Looking for my Dream Ship in No Man's Sky Live! The Great Ship Hunt is on!

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all right guys how are y'all doing this afternoon what is up james sam spades game over carmen astral penguin he found an a-class green nice no drama here guys keep the drama where it is you can do it bob thanks michael appreciate it what's up jeff welcome welcome frank how you doing how's it going chit doing the weekend event nice all right so i was going to do this on my uh on the save i've been playing on the play through but um i don't have all the glyphs on that one so we're going to do this on my older save that i have uh that has all the glyphs that i use all the time so uh you guys can hear me all right right just make sure you can you got game sounds you got bob sounds oh seven terry what's up yep yep okay cool cool this big bubble that's so cool all right how's it going shogu good to see you good to see you rubus 07 byron frank thanks thanks for letting me know all right so uh how are we gonna do this let me think about this for a minute so basically if you don't know um i had a ship what's up wheeler um i had a ship that i really liked and um i lost that save and i've had a lot of people say well you could probably get it back well here's the thing so in january i deleted this save on accident i was when i was back when i was doing those speed runs uh and when you would create the speed run um the you would do it and then once i didn't hit the time or i knew i wasn't going to hit the time i would just quit delete that save and go on i only had um i was maxed out on saves i only had one open save slot so it was always the one on top and i just kept deleting it well one time i quit before it actually generated a save itself uh so i deleted the next save which was the top save which happened to be my oldest save ever and i thought about trying to get it back but i was like you know what it's okay it's just a game i can get back everything i lost and then it occurred to me that i couldn't get this back um so i've been missing it and you guys came through you all have given me lots of options we'll go and see i haven't seen one exactly like it yet if uh if i have it i missed it let me know because i've gotten i mean literally probably 50 to 100 posts of people sent uh giving me options and either through twitter or facebook not facebook uh twitter or um the youtube or discord i actually created a discord section as well so uh did you see jason's hilarious short that has bob saying what did you eat yes i did that was pretty funny what he's up to i don't know why he's squeezing the poop out of guys from ice age but you know to each their own i guess each they're out all right uh let's see so this is my older save as i mentioned um i think i know i have all the glyphs here so i'm in uh ice and tam right now so i need to go back to euclid see how many ships i have in the first place what's up dave what's up sesh you back home man um oh you're still flying rip uh hey good luck on the ship hunt thank you appreciate that true what's up elon archmaester07 my friend good to see you uh we can warp through space build teleporters but we can't have more than five saves i know right all right so i've got one two thirty is that mine i don't remember that ship four five the radiant focus i don't i have no idea i never remember getting that one one two three four five okay so i've got six ships uh i think this one's gonna have to go bye-bye i don't even remember getting that one too many choices too many choices uh what's up lol next update hopefully this coming week that's that's what everybody thinks what's up spidey mitchell good to see you guys welcome uh what am i doing over here i gotta like reacquaint myself uh every time i go somewhere because i can't remember where my stuff is i have too many different saves uh let's see we need to go to i've got a portal your bases uh i thought i had a portal marked i think it's this one i think it's over here good luck with finding our place appreciate that sensible appreciate it dan i'm looking forward to the twitch drops too so if y'all don't know if y'all aren't following me on twitch um you should because i will be doing the twitch drops i think i've got it over here let me see see if that works i don't know if it does or not um but uh if you're not following me on twitch it's the survival bob altogether um i thought exclamation point twitch would drop a link there it is yeah so there's my uh twitch.tv slash the survival bob and uh when if they do announce twitch drops i will be doing it and i'll be streaming pretty much all day four days in a row next week i don't have uh my kids next week so i will be streaming the crap out of it going through the expeditions doing the things and getting there uh enjoyed the beginner series thanks for the content hey will awesome i appreciate that i'm glad it helped you buddy uh let's see mitchell hey bob you the channel love the state of the game since 2016. enjoy your videos thanks man i appreciate that corbin be cool if we could get if we could portal into our freighter because we can portal into almost every other bases yeah i think it has something i i don't i don't know why but they've never been able to do that you used to be able to um to glitch a um a teleporter on there but it'd still mess up half the time i'm pretty sure everybody's gonna be twitch streaming so you know check out everybody give them some support um and uh we'll be definitely be raiding as we finish up other channels uh during the twitch drops so can't wait if you find a ship like it and it's not s-class do you upgrade it or just oh no i totally upgrade it yeah i don't know how many um i mean i've only got 18 000 daylights at the moment but i can get i can get enough to upgrade to s-class in an hour or two that's just by doing ship scrapping and messing around i think there's even faster ways now as well what's up pig how are you doing this evening wait wait i'm going the wrong spot where's the i'm locked onto the wrong thing blue dot that's what i'm looking for save beacon i always mark my portals with a blue save beacon enjoying my series hey thanks elon appreciate that when is the next expedition well everybody it's it's not been confirmed but everybody believes it's going to be next week because some european twitch streamers um were talking about it who i we believe have been hired by hello games to promote no means sky so um that's what that's what the discussion was so everybody's kind of on the same page that's gonna happen next week like i think wednesday or thursday the twitch drops we believe are going to be what thursday through sunday is that what the thought was or monday hey psy good to see you man it's been a while how you been yeah guys hit that like button if you don't mind i appreciate it we've got it looks like over 160 people watching i can see 44 likes at this moment so i'd love to have more if you don't mind if you're watching on mobile phone just have to minimize the chat hit that like button and then you can open it back up so uh let's see let's make sure i can charge the portal and then i'm gonna flip over probably and look at some of the options and you guys tell me which ones you think we should go check out so we'll charge this up right quick rip all right there we go what's up aberrax how you doing so at least i asked about subnautica what's your idea huh so last i asked about subnautica what's your idea i'm not sure i understand go get the ship not bad buddy i'm doing good size psy have you checked out scum let me let me tell you all this so if y'all don't know i have a second channel if you type in exclamation point uh what is it is it exclamation point youtube 2 let me try it cause now i can't remember anyway i have a second channel where i play other survival games well on that channel we are going to be doing a giveaway uh thanks thanks citizen hey buddy um we'll be we're going to be doing a giveaway for scum it's a pc only game so if you've got pc and you want to enter the giveaway we've got three copies of scum that have been donated that we're going to give away we've got to serve a survival bob server and um been having a lot of fun doing that we're going to do some events on that as well uh in between the no man's sky i'm not leaving no me and sky i'm still i'm doing them both at the same time trying to get two to three videos out a week on each uh so uh so check it out last stream i asked about subnautica what's your idea about it i don't know i don't know what we're talking about um i'll probably do subnautica on the other channel uh that we just mentioned if i do subnautica and i'll probably do it on uh with a facecam live stream uh that's my idea i just don't know when i'm gonna do it so let's activate the portal now uh let me tab out real quick and let's go over to let's start with my discord because i created a channel there and that'll be cleaner here let me uh the display capture put that there there you go uh here i'm bob ship alright so if you don't know if you haven't checked out my discord check that out as well um got lots of great folks in there i think we just passed 6 000 um members in our discord as well so um here is the ship and if you don't know if you're just catching this so i'm look i lost this ship i lost this ship when i lost to save i did a video yesterday where i offered a reward if you find this exact ship or one uh that i deem close enough and it's it's all up to me i'm the final judge here but i really want the exact same ship the more i think about it if you find this ship i will make a video of whatever you want uh in no man's sky uh so if uh if one of the other content if jason finds it he can make me make a video where i say he's better than me and uh or i just stand there and let him beat me up for an hour whatever he wants to do uh but if you find that i'll make a video on whatever you want topic wise no man's sky related um and uh yeah so uh you guys have really really given me a lot of different options so let's see this one's close uh that one's that one's really close i don't see the 99 on it though let's see is it this side thing is that what i'm seeing that's different yeah this one doesn't have the extra stuff on the side i don't know the front is it i don't know if that's the same piece or if that's an extra piece that goes on the side i don't know you can bet jason's looking i know that'd be hilarious if you found it uh i'm willing to do it i think i'm going to get it we'll be messaging you when i do yeah man psy check it out for sure uh is this save part of your prism series uh no this isn't um because i don't have all the glyphs on that one so i can't go through portals yet um so i'm using my an older save that i have i use it for tutorials and stuff like that the difference is single thruster versus box okay you guys know the terms for these better than me yeah i like uh see i mean that's that's it it's just the wrong colors and it doesn't have a 99 on the side oh wow that only takes two glyphs that's awesome so i could get that is this an euclid no is that what is this oh it isn't euclid okay i don't know what a shun zb1 is all right so here's another one this one's got 77 problems we got 99 all right what we got these some of these aren't even close close zoom in it has 99 which one see i like the fin i hate the dorsal fin on most all of them but this ship it actually works because of the way the wings are in my opinion yeah it looks good to me now that's interesting a pink one that's i mean what this okay that's just a nice okay all right you guys are getting close um ashton zb1 is the default name the game gave it ah okay i got you yeah i don't ever pay attention to that now i saw one that i really wanted to check out let's see i can't zoom in anymore on this and zoom on a different monitor hold on i don't see a 99 on this one as i zoom in but now i just lost the chat on my second monitor so let's check out uh let's see what does this say nope that ain't it that ain't it i think kadena sent me one that i thought was really close [Music] yeah this one i like the look of this let's go take a look at this let's go to this one first that could be uh much bigger that's what she said okay so put that down there all right so i'm gonna go check this one out first and let's go to that i'll i lost the chat for a minute guys i'll be right back let me put these glyphs in and we'll go over there and i'll get the chat back up and catch up with you guys so we got a balloon bird whatever that is rocket ship banana uh triforce swirly swirly man it's so blurry i'm pretty sure this is a spider almost positive that's a spider we're gonna go with spider whale rocket tp where's the balloon i lost it there it is wait did i miss one balloon bird rocket triforce swirly swirly spider whale what is it cut off in the picture hold on a second i think it's cut off in the picture kadena you're killing me did you send me a picture that's cut off one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve now there's twelve what am i missing one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. i know y'all are yelling at the screen hold on i can't i can't read the chat i'm sure you're yelling at the screen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven all right i don't know what i did let me just start over let me just try that again if you're yelling at me in the chat i can't read the chat my chat's blocked right now i will be back hold your hold your uh hollering until i can see it because it will get buried activate portal right balloon bird rocket balloon triforce swirly swirly spider whale rocket tp balloon all right that time it worked so let me grab the chat back and grab that all right here we go i have no idea i missed so much of the chat guys uh what's up j-town uh rebel balloon before triforce is what i missed okay it's a not uploaded one i'm not sure if i'm at work uh all right just guessing with real interest just gesturing okay yeah gesturing is fine feel free knock yourself out if i win i want you to punch jason for 10 minutes michael i hope you win i hope you win balloon before triforce except after whale all right uh all right so we got a um a little thingy here combo what's that say thanks captain steve oh this is a captain steve find hey suck it getting up in my face you don't even know don't mess with bob i've been playing scum i've been shooting zombies on my other channel all right uh let's see ah we got a base over here worm r2d2 wait is this all right let's go check this base out this captain steve's base should we give it to kath and steve if this is the one i mean i don't think this is the one i'm going to keep but it looks like he found it let's go check out his worm r2d2 droid base tweet sent all right buddy i'll have to take a look and see what's up tgf how's it going uh if i gesture with enthusiasm i'll knock myself out be careful i've been here before i feel like i've been here before i'm totally been here before or else i saw this stream of course captain steve does build r2d2 bases a lot he built me one actually right when uh we got cross play all right nothing yet let me call in a ship i'm okay with getting rid of i'll be that one and not land here there you go land over there you like the one with the red red wings rings rings i can't even say that there's very few of the ones with the ring around them the ships i'm talking about with the circle thing in the back that i that i like the look of i think it's interesting but i don't think it works on a lot of the models some of them do some of them i think are okay that or i would make you play as a geck if i found one that was close enough i would probably tell you where i found the atlas riser versions of them and sky they make a railroad overhaul video but i'm not a shipment okay you don't have any living ships not on this safe i've only gotten a living ship once and it was on my my first ever save i did on xbox and um i i've never felt the need to do it again like i got it once good i don't need it again okay let me get that golden vector out of there no no not that one that one i'm gonna bring all my ships in that's not cameraman come on bob you can do it you can do it uh all right that's the one we're getting rid of right all right now the landing pad's cleared and r2 is surrounded by my my ships that's cool uh uh you missed the expedition oh man that sucks man look at it uh you got me to play no man's sky and i'm having a blast so far awesome shane i'm glad to hear it man that's i love hearing that happy that you're having fun with it it's so much fun it's such a chill game you just get lost for hours this is a great looking planet too i'm hoping i am actually in the right spot the living ship needs something that's a bit boring yeah i mean it's it's you know i did it it took forever i never felt the need to do it again on my other saves so we're just waiting to see if that one that i showed a little while ago uh came in holy crap man we got a bunch of people here welcome guys uh 280 something people watching right now guys hit that like button if you don't mind we're just over 100 likes really does help out let youtube know that we're here uh what's up mark good to see you my friend welcome so this one is the closest one i've seen that that we're looking for um i don't know that it's the closest i shouldn't say that it's one that i just really like and it's very similar but it's not the same so me and all 99 problems go way back back to my first pc save before cross play was a thing and all my friends played on pc nobody i didn't have any xbox friends that played no man's sky so i ended up buying the game on pc just to play with some of my friends and uh we created a uh the first survival bob world i think i had less than 100 subscribers back then the discord was like maybe 20 or 30 people in it and we just kind of hung out and that's where i found the ship uh back in the day before it got crazy with the youtube so uh i need it back i miss 99 problems senate nope i don't think so nope got some interesting ships here i hope i typed in that address right uh the transfer looks like an ac i don't know what that oh an ac-130 yeah this is a good planet isn't it uh so spades the all the ships are gonna land in both the space station and the trading post it's just a matter of how quickly you find them now that's a cool one look at this this is an r2d2 ship with tie fighter wings um and a barrel nose and in blue that's pretty nice not what i'm looking for not my style but uh it goes with the r2 bass let's check this one out over here uh-oh i'm not gonna make it i'm not gonna make oh i made it oh that was close what's up montanards hey bob sent you a similar ship on discord that also has a 99 found a ship that is the same but with a 44 and no top fin that's what we're finding we're finding ones that are really close i just looked through the discord if uh if there was a picture i looked at it if there was a link i didn't click all the links um nice cans you're in the big cans right there just don't crash it like my suv i was going yeah dude that was a second second car uh burned in two weeks one in irl and one in a game all white or the radiant pillar knows i don't think i want the radiant pillar nose come on this is the hard part is the waiting it's the waiting so let's see did captain steve actually find this place it doesn't say does it i have to go to discoveries one year ago by ashen okay saw all vids nice how do you change the reticle of this uh it's the it's based on your weapon so as you change weapons your ridicule changes that's the scatter blaster right there so if you uh if you put the scatter blaster in your multi-tool uh right here then you'll have that ridicule when it's uh when it's active you like the radio i i don't mind the radiant pillar i land on that thing oh come on do it nope all right let's go check out the rgd2 base while you wait get in the hole bob there we go sometimes you just bang around the edges for a while if you work hard enough you can get in there don't give up guys don't give up all right so we got some nip nip bud we got some balls no not that joint all right so i grabbed captain steve's balls if he's wondering where they went nope that's not it yeah this is the same one kept steve built for me same r2 nice hey bom uh is that a giant r2 yes i talk and move faster than you do uh come on get up the hole get up there all right so it's there's really nothing inside it but uh pretty cool huh i mean it's not something you need this doesn't i don't think this involves any glitch building either guys does it if it does let me know um but uh if you want to build an rt that's kind of kind of the pattern for you bit late jeremy it's all good man we just got here i'm just waiting around trying to see if this ship shows up oh that's it right there we got c-class of course it's a c-class so this is it this is the model it doesn't have a uh oh it does have a 99 it's just white and red all right i think this is what we're gonna get while we wait this is gonna be my place holder uh and we're gonna look for the orange because the orange one is what made it for me uh make an offer you know what i'd rather have a better class i don't want to start from c i don't want to start from c i'd rather start from at least a b or an a is that the same nose though something it feels like the other the other one was longer you all know uh box make sure you are trading the right ship yeah that's the one i want to get rid of right yeah i haven't even moved the tech i just bought that apparently all right so all right we know this one's here and we can come get it i dig it i feel like that nose is different though wasn't my nose longer it looks more sloped at the front i agree it looks a little bit more sloped i thought i'm not saying you know steve's is shorter than mine but mine might be longer than his that's all i'm saying all right uh all right come here let me go scrap this one real quick yours was an alpha nose sounds right what is that one i don't know the names of all the all the parts you got to forgive me that's the right nose shape color seem to affect how they look huh it's all about girth that's what people say who uh don't have length i don't have either so i mean i got no room to talk i've got a little short and stubby ball right here just got a little prick on it all right i'm gonna go take this and scrap it because i could use the nanites uh i got you all right so let me go scrap this and uh we'll do that yeah thanks uh if you uh if you want to check out my discord if you will post the stuff in the discord i will look at it during the stream i promise you that so if you've got one a pick with glyphs is perfect a link taking me somewhere else is going to be less likely to be looked at but if you've got a if you've got this ship if you found it on the coordinate exchange i've scoured the coordinate exchange haven't found it but if you've got one on there um then uh just grab the pick from the coordinate exchange and uh cut and paste it into the discord channel uh it is at the top of the no man's sky section called find bob ship or something like that i was just looking at it you've got stamina that's something i don't have you got me there james up jl hey ben buddy if you find it pin it to the discord yes if i find one i'll uh i'll definitely everybody will know trust me i'll pin it everywhere uh what am i doing yeah that's not a bad one somebody said they like the rink that's not a bad one i i don't mind that one with the barrel knows it kind of works because they're both round a lot of them look kind of silly on the noses in my opinion okay let's come over here what's up dark side taco how you doing uh hey bob me and my son are hunting for your chip awesome i hope you find it let me know we like the red wings all right so let's claim the scrap what is up guys uh let's see the base you were just at was definitely a captain steve bass he really likes to build droids yeah he does yeah it was definitely captain steve's base for sure hey david how you been buddy good to see you good to see you what have you been up to it's been a while i feel like it's been a while of course i haven't been in regular streaming lately with the pc issues i've been having i have got a lot of crap and all steve's balls in my backpack here the ring reminds me of the vulcan i could see that for sure uh i found your channel a couple days ago because i got back in the nominees i appreciate your videos but hey madison i appreciate that i'm glad uh glad you got back into the game and glad the videos are helpful uh so let's sell oh that was pretty good scrapping ship right there dig it legendary what does that say legend oh welcome my friend welcome all right uh any good ones come down so does anybody have like sentimental ships like me uh for me my most sentimental ships are not the ones i've gotten off the coordinate exchange it's ones that i have found and you know kind of the story that goes along with finding the ship for me like the one that just that just came in here i'll tell you about that one here in just a second but um let's see i don't need that [Music] let's see sell my nip get that out of here uh what is that hi that's all sellable crap okay there we go what news of the car and pc so uh the car is done it's toast it's totaled they they made me an offer uh to buy it out and to not fix it so i'm i'm i'm working through that paperwork so uh i've got my dad's old truck if you don't know my car caught on fire two weeks ago yesterday and uh my in real life and uh it was directly after using the sean murray head mod and that he said that you must uninstall immediately so i uh of course instead of uninstalling it i did a live stream and made and uh had lots of fun and then the next day my car caught on fire and uh three days later my pc died so i'm sorry mr murray and the the atlas whose ramp i have invoked but uh but anyway so yeah my car is uh it's done i'm gonna be driving my dad's old truck for a while uh because uh i don't cost nothing so that's what i'm gonna be doing until i figured out car prices are crazy right now at least where i'm at um you got a blue and white squid that's your favorite one frank yeah had an exotic like that but it doesn't have a beak in the front aren't shipped from pre-order oh you're a mega ship from pre-order nice shogu so i bought the um i'm pretty sure that the uh see what my object is go away if you don't murder him all the way then uh you don't lose standing so you just shoot him a couple times here okay uh but if you murder him you do lose standing um what was i saying okay so um on this ship my origins play through which was my first playthrough that i did that really took off and got a lot of views it's got over a hundred thousand on episode one uh that play through i did last uh whenever origins dropped in the last september beginning of august something like that or beginning of october it was the end of september anyway this ship i found on episode one or two or three when um i went to the space station and i sold literally i had to sell everything i owned on the spot to buy this ship i found it in the space station and uh it was like nine or ten million i think i had like two or three thousand left after buying it i just barely had enough to sell everything i own yeah and uh and trade in my radiant pillar and get it so uh that one was my first exotic and the most expensive at the time because it cost me everything i own so i'm just i've just kept it it's not it's not necessarily my favorite model but it served me well so i appreciate it uh for me it's a shift it's what i name it it's not the ship it's what i named it a friend died in march and i named the ship after so she's with me that means i would play that's awesome david i get you on that man sean murray church my car and my pc yeah he came after me hard uh did that can't you get a car as a business expense just put a bunch of bob decals all over it make it old windowless van for bonus points i mean i could i don't know that i'd want to where's bob oh he lives in the van down by the river in a van down by the river my ships are still here huh all right let's uh shoot over here so now that i know this one is here let's go look and see if there's something else we can go hunt um let me check this chord again hey mike how you been buddy all right so this was this one from kadena is uh that steve found is my favorite ones would you send me montanars all right that's close these wings are the right color but i don't like the gray in there it really takes away from it in my opinion that's really close though uh let's come over here what is this that's a needle nose and it's got the it doesn't have the box uh if you lived in a van you could make a third channel called survival bob van life i think that actually would be pretty good if i was actually good at survival in real life which i don't know that i would be i'm kind of uh kind of soft uh what show you say it might be time for another marathon stream for the new vehicle payment i don't know if the world's ready for that yet i don't wanna i don't wanna burn y'all out on bob uh fighter i'm currently rocking is a first crash ship nice you maxed it out yeah that's awesome see that's that's one that's got sentimental value absolutely cervant a cervante cervanville bob i like it uh i wish i could help you but in my country tonight so yeah all right just let rich move in the van with you yeah that's what i want i want to live in a van with rich that's exactly what i'm looking for in my life uh let's see any more in here i mean that's pretty close see doesn't that front look a little different than the one let me look at this let me look at this um where was kadena yeah see that that's a different front isn't it i don't have a great picture of the front of mine that's the problem yeah so here's this is all i got i got the i cut the tip off no tip they got mad at me for just just the tip so uh no tip here uh why only survive in video games exactly and i don't know that i always survive in video games stubby versus alpha yeah it's too sloped wait for the free candy i did a stream one time where my thumbnail was the free candy van i don't remember what the stream was about but that was the thumbnail it was just a white van that said free candy written on the side of it i have to go i don't even know what i was thinking that day but this is what this is this is my baby here it is here's the front is that the same can y'all tell is it worth it to have a farm it depends on what you're into young grizzly um it absolutely is if you're into like building stasis devices and stuff like that did you get my message about going through your old videos mike um i've seen a couple people message me about my old videos so here's here's the deal with the old videos um like i said earlier in the stream if you were here uh i found this on not the same i was doing at the time like i was doing a series when i found this on xbox and i found this on my pc save that i bought the pc game just to play with a few friends who had it on pc before um before crossplay came around so this was just like my personal game that i was playing off camera just goofing around and uh and chilling so that's what nmsce calls stubby this one's stubby right here that's the alpha nose the stubborn nose is a snow speeder nose yeah see this one doesn't have the um the the things coming out of the front all right so y'all are arguing over alpha or stubby so it doesn't have the it doesn't look like it's got the antenna coming out of the front no no it's all good mike uh so i have i know a lot of people have gone through and looked i used this and this is a screenshot from one of my nanite videos um the other one is a screenshot from my first midnight video so i use that save to make a lot of um tutorials because it was a maxed out character but um let's see what is this one no that's not it i just lost chad again it's annoying it's not the same right yeah searching rich viking systems that's so i can't remember if i found this on the coordinate exchange or i found it proper i think i must have found it proper because it's not on the coordinate change apparently we start with an exotic on expeditions 3 according to the leaked video nice i saw something that pt put out on the new expedition let's go look at this one i love the color on this and it might just be because he did a super saturation that's the problem with a lot of these pictures this one looks over saturated um so it probably doesn't actually look like that that bright anyway so let me keep looking here all right let me check out twitter real quick because i know some of y'all put some stuff on twitter so let me go over there um and check uh where is it messages no i'm not seeing it not seen anything on twitter if somebody sent me okay no i just now my notifications popped up all right that one's close william lopez sent me one uh [Music] it's kind of like captain steve's but it doesn't have the the same uh front here let me uh put it over here sorry now you guys can see it so this one is closed i like that ship it's not bad if y'all are interested in the ship here's the glyphs you can just take a screenshot of that now the bad wolf pick isn't like mine i just like the color it jumped out but i think it's because he over saturated it um when he uh when he made the photo because it looks better uh yeah put that back over here and then rearrange everything again it's so annoying yeah it's not quite right so let's go back to discord actually let's go to the youtube um let me go to youtube and see because i had some in the comments section too that were pretty good so we'll go to your channel and then pause this because it's gonna oh it's not gonna do it excellent all right so videos stop it and then let's check out what do we got all right see always mad that there's no only fans videos i thought i had some links in here did i not oh here we go let's see what this one says uh yeah give me the give me that uh that's close that's close not a big yellow fan though portal repository what is this is that different from the coordinate exchange oh is that someone's just telling me what is what is this what is it i should read it shouldn't i i think i saw a ship that looked a lot like this one on the portal repository yeah no go away i don't want to be a patron i just got here i don't know who you are um i think that's what they're talking about but that is not it all right let's see so gull wing box thruster is what we're calling it i guess let's see what jeremy's got for us uh close no box let's see what we got here yeah this is the bad wolf one i think the reason i like this one i've said it before i think it's because he over saturated the color so it's a good picture any up the contrast in the picture it's really just the color in the wings and the in the uh and this yeah that i'm digging on that wolf finds a ton of these too man um whenever i look on coordinate exchange that's a lot of what i see nope that ain't it all right uh what is this discord no oh you're just giving him my discord link okay uh this is a video we got here reddit see what we got uh what's different what am i missing it's like i know it when i see it but when i see it i can't figure out why it looks different is it is it the uh yeah it's this it's the wings it's these here okay that's why it looked weird in the front that's not it uh let's see see what we got here that is not even close at all and mr wu-wu was first well done all right uh i'm not seeing anything there either i thought i had more where did where else did i see them uh let me go back to twitter was it on twitter uh yeah this is the one captain steve sent me okay so this is it okay so let's take a look is that okay so this gives you the parts names the fighter naming convention so i guess i don't know where these names came from if you know let me know let me grab the chat sorry as i click out of the window i lose a chat hey bob still looking for your ship todd yes i am bob sent you a message on discord with a picture of your ship knows best i could pull from the video thanks citizen um hey take care spidey that one is it though ice and tam angle's anglezod jeremy i'm not sure which one we were talking about sorry man i didn't have the chat pulled up at the time so let me see here so this gives you kind of a different shot so let's see which one is the front is it the stubby i guess it is the stubby i don't see one another one it's not the snow speeder it's got to be the stubby the stubby i love it okay so we got the stubby front we've got the box thrusters we've got the gull wings so if it's a gull wing it's got to be on a medium is what it's saying and these are on small that's interesting that's interesting um and then it's got this doesn't have all the parts because it doesn't show the thrusters does it what am i missing yours was the alpha you think mine was the alpha where's the alpha this one yeah yeah yeah it is the alpha because it doesn't have you're right it is the alpha because it's a little bit longer and it doesn't have the um the stuff on the front you're right you're right jeffers thank you okay uh so gull wing alpha yes okay i'm caught up now i just when i see stubby it makes me laugh so i want i really wanted to be called stubby stubby bob um but we'll be alpha bob i guess if we have to so we've got alpha uh we've got a dorsal fin uh gull wing um box thruster so that's what we're looking for an alpha uh gull wing box thruster with a dorsal fin and a 99 sticker on it and orange no big deal it's it's pretty pretty specific i know exactly what i'm looking for uh yeah mine doesn't have antennas on the front right alpha dorsal fin gull wing box thruster serenity intakes orange 99 decal there you go what's the serenity i don't even see that on here is that not on this part list uh i guess it's not on this part list i was wondering where the intakes were but you got it laugh thank you my friend um all right so yeah it doesn't have the uh the thing sticking out of the front so bob's not stubby don't listen to the rumors so that's the uh that's the stubby front that's the uh is that stubby as well man they're all yeah so this is the front it doesn't have any of the antenna coming out of it that's what we're looking for yeah see that one's got antenna coming out it looks very similar to this one oops i lost it damn it thanks thanks appreciate it sesh really helpful uh we're gonna go with a um a yikes that's what you get that's what you get um what is this i don't know what that speed number is uh not on the part list search shows him uh serenity equals trapezoid firefly equals cubic intakes gotcha so what did we say mine was the firefly or the the serenity i lost that comment serenity intakes okay so pierre i'm looking for a specific i mean i'm not saying i just like fighters but this is the ship that i lost this is the ship that i've that's gone uh it's gotta be in euclid because i hadn't i originally hadn't gone out of the the system yet where is it here it is right here uh this is this is it um here's a better shot of the front and the uh the intakes which which really kind of pull the room together so to speak uh and i'm on my old pc so i don't have a ton of pictures from it but i did um find it when i was using this pc so i do have a few pics and i pulled these from videos actually uh what did you send me citizen okay that's a better look at the front thank you yeah that's helpful all right so um i'm thinking i mean honestly that captain steve one is my favorite one that i've seen so far uh bob they may have updated the alpha model with stubby uh so you're thinking those are two those are the same model just different updates because i know the ship's who are you waving at buddy whoa thank you so much vi i appreciate that uh good hunting everyone thank you buddy i appreciate that uh what is hey is that australian dollars is that what that is i appreciate the uh super chat my friend thank you so much no they didn't okay yeah i'm not a ship hunter so i will leave it to those guys to tell me what is up those are two separate ones okay stubby and alpha are two different things well alpha sounds cooler than stubby i gotta say if i'm gonna have a nickname i'd rather it be alpha bob than stubby bob that's just me all right yeah guys 07 in the chat thank you so much my friend i appreciate the the donation all right where we got here i'm trying to think if there was i just had an idea no that's not going to be i could probably get to the right part of the well that's interesting i'm kind of going through my videos in my mind trying to think if there's a way that i would find it my first ever community planet wouldn't have been there hmm i'm really stretching trying to think about where it where it would be hey i finally landed on the light nice balls they're protruding a little bit more than i like but uh what's up inspired squish how you doing it just got like stupid hot in my room all of a sudden uh didn't you have it when you found willy yeah so that was the base um my first willy base was on my first community planet uh that i had like back before i had like 100 subscribers like it was like 50 people or something and uh there was like six or seven of us that built on that planet yeah so that's the stubby nose that's why that's why it looks weird to me i like the colors and it's got 99 on it so the 99 is not dependent upon the uh alpha versus stubby nose apparently [Music] all right what is this i don't even look at what class it's a c-class as well sucks is that purple what's purple i haven't seen any purple i don't think i see purple hey what's up ryan how's it going man so hmm let me think um not a bad looking ship just saying yeah i know it's not bad looking at all it's just uh you know i got my heart set on uh got my heart set on 99 problems i wish i knew the original name is this even a viking system yes it is all right who made the r2d2 that's uh captain steve's base actually captain steve made this i'm pretty sure that's not glitch built i think i'm pretty sure that's just regular building so anybody could do that uh they have a purple shade yeah your suit voice has a point about that life support sale i like how you're getting more creative in ways to tell me to recharge my hazard or life support fine there you go hey bob finally had time off work in school to catch a stream how's the car hey marco uh car's dead car's dead it's totaled uh so i'm working everything out with the insurance company now but uh you know it ain't worth it was a 2008 model so it's not like they're giving me enough for for anything i'd want to want to really get nowadays so i'm just going to hang out um in my dad's old truck uh for a while i'm at home most of the time anyway it's just not quite perfect exactly jeremy all right this wasn't a bad plan until that storm hit now i'm a little bit over it a little bit over the storm i have my uses not many but some uh i just started playing about a week ago loving the game and thanks for the awesome beginner's guide yeah buddy i'm glad uh glad you enjoyed it i hope that helped steve doesn't glitch build i respect that uh looks like you're gonna have to do another week-long stream for a new car yeah that's not the first time that's been suggested a few people have mentioned that i don't know what we're gonna do hey take care psy uh yeah let me know man we've got uh we had 10 people on this morning i was just goofing around on the scum server this morning we had 10 or 12 people on there so there's stuff going on uh all right all right i think i think i'm done here now i just got to decide where to go next let me get over here i hate car shopping yeah i know me too all right so um let me just give y'all this real quick if y'all want to come here this is captain steve's r2d2 base and you saw some of those pool fighters here uh the glyphs are going to be in the bottom right hand side of the screen hopefully you can see that hold on one second let me um let me get it where i can see what you're seeing there we go there we go there's the glyphs for the r2d2 base bottom uh i guess it's left hand i don't know whatever side it's in the bottom it's in the bottom corner is it that way yeah it's that way you got it you got it if you can't figure it out by now i'm sorry i can't help you hey take care pap you got to go got a date night nice at my age you got to take them when you can get them good luck with the buddy thank you my friend uh all right so let's go back here what's up tyler just want to drop by and say hi appreciate it my friend hit that like button while you're here man i appreciate it all the likes helped out tremendously all right so guys um i'm open to suggestions if you've got any uh as to what we do i haven't really seen any other ones that are striking my fancy maybe they should add a vw bus as a ship i'd be down with the vw or an airstream trailer down with that suggestions for uh where to find the ship or look for one if you've got one that you think might be it i'm up for it uh let's see i hear weird noise coming out of the other room where my children are let's see um how did we get people to my original original place oh oh i know i know what we can do um let's go to the anomaly real quick remember when i built this space yeah man this was my origin save this um this play through or this save was the one that i started when origins came out so this is my current oldest save hey what's up c bonds great to see you searching man i'm searching my original community planet i did it we can go look at the video i made a video about it let me go take a look at that let's do that real quick uh all right so go back to my channel [Music] i go to videos sort by honestly it's probably going to be the old one of the older ones so this was all my xbox playthrough you see these videos you know they did okay and then i was playing atlas back then as well which was very confusing to know me in sky people because of the atlas in no man's sky no man's sky multiplayer intro and invite i think this is it hey guys welcome to the no man's sky survival bob and this is gonna be a multiplayer series guys this is a quick little video invite video if anybody is interested uh we started a multiplayer uh world well i mean it's like every other world but uh we're doing it kind of in a co-op style so we're finding each other and uh coming and building on each other's worlds we started a new save myself and big dirty april of 2020 anybody else is welcome to come i think we've talked to a few other people just got to connect and steam this is a series on pc um we talked a lot slower sunday i'm recording this on tuesday so just a couple days we're not super far in and we started a new save this is the original willy bass um uh give them give me the glimpse dude what do you make a 17-minute freaking video about this where's the glitz whatever you want come on in what kind of jackass does this on a dislike what we decided is we're going to build in different materials on different planets uh based on the biome so the first planet we started on is just going to be wood because that's what you start with in the game so uh the first planet we are going to build everything in wood we've got my little starter base that i've expanded over here come on dude get your base have fun um once you leave the good job you'll be able to come back here because you'll have your own base computer here so yeah i'm excited about it hello uh you can connect with us on discord you can connect with us in steam we can invite you in once you're invited into this uh world is that how i was doing it back then this was before crossfit at least 2 000 units away that's one of the rules i think this was a new save too so i didn't have did i not give the glyphs what kind of jackass does that um once you leave the joint session you'll be able to now watch bob copyright strike this video here so yeah i'm excited about it hope you're excited about it let's see a little bit of what we've started in the first day or two of recording on uh this series of multiplayer come on no man's sky just give me the portal excuse me hey ow how wow all right uh xbox but this one's gonna be a pc save and we're gonna get into the list and see what we can get into but check that pretty much you are all good so uh hit the right button i love this noob all right somebody watch this and let me know if there's gloves in it because i can't sit here and watch this crap i mean this guy's a great youtuber i'm sure he's gonna do well couldn't find any glyphs in the video madden okay all right well damn it uh well i tried um i know that guy sucks i can't believe anybody watches him young bob that was like a year that was like 14 15 months ago i mature quickly i matured quickly are you stuck in the wall man you're stuck on the wall i'm trying to get maybe if i go to the gr to that part of uh i have a base on the original community planet do you yeah get me that citizen that would be awesome i know um sirius lee's does if he i don't know if he still has one anymore uh citizen was there uh big dirty was there uh babyface bob i sprouted facial hair got 50k subscribership pretty much go into the other room uh oh to pull up your xbox oh to pull up my xbox where you are okay i'm confused helping bob out uh someone mentioned you may have been in the hilbert galaxy when you had that ship no i definitely i definitely wasn't um i didn't even i hadn't even been to the galactic corps at the time i got that ship so i know um well hold on i got all the glyphs by speed running the artemis quest which would have taken me to another system i did go to the is it the green one i hell i can't remember i don't even know all right let's see what do we got here um no that shop was was post tiger squid yeah it was after tiger squid but it was a different save tiger squid was on my xbox save and that was my pc i might do some messaging to some people on discord who may have a base there a citizen if you can find me the glyphs that'd be awesome nah it doesn't matter reaper does not matter maybe willie will give us inspiration you got a white fan hauler nice i like the white playing haulers i like a fan holler period all right willie give me inspiration see we kind of abandoned that planet um because when origins happened willie died and or they they didn't even have these on the planet anymore so we'll i abandoned that planet because it that was my big willy base been holding off on the main quest because i didn't want to miss anything with it oh no go for it man this no means sky the the quest line isn't like a one of those kind of choose your own adventure books where you're going to get a different result based on different things i've had friends who were afraid to get rid of artemis's ship because they thought he might want it back so they just kept it um and uh you know none of that stuff really matters whatever you choose it's gonna take you to the same place the other thing i wanted to do um yeah someone joined me yeah debbie w the elf is in the game maybe they're bringing me a ship where is my ship so i've got another idea i've got another idea where i know there's a video with glyphs and that's my first nanite video i did when i got a picture of that that would have been in one of the systems i was hanging around in at the time so it's probably a good place to start the search um so let me go grab the glyphs for that planet and check it out um so let's go home and that's gonna be in now it's going to be in this video welcome to rage shadow legends welcome to the radio you're wondering just what you're getting into rage i'm going to give a quick shout out to alex one of the guys who plays with me let's see where did i give the glyphs out there it is here there we go all right that's where we're going that's where i'm going now this on the other screen and then we'll go over there uh is it in discord uh sorry i smacked the mouse is what in discord uh do you make backups of saves nan i didn't on this one i mean i deleted the save back in january and i didn't think i was gonna need it so i didn't worry about trying to get it back hey sandy how's it going how's the hunting uh no no luck so far uh your bases this one the beach hut base um yeah uh linda put that in it's it's it's gonna be in the um community planet uh one jeremy it's called bobtopia and linda awesome dairy put it in there so there's gonna be a picture with the glyphs over there sorry i've already left it uh copy those glyphs into the discord which glyphs are we talking about i've shown a bunch of different ones uh best place to hold on sorry i've got the um for bob to see put it in the discord um i've got i started a brand new channel on discord in the nomian sky section uh entitled find bob ship or something like that it's the first one in the no man's sky section so if you put a picture in there with glyphs i will see it um all right where's the uh there it is the marker linda is giggling for hearing her name linda linda linda linda awesome theory hey bob finally live stream your vids are extremely helpful hey milk chocolate i'm happy to hear that man i hope you're enjoying the hope you're enjoying no man's sky that's what it's all about here found what looks like the ship in a desolation live stream july 17th 2020 cryo nice found what looks like it you mean like am i am i flying it do i have it in that live stream what kind of ship am i after um the one on the thumbnail it's it's my original ship what did we decide it was called it's a box engine goal wing uh alpha front these are all the parts um and it's it's the it was my favorite ship i found it uh back when i first started playing on pc and uh back before i was really doing a ton of videos um and i was just kind of playing for fun and chilling and uh you know no pressure just playing and uh i love that ship and i called it 99 problems it was orange which was my color and uh it had a 99 on the side it just had a just a different look from what i was used to seeing and i really enjoyed the ship and i deleted that save back in january thinking i would be able to get anything i wanted so i didn't even try to back it up or save it or get it back or anything um and i've just been missing it lately so i wanted to hunt for it and you guys have been amazing in helping me look for it so thought i would do a stream today and see if we can get closer to it pin it down have you played the long dark um i think i played it for like an hour or two but i didn't get into it um one of my problems is i gotta be in the right mood when i start a game and i gotta have time and unfortunately it usually hits me that i want to try a new game at like i don't know midnight so i start playing when i'm tired and uh so i don't ever play long enough i need to play like on a weekend when i got nothing to do and just really really dive into it uh okay so let's go here so the glyphs that i'm going to this is where i did my first big video um on nanites and this is what pushed me over a hundred subscribers and up a lot more than that uh let's see the videos got 269 a thousand views at this point but uh so this would have been where i was hanging out around the time and i know i had the ship in this video so i'm gonna head there and kind of work out from that i guess that's the only thing i can think of to go look and i'll give you guys these glyphs as i'm doing it so you can come look here as well if you want to help me out [Music] uh [Music] moon it's not guaranteed that this is where it's at it's just the only thing i can think of to narrow down the search uh dinosaur balloon spider triforce uh spidey what's your favorite game i don't know that i have an absolute favorite there are games that i go back to kind of like comfort food kind of like comfort games when um you know i'm home alone and i got you know i just want to do something i love early game early game is always fun for me so early game minecraft i like obviously early game know me and sky i've done so many starts um uh early game um arc i enjoy as well hey jeremy man thank you so much 07 jeremy cobb for the 25 super chat thank you for all your vids brother thank you for the support man i'm glad i'm glad you're enjoying the vids i'm glad they're helping you uh yeah this is awesome thank you bob january 19th 2021 nice i hope this works bob is pog yes that's awesome yeah guys thank you for the o7s and the super in the chat thank you so much uh for the o7s guys and if you don't know o7 it looks like a guy given a salute that's why we do that i like this what happened here greetings from poland norway cheers nice i think there was one over here that this guy couldn't find it or was it is that one gone now there was like one that was a little ways away it's like this doesn't work or i lost money or something is it this one no i don't see it oh well maybe it's gone now uh medieval survival i've watched uh i would do that on my other channel i wouldn't do it on this channel this channel is gonna be um going to be know me and sky space space type stuff this channel started off being all survival games but then no man's sky just took off for me and so i kind of took over my channel so i created the second channel um to kind of get back to my original purpose in youtube not that i'm giving up on no me and sky i love it but you know got to play other stuff too or i'll just burn out on no man's sky so i've got the second channel where i'm playing i've played medieval dynasty i played scum i'm going to play subnautica i'm going to play arc i'm going to play other games on there um right now i'm running a series on both channels where i'm doing two to three videos a week i'm trying to do three uploads a week on both channels um with uh at least two videos in a live stream and i just alternate the days on those do you have art tutorials no i don't have tutorials it's just a play through um reckless i'm not good enough at art for tutorials i can show you what not to do this channel has some arc videos on it if you look back a couple months ago i did uh i didn't get the views on him and it was kind of hurting my analytics with youtube because um you know most people are subscribed to me for no man's sky so that's what made me decide to do the second channel and now my video game is freezing there it is there it is i burned down on no man's sky after rushing to get all the slots here that'll happen so this um was the space station that i filmed the video for um my first day night video i know it's not here but this was my first station i did a lot of scrapping in so this could be a good starting point because i imagine i would have been you know within yeah i don't want to go on the current mission let's go free explore why did i pick a red star oh well dug out star control for the mega drive been playing it i don't even know what that is i love our tutorials as i can't find someone who doesn't make me want to rip my hair out jeremy i like um i like flinger foo uh for art at least as far as solo stuff goes but his tutorials they're not as succinct as i would as i would do them uh because he's more of a he's more of a um a gameplay guy so he just plays and he teaches while he plays which is a lot of what i do in no man's sky well that's a pretty planet um but when he does he's had some really good tutorials i've learned a lot from let's go check that planet out just actually yeah let's go do that just because the wing and nose combo is truly difficult to find yeah in the color i mean it's just all of it man how are you doing today what's up chad what's up austin how you doing man arc is another name you need some info to play decently right haven't looked it up yet yeah um well i just all the islands just disappeared all right noob what's decent yeah new blitz is good new blitz is good i've watched a lot of new blitz videos and if you don't know i say this all the time but if you're new here you may not have heard me say it um survival bob actually came from my time playing art because uh bob is someone on the beach who sucks he's a noob uh yeet copycat but thanks for all the no means guy info hey sniper cut appreciate that buddy oh seven for the um seven for the super chat man thank you so much hey bob from malaysia what's up cat and qualls how's it going playing ark right now morton nice not a bad looking planet let's see if we got a uh economy scanner in this ship i do let's go look see what we got maybe we'll maybe this is the magic planet that is not uh not what i was looking for did i not get a trade post what's up lawrence how's it going good to see you got me running on ultra hd ultra hd bob try ruster daisy maybe some escape from tarkov i've played um rust a little bit i was playing with um hawks gaming actually um as a friend of mine we were playing a little bit of rust when we were kind of bored on other stuff and not really doing much but um i haven't ever done anything on the channel with it i like a little bit of pvp but i don't like the only point of the game to be pvp that's my thing what's up stone age how you been hey bob have you ever maxed out the radiant pillar i have not i have not i have friends that have done it i know i could i have the ability to do it i've maxed out other ships that were about the same spot as a radiant pillar but uh never the pillar i might do it on um i might do it on this say on on my uh current playthrough that's why i've kept it just because it's in the back of my mind uh sorry missed who you said you watch for ark thanks to dogs and teens arguing with each other jeremy um so the the person i watch the most for ark is uh flinger foo it's with a p uh he does a lot of solo let's plays and that's kind of my style so flinger foo was who i watched for ark um the most now he's not who got me into it uh it was some of the guys actually the guys from um some of the guys from hermitcraft played ark and i was watching a lot of hermit craft at the time and uh and those guys got me into ark when it came out originally uh i saw them playing and doing some base building and uh then i started searching up other art videos and things but that's how i found it originally and back then i was on xbox so remember i wasn't playing on pc so we were behind the times uh let's see we got any ships here what ship you fly now it looks amazing uh leroy this one here uh is the one i got in my origins play through i actually got this one on the on the play through so uh if anybody wants that one we can show him where he got that one you found me through jason plays the rivalry is hilarious yes it's pretty funny and the fun thing about the rivalry with jason is it was totally organic like we never communicated or talked at all except when we were in each other's live stream chats that's the only time we talked maybe on like posting on each other's twitter but um it just kind of evolved uh through that and uh it's been a lot of fun arkan rush two mega toxic games yeah i know exactly oh that's interesting if that wasn't a shuttle man i really wish somebody mentioned this in the comment section but finding a ship that was just like a wing you know like if that didn't have the top on it it'd be almost like the like half a saucer or something like this just a big flat wing ship almost cool almost cool kadena how you doing we went and checked out i don't know if you're just getting here if you were here earlier i'm sorry i missed you uh it's like a waffle iron um but uh i started i think that my my favorite one is the one you sent me from captain steve that white one it's close but it's no cigar most games of pvp are toxic these days yeah they are which is why i played arc solo um which is a whole different experience and i think that's why one of the reasons i like nominee and sky because let's be honest know me and sky at its core is a solo game it's it tries to be a multiplayer game but uh sorry i gotta tab out and minimize some stuff so i can see the chat properly there we go there we go all right i'm back sorry about that but but that's one of the reasons i like no man's sky because i came from ark and nominee and sky was just such a chill difference and the community here is great too that's really good the best thing about bob versus jason is that it's not at all mean-spirited probably a bit of bromance really yeah he's got a bromance on me hey bob did you get a new ride yet or did the merc get fixed scott uh it's done it's it's totaled i'm working it out with the insurance company now what they're gonna give me for it so has any ship landed in here yet i'm thinking this tainan i like friendly more fun yeah i agree that means guy feels like it branches on how to get the blueprints i'm not sure i understand what you mean jonathan all right let's see what else we got is there some reason for not being able to find travelers on stations i've been to like five now and not found a single no uh it's just luck and you'll you'll run into those kind of um strings of luck where you won't find them now you can't sort it by race can you economy conflict life yeah you can okay so life form uh we want uh what is this viking is gonna be red two star there we go let's go to that one bob needs a mustang never owned a ford my mother had a four probe and it was kind of meh that was a long time ago oh look at this wait are you ballless do you not have balls under there hold on i gotta check this guy out oh you've got a couple oh that's weird i'm not used to seeing these things these cargo things sticking out fine i'll save you i always forget which button it is to change target i think it's like rt or something like that what is it anybody else everybody else dead electric cars run on coal and child slavery the probe a good car here in the uk i'm a ford guy and get your 197 chromatic metal for your good deed of saving them i know right isn't that cheap is that the number 197 i never paid attention i knew it wasn't a lot just see what just see what they gave us let's just see what it was first car was a ford a ford car we called it the dinky goes zero to 60 in three seconds in a truck what do you got i've missed that part an s-class 34 plus nine are you kidding me all right we may have to take a look at this i have to look at this see this is the thing bob's luck is hot or cold it's either great or it sucks it was dinky indeed while i'm on holiday left my console at home for the week i'm counting on you to give me my new man sky fix scott i will do my best i'll do my best what's up admiral botan did he just refer to himself in the third person probably did probably did uh inspector freighter and spec freighter whoa whoa was this green did i save a green ship i thought it was blue oh that no i don't care if it's s-class i don't care if i can paint it deuces uh bob is there any ship that similar to ufo ship do you mean like a saucer kind of ship hey guys in survival bomb i love your live hey thanks rick appreciate it you want this there's the glyphs uh bob check discord find ship i posted glyphs picture for community planet oh nice all right so um that was not that color when i saved it i swear it was blue suck it now i rob you when i shoot you in the balls take that so yeah that's what you get tricking me i got a salvage freaking module nice what am i doing um see doesn't that look blue it almost i mean that looks more of a like a teal turquoise whatever you want to call it second sentinel how goes the search it is not going good the system's blue yeah the system is blue stately raven what is up buddy thank you for the 10 super chat hey bob the ship hunt is real i feel your pain i'm looking for an explorer with a with tie fighter wings tip for the new car fun thank you my friend i appreciate that i don't know do explorers come with tie fighter wings though uh if you ever meet bob irl don't meet don't wear green i may shoot you in the balls is that what you're saying sam it's just it i would i feel tricked i feel betrayed i saved that ship in good faith that it was blue and that it was a blue bald it was a blue bald ship and i was trying to save the blue baller and then i get on there and they tricked me that it was green that's uh that's that's just not cool that is not cool at all all right so i need to throw a base down over here before i go to that other place or can i just go back to where i was let's see let me see hold on your eyes play games with you probably probably i watched back my live stream yesterday and i was squinting a lot so i had lasik several years ago and i think it's wearing off that shouldn't affect the colors see doesn't that look blue sneaky all right i don't want current mission all right where did i come what what just happened there yeah see it looks teal doesn't it free explorer all right where did i come from all right so i need a base here so i don't have to keep come do the weird stuff again okay so let's go here i'm gonna slap down a base computer mini green minty green yes adjust your gamma saturation and blue tones on monitor graphics card the real question is stripes or bars i discovered this that's another good sign is if you find a galaxy that i discovered this was on xbox interesting let's see what this is or it could be on pc uh playstation any tips for getting upgrades for living ships parker um no i'm sure some of the people in the comments do i bet you there's some videos on where to find them old dress optical meme alright this definitely isn't my base because this wasn't even here when i was here i found bob's green moon from his xbox runs last night yeah that's pretty cool omega falcon that's pretty cool what's the objective of this game um what do y'all say chat ship farm what is this this is an exploration game it's a space exploration game um i would say the objective is to make your own fun and enjoy exploring and finding cool stuff um for me my objective changes depending on my mood shiny things yes sci-fi minecraft with pretty graphics yeah that's a good way exploration game with some survival elements and a lot of building available yeah that's true too to me it's um to me it's like uh it's space fantasy because it's definitely not if you're into realism this game will drive you crazy but if you're down with imagination then uh this game's pretty cool the hardcore battle royale shooter game that's it fatties you got it he nailed it it's like rust in space pick up shiny balls get attacked whose base is this and why can't i land someone trying to land on me it's a feature-rich screensaver autobahn bismarck uh-oh that was a nice fan hauler what up otto von bismarck all right you gotta do the same thing up too late you're too slow we both pointed at the same time is this your base all right i got to slap down the bass computer we got to keep moving we got to keep moving nice bass autobahn bismarck or whoever's this is uh good luck on the ship hunt thank you james all right anybody see comm balls anywhere i would i'd like to put a base by the portal but i am not seeing it speaking of rust during the stream that never ends you mentioned possibly playing rust have you but i played some with hawks gaming um another youtuber um that was a couple months ago though i got in the scum and i've been been playing scum a lot on my uh on my other channel what kind of ship am i looking for i'm looking for a fighter an orange fighter that i used to have that i lost and um it's uh it's got the gull wings which are the um the kind of v-shaped or w-shaped wings and it's got an alpha nose it's got a um a bunch of stuff on it there's it's it's all it's the picture on this on the uh on the uh thumbnail have you ever used uh the star pilgrim path web apple no have not how much of a discount does no man's sky go for on steam like how can i how low can i get it usually i see it around 30 bucks when it's on sale it just went off sale like two days ago uh i'm hoping it'll come back on sale again when the new update comes out in a week or so but that was the steam summer sale uh kadena we decided it wasn't the stub nose it was the alpha nose um you can you can look around and find it for you know 25 to 29 bucks on sale but it's on sale about as much as it's off sale i got it's got to be it feels like anyway all right let's just slap a uh let's just slap a bass computer down here yeah i wanted it to be stubby too because it's fun to say but i'm pretty sure it's the alpha [Music] portable all right where's the there it is got it auto bomb bismarck is me you disabled game chat oh my bad yeah i have to do that when i'm streaming because people come in and they'll start typing stuff that shows up on screen that's no good sorry pierre wait are you french or german i don't know with the auto von bismarck it seems like a weird mix all right let's play the space alpha fits me better yeah i agree kadena uh when is the new update supposed to come out any speculation on what will be in the update so the speculation that we have right now is that next week we're going to get expedition number three that's kind of what everybody believes so um um this will mean something only to me pretty much all right so we got that uh it's worth full price even today i agree with that um i've paid 60 bucks for lots of games that i've played for two or three hours and i've played well over a thousand hours of this game [Music] i know everyone's been saying that for now next week next week well the the the reason everybody thinks it's next week is because some um some streamers were contacted by no man's sky uh by hello games i should say and um they were hired to promote twitch drops on stream next week so i don't think it's the update i think it's going to be an expedition and i think the expedition will lead us up to an update my my guess is the update comes august or september um because uh august will be the five year anniversary of no man's sky um last year we had origins in late september so my guess august september is gonna be when how do i find things to do i i uh i don't have a problem with that on the problem with that i like just wandering around on planets though guys i don't know about y'all but i mean i'll just i mean i'll lose three hours in a night just going from point to point um that i find on my analysis visor in a planet all right let's go find them i'm like torn between what i should do um and what not i guess that's not the right way to say it between how i can get there the most quickly or how i can get back here the most efficiently i'm thinking about going to find a portal and market i should have found i should have made a portal base here but i didn't so i've got to go back to my other base i still haven't made a portal base in euclid so let's go back here and then we'll go to the um go to the place citizen found which will be my original community planet um uh there was a leak for a good amount of expedition content from youtubers have posted yeah i saw uh pt had a post procedural travelers uh pt uh procedural traveler had a post on twitter where he kind of put together what someone had data mined out of what may be coming in the third expedition so i don't like to get into the speculation videos too much i i don't i'll get in i'll occasionally i'll do a video on what i would like but speculation bob joined my game yeah i could do that that would make more sense wouldn't it do i have your friend code citizen uh are you strider citizen where are you at there's one of these you because these are the only friends i see right now okay i thought you were strider look at me remembering stuff uh this one i swear you're the only one with that opinion habit bob which one is that the not speculating i mean i think speculation is fun but it's for me what citizen z33 i didn't see that i mean we might as well go see what strider's doing we're here maybe he's found that he didn't tell us i don't know who strider is strider somebody i remember i remember that name it's familiar i just don't remember who it is probably should enable multiplayer all right strider sorry 43 seconds is i i don't have that kind of time ain't nobody got time for that yeah see you're not you're not coming man i don't have your friend code in here [Music] just give me the glyphs did you put them in discord this is also this is why i don't play on xbox much anymore because i don't have the patience for the load screens uh should be in the ship contest discord yeah i don't have time to look for it just dm me dude you redeeming me earlier today on this chord just dm me the code load screen sucks yeah load screen does suck um no that's not the community plan i'm talking about if it's that one you're talking about the ship show discord that's not the community planet i'm talking about citizen no that's this was before this was like my first willy base so we're talking about we're talking about different things we're not the same we're not in the same part of the galaxy the um i didn't even call it a community planet it was that video that i did when i invited people to play before cross player was a thing it was like hey come join the discord and we'll you'll join my game and we'll get you to the planet it wasn't like here's the glyphs and come that's the problem it's not that the community planet i did when i had subscribers like uh it was several months later space where am i going your bases all right so let's go back to this one and we'll we'll work out from there don't mind load screen as long as the thing loading is worth it yeah i agree uh welcome to my world s-class thai wing explorer are you talking about the um you're not talking about the thai wings they're like this you're talking about the thai wings that are like this right yeah oh my gosh that's super green right there okay that's probably what i actually am looking for so let me actually there's comm balls over there too let me delete the space my xbox sounds like a jet taking off my xbox i put a new uh solid state hard drive in my xbox um a month or two back and it's actually running very good now i'm not sure which one of these combos i should go to we'll go to this one first i'm trying to find so this planet has a portal on it surrounded by combos and i'd like to build a base near there just so i've got a base near a portal um and then i know i found this system and it this is the place i know to start looking i hope you find your ship i'd be broken if i lost my ship i'm man i have so many and that's why that's part of the reason why i want more than six saves so i wouldn't even have to worry about the leading saves how much did that cost um i think the ssd i bought a gig ssd for 60 or 80 bucks i can't remember and you can find a video and install it yourself it's not hard to do if bob can do it you can do it it's totally worth it man it makes your xbox actually run well oh somebody else has got a base here bob's portal did somebody just do this while i was talking have you done this while i was streaming that's funny is there a way to copy saves out and back if you just wanted to archive yeah yeah you can certainly you can do that i just didn't do it who did this oster balls is that your name no i'm not gonna report it i just wanted to see the name better oster balls that's awesome i love your name oster balls uh a gig ssd for 60 bucks you were ripped off um i don't think i was maybe oh i mean i said a gig i meant a terabyte yeah so a gig yeah totally was ripped off if it was a gig i met a terabyte son of a yeah i'm an idiot i'm in a terabyte 100 yeah no yeah you're right you're right i'm wrong words are hard for bob okay and me too yeah yeah yeah i meant a tara that was me that's all me you buy a one gig hard drive uh it takes me a while newbie takes me a while what the could be showing up like that that's not cool all right so where's the portal wait where did it go all right that's too far i need to be closer love you though thank you bites are hard yeah the grass is is really really pops on this planet doesn't it just super green 100 meg idb bigfoot was the size of the cd-rom all right i want to be able to see the portal from my base routes i'll forget there's a portal at this base so i've got to find a spot that overlooks the portal but because that other person put a base there i can't do it right next to it so i appreciate the effort but now it's it's in my way i guess i could turn off multiplayer uh i just saw one of my base names which one sandy i'm on the stream yes jeffy she got it green grass okay yeah green grass that's a different color green too burn it with fire cleanse it can turn multiplayer off and build on top of them i'm playing a no-save scum perma i even took the first freighter i saved nice hey from okinawa what up chad how you been my friend just woke up yes greengrass is fine i guess i should have flown i didn't pay attention that it was 15 minutes on foot away am i going to the right one yeah that one's 18 hours away crappy 15 slot c-class that's fine you can buy a new one right that highlighter pin green yeah totally is so somebody asked out what do i do you know when i'm playing and how do i play for so many hours you know a lot of it is looking for something ancient data structure and then just going over there and then looking for something else and going over there i'll run around for an hour to grab and bury technology uh what is my dream ship it's it's the one on the thumbnail i had it and i lost it captain steve you are speed king of friendships what captain steve you are what i don't know what that means did you miss a word i feel like you might have missed a word yes on this stream when you left the portal oh cool okay here we go this'll work i can see the portal from here captain steve said yes okay all right that's cool i need an unobstructed view of the portal there we go now i can throw a base computer down hopefully this is far enough away that i can do it portable see if this is far enough away that would have been a death in permadeath for sure let's see if i can have this okay i can't have it all right let me uh get a different screenshot no capture hey hey v pal good to see you my friend thank you so much for the super chat so bob have you upgraded your irl exotic fighter been uh busy so i haven't had a chance to catch up with what's got going on no man so my um my irl car caught on fire a little over two weeks ago if you didn't know um there's a video on the channel if you want to watch it burn um but uh no it's totaled the insurance company totaled it so we're working it out right now um thank you so much for the super chat my friend i appreciate that uh so we're arguing about how much they want to give me for my 2008 uh mercedes diesel it only had 140 000 miles on it mind you for an 08 i could have i mean that could have lasted that could have got my kid through college who's 11 now totally could have lasted 10 more years but no had to light it on fire uh yeah guys 07 in the chat all right hold on sorry i got a tab out real quick oh 7 captain steve streamed this morning trying to break your no starter ship record eight minutes in he kept getting distracted by the creature companions and gave you bad props i yeah i saw that when i woke up that he had streamed and tried to beat it i assumed if he had beat it i would have heard so i didn't uh i didn't have a chance to watch the stream yet all right so i've got my base computer here i know i discovered this system about the time i found the ship that's what we know and this system may be close to where i found it it may not be but it's all i've got as a point of reference so i'm gonna kind of work out from here checking out some viking systems i'm going to look for systems that i discovered because i'm going to assume that i discovered it and i needed to i did not create a save let me create a save stop stop it bob all right jump in jump out you gotta [Music] remember uh i drive a 2000 lincoln town car nice sounds like a chick magnet hello watch it burn i so dig your sense of humor well then get paid insurance yeah exactly uh you like my woody woodpecker ship i like to say pecker so i'm down with that driving 89 town car giggity all right so all right there's some conversations going on the chat i have no idea what y'all are talking about all right so now here's the thing back in the day i didn't just go to three star systems i wasn't as uppity as i am now i would go to any viking system looking for a ship let's see who discovered this first contact okay so this isn't gonna be it well we can see what's here anyway uh what's up susie how's it going yeah the 2000 looks like a cop car doesn't it i like your ship colors the same ship in my freighter this one chad v-pal drives an o7 crown vic cop car nice well hello mr viking you need a squid now the squid is uh is special to me too but the squids are easier to find because they're all over the place especially when you get no man's sky court in exchange so it's not as sentimental because it's not like it's not really one-of-a-kind i'm being honest because they are they do spawn in multiple locations and unlike the these kind of exotics with the ball there's only one type of squid it's just in different colors do you remember the class when you bought it now it likely was not an s-class though because i've never had the patience to wait for an s i've gotten s's but it was accidental it wasn't like let me wait here for eight hours till i get one because luckily i learned how to scrap chips for nanites very early on in no mean sky so i never really worried about it i could always upgrade a ship anything here anything here all right we gotta save all exotics i think we're talking about the other ship the fighter that's not an exotic the ship that i'm on the hunt for is not an exotic uh how do you get the screenshot for bases to show up all i get is the bulk shot anymore i don't know what's up cynics how's it going that's a foot ugly planet let's go look at it damn it i thought i was gonna make it hey bud i should have busted out my vector the ship ain't made for fight let's make some jumping all right are we done oh you got one more all right you're dead there we go that one that's close but not my ship how do you use the rocket launchers on ps4 tigers asking i don't know anybody has four players help us out you gotta make sure they're installed first off um so if they're not installed that's part of the problem but you just on pc anyway you just in xbox you just swap to the right weapon for whatever reason exhibition kind of killed my mojo with the game haven't played since grabbing the special frigate oh really yeah i can see that holy inventory space yeah you can upgrade any ship so this is this this one was fully upgraded to 48 plus 21. so any ship you want can be 48.21 triangle swap it on ps4 [Music] uh huge mass effect fan kind of bummed i started playing right after expeditions two ended oh you started playing no me and sky right after expeditions too i got you you have 600 hours in your expedition save file so hey chad let me know tell me this because i have people ask me this question and my assumption is it's because they're on expedition save on your expedition save file can you get a um a save point beacon because i have people that comment from time to time on my videos that they can't get a save point beacon and how did i get it and my assumption is it's because they're on an old expedition save file and they disabled the save beacons on expeditions mmm baller this planet sucks i was like i'm looking i always do that i'm like i'm looking exotic and it's my ship let me grab this instead uh i have to go through the storyline it is given to you if you go through the story okay i have saved beacons and my expedition safe okay you can get them how important is 99 found one without the number rob if it's exactly the same without the number uh i'd probably be interested i mean i can always call it 99 problems it ain't got any kind of say it i guess but the 99 is important throw up uh put put me some information in the discord and i'll go look at it we'll go look at it now if you got it rob is it orange expedition save beacons but not the round save point that's what i meant this the round that's what i meant was around safe when i said save beacons that was my mistake this this thing here save point this one thank you julie you knew what i meant you're picking up what i'm putting down for state beacon confirmed and expeditions or point hockey puck hockey puck is that what you call yeah i could see that looks like a statue base to me see that's the nose right there that's the uh no it's not that's the stub we want the alpha geez we got a tie wing barrel nose tie wing with an r2 i think that's in blue and gray is that a different is that my exotic oh yeah it is because i put my alpha vector down there it's confusing me uh no stubby has a hollow front julie i got you roo thank you thank you all right if that storm quits i'll hang out here for another minute if it doesn't i'm out because the storm sucks uh let's see who said that uh i got almost the exact ship from underwater base mission i know it doesn't help but it's out there new alpha nose has antenna too jeff says really so there's a new alpha nose is that what's on the vector let me pull my vector up here hey december 79 thank you so much for uh joining the channel and welcome to superbob my friend thank you so much all right so this is the alpha nose right because it's an alpha vector ah i see what you did there and it does have antenna in the front yeah guys oh seven in the chat for uh simbric 79 i hate storms they really suck all right this time i'm done i'm done i can't i can't deal with this anymore all right let's save it and then what is up was it uh marcelo from brazil welcome my friend extreme radiation is horizon omega still in the game pierre asked i don't know morton busting out the bob's member stickers willy i like to see it uh all right so let's see where else can we go let's take that off let's go to free explorer let's filter uh economy actually i want to filter by race i think and it's going to be which one is viking red do i don't have any fuel or is this thing just have a crappy jump range is that why i wasn't using it i want to put multiple filters on i saw a three star something where'd it go all right well let's just go um economy the problem with economy is it's yeah that's how to jump range yeah all right whatever hey take care morton until linda awesome dairy um to take it easy if she's if she's leaving too uh are you searching random are you going backwards through the list of visited systems so omega falcon i don't have that save anymore so i can't go through a list of visited systems the save's over a year old and it's deleted so what i did was i found a system that i know was on that save that i discovered somewhere around the time that i got the ship and i'm kind of just looking around that system that's why i'm using this one because it's got a better hyperdrive range yeah 2000 much better even all she said ahead she heard you awesome did they give a reason for not allowing save points i don't know that they did but i assumed it was um just because of spamming them and and lag i'm assuming it was lag host list for the system for that system um that system i don't it's it's actually in my nanite video if you go to my channel it's like my third it was in the stream earlier um i was just at it i've shown it a couple of times um but it's in my nanite video the best way to get nanites or something like that it's in there about two thirds of the way through i show the glyphs like this big across the screen so you should be able to see it if you scan through it uh let's go and then let's get off the current mission and then let's go to life form and i want red three star quarterbacks now what the hell uh you have the marker beacon from the start the other is given during the storyline what's the time at where you are uh it is 5 23 i'm in eastern time i'm in georgia hey bob what's up typo i just discovered by larry k do i know larry k i feel like i know larry k alright so let's hit an economy scanner do we got what's the best way to swap multi-tool mods in a new multi-tool just dismantle and rebut yeah that's all you can do john that is it unfortunately 6 23 a.m in okinawa watching survival while playing no man's sky whilst i'm watching survival bob whilst i'm playing no man's sky that's that's some inception level events right there [Music] you're in tennessee other side of the eagle do 99 on the side have to be there martin it doesn't um if it has everything else i'll take it without a 99 morning show with bob yeah it's bob in the morning [Music] v-pal please willy please scalding heat uh hey man first stream i'm catching love the content hey thank you so much appreciate that is that fireverse ice gaming thank you for that buddy uh i found a paradise planet with the orange grass and blue trees i named the planet denver broncos it's dark everywhere i've been i feel like nice balls bro they're a little red you're into a red baller right there have an alien multi-tool with 10 000 dps wow hey tom thanks a lot buddy i appreciate it it's late night with bob over here better than any of you uh late night with bob sounds a little sus see now this looks like part of a ship like it's missing some pieces it's like a missile or something it's like two huge trade terminals on that ship yeah it kind of does doesn't it that an exotic no that was a ship going straight up let me get mine off the landing pad so that it'll uh open up a spot for everybody else mm-hmm yup you like the needle nose halo it's interesting it's definitely different i i don't i didn't hate it for sure i liked it uh it's it's not my style but uh it's definitely a cool cool looking ship what's up rick how you been buddy good to see you welcome welcome to the stream yeah that's a cool looking ship and i like the animations it does heck is that one of those pineapple creatures this guy looks like he's got his hand raised like he's about to karate chop somebody in the middle of a freighter battle you like that one too it has cool color it does have good colors i like the color combination on this one the needle knows if that's what we're talking about still what is my dream ship owen it's the um it's the one from the pitcher i had it and uh i've been thinking about it i can't let it go uh it's uh um it's an alpha front goal wing uh it's got the uh the fin orange it's got a 99 sticker on the side of it i had named it 99 problems and i lost it and i have no idea where i got it and so i'm trying to backtrack or find a very similar one and we've we've looked at a couple we've looked at a bunch let me check this chord in fact uh real quick it's been a few minutes let's see if anybody's throwing anything in discord um here turn that on where is it here we go so the one i'm looking for uh i would say my favorite ship is the one that doesn't randomly burst into flames feel me on that one i do i do feel you on that one so this is it right here my ship from back in the day it had the box uh i think these are called what are these called serenity intake uh it's got the um it's got the fin it's got the gold wings it's got a box in the back and it's orange uh it was just perfect here's a better look at the front here which they're telling me is called an alpha front so um i've got a lot of people post similar ones but no cigar yet this is probably the most helpful one right here um yeah that's that one i've seen that a couple times but it doesn't have the right intakes these are the square ones instead of the serenity ones and it doesn't have the same front on it or the or the uh the wing in the back there we go survival bob alpha dorsal fin gold wing box thruster serenity intakes orange 99 decal that's it thank you actually we'll give that a willy we'll give that a willy all right so that is there's nothing new in here let me get back over here no luck yet dominic nah man this is gonna be one of those things that may take a bit and i appreciate all the community help and looking but i don't think this is gonna be it either it would not be in a system and i should have thought about that immediately it's not gonna be in a system that's first contact so if you go to a system in its first contact it's not there doesn't mean you won't find one exactly the same but it's not my system where i got it and that's kind of where i'm at now i'm trying to find the system i know i was in and around this area of the galaxy when i f when i found it but i don't know how far off i was all right i want uh economy i want to go to lifeform filter had a three-star viking somewhere there we go no i didn't upload a video uh of it i mean i uploaded a video of me wanting it but not when i found it because it wasn't on a save i was doing a series on i was doing a series on xbox at the time and this was on my pc save i was just playing for fun what you got nitro [Music] well it's a fighter so their viking used fighter ships i wasn't paying attention who discovered this i discovered i discovered this one today i was like oh look i did that yeah that was just now got it bob you're smart you're a smart guy you're a smart guy uh was that picture of when you got it it was later on that was just a video of uh that i had it in that was my um probably the first video i did where i had that ship and i had been when i made that video i had jumped through my portal to a bunch of different stations i had already been to to try to find the best station for ship scrapping and i put that address in there so i know where i started from about an hour ago where i put the base computer down was a system that i found on that old save about a year ago when i when i had the ship and i already had it after i found it so um i'm kind of working out from there seeing hoping i can find it it's just i don't know another way to search other than just blindly so i'm kind of going in this direction maybe it was a previous model year probably was [Music] it was a 99 model year it might have been one of those half model years now there's vector wings but that's not the alpha front uh can the hello devs help out at least i do hey i if the if the hello games developers wanted to find my ship they could the the prize if you find it and show me where it is so that i can get it the prize is i will make a video saying whatever you want so if one of the devs wants to find it and have me make a video saying whatever they want me to say i would i would i mean if i was them i would take me up on that offer sounds like a fun thing to do uh the information is on discord rick yeah i've actually created a channel at the top of the no man's sky section called find bob ship and uh people have been putting suggestions in there and then there was all of the part pieces were listed in there i think now i wish i was a div i know right so if you want to check out the discord and put information in there if you've got something you want to be in the contest you can put it in the discord you can uh you can comment on the video and i'll probably see it there the problem with the video comments is if you comment on a comment like if it's a reply a lot of times i don't get a notification on that so i may miss it so um you know if you ever say something to me and i say something back and then you reply there a lot of times i'm not going to see that reply just because the way notifications work on my app jason plays has it tucked away in his garage is holding it hostage hey if i was jason i would bust out that ship because i could make bob say i could make me say um whatever i wanted right if i was jason he could be like make me say jason's the greatest snowman sky player ever bob is trash which we all know isn't true but i would totally say it if you found my ship i don't care i'm not above it i'll do anything for my baby whatever it takes to get her back that's a good scrapping ship right there an a-class fighter 2.5 million that's a good rapper too an a-class explorer hell we need some nights we might as well right let's grab a few ships while we're waiting give me that oh i need to get rid of another ship i've only got one um make an offer uh seems like you just said it anyway bob yeah but i didn't mean it there was no feeling there and we all know it's not true right there's another good one for scrapping check the discord have a viking ship posted you got one chad okay uh make an offer yes it's close okay feels the pain i lost my first living ship and it still bothers me to this day yeah i know man it's it's funny how we can get attached to pixels right i was talking to kadena one of the um one of my friends in here who who actually gave me the the one i liked the closest so far and uh she was telling me she lost one of her dinos in ark the other day and it was bothering her i get it been there here let me uh yeah i know here it says that too i get excited i'm like heck yeah i just got five s-class modules or whatever and then it's like no you just got one i don't know why it's teasing us like that uh what is this all right check this chord check this chord as long as you can strafe sentinels i don't care oh stone age art it's about i don't know man i miss i miss my baby two-tier viking systems you got a hunch yeah you may be right because i did uh yeah see that's not the right front it's the snow speeder front and it it doesn't give me the same effect i've seen that one i've seen that one chad um it'd be nice to be able to label our saves wouldn't it is that gold is this ship gold dude that's a gold or is that just a graphical thing it's a knockoff gold vector come on down to crazy bombs we got all kind of gold ships right here for you hang it up fresh give me the ship sir uh make it off now see now it does not look gold dark chrome yeah i think you're right let's take it out and see genuine artificial gold is it green now did it just turn green all of a sudden what the hell game why are you messing with me i don't know what this voodoo magic is but i haven't want nothing to do with it exchange is not working right now correctly talking about the quarter exchange fool's goal yes it was fool's goal he got me viking trick crazy bob right there yeah my game is open by the way if anybody wants to join my save um you're welcome to come here and kind of branch out and look around or do whatever it is you want to do in the game at all but you're welcome to join me if you want my friend code type in exclamation point friend code in the chat my friend code will pop up if you want uh jason plays friend code type in exclamation point enemy code in the chat and his friend code will pop up uh that is still working i believe not everybody at once now all right and what i'll do if i fill up if i get um if i get four people once they get here i'll uh see that's the snow that's that's not bad looking either that's the snow speeder front was on that one that they just showed me a picture of uh which is cool but it's not what i was looking for on that ship it won't change typo i don't think either i like the enemy code yeah did anybody type it nobody typed in nobody wanted jason's uh friend code i thought jason had more fans oh there it is there it is sam all right there's jason's uh friend code if you need it can you give the glyph address i'm sitting here at a portal yeah sure uh can you see that okay screenshot that the front works well with the angular cockpit yeah i think it does i'm about to land i'm on an airplane right now nice lucas it's enemy code shogu it's not just enemy oh look at that that's super red oh that's somebody else's i like your ship dude you very nice ship uh where do you find your own friend code uh so here's where you find your friend code you go to options uh if you're in game and go to network and then you got to what is it uh why can't i see it oh here go to your friends list and then show friend code so here's my friend code if anybody wants it um uh i think there's a way to do it as well from the um the loading screen all right there's an alpha factor all right so i think it is not here so i'm gonna go to another system all right i got how many people are here i've got three people here so i can leave this if anybody else wants to join leave the group you guys are here uh your first ship was a lopsided explorer and you thought it was purple what are you talking about kadena what first ship my first first ship watching episode four of what my first playthrough on uh xbox that um the one i named i did i named it like fat one or something like that because i thought it kind of looked like slave boba fett ship if i remember correctly hey to me when i first started playing the game and i had seen no ships they all were cool to me now i'm kind of uh like meh i've gotten uh jaded in my old age just dialed on my way now okay cool i'm heading out i'm looking at other three star viking systems around because i don't think this is it oh wait here's one so i'm looking so i'm flying into a system i'm looking to see if i just go it may be at a two star i spent about 30 hours hunting for your ship and found like 25 variants of your ship wow did you find the right one i just posted it like yesterday v-pal have you not stopped been looking for my shift or were you stalking me prior to that all right first contact that's a pretty planet right there [Music] purple and blue a temperate planet with aggressive sentence i'm already filled up again hillary's underrated his paint job and upgrade all right come on all right y'all go away go back to my purple planet [Music] oh you liked it when you spent i spent five hours today oh wow so you'd seen it before so you admired my ship from afar and that's awesome dude i hope you find it if what if which one of you have you found one that you bought v-pal that you liked enough for you to own i'm curious what you what you found you found that many variants uh bob new group yep got it done uh we used to be able to hit the x key and tab through discovered systems in the area really you said used to i'm assuming that doesn't work anymore this is a funky planet uh hey what's up fat squirrel how you doing uh it didn't quite work anymore gotcha well it's not on this save so it wouldn't wreck i mean this would have been um i don't know that it would recognize it as well it was still the same steam account but it wasn't this save that found it so i don't know if it would recognize it as one that i found or not i don't know how that works nice nut sack bro all right did i get a um a trade post no trade post all right uh let's see am i not getting a trade post here the system might not be discovered anymore it was a long time ago either the right body wrong color exact color and wrong body almost everyone today but alas the search continues thank you v pal let me know what you find brother uh okay is this a dead system i just didn't notice it because of the uh uh is it busted in multiplayer is that the problem jeffers must be because i've been scanning and not getting anything oh crap is this the one that gives you the uh is this the one that gives you the um quicksilver is it the condensed cellarized the one that gives you the quicksilver jeff is somebody else who would know i think it is isn't it that's good this is a this is a system you can mine quicksilver in yeah that's right it's like one out of seven or something like that i think one and six all right close it's a long way to do it man there's a long way to to farm it but if you need it your couple hundred or thousand off or something you want to do it you could is that somebody's fan hauler right there because that's pretty cool [Music] yeah that's a player ship that's what i figured we got a radiant pillar that i can't that i can look inside of apparently i don't think that's up to code uh hey dude what are you looking at is that what i look like when i run around that's somebody else's ship all right so let me go um leave the group again you have that same hauler uh network leave group so um uh maybe so stellar ice that pink stuff uh it's one of the things that generates randomly and it should generate in the system every time you um be warm uh let me reload and you have a one in six chance of when you shoot it you get 150 quicksilver i believe or is it 100 is it 100 i thought it was 150. well we'll go we'll we'll give it a test and see for science but it's like the only way to farm quicksilver outside of the missions in the nexus um come on was it droop blue hauler the quick drop yeah that's why it looked familiar here let me jump out of multiplayer for just a second and see if i can get this to uh work assistant that spawns over it should spawn every reload there it is okay so i turned off multiplayer and i had to leave the group to get a trade post to uh to show up with the economy scanner right now i didn't realize that was the problem we were having the blue hauler is a crash ship jason plays put a video out it's a a planet with four crashed haulers ah okay i don't watch a lot of jason plays videos so i didn't get it from there yep there's a stellar ice all right we got uranium that time we got a decent amount though it gives you a bunch of stuff so what do we get diox uh not dioxide that hydrogen the first time we got uranium the second time so there's six different things you can get i guess one of them is uh is quicksilver currently have 92 000 quicksilver on my normal save and everything in the shop unlocked did you get that legit jilly or did you i mean seriously did you get that legitimately because i'm impressed if he did ugly i farmed it with stellar ice oh wow how long did that take so you know that it's a hundred i believe you if you say that if you farm 92 000 work nibi you're welcome and thanks for teaching me the difference between a gig and a terabyte i had a lot of time on my hands during the lockdown nailed it it's you got to do exclamation point tom exclamation point enemy code there you go and that'll give you jason's friend code so you can go play with him whenever anytime appreciate it hey bob and chad hope every one as well we are doing good man morning where you at raptor must be on the australian see now normally i don't like the fin the dorsal fin because it looks big and out of place like on these two ships i don't love it well that's it works on this i should i take that back but like on that one it's okay frenemy code i want hawks's code it didn't work what didn't work jason's friend code it's weird i bet you so jason plays cancelled his streams today i don't know if you saw that um he said he had people working on his house but we all know he's desperately trying to find this ship so that he can make me make a video of his choosing we all know that's what he's doing that's why he's not streaming because he's out there looking for my ship so that he can claim the prize we gotta find it first but hell at this point i'd happily pay up i would happily pay up [Music] you all know that's why i know right jeff just read it more closely hey bob yeah you're an aussie land nice raptor got a decent sized aussie contingent look at this i didn't even notice this had the freaking look at the look at the cockpit this guy's seriously overcompensating oh my gosh this freighter you want it if you want it come get it here let me turn my uh uh multiplayer back on and um if you want if you want this fugly buddy it could be yours hold on let me get a better picture of that radiant pillar on steroids let me get off of it and it's green yikes i'm pretty sure that's green not turquoise they've pulled me before t3 raza's used to be highly prized before you could just expand ship inventories really it's thick what's up ostentatious austin i need you to find my buddy i will make the video of your choosing can't seriously i got beeble bum to spend some time on the stream also searching for your ship seriously i'm glad you're here um welcome if i didn't see you earlier hey do you have the base still on that first planet that we made way back in the day before my channel blew up on that for me it was like me and you and dirty and alex and um uh like three or four other guys on that planet you came and made a farm on it you know what i'm talking about oh welcome bieber bums people you heard about it you'll give it a go thanks buddy i need it the arboretum yes you i need a ride yes i'm trying to get to where i was in the system in the galaxy around that time so um i'd like to throw a base down there too i don't know ostentatious when's the last time you were in euclid though aren't you out in like the middle of nowhere now hey sad news have to go be well people hey be pal take care brother thank you so much for all the support and uh hopefully we'll find this all right i have it in normal mode i can at least get glyphs if you want to get there now i'm in normal this is normal yeah guys oh seven uh what specifics on the ship nope you stay in euclider ice and tam oh awesome you're good people cause that's where that's where it's at all right so here's uh here's the specifics let me go to discord and look somebody wrote it down for me first of all here's what it looks like this is the best i could do there's a video on my channel where you may be able to see some better stuff but uh somebody wrote down the terminology for me um where is it yeah this is not helpful again sesh if you're watching all right so it's an alpha dorsal fin gull wing box thruster serenity intakes orange with a 99 decal what's up beeble bible raid with oreos i love how you guys bring gifts you're awesome welcome guys welcome thanks for coming i appreciate it uh bob you sent me a better photo is it down here alpha stubby so it didn't i thought mine didn't have anything on it mine that's the difference between an alpha and a stubby just the tip boys just the tip don't forget the lice people okay bye thanks me pal appreciate it beeble raid welcome my friends that is not that is not even close my that is what what what no but i will give you an award you get the you tried award all right there we go all right lee let me know if you get in i'd love to get it there some point this one is um this is this one's this is the uh radiant pillar on steroids all buffed up the intendrials are for the 10 hour procedure are they not i don't know i'll let you ship experts go i almost found it by accident but it was yellow with a 22 decal i'm not a fan of yellow all right i think i'm done here i think i'm done waiting around on this planet let's go to the next one hey buddy where's my it's over there uh in your discord oh dm oh my bad okay let me check my dms people be sliding in my dms while i'm streaming oh yeah that is a good one there's another picture of it november 15th yes see i had this one for like man i had it for a long time but i think i found it around june last year or before that actually what you got nope that i keep getting this one thought i keep getting that one that ain't it it's got uh it doesn't have the right intakes and it doesn't have the uh the fin it makes a world of difference to me the way it looks uh huh never found a tyler we're still looking somebody wrote it down laugh you feel so under-appreciated like ned ryerson needle knows ned ned the head laugh i'm sorry i'm not good at names if your name was waff i would totally remember it though what is waff what does yf stand for is it like what but with a fart i don't understand all right i'm going i'm going to a dark place let me stop all right let's try this system did have um stellar ice in it too by the way if anybody wanted to um to farm stellarize bing you got it carmen all right let's move on to the next one all right so let's get off of that get to my lifeform filter oh wait that wasn't a viking three star that was it crash due to steam update be right back no worries never found it tyler um bob is in a dark place leaves too much room for my imagination to run sorry sorry uh survival bomb looking at discord and the w stands for will what the f stands for with fob my last name is more than two letters the w stands for will confused discovered today so this probably ain't it either laugh for my initials if you get one more letter in there you could be a radio station my first name is william can i call you billy the the name william has so many different um it's a quagmire planet has so many different uh nicknames it's awesome got william will liam bill billy tommy mikey paco all of that stuff maybe krp in cincinnati there you go my screen is frozen my camera is not though no that's not good hold on there we go how's that the w in africa stands for water what uh yeah sorry that's what happens when you have display capture on as well as your video capture game capture whatever it's called moose here did i miss moose what's up moose it's wrong bob i'm on the planet i have steam friends online at multiplayer enabled let me know if you need an invite uh yeah hold on i will be right there this looks like a cool moon i'll be right there seriously let me just get here and uh totally need to know me and scott incredibly addicted welcome to the addiction it's okay to be addicted to no man's sky damn i think this man all right so let me go options uh quit the mode select on my way the junkies of no man's sky all right hold on let me do this actually i'm i'm sure you don't care dearly bob's desert arboretum yeah so this is my very first community planet before i even knew what to call a uh community planet it was before cross play when i actually bought the game just to play with some of my friends on pc that i've met on youtube uh so i had i don't know if i'll be able to see my base here though because that save no longer exists where i made that base so i don't know if does that mean the base is gone seriously can you see my base the first step is admitting you have a problem that is absolutely true the second step is admitting that it's okay to have a problem it's okay i thought that was denial is the first three steps actually uh they should be there if uploaded yeah it's just i i don't see it though so i don't know how to find it if seriously if you see it though go over there and i'll follow you because i'm not seeing it i can only see three bases at the moment and that are mine so this was the original willy planet but then uh willie was taken away from me and um when origins came on buff's place i remember i still recognize that ship to lee pretty cool little uh pretty cool base that he came and built and to me like at the time this i mean it's still cool i i'm not taking anything away from it but i was like oh wow this is so awesome that you can build this kind of stuff because he was using glitch building techniques to put this together and everything and he had all of these and i was so new to the game it was really cool place that we could come grab materials too so i dig on this base and kind of the deal was on this planet that everybody who came had to build out of wood i think you can see a base from another save you think you can okay let's see what i can find home of the swamp now this wasn't a swamp back then there's crazy i remember him he was crazy this buff 50 had um he wasn't too far from me let me go over there and see if i can run across it i'ma throw another base computer down have coordinates for us to come hunt over there yeah sure paddy's here um actually hold on let me let me land because the camera gets weird when you're flying over to buff's place shorty's trailer oh gosh i remember this one too y'all remember shorty he used to hang out i don't know where he's been i need to check on him shorty beard uh used to be uh he's one of my moderators he hadn't seen him enough months but uh he built this uh little trailer park here land there you go all right um you wanted the coordinates here they are this is an ice and tam you found my base nice so here it is let me uh snap a photo of that oh is it not loading it all the way yeah so this is the uh trailer uh i love it because it's got crap all over the yard i don't think it's fully loaded in heading over to help thank you appreciate that all right uh i'm assuming that's it right over there yeah i don't see it yeah i'm assuming that's the landing pad yeah this is okay all right it's starting to load in now there she is the first willy bass yeah willie got moved with origins that's kind of why i abandoned this place it killed willy and all the uh fauna became hostile look at him it's off you guys dead i'm assuming you're dead all right it's partially loaded in come on load in a him life support thank you that wasn't life support it's not life support there it is found it uh my first my first bedroom yeah there's a hole there for me this was the first willy viewing area hasn't loaded in yet but i think willie's gone dude i left you the exact ship's seat on the video that he posted uh serious wolf uh i didn't see it i looked at all of them uh i told you to use no man's sky seed and then use a save editor for the ship you want i don't know how that works dude how does that work i don't i don't even understand all those words night ostentatious keep an eye out for that hey appreciate it man it's very specific yeah i know i i mean it doesn't have to be you know i want it pretty damn close everyone that's been close i'm like eh that's not quite it okay save the game download the no man's sky save editor there's a section or ship change the seed of what i post in the comment change the seed to what i posted in the comment okay i've got save editor not sure if it has a 99 but it has the wings and the nose is it orange the save editor can you change a ship with save editor like that's what i'm losing like i've used save editor just to um like delete stuff and add stuff when we were having the problems with expeditions but that was it yes you can all right i'll have to look into that because i will totally use save editor to get back something i used to have i'm okay with that wolf what was uh well i'm guessing it's serious wolf this is gonna be your name on youtube since that's the same name you're using here uh i'm just gonna fly over here and throw a base down so i can get back here i don't think i have the uptime thing patrick i don't think that's working i'll dm you a reddit link about changing the ship color thank you weft appreciate that william uh the color is part of the seed it's going to be the very hard to find change the color i'm learning way more about ships than i knew and seeds and all that stuff is the seed is that the sh is that the ship seed is that what we're talking about each ship has a seat that identifies the exact look i gotcha uh oh gee bob planet go with willy definitely interested to see how you can change the color yes i'm hoping that comes in the next update see this planet that's why i abandoned this planet because everything got hostile and they killed willy ship shopping yeah who was willy willy was one-eyed willy uh it was a um abyssal horror that i had um right here in the water and i built a base with a viewing platform and couches that you could sit there and look at one-eyed willy this was one-eyed willy's what was it bro house and arboretum i don't know what it was called it had a bunch of words it's probably on the base computer bob and willie's grow house and splash pool yeah that's the name of this one uh chris hey babes you following me yeah we raided bob thanks for the raid people dude i appreciate it so back when i used to oh it's not it's not loaded in yet so this was my first attempt at building a bathroom and a bedroom um a little over a year ago and i had a toilet here and i spent three hours making parts bigger and smaller in testing and playing and making this toilet i i had my buddy come over i was like hey check this out man check out my bathroom he was like hey cool washer and dryer and i was like man building i'm never doing this again i'm done with it it's not a washer dryer it's a toilet i steal this guy's stuff yoink yep what about this that's gonna be that's gonna be mine of course that's how that works liking my style of shower thank you all right so i've got a spot here now this is a place i can go look out from i think you were in a co-op with granny and pig pog was in chat what are you talking about how many hours do i have it know me in sky um i mean not near as many as a lot of people i think i'm a little over a thousand on steam and probably another couple hundred on um [Music] on xbox i have a son named william we call him willie nice is he big willy or little willy all right so it just why is this my current mission did it move because i put a base down it moved didn't it free explore all right so let's go to actually you know what in the middle medium willy depends on if willie's been in the pool it's shrinkage uh he wasn't streaming you can see the ship april 2020 on the video this seed may be closer all right let me grab that well i'm trying to cut copy that there we go all right um so where are we hey take care seriously so i appreciate it man i'm in the system that you gave the glyphs for looking around um so the glyphs was just kind of these are places that i was about the time when i had the ship it's it's the only point i have for where it would be that's the only place i know to just start looking instead of just randomly so my my assumption was if i can go to some of these places where i knew i was around that time and kind of just work my way out maybe i'll stumble across it but really that's it yo bob i need to do some rendering and i need all the power i can get hey take care of them i'm not going to be on much longer i'm actually longer than i thought i would be uh take care man appreciate the raid too my friend i understand needing power on rendering want it in white all right so the save editor thing i'm gonna have to look into that i know i don't have it on this pc but i have it on my other pc which is dead i can give you hex site you know are you talking you're talking to me that's okay any luck on the ship yet ben no um save editor is cheating um i i would agree with that for a lot of things i'm okay cheating to get back the shift that i lost because i deleted a file on accident i'm okay with that and uh i'm the one who will answer to it on judgement day and i'm okay with that it's not like i'm giving myself 110 billion units or nay nights or anything like that uh so uh save editor may have backup save of the old file if you can get that pc alive again no i mean i don't so here's the thing man i deleted this the save back in january when i was doing speed runs uh because i was just doing a speed run and what i failed i would quit delete the first save because i was full i was maxed out on my saves i would delete the first save because it was the last save i was in and then do another speed run and i did that for hours and hours and then one time i i quit before it created a save so my top save was not the speed run it was my oldest save and uh i thought about it trying to get it back and i was like you know what there's nothing i can't get over again it's not that big a deal um and then i realized i did not know where i got that orange ship so uh saint pete okay bob looks like you're good to go whoa wait a second did you save edit no mean sky damn nation no i haven't done it so that's where we're at the notorious received honey butter donut thank you gray matter for the honey bunny butter donut i thought i got a honey butter doughnut oh it's going to be my exo suit isn't it or my donut at there's my honey butter doughnut wow that's a 105 000 honey butter doughnut this is extremely close but no 99. so where do you get that code that's what i'm curious about where do you get the seed code that your you guys are giving me i'm just copying these and sticking them in my discord for later there we go uh i hope for the next update we can buy ship parts from a vendor and build our own with the colors we like i'm hoping we get some some aspect of ship customization in the next vid in the next update i mean i think that's what that thing could be in the in the space station i really do you can only view the code in the save editor okay that looks like a signal booster code what's up mark how you been my friend it's good to see you i'd love a battle start like the bike i know right i i seriously doubt we'll see another um crossover event like we had for mass effect anytime soon we may i may be totally wrong uh i just want to be able to change yeah i know i think i if i had to guess what they would give us i don't think they would ever give us full customization because i i just don't see it i could see him allowing us to change the colors because we have the precedent for that already i don't even know what i picked who's i don't know where i am oh well bob is live what's up keith and i've been live for three and a half hours buddy where you been gotta get the notifications on brother uh remember that we wanted freighter color and got it even color would be fine yeah i think so i'd love more freighter parts in general more just more everything hey carnville thank you so much for the super chat 20 hours when i started my nominee and sky journey i found your videos and usually uh a go-to for stuff i'm trying to figure out topic that was two years ago uh about your wheels after seven months of being totaled got mine legal nice carnville thank you so much thank you so much for the super chat buddy i appreciate that oh sorry okay that's i missed it i missed it okay sorry about your wheels after seven months after being totaled yeah got mine legal oh man that's awesome glad you got yours legal oh seven guys o7 in the chat all right where's that base like it was right here there we go there we go there it is what we're looking for is youtube your full-time thing it is now it is now i started doing youtube when during lockdown um and really grew the channel like crazy um and uh my business was working in school systems which all shut down at the time so um i wasn't able to do that and uh my business kind of went downhill so i i sold the business thankfully i was able to sell it and uh here i give youtube a go it doesn't it's not what it used to be but i'm blessed to have the opportunity to try to do something that i really enjoy after doing a lot of stuff that i was just kind of like meh so you don't think we'll get full testers out either uh it's in the bottom of the top half scroll up on the fighter page there's 15k seats for fighters alone 15 000 seats for fighters alone holy all right so who wants to go through 15 000 seeds for bob jason will do it this one's close you got the wings anyway you got the box just got the wrong nose you need a nose job on this bad boy i mean the color is not bad either i need the right nose and the right paint but this is the this is the the ass end of what i'm looking for well not completely but i don't i don't mind that it's not the box but it's close it's almost one for everyone that's right all right so um guys i i i know a lot of y'all just got here and i appreciate y'all coming but i gotta end the stream but i've gone 37 minutes past when i told my kids i would stop screaming and i would feed them some food if you want blue that one huh so wolf how are you getting these i mean are you finding ships on the court exchange and i don't know how are you getting these um all these numbers are you just looking at them anyway um take care kadena take care wolf luck devil seriously thanks so much for coming by uh beeblebum all the guys who came over from biebel's raid i appreciate y'all stopping in uh leave a like leave a uh subscribe if you haven't check notifications uh continue to keep looking jeff is using hey warfrat take care buddy thanks waf uh waf i appreciate it bud uh james keith ryan citizen good night ben uh tom sam good night sam good night pig uh it's late you guys gotta go to bed uh go halfway down the start going through the page you'll find many colors and wings i got you okay i'll have to play around with that some montanars thanks buddy appreciate you coming in chad eon 07 my friend um jilly jello girl 27 thanks for coming sick fish uh there you go feeling those feeding those darn kids i know man it's like they they want to be fed every couple hours it's really uh ramping my style gotta say um uh but uh sandy newby martin tom jilly a007 monster take care take care so for purple later neon all right guys you guys take care we'll see you next time
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 36,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky, no mans sky, no mans sky livestream, no man's sky livestream, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky gameplay, no, man's, sky, no mans sky survivalbob, no mans sky survival bob, survivalbob, no man's sky ship, find my ship in no man's sky, no mans sky ship, ship, looking for my ship in no man's sky, dream ship, no mans sky dream ship, survival bobs ship, no mans sky ship hunting, dream ship no mans sky, no mans sky ship hunt
Id: -MB04QKu3hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 6sec (13146 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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