dumb sticker my tasks are done wait aha aha is she on cams kind of seems like she's on cams you closed doors i thought you couldn't stop just ran face first right into a zombie okay i'm just gonna stand here for the rest of the game see if this works finally okay zombie unite now hello looking for some pals yes we just saw some friends uh it's all hiding anyone in i don't like this so much math and so many people yes it's a look at the task bar can the door just open already gosh how do you get zombie mode um it's this thing they behind it's on a website called.net i don't know how safe it is brianna and preston seem to think it's okay you're doomed i closed the door on you no i think i'm chilling like i think i'm actually chilling up here i was trying to do that task that one's hard which one the one with all the numbers i was literally that was my last five who got me there no yeah finally look at the task bar i was trying to do wires for so long my third wire and then ross got me out of here they're going to win this no zombies come on you saw a little police hat where'd you go but you know what again any dub is a good dub so i'm officially team zombie oh i shut the door on myself all right zombies out of here i'm gonna make a call let's all head to electrical i feel like there's someone on the drop ship there's plenty on the drop ship yeah i can't see i i'm just really slow i'm trying to figure out why there's an arrow uh as a zombie because i don't have tasks to do yeah that happened to me too what's up chad oh they keep checking drop ship for me but it's not where i am this is like the lazy lay in the shade get the dub no they're not oh this cannot be that's a proximity chat would be cool be a cool combo if someone would like to just walk into a big open area to say hi hi someone's saying hi to me hello i'm bringing my buddy um bringing my buddy show time they're saying hi where are these little hiding spots because he's free what i so got you yo you have a pet dude get out of here you have a pet you're giving us away actually i think we can just i think we can pull this off yeah just this little guy is kind of a giveaway like there's like one task one or two times we're gonna win here i don't even think i got that person i think i shut myself out of the door hi oh [Music] i don't think i don't know guys i don't i'm giving up hope if you believe you can achieve i don't think we can achieve anything and let's go but you know what i was honestly rooting for the crew mates [Music] thank you kyra kira was that you oh that was you lauren it was upsetting i was a good one that was the best round yet good job that was really good well done i just realized gloom when your friend tries to get on the discord let me know and i'll add them okay i think they're already in and i i've sent their name in the chat the recording chat you've got a you've got a cute little server i love how it's checked i love how it's set up oh you have to go yeah i have some other stuff i have committed to okay ggs um thank you it was very fun maybe i can ask scott now goodbye at around 20 after i'ma have to dip but i got i got a handful more games in me okay i'm having fun i like this mode a lot me too i also want to try crazy colors have y'all done that one yet no no what's that about every 30 seconds your color changes is it just gonna be like normal like it's gonna be like normal uh all right i'm in yeah so let me know whenever y'all want to switch to that one but so does that change oh you have it right now it changes the color and cosmetics so like if you're like red for a second then everyone changes it's like oh red's clear but red yeah that'll be yeah yeah that'll be like kerry never know gotcha yeah i'm going to switch over to it now i think we got a good chunk of uh zombies yeah sure yup let's do it colors all right yes please all right time get in here oh uh he's like he's muted he can't he needs perm oh he needs perms yeah kiara's still in here oh she's she's got to go i am still so mad that you like can't jump in the game a little poop just jump over the imposter's head here we go yes hey guys can you hear me yes welcome i'm just talking to myself for like the last one i was like hey what's up well hello how's it going nice to meet you you too this is my good friend time yeah it's in the it's in [Music] [Music] that is a sassy outfit get your christmas gear on oh christmas gear yeah true have you played zombies i haven't but i kind of get the gist of it if it's like the old school you know call of duty type zombies i think it is similar kind of like tag you can't hide and seek you get you get transformed into one right if you walk into someone yeah yeah should be good yeah i'm excited i'm gonna film so many christmas videos this month and like every like every year as a youtuber i've never really done like christmas videos so i'm really gonna try this month but i might fail we'll see oh why did i mute i ended up being the zombie what the heck hey guys where do i okay so get tasks done hide i don't know where i'm gonna hide this time because i'll be right there do i do like a high risk like hide in specimen what do you think chat oh dude my ping was so high everyone disappeared i thought i did something good hello person hello person turn into a zombie i only have i have no i got i got luck at the draw oh i got luck at the draw for tasks this game this is my last one oh no i have a download and upload i knew there was going to be a catch where did someone just go i just saw someone in this room oh man i'm going to be the only zombie for a long time i feel hopefully okay as long as he doesn't catch me in here we're gucci and then i'm going to hide where's like a place that just no one ever really maybe like on the vent in admin blue people i need you to appear in front of me so that i can get you come here please please i need a friend it's awkward talking alone come here why is he coming for me why are we the same speed yeah wait like right here do you think but then if somebody's coming i can't juke him like right here but maybe he'll be able to see me who's this what maybe what i could do guys i think i straight up killed someone in the game i don't know if they turn into a zombie maybe what i could do is like kind of try to meat shield this guy i don't know who this is but i'm gonna try to meat shield them like i'm gonna try to like use them as a sacrifice a zombie in the building hope not i see that's where you are okay oh oh he was on cams everyone um simon says stay where you are so that i can get a uh connection yeah let's go do that to me i didn't i don't know what do you see this dead body here too or is this just me i i think you're going crazy dylan you don't see this i i don't what sorry buddy is every man for himself because i think you kicked him actually no you're my meat shield zombie you know i might be when i walk over it though apparently i can report the body so that is funky oh i feel like everyone is like the rest of the team not allowed to be honest i feel like they are running through these tasks right now oh and i i don't want to take an l when i'm a zombie the only other zombie dylan yeah i'm not so busy okay well we're gonna stick together we've got this three between the two of us we can we can get everybody else maybe we're gonna say something like free between the two of us yo oneologist got me there we go another three of us it was me we're in a very compromising situation right now remember i was doing really good at my tasks oh there's a zombie right behind us right behind us bro bro bro bro we gotta go we gotta go go go go go go go did i just turn you someone's in this room right here where are you at i stepped on something hold on there is one somebody who are you i just saw you but now you're gone forever what do you gotta do do you have anything left because i think someone's here i turn somebody into a zombie and they have oh these guys are doing this i thought that was a person just a zombie that was me uh stupid zombie what i have an idea of my game who's this right here all right there's zombies hiding in the rock hiding behind the rock i was yeah i could do my task in here because i saw that there was a zombie but they haven't moved who's the target i feel like we should specifically try to get someone even though they don't have their name tags i'm gonna choose gloom because she's really good i don't know which blueprints but at least they can't vent you know you never know when i'm getting a mod come on come on come on we have one more task let's go just hiding behind a rock i'm the bravest girl in the history of the world feeling too hot about this round best hiding spot i know right now but they have it that's true we have time i think they're hiding dylan you really should have tried to get more when you were all by yourself oh wow all right oh oh whoever that was i said you get over here you little zombie man you're the zombie not me ran away how did you do that man how did you do that how did you get away from me guys this is the most intense game of hide-and-seek i've ever played oh i should have hid in the lava that's a good suggestion i did my best but it just wasn't enough [Music] no we did yeah lauren we doing the color swap we're restarting our internet because it just keeps flipping in and out okay are we leaving this lobby and doing that oh my gosh that snowman is cute oh we don't you can squish that yeah you can switch the game do i have a snowman i do what's the uh what's the red uh people are they like super infected or something like that it was like red green and blue i know christmas i have no idea i think it's like a person transforming into a zombie can they not see because i swear i like ran over some people and no one turned around to kill me or anything like that they have limited uh low vision yeah they have limited vision like lights off oh that makes way more sense i'm like what they're saying they can't see me but i'm like walking right beside them i'm like tasks are done i'll see what happens i'm like no one's seen me wow i'm invisible a couple times i walked over people and they didn't turn into zombies so i don't know what i did wrong huh yeah i hate when that happens sometimes it happens but late to the new game uh we're just saying this one oh okay heck yeah oh look at us all grouping up mm-hmm holding hands i guess i will snuggle on in with everybody yeah come on in hold my hand come on russ ross what the heck harry what the heck carrie come on join the group hug here i'm in here oh look at us oh my god imagine if we could do like a conga line yeah right right oh we should linger brie i'm following you down guys make a line [Music] i kept forgetting what color i was started oh no that was good i i loved that apri a for everything a for everything okay these are short games but i feel bad to start okay yeah yeah yeah they're good hey lauren yeah well here and there i'll get like a thousand ping i damn scott and he's not home my stream hasn't been like my stream's been cutting out too so i think it's just a problem this is an energy drink so i'm like ah i'm waiting um do we are we doing the same code different code i haven't changed codes the d-i-l oh oh okay i thought you're gonna say the whole thing [Laughter] the d-i-l we have everybody lauren since you got kicked do you want to do one more zombies oh it's up to you guys i'm good with whatever it's up to you is anyone uh using those bubbles those uh i'll try one more yeah i can give you mine bliss but mine are mine are the ones that are always there so that's fine okay uh where is it oh there it is and we mute uh we don't mute when we're a zombie right we're like just talking awkwardly yeah it doesn't matter i'm muted oh that's an ugly link oh hey you guys it's me it's your favorite zombie favorite neighborhood zombie in town oh oh i'm owning all of you sorry about it oh dude i was i was okay at the start oh no no i'm so sorry oh my gosh it's just so toxic i don't know you're afk i clicked the link tapped out me too i'm so sorry i ruined your last zombies game in the drop ship here's the strap yeah just send him a link i just walk over him that was big brain right there i don't know why i clicked it but i'm walking over him i don't even know what that link was supposed to do dylan have you ever learned internet safety you don't like links i don't know yeah especially when i send them guys i trust everyone here apparently it turns me into a zombie but i won't do it in the future this has been such a fast zombie game so far it really it's it's light working it's light work wait who's left all right we need we need ross we need perry okay so we need we need a zombie we need a zombie on cams and we need a zombie in every room oh oh i was just on camera i i'll just i'll ruin it i'll shout it out yeah ruin ruin everybody's lives please wear zombies all right all right we're where you looking everything oh northeast northeast uh by the lab by the way by the lab by the lab yo you should be a zombie right now bud this guy that i'm on top of um by admin wait i'm in the lab there [Applause] go back and then go up and go towards like the emergency meeting no to your left you're not murdered oh my god we're hacking where are they they have one task left i'm panicking northeast oh wait someone who's going into the lab go back out they're going towards go oh go to your left go up guys i feel like we're on an esports team right now oh good job guys that was pro [Laughter] that was very stressful being like left right because i am notoriously wrong every time i'm giving directions i'm like go right i mean left and i'll like scream to the being mad so that was good mm-hmm switched to crazy colors okay it should be every like 30 seconds i think is like the typical and it's just a regular game you just like cool okay exciting okay so this is a new game mode we're playing colors color switch every 30 seconds our colors switch normal rules unmute during the meeting cool oh boy yeah all right oh i'm excited okay i'm excited here we go what am i holding we're muting and i'm muting like normal yes everyone meet except lauren she's a cutie okay i haven't played i feel like i haven't played regular among us in a year oh nobody has names either how are we we're never going to be able to we're never going to have an information we're never going to be able to have any information it's going to be impossible okay i don't like this oh gosh i'm nervous this is impossible like this is like this is just this is just a giant meme we're gonna have to like make people tell their story you know okay so here's the deal this is the worst i don't know what color i don't even know what color i am okay i'm red for the moment um i i don't actually don't know what color yeah okay so here okay so here's the deal yeah well he's he's changing all the time is there a way to tell what color you currently are yeah red oh oh only i can tell except the microphone yeah because you called it yeah okay so this is what's really hard i thought i was just doing it i'm pretty sure i was green but i think i changed right before oh i can't i can't even question anybody because we don't have names you guys don't know who you are okay i'm voting for who i think it is do not vote orange because whoever was orange before me tried to kill me i know myself oh it wasn't me oh definitely not me wait you can't even tell if you're voting for yourself or not [Applause] who i voted for honestly for myself i'm gonna be voting for myself i have no idea i'm just going blind here i don't know wait what i said wait wait weird why didn't orange vote for me i didn't i skipped i don't know who i think i was orange if you were blue i don't even know who i am i don't know like i don't even know how do i claim myself how do i become i'm nervous a more self-aware person okay i'm purple right now and keep that in mind i feel like i have some street cred because i reported the first body so i'm just gonna like keep track of what color i am oh my goodness get away from me okay this looks legit i'm gonna hang out with this person okay now i'm green oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh my goodness it was red vote for red vote for red right now they are currently red they just killed my they killed my friend oh no what if they oh wait unless if the colors change for the meeting then i don't know who it is if they don't change it's definitely red but the colors should change for the meeting oh no no i didn't even get a single task done i was too focused on paying attention to what color i was red you have to speak now defend yourself they don't know who they are yeah who's right i'm voting for them whoever they are whoever you are sorry red we're like watch i'm red i'll be like chat did my color change they didn't change okay good i don't know well i did that last round i was like i'm definitely not pink so i'm gonna vote for pink and i ended up being pink no if you didn't murder you're good this happened right outside of um coms oh okay cassie [Applause] [Music] oh you were the imposter yeah okay so i guess in this game mode you kind of have to just you have to be very aware of what color you are and you have to stick with somebody i think it's the only way i'm gonna stick with pink okay this looks legit kind of okay so now i'm sticking with red red red red and i'm orange red and i'm orange red and i'm orange red and i'm orange red and i'm orange red and i'm orange this is like the most my memory can handle i'm now red and he's green i'm red and he's green colors of christmas lime green i'm red he's green red he's lying i'm red he's lying okay good he's purple i'm green okay i can't this is so confusing he's purple i'm green he's purple i'm green [Music] does this guy not have any tasks he's purple i'm green i'm gonna move my mouse out of the way sorry about that he's green i'm red colors of christmas once again he's green i'm red is anyone ever going to find a body or anything he's purple i'm green he's purple i'm lime he's purple i'm lime he's purple i'm lime wait for me what are you doing okay uh oh purple is fine purple is fine these colors i think let me get in here i still don't know what color i am yeah okay so i just know purple is fine i am lying purple walked right by the body but maybe purple was confused no you're purple because i'm still lying oh wait wait it changes when we get into the discussion room no no we're still the same okay maybe not oh no because i got lauren last time because i said it was right person killed right and i was chasing them and i was like oh i gotta go find them that's what i saw oh so i sabotaged your detection work that's what you're saying i think they were too fast they were they were zooming out of there so it can't be orange either though because they were on the behind us okay so it's between cyan and black okay well it's not okay who are you i think i'm black i think i'm sorry i think i'm black okay cyan [Music] oh no i'm so sorry i'm so sorry okay i'm gonna shut up for the rest of the game wait are we different colors now yes okay i'm so confused what do vitals look like in this oh my okay i'm so sorry whoever what happened who are the imposters i was the imposter but i have no idea i only killed like three people that's a lot of people like everyone yeah that's like half the lobby almost okay yeah i killed a bunch of people i i generally did not know what color i was though every time we got into the discussion no idea oh yeah same i'm like um i can tell you what i was doing guys um i don't know if y'all are playing more but i gotta dip yeah we gotta go okay auntie jeez oh shoot yeah same oh oh yeah let's do it again just start everyone leaving i'm sorry i'm glad i was the imposter though that was fun even yeah i didn't want to tell her yeah good job i believed you you got me awesome well thank you so much bri and everyone this is awesome and we have to do this like again real soon yeah yeah for sure great group thank you very much for the beginning nice meeting y'all yes thank you gg bye-bye i was gonna say i can still play it but there's there's only five of us now um i can try to ask some people super quick sure okay yeah say i'm down to place yeah or even do like regular ones too yeah for sure yes lauren have you tried that new fasmo map yet it's juicy i love it no oh you tried it yeah i had to i couldn't wait i was like a kid at christmas no i haven't tried it yet yeah i didn't like record it or anything i was just like sitting there trying not to play it and then i played it are we playing it this week yes yes wait can i be nosy what game have you all been playing uh phasma phobia oh i've heard that's so good it's so fun i love it what's the new map school or something it's a jail ooh okay boy that's okay i'm gonna run to the washroom i'm gonna run to the washroom any um new creepy crawlies in there yeah last time we played they had that uh crawling ghost which was nightmare fuel but uh i'm not sure i've only only played it twice but the first time i played it i got a demon and that thing was violent that's a yikes all right i gotta think of anybody that might want to join i know i'm texting some people but it's very late notice yeah also all right cassie just informed me she hasn't been able to see super chats this whole time so we're gonna go through right now scott williams jewel rock star fluffy peony pony and a dye m.e the candy queen gage olsen rojica ray m e the candy queen mckenna bard kendall earl with the 20 books riley greenwood serena weiss i love you so much too i'm assuming i was leaking out just i'm glad i'm still going perfect serena wise mckenna chelsea list win alexandra rodriguez anna come on man deafened all right what else we got here what else we got here in you live sophia ritosa i'm better at pronouncing these than cassie i guarantee it the red guy is the healer he heals the zombies said serena weiss luis sayre okay whoa 48 pounds holy who made it their business yeah i don't even know me flowers it better not have been a boy though that will make me very angry better be cute yeah just careful with this be careful that oh my gosh i love flowers so oh jay johnson how are you able to play zombie mode um we downloaded this thing called skull.net roxanne world thank you for the super chat sensitive little b me too thank you for the super chat and angie shanna spruttenberg kawaii bear roses look how oh gorgeous oh oh they smell so good could you just take a picture right now thank you it's dripping all over my feet it's dripping everywhere oh gosh oh it's all over there oh my god okay there's water i could use it on my face rose water oh me too do you hi guys no that's me mode it's my true self mode no that's just me it's just me doing what i do you know what i do so do we have friends or nah everybody's screaming that i've asked we have no thread i'm so far friendless guys well tell them that we are very cool we have christmas things on our heads and we'll we'll pretend to give them a christmas gift in the game there you go oh this is a big map for five of us so let's go [Laughter] wow oh boy are you guys asking anybody oh i can i'd be super super down if y'all wanted to ask people oh i can i can let me just finish this maze first okay i want to know if i can like slow down how fast it switches you like the colors i think you can oh i can ask i just didn't know i was allowed i don't want to be rude because i already invited one person so far it hasn't switched for me i don't think so i don't think so did i go through all the oh it's switch to switch yeah i just want to say that this imposter is an idiot and yeah i don't think they can do it i don't think they can do it do you try to get killed yeah this posture is a big dummy i don't know why i'm like egging them on oh it sounds like someone's trying to make a kill okay the imposter wants to kill by lights yeah anyone want to fix lights because i feel like karma is going to get me if i do it i don't know if my game is glitched but i see like so many people just standing still i think i'm oh yeah i was definitely glitch oh geez i was gonna say i was afk but oh maybe i was standing under someone i don't know what color because that's irrelevant now okay i think i have i have one person so far hey oh yeah all right oh you're alive okay all right oh well it's green right i think you are green aren't you no no i'm black you're blue it's green what do you think bree uh definitely gotta say it's green are you are you sure now i don't know i thought uh yeah no go green okay if i if i'm actually green oh you're dead who's dead okay lauren is it you i'm alive oh that it's you know what color you are i i [Music] i hope green was cassie what was it i was uh i was black it was me oh it was me again that's why you were like uh uh uh let's hear i only have one more person as potential but i don't want him to log on until we know we yeah you don't want them to come on and then us be like ah we're good we only have six people we're logging off yet oh we are we are oh yeah oh yeah we're in we're in oh yeah oh yeah are you purple yes i'm purple hi purple i'm brie nice to meet you bree scott's at home right now chad that's going to get real confusing in the color color swap by the way yeah i think i have i think i have it already set up skull.net right that's the um yeah exactly i'm so sorry i'm such a mess with the super chats for some reason my thing isn't working well it's nice to meet all of y'all likewise likewise how's the day going okay well just uh let's edit in a video which was fun mila ali what advice to start a youtube channel make stuff that you want to find and get pretty proficient at photoshop and adobe premiere pro fantastic how are you m-e-h-s hey from alberta i grew up there thank you for the super chat electra phelps thank you for the kind words colleen mccullen aesthetically pink thank you for the super chats anna reese thank you for the super chat and i want to i'm just so busy whatever ngg thank you so much for the super chat camila arnett adventure sisters kaylee moyer sensitive lb chris perez thank you for the super chill [Music] i kind of like standing while i stream it's like good energy oh i look gorgeous holy those lights hello hello everyone hi are we playing this one is it i mean we just had a game randomly start but i feel like we can end it right yeah yeah for sure um yeah we gotta we got a good group here we got eight people we got him just killed somebody exactly no who just murdered we got a vote oh this is helpful yeah who did that wasn't yeah admit it and then i went and started doing gas cans it's not red gloom sounds so good no no no no no no no no i'm voting leo what oh you're coming leah yep that's all there is to it oh sal you're you're swinging yeah sorry watch this wait i didn't vote for myself i voted for yellow that's us yes well i couldn't hear anybody while you guys are discussing so i'm sorry i'm good we're still crazy colors right or not no we're not yes in the game i think so but it shows our names this time i know that was nice that's really nice should we switch to mira if we're running it with seven yeah we could change math i think i'm here now we have a yeah a full energy drink for what time it is and tomorrow's a long day it's you and me i forgot to mute tomorrow's like a really long day for me and i can't be drinking energy drinks this late let's i'm a crazy color oh how late is it it's not late it's only 4 44 here but i just i i don't want to invite any um i don't know because i don't know how much longer these guys are going and also it's a very small lobby so it's like kind of a risky thing to invite people to let's go i did message 10 people but um they're people that would be streaming anyway you don't want to like get someone out of bed for two games it's kind of toxic i like that i like that about you thank you hey that's that's toxicity towards our canadian blood our canadian brethren we love canada we're children of the world samantha thank you for the super chat whoa those lights came on quick am i really gonna be done my tasks after this okay i'm white now oh well [Music] wait did i not ask for a map switch nobody ever listens to me i don't know why i'm so annoying today i just i can't help myself disguise the imposter oh guys pink's dead which i was just pink and now i'm gray but pink's dead oh gosh i didn't even know what color i was okay it was violet tickle but i didn't see where the body was i just saw the butt where is everyone uh i'm in i'm an admin i didn't want to go to electrical so i just kept doing my tasks i have like one left but they don't know who you are yes who called this meeting because i was orange right before we came in here i i called it i was brown and then i switched to orange so confusing oh i forgot what color i am but i'm on i think blue just died if that was the same color it just like colors just switched yeah this is pointless then did we just snipe since there's no i'm not sniping yet i don't want to i don't want are there two imposters okay let's think here so if there's two imposters then a snipe is you know what's quiet skip voted trust me i saw white and black run away from lights but they're different colors now so i just wanted to see what color i was and also i just skipped so i'm just gonna thank god it's too important i trust you hit the button voice hit the button boys we don't need the entire team to go and fix the lights okay now hit the button there's two imposters left this to get a double and we lose hurry up time knows this he'll hit he'll hit the button i believe come on guys let's go no please oh did we just change colors right now yes we did wait orange i just saw orange die i was just born black just jumped in a hole but i don't know if it's still black pink is suspicious no i'm pink i literally am at the top of the map because i'm done with my tasks i don't know who i am i don't know i'm white i'm white i guess yeah i called it yeah i saw black previous black jump in a hole after killing orange but i was like what colors are everybody there they feel like pink pink white are are chosen no idea like that's that's me and who else is that showtime yeah brianna gosh i have no if you haven't voted then you're black right now right oh my god either what do you mean skip again i voted black oh i'm black no oh no black go backwards okay do it neutral oh no no hold on he just said oh no he wasn't like oh you guys are bad no that's true please come on he's going to be like oh no wow impressive gosh bro i thought the colors weren't strange i saw you like watch that vent after i jumped in i'm like oh please change colors please change colors you said i swear i changed colors but i'm surprised you didn't that was crazy i'm like i don't want to vote black it's the wrong person i'm so sad i was imposter and i lagged out like maybe what's my up time i knew there were two imposters i was like where's my friend yeah no i was fixing i tried to invite cara but i haven't heard back yet either all right just gonna wait here and get someone i'm gonna stack kill why not oh it's too late i don't know who i am hey yo orange you think you slick dog you think you slick you just gonna take out my poopy friend over here bro i was working on the node in the top right hand corner of the map i was just orange but then i i changed to cyan and i don't i don't know who i am so i was on the node and to my right our boy poop was slaughtered inside of the little rocket area by orange and i and i will stand by that and if you're orange i'm very disappointed in you how could you do that okay so our color just changed i don't know who i am and i don't know who's talking uh science talking orange okay orange is the murderer the imposter pink was kind of sucks to me yeah we have a swear down someone was on temperature with me i thought it was yeah that was me i did temperature with you i don't know did i get a car i was on lights because i was just like you guys is this me is this me i was on lights okay me too you got one of them god bless you so who was the person that killed though i don't know oh he got me he got me right away how did he do that how did you do that i was so cocky okay it's time to do some sabotages but i don't know who my imposter mate is so i'm just going to randomly do stuff yeah i'm just going to close every door there ever was that's what imposters do right close every door in the world okay so brown brown do be acting sauce maybe it's brown okay we know who it is now it is psy and now black okay okay okay um body right outside of like i won't call it storage but i don't know what it's called the like the thing in the middle the room above men it's the room above where the table is at okay so that's cafeteria o2 or where the gas can is so you know like that table is it's like above the meeting table there's that one little room that's got like gas cans in it you guessed it okay so i thought well i wasn't sure right outside the door not in the room the door was closed i just finished my last task and weapons whoever black was they walked past it like they didn't even trying to i totally didn't even see that had my map open and i was going to oh yeah okay and then i saw that you stopped and i was like okay what happened lea is a great liar yes you did dude life but i don't know yes thing i think area went left gator someone because we both ran over there at this time yes he walked me watch her over to it it wasn't like a report kill so you're yellow yes and then lay this black and then show time samantha cooch exactly okay i shouldn't have stabbed uh lights there for some reason i just never forgotten i thought that like maybe the body was in storage like deeper in but it looks like he got away with it maybe it's still black i don't know oh i didn't mean to do that this is so laggy buggy what do i feel like it's orange like the person i'm supposed to be helping oh he's closing all the doors now too um hmm come on buddy oh okay green green i saw that wait who's green i don't know just as long as we wait did i report it or did they report it as soon as i got done with the lights i literally see the colors i'm the one that stood outside the room i'm the one that stood outside the room so what happened him i think i don't know what color or was it him do you think the color switched i don't know if it didn't be so bad i know i think it did no they didn't i was orange and i'm still lauren oh if you want wait what you said you reported the body i don't i don't know if i didn't does anyone remember what color they were this is such a mess anyone no i don't recall at all that was orange okay vote i might have been if orange lights up then it's used to no yeah if i'm still if if we vote green and i'm still like the game keeps going i'll vote first i'll vote first here okay okay and what did you guys vote for i'm wearing green green if the color didn't change it was green a hundred percent dude i'm hoping wait you bought yourself hey did i get both did i get one please i got my fingers crossed what if i loaded myself well let's go i [Music] guys i'm gonna hop off um you can i'm gonna keep playing a few more games but i think that uh you guys got the gist here uh if you'd like to keep watching then you can check out i think i think lauren's streaming or you can go to twitch.tv showtimetv um it's my buddy here love him very much his link will be in the chat
Channel: Gloom
Views: 983,609
Rating: 4.9337668 out of 5
Keywords: among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, gloom, among us, brianna playz, laurenzside, lauren
Id: AivGiLavKMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 38sec (5978 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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