I Hope My LIFE is Better Than My Friends ...in The Game of Life 2 😈

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cute yeah look how cute and bright and colorful like mean because i'm so young and youthful i'm like the rest of you i don't know i feel like i'm the brightest i think lauren and i are a little bit brighter yeah you have covered and she's pregnant don't have covet i took my second vaccine yes you're technically i mean that invoice you actually no you technically do have coffin now what they inject in the second vaccine is basically government the first one is the over in that place where you're from huh they're not different no the first one is they just they give you like the whole thing they're the exact same thing i don't know if they are they are items oh it's my turn uh-huh college or career well let's let's do this like my real life huh oh wait i want to win wow burn to yourself yeah i know i know i know this game is a little tricky i can't remember what i did last time uh all right all right all right you always forget what the better [Music] oh she's away to college see can i get it like for me for college it's free because it was in real life that would be fair i shouldn't need to pay i'm from scotland we're late what's that like wait what's happening right now did it oh oh oh i i thought you really should spin it guys you really gotta oh look at you in your little car oh my god that's so cute stop your graduation congratulations oh my gosh you have the most knowledge wow she's smart this would happen you already graduated college yes out of all of us oh you got good one designer right oh film director or video game designer oh i forgot they randomly choose careers and stuff for you so you might get a really good one or a really bad one yeah yeah yeah yeah both of these are good these are cool you keep more money yeah you keep more money for film director and what does the star 3 mean i don't know neither do i none of us has really played this game oh lucky number is three so if it lands on that you get yeah sure we'll just go with that [Music] 100k for guitar lessons who is that's clear they're making money we're getting scammed that's how much you're going to realize this is so hard to do there we go oh [Music] okay there we go okay sex is fair i'm confused okay we're all better than 100k we're all spinning to see who gets the highest yeah joey's got to beat me what if the lonely one is the winner what about that thought about that one oh yeah i'll take 4k for not having my turn yet oh we all get money though oh yeah yeah yay thanks megan it's a board game battle we had a board game battle oh i love that i want to go to those board game nights i'm playing with the wrong people okay so college or career come on lauren i'll do what i did in real life i'll go to college did you relate opposite yeah why did that sound so surprised you went to college lord i was friends with lauren and she was doing both like yeah coincidentally i said coincidentally i went to college for film so i'm still kind of doing my college job oh you don't get that though oh my 90 k in taxis for a wait oh my gosh why would i why would i pick that that's a crime i would keep like 100k or maybe 10k 10k i didn't go to doesn't always pan out all right i guess i'll do video game designer wait but still my taxes why are my taxes so high no where's babies probably you gotta have tax write-offs oh yeah i gotta start having kids so that i can write them all off what if i want to just be the funky uncle that doesn't have kids you don't have to have kids is this perfect oh i thought i was going to run into meg watch a game stream you learn something or ball and jill the 100 decay from your opponent oh 100k from your opponent you would take their money if you beat them yeah but i think i would have to give if i lose yeah so no yeah yeah she's just like watching an ad right now literally she's watching us yeah she's watching us you watch my stream sure i learned a lot thank you thanks that's a lie you don't learn anything from making the streams i'll go to college what what what what did you just say what does he ah the shot man oh bonus oh no i had to get money to have to give money to megan oh that's tight i love that for me i got nowhere oh my god scotty rowing for your career i'm gonna watch a game stream i'm taking like slowly here i'm watching some streams i'm going to uni honestly watching streams and going to uni is pretty much the way i did live my life oh my god that's funny joseph your girl oh we're all going to college we're all incredibly educated individuals i really want to helicopter baby oh joey's with you cart race oh money cart race cart race cart race oh get us wait i want the rare comic book they'll take the comic book if you want to get sell it you have the most whales what does that mean you hold a christmas i waited that whole round just to roll a one yeah oh no well bloom megan and lauren for taking so long well i was getting oh my god megan roll this is what this is the house hold your mouse down and spin it and then let it go i am okay oh she got stopped what's happening what get married or stay single let's go literally on her she chose to get married instantly she wasn't waiting i can get my taxes down yeah there you go she's just trying to get her taxes down oh you get to pick your husband away there you go yeah i knew she was going to affect me i'm just so happy with myself oh my god you know what they say take yourself out on dates right yeah there you go wait that's so rich but you get happiness for being married if i choose to single miserable is that what this game is trying to say to me it's pretty rude right spin for your wedding gift oh hell yeah oh i think we have to give it i think we have to give it to you yeah we give it to you oh no i didn't get invited i'm a broke college student wow scott you got to get married see then you can get money from people that's what the point of wedding says right [Music] oh my god why do you mean joey get like one charm and youtube oh fail oh you could get pets you got a pet just having pain i believe you're a pet oh this is hard chewy is watching you right now what do you think can i get a sugar daddy in the game usually we'd pair up with that one on youtube i like that idea i'm gonna get a pet first because like we just got married it's the honeymoon there you go next i'll get a bunch of babies well thank god it's not making us turn anymore jesus christ that went on for a while [Music] you get a bonus yourself yeah if you land on your lucky number why are we all going to pick the same path pretty much we're all going to go to uni we're all going to click get money bro good i mean unless i want to keep being smart because it says if i stay single it ups my smartness which i'm like queen of right now like but like you're following real life so you went to college and now you know yeah i'll follow my real life we'll see if uh that puts me aside it's gonna be you're not we'll see if it we'll see if we'll pay off in the future this is actually a fortune telling game i want to see if i'm doing well in life and this game's gonna tell me yeah are you gonna pick up bobby wait no no you're the purple one okay yeah there we go oh look at his tongue sounds pretty bulby his hair's not crazy enough to be bobby though oh why do i keep getting invited to expensive weddings screw this yeah i need 20k 20k i don't even i don't even like that much [Music] i went to debt uh oh wait oh spin again ah why do you just i know when you talk i don't know this is right [Music] she doesn't need babies yeah why am i babysitting you're rich here we go there you go scott get some money and before i land on one of your things and have to give you more money on nine okay we're going far oh oh shoot i think i already paid for university when i clicked i think you choose so okay found return video games i'm gonna have to pick film director because the sal flurry is better while the taxes is better by 10k over here just enough you know is this a safe spot this might be a safe spot okay eight good we're getting high rolls this time we like it [Music] oh here fate thanks for pointing that out this space for fate he's controlled for money in the space you have to spend feet maybe a family buy a house or even pay taxes no i would rather pay taxes would have a baby as a single man yeah i'd be like how did that happen all right we're getting out of college because that is where i'm at i wonder if joey's gonna have film director or game designer as well yeah i know all right i'm going to be a doctor let's see back you're going to be an abdominal oh my goodness the taxis on an aptime i mean neither are great yeah but you get like a oh wait i think you'll be a taxis if you're launching defeat thing though right yeah so you could just be unlucky like not bath now he's going to invent the next spotify escape the night the app game yeah listen oh i'm not getting me money i made my tax money back joey's my shaker daddy that's what i was looking for good job get a raise or get a new job get that 90 extra yeah he already sold us for shares in the company and i'm smarter for it that's very enjoyable lauren and megan's turn over here for the next year and a half oh my god you guys are all jealous of me and my helicopter babies that are helicopters you don't even have helicopters i just heard something guys because they're so far behind are they i'm hoping that means the sound is off where's the helicopter baby i don't know we'll find out i messed up okay that one jinxed hopefully lawrence is the same yeah land on a oh my god well you're something i get to i know you get to be married because thank you i'm alone in real life and i've been alone in a video [Music] okay get me some cash get married let's go um wait you need to choose a person yeah i'm going to choose this person right because lauren might be bobby right yeah you trying to marry baby too [Music] [Laughter] i'm happy now i finally found happiness i was miserable before i found someone give me some money yeah i'll i'll take the 10k chump change thank you friends i i really came from nothing i had sex decay two times ago really rag syretchy all because you got married i know oh undertale rude wait can you i don't know if that'll be do you get divorced in this game too but can you oh oh perfect almost retro video games or go to a concert i'll just be the happiest yeah there you go what does that do oh i got something i collected something at the end they all add up give me that megan i'm the happiest night ah am i still there wait biggest peeping yeah i think so am i still the biggest piggy oh i don't think that's gonna count right no one no it's not two little stars oh you're giving megan for me oh that's you you're too oh shoot that's what's this what's this what's happening oh no baby surprise real good at my job what can i say he's selling ups left right and center yes he's very far behind in the state piece of life but like he's making bank in the early stages oh my god please thank you girl literally making bank f's in chat oh at least it wasn't tax go to our concert or learn video editing this is getting a little bit too real yeah why is he so why is it so like some like watch a gaming stream by video games like happiest wow my god she stole my concert you have the most happiness oh cause i got a dog [Laughter] just wait till i get a dog man that turn was short you got your turns in the first half lasted eight years i think you're fine i know but you like cursed me do you want a house or a family oh wait i'm gonna have to pick family and i don't really want to why do you have why do you have to well because i'm go at this point i feel like i'm gonna better invest into being the happiest well i'm gonna beat you so oh i don't know i don't know which one i want i felt like i would rather just be like that really you know that like gay couple when you move into an area the housing prices go up because we make everything better i would rather be that is that is that it is that halloween interesting i'm gonna skip all the family stuff oh you got one there you go wait so um but i wanted a dog and a baby you can't have both oh crap you technically have to get the dog you technically have to get the dog because dexter was first yeah but the baby's a tax write-off i'm getting the baby's attacks right now i think i hope so number one reason to get a child the baby's not tearing down the air like that newborn baby in the air [Music] [Applause] you just throw it just through him jesus christ oh i'm giving her money for the baby yeah thanks for the baby gift she's red she doesn't need it everyone money oh hell yeah what's up badger being poor i thought i was wearing a sugar daddy what is this [Music] porky bill bowling we'll do board game battle because they at least come out with some money yeah oh that's okay oh my god um not a lot apparently though is that me oh yeah yeah if you could get a one two or three that would be great that's about hate crime oh man i can't do this you know as much about hate crime is watching make an attempt to spend the relay table perfect oh and if you could also roll a one two or three that would be great thank you yeah yeah i'm getting richer yes the redshirt rancher skimmy she's almost a mel meanwhile i'm at just 200k dang you are almost at a million that's insane well she needs to get paid she's doing tax avoidance at the moment pervasion oh my god there we go oh ah i love how our lucky numbers are all so close together [Music] oh getting married for sure i want money from you guys i don't think that's the only reason oh 10. oh 180 salary i guess high numbers maybe is not where it's at right because you don't get as many things on the board oh i'm dating i'm married themselves too okay now give me my money everybody oh no gross oh my gosh why do you all struggle with this i don't understand it's not that hard [Music] and then when it starts doing stars you let go of your mice oh i still don't understand that something's not happening anymore what what happened to me i used to be so good at this i think something happened to my mouse yeah definitely sort it out i can't afford this can someone get me a lawn oh yeah i wonder if you can take it alone if you lose all your money oh yeah what happened to you and it's just like you're dead yeah you lose your car you have to start moving what half a space at a time [Music] no taxes joy you'd be the most like oh you pay the highest taxes you saw too much uh considering you are still right that's mean and disrespectful not lauren being the furthest in life and the richest yeah so it's like real life all over again with my tax right off baby [Music] skips all the bumble bees crap crap oh you lost the last one as well oh she can't trust it any time baby [Music] it's the violent spin i'm like the blood is going to that poor child's head but it looks like me just giving the child a wet flash before this evening what decision is this now continue life are online courses lauren's like the older sister where you get to like experience her life so you get to know it um well i could have another baby if i go this way or i could get smarter if i go this way and hold the crown oh you can afford the extra education to be fair yeah i want to keep my the smartness crown i'll go this way i love whether you're getting so far ahead and none of us are nearing you for this moment not a single one of them i'll go to school again well this salary is awesome but the taxes suck yeah but you get a second lucky number this way yeah is it a second one or does it replace that i mean money is not exactly your issue like that's where i'm going astronomer space it's my it's my brain it's my brain and seven is my lucky number four is mine [Music] no as soon as i got my higher tax salary that sucks how unlucky the starts my downfall okay nine and before i skip all the babies no i could add something on time life is the worst life is hate criming me why are we paying so many taxes but they're not there's no life joy sure go okay uh the turns have tabled for me and i hate that there we go chrissy thank you so much for this oh okay that's nothing you know what i think i'm going to start focusing less on family and myself i think i need to invest in myself first there you go i'm going a way that no one else has gone before we are investing in our future like getting a home uh-uh investment's pretty good except one of those taxis no no everybody's i love that i love that i love that i counted that it was taxis and joey didn't until it came to he's like no no no this was a bad idea never invest in your own future joy never when do i get my house where's the helicopter babies oh yeah where is the helicopter i've only seen tags right off babies because i never played the second one or maybe it's when you come out the hostel and you spin it round like a helicopter no no no no no no no no no no now what happened you picked one okay yes love that thank you good to go this is how the rich get richer okay lauren you're up oh no more taxes oh yeah am i running for life as well lauren no more taxes [Music] oh oh oh oh what are you going to be a member give me back my taxes yeah i hate that it shows up as 1020k rather than just one mill i hate things i hate everything scott what's happening no you're not crunching in your burger again wait scott you paid a hundred grand i'm playing wait what happens if you land we'll see i don't know there you go an astronomer astronomer you know i think i'm gonna be a wind energy technician i don't think it can afford i can't even afford the taxis on this i'm not gonna lie oh your lucky number changes that's cool i kind of forgot i can't afford it [Music] [Laughter] i get money though i got my salary i got my salary okay so you gotta pay back [Music] what a rip-off my god plot a garden or hold a garage sale oh oh what a gamble i think i should stick with my piggy bank and stay believable i love it i have me and my husband and that is it that's all you need just just love makings in more love than i am that concert wasn't worth it can someone go on five give me a money i wanna have another baby i want a child oh is that a house you get a house housing for only 999k wow only 908 oh you can get in a mansion for 300k and what world and that's global panoramic oh look at her what the heck that looks like my gym [Laughter] he stole my house i love that you call joy's house your gym uh what's this oh she's almost done oh risky or safe escape right escape rescue look at all the taxes i'm gonna do rescue that's fine i don't care i'll do risky because i'm already i have so much money oh that's bad she's she's talking thank you jeez joey's number keeps coming up oh he's almost a millionaire yeah no okay what's this oh it's a fake form oh attack this taxes taxes are good oh that taxes okay that was very close i don't want a goal oh thank god i don't want to go wait wait how do you pay off your loan i don't know when do i pay this yeah how do you do that learn another i can't afford to learn another language i should though so that i can try and get something off of lauren i'm gonna do it no i need to try and take the crown from laden no it's my only option at this point because i'm that i want a house damn it give me a house i went all that way for nothing no houses for me oh my god no houses online course of continued life there's a house on the right i don't think i need a thing there's a house in the right all right i'm going to continue my life um my chatter saying they think at the end i pay off the loan is that a house is that a house damn it i wanted a child or a house i can't believe you two are millionaires and i'm sorry you're struggling and i wanted to like baby like pokemon oh yay oh that's all megan has no money was the mansion worth it my wife and i'm not taking any chances oh no oh ouch i'll take more from the poor thank you give me that 50 000. this is like monopoly all over again with me me and joey like being um all right oh god please no taxes please no taxes oh no oh no oh no no no no you're fine it's just a fight unless i well you forget your hands baby [Music] going to say live laugh love enough sleep where am i landing now oh i said i was going to get rescued i can't afford to i'm already and i already have a loan i can't oh why'd i never get to be myself the life lesson in this is that the rich just keep getting richer but i have a lot of love daddy oh i could no i would only match with megan if i take it i'm gonna have to place it okay no you're gonna sit down without the knowledge no it took me a while to get here wait but what stretches what's more important money or knowledge i don't even know where i am oh okay whatever i think i need a small number oh damn it i'm not getting a house dang it we all caught up with each other rescue risky he can afford it the rich people can afford that me and megan are like i'm poor help me all you know life is fine when you're like i don't want more money all the good houses are gone because i took yours so you probably would only be able to get a shot i will confiscate it from you when you go he'll revoke your gentleman worship he'll revoke the gym membership [Music] oh nice what is it just it's not whoever gets to the end first wins right now all your money spaces and money and things like that oh should just give us more you get more money yeah oh is this the end oh congratulations to each retirement oh my god it's like an hour game we'll just play another one yeah you can make dicks for more money or you can spend to get knowledge oh i need that i need that more i need bucket list i got enough money i'm going to try and steal the bucket she's trying to steal knowledge from me hello hold on how much can you learn on your bucket list let's see let's see if i can take the knowledge all right yes what my life is empty nothing wait bobby she only had a near two male that life is empty oh star is gone i'm gonna go to the bathroom fill me in on uh what happened okay what do i do i'm gonna need money right because it's the most money wins and none of you can take the knowledge anymore no we're gonna go pension look at my house i've got a nice little country cottage i had no children but it's fine wow i felt yay i did my wish of being the wretch key uncle yes that's only 100k that's not like all right let's roll low megan for me and you it would be okay well i made it to the end damn it third to reach ah that must be last okay let's go it's fighting megan this was a warm-up game true we're on bucket list i don't know why but we'll do it [Music] well sports car come on black yes that was cute i'm the richest piggy there ever was it's my turn it's actually oh mine's gone yeah when you finish your game goes fourth person to reach retirement points right let's quit your house oh what is this so one of these envelopes will have money in it oh that's fine so the max sell price is 640k and you paid 300. i'll offer ten dollars nothing really happens thank you 20 bucks chica oh my gosh yeah i wanted to get back before the end results 450 490 okay are you 109k of profit of your house sold the gym for some good money wait can you get more money if you do your pension okay okay yeah yeah but what if i don't land on it i already got my crown okay okay megan and me loving her cottage fantasy lives cottage core um a red would be really good for you i have no idea who's gonna win laura will be you no why i only i don't have the most of any other category though it's just money okay it's just money it might be joey because he's a lot of money plus trey let's see oh look at that one so long oh maybe it doesn't matter oh so close oh the bonus no scott took my bonus away thank you everybody for believing in me when i lost joey wanted life love that yeah fabulous okay let's do another okay i'll make another lobby i mean are we surprised though fairytale kingdom oh what's a fairy tale mine looks the same oh does yours look normal for me it's a fadington kingdom [Applause] i wonder what happens when it's labor means that you can be a wizard or like a night in your life you can be a monster you could even change things yeah i didn't either i thought it would be for everyone apparently it's just exciting for me well i'm having a fun time in fantasyland this is world of warcraft all right i'm gonna do i'm gonna do uh video blog this is jake lost this is too close i don't like that all right sure this is scary oh you're not going to college no she chose not to layman that didn't work for her last night i'm trying out something something new [Music] oh oh oh screen sorry i forgot to share my screen i'm on the wrong screen damn it how many times do i always um knowledge is power guitar last time when you died i didn't die she just she retired last year she didn't die i thought you died they didn't spy i just came in last i need to go see i need to go see scott's stream people are like scott's looks awesome it does ls how's that oh what yours looks so much cooler yeah look there's gems and like dragons and fadies this is leem how did you do that did you buy it i bought it i thought it would buy it for all of you turn so i didn't [Applause] [Music] no where is this how did you buy it we're megan we're not sorry did she leave all right hopefully the next one is can buy it for the next one actually i don't even know how to buy it so i don't mean either was it in steam i love it wait so for the rest of you it's all just like a normal box but yeah she's so amazing so in our lives apparently you woke up people's dogs wow my talent yeah what's my job can i be a mage do i get to be a mage the same two jobs as last time that's good foreshadowing right very close to winning yeah last time yeah but i wanna i wanna change it up i'm gonna go with chef okay she's a shame yeah yeah that's foreshadowing when she did those sevens cooking videos oh i didn't get very far old car race yeah i don't have 100k anyway oh you don't how weird i'm poor now why does oh joey has zero his way i have zero i literally for a second for a second i was like make it spin ready you go for a second i was like why does joey's number just say okay he's okay he's doing okay he's doing his best okay rolling so long this is my channel please this is my chance to redeem myself wait so if nobody won if nobody goes higher do we split the hunt the first prize please joey please please yes brother hell yes i've got a second lauren you get the second amount as well so we both get eight [Music] yeah we both got yeah i was like i was about to laugh if it didn't give you the bad day doesn't even give megan third it's like no no you're still four my game looks so frightened i've got fancy music in the background i hate fancy music can you stop talking about the thing that we all want and don't have i couldn't win the game of life if i could win that it's how he's getting back at us for losing last time yep wait do you think if i get a pet it'll be like a dragon instead of a dog oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] now what take it you're the happiest megan and the smartest wow oh my gosh this is just like real life okay no one believes that not even me right a goblin child i could have a goblin as my child i mean i don't want that but i hope you'd rather have the dragon baby hope you get one now oh hell yeah [Laughter] with my baby all right sweet i'm off to a great start okay i mean i needed a job oh you guys can land on myspace please words so i want to get married do i love my fantasy mage life maybe the magic life is a solo life when i had the baby it didn't do anything last time remember there was no bonuses for babies right or what was there was there i think it was like i'd see your heart yeah i think you got a heart yeah i'm going to get married congrats on the tax credit i mean you go megan i mean i'm just going to get to the mining section who's my husband this one i'm marrying bobby this time [Music] how dare you he is mine [Music] first you take away the fantasy world from us now i have to give you money i stole your husband and your money oh and it's my goal again this is how super villains are where you're rolling level that might be taxes taxes taxes yeah frank my taxes are so much the life of mage yup the life of a mage okay i hopefully i'll graduate college this time guys well you're still not graduating college oh there we go oh megan you're right in front of me that's lauren that's right [Music] all right come on let's get a good job i spent so long in college it better be a good choice what's it gonna be oh you get the crown for smartest huh love that love being smart how do i find the right term i you know what i did great as an app developer i think i'll do it again [Laughter] you know i worked once before it'll work now our lucky numbers are spread more this time [Music] it's probability yeah that's because they're the biggest chunks though like yeah spices it up oh so close to every money it's so cool what's this i got a raise or you can get a new job 10k sure if you get new jobs up to you or she's going for a new job i'm risking it i'm risking it robotics engineering 10k of your salary though if you if i hit taxes guys would you guys ever get a robot body part like if saving thing or like a cool thing like like all of a sudden people are like oh old bodies are two words i get robot wings i get robot legs for sure so i could dunk you know i was thinking maybe robot likes or maybe like an arm as long as it could be something cool like it could change into like a grapple hook or a flame thrower or like just extend so i can reach things for them to get up yeah yeah i could also be the fastest typer you've ever seen and i could just like it can have like a little usb well i would just do like really big jumps like i'm like oh man i gotta get somewhere quick and then i'd be like jump am i right well if you like hit something the rest of you isn't a robot well i'm pretty good at hitting ben spin wow she didn't want to play mario kart because i would beat you she's [Music] champion here i don't know what you're talking about you made that trophy she could be a robotics engineer as well we've got two robotics engineers on the table i love it i love it and yeah an app developer true robotics engineers and a meech [Music] not how tall i actually am but like what kind of tall vibes do you get from me like what if you had to say what my height was and energy what would it be four nine i've been around you in real life though i know i know but i'm talking like energy like do i give off tall girl you give a small person energy making maybe like i'm talking to lauren maybe like oh a house oh you mother effing fine i hate scott this game i could get a big farmhouse or a fisherman's shot oh those are those are shocks megan i'd say i'd say you give off like five four five six editors i'm gonna go for a big farm house lauren i am five four my energy has to be bigger it's not vegan i'm sorry are you really 5'4 short in real life wow she's like really short laura is short yeah lauren gives off big personal energy though no she does not [Laughter] i gotta leave the country i'm still saying your passport that you're five three making i could get money not see that in my passport your driver's license sorry no it doesn't all right your driver's license is also your height i'm seeing a lot of single yeah it says i'm five four i think i'm sorry five four no number no number low number to disrespect just money i'll choose money over marriage any day just kidding money over men who needs a sugar daddy when you can be the sugar daddy i was kidding universe i really do want a boyfriend i'm not manifesting i want mary please this is just a game [Music] come on join me in the single life oh are you did you do the single path yes girl and i just made 100k and you can [Laughter] your man already got hooked up with yeah that's true [Applause] he's made laurie god's ruining my life literally [Laughter] megan your girl oh sorry no you're not because you already did it before and you're gonna do it again so are you actually sorry no you're not oh he's telling you i'm gonna need you to dial it back okay you brought her a valley girl [Music] your best american accent let's hear it my best american or valley girl american because i just i just love when like because claire does her american accent and it's it's very nasally when she tries to sound american so like like my american accent is like kind of a weird mix where like i think there's some like californian mixed in with like ohio for some reason i don't quite know where that like mex comes from but like yeah it's like an astronomer oh my goodness i hate it when i do my american accent i hate it give me something to say in like american say i'll take two hot dogs and a coffee please i'll take two hot dogs and a coffee please see they always go nasally why is that like because you're all i hate nasally friend i mean i could like try and bring it down a little bit remember how you apologize megan dear my brother for so long do you remember september oh is that me no that's not my number [Music] there you go good give me all your money hmm if i'd level up my education i could become an arch wizard no way i want i want to know what the options are for i'm going to go live let's go live i'll just continue life so i wonder if we all get the other map if we all get new options [Music] restore no painting or renovate my house did you pay with actual money scott or did you pay with life money i told money much money what it was only like it was a little it was like six dollars oh how do you get it through steam no it's actually like on the home page you can click like binders like there was like a fancy pack there was a like uh caveman pack there was like a frozen tundra pack it's just aesthetic no but you got the mage career i want a mage crew yeah but that's what i mean it changes like it's an aesthetic change that makes career is basically like a video blogger or something but with a different thing wait money guys i don't see this is this a uk exclusive oh the special things you can you have to do at the home page i'm on the game of life too no just wait like end the game once we're done the game oh it's a good thing you're praying i know i surround myself with really smart people i've gone to college throw a barbecue or learn another one oh she loves barbecues i love the barbecue but i want to get smart what what do you mean lauren are you surprised i want you to go i wanted to go oh i ordered a bomb that's not my number that's megan's number cha-ching baby give me my money give me my money hey whoa joseph rasefa who do i owe money to lauren me or just making bank off of that bonus number it's because i didn't get married manage just ties you down okay what's it going to be in action give me something good get a gigantic tv rachel games i'll get the gigantic tv oh you're going to try to come for my investment cred okay i see you good for me we'll see how well that developer does against a mage joy we'll see we'll see if that goes for you try not to develop this fireball [Music] oh lauren said i'm sticking to joy you can babysat or you can learn video editing yeah babysitting gross lauren you're literally i love it that you that's twice you've rolled under the same spot as joy like you're just following me slowly right joey and i both have no love in our lives these are just hanging out with each other yeah you're like we'll just hang out together it's like we'll just make money and get smart and that's all we care about we'll get older meghan your goal what did i tell you guys i told you she wasn't actually sorry i'm not i'm sorry to lauren and scott and definitely not joey wow that's [Music] you're already almost at the end yeah she's already in her coffin basically she breezed through life [Music] sometimes it's okay lauren she didn't make as much money as we did yeah she's an old lady now yeah literally i'll take it oh she's trying to cement her smart one what happens if she fetishes and then someone else gets higher than her in something then they take it then yeah you should have broke four instead actually that's what you should have done oh one more and i've got another house another house how could i go to the property mark all right what was your turn [Music] oh i did want the house option okay we'll go the house option you want a three an eight i think it was a three or an eight yep magical stupid little less call but you got two sets of your salary oh you might still get a house yeah oh yes yes housing housing houses houses houses houses houses houses houses or money he's a millionaire almost a millionaire bajillionaire actually oh wow come on that was enough though it was enough that's all you needed all right well i'm not going to start trying to fill my happiness now it's only she's only a tool and you could get it that's true because scott's way too far away from me all right yeah oh she's coming for your hobbies for megan's happiness here you leave me lauren i need to fight bigger purpose with my life and that's with a chill now i'm going pets root this time please don't be a cat crazy cat lady crazy dexter there's just a dragon tail next to it for me what and the pet shop is just a dragon tail all right old lady go to the retirement home already we're done with you um can you not speak to me this way yeah did you damon are you thinking of ducktales no no no i'm thinking of like this really old cartoon that only old people would remember so sit down scott you don't know do you think you puff the magic dragon because you get it yeah good for you astronomer taxes her astronomer taxes were astronomical oh that'll teach her a lesson the old wench st why are you guys like this become the villain yeah scott's the villain is that scott is really tall like yeah it's kind of insane why do you think scott gives off short personalities everyone thinks everyone thinks i give off like some cute small person energy yeah and then when i say yeah or like yeah like five six five seven then when i'm like no i'm six fit they're like what i'm the tallest hero thus far wow i think your joy would be taller what is that supposed to mean nothing i just i just thought you were going to be talking about joey's second chance oh my goodness the love of his life came back into his life and he's like do i want to get married it's like yeah they're like do you want to get married you're like i plan to plant those targets i don't have time to do both you know joy i assume all guys are taller than me so then when we met up and i was taller i was like i'm sick i just assume everyone will be taller than me okay yeah you are you joey gives off like sex for energy oh my god i wish how the f does that happen and then i think it's because your voice is so like cute so people picture you like being like a smaller person i don't know wait except for that one time where you're like your voice is deep i was like did you go through puberty megan you're like oh my god i would just have to chill that dude like my normal time [Music] [Laughter] she dies peacefully in her sleep well she's got to wait for the next a lot of the night's gonna need to wait like four runs before we all make it to [Music] what happened to your wife and child doesn't need them anymore i think i dropped them off the gas station and she gets 100. megan i've got a castle to go i'm sorry [Music] i'm like mediocre in every category get a better job or sell my houses get a master's degree with me i kind of want to do it just to see what other jobs there's going to be um i'm going to do it we'll just swallow warrior i'm curious too dragon tamer alchemist [Applause] i called it wow caught a dragon chamber now love that for me love that pick up move out of the way [Music] oh that was so appropriate should i take a nap and come back but we're so far back i had a better job uh yeah does it will show up as you that i could be a dragon tamer no you'll get boring jobs like an astronomer our wind energy technician techniciani i want you to kill the wind take nick in just trying to pronounce every word i see wrong i didn't want anything i wanted a low number so i could land oh maybe i'll get the house you guys remember when i used to play this game too with you yeah i was going to say it guys do you think megan died yet there's no only one i miss that joe if you take cruz you can uh yeah you can take the love from her oh they should take the life she stole your happiness take it after after she dropped her baby and her wife off at the gas station the castle life is online i love it for the rest of the game the person you marry stays in their wedding clothes while you change back to your like casual outfit they also don't contribute to your wealth so they literally don't work or anything they just hang out with you that's why i have a dog yeah that's why i have a dog he also does that but he's cute oh everybody's so far ahead of me with every category oh my gosh you can still win on most money like if you have the most money true fine as i give away the 100 [Music] all right one job astronomer [Music] anymore joey you could own me we were supposed to yeah be single single forever oh taxes no i don't think it's you know i'm alone and i have nobody your dog is sat there like my investment [Laughter] oh megan it's your turn wait wait wait wait wait wait you can just keep getting my oh she can keep getting money oh so if i pick the other one i could keep getting like basement or yeah also i do want to finish okay so if you finish it early it is you still can get stuff yeah give me my money let's go for let's go on a bucket list me my dragon tamer and mine i get to sell my house oh you sold it i don't like an offer you can try and then close them up and try again have you do try again and preview software no longer be available i have three attempts okay oh that's fall no no wait wait uh well it didn't give me an option it's fine i'm just going in my bucket list very spongebob squarepants music yeah give me the black crap it's fine on my next bucket list strip i'll get one with how far behind you jar i'm going to get at least two or three more yeah i feel like i'm so far back i feel like i'm not even playing the game anymore so you're retired megan you gotta chill out we're going to go right relax take it easy what's that is that a good thing or a bad thing oh it's bad it's bad but it's not too bad because i chose the weaker job like i'm going to lose this one roll a 10. nope okay [Music] you can try a different job i don't know if i can get a higher job though so i'm just going to race and i get a smart book smartphone a smart book i got a smartphone oh jesus christ [Applause] [Music] i think i have to go love and start trying to steal the heart how dare you it's my only option i think lauren's too far ahead with the seven come on get a house get a house get a house good house get a house get a house [Laughter] oh he's gonna pick some play mini golf again oh guys i just wanted to oh you're and it comes oh it's just a spin i thought we were actually gonna play with you ah that's lame [Music] megan you're spinning well ugly rug to charge her let me pull it up i'm finding it it's it's a really ugly little lion thanks for the money girl you stole from the old retired person [Music] this is what the rug looks like but it's pink oh i need to load up your stream now okay it's an ugly little tiger let's go it's safe oh whoops oh it's gonna be great where are you putting it um oh another job layering it on top of a white rug more money okay please and more books smart books oh lauren might be able to take the smart book from megan yeah because megan couldn't drink grandma [Laughter] go back to playing bridge with your friends she's making bikes with french apparently i can't believe it meanwhile i'm the fun gay uncle who's traveling the i crazy i'll only get one more spin i can't believe how like how far ahead you guys were for real no how far behind you where a lot or that [Applause] [Music] oh he's done okay what do i want to do i think we'll probably only get one look at megan's just making this thing freak out for all of you no one made like megan's because the castle has a temper in his time like things like it's just spreading all over the place it looks really funny yes oh okay how far back if you think low numbers that would be great oh wow our time would be lovely okay low number's good that means i get good i can get more chances i don't know what game this thing says but i hate it because i know this is better for me it's like taking medicine i hate it because i know it's better for me that an upsetting choice that really was i've never seen a worse decision not to be made my entire child disappointed in you sorry my chat's like we love alpacas what did you do i'm sorry those are the pyramids dang that is a strat you guys are stacking all your stuff but i'm not even there yet i'm just making money yeah low number i'm working until i'm 90. no no no we went to the low number dying yeah i needed one more car go you have to get a loan this time right who are you gonna try the you know i need a low known range of debt this time are you going to try for a spin get a red red red ring you guys see my heart i hate you guys peppa alpaca should have kept the alpaca at least i would have had an alpaca right now [Music] that's true money with us all being rich and yeah we all did really good money-wise okay did i get last place that's all i want to know thanks god definitely had a ton i don't have any bonuses crap crap i think crapping at last place [Applause] joey's too good at life what the heck i hate this oh
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 807,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, gaming, joey graceffa, smajor1995, dangthatsalongname, funny, funny moments, strawburry17, Life, the game of life, game of life, game of life 2
Id: 80-8sFG3-8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 45sec (4785 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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