Plotting to END Kindergarten 2 👶 FINALE Missions 7-9 Completed Playthrough

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happy day I'm today we are beating kindergarten we're gonna do missions six through nine don't mind my Cindy pigtails I tried but I I'm not cute the first mission we're gonna do is things that go boom start the mission by giving Carla the laser module your wig yeah all right Carla hey you must be one of the new kids I'm Carla do you have any contraband well I've got a laser module what do you think no way where did you get backs how did you get it this is incredible with this I can finally finally what kid clear your schedule we've got a lot of work to do what are you talking about with this laser module and with that other principal kids transferring I can finally go through with my little project witches you see I'm pretty good about getting around in this school I've got keys secret passages and I know how to tangle with Stevie okay one problem I've never been able to solve though is getting a passage from the teachers lounge to the janitor's closet and how does the laser help you're gonna blow are you gonna blow a hole through the wall on its own it doesn't but I heard about the stuff that went on at your other school oh well I mean there was a lot of stuff can you specify it was a pretty crazy school oh yeah that place was a train wreck I'm talking about the little pocket bombs that listened to your conversations oh yeah those really sucked I need one and you're going to get it for me you're friends with that little crying kid over there right no not really actually well you're gonna be find him a tissue or something maybe you can cheer him up and he'll give you one of those devices where can I get a tissue probably someone who thinks she's a princess pigtails over there might fit the bill I mean it's worth a shot here we go hey pigtails I know that we used to date and I know that you like my new outfit so just give me the tissue okay this new school is so much more my style especially the new selection of boy is what do you think I thought we were together sorry honey but we're yesterday's news besides we both know that I'm too good for you anyway ouch here's a tissue cry me a river and how will you get me a new boyfriend I've got better things to do but thank you so much for that tissue yellow is the oh wait let's give all right crying boy let's give you a little tissue oh wait kid photo listen you look like you could use this tissue thanks man I can't believe they made because why what's wrong I'm not going to talk you know what what's the difference do you know why we're at this school instead of our old one I mean I thought I knew you but maybe I don't is there something you don't know I'm gonna say no something bad happened they found my dad in some weird lab under his office how awful so now you know what I have to do then right find a foster family I have a mom jeez I have to take revenge on who did this to my family who do you think did this Lily obviously she was obsessed with my dad it had to be her the pretty Lily she's not even here that's what you think I know she's here I can feel it can you please help me find her please I need justice I guess I can help you thank you now we just need a lead of some sort talk to nugget he was close to Billy and has a crush on Lily maybe he knows okay then I'm just gonna make sure Carla's happy with what I'm doing nunc Sally are you best friends with a crybaby over there she wants to find lily she was that girl whose brother went missing ripes interesting you know I did see two kids sneak into the crawlspace under the since that nugget kid caved in my secret passage this morning we need another way to get down there what are our options I say we go through that grate here's a screwdriver let that nugget kid out and I'll distract Bob so he doesn't notice it's open oh why don't we just get Bob to do it because Bob will put the great back on we need it off if we're gonna get down there okay then I get I get it oh she's distracting Bob I gotta get going oh no get his traps I'm gonna get you out of here nugget is green thank you for freeing nugget no problem nugget nice job kid so this is nugget huh it is this is the one and only yes nugget is nugget who is ponytail girl I'm Carla say you wouldn't happen to see anyone down there perhaps some kids and goodies good nugget is not supposed to say only those with the secret stuffed creature may know bright this secrets I've heard enough meet me in the smart class kid we've got work to do will do that's the go everyone head inside your assigned classrooms going to class and we got a restart because I forgot the A+ at home all right we are in the smart class welcome to the advanced class if you're here you have proven to be smarter than the other slugs you call pigs please try to use this time constructively Einstein was building ray guns in kindergarten so should you remember to fill out your daily assessment on the computer Carl oh good you're here we need to get down to that crawl space to confirm if that girl is here how do we get there why do you think I had you open that great uh oh yeah it'll be easy enough here's the key to the door that would lead you to the handicapped rack let's go take our assessments so downer can let us out are you oh you're coming with me I'm only following you downstairs I'll make sure Stevie doesn't stop you from using that key got it oh she's so sneaky and helpful all right we're taking the assessment and this time I'm going to take the spray bottle just in case we'll see okay let's go Danner probably won't stop us now okay finally we can exit this place and just where do you two think you're going the bathroom got a P together no okay just don't cause any trouble Oh was a close one hey the boys room is downstairs he can go down but you can't relax man the student handbook says I'm allowed to assist a new student with finding the bathroom oh okay I didn't know that Thanks my pleasure hey guys dumb butts TV isn't once he sees us he'll take me back upstairs while he's doing that use that key to get out before he comes back we need to be back in class before the bell rings I'll make another distraction for you so Stevie doesn't see you come in from outside just don't be late I won't be good let's go that okay hey Karla you're not supposed to be downstairs the girls bathroom is upstairs the other monitor should have stopped you oh that's right silly me maybe you should walk me there to make sure I don't make any more mistakes don't play dumb with me come on let's take you back upstairs nope okay I mean she didn't play dumb and it worked this door leads outside to the handicapped ramp it's locked door we're the great I'm scared to this elevator why are the cave these bags do not look like they have good things in them like these are some legs sitting down this isn't a normal elevator quite like it seems to be an eye scanner of some sort interesting should I use the elevator oh just stay here this box looks interesting I think I can hear something inside I'm gonna squeak the plushy to try to scare it I'm scared that's the signal what it's safe to come out who finally I feel like we've been waiting down here for hours who are you guys oh yeah we should probably tell you that oh it's us Lilly and Billy we've been spying on this new school and we've discovered a lot do you want to hear about it well I cannot estate Jerome is after Lilly or sure should I be like a little rat immediately yeah these are my homies these are my friends me oh I guess he blames me for what happened to his dad oh man with the hood on your voice is real different we should have seen this coming Billy what's the big deal he can't get to us he doesn't even know we're here we can't risk it I have to confront him he has to know the truth about his father head back upstairs and telogen room to meet me in the girls bathroom knock on the first stall twice okay you should go back to class before the bell rings you don't want to get study hall good idea well thanks for the tips guys and thanks for hiding in this basement with dead bodies and bags we love that mole and I gotta get back I can't pick that foot I want to pick that flower but I can I probably should go this way because I see the lady I see the lunch lady being that last Apple and I am kind of scared hopefully this world works oh it doesn't Yonkers oh please lunch lady please don't do it don't do it don't do it Carla hastini is my friend still in the unacceptable Carla I'm giving you study hall you're not supposed to be down here come on man I'm just checking all my friends he had really bad diarrhea yesterday he's fine see now get back upstairs before I send you to the principal's office okay fine geez and you you've had long enough for your bathroom break back upstairs now okay relax oh good you're back I'll take that so what's the deal with those kids down there can we get your room to that they'll be in the girls bathroom good let's sell the crybaby the good news let's go man dr. Danner just does not care what we do with our lives did you find out anything about Lily do you know where she is she'll be in the bathroom during lunch so she is here I knew it I'm gonna get her for what she did thanks kid I have a plan to get you there we'll talk during lunch I hope you all learned something today please go to lunch okay I need to get upstairs to that bathroom I got some extra burgers like you asked what are they for Stevie got a little extra irritated with me today and now I have study hall I'm not going to the principal's office for all this so what could we do we're gonna start a food fight it'll draw in all the monitors and give you a chance to leave we just need someone big and dumb enough to start it sounds good I think I know someone big and dumb one more thing while you're upstairs get into the science class and change the lesson plan to robotics I'm gonna need some of that stuff to finish our little project got it I hope I can remember all this stuff hey you'll bugs your big enough let's go burgers are okay backs you're gonna miss the swamp hey yo yo you want to start a food fight ha ha yeah I do this place could use a little redecorating smoking Nuggets face well let's do it then easy there kid I'm not starting a fight without proper ammunition you want more food yup bring me more burgers and we'll kick this food fight off right all right whoa hey you can have mine how many do you need now one more should do it go get one hurry up okay let's go get some bogus hello which I look what would you like for lunch I'll take a hamburger there you are child one burger please enjoy Thanks come on bugs let's get this party started caught that burger for me here you go let's get this show on the road hey nugget nugget does not wish to speak to catch hey fatso watch it you almost hit me with that grease ball oh my mistake I'll make sure to hit you this time no no no no ha woof hey that was rude come on weird kid we don't have to put up with this let's give him a taste of his own medicine nugget had never considered throwing food back at the nasty bully nugget normally just poisons enemies but no but nothing can make an exception this time oh here comes I don't get involved in your stupid bird unacceptable this will not stand in my cat yikes perhaps I should get my sister okay off we go okay okay so we have to go to the girls bathroom but first we're gonna do is we're gonna go into the science room change the lesson plan to robotics oh it's locked okay maybe we'll go to the girls bathroom first second stall is knock Oh wrong knock what occupied oh this is the stall Lily said she would be in I'm knocking on the stall hello now I'm gonna do what he should have done I'm gonna stop you and your crazy conspiracy theories Jerome wait I can explain everything liar I know where bill she's not lying what of course she's lying she's just trying to say herself did you ever stop to consider why your dad had explosives and why they blow up when you mentioned my brother shut up I'm sure there was a reason it's because you're unstable he knew you were after him yeah because he kidnapped my brother and turned him into a monster that makes pills that does sound crazy you were there you tell him it's all true it is true wait you were there you saw everything she's telling the truth yup and my dad was oh geez I think I'm gonna be sick I'm sorry Julie Oh tuck look thanks for helping me clean things up okay I'll see you soon bye Lily yo what's this here in the floor okay we have a problem penny is coming up the stairs and I think she knows where I am we need to get out of here now what do we do there's got to be another way out of kirkuk help me find it or we're all dead okay but I'm taking this person wait oh I have a screwdriver so I can get through here this air vent looks like it could be unscrewed where's unscrewing the vent and that way I can also change the climb because this leads to the science room that's perfect come on guys we gotta go we should be safe here she won't be looking for long what now I'm gonna head back down to Billy we still have a lot of work to do I'm sure there's something you can do in here to wait out the time for yes okay good luck on Jerome I am sorry kiss stop crying this filing cabinet has various lesson plans I can change it by moving the folders around we are changing it to two robotics oh what the Oh No please please please don't how did you get into my science classroom exploiting yourselves we snuck in through the vent oh that's rather clever not clever enough to avoid study hall but still man look at all the bags children today my word there are a lot of you to make matters worse I don't go buy coffee look no one rêveur talk just Oh be quiet okay okay I'm saying nothing because I don't wanted to kill me I just ate an apple I'm just gonna close my eyes really yep there he goes okay then did you work through your issues with Jerome I guess I did still crossing at all but I feel a little better good so you're okay with parting with that little device of yours oh I already did I think I left it on the bathroom floor upstairs okay kid let's go up and grab that thing Hey I tried to grab it before I couldn't do it what about dinner we're bout him I didn't get his coffee today he'll sleep like a baby until the bell rings we'll be fine as long as we're back and he wakes up let's go come on guys the dream team is assembled we're going to get that device hopefully the hall monitors don't give us any sort of trouble at all run oh the hall monitors aren't there Oh what are you rotten kids doing up here we're looking for a little device that was left on the ground have you seen it hey maybe I have what's in it for me if I tell you I don't know what do you want well the cafeteria needs some Kleenex grace since you little hooligans tore it up and the toilet paper needs replacing in the boys room we can do that good comeback and you do your right back look cries did you pick up for taking your assessment I got the cleaning string cool I got the toilet paper head on down to the cafeteria and drop that off meet back here as soon as possible got it wow that is really really helpful that she got the toilet paper and I got the spray bottle yikes hey whoa you're supposed to be in study hall you being out here is unacceptable I'm sending you to that but I'm just delivering the spray bottle oh well okay thanks now go back to study you're welcome oh I'm so close II we're getting a D there you are so you dropped off that spray bottle right yep awesome let's go get that device from that old coot we're gonna blow the lid off this place let's go you're done doing my job for me you bet good maybe you kids aren't all bad after all maybe I shouldn't have hit so many of you with my mom that would have been nice well then you can leave me alone what about the device what oh oh yeah the little doodad I put it in the weapons closet it's on my cleaning cart Bobbo left the door unlocked looks like he was trippin on something in there you don't even have it with you come on man deal with it kid I'll let the hall kid let you in now get out of here before I change my mind about hitting kids with my mop all right we're getting out of here well let's head down there we're almost out of time all right let's go quick now Oh if we get but if we get back and downer wakes up we're gonna be in so much trouble whoa it's pretty hard to breathe in here once I blow a hole in the wall it'll air out nicely probably snap Bob out of his little trance that'll be good let's get that device and get out of here if we stay too long we'll end up like him got it there's a chainsaw shovel no no that's not it where's the device where's the device okay Jerome's devices in this carts bag we're taking the device I don't know how much longer we can last like this we're gonna have to get the heck out of here got it go go go go go go Oh bleep me back on time Thank You hall monitor for leaving us alone please down or do not wake up please good stuff cake now we just need to go back to our seats and wait for the bell to ring okay don't forget to pay your lab fees I'll see you in science class got it I have $4.00 I have enough money for my lab fee we are golden Zach me where I sat eat my last album huh what oh yeah I must have dozed off for a moment there right anybody wants to come to science class come pay your lab fee otherwise go to chin we're going to science and we're learning some robotics welcome to science class today's lesson will be about robot robotics that's odd I thought it was plants anyway robots are a wonderful way to terrorize the tri-state area in front of you is one of my favorite kinds of robots a hydraulic press do we have any volunteers to stick their head under it anyone hello you kids are no Punk just go stick those spare parts together until something lights up Carla what do I do it's time to break this sucker down we need to deactivate the triggering mechanism so it doesn't blow our heads off how do we do that that's a good question maybe someone from your old school has experience dealing with this sort of thing I'll ask around Monte Monte yeah robots are cool and all but none of this scuffing here comes close to what I've made listen Monte can you can you deactivate this you know I can but you also know I won't be doing it for free how much 20 bucks is there anything else I could do maybe there is something I've seen you hanging out with Carl all day are you on good terms with her I guess so good good so what do you say you drop a good word about me to her maybe set us up on a little date you know I can try parlor that was just kind of a snake well you better try hard either you can give me 20 bucks or you can set me up on a date with her got it Carla please well could you find anyone to do it Monte will okay so why isn't he doing it he wants to be your boyfriend ah that grimy little you know what fine but I'm not happy about it okay then that was a lot easier than I thought it'd be what's up Monte did you ask her what'd she say she said yes hot-diggity-dog I can't wait we'll be a force to be reckoned with so above the device Monte Oh oh yeah this will just take a minute there I disable a listener on it it will pop up unless you give it a different method of exploding thanks Monty just hurry up and tell the little doing that I'll be his girlfriend we need to get a move on it's done great can't wait for this date let's get crushed sounds good he looks like pressing this button will turn on the crusher I'm pushing the button [Music] alright how do we do it cuz I have a hit but being too or at least we're gonna go up here I can play something to be crushed right here I'm gonna place the device then I'm going to hit what Babu it is broken you did it this is exactly what I need to finish the bomb I can totally blow up in that wall now hurray ah another day of learning concluded please don't break anything on the way out you little freaks all right we're gonna leave it up breaking anything easy money yeah Monty's coming through these two cute little I thought they're he's gonna meet her after school my new girlfriend never mind what a day I can't believe we were able to focus things so quickly you want to know the cherry on top I had enough parts to make two bombs how sick is that you can have one for yourself oh wow thanks since it uses Connie's tags she won't recognize it as contraband so I have fun with that I'm sure we'll be working together again soon yeah maybe also have this monster Mon card I'm just that impressed later kid later we did it yeah next mission maybe in this next reality I'll be able to be the one that dates Carla we are now doing breaking sad start the mission by Annoying mrs. Applegate once with Cindy and once by yourself let's get it going alright so I gotta start the mission by talking to Cindy this new school is so much more my style especially the new selection of boys what do you think I thought we were together sorry honey but we're yesterday's news besides we both know I'm too good for you anyway I disagree you're pretty awful easy they're leftovers we wouldn't want there to be another domestic dispute at our new school would we I'm always ready for a domestic dispute good so am i no I'm not putting up with this today I'm Way too tired and dizzy and your behavior will not be tolerated oh hey stop it that hurts mrs. Applegate stop that please we do not physically discipline our students here we're a little on edge after what happened yesterday please remain civil to each other just for today fine just for today thank you miss Applegate go to hell Cindy you first you washed-up cow stupid City I was being awful tickles picture I'm gonna no air again look kid I'm this close to losing my cool don't freaking talk to me right now would I nope not dealing with you gonna go inside and cool off I'm about to frickin lose it maybe the lunch lady can make me a sandwich whoa dude that was impressive what are you talking about you really got under Applegate's skin there looks like she's about to snap so what I'm just saying one really loud noise or one more incident might completely break her see if anyone around here has something Thank You bugs helping me with my mission stuck hey Carla hey I'm Carla do you've any contraband on you well that's kind of a strange question well these are some strange times I'm just trying to save you some study hall no one gets in or out of here without anything dangerous they have a metal detector yeah and the name is penny that blonde girl's the biggest switch in the school and she has a knack for knowing who is carrying stuff how does she know look no idea but it's unwise to Greene anything in these walls unless you have a special way of getting it in hmm I don't believe you oh really you click here's a firecracker I'll owe you a favor if you can get it and undetected deal ha ha this ought to be good I'll see you in study hall me a kid you've got a lot to learn we'll see about that okay so usually the lunch lady is guarding the handicapped ramp however the teacher mrs. Applegate is getting her to make a sandwich so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get Monty to let me in the side of the school nobody's gonna be guarding it penny isn't in my class so this should be fine right I need to get to the handicapped ramp I see well maybe we can work something out sounds good okay I need that kid I was talking to you to help push me up the ramp oh all righty then go on by and we go now I gotta get in this school and I really need to find somebody to help me get this firecracker in oh I do I have one Apple left before Polly gets me I don't think this is my cubby can I put it in my cubby that's what I want to know I think this is my copy I can leave something right here I can't believe it oh why does that girl have to be so loud oh you're here are early somehow you're definitely more eager to learn today than I am I suppose I am well take your seats him try not to bother me too much my head hurts okay it works I did it okay kids teacher has a headache so we're going to be very very quiet okay it looks like this school is more funding than the last one since there are actually toys so go play just please be quiet I'm gonna talk to bugs because he told me get this firecracker in and girl I got it in what do you want I'm busy trying to figure out how to get my knife back it's probably better he doesn't have it okay well maybe who's gonna help me then bug shouldn't be treating me like this I'm gonna bring this firecracker and see what happens firecrackers still here I'll pop it dude she's gonna lose it she told everybody to be quiet here we go I'm so I can't take it anymore I hate teaching I hate this new school I hate children I hate everything there she goes Oh nugget saw a teacher in the hallway why is teacher sad she snapped so nugget is not the craziest person anymore possibly this pleases nugget nugget will carry his new Saturday status with owner that's great nugget alright maybe folks will be happy with me now we want busy okay well we still have a lot of apples left and we did what we had to do so I'm gonna try I can't go upstairs hey kid you're familiar with that teacher years right yeah she seems to be having a problem and I'm not good in these kinds of situation I'll let you go by if you talk to her so I don't have to okay okay cool she's over there trying to break into the cafeteria I'll see what I can do I'm a little scared though what are you trying to do she looks like she's crying it's not fair I need them so bad what's wrong the pills I haven't had any since yesterday there aren't any any we're losing my mind without the supply chain completely broke down after the principal died even Monty said II that's it well every Monty make more pillows got little dude he was so smart I'm sure he could do it and it would be good for his little side business okay okay he's right get going go up to that fence he classroom and ask him what he needs to make mamma her pills got it Stevie yeah yeah I heard you good let that other deadbeat monitor know as well anyone who gets in this kid's way today is gonna be straight-up murdered do you understand okay okay don't even know why we need whole monitors at this point all you do is tell your kids to ignore me let me know what Monty needs I'll head back to the classroom wait for you there I'll take care of it it's weird watching her walk up the stairs we go to the science classroom good you're not supposed to be in here your stupid kid I need some cokes yeah me too buddy after what happened yesterday the whole supply chain broke down there aren't any left you make more trying to get the ingredients goes rich twins family owned the company that makes the chemical used in them without it I can't make them oh well guess what I did a mission and I have the chemical what no wait but it looks like we're back in business you're gonna have to help me get some stuff what do you need I'm gonna need a chemistry set a couple of hair samples from some people who still have this stuff in their system how do I get a chemistry sex it's right there behind the roof what today's science classes about plants not chemistry I'll have to find some way to change it who has it in their system mrs. Applebee it certainly does and by the looks of her this morning she's going through some heavy withdrawal well well lug it was obviously a pill popper I wouldn't be surprised if he still had it run through him is that everyone I've heard a rumor that the principal of our last school was using kids to make them I wouldn't be surprised if Billy had the key to the whole thing in his genes where's Billy you got me I didn't see him or Lily this morning probably skipping after everything that happened yesterday I'll figure something out Oh and if you're getting hair samples I'd recommend using scissors plucking hairs would take forever audits what are you doing here you're not gifted in any way get out outs I say okay so what I can do is I can go into the vending machine here and get some scissor boom and then we're gonna go and cut some people's hair off do you ever feel like your job really isn't all that important I don't have a job wow the hall monitors are sad today just go I don't want to get murdered good call alright whose hair we take it first nugget likes the VGA spinning oh I'm gonna talk to the teacher maybe What did he say can you make the pills we need hair samples of course must still be in my system and nugget nugget front and center what does large teacher lady want a bleeding I need a lock your hair get over here so I can pluck a few mega truck wires all of his hair teacher may not have any give it to me nope nugget will not give teacher his hair oh there they go attention you kids here's your passbook if you get an adult of sinus you're allowed in the halls don't get any crazy ideas though you're only allowed to use it once got it oh yeah your teachers otherwise occupied everyone head to the cafeteria for lunch go on a lunch you got me thinking about the school kill thing so I made a few moves after Dan or kicked you to the curb what moves I talked to that Carla girl she's really well connected here I like that in a woman so oh yeah she mentioned that she saw some kids sneak in through the sewer gate that nugget was trapped in this morning bordick she said she didn't know them you're wearing blue and brown hoodies I wouldn't be surprised if they were still down there could be Lilly and Billy anything else well need to get down under the school I can give you my elevator key but I'm gonna need a back by science time or else I can't get up the stairs got as far as getting that chemistry set Carla said she can help us out I paid half of what she wanted you get the other half fine I only have a dollar yo what do you want the wheelchair guy said you'd become to see me but I didn't realize it was you did you manage to sneak the Firecracker in yep interesting I've never seen someone able to sneak contraband in on their cursed day before Oh a deal's a deal and I'll hook you up with a chemistry class thanks no problem enjoy your chemistry class will do wait what do I do now I have to go check out the Facebook so I'm gonna buy a burger please allow me to mark your pass there you go there you are thank you for buying lunch today you're welcome let's get down there this elevator requires a key to operate use the elevator key Oh a finally the elevator I really wanted to see okay let's go talk to our buds over here just week that plushie what's the magic number finally I feel like we've been waiting here for hours who are you guys oh yeah we should probably tell you about that it's us Lilly and Billy we've been spying on this new school and we've discovered a lot do you want to hear about it I'm actually just here for a hair sample a hair something for me but I was being tested on yesterday there's no way I can give you my hair I need it well too bad get out of here I thought we could trust you since you had the secret plush but I guess we were wrong we'll fix this school all by ourselves okay then you better get going kid we can't have anyone come looking for you and have our cover blown let's get going that was not successful but hopefully she got some nuggets here got ya now give me some of your hair you little degenerates I need it I need it for my pills put nugget down nugget will not give the tweeker teacher any of his beautiful hair do you need my help what do you want I'm trying to get his hair but it's not coming out I need something to cut it with well take my scissors okay nugget time for a haircut oh yeah see was that so hard no bug leg or do whatever it is that you do know get scared no gets beautiful I said go play here's that hair I expect some pills by the end of the day I also need your hair done here so we're ready to make those pills then I also need Billy's hair Billy he's here I thought I thought he was skipping like he did yesterday he won't give me his hair the hell he won't you march right back to wherever he's hiding and demand he give you his hair understood yes good these scissors and come back with that hair got it you better have enough to afford your lab fee by the time you get back oh okay I need three more dollars Monty no I'm not done with your elevator key rich kid can you help me bugger off urgent I'm not interested in playing with you okay we're gonna barger off then out we go don't just don't even don't listen to me don't look at me no hey you're not supposed to off it's you still running errands for that crazy teacher ears you look great go ahead I don't even know why they bother having me here bye Stevie let's use that elevator key and get down to that basement and rip Billy's there smack this is Billy's head it appears to have been removed from his body without his consent well it's quite a few hairs off that I'm I'm scared this is Billy's body his head has been removed his hoodie is still mostly intact nice new outfit unlocks we love that you can't talk disappointing seriously though there's okay I'm too scared of this monster you gotta get out of here we're going up I need money I need more money internet money are you done with my elevator key yet yup good bring those hair samples to me in science class and we'll see if we can get this business up and running sounds good but listen I need $3.00 I need $3.00 I don't have $3.00 did you get Billy's hair please tell me you did I got it good just make sure you have your lab fee ready for science I might be a little short can you better find some money in a hurry don't you have any I'm a teacher what do you think so that looking nugget do you have money don't look at nugget like it's beautiful hair has been stolen okay and if I ever catch you smoking in this school again I will personally rip out here lungs and dissect them I just walked into the bathroom guys I'm not part of this I got it man I'm sorry jeez hey I don't like getting yelled at I wish I had something to cheer me up it's hoping the janitor had money but he most definitely probably doesn't money money this is Ted's copy there's $3 in here let's go my apologies hey you're not supposed to be in here what am mesial breaks into study hall I guess I do and it won't happen again it won't no no doing it this time after picking up the hairs I'm gonna try to pick up the money immediately oh yes oh yes I've got everything I need I've got it all going on and I'm gonna give the key right back to Monty because I don't want to go down there and see that monster again good bring those hair samples to mean science class we'll see if we can get this business up and running it sounds good finally just one more class and then I get to go home anyone who wants to pay the lab fee can go to the science classroom everyone else meet in the gym going to science welcome to science class today's lesson will be about chemistry that's odd thought it's supposed to be about plants anyway chemistry is an extremely dangerous subject which is precisely why you'll be doing it today instead of me everyone take a turn on the chemistry set why don't you go first wheelchair boy so didn't mean thing the call my name is Monty cheese everyone is such a jerk to the differently-abled around here getting real sick of it you don't want to it's got all the stuff I need yo good weird business lab I'm gonna get started but we do have a small problem which is everyone gets to turn this thing it's a very delicate process so we need to get everyone to pass on using this thing that sounds complicated it won't be easy but with a little persuasion I'm sure we can get this done right so what do I do look here's some junk I didn't sell see if you can get everyone to give up their turn on this thing a flower a diamond and a doll I think I know who goes to everyone but I'm gonna ask what's the diamond don't get your hopes up it's not a real gem but you might be able to fool someone with thinking it is alright that's Cindy it's just a green flower that grows around the back of the school and then the doll it's just an old doll it's kind of similar to the one in the toy chest downstairs all right I got this okay first thing we're gonna do is get Ozzy his toy I actually like mixing chemicals around it's kind of nice here's a green flower choke on it what nope I'm allergic I got away from me okay well that'll discourage him hi Cindy I guess the chemistry might be kind of fun maybe I can make some sort of perfume or something you want a Gemini mine my that looks so glamorous and expensive and you're just gonna give it to me oh thanks sucker I'm out of this stupid school Cindy where do you think you're going ha ha dunk speaks Luke cousin I'm rich now I don't have to put up with any of you if you're referring to that mineral you're holding I highly doubt it's worth what la la la la la ooh la la I can't hear you you're too poor hi Paulie what's up it's a chemistry fun I can't to mix all that stuff together take the doll oh I don't think I but I do I do want her I'm gonna take her I'm gonna play with this doll I did it I did it yes it's almost done I just need to add a little bit of that chemical but there's one problem which is I don't actually know which vial to mix it with we could go with purple red or green which one do you think I don't know maybe the teacher knows see if I can get him to spill on what does chemical mixes with alright hey you'll get your turn on the chemistry set just be patient hey what can you tell me about this potion here ah I see you've become good friends with Felix Chemical truly is a wonder what happens if I mix it with the green chemical I don't know if I'm legally allowed to tell you what's just saying mixing the two can lead to some explode results okay so not green what about red it'll create some sort of painkiller highly addictive it also has uses in helping the clinically awkward okay so I think red and what about purple same thing is what happens with green okay so red yo red let's get red going okay here goes yes I think it worked this looks exactly like the old pills nice going glad it works there you go man and there's more to come with this going we can restore the supply chain we're gonna be rich good you can have this monster Mon card for helping me out pleasure doing business with you always is Monte ah another day of learning concluded please don't break anything on the way house and we left without breaking anything at all on the way out we're good to go oh it looks horrible where do you think you're going teacher you haven't given me my pills yes oh I thought she was gonna thank me well where are they where are my pills did you get them given to me okay here oh yes sweet sweets are out Hilda gosh ah you you really are the best student I've ever had thank you so much glad I could enable your habit I think it's time for me to move on what's move on I really hate Cindy and not yet and bugs and all the children here except you cool oh I think the pills are kicking in um thanks if I'm leaving I think you should have this what is it it's a remote control for the principal's daughter whoa yeah that's another reason why I want to leave too many robots too much responsibility what does it do there's only a few buttons honest I think you can make her come to your location and disable her detectors and stuff I don't know I didn't read the manual so you can make her come to your location and disable her detectors Thanks yep have a nice life stay in school don't do drugs you know the drill do i dunk Tootles hi mrs. Applegate bang and of the take food and we're moving on to the last mission of the game the final mission the last mission in this game is called creature feature start the mission by buying a battery and then using the remote on penny so we're gonna need the fish the remote the weird doodad I just want to see if the button works right before we go in press it doesn't do anything well maybe after I finish it the button will do something we got a C let's get out and learn Oh oh dear this is embarrassing what's wrong this is Applegate I seem to have misplaced that that really important thing you gave me an orientation that's okay I'll get you another one by lunchtime we'll all search the students as they come in to make sure none of them have it Bob make sure you check everyone who's going up the ramp for any special devices oops we can't go up the ramp either oh sure what kind of special devices you'll know it when you see it thank you penny please start um looking for mrs. Applegate special device yes mommy I'll adjust what I'm looking for I should be able to find it before the bell rings ah hey you must be one of the new Kate Kate Carla no time for small talk whoa whoa whoa is that a penny remote how do you know what this is don't worry about that worry about the fact that if you're caught with that you're a dead man keep that in mind oh oh ah the teacher I'm gonna get fired on my first date for losing that remote at least they didn't drug test me you somebody help me this is a remote control that controls penny so maybe talking to penny we'll fix it hello my name is penny my mom is the principal you must be one of the new kids it's so nice to meet you I'm gonna use a remote boom calibrating insufficient power from source to establish link I knew that means I need a battery right now Monty battery now Wow all right let's turn this girl off use the remote place the battery in the remote command received Oh penny please don't do penny I'm sorry I I don't know what came over me I think someone is getting beneath your skin keep looking for that special device kiss mommy I'm almost ready to find it um am I still coming down from the pills or did that child just shoot lasers from her eyes probably both my daughter has some things she's working through right now I assure you she will not cause any more problems today Nuggets aw Nuggets saw the Android girl shoot the bars Nuggets saw you pulling the strings Oh nugget nose with this power nugget nose you can bring peace to the school how descend and speak with the pretty Lilly she knows what to do okay but there's a monster down there I don't want to run into the monster no guys I'm using the squishy get out all right listen guys you need this right this is incredible how did you it doesn't matter with this we can save those kids we don't need this digging stuff anymore so what now we need to take out anyone else who has one of these remotes if they find out we're using this one they could use penny to kill us who else has the remotes both teachers and the principal we have to take them all out simultaneously once that's done we can scan Penny's eyes in the elevator go down and free those kids wait we're gonna kill the teachers I know it sounds harsh but they're in on this they know what's going on here and they're allowing it to continue they're just as guilty as the principal is suppose should I do three morning times start recruiting kids who can help us take out the teacher we'll also need access to the principal during lunch so try and do that before the bell rings okay let's start talking to kids in the smart class and see if we can get any of them on board sounds like a plan hurry up and get out of here if you stick around you'll blow our cover all right let's get out of here mommy I think miss Applegate dropped the special device down a drain or something okay then it's nothing to worry about as long as no one else has it everything is wonderful I'm so sorry about my daughter's little outburst I assure you that you're quite safe here uh-huh oh I know what you're thinking but I promise cuz school is far safer than your last one I don't believe you I'll tell you what why don't we have lunch together my treat and we can address any concerns you may have I'll give you one chance oh goody here's a pass that'll get you out of lunch just meet me in my office and we'll talk this whole thing out see you then that's the girl everyone head inside to your assigned classrooms all right so they're gonna handle the smart class I'm gonna handle the normal class all right kids be quiet just hey I can't back here we're we're up here kid whoa whoa what are you doing up there don't worry about that Lily's upstairs making some friends we're gonna need you to do the same who should I talk to anyone who would hold a grudge against Applegate she's made a lot of kids angry at our old school I'm sure you'll find something what do they need to do Applegate doesn't look too good I'd guess that she's about to puke we should find a girl who can take up one of the stalls and the girls bathroom that'll make it easy to get her what else we need someone there and do the deed probably someone with the experience I'll ask around good take this maybe you could use the robot girl to gain these kids trusts I'll see you at lunch what do the buttons do oh yeah the green summons her the blue drops her contraband the yellow disables her laser and red fires it need to write that down all right this is gonna get tricky all right Cindy I know Cindy's gonna be good for this I just love this doll she's so pretty just like me I need your help to kill the teacher oh whoa whoa there kid where's all this coming from I mean yeah I want the old cow dead but I'm not getting blood all over my scar you just need to be in the bathroom that's all you need to do oh well in that case I think I can make that work or price how much it'll just be the cost of you putting this in a girl's hair you know how I love it when other girls wear my gum there aren't any other girls here look geez you better find one then if you want my help I could press the buttons now I feel like all I could do is summon her Oh what do you want Laser girl I didn't call you I I don't know I'm just supposed to be here whatever make yourself at home not like I can stop you I think I'm supposed to talk to you why am I supposed to talk to you well time to put gum on your hair girl boom mean I'm sending you to that I could make her fire her lasers she'll fire me in the face and yellow disables her so I'm gonna disable it oh never mind I'll just be going now bye penny I don't even know what to say that was the least satisfying hair gum and I've ever seen but you'll still help right I guess so you empty you need help whatever I'll do whatever you need just use the bathroom during lunch sure thank what a waste go okay I'm gonna stop talking to you and bugs you probably hit the t-shirt what do you want I'm busy trying to figure out how to get my knife back I might have a way what's that thing supposed to do oh so I'm gonna summon her and get her to drop any contraband that's on her summon her with green you're back again what's with you I thought the school had better technology than this I don't know what's wrong with me huh there's lots wrong with you just stay whatever course you're on but I'm telling your mother about this oh the principal's gonna hear about it I think I'm supposed to talk to you why am I supposed to talk to you yeah you're supposed to talk to me give me my knife back not you yeah you're supposed to do something now drop contraband here's the contraband I collected today I'm gonna go back to class now bye penny that was super freaking weird how is it possible that the school is weirder than her old one do you want your knife back or what oh yeah thanks man I owe you one I need you to kill the teacher if you owe me one yeah well that's something I'd be willing to accommodate I'm in just let me know what to do will do attention new kids here's your passbook if you get an adult signing you're allowed out in the halls and you can only use it once a day got it oh thank god that's the Bell get out of my classroom and go to lunch let's go to lunch just can't career always in the corner no what do you want I stop bugs and Cindy leave all right good work so what happens now lily made friends with that Carla group they stole the listening device that Jerome was carrying around okay which means that when it hears my voice or name it'll explode oh so when i signal her she's gonna come over here and give you the device you're gonna plant it under the table in the teachers lounge once the device goes off we're gonna have a very limited amount of time before staff is notified you need to be upstairs when the lockdown takes place got it we're gonna cafeteria weirdo there aren't any birds you know I was looking at this thing and it turns out it would be a really solid base for my own little project but we need it yeah but there's nothing I can really do to stop me from keeping it unless you've got something better I actually do take this whoa this is perfect it's exactly how I would have made it yeah take the stupid little thing I got bigger fish to fry can you help us get into the lounge of course I could go ahead I'm not going to today I'm gonna need all the goodwill from the faculty I can get to pull this off how can I get in there then I don't know and I don't really care find someone to dig your way in for all I care I'll figure something out digging nugget digging nugget hello what's wrong I get nugget was hoping to dig and you nugget cave but nugget has no way to dig one will this help this help will this help nugget can dig one we leave nugget caves with this nugget can dig straight through the center of the earth please don't be back Nuggets friend is right no earth means no nuggets well I'm glad we can agree on that nugget must hurry there is much to do please do come visit nugget in his new nugget cave at recess will do Oh [Music] oh by nugget oh sorry huh here he goes to get the Nuggets this isn't so much a nugget cave as it is rocket tunnel it seems to lead someone I'm gonna look part of you're not allowed in here is it's so hard for you to understand Nagi understands the big head man orders nugget just does not care Nuggets nuggets are far too important oh it's kind of warm up his nuggets in the microwave you're walking the principal forbid us from harming you in here this looks like a good spot for the device leave the device nugget appreciates being able to use the microwave cold nuggets are bad Nuggets they do not make for a suitable get out very well nugget is leaving oh don't think I didn't notice that you're in here to get your inadequate self back through the hole you crawled through you know I'm not gonna talk back I'm going did you place the bomb under the table yes I did good because you've got another drug Lily just signaled that she needs help upstairs you have to go help while I set off this bomb well do you have a way upstairs right I do good remember we have to act quickly here don't wait around get ready to go let's go gotta go upstairs what are you doing you can't leave you've not eaten yet I mean I'm going to see the principal ah my sister wishes to see you I'm here child she never wants to have lunch with her dear sister but I guess that's not your problem I guess not see ya oh it looks like something has been causing you to receive excessive commands today your chip is almost fried what what does that mean don't worry we'll take care of it after school today now run along the mommy has a visitor okay I'll be back if you need me goodbye please come in so sorry about that just helping my daughter through a tough time she's having is she okay she'll be fine now then I understand you have some concerns about oh dear what was that I'm not sure I hope every sister something has happened they made their move dr. Tanner has been killed in the teachers lounge it's only been a few hours dang they work fast we have to hurry get the research and get out of here have penny monitor outside oh no no it's going off it's evil now thank goodness you're still here where else would I be something went wrong Applegate has bugs please go help him she lost her mind but don't have to go upstairs away I'm upstairs let's go oh I've wanted to do this for a long time well what are you waiting for do it already I'm not afraid of you no we're taking this knife let's get it oh oh I'll get you if it's the last thing I oh man that was a close one thanks for the save kid this whole place is going to hell I've noticed oh hi Cindy I heard something Fathead Laura it wasn't bugs here so means in me it bite me Cindy hey guys we're on lockdown and now I see why she's had a little savages are we in trouble you would be but there aren't really any adults left to punish you what both teachers are dead Bob the principal in the lunch lady are all missing and the other janitor doesn't really punish within the guidelines of the school anyway so I'm just supposed to take you guys outside until the lockdown is over okay then we're in lockdown okay she's not doing his thing over there yo nugget what's up Oh Nuggets friend has excellent tiny behold Nuggets new nugget pave nugget was able to finish it in record time wood nuggets red like to see it sure I've got nothing better to do behold Nuggets new nugget cave there's much to see him much to put a lovely surprise Nuggets friends Billy and Lilly are here nugget is quite impressed by you Lilly and Billy sleepies we have a problem good to see you too if we always have a problem scary monster near where we were hiding this morning that's not good no it's not and we need some way to get by it there has to be someone big and strong and brave enough to fight it or something see if you can find any way okay don't be afraid to use that remote to get back into the school maybe there's someone inside willing to help us I'll look around the hall monitor I'm gonna ask the hall monitor he's been feeling useless and neglected this whole time oh I can't get through the door oh I got a disabled her we are on lockdown no one's allowed in school all right I'm gonna use the remote oh that's one in the hole hall monitor paper earth a janitor poor miss jiggly tits they've jiggled their last I always knew I'd have to clean up her body just didn't think it'd be so soon how sentimental there they are oh the good hall monitor has been good the whole time is smoking cuz he's sick of this so like this Yemen you look way cooler now it's just a shame that we don't have a lighter for these I have one awesome bro thanks so much here's a monster Mon card for helping us out Thanks no point in following the rules anymore a look at where that got us good points why would you guys help me what are you doing oh come on you stupid door budge I need to blow up a wall you look upset I am upset you gave me the perfect device to finally blow open the wall between the janitor's closet the teachers lounge and Penny won't let me into this stupid school to do it Penny's gone really awesome that means I can go do this thanks for letting me know kid no problem whoa that sounded like it came from the teachers lounge what'd you do I did it this will make stealing stuff so much easier Bob are you okay Bob sure smells funny I'm snapping him out of it huh what's what happened everything's fuzzy why am I here there was a weird gas in here yes yes there was and it mean we forget but it's coming back the monster the axe is still buddy I found a monster yesterday but it got away no it's it's still down there I have to finish it off it could hurt someone stay here kid I'm gonna save the school Godspeed Bob ja thanks for opening that gate for me I think I found the big brave man that I need man I hope you didn't charge without me I really want to see the aftermath of this Bob's in there fighting the monster now we just need a way to break through to penny got any ideas I'll find something I I don't want to do it anymore please Lily what do you think this will be all over soon we're in homestretch I hope so I'm gonna try getting her her dog this is the last Apple I have and I need a way to get through to penny so I can only assume her favorite doll will make her happy and will be able to get this ball rolling penny do you want this Mike totally I used to play with her back before when my mommy my mommy turned me with this you okay no oh I haven't been okay in a long time but I think it's time that I made things right okay the elevator underneath the school has an eye scanner that gains access to the deeper levels I'll take you there to confront my mommy sounds good to me good let's go now then I'm not sure how much longer Bob can hold off that creature let's go oh no Bob die a horrible creature I will not allow you to harm these children I really hope he looks he seems like a nice janitor I know that's a low bar to clear considering our janitor but yeah okay penny scan your eye let's go down there and save those kids okay here goes well here goes everything let's do this let's go good luck Bob Ozzy I don't think that's him Madison no you kids have to get out of here the blonde girls who put us in here I'm sorry I wasn't in control of myself why don't we save apologies and explanations for after we've saved everyone and gotten out of here alive Lily's right how do we get you guys out of here I don't know try pressing one of the buttons I'm here see if batter well I don't know ahem penny what are these children doing unsecured in my secret lab and we're here to stop you you can't do this anymore I do not have time to miss penny I'm sending all of these children to the principal's office penny did you hear me I said Oh your trip cried in this that's quite unfortunate that means you're useless what I'm your daughter mommy please no penny and since I don't have a daughter to help me anymore looks like I'll have to test up and you mutator earlier than expected nope No Oh run oh we got a run kill them I have questions or I have prepare to fight monsters yo I got some questions oh well I suppose since you're about to die and congratulations what's with the monsters marvelous aren't they children are so much easier to mutate than adults just a few more kids and I'll be able to take over the schools in the area what's the green stuff in the janitor's closet it's produced by the monsters its properties are boundless it creates a nice feel that I used to power penny over exposure seems to cause memory loss why is penny a robot that was incidents one of the creatures got out and penny was severely wounded I was able to put her back together it's summon through you just blew her up and I'll put her back together again with even more improvements she'll be fine okay what's wrong with a lunch lady I get what you mean but honestly even I don't know she's just like that okay then kill them no no no no no no no hang on Lily kid you gotta help her take out the one that's eyeing you then save Lily what about you I'll be fine just save Lily okay uh what do I do okay so will the green one is like right oh oh hi curse No yikes I'm gonna press the button yes good work in now find a way to get that thing off Lily now right it's trying to eat me do something use me to save her pressing the red button let's go thanks for the help any longer and I feel like you would have swallowed me whole no problem let's find a way to help Billy I'm not sure how much longer that box will hold I'm honest moving it left we're pressing the book yes yeah that's what I'm talking about now let's get that nasty principle this is unacceptable I will not tolerate insubordination in my school activate kool Kat and we've got to make her call off that cannon or else we're be wearing whatever that stuff is I'll think of something I'm gonna press the red button oh I'm scared she's gonna fire we can oh geez hey stop unhand me immediately oh dear fire go Ken we failed what do you mean we set out to save these kids from that awful woman but look around they're all dead come on Lily we did our best we should get out of here there's other schools we can whoa what was that I don't want to know no no no what even is that thing how do we find something like that what are we gonna do Oh it ate its friends oh geez she almost sucked us all up if we don't find a way to close her mouth we'll definitely be in trouble I think of something always do that's what you pay me for do you want to eat pennies peg you're welcome can I throw your head in the mouth hold geez it's probably the arms again then here we go Oh kind of monster outfit yeah okay this is serious though everyone hold on is sucked in she's gonna try to yo okay we're moving the green one left now we move it down please just close that mouth up awesome she won't be hurting us now she looks terrified so let's get out of here not so fast kid look it looks like the ceilings about to collapse or something maybe if we get her to look up it'll crash through the big ugly eye I suppose it's worth a shot I have two moves all right according to where this shadow is I feel like I have to go boom then down better no time for that so let's try left come on laughter I have another move let's go no goodies hey nugget will save the pretty Lilly nugget is this Hugh life nugget nugget is a love nugget did good right the monster was no one's friend you did great mother thank you for saving us nugget is happy to have the pretty Lily's gratitude perhaps this would make a good nugget cave it's all yours and I get it I just want to go home I'm still sad about screaming let's get out of here I'll take weed slimey over a monster any day the kids we're all okay for once you're all alive this wasn't all for nothing I'm so happy we did good today Lilly especially you kid thanks I did everything thank you come on let's all go home let's go Oh Bob survived - look at us all killing it die well open the principal and Penny Ozzie what who said that Madison I thought you didn't go to school any comfort in oh it's so weird slime for the principal's secret lab Rose why don't we pick this up after you've had a bath oh okay I'll call you tonight then yeah the dream team is walking home this whole day is so crazy I'm glad we were able to save everyone and stop that awful principal so what now well I know we want to go home but I'm not really sure where home is what do you mean I don't even go to this school I was brought here all I remember is going down the slide at my school and then I woke up in that lab that's yeah I'm gonna try and get home now I'll see you guys around maybe bye Alice I'm gonna get going too my mom is probably worried about me thanks for saving my life and stuff today no problem Ron nugget must also leave nugget has some business to attend to I don't even know what that means I get hit by it before you go I just wanted to say thank you for saving us today you were really brave oh they're pretty Lilly let's kiss nuggets chicken nugget nugget nugget is so happy the three of us make a pretty good team yeah we do so what now I don't know I just know I'm ready to go home sounds fair before we go go we want you to have this knocks upon card it's pretty rare there's only two in existence interesting you can also have this it's a guide we made of all the monster Mon cards and out clicks we bound hidden around the school nice that's it then let's go home goodbye bye now can I press the button in my room and know what happened oh oh we found a lot of stuff today hey I'm in the frickin I'm in the thank yous that's so sick dude that's next Connor right there's a button on my bedroom wall I don't know what it does but nothing happened whatever it is I must not be ready for it yet maybe have to collect all the cards all I know is that I'm glad that we completed this game I hope you guys enjoyed it thank you to Connor the developer of this game for thanking me I really appreciate it make sure you hit push notifications if you'd ever like to see me again and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 6,151,060
Rating: 4.8576174 out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten 2, kindergarten 2 walkthrough, kindergarten 2 all missions, kindergarten 2 game, kindergarten 2 gameplay, kindergarten game, kindergarten gameplay, kindergarten funny, kindergarden game, kindergarden gameplay, kindergarten, kindergarden, kassie, gloom, gloomgames, gameplay, all missions, hints, tips, monstermon cards, full game, final missions, kids
Id: Ji4DR7iiNkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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