No Man's Sky - The 10 Biggest Mistakes You're Probably Making (No Man's Sky 2020)

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Right down to the glyphs and wormhole burst

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Street_Voice7097 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Spoiler: that's how the Stargate and DHD will look in the new series that's being teased.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FrCorySticha 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

MGM thanks NMS for the free money. Their lawyers will be in touch soon.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think it's great! If I was building a game like NMS I would put all kinds of things in there like that from all my favorite sci-fi. Whoever put that in there did so as a labor of love to Stargate.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/N7_Jedi_1701_SG1 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

To be honest, theoretically that's a very plausible representation of a wormhole. (Of course, we can't know that for the moment unfortunately...)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThisFrenchExpat 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow, would be very hard to say that is anything else. Ring, spins, dials, event horizon, dhd, dialing, vortex, transport. It's cool to see it in a game, I wonder if that causes any legal issues

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/No_Waltz3930 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

No shame ? it's called an homage. It's great to see references of Stargate in other places/medium, it proves it had a great impact on our culture :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RuneEve 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey what's berry buddy crazier back in the gnomon sky with a brand new video for today and it's actually inspired by a lot of you guys who just now recently started playing no man sky I'm seeing a small surge in popularity for the game to the point that a lot of brand new faces have started you know watching my videos especially my gnome and sky videos so I guess it makes sense because I've seen the comments I've seen the replies and many of you keep bumping into all of these issues especially in the early game and yeah the game doesn't really hold your hands too much you're pretty much thrown into this like huge universe without a real clear direction which might be daunting at times especially if you just started playing this game that is why this inspired me to make this video and kind of bring you a top 10 list of some of the biggest mistakes that any player not just new ones should be avoiding for the entire duration of their no man's sky playthrough so yeah lets you jump in it and if you enjoyed this video a thumbs up on it would be super appreciated anyway coming up first this is actually a response to a recent comment that I got on all my videos with the top player creations and what have you guys asked me how is it possible to get all of these resources necessary to build all of these megastructures complex bases and even more so series since of course they require so many resources well my answer to you is actually really simple after reaching a certain point in the game when you accumulated at least a few hundred thousand units which honestly should be obtainable even in the early stages of the game stop mining resources altogether and instead purchase these off from the space stations as well as from the alien NPCs that spawned there and the reason for that is actually really simple even like the cheapest and poorest of the space stations will sell you at least a few hundreds of these basing materials including of course the fairy dust the carbon oxygen and everything else in between and it actually takes you way less time in order to find the units necessary 240s rather than having to farm all these thousands of resources manually in the first place the second type of mistake which is also very common is investing too much time money and energy into an early farm which is something that if you probably be doing sometimes in the middle to the endgame in the early game there's a lot of other methods that you can use in order to make a lot of money is why I suggest you know kind of creating your own route and this is basically there are that I'm always using when I'm starring in your game start with the alien eggs which is something that the game points its wards if you follow the main storyline Pharma love that and sell that on the market you should be getting at least a million from these easily from this point on start looking into planets with stone crystals and/or ancient bones it's really easy to spot the ones with ancient bones because and when it's kind of planet it's going to tell you if they contain ancient bones as for the stone crystals just look for any planet that has an activated resource chances are that that planet is also going to have like an extreme weather and during these extreme weather conditions is when these storm crystals will start appearing of course the storm crystal is the more lucrative and just spending like one single stone over there will yield you like 10 million or at least five with ease if you're doing it properly from this point on there's a couple of other options including of course getting cobalt from mines or caves which is a pretty lucrative way of doing things but I prefer using a chlorine farm this is actually something that I featured in a recent video that I made but you can basically purchase chlorine and oxygen from the space station and combine both of these into a medium refiner to create even more chlorine and the good part about this is that oxygen is really cheap and once you get that thing going it's going to create a ton of corn for you which fetches quite a ton of money on the market if you go with like a few stacks of these you're going to make millions but this is the third mistake that you should be avoiding once you get all of this chlorine into place be it of course with this resource or maybe with the Cobalt don't just sell this into any system but instead check out for any system that lists the same resource on the marketplace for example if you're selling the chlorine check out four systems and on the space stations that also listed on the by section of the marketplace if that is the case going sell everything in bulk and this is also going to crash the market so you can later repurchase it at the heavily discounted price of about 75 to 80 percent and what you can do from this point on is to actually get all of that cheap supply back into your inventory and sell it into a different system also that lists the same resource so you can pretty much repeat this over and over again and basically make like a hundred million in let's say half an hour at most and I'm being generous with that so yeah definitely pay attention to this since it's a very good opportunity very early on in the game moving on to number four one of the mistakes that I was also guilty of some time ago was to actually pay too much attention to the alien glyphs this is basically something that you find through those anomaly NPCs that you randomly and rarely find on the Space Station's and these will point you towards their graves which in turn will give you 1 glyph out of 16 so you basically need to find 16 of these aliens which are already extremely difficult to find you might be in the early game you might want to you know use the portal to get to a nice destination maybe you saw a portal address on the internet that you want to visit don't waste your time on these aliens but instead finish the main storyline which is basically going to give you all of the sixteen glyphs in basically one single mission it's also not worthy that the main story campaign has been slightly revamped and it's now way easier and faster to complete so you should read all of those sixteen glyphs in no time moving on to number five there's many upgrades in the game and it's sometimes hard to actually prioritize some over the others especially since a lot of them actually seem to be quite useful and eventually you will want to unlock all of the possible upgrades in the game since this is going to perfect your character and its capabilities but otherwise if you're not in the endgame there's a few stats here and there that you should prioritize and the general rule here is that if you're using something often try to upgrade that first let's start with a character most of the time you're gonna be spending running walking jetpacking as well as surviving so try to get up with modules exactly for that in this case try to go on space stations and look for maximum rank movement modules even one of these is going to make a huge difference if you place it right next to the jetpack upgrade since you're also going to be getting that adjacency bonus the same goes with the shield in this case isn't we called something like defensive modules try to get these as well since the shields are basically the first line of defense against literally anything if it's fall damage if it's creatures attacking you if it's you know other types of damage this alone is going to tremendously increase your survivability and the final 1/4 character is going to be the personal refiner this is something that has been added recently it's basically the same refiner except you can access this from your jet pack and the only reason I recommend this is because it's extremely convenient and most of all it can be used in places other refiners cannot be used in terms such as for example space stations or even in space basically moving on to the ship's since you're mostly going to use this for intergalactic travel of course get hyperdrive module upgrades these are going to be of course again maximum rank from the space station and even one of these is going to make a huge difference from about 100 light years distance it's about 400 with just one so you can imagine how much is going to be with three of these or six if you split them between technology and the regular inventory the same goes with the economy scanner you actually unlock this from the space anomaly and it's a little bit different than the other ones but definitely get this it's paramount to the trading that you'll be doing in the game but also for just you know finding good systems to set your base in so this is something that I said a million times in the past do not skip on the economy scan there finally for the multi-tool it's not like super ultra needed because as I was saying there's other ways to acquire many of the materials in the game by just you know farming money and getting it but for the multi-tool one of the first time please I would get would be for the scanners and as a matter of fact because we have multiple multi tools now you can actually dedicate one of the multi tools just for maximum rank scanning and if you manage to get like three maximum rank modules you're going to make hundreds of thousands of units just from one single creature so it's going to be extremely good for money-making in the early game which is why I definitely recommend getting these moving on to number seven this brings us to the base upgrades and the tech and the mistake I was telling you earlier to avoid is to invest too much Salvage data into getting all of these base upgrades since they are not like absolutely needed in order to progress through the game but if it is a mess for you to do that well here is some of the starting tag might be of use starting off with the logic system of course the solar panels and the batteries are two of the most important ones of them all especially since the combo between these two is absolutely crazy so the solar panels work automatically during the day and you can store the excess energy into the batteries if you connect to them and this means that it can basically run a base 24/7 having the solar panels during the day to power up the base and then using the excess energy in the batteries to power it during the night I wouldn't use the bio fuel reactors since it is extremely inefficient and I never find myself using it and less like I'm in a dire situation the next one would be the base teleporter I don't think this can even be skipped but you should definitely place it down it gives you unparalleled access to well other areas such as for example space stations you visited or other bases you visited or well created so this is insane very good you just need some power to run and it runs amazing just like the one on the space station and you can also use it like a relay point to quickly move to your space station and back if you want to like sell something on it or if you want to complete a mission or whatever but yeah pay close attention to this because this is also important and finally for the industrial tech there is like only theories here that I would get which are the mineral extractors the supply depot and the pipes if you like find a very good source of power you can also get the generators but I won't stress much Barrett since hey you can use solar panels to power up them anyway and be it's really uncommon to find one mineral deposits very close to an energy source as well in order to place all of these industrial technologies down at the same time so that is something that is going to be quite a journey in itself moving on to number eight this is not much of a mistake but rather than a small tip that I have for you guys and that is set up at least one of your bases right next to a portal it's not easy to actually find a portal it can be quite tedious so it's really awesome to actually have quick access to one of these especially since they give you so much convenience you can pretty much travel to any corner of the universe and even better if you're planning on using coordinates given by other players for points of interest such as for example beautiful planets good shapes or multi-tools this is going to give you like the quick access for all of that and it's going to take you like just a couple of minutes to do everything instead of having to find these portals manually each and every single time moving on to number nine this brings us to the fleet system something that has kind of been forgotten in the past few months you know like people aren't giving it as much attention as they should but fleets can be actually extremely useful especially once you get all of those frigates and send them into missions and well even more so if you upgrade them if you like send all these fleets of yours into big long distance missions they will bring you extremely valuable resources back but even more important they bring you a tonne of units they bring you a ton of materials and even nanite clusters which is something that you're going to be struggling to get even in the end games so yeah try to set up these fleets upgrade them and yeah just send them onto missions so you can get all of these benefits from that finally this is going to be about turning back into your previous galaxy or even like going between galaxies and by galaxies I mean going from something like Euclid to a centum and backwards let's say for example you finish the main campaign you got into the center of your current galaxy and decided to move into the next one what happens if you want to go back and you don't have a previous save file in order to do that well the fastest and most convenient route is to use the big terminus on the space anomaly as this will show you all of the previous bases including the ones that you had in the previous galaxies now if you happen to not have any bases in the previous galaxies maybe your list was deleted it was bugged or maybe you simply deleted them in the first place you can also use the featured tab since this will mostly show bases from players sets in Euclid so this is mostly going to work for the Euclid galaxy if you have gone through other galaxies and want to come back to the first one with the biggest population then this is the best way to do it either by using a previous base of yours on the terminus either using another creation from another player that has been featured over there assuming of course it is from Euclid's which again 99% of the time it is anyway I don't want to make this video too much longer I hope you guys enjoyed it let me know down below what other mistakes are you finding self committing in no man's sky as always don't forget to comment like and subscribe on this video thank you so much for watching and peace
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 1,292,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khraze gaming, no man's sky, nms, no man's sky new gameplay 2020, no mans sky 2020, no man's sky new content 2020, no man's sky biggest mistakes players make, no man's sky mistakes, no man's sky money guide, no man's sky tips and tricks, no man's sky how to, no man's sky things I wish I knew, no man's sky should, no mans sky should you buy, no man's sky then vs now, no man's sky best ships, no man's sky best upgrades, no man's sky how to get back to euclid, nms bytebeat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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