50 Tips & Tricks For Newer Players 2021 | No Man's Sky

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yo welcome back everybody and thank you for dropping in so what we have here is a bunch of tips and tricks for newer players so most of you og players will know a lot of these but if you think that you have or may know a tip and trick that nobody else knows feel free place it in the comment section for everybody to see but without that said let's help out the new waves of no man's sky players coming in every day so let's go taking off from any landing pad will require no fuel if a vendor only sells one of the item that you need and you need multiple of them you can buy it out go to your ship do a save and reload and come back to the vendor and the item will be back in store you usually have a massive pile of nanites on you if you head over to your discovery page and you upload all the systems you've recently been to you will get yourself a pile of nanites i'd advise buying uranium in bulk this means you will never have to craft launch fuel again make sure you talk to iteration helios at least once a week as he will give you a broadcast receiver that can find a dialect freighter saving you anywhere from 5 to 30 million walking then running and then jet packing all use different levels of life support this can become important when playing perma-death you can give yourself a jetpack boost by running and simultaneously punching and jet packing any reinforced door can be destroyed before even landing on the planet by using your ship any aggressive sentinel planet will have rare loot laying around on the surface of its planet this could be easy units for a newer player you can teleport out of your freighter but you cannot teleport back in make sure you check the nexus missions not just for the units and the nanites and the quicksilver but the item that they have some of these can be rare and hard to find your multi-tool becomes stronger the closer it gets to being overheated making sure that it doesn't overheat and just being still almost overheating is the fastest way to mine with your mining tool freighter bases require no power having a few barrels can come in handy as you can find both ingredients from out of these to make a warp cell you can find the antimatter housing and also the antimatter but you will need an atlas pass to open these you can craft an atlas pass not only for the barrels but also for doors that were once previously locked off to you x-class upgrades can be better than s-class upgrades but finding these can be difficult you can have three of the same upgrade in general but also in technology and this is not including the nexus blueprints make sure that you don't land on the item that you need to dig up as you cannot dig underneath your ship you can place a custom marker by using your analyzer and hitting your action key this marker will stay here as long as you're in the system leaving the system the marker will disappear a longer alternative is to place a base computer this will be here doesn't matter how far away you leave the system you can always come back and delete it later there are two terminals in each space station make sure that you check both as one may have an item that the other does not if you find that your multi-tool is out and you do not have the ingredients just to refill it you can punch a tree to get the carbon to refill it to continue on another alternative is to use your ship and shoot the ground you can collect materials as well if you can't seem to shake sentinels you can dig a hole and wait it out afk in the nexus is a great way to collect materials you'll be surprised at what people will throw away living eggs ship vows you name it you have a two percent extra chance of finding an s-class ship in a high-tier economy destroying cargo in space is the fastest way to find salvage freighter modules you can lose any threat by landing at a space station or even a nexus when base building you may realize you need a little bit of glass the fastest way to obtain this is to refine your silicate usually you'll have a pile of silicate from your terrain manipulator as it will collect it from when you are digging the ground as you can see when standing on a hill and looking for your analyzer you can tell the items further away have a fade to them be sure when you're selling your stockpile that you sell it in the most highest t economy system as the difference can be millions navigational datas can be found in pretty much any space station they're usually lying on the tables you can use the navigational data at the cartographer he will show you the locations of planetary structures just make sure you know what you're looking for first the nutrient processor has a storage inventory you can place cooking ingredients in here and some other items speaking iteration helios every now and then after scanning flora he will give you a sum of nanites make sure when building an exocraft bay that you delete the bay after summoning the ship this will give you all your materials back be careful shooting any of the grenade launchers as they can one-shot you on permadeath you may find yourself struggling no need you can go into camera mode and search around for all the items you need while the game is actually paused looking for your analyzer you can tell what class ships are but also standing in a cargo bay of a freighter you can check what the freighter is destroying asteroids in space you can find anomaly detectors completing a dialect freighter is the only way to get cargo slots for your freighter don't shy away from buying another multi-tool as you can actually have three if you ever need more storage buying ships and using them for storage containers is a smart method while searching dialect freighters you may come across 11 hidden base parts speaking of iteration areas every now and then is pretty smart as you can hand in your milestone data and giving you a sum of nanites make sure you check your previous systems when searching for glyphs using the space station teleporter as this will save you time and also warp cells you can check your planetary coordinates in the bottom left-hand side of your ship but you can also check the coordinates when on foot by looking for your analyzer it should be on the right-hand side of your analyzer screen you can quickly check the glyphs of your system by just checking photo mode no need to go find a planetary portal you can find blueprint recipes in the nexus now where once you had to find a manufacturing building on a planet and the biggest tip i can give you is save because if you ever make a mistake in general or even base building and you don't want to repair it you can just reload okay so there is a bunch of tips and tricks and just stuff in general that you may not know i know no mess guys can be a little bit confusing when you're a fresh player and the game's been going for years and it's had patch after patch after patch so hopefully one of those helped you out and i'll see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: CellDealer
Views: 17,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 61yrK2J8HlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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