How to Make Money Fast in No Man's Sky Origins 2020 | Start to $100,000,000 units in under 3 Hours

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all right are we live i think we're live i'm not sure this stuff's hard let me know if you guys can hear me awesome what's going on everybody welcome man guys thanks so much for hanging out uh what's up kj jan corey flow i was five and two bro but you were taking the whole chat up and i couldn't read it fast enough uh shorty thanks so much for helping out waf what's going on uh mike demon noah limpy uh that i can't keep up sam john randall what's going on mondelani how's it going mk mickey mystic mike eric real beans james what's going on guys cosmic harmony how's it going elijah kyle hank ganshue d sanye i'm guessing nathaniel what's up buddy uh tanner pig pog polo welcome buddy yo yo yo elijah don't get put in timeout bro uh my rose adam what's up all right so guys uh jermaine what's going on gail how's it going that's mccoy good to see you guys billy what's up no life what is that k-huf casey i don't know how to say that but welcome buddy uh what is that dicey and dyson nation i don't know tom what's going on buddy good to see you philos uh gas ganzhu 84. awesome buddy uh rad zombie red zombie some kind of zombie uh timeout isn't fun i've been in timeout most of my life honestly so uh all right hope you're having a good day thanks hank i am um finally got me live awesome well youtube told me three o'clock was the time my time i was supposed to stream to hit the most people so we thought i'd do that uh and uh yeah guys glad you're here all right so here's what we're doing um there's a timer jam don't you worry don't you worry what's up kyle um if i missed you i'm sorry limpy uh what we're doing in this stream is i'm going to start a new save and we are going to race to the anomaly not the anomaly i'm going to raise to 100 million which includes a race of the anomaly and then beyond now kj's laughing because she could do this in like 38 minutes but i'm not kj i can't do that all right every time i switch screens it moves my stuff i don't like this so i'm trying to upgrade my membership but you can't figure out how john i'm sorry buddy i don't have any idea not a chance you get my money i can't even i see it moved it keeps moving my things stop moving my things don't move my things all right so i got a timer uh right there you see the timer in the corner uh turn it off that starts it over so here's what i'm going to do uh 100 billion then yeah exactly uh so i'm going to start a new game and then i'm going to get in hit photo mode and i'll start the timer and we will go okay y'all ready who's ready i'm ready sort of ready ready oh yeah i should let y'all see the screen huh you want to see the screen or you want to just stare at that picture no man's origins this one there you go what's up q welcome buddy man i got a headache i just took tylenol uh hopefully that will work trying to make computers work uh gives bob a headache unfortunately grabbing popcorn awesome what's up from hawaii what's up tb you like that white picture all right here we go ooh nice planet all right timer set guys hit that like button if you like what you're seeing i would appreciate it let's youtube know that this is good stuff and they should show other people so i've been having problems with fps on my game when i'm running everything and so i turned it down to high instead of ultra uh we'll see how this works um did i turn off my vpn i'm pretty sure i turned off my vpn oh well we'll find out hank not able to stay long damn it that keeps moving my chat window over stop doing that there we go maybe that'll work every time i tab in and out of the game it moves stuff when i tab back in my second monitor now the chat's way over there okay i'm supposed to be doing stuff aren't i yeah rocks i don't see rocks is that a rock that looks like a rock see yep it doesn't work uh-huh i need rocks all right watch out little animal thing bob's just shooting things what's up biebel how's it going bud all right uh more rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks i learned a little trick from kj i used the other night on a stream that i'm pretty sure it was kj that uh whatever direction you start is the direction your ship is and i did a race the other day and i remembered that so i just started running forward straight helped me out so kudos to her and her vast knowledge of stuffs right i'm supposed to fix this right yeah fix fix it man it keeps moving the damn chat window hold on it keeps moving the chat window like way over i wonder if i do this what does this do does that help a little bit no it's a little closer all right um what am i supposed to be doing sodium why am i in first person i thought i thought something looked weird i don't want to be in first person there we go all right where's my ship uh oh recharge yep there we go pretty sure it's this way ish ish give me the stuffs i wanted where's my ship okay sweet this way this way i don't even really need the sodium but i like to grab things oh i'll take this so i did this the other day on uh twitch and i had a really crappy start and i did it in like i literally had 10 seconds to spare when i did it so um i'm honestly i put three hours i'm really trying to do it in like two and a half just to see but this gives me time to screw around and read the chat a little bit so hey see you hank man thanks for stopping somebody tells us oh i know shooting stuff we need everything when you get the two billion you'll never spend it yeah i honestly i think i've gotten to a billion once i just never really needed it so i wasn't sweating it i'm in normal mode or easy mode or bob mode whatever you want to call it uh you've got the goodly music going you must be doing it right i like goodly music [Music] all right what's up orange mode uh never worked at a place where someone oh yikes they were negative yeah i see what you did there beeble bum i see what you did all right oh nice when uh-huh give me the things can't wait for the update i know right what's up alex how's it going never fill the slots the best thing about normal mode is not having to count when you're buying stuff is that a mr peepers over there it is hey mr peepers what's up i'm doing a race you want to come oh you got pink eye or red eye or orange i don't know we'll ask kj what color that eye is but it's uh it's not it's not normal i do know that all right what's up chewie how's it going bud all right i lost my ship again there it is bender's not here he'll be here i'm sure bender always always shows up eventually all right from denmark what's up buddy morton how's it going uh does that say 100 million i yes i do think i'll be able to get 200 million i'm we'll see if i can get to 250 or something i can probably get more [Music] uh you were the first to write real you're the man i'm not gonna scan to get money all right get out right and now i fix stuff i'm not even reading what it says i should probably be paying attention huh yep one of those right there yep we did it put one of these in here too while we're at it just for funsies jump back in there eating pizza don't find a bone that's not good that's yucky yeah did y'all see cue ball found a uh sweet blue exotic on a first wave video he put out today pretty cool now i want him to spend all his waking hours looking for a double exotic that's what i need especially if pugnum's gone for goods which i kind of feel like it is getting my balls back bet i get the 300 be hitting that first wave exotic i might even keep one jan what are you doing [Music] shirt and a seal always be hermetic i don't even know what hermetic means my first survival bob what's up average joe welcome my friend it's still in the game as a memorial gen head butt of the keyboard it happens it happens is that something is that a thing have i found any oxygen yet i don't think i found any oxygen yet all right let's hop in here let me do an inventory real quick uh yeah i do not have the oh i have 14 that's not really super helpful but whatever um put that there we got we got a life support jail so that's when all right you ready what's up average joe hey buddy thanks so much for becoming a channel member appreciate that uh am i getting valhalla yeah i i doubt it all right let's do this kyle there's if you're on a pc there's a join button if you're on an iphone it will not let you because you know apple um but it's a it's a membership uh you have to go to a web browser to do it so if you're on a phone a lot of the phones won't let you because they want you to buy through their system and give them the monies too uh so what's the secret about making money there's lots of different ways to make money and my point the whole point of this is i get lots of people saying it's so hard to make money and it's really not there's lots of different ways to do it um and you know generally like in my playthrough i did not do this because it's not super fun for me to to do this it's fun as a challenge but as game play it's not the way i enjoy playing the game i like to explore i like to take my time make my money do things like that but i just kind of wanted to show that it is possible that to get going in the game and in a couple hours holy look at these hills uh i'm glad this isn't permadeath um excuse me in a couple hours you can get to uh a ton of money and not even have to worry about it anymore that's the whole point so uh ooh i want one of these and then i want that to get out of my way there we go that's what i'm talking about oh oh i'm good i wasn't worried you shouldn't worry don't worry how long should you stay on the first planet until you're ready to go buddy no rush you know i mean now stop doing that thing give me that uh yeah sure why not now you're worried don't worry i'm not worried you shouldn't worry it's normal mode although while i was testing my settings i did accidentally kill myself with a plasma grenade about an hour ago while i was testing settings in a different in my oldest save kyle welcome buddy thank you so much for becoming a channel member man i appreciate that really does help out you guys oh seven uh whoever wasn't led me here whoever left this message uh stuff words words reading with bob um nothing cheap asses all right i gotta fix my thing now right my visor dealie i should have done that already carbon nanotube i should have carbon right yeah i got a lot i got the lots of carbon it got boring yeah i i it can happen man you got to find things that you enjoy but i've really i love just wandering around [Music] whoever it was that left this for me clearly didn't have a multi-tool or they wouldn't have been stuck yeah i know right they were really bad at this game apparently because this is the first thing you do or you know surviving or whatever i guess i should have waited out the storm whatever i can't even tell how many people are watching that's it's covered up on my screen is it 250 mike that's cool let's go i really need some oxygen oh thank you thank you game i need that hydrogen too and the storm stopped things are looking up for bob [Music] give me that and that oh how rude wee oh oh oh okay all right we're good we're good don't worry we're fine i totally knew that was going to work out who's spamming not paying attention what's up papers anybody see oxygen i feel like i need more oxygen any hazardous flora there's some where is it oh damn damn hiding uh let's see anything else scan that my starter guy runs faster you got to hit the run fast button for sure run fast button is super helpful jan getting a jump on the life support thank you so much i can use all the help i can get bender's here i told you bender would be here they were worried about you bender because you weren't here yet and out i need a metal plating don't i am like like 99 i need a metal plating yeah missing components i'm sure it's a metal plating it's always a metal plating all right you get some of that and yeah you know that some of that goes there i need 40 of this 50 of this and you do that while i'm waiting all right we ready i'm ready everybody else ready let's do it all right that's enough time to oh wait two ferrite dust i need that don't lose it give it now let's go yeah no political on the chat or uh shorty will mute band put you in the corner time out all that stuff uh there's enough of that going on everywhere else we don't need it here we're just here to have fun all right i feel like i'm hitting w my favorite bender quote i'm so embarrassed i wish everybody else was dead that's awesome all right i hit the left shift there you go and then all right somebody want to talk i'm guessing it's that planet sorry i'm doing something i can't talk on the phone right now identify yourself so uh we can do it i'm gonna do it without chlorine uh sort of like back view of the pillar third person look at that totally guessed it nailed it it's like i've done this before uh i sort of like the back yeah i like third person honestly i just i get a i like the peripheral view i like to be able to see to my sides not just straight ahead of me i feel like i'm a horse and blinders or something uh maybe maybe mike i don't know it really depends on what i find and then a friend's gonna come in and give me some something yeah that's that's what i'm gonna do people shh don't tell them i wanna wait till the end um is the timer going yeah okay 2 40. it's not on my main screen 20 minutes not my best time the second planet by any means but it's all good we got plenty of time crashing is in but you need eighty thousand to crash something kyle so uh i'm gonna spend the next two and a half hours mining cobalt hope you guys enjoy this stream wait wait what what the hell just happened why did that do that that was weird um [Music] you do that uh no i am not actually this is the cobalt mining stream what was i supposed to be doing i was supposed to be fixing my multi-tool i was gonna make a terrain manipulator yep yep yep mm-hmm and then one of these and then bam oh two of those i gotta be like that there we go clickety clickety clickety clackety we gots it are you did i talk i talked to you already right base computer done positron ejector for ferrite yeah that's legit on the right planet that is something i normally do in first person so i don't smack into the mountain hey hey thanks for subscribing base computer online excellent yeah so actually what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the anomaly and i'm gonna go to an activated indium farm grab a bunch of stuff and then we'll be done in about an hour so i wasn't paying attention did i get it yeah i got it oh i forgot it i forgot to touch this that's exactly what she did uh kj did you notice that you have to put a roof on now you can't just slap down four or six uh thingies i can't see i should have gone into photo mode all right there we go uh bass computer i forgot to touch this bob likes to touch the things i like to touch everything it gets me in trouble sometimes yeah i was grabbing the atlas's balls this morning in my let's play it was none too happy i did rejoice though when i did it so oh wait hazard oh wait i'm good where is it there it is don't you hide from me give me four that's two which is like four but half as much all right um that's a natural burial site that's interesting we could mess around with that there we go i got it um there's not a lot of data around here surround bomb i'm relatively new to the game and you're the one who got me into it really awesome man i'm glad to hear that is there a way to upgrade your ship's storage uh from tier two to tier three for example uh yeah um you can do storage augmentation um you can upgrade the class with nanites i'd recommend i mean you can have six ships right so if you've only got the one ship in your early game your best bet is to just buy a bigger ship keep that one and wait till you have the stuffs to um to do it later really really there's no salvage data wait that's it's a knowledge stone damaged machinery there we go all right this storm should be over in a minute right oh lightning who thinks bob's gonna die oh [Laughter] you get uh you get a little gust of wind there in the storm pushes you a little farther than expected there we go how we doing i really should have checked my ship to see if i had any fuel and i think i do bob doesn't die he resets whoa yeah this is not yeah not permadeath i don't think i could do 100 million in three hours on permadeath with the stack size i was playing around with it but then i died so my uh my testing ended you know because stuff all right how far is that 600 all right fine uh bob has to catch up with chat yeah bob's not gonna catch up with chat sorry guys i appreciate it if you need me at me yeah i hate uphill uphill sucks in real life and in games so do you didn't think i saw you there did you we need this mining while we run nailed it i need you bob for no reason at all sometimes well i appreciate that now this is the way to go up a mountain in case you don't know and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't for me hey who did that oh thank you appreciate that you can suck it now hey later that's mccoy are you leaving are you saying bye i don't know i miss that a lot who run low on carbon there's not a lot of carbon on this planet to be honest or at least i'm not seeing it right now uh well i mean there's that big tree so i guess that's something [Music] all right what's up scott finally caught a live stream awesome give me the carbon and don't don't blow your load too soon bob you gotta you gotta give a little tappy tap when it gets right there near the edge the bob memorial wishing well thank you thank you jan don't don't lose it damn it every time uh uh uh uh all right what am i supposed to be doing pure ferrite portable refiner no where's my refiner i feel like i had a refiner somewhere anybody see my refiner seriously did i not put it down did i pick it back up that seems like a reasonable thing to do let's put that in there and then i didn't i didn't i prepare it ahead of time look at that i remembered and i already had my 40 pure ferrite nailed it nailed it bob remember in numbers what was i supposed to do with that though carbon nanotubes and one of these things you know i want to read that we are legion we are bob somebody sent me that a couple people have mentioned that i haven't i haven't had a chance yet um technology i need that and then that and that yeah yeah do i i don't need it it's 50 grand and screw it let's do it i might get lucky it's worth it audible yeah audible's legit um i haven't driven anywhere in a super long time so i haven't used audible much but i used to use it all the time when i was on the road uh let's see what else do i got here you do something useful you turn into four metal platings uh-oh rut row bob needs the carbon star bulb thank you all right how much carbon do i have i'm not even paying attention let's see this concert my weapon charge is depleted i don't like that all right uh i am probably not i may do a little chlorine but that's not primarily what i'm gonna do sponsored by rage shadow legends yeah i want some of that rage shadows money no you're not going to give me the things please give me the things all right um hold on let me let me step inside what is it it's two carbon nanotubes if i remember correctly yep and i did uh right there is good enough can we get a little higher please how do i do that i can't remember how to go higher and battery nope nope power this menu is so so janky to me it's still as much as i've played it still is weird i don't know a better way to solve it but rename your base where's my base computer i lost it it's by this big hole this place looks like a freaking wreck uh bob's uh mega millions space and upload this is where it started guys rags to riches story right here gotta get my lab from work i'll see you later buddy see you mandelatti appreciate you stopping in as always look at all that carbon you get one that's all you get uh i don't think i do get paid if you say it enough but keep trying we'll see what happens i get my agent on that all right um explore the planet expand your base i don't want to do that i want to go to the stars do i have any money 8500 that's not really not a great start kind of need some walking around money that's a little far away do i what am i looking like on i'm doing okay with that um really i'm out of ferrite dust that sucks man give me the rocks i need the rocks uh don't put them in timeout yeah i'm on normal mode for sure how is there mordite in a rock is that like a fermented poopy or something it's a poop rock fossilized poopy so um here's a funny story about fossilized poop my uncle by marriage i guess step uncle something my stumple his daughter won the okeechobee florida uh cow chip throwing competition back in 1992 so jealous yeah so they take a calcified uh cow turd and they see how far they can fling it and then you win so who says women can't throw poop as good as men what was i supposed to be doing i feel like i'm supposed to be doing something go to my base computer oh yeah i was gonna make launch fuel then i had to get some ferrite dust you like that claim the greatness uh i was just grabbing some ferrite dust right there he did not marry my aunt my grandmother married his dad so there all right can i leave can we leave now i want to leave this is what i was going for let's go oh look at that cave did i get anything i don't think i got anything i'm gonna check this burial site real quick though see if i can get some monies um great uncle great great uncle my uncles are pretty good but none of them are great oh ancient bones give me the bones give me the bones rare item can i can you get out of the way please uh aunt mother sister they're all the same yeah in alabama they are i had a friend who was his own great grandfather that's special that was wind just sitting right there all right where's my ship is there anything else magical laying around what did we get anyway um yeah 650 115s yeah all right i mean that's a good start give me a million or so here can i grab that real quick this mad angry mushroom all right put that in there and then all right off to the space station to listen to the awesome music who's excited he's ready for the music space station music first time is my favorite hopefully i won't get a dmca you have family in alabama so you know it's true right mike um is it your is it never mind uh stop it bob you're not in red the blue that what if you're not in red the blue today let's see what we got here got 30 seconds to look at things not a lot i got 200 000 i should have a little over a million it's a good start superman theme yeah that's what i was singing i get songs stuck in my head for about a year my uh the song that i woke up to i set on my iphone was the superman theme song woke me up every morning i recommend it if you don't have a theme song to wake up to borrow superman's get in the hole bro what are you doing [Music] what's up tinolino welcome yeah this is the this is the first time in the space station song my favorite uh give me that [Music] give me all the i'm not like super hurrying on this either if you can't tell i feel like we should have plenty of time all right what do you sell here um i know i'm gonna need some copper because i'm gonna need 125 chromatic metal and i let's just go ahead and buy two i don't have the money for that well what would you say if i said have some aged bones that that that that that that that that 977 nice what's going on pune stream how's it going buddy mind if i step there thank you nice 300 views nice guys if you like what you're seeing hit that like button if you have questions go ahead and ask them in the chat there's a lot of knowledgeable people on here way more than me actually um chromatic metal for the win all right i need 125 of that but let's just buy like more because it's good to have because i always forget about when i need it for stuff i'm like playing permadeath i'm buying exactly 200 um all right let's take all of that let's take uh i'm gonna need five of these do i have any of these yet nope not found any uh microprocessors got it um now give me one of those just because i don't want to waste my oxygen uh let's see that's not a it's that's a bad price for dirty bronze but you could make a little bit what was the gold price here you can make a little bit early game refining some of that the gold price isn't horrible i mean it's not great but it's not horrible uh what you got what's up mr kick how you doing buddy maximum effort let's see uh give me that your dirty bronze is uh not special either cobalt ionized cobalt price is kind of stupid give me some of that though the cat fell asleep in a toaster welcome mind creeper to super bob dude thank you so much for becoming a channel member at the super bob level so uh for all the channel members if you have not gotten in touch with me yet yeah if you've been a channel member or you're a new channel member make sure you hit me up in by either twitter dm or in my discord dm or uh old school email my email address is in the about section um as well so um i can give you your discord rank and we can coordinate some of the other stuffs all right is there anything i want to buy in here not really oh okay so here so here's another way to make money um i don't have a backpack refiner screw it i'm not gonna do it but you can refine that stuff and sell it back and you'll make money if i had a backpack refiner be a different story let's go get a backpack refiner how about that how about it can you get that ship out my way oh i was supposed to talk to people aren't i i didn't even do that part i'm just running around like i've been here before all right hey i got something i gotta tell you hubcap boy yep um [Music] what's going on henry how's it going guys if i missed you in chat i apologize this freaking guy landed right on top of us it's pretty rude um i would move if i was you hey horny guy what's up uh chromatic metal expansion aronium refines into i think silver silver or gold but you get 250 of it and it's worth about 10 000 more than you can buy if you're buying it at a uh you want to buy it at about a 10 discount if you can uh aronium is silver that's what i thought most things are silver that you refine the um all right 16 boo we are watching you you're watching don't watch don't watch bob it's it's it's awkward continue doing what you're doing tutorials helped me a lot man particularly the nanite method awesome mine creeper i'm glad to help that what's up wayne how's it going aeronium herox dirty bronze all things makes a lot of things make silver yeah um the other one that you can do is the the um what is it the magna gold which obviously is gold um okay now go back right what is this what kind of system is this gek okay [Music] wait a minute i saw that try to try to hide that from me 13 nanites don't be stealing my nanites all right hey thanks cue ball appreciate that [Music] here because my money making hasn't evolved since atlas rises update yikes what's up inspector how's it going you missing out it's just me getting to the anomaly uh the first hour is me getting to the anomaly no biggie um there we go did i not get this i must have got it did i get it i feel like i got it should have got it puggy might become worthless i like it as a form of currency uh you can have a bunch of bass computers i've never maxed out i don't know that there's a cap but i'm sure you could try to find it x and then i need some nanites i need some nanites what's up silver unicorn you caught me live you sure did you lucky duck you uh let's go get that let's do it the fun way just because just because we can have terrain manipulator will travel suck it plant dun dun dun dun dun take that all right where's my salvage data it's another natural burial site all right buddy where's my data it's right around here it's always here there it is you tried to hide it from me i do not appreciate that whoa that's a weird that's a weird spot hey hey thanks for subscribing buddy i appreciate that uh all right so now for the next two hours of stream we're gonna mine cobalt i'm just kidding we are gonna mine a little bit just to have it because i don't have any what's up gavin how's it going uh yay cobalt mining with bob weapon charge depleted we'll get a little bit just to have just to have we came all this way right all right where's my hole do you hate it when you lose it you're like it's like right around here somewhere sometimes it blends in though well no that's not that's not at all what i meant to do it's this right here oh where'd my up hole go i lost my other hole damn it i'm always losing stuff oh there it is there it is found it no it's not just another hole that's what uh what happened to a lot already imagine a planet there would be a mountain with floating cluster of three tech modules all right so let's do this because i need the nanites even though it's only 34. um eight i need some more how far is that yeah i these mountain planets are cool but i sure don't like trying to uh run around them if i'm being honest all right thanks for subscribing shadow buddy shadow kitty i appreciate it all right let's get out of here and go check out that signal and hopefully there'll be some easier salvage data over there right people time for me to go see you later see you babel appreciate you stopping by buddy [Music] yep you're caught up what happens i run out of fuel yes good news you still have time to vote god stop freaking a leave me alone people i did it i did it no talking about that stuff my phone's blowing up i literally have gotten 10 text messages today and that's all i'm going to say about that oh free parking for the win did i grab my refiner yes i don't need it though because i've already got chromatic metal what's up russell how's it going need the mod that removes stars from pulsing that would be nice it helps with the janky screen for sure the text the the little pixels kind of craps out on you take the blueprint all right and e hyperdrive bam bam i knew i needed this ahead of time so i went ahead and bought it five microprocessors and 125 chromatic metal because this ain't my first rodeo uh life support thank you uh let's go see what this stuff is we're here we might as well you never know you could get something cool oh come on see what resource it wants it wants cobalt which i just happened to get some of oh crap i didn't get it did i i got scared i got scared all right nanites i needed the nanites let me in knock knock more day nights nice and there one right here i thought so where's the door and then the exit all right knock knock yeah no political talk this is fun time happy fun time going on brennan de rose how's it going units received is right all of them i got that one oh there's one over here there's one over there where is it why don't i see it there it is there it is found it is cobalt money glitch still broken so you can still um do stuff you just need 80 000 cobalt to do the stuff to do the things tune scanner to antimatter uh let's go ahead and make some launch fuel just because i'm paranoid of running out of fuel all right now we have to go up here and tune for antimatter scan find some antimatter and then go get said antimatter uh eight stacks will do it you can uh there's lots of ways you can make money so i mean uh if you're looking for a bunch of money you can duplicate chlorine with oxygen and a medium refiner ionized cobalt as well early game you can do some ship scrapping you can do you know refining some of the metals that we talked about earlier aluminum limit however you say that stuff among other things all right um the door's on where's the door where the door is i'll just land here what's up blackstone how's it going bud oh look at that nailed it nailed it right by the door chlorine is the best way to uh get credits yeah it's a good way for sure um i don't think i put anything in my high capacity so mine as well right storm crystals are fun money yeah it gives you a little bit of a challenge there's ancient bones you can dig up ancient bones which i had on my second planet which was helpful got me my first million uh put me on my way uh the pugnum does not work for um nanites but i guess you could crash with pugnum if you have a butt ton of it give me something cool i've given up trying to get s-class freighter it's too time-consuming i know right um i don't need to have the best i will be okay pretty good is good enough for me later all right i don't have condensed carbon um where do i have my refiner i don't have my refiner son of it no a here yes i do have my refiner all right if i hadn't shot that little booger i could have sat there and um made some condensed carbon but i couldn't help myself come on land right there right there on that jagged little edge appear good who says it's hard to land on the mountains let us condense our carbon back into beer time um okay what type of frigates are the best um frigates well i mean you need you need all of them i usually start with um the uh industrial one so i can get that kind of stuff back because it's good to have but i usually go with a c-class that has like less than two or three missions at least 20 in the main stat it's kind of that's real real basic um i go with the bob system of no support it's hard to land on flat pieces i mean that's pretty good i mean that's a jagged edge pretty proud of myself to be honest um let's go ahead and do that while i think about my life and the choices that i've made and make some antimatter and a warp cell and stick it in right there i really should probably move this stuff right actually i don't want to do that i want this i want this here so that i can seize it okay um are you done yet uh let's see what's what's going on the chat uh do you think there's a little more leeway on frigate stats with the fleet command stat yeah there is for sure i need to update my freighter guide i just haven't felt like it uh it's very intensive uh just got no man's sky on sunday because i saw your vids awesome captive raptor i appreciate that i hope you're enjoying it uh no need to send combat frigates yeah just have more stars in the system bob likes five stars because i don't like to fix stuff so i pretty much do that all right is there anything else i need to be thinking about right this very second um do that obviously this isn't a race to the anomaly because i'm taking my time that's good enough screw it hey i said i said i said screw it that means stop don't fall off all right yeah fixing stuff sucks all right galaxy map bam no buttons buttons right click deselects is this a three star oh wow i should have known that by the amount of resources i was buying all right um why am i surrounded by corvax seriously anomalous signal blocking warp anonymous signal blocking warp i'm going to a viking i don't care what they say it's a corvette it's a core evasion uh and it's also something can i post a link to lord zelrick's frigate cheat sheet you can try but it won't work um if one of the mods has it they can alright talk to me goose you can't post links in the chat it's disabled [Music] ever since i did that frigate video though every time i look at that worksheet there's like 15 people in there um here we go fuel source detected engage yeah if you just look up my frigate video uh in the in the description of my frigates video there's a link to uh zelrick's worksheet which i got off of a sword stream and then kj helped me understand a little bit as well a lot as well um so guys if y'all don't know about uh let's see cue ball and kj pc gaming um uh both have great no man's sky channels good content uh kj's super knowledgeable about the game um and i ask her questions lots of times uh when i need to know something and she's always super generous with her time so follow kj if you haven't uh if q or you are shorty want to drop your channel link and uh kj's in there too uh if you guys want to follow them [Music] i recommend it because i do oh wait stairs damn it i walked up the stairs i wasn't even thinking and i walked up the stairs oh there's my freighter video so there's a freighter video the link will give you my freighter video and then in the description is the worksheet if you want to nerd out on how to get freighters or frigates frigates the the thing is though as kj said you don't have to get them quite as strong because they've upped uh they've upped the help from the main freighter so it's a little easier to get a five star i'm first bro i always love telling you when people tell that you sent them oh awesome kj i was checking my stats actually and uh my link you were in my top five um uh cards uh you were my fifth card and i had 50 people that clicked on that card to go see your channel so that's cool uh i have seen the eye and the eye has seen me what's up cw how's it going [Music] uh can we shame supply frigates yes that's fine [Music] should we go get that oh let's just scan it why why you no scan am i still on a thing am i still doing something there we go yeah and guys i did this original run on uh twitch uh the other week when i was just couldn't make youtube live stream work uh mainly because i'm you know not good at stuff and uh so i did this on twitch if you haven't followed me on twitch there's my link shorty just dropped it in the description um i do stream on twitch and i am it is on the horizon to get a facecam and do that on twitch i don't think i'm gonna do it on youtube because y'all are used to no no bob face but twitch i thought i'd do something different over there and not just repeat myself um bam what am i doing i'm supposed to be doing something right not enough launch fuel launch fuel bam tidy up my fleet it's like 50 broken ships that's the worst when you walk when you fly up to your fleet and you uh you see all those little wrench symbols or whatever it is the broken ones shuttles need love too what's up cruel how's it going favorite survival bob comment ever which one was that uh just started your channel really helped me get a new ship awesome neil you are not alone please identify yourself i'm bob i like warm hugs uh twitch affiliate is 50 of the monies on um on uh subscriptions i don't know what it is on bits i don't i've never gotten a bit nobody's giving me any bits i don't know how that works and then it tries to trick you to go back to your base and i don't want to do that oh whoop this way this way this way strangers coordinates uh let's see uh how much money am i at six hundred twenty nine thousand with a min uh one hour 48 minutes to go i'm bob and i like warm hugs one bit is one cent yeah but i don't know how much i get out of that i don't know what the split is bites are better than bits i don't know it depends on who's biting warm hugs are better than boys again up for debate uh so guys if you follow me on twitch you'll see shorty over there modern over there he does a great job for me um and uh he's got a twitch channel i'm trying to make him stream more regularly and if you follow him it will help me in my path to make shorty stream right more regularly because he's a good streamer i kind of want to go to the free parking but i'm in a hurry so we'll just we'll just park it we'll just park it since our a us dollar term yeah it's it's a 1 100th of a dollar a dollar is 100 cents give me the things [Music] uh is it worth fixing uh probably not don't fix ships if you're trying if you're doing it for money it is not not worth it anyone in the uk i'm sure there are uk is my second most popular country protection yeah dude you lost a wing i can see why you crashed clean the ship i wasn't even paying attention what was it a b-class it's better than a poke in the eye i need a pure ferrite and die high jelly but i can deal with that later hold on hold on almost forgot i almost pulled a bob where are you damn it why are you hiding from me oh there you are there you are bam three perfect all right we got it uh canada's the biggest country eh extract records hey take care ben thanks for stopping in uh thank you for that let's go ahead and unpin that so it doesn't annoy me hey hey little guy how's it going um what am i doing what does this need me right let's go get our ship and get out of here i did everything right i did all the things did i do all the things i think i did all the things i wasn't paying attention um i sometimes forget to pay attention uh search for clues about artemis i wonder where those clues will be are they in the sky the big purple sky um some serious mod love going on the mods are really basic in no man's sky it's not like you know turn all of the you know alien creatures into dinosaurs or something crazy it's just real basic quality of life for the most part from what i've seen there was a mod i saw that make your character female looking which was interesting uh i got the hubert galaxy yesterday even though i don't know the point of going to the eisen time in hilbert uh that's just the name it's just the next next galaxy uh tell the truth no mods on youtube yeah coins are uh like there's signs up everywhere saying there's a coin shortage in the us everybody's filling their socks with them all right not my best time to the anomaly by any means but that's okay do you know how to get an exotic ship yeah go check out cue balls video on uh an exotic ship if you've got the glyphs i've got a video on exotic ships as well um really exotic ships is a function of luck waiting and the system you're in um i believe it's a is it a two percent chance of an exotic ship in a three star and a one percent and a two and a half a percent and a one i think that may be s-class and not exotic i get those confused come on can we do it i think i can i think i can i did it i nailed it did you see that excuse me pardon me a lot of luck yeah mostly luck super mario took all our coins uh a lot of patience reloading for exotics i don't ever reload i i mean i spend a lot of time in the space stations so um i talk to everybody when i go into a space station i i learn all the words i buy stuff off all the people going in if you listen the exotics make a different sound that you can hear a lot of times and that'll wake me up if i'm not paying attention but i always try to face my character towards the opening as i'm talking to the npcs because you can kind of see it in the background uh what's going on so i mean that's my routine i've got a routine in the space station that takes 15 20 30 minutes uh if i let it i'm supposed to go talk to other things first aren't i um and so that's the reason i find exotics and s-class because i spend more time in the space stations now a lot of people like to do it at the trade terminals and the trade posts but um you know i don't spend as much time there so it does some of them definitely feel like there's more more uh movement though how much money we got how we gotten it um i dug up a few bones and i've got just a couple hundred thousand no man's sky court in exchange for locations of exotics if you have the glyphs if you're not sure about glyphs i have a glyph and portal guide bob has you covered you have questions bob has answers and some of them are right when huh [Music] mandalani's back what's up you missed i just got to the anomaly i've got six hundred thousand still broke halfway done what's up groot how's it going did a portal jump for an exotic display through nice yeah like i say i don't love waiting at the trade place just because there's not as much to do hey what's up ares your head looks extra shiny today must be because i don't have it on ultra [Music] how much fun is permadeath i've thought about starting a save on permadeath from death is a lot of fun it's a different it's a different game it's a different experience and for somebody like me who you know gets distracted by shiny objects easily uh it makes it even more challenging the storage is rough i think kj's just starting a new play through because uh bad stuff things we won't talk about but uh she's got a permanent playthrough you may want to check out let's do that was i supposed to talk to one of you yeah you you what's up stretchy alien with the tongue i need uh that thank you and then that won't even pay attention to how many nanites i have i think that's it right and then an economy scanner uh i usually make lots of money by hopping between systems to sell things like star silk yeah that is definitely a way to do it um shoot damn it i don't have enough i'm about to get some more though aren't i aren't i i think i ours i think i is i think i will um uh no no no no no no no yes medium refiner for the win with one salvage data left what should we do with it sell it that's what we should do with it all right speak to artemis again and maybe they'll give me more nades this time i think what's up seriously taught to heal scenarios i did that already i talked to thems they gave me the things help me with artemis you have a gift give me my gift thank you is that all 120 cheap ass uh uh see ya jan uh will we let's see um discoveries don't forget to upload 371 it's not going to get me there i don't really need an economy scanner though yet upload something up i just did it gotcha uh research starship upgrades now last time when i did this i accidentally clicked the conflict scanner because i was going so fast stupid bob dude um this guy ate some bad shellfish yikes and make sure nobody dumped anything in my exosuit in here while i wasn't paying attention that'd be hilarious if somebody just dropped in a bunch of uh ai valves or something there's a nice exotic look at that all right return to space all right so at this point i'm pretty much done with the storyline that's not my ship mine's the one with the white icon on it yep this is live mind i am live trying not to mess up one hour 35 minutes to go 629 thousand i'm feeling okay um i don't have time to talk right now buddy i'm i'm on the clock i'll talk to you in a minute i'll talk to you in a minute i'm going to the space station right now i need to put in that which i need one of those and five of those [Music] i'm doing good what is that cuff how's it going still a long ways to go yeah it's pretty much it all happens right at the end yes artemis can i help you uh uh i'm bob i found you i sure did um yep there was a crash ship you wait you wait for me to get out your crayons and draw me a uh a map of the stars and then i'll get back to you how about that does that sound like a good deal it takes money to make money that's right it does i will fill you up with ai's ooh ooh look at that nice orange ship beautiful gotta head out see you henry thanks for stopping in buddy i will take this [Laughter] i couldn't help myself i could not help myself i know it's yellow all right i needed one of those at least let's get some of these get some of those just for funsies um i need some pure ferrite um that's good what else uh limiam this is one of the things you can refine if it's negative 10. don't buy it at plus five though not super great um what else is there anything else not really this right here yellow is georgia orange what color is this what color is this cube did i already grab that cube i already grabbed that cube glowing orange okay so we agree on that yellow oh salmon it's definitely not salmon it's definitely not sand the cube was blue there are blue cubes but that was not a blue one it's yellow with an orange core you guys we're gonna have color time with bob one of these days peach carrot look it's gotta be in the crayola eight pack box because that's all i had as a child i wasn't rich and have the 64 count box like some of you guys um all right i'm running out of stuff let's go ahead and put in my portable refiner oh i need some more chromatic metal i totally guessed on that wrong and an economy scanner i got that right uh you are who am i hey take care neil thanks for stopping in lemon orange rng glad you're watching oh my god it's getting bad you had 128 box jeez no bragging what was i what was i buying chromatic metal do you guys have any chromatic metal it does not appear that you have chromatic metal i'll take all of the hydrogen jelly though how we doing on money three hundred thousand really close really close to 100 million look at that if it wasn't ugly colors um in an ugly shape it would be cool but it's ugly color and ugly shape you ate too many crayons it happens i can't remember if this had chromatic metal or not does not appear to all right fine let's go back to our home system because that was a three star and we can buy more crap over there and we'll do this we'll do this there and let me up let me up nothing wrong with green bob uh yeah look at all these holy crap look at all these bases um wealthy gek hmm i'm looking for one that says um activated indium walker bass pyrite first poop hole nice um no no no i haven't had it on multiplayer in so long are y'all getting this many bases now what is up with that cadmium mining emerald mining this is another way to make money uh act that's probably activated indium what do you think in some language i don't understand you should make it so that we can change the color of our starship uh they're never gonna do that ball uh because it will stop oh unable to download damn it i was gonna be done in an hour and 28 minutes uh uh unable to download boo come on give it to me come on give it to me why you tease me like that that's german for activated anomaly has a better connection screw it let's try it um because i don't feel like flying all the way over there now i think that'll stay in my list right shout out to everyone whose names their mining stations for real time is half up just tell it yes and it will work look at that exotic this mine is mine you want some fries with that shake you see that um should have changed my clothes should have got my superman outfit on that i was rocking the other day on permadeath all right um recent bob's mega million oh that's mine ah crap it's not showing up anymore why is it not there anymore these are all not english i'm not playing with you i'm busy oh boo star bramble's definitely changed have y'all been out there since the update and i so star bramble's got a medium refiner so if you don't even have 10 salvage data you can go to star bramble and use their medium refiner for freeze uh huh i mean there's only one if the player is in your system tom you can from the space station you have to be online i think yeah which is worse shuttle or explorer depends on what you're doing but the answer is shuttle why what's going on oh that was that was uh that was awkward trade post detected here we go yeah explorers are going to have a highest jump range shuttles are going to be pretty maneuverable no shuttle shaming but seriously they're the warriors yeah they're just ugly as hell oh look at the sun peeking over the horizon chromatic metal chromatic metal like a 60 station wagon aren't they supposed to have better handling though i can't remember squids don't fly backwards they fly like superman with their arms so this is magna gold this is negative 11 this is a good buy to make money um what was i needing chromatic metal are you kidding me you really gonna do this to me i think the space station here sells it though give me that all right let me do some moving starship let's get that i'll leave that there all right so time to set up operation operation bob over here go buy an s-class ship gun module and put it in and then break it down for cadmium you can make chromatic metal with that an s-class a c-class ship gun model module c-class ship gun module there's some at the there's some at the space station i'll just get up there and get it i don't need it um it's for my backpack refiner so it's not like i need it right this second although it would be helpful uh super helpful in fact okay i got what did i do with that pure ferrite i bought right there all right so you do that uh let's see three four of those i need more carbon really really what's that hey thanks for subscribing michael all right so that's let's see if i lose all that and there's a distinct possibility um you pass them off they don't like to get shot yeah bob's mega millions base how's the challenge going i'm broke uh and almost half over halfway done so there's that i'm kind of screwing around i i'm starting to second guess my screwing around bob has uh the hair from tortoise and the hair tendencies i don't understand what that says nice landing i'm moving tell your friends bob's mega millions base is shutting down oh give me the thing first though you like that landing i did too i was pretty impressed with myself [Music] are we done are we still talking this is the part where we're still talking right and you're just taking an awkwardly long pause there we go and then i say leave thank you very much uh delete the bass deuces is that is that um is that copper right there i think that might be copper right there let's go see silver copper it felt closer than this now [Music] nope small is that the small am i oh i'm hitting the wrong button okay there it is that's close enough whatever screw it i felt like it would go smaller than that anybody paying attention to how much copper i have because i wasn't i feel like i should be good right should be good copper where's the copper 184 perfect that'll be fine uh i need some launch fuel of course let's go back find that cave full of ai valves if anybody knows where that cave is damn me i gotta make money i know right gotta do it gotta do the things to make the monies how we doing an hour and 16 minutes yeah don't set it to max you want a small small ball the money making plan a little bit uh ionized cobalt a little bit of chlorine what was i going to do it's going to do something oh yeah copper copper chromatic metal no all right so we're going to have a several of these going at once all right so we're going to take that and let's let's half that a couple times oops i need to sit in here for a minute don't i yep i do let's get some more of that let's get some more of that so [Music] you know what actually i'm not even gonna do chlorine not even gonna do chlorine screw it i don't even need to do chlorine don't mind my mess guys all right and then no this one this one that one cobalt worth more than inez cobalt huh and then all right that'll give me 1200 i got four minutes and i need some more magnetized ferrite that's what i need ferrite that is that i gotta have more ferritis than that really i made it i made it all into chromatic metal didn't i bob i mean uh metal platings i mean metal platings uh you should make a base that's a big block and call it bob's big block base sounds like something i do sounds like something i would do all right so that one's running out of oxygen fairly quickly that one's got 1500 now they've all got about that and how much magnet i needed 100 magnetized ferrite right 100 which is double pure ferrite so i need 200 i think that's probably close enough yeah i got 29. how'd i do on the math hmm i probably missed it i missed it i missed it that's going to be 80. yeah that'll be good that'll be fine bob's blockbuster base i like bob's golden uh base of hot rainstorms that was my favorite or golden shower whatever you want to call it i've been doing the chlorine cell i put 500 chlorine and a thousand oxygen gives me 3 000 chlorine yep it's good to do but then you got to keep doing it and i don't like to do things more than once all right that's fine uh excuse me excuse me this gecko over here is watching me it's kind of making me are you kidding me oh that's in my ship right there no all right oh oh yeah i need the other part forgot there we go we're gonna need to go get some more oxygen let's go half of that and then stick that there and go half goes there nope right here and that goes there and this goes back in here sir there's a 50 refiner limit it's for paying customers only bob doesn't like to pay for stuff all right i gotta run back up to the space station so let's just sell crap i don't need for space i don't even need that here you can have some chlorine um and that mind if i put that there do you mind if we dance with your dates i don't have 25 oxygen uh do you have 25 oxygen you do you're good people you are good people [Music] what's up vitor back how's it going all right let's see what we got going here all right let's keep that moving keep that moving keep that moving and then we will go with one carbon to the space station going good man i'm glad to hear that yeah oxygen's a pain so we'll go get some more it's all good you have 1200 i really wanted more is this where am i mine the viking system did i go to the wrong one no i didn't i'm in the right system i think yeah yeah yeah come on i'm not on the clock or anything here people oh the waiting is the hardest part let's go breathe anything else not really four hundred 000 we're almost there oh look at this gorgeous shuttle hello i would like all of that no i wanted to buy it i hit the wrong button i'm an idiot give me that i don't have enough money for that yeah totally just sold all my oxygen to that guy noob move that's purdy you like that shuttle's orange finally bob found that wasn't orange that was red reddish orange yeah it was orange it was orange i agree i concur i don't have the money give it all to bob please uh uh i want the knife please all right we got what we came for obviously green exactly mike you got me you get me golden child for the win spaceship painting module for multi-tool a spray paint a spray painter that would i mean i could totally see that being a thing my dear brother my dear brother nimcy all right let's put that there put that there you miss my viking buttocks i get that oops almost fell off that get was in the way he saw it he was coming right for me is that all i had all right how are we doing on this i don't have that do i now here yes um okay excuse me pardon me any tips on building an underwater base um close the door no i haven't really messed with underwater bases that much to be honest with you i've done a couple but i i never got too far into it i always got distracted sidetracked whatever um so that and that's good right excuse me pardon me if you make me mess this up i'm going to be so mad at you gekk i'm gonna use two just to be sure because i don't son of a get out of the way don't you get mad you're in my way you made me waste two carbon there we go got it nailed it uh change the gif with a diaper this time get off my lawn is it this one yeah it's the geck one it says previous uh for an underwater base you can use cuboid rooms to transition between the surface and the underwater part just set the cube room right on the surface of the water and then stairs down that's a great idea kj knows the things i've got a little bit more money y'all can have some more oxygen please bye let's go you can build you didn't know oh man underwater bases are cool you got to find the right planet you want to make sure it's got a deep ocean a lot of them just have really shallow waters they're pretty sweet what's going on tumblr i don't remember if i said hey to you buddy i'm sorry if i didn't uh made 350 million the other day selling chlorine nice all right i'm at 92 000 with an hour left to go we're really close feeling it um can bob make an underwater base build video yeah that's not that's not a that's not a bob request i don't do a lot of uh base build videos shoot i don't even have enough roof for that much ah come on give me the oxygen is there anything else i can sell i don't want to sell that i saw that so that that that that that that and then i'll buy more oxygen 69. so close my but your costume is yellow not orange from my point of view are you sure all right thank you sir and we go back we go back we go back all right how much bob could a bob bob bob if a bob bobbed his bob uh looks orange to me yeah the suit's a yellow orange i agree with that it's more of a yellow it's got a yellow hue to it but it's also got an orange hue to it as well i'm gonna go with orange but i can but i can definitely play with the filter and make it yellow why do i have ferrite dust oh that's i grabbed the wrong one uh that starship began do it all right i need uh i need four stacks i'm waiting on four stacks and then we're gonna do this thing we're gonna do it are you ready how we doing 56 minutes plenty of time plenty of time there's no bottom golden child yeah golden child was a great movie those eddie movie eddie murphy movies from the 80s were just that was just that was gold comedy gold i always keep throwing it in my ship out of habit i think i'm actually pretty close to uh to good let's see where i'm actually at because i may i may be done all right and stop and now i'm going to turn this into cobalt that's what i'm doing that's the secret that's the secret sauce i told you it was cobalt [Music] uh tunnel vision's hard all right somebody's messaging me on discord but i can't i can't see it now sorry how's the money kyle i have two thousand five hundred and fifty five dollars how's that sound there's issues i thought the pings were me issues with streaming buffering locking up oh sorry it's what happens after two hours into a live stream with bob isn't it quicker with chlorine um no it's not it is not and i will show you why because you have to keep making chlorine over and over again or you have to find a system that sells chlorine or you have to find a system that sells ionized cobalt if you're doing that but if you make your ionized cobalt and then turn it back into regular cobalt you can go anywhere and you're back to the olden days with eight stacks of cobalt you didn't have to mine time's not looking good there's not enough zeros i'll be fine it'll be fine don't you worry you're pretty little head would bob let you down i would never let you down 2555 with 51 minutes left i really should probably make another refiner to be honest save me a couple more minutes that's funky looking what do you sell here magnetized ferrite oh no that's by or so that's me sell what do you sell you sell ferrite you sell that do give me all of it watch it be like a couple short that's my discord people don't check yours eight units eight units with 49 minutes to spare you're the one messaging me stop messaging me shorty i can't see it i think you can like whisper or something there's a way to do that or is that twitch i don't know you got mail yeah i can't tab out or it'll pause the game but it will not pause the timer um i have 11 magnetized ferrite i never did make my backpack refiner did i nope but i can anything else i need to refine not really you need to turn on streamer mode so it mutes all discord alerts yeah shorty there's lots of things i need to do lots lots lots of them oops kind of meant to turn that the other way there we go there we go much better that blue ship up there is kind of cool isn't it oh that's not no gooseneck it's not bad i like those wings [Music] there we go how's it going how's it going no time focus you know focus is not my strong suit all right i'm just putting this stuff here to um take up spaces so i can so i can see stuff better what's up see carla shoot how's it going what are you shooting uh exo suit finding a market that sells cobalt is a hundred times every market sells cobalt every mark oh look at that explorer is not bad looking actually a class 1.5 million we don't have it because we have eight units it's a rags to riches story eight eight units shoot [Music] steve martin is a rags rich's story yes i love steve martin i got um i got the three amigos for my son a little while back to watch one of my faves 46 minutes to go gotta go fast it's gonna pick up speed relatively quickly should have got some more ferrite dust would have made this a little quicker but that's okay that's okay running out of time how we doing uh i got three amigos and star trek the motion picture today nice it's good quality stuff right there madden god i haven't played madden in years all right how we doing i'm getting tired of waiting i'm getting a little anxious considering i have 43 minutes left in eight units but if i'm patient if i'm patient i don't remember if my station sold ionized cobalt or not to be honest with you ah nope five it was the three amigos i could still be doing this faster but what's the fun in that right i like to freak out and do it with the last do it at the last second i have eight i have eight units eight eight with no zeros let's go see if we can find something to buy for eight nothing nothing for eight units not even like a bum bum bum gal a gumball machine not a bum call a gumball he was the three amigos 41 minutes i was gonna go eight but i'm kind of getting tired of of waiting to be honest i've got five almost six stacks this is enough to get started one stack see ya mad appreciate you coming one stack is worth two million so that means i only need 50 stacks right yeah almost 2 million bob is an economic terrorist oh look it's an orange toilet paper tube and then 245 how we doing on time 40 minutes 40 minutes people 40 minutes uh let's see that's two toilet paper tubes that was a double roll uh almost there this is why i don't do this in my let's play because this part's boring right so i don't do it but i wanted to prove that it could be done two four six seven it's close enough right everybody good with that stop [Music] give me that stop give me that always clean up your mess all right that's good enough for me is it good enough for you let's do it sell i'm gonna sell 72 000 chlorine for 72 000 uh chlorine for 14.8 million the demand is plus three yay me i'm gonna sell it now the demand is negative 71.9 i'm going to buy it back for a cool 5 million bucks with a net profit of 9 million dollars 9.7 to be exact and now we go on our journeys and i need to pick up some chromatic metal where'd i park anybody remember where i parked did i take the uh did i take the shuttle here we go eight to nine million just like that and let's go to the space station and this system let's go a hauler full of ai valves nice [Music] mandalani all right and now this economy at the space station is different so we can do it all over again with the plus three so now we're going to get 15 million because i got a little bit more so let's sell that and we'll buy it back for i see because i had more i crashed it down to 75 percent so i'm only 4.6 oops and i got it all back now i'm at 20 million how are we doing on time we're doing okay we are the three amigos let's let's uh i don't need i don't need all of that that's excessive that'll be fine i need some ferrite dust anybody landing yes and this is where the magic happens because we've crashed the economy these fine gentlemen will sell us all of their cobalt hey stop it i don't have time for milestones sell us all their cobalt for the good guy price of negative 75 percent so the next place we go we can do it again so it's better to go to the space station first i just happen to be at the trade terminal so i just did it there for the trading post um but it's pretty much game over at this point uh just showed up is he doing good guy cobalt price thing yep uh i am cause i'm a good guy right anybody else anybody else oh god i didn't even see you guys didn't even see you sorry buddy sorry that was rude of me no i want to buy do not accidentally sell all your cobalt to this guy or else you will start all over oh that guy left do and they're out all right we'll see you later all right so i need to make um freaking condensed carbon luckily i fixed my backpack refiner let's go all right i gots to go buddy let's hurry god your eyes are freaky bye i'll take that uh will duplication be considered cheating i don't do a duplication glitch and um that's that's just not what i do and it depends on who you're talking to my my opinion on games is it's your freaking game play it however you want just don't tell me how to play it and don't tell me i'm playing it the wrong way it's like telling somebody you're not having fun properly um just because i don't dupe doesn't mean i care if other people do so can you please let go of that so that i may leave i need a three star that's that's where i am not helpful whatever two stars close enough yeah i mean if you hate i mean so i don't do this this is a grind i don't do this when i play i just make money as i go it's part of my routine kind of like farming i do a little bit of chlorine here and there i scrap some ships i do different things um i just wanted to show because i have so many people in my videos say that it's so hard why did i just i don't what did i do i pulled up my overlay for steam i have so many people in my um in my that ask questions on my videos about how do you make money it's so hard to make money you can't make money anymore you can there's tons of ways to do it this is one of the ways that i like to do it do you like that corkscrew i learned that from the bad guys that's what they do [Music] so that's uh that's that's all i have to say about that gail likes grinding that's what i've heard always enjoy a new twist on the game hey yeah sure tom okay so these gentlemen are selling cobalt for 251 okay so this is the other thing that people people mess up all the time so there is a difference between the buy price and the sale price besides the demand the demand is different so the buy price on this is 251. the sell price is 200 so even though the demand is the same if i don't knock it down enough there's a there's a 20 markup basically between the buy and the sell so i'm going to sell this for 200 a piece and if i if the demand stayed the same then i'd lose 20 when i bought it back at 250 a piece but because i'm an economic terrorist i made the demand go down to negative 79.7 and i can buy it back at the good guy price and there you go and then we hit the economy scanner so probably should have bought some uh tritium definitely should have bought some tritium so condensed carbon let's go ahead and stick some oxygen in here to make some more carbon antimatter oh i stuck all my oxygen in there didn't i am i out get some gas of course you only get gold and silver when you want tritium a little bit let's go all right and where the hell am i there we go there it is found it don't worry 28 minute warning i think would be fine is anybody worried anymore yeah the the refiners i mean that's why i don't like the refining sucks i hate waiting at a refiner even though it takes not a terrible amount of time i just do that kind of in the background um while i'm working that's why i don't grind it out like this all the time uh cell by nothing else i want okay just making sure and we're off it's a cool planet all right two's good enough at this point i would rather have three but two is good enough if i'm in a hurry hey thanks for subscribing technology now normally what i would be doing is going and getting my backpack suit upgrade as i do this here's a traveler this guy there's two travelers right here people's like there's no travelers anymore there's two uh let's sell this and buy back now if i had a ton of time i would wait around and buy it buy it off of these guys a couple more times to uh to make it quicker but this is i'm trying to do this quick but in my normal game play i'm going to hang out at the station for a little bit i can't help it i have to buy this um i'm gonna hang out i'm gonna talk to people i'm gonna get the free stuff learn the words grab all the nav data and nanites all that good stuff see this guy's got a sale price going see what else they sell pick up those things as well hey take care seriously thanks for stopping in buddy what's up pig pog so you don't have to if you hit the refiner from space or the uh oh the economy scanner from space is going to give you a random planet but if you just fly to the closest one get in the atmosphere and hit it you should get one on that planet yourself a little bit of flying and um tritium doesn't multiplayer he doesn't play well with others i generally don't have it in multiplayer either hey bob love your videos nice to catch you live on hey thanks for uh stopping in buddy i appreciate it finally made it to a live stream live in hawaii awesome man i had somebody else from hawaii earlier glad you guys made it ah crappy landing um what are we doing can i land there struggle is real uh survival bob if there is one thing i have learned from this video is that crashing the stock market is no man's sky is a good way to make money correct um some people are going to say it's cheating or it's a exploit or something but i mean the reality is if they wanted it gone they could have done it they patched it this last update and they just made it harder they didn't take it away it was super easy to be honest before but if if they have had it in for years and it hasn't gone away then the developers are okay with it and therefore in my opinion it is not a cheat exploit or anything like that it's just being a smart businessman what's up isaiah yeah you gotta work for it a little bit bob don't go suicide now i'm gonna try not to next one more cell will do it i wasn't paying attention to how much i had uh this is what an economy is you buy low create and sell high someone joined my game i don't see it it doesn't appear on my screen ryan what's going on hey sorry bobby i made a stream by the way the hunt brother crashed the silver commodities market in 1980 so plenty of real life scenarios where that happened awesome true story that's green in here which i'll do with all this green 76 million and if you have more than a hundred thousand of something you're buying uh you have to just hit it twice i've had people say i can't buy it all back what the hell just going on whoa dude i glitched into the wall there that was weird oh here's a beautiful shuttle what's up buddy do not sell cobalt to these guys because you cannot buy it back i want you to be on the farthest planet i'm gonna run out of fuel i didn't buy a suit slot there did i so this is what a lot of people for those of you who are new this is what a lot of people used to do when they started a game not their first time but when they wanted to get through the early game quick and get to the end game as you would start crashing markets and flying from system to system to expand your backpack your suit slots make a ton of money and look for travelers so you kind of kill three birds with one stone by making money getting the glyphs by finding travelers which we saw two in that last station and um expanding your exosuit so uh this was what a lot of people did in their best start guides and videos that they would show i never just did that i always just kind of did it as i went along but i mean this is this is the way this is the way all right so we're going to make 19 million here and this will push us over 100 million and then we're gonna buy back see where we land one 106 with 17 minutes to spare what do you think about that mr korvax now i would like an exotic to land right in front of me that i can purchase i don't see it happening though this is the way yeah i'm getting an error message from youtube sorry i have spoken um uh let's see wolf says if you refresh it'll get better at least we made it this far hey thanks mandelani thanks for the 07 salute let's see how much we can make before the timer goes off let's see if we can get to 200 million there we go three star so the other thing about um three star systems is they're gonna sell the most resources as well so they're gonna they're gonna have four thousand in their stack to sell as opposed to one or two thousand oh we found a freaking black hole base building um beeble bum i don't know that he actually does a lot of bases he builds crazy stuff um zane's a great builder i don't know that anybody builds just like normal bases most of them do uh baskets gaming okay haven't heard of that one but you guys tell me who else have you seen is that whole oh oh bob tried to enter the back side wrong hole excuse me that was rude of me let me enter the front side uh biter bag drop those settings down have you done a uh what's up hawks what's up buddy so i won 106 million 13 minutes to spare well i was like 17 minutes to spare no i want all of it give me that i think i need more um anymore the more of the things more of the things that make things to make more things you saw nice you make functional habitations oh i make bob boxes nobody has a box like me dude oh no you had to reload it sorry that's what happens youtube gets mad at me about the two-hour mark and it's like haven't you had enough i think you're done sir i think you're done streaming just reload it oh that sucks they're saying to reload that was me i tabbed out of the game for a second youtube's mad that i won youtube does not appreciate my economy crashing uh bob you've worn me out i need a nap after this oh if i had a nickel for every time i've heard that i'd have zero nickels is that is that hail is this hailing oh no those are fireflies and rain okay oh damn you aliens i know right received hey take care alex thanks for coming you have i'd have 30 cents nice biter back well done sir not sure how you have the energy to make a video and stream every day well i made the video a while ago i just didn't edit it till this morning so that was easy streaming is i mean streaming is just me playing and talking so this isn't bad editing editing takes a while for me i'm not great at it uh or i'm meticulous at it when i when i really try so it takes me a while and i have to be in the right mood to edit too so there's that all right where's my exotic where's my badass ship that's supposed to land i'm in a three star with funky uh filter on the light uh my stream just stopped for a moment with the buffering cycle around bob's cursor cycle it through me for a loop i don't have two nickels it's not a lot but it's neat that it happened twice hey you stay positive okay you stay positive excuse me i'm talking here you guys have any ships worth buying because i have i happen to have 136 million on me just so happen generations update next week nobody wants to land in this storm you remind me of someone from aeon i don't even know what n a is with the same name just clones do i not have fuel did i not fuel my hyperdrive i didn't did i though uh what's up captain steve you have caught the end of the stream where it crashes and burns because youtube is tired of me streaming but don't fret bob won the challenge with 17 minutes to spare thanks for stopping in buddy though i appreciate it welcome welcome yep i got it i smashed it i had 17 minutes to spare if i knew your trick for getting to the anomaly in three and a half minutes i would have shaved an hour off my time yeah i don't want to fight i'm a lover not a fighter sorry guys you're on your own where's the space station hey hey i'm trying to run away people [Music] that was the race will bob get to 100 million before the stream craps out what dakota you seem like a nice person buddy sounds like you need a big warm hug you still haven't done your video on the cheat to jump they're super quick i'm waiting on it oh that's just somebody being somebody got a little grumpy because they didn't get enough attention today so they wanted to come on youtube and try to get some attention the waiting got that freaking tom petty song in my head now uh although you get there your ship is on fire well that's interesting ship on fire sounds exciting honestly i didn't reply to a comment one comment out of how many oh dakota and you can tell dakota left too because they're not saying anything it's okay i want to see the ship on fire thing yes i agree [Music] did i not get i don't get it trading post detected let's go well done on getting super rich in under three hours maybe impressive stuff hey thanks captain steve i appreciate it man i think my stream is slowly dying i wanted to see how much i would have at the end of three hours but i probably this will be my last sell at this location assuming i make it to this location uh thanks for the great videos hey thanks clinton um also for starting your discord it's one of the best communities players i've met awesome man i'm glad to hear that we really do have a great discord hello that is the part of the streaming i'm not interested in i just swing a band hammer like i'm playing whack-a-mole uh you know what i mean i mark my videos 13 plus but somehow they sneak in anyway they get their mommy's phones and they sometimes you have to call the ambulance for them it's a pig i was at a space station the other day where more than half of the ships landed were on fire wow bob's so wholesome i try let's see sell and we could probably make it one more time i probably could get the 200 million but the stream is dying and stuff so i am just going to say sometimes nami mommy needs to pay closer attention that's true right i am going to say whoa not that you thank you for watching uh love that they get their mommy's phones i know man you gotta watch it if you wonder why you have so many 35 to 55 year old it's because the kids got their mom's phones that's what my kids do my kids are on their mom's youtube account they're subscribed unspeakable and all those mr beasts and all those guys on my on their mother's account but guys thanks so much for watching i appreciate the stream is clear as day for you and i'm happy to hear that uh i hope you enjoyed this uh thanks spiderback i had a good time uh pig me question mark i don't know what you're saying onyx gaming see you buddy thanks so much for omnx gaming thanks rasping rabbit great fun buddy adam take care man i appreciate it richard thanks for the good stuff as always thanks for coming man congrats says mystic mike thank you thank you gail thanks captain steve appreciate it you rock sir shorty beard thanks for moderating for me you are the man mike thanks for coming in buddy i appreciate it appreciate all the support uh free healing thank you buddy thanks for uh coming in crawl uh stream don't let you finish i know i'm sorry uh chewie take care gaia take care mikko yep i remember uh belly good stuff thanks thanks thanks pigs thanks bob was fun idea for a stream thanks if you guys have ideas for challenge streams like this i i like doing this kind of thing it's got to be something interesting for like three hours but uh ish or less so let me know i'd love to hear it if you're not in my discord check out the discord uh take care ed m um kish kihaf i don't know how to say that sorry buddy kyle take care man benjamin tuttle appreciate it go watch the rest of the videos awesome russell hey thanks for coming in and good to see you again russell extra andrew good to see you man good to see you i haven't had a chance to watch your video yet but i want to i think you put it in my discord you told me you did um oh oh omnics omnics omnics i'm going to go with that home next i don't know it's one of those uh looking forward to the next stream hey thanks thanks i appreciate that scott thanks for coming in buddy neil good to see you man igno thanks for the great content hey thanks for stopping in teo what's up how's it going thank you for coming mondalania as always good to see you call thank you bob see you next time uh hey take care you will learn the way this is the way uh later y'all's awesome stream as always bob hey thanks q thanks for staying up with me buddy i know it's getting late over there on your side mystic mike uh got to watch a three hour stream and you made your goal absolutely thanks for stopping in man um yeah y'all um what is that tino lino thanks buddy good stopping in tumblr thanks thanks for coming buddy i appreciate all the support you give me in the channel kyle max out a dif a default ship that would take a little while uh so shorty just dropped my twitch thing in there if you have not followed me on twitch and you'd like to uh that is the link race to find artemis uh i don't know if i can do that in three hours or less i might i don't know um check out shorty beard's twitch as well he put that link right below mine uh shorty is cool he's my mod he helps me out with lots of things uh maybe how many nights you can do in two to three hours who knows um maybe uh in for knife challenge now that sounds interesting biter back uh something interesting for two to three hours not saying where my mind went uh uh what's up mads really fun
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 81,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no man's sky, no man's sky money, no man's sky origins, no mans sky origins update, no man's sky origins update, no man's sky money guide, no man's sky 2020, no, man's, sky, money, survival bob no mans sky, origins, 2020, no man's sky livestream, no mans sky livestream, no man's sky live stream, no mans sky live stream, no man's sky gameplay, no man's sky origins gameplay, no man's sky survival bob, how to make money in no mans sky origins, money guide, nms money guide
Id: mZATCC79yNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 46sec (11146 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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