Dan Mohler -City Center Church- 6/26/21

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[Music] hello and welcome to our city center church youtube page where you'll find our latest content and our live streaming make sure you subscribe to our channel hit the like button and also hit the bell icon so you'll be notified the next time we go live [Music] so we sang a song earlier and there was a phrase in it that he's madly in love with you there's a lot of people that would say they're christians that have a hard time with that don't have a hard time with that you're very valuable i know you're taught that here but if you're not from here don't don't don't be afraid of that kind of language i didn't grow up with that language i i grew up with a background in a church that was saying the only reason he died is because i was such a mess so evil and so sinful he died because i was lost and he wanted me to get found he died because i was living in the dark and he wanted me to live in the light of course he had to die because of our sin i'm not downplaying that there's a place of repentance for every person right there's a place for godly sorrow but that's not missed the point i mean anybody that would go to the extreme that jesus went to to obtain us somebody's buying a house and they they're young and they want to buy a house and they don't quite have the money they're finding discipline they didn't have they're trying to save they're going in for a couple extra hours yeah and they're trying to do what they can to get what they so want some people they ain't getting it so they just go ahead and get it and go in debt and get in trouble but they just want it so bad they do whatever they can to get there which i wouldn't encourage that anyway but think about what jesus did and i know you're familiar with this stuff but just think about it bear with me for a little we sang a line that he's madly in love with us and i'm cool with that line a lot of people aren't cool with that lie but i'm cool with that line you got to receive that personally like anybody that went to the extreme that jesus went to to buy your life to pay for your redemption so he could breathe life back into you he must really want what he's buying he must really want what he's paying for like nobody pays that much if they don't think the purchased possession is worth the price why do we struggle with that why does any preacher struggle with that that should be like yeah do you understand right that he was innocent had no mistakes was no way even close to guilty and died for doing nothing but right to reach people that were doing nothing but wrong like don't be in a hurry with this i can preach all night long but just get this because that relationship he was talking about if you get this you'll get that if you don't see his first love you'll just feel like you owe him something because you believe scripture but if you don't see his first love you won't understand the loving hymn part you'll get reduced to serving him you'll just do things for him but if you ever see his love yeah see i get that whoo i'm just playing it cool because i'm up here i'm supposed to make sense you got to put it on you got to take it personal when your worship leaders say i love you lord did you ever just get alone did you ever just close the door did you ever just head into a room and there was nobody in the room but you and you just stopped and turned your affection to him and lifted your hands and just saying i love you lord and sing it the whole way through then another song will hit your heart maybe another and 25 minutes later you're just standing there frozen and your heart knows him like it's really good but you won't be inclined to do that if you don't see how he sees you and if you're not living from how he sees you you're living from how you see yourself or how others have implied you like how others see you and that's where you get your identity and your value and your purpose you good with that if you see how he sees you and you see his first love it becomes natural to exchange that to receive that to accept that and in that process you begin to give that back and it'll be more than a song it'll be with your life your attitude your integrity your character your discipline and then it's not works you're not trying to get to him he already got to you and it's just an absolute beautiful response of knowing him yeah so you're not trying to do and trying to do and trying not to do and trying to do that's not christianity it's just being with him and being in him and seeing how he sees you and seeing what he sees what he paid for who you were from the beginning in his heart and in his mind and created value and purpose and putting that thing on because i promise you it fits it's where you look your best we've all been wearing stuff that was never made for us to wear that's why we didn't look good in it didn't fit wrong size terrible color match some of us looked really bad in what we were wearing i'm talking about wrong believing i'm talking about seeing yourself apart from truth that's where you get identity crisis and insecurity that's where you need somebody to tell you you're awesome because you don't believe anything good and you just feed off of it that's where you get insecure that's where you get needy we're not wearing the right thing so when you see jesus it takes all that stuff off of you and you find yourself stripped and naked but not ashamed because he's putting the new clothes on you so you don't stay naked you're closed this is beautiful so is he madly in love with you i like that song i like that line i'm not one bit i i i've gotten criticized over the years for which which i don't mind people people find something to criticize you for i'm not saying that because it bothers me it's amazing how we think and we all say we're christians i've got criticized for saying he died to restore my value and my purpose like you can get so religious you'd get so trained by something your whole life that when you hear something else you're trained to not receive it because you've heard something else your whole life and all of a sudden you don't even want to hear it because it doesn't agree with what you were told your whole life come on you know this is possible because jesus himself spoke for years into the hearts and years of men for years and got killed for what he's saying how is it possible that truth himself not preaching the truth truth himself i would say that's preaching the truth truth himself stands and speaks and all they can listen for is what they don't agree with so they can never hear what he said they constantly had a problem with everything he was saying scripture reveals that he died on that cross to restore the value that man possesses in his sight what do i mean by that does that make something of man that makes something of god that means he made you and me with a purpose with an intention with an identity with the destiny and if you don't step into that and all you do is come to god because life is tough and you're hoping he makes it easier or you don't want to go to hell you want to go to heaven so hey i better come to you or you're just sincerely sorry for the life you lived and the choices you made and you just want forgiveness and that's cool but you don't see past that who knows people that are living there are constantly shifting and moving up and down and life is always speaking way louder than truth are you with me on this man this is important when pastor opened up and talked about intimacy in relationship and this weekend man i couldn't agree more like knowing him is the transformation of your in my life not just knowing about him not studying long enough to get up here and preach his sermon waking up in the morning and knowing he loves you waking up in the morning and knowing that your life is worth living in him waking up in the morning and understanding you already have value already have acceptance and the spirit of god is on the inside of you so you can shine as a light yeah there's there's something about believing god and waking up in the morning and not letting anything matter more than what matters most like you're on the earth for a reason so the experiment's over survival mode is over you're not searching out the reason anymore he's come the lights come yeah and all of a sudden it puts something in you called understanding and all of a sudden you didn't physically put anything on but you're wearing something and why would you take it off when you look so good in it come on i've never seen anybody that believed they were forgiven not look good in forgiveness i've never seen anybody that actually believed they received mercy and not look good in mercy i've never seen anybody that sincerely denied himself picked up the cross and following him that doesn't look amazing in that truth love isn't unattractive love is what everybody's crying out for the trouble is we're all crying out to be loved instead of become love [Music] and the reason we're crying out to be loved is because we haven't received love the way it can be received because i found this in my bible i read it you're too late you can't talk me out of it i read it and i believe it it's ephesians 3 and it says to know to know to know the love of christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of god that does not sound like insecurity that does not sound like deficit all the fullness of god comes into my life through knowing his love you study the word it means a house with no empty rooms what it means is fully and completely occupied there's no vacancy in your life there's no empty place there's nothing that anything can sneak into and abide because you're fulfilled the word actually denotes a ship so full of cargo a ship floating a barge floating in water so full of cargo that if you had one more box you couldn't find a place to put it because it's fulfilled ain't that something i think many of us have vacancy signs over our heads we got to get rid of the vacancy signs and get fulfilled the only way to get that way it's not through another person it's not through a relationship it's not through somebody honoring you it's not through somebody saying kind words it's not through gaining extra attention through knowing the love of christ is he madly in love with us i'll tell you what he's either out of his mind and super lonely and needs a friend bad and that's not him or he loves us i'm sticking with the ladder i'd say god knows who he is he never lost his identity we lost ours when moses said who sent me he said i am that's pretty secure just tell them i am okay that kind of covers it see what happened to every one of us we lost our identity when we were born into adam when adam got separated from god ever since that day every man was born into adam not born into god so what is flesh is a flesh and you must be born it's just very i know some of you say that's so trivial in elementary but it's very important we don't rush over the things that are so foundational and make sure that everybody in this room understands that that no one in this room was born into a healthy identity when you were born of your mother you were born into adam you had no clue who you were and you were super needy even emotionally and mentally even when you were tiny newborn yeah you had no idea who you were i've been teaching this a lot lately i want you to bear with me on this the bible talks a lot about believers and promises to a believer and these signs follow those that believe and the things i do you'll do if you believe jesus mentions belief a lot belief is a very used word in the new testament believe and believer and i say you better guard your believer you better make sure that the right things decide what you believe because everybody's believing things but what do you believe what do you believe about yourself what do you believe about others what do you believe about him jesus said who do men say that i am and they answered him and then he said but who do you say that i am it's a question we all have to answer your answer to that question and what you realize about the answer that question will reveal how you're going to walk him out yeah this is what we don't understand what we don't understand and he's the potter and we're the clay he breathed into dirt and dirt stood to its feet alive that means we're all clay from ashes to ashes dust to dust right we're all clay do you understand we're clay okay so clay isn't dominant clay is a yielder there's no one in control of their life like it's the biggest lie in the planet well i'm you know yourself yourself you're not in control you say it's my life it's never your life something's always deciding you something's always controlling you you're not in control of yourself there's something dominating your emotions your belief system and it's it's so destructive when it's apart from christ anger for instance just frustration anger anger just cuts somebody off every time you hear their name it does something on the inside ten years go by you hear their name and that thing still see your clay you're not in control you're being manipulated and molded and shaped by something because your clay well it's my life it's never been your life it's always been designed to be his life in you but if his life's not in you something's in you deciding i'm not just saying an evil spirit a belief system influence memories the past something is deciding who you are and how you are even if it isn't jesus and i promise you it's not just you there's no one just driving the car of their life if your life's a car you're not driving it because you're clay all clay does is yield is that fair boy it's quiet no it's true come on if you don't understand the love of god then you'll live outside of love so frustration anger you'll pick and choose first impressions oh they get on my nerves so i like them oh i'll just ignore them oh you're clay and you're being shaped by the things around you and the pressure and the spinning and the wheel is life and you got to get off of that thing and make sure you're on his wheel you got to get in the potter's hand you got to yield to the right pressure you got to yield to the right wisdom you got to re yield to the right destiny and purpose that's called relationship and unity with him that's what pastor was talking about having you're the clay but man he's madly in love with me and i'm clay he wants to come in and live in me and have his way and fulfill everything he's ever desired and never seen everything he ever intended sin looked like it changed it but it couldn't change him so love never failed destiny's still in place and on track it's for me to step into the blood of jesus is speaking better things so i've lost nothing i was born into adam but i'm still predestined to be adopted in as a son god hasn't changed yay so i ought to just jump in yeah and live there and stay there and don't believe anything outside of there and surrender everything that ever was before there the wisdom the feelings the emotions don't agree with any of it if it doesn't produce life it can't be him if it's not encouraging me and springing forth i can't be he came to give me life and life more abundantly i don't even want something that just mellows me out and keeps me planing i should be inspired i should be encouraged because every day he loves me every day he paid the price to live inside of me and love through me you get it come on don't get tricked into self-focused in your christianity you better stay kingdom focused christ christ focused focused on others i said there he is love god loved people i looked across saw that shirt i said i like it love god and love people here's the thing about loving people you love your neighbor as your if your identity is all messed up your viewer your neighbor ain't cool if you love your neighbor as yourself it's important you see yourself clear so you get a good look at your neighbor some of you don't like your neighbor because deep down in you really don't like you see if you understood everybody had the same destiny called his image some might work in missions some might have an amazing voice and just lead and be able to sing i'm not that person but i can do other things right there some people can do different things some people have a heart for the homeless children just go to the nations there's there's all kinds of different koi but man we're all called to the same thing we're all called to his image to his love and to shine as a light that's priority that's why we all have equal value in this room that's why it's the biggest lie to have hot shots in low life mountain and curb gutter there's no such thing in the kingdom of god everybody's worth the same it's not high talk that's not inspirational speech come on how do i know in my heart and i'm truly convicted to stand here with a mic with a camera running and say everybody has the same value because the same price was paid for every head you don't pay the same price for every car you don't say pay the same price for every grill every air conditioner but the same price was paid for every human why because every human has the same purpose his image the same destiny to walk in love and shine as the light it cost him the same for every person to buy and obtain every person who cost the same price he didn't he didn't have to shed an extra two quarts of blood to get pastor matt well i'll pray about that no he didn't he did the blood of jesus is the blood of jesus fair enough it costs the blood of jesus to redeem mankind that means everybody's the same in the sight of god come on you know that's true your every piece of clothing is worth different and you you want something really bad and every once in a while you'll stretch because you really want it and you'll pay a little more than you thought because it's not crazy more but there's some things you just say that i just got to change my appetite i can find some i can find two or something that i like and you ain't paying all that because you know it ain't worth that but god puts himself the son of god puts himself in a woman and is born of her takes on flesh becomes a man to fulfill what man failed that's pretty intense that sounds like more than inconvenience but he's not inconvenienced and nobody takes his life he freely gives it he's madly in love with us come on you pass your your friend's driveway on the way to church and he calls you three miles after your past you're wishing he'd called you three miles sooner and you'll still go back and get him but usually it's with a sigh or now i'm gonna be late or i'll get you man no it's no problem it's okay it's okay look man i didn't mean to put you out no no we're buds i'll get you man you hang up oh man why didn't he call me well again we're just talking about backtracking three miles at service time okay come on i'm on you a little bit somebody asked you to help them on a weekend day and it was the day you were going to do this or that and you're feeling like man i should help they do they don't even have nobody ah and if we do do it sometimes we do it but we don't do it with joy how do you give your life get crucified beat beyond description i mean this isn't just a blow to the temple and lights out this is fought with for three years unjustly ruled and determined by present day system and then beat till you can't tell who he is and then hung naked i'm sure naked stripped naked total humility before the people on the cross has cursed from god cursed by god beat beyond description more more than anybody was ever marred by the hands of a man and he did it with joy and it pleased the father to bruise the son that means he wasn't crying it's the only part that i saw in the passion that i said well they didn't have to do the tear in the puddle but then again sometimes we do cry at the reality of things without having true remorse so the tear wasn't terrible but it pleased the father to bruise the sun that means he was the agent behind it he just backed up and let darkness do what it does steal kill destroy steal kill destroy jesus said to do what you came for it's your hour jesus just said it's your hour do what you came god's playing the devil like a pawn darkness like a pawn he's getting to play right into his master plan they're blinded to all the scriptures even they know scriptures they can't see and they crucify the son of god scripture says the rulers of this world if the rulers of this world would have knew what they were doing they would have never crucified the son of god they think death you win death you win death you really really lost this time yeah because that mighty holy spirit comes into the realm of death and lifts up the son of god the son of man according to the spirit of holiness he raises him from the dead and there's no thing that can stop it [Applause] and then he comes out with the keys of death hell in the grave and he's named above every name he's king of kings and he's lord of lords pretty excited about this message this is bigger than just christmas story oh baby in a manger [Laughter] what'd you get me sorry oh my goodness he must really love us don't let anybody try to talk you out of this for god so it doesn't say for god was so frustrated in a wits end but yet so administrative and wise he decided to pull out his ace card and finally send his son to hopefully clean up the mess of humanity oh i'm so glad it doesn't say that he's so there's scriptures that say mercy triumphs over judgment where sin abounds grace of ground bounds even more that love covers a multitude of sins that you overcome evil with you see why he's a good god see why he's good even when your circumstances are crazy because he sent his son so it makes him good if you get that mixed up and you get tricked into that he's not good thing well then you won't have this and the great potter won't be molding the clay when you close the door you won't even be thinking singing i love you lord you're full of questions and you're wondering where he's been and why didn't answer your prayer how come that didn't change and how long do you got to pray when is it going to change now you're self-focused and self-centered and your view of god is skewed are you with me i've watched a lot good of hearted people make that mistake and they weigh god by their life instead away their life by god don't get it backwards please don't get it backwards well if god loved me why stop you already got spite in your heart that's already a challenge you already think you got an answer and you're wrong not be me well you can't tell me he's good if he was good then he'll come if he wasn't good why'd he send his son what gives us that ability to think like that is the fall of man it's self-centeredness it's you thinking for you apart from the kingdom and the goal of the kingdom it's you thinking for you apart from the wisdom and the will of god it's you taking on what adam passed on assessing him judging him convicting him in the court of your own mind and coming up with an assessment don't ever get tricked into that if it's not producing life you with me scripture actually teaches us we don't ever have to be discouraged and disappointed and dreading and fearful and fretting why because we're seeing in truth that truth keeps us free in the hardest times we understand things and we see things for what they are in the hardest times in the hardest times it's never a question of his love that's been settled we're rooted and we're grounded that's really important that in the hardest times you have some things settled you good with that you guys are good with the gospel you really are you're you're pretty easy crowd to compel you just you just love him but there's things he wants to glean there's things he wants to sharpen there's things he wants to clean up in our lives so we live more effective so we stay consistent so we don't sell out time that we don't have to sell because we're not for sale we're bought with a price redeem the time the days are evil sometimes a little bit of wrong thinking can buy out time sometimes it can put you in a mood and an attitude that's unproductive for months on end some people have lost years just thinking wrong lost years just thinking wrong redeem the time days are evil right walk in the light as he's in the light she got to look at jesus follow jesus come on don't anybody get tricked oh there's going to be i can say this it came in my heart i'm just going to take faith risk and say this don't get mad at me i'm not being insensitive i don't need to know your story right now but watch this please don't get caught and feeling sorry for yourself no matter what your story i promise you that's not the answer feeling sorry for yourself because all you'll do is surround yourself with a couple people that feel sorry for you but that'll never make you better and it'll never take the pain away you have to have a higher answer than feeling sorry for yourself wonder if jesus just felt sorry for himself for a day do you think he had the opportunity every day in the sense of of act of uh uh happenings do you think that he had that that that scenario i don't think he had that option in his heart because he's love so he doesn't seek his own he's not thinking for himself good answer so if you're not thinking for yourself how can you feel sorry for yourself you see why it's always a trap because it means you're thinking for yourself and now it has a platform it has a landing strip it has a birthing place for heaven's sakes don't keep it in a playpen and feed it a bottle and nurture it and let it grow yeah don't let it get five seven don't let it become a teenager [Laughter] some people let that thing get fully grown i know good-hearted christians that don't realize what they're doing they start feeling sorry for themselves if you're not thinking for yourself you can't feel sorry for yourself if you're seeking first the kingdom of god loving not your own life unto death if you've denied yourself picked up your cross and you're following him if you put your hand to the plow and you're not looking back feeling sorry for yourself is never an option and if the temptation comes these truths you're living by cut it off before it ever has a place to even try to plant don't make it normal don't call it natural don't let anybody come and say oh it's just a part of life everybody goes through it you know why they would say that because they can't relate to what i'm saying so their answer is their own life you can't preach beyond what you're living so you be careful about that i have noticed this over the years that we compare ourselves among ourselves paul said that's not wise and sometimes the highest revelation we have is our own experience and then we make that our truth and then there's no grace being applied through faith to change our experience so we are stuck in what we believe we are your emotions come into that category and everything who knows that god can transform your whole emotional expression when he changes the motive in your life for living if god takes self-centeredness out of your life then all the emotions that flow through self-centeredness have no platform did you get this this is why if anybody's going to come after me matthew 16 the first thing you got to do is deny yourself you got to get rid of the platform for all the perversity that we've all experienced our emotions have been haywire guys we don't know whether we're coming or going we're living to be happy and spend a lot of time sad we're living for moments of joy and we get depressed is this all about us it's a self-focused survival thing that's just it's not true it's not even why we're here it's just me trying to make it me trying to get by me trying to get through surround the right people around me praying for the right connections come on all that's frivolous get rid of the motive of your life if the motive of your life is in seek first the kingdom of god live for the glory of god and lay down your life for others you're never going to walk in freedom you're going to stay self-focused self-conscious self-centered you're going to need people to build your esteem instead of find your esteem through the truth come on christianity and insecurity have nothing in common christianity and low esteem have nothing in common christianity means little christ like one i would say he was pretty solid he said the rule of this world cometh and he has nothing in me you know why because of his motive he was selfless he was here to lay down his life give up his life win your life at the cost of his no compromise the ruler of the world cometh and has nothing in that doesn't even have anywhere there's no weakness no loophole you know how satan's roaming like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour well he sought and sought and sought jesus he left him came looking for a more opportune time jesus at the end of his life before the cross said he cometh has nothing in me what a declaration he told us to follow him he said the things he did we can do he's telling you the pure and heart shall see god he's saying we could have the same motive that made him tick see we get tricked we think it's it's humble and holy to say well that was jesus like ramping him up like that was jesus as if we can't follow him but he wants you to follow him he doesn't want you to honor him there he wants you to join him there [Applause] he's not sitting up above everybody saying wasn't i awesome give it up ooh no he says come up hither he tells you to see be seated in heavenly places with him that the same spirit to raise christ from the dead now lives in you he's going to quicken your mortal body follow me the things i do you're a firstborn among many brother in romans 8 predestined to be conformed to the image of god second peter 1 great and precious promises by which we partake of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust that means self-centered seeking not pornography the word lust there means self-centered seeking unsatisfiable self-centered seeking that's what's driving the world got to make sure you didn't buy into a gospel that's for your sake and not his name's sake there'll be no character in that gospel there'll be no integrity there'll be compromise there'll be failure and frustration you even blame god for things if you're a christian for your sake you're in trouble don't even try to live it just drop it now look i'm sorry if somebody coaxed you in with fancy promises and wooed you in to get you to god for what he can do for you no we need to bring you to god for who he can make you become not about blessings it's about transformation i promise you transformation is the blessing if if the gospel can get me free from me i'll realize i just got delivered from my greatest enemy and all of a sudden i have a whole different look at you see when i'm living for me you've got to be my problem if god would just tweak you life would be better self-righteous and deceived when you live that way no he's been wanting to get inside of me for a long time and change the eye i looked through i said i wanna look at you i see what's always been there what he's seen from the beginning what he saw when he hung there and said forgive him father they don't know what they're doing yay isn't that awesome you think he's madly in love with us you got to receive it please receive it tonight please don't let anyone or anything lie to you your life is worth the blood of jesus to god the father your creative value and your destiny and him from the beginning is what makes you worthy he he saw fit to send his son in due time he sent his son he was a root that came up out of dry ground he came to his own in his own knew him not and he didn't get offended he came to his own his own received him not he didn't get offended he wept with compassion and realized there's sheep without a shepherd he was face to face with the fall of man man that he made for his own image and they couldn't even recognize the one that created him he stood right in front of him and they didn't have a clue who he was in fact they killed him for his language they were so estranged when he called god his father in john 5 that's worth death bad enough you healed on the sabbath now you just blasphemed me and called god your father who do you think you are oh it's in your bible in john 5 but when they ask him how they should pray what did he say when you pray pray saying well he's trying to bring the truth back to the earth huh they're so estranged that when he called god his father they thought it was worth dying and then when he said how how do we pray to you he said when you pray pray saying what's he saying look guys you're so confused he's not only my father he's your father too he said in matthew 23 9 don't call any man on earth your father you have one father don't call any man on earth your father that means don't identify find your value your heritage through one biological man called dad that doesn't mean you sinned the last week when you sent a father's day card call no man or your father it means don't regulate and identify your life through natural means your existence goes way back before that and the word father there means come forth from so it means you came forth from him and that's where you find your identity and that's where you find your value watch this but because we haven't understood that our natural dads have played such a huge part in our life even if it was super negative and then people hold the dads accountable the dads can't recover and they're condemned because they can't make up for lost time and we have no answers because we're trying to find ourselves through the wrong people you've got adults that can't even talk about their dad or when they do they're not free and you think your dad was in bondage no you're clay remember you've been shaped in motive for years but it wasn't the pressure of the father's hand something's influencing you whether you want to believe it or not something is making you who you are something is influencing your life period because you're clay man people don't like that i can feel that's hard in a good christian church it's just like [Laughter] but it's true you're clay but when he shapes you and you become his workmanship created in christ now you're ready for good works because they were predestined beforehand that you should walk in them what's first his workmanship good works ain't first you don't do the good works to prove the workmanship that'll create self-righteousness and pride no you become the workmanship and the workmanship changes your heart and your life and your mind and your motives and all of a sudden the workmanship good works it's like a righteous tree righteous fruit come on apple tree apples righteous tree righteousness this isn't complicated no apple tree out there going apple i know you're an apple your bark looks like an apple your leaves oh i i am an apple tree and then you look down the row wait i don't have as many apples as them and mine aren't as red and bright why is the apple tree bear apples this isn't rocket science it's not a test question because it's an apple tree when was it an apple tree in the seed so what was jesus a seed that fell to the ground firstborn among many and he died and he fell to the ground and he sprung up and he's bearing much fruit christians you get it it pleased the father to bruise his son and cause his soul to grieve when he made him an offering for sin and it goes on to reveal that he sees us coming out through him one seed much fruit you see where we got to live from in this the father is well pleased that you bear much fruit and that your fruit what remain and if you bear much fruit guess what he's going to do he's going to keep clipping and snipping branches you get that wild thing wrong and after he trims that thing up and prunes that thing up guess what you're going to do bear even more he's really into reproducing himself after his own kind it's the whole reason he put man on the earth it doesn't mean he's arrogant he does he's not on the ego trip watch he's all made by the amazing god and he's loving he has nowhere to go with it until he makes man he has no way to multiply it no way to express it no way to manifest it so he makes man in his own image gives him the earth and tells him to subdue it till the whole earth is full of his glory man follows us another voice eats the tree he was never supposed to eat i understand the serpent talked to eve but he followed the voice of his wife he heeded her voice and not the lords that's what the charge was against adam because you heeded the voice of your wife instead of me that means whatever the serpent said to her she said to him why everything's out to reproduce itself after its own kind so the serpent made a little disciple through deception she passed the message on to the only other man or person on the earth and he bought into the message and humanity fell from fellowship with god and instead of being loved and being grafted into the source of love he's cut off from the source of love and now he's bankrupt and in desperate need of love and everyone in this room was born into that deficit you needed love support stability encouragement identity from the time you can remember your whole way through school there was so much hanging on the security of who you really were some of us are depending on certain people and they let us down and we're crushed some of them didn't let us down and we're riding high on their affirmation but at the same time they have the power to devastate us because we're using them to make us they have the power to break us so we're on thin ice all the time we're just one shift of relationship away from a meltdown because our identity is resting on life not the giver of it come on you all know what i'm talking about they laugh at you in grade school and you realize they're laughing at you and you're young and they're laughing at you and you either get broken and hurt and insecure and introverted or you just get hardened and become a fighter but no matter how you respond it's not you it's all hinged on reaction remember your clay but you'll grow up and call that your personality type and somebody will put a letter or a number to it but it wouldn't be anything that you are if you knew him the whole time see how deceived it is you get saved and say well i'm always i've just always been we're not talking about always that person died that's not stop regulating your life to that person you're relating to you still look the same you still have that general personality but you're living from a different place you have a different belief system you have a different why in your life the gospel changes everything all things pass away all things are new so the motive in your life is even different man nobody owes me anything now i'm here to love right i'm not trying to find myself through you i found myself through him now i'm free towards you i can finally love i'm actually platformed to love i'm not needy i'm not insecure i don't come to this church to be built up and encourage you come to this church and be part of an army and if somebody comes to be built you know then they're hurt they need who knows that we can just swallow that up with love and encourage people and teach them to not be insecure and let our lives demonstrate what healthy is you're always going to have that in churches but i'll tell you what the group i'm talking to on a saturday night you zealots you zealots you can take this come on you're the people that make the difference you don't just come here needing something you come here a part of something see if you're needy you're going to get let down if you have some other motive i promise you that relationship pastors talk about is where your answers are you don't come and test the atmosphere you don't come to see if this is a loving church it should be you're here [Applause] see the common knowledge of man the wisdom of man the wisdom of the world the way that seemeth right to a man has stumbled many congregations because people come for the wrong reasons and then pastors are holding meetings trying to get everybody to be as extra sensitive to everybody and well if we could preach and get the sensitivity out of everyone we wouldn't have to be so sensitive you're serving in a ministry you shouldn't be able to be hurt you're serving because you love you're trying to empower the kingdom you're not serving to be noticed or recognized i've seen countless people serving the church and leave the church offended because they didn't get their due what does your do you do is when you stand before the lord and you cast your crown your due is laying down your life for the kingdom if you're serving in the church risking getting offended because they don't acknowledge you get out of the ministry and get a grip on your heart before you step back in [Applause] well i just really feel like i gave extra extra time and nobody even acknowledged that's dangerous stop it you're hurting friends going to buy into that but nobody else jesus isn't you're not going to oh well let me pray for you there's no it's not pray for you it's change your motive you need a good friend that is sensitive and soft not intense like i am right now but i'm in that position so i'm letting it fly but i know how i know how to save with mercy but i know how to snatch all the fire and one's not better than the other they both have their place i'm just preaching right now i want to get your attention but there's a place for you to say listen honey don't you see what you're doing you're letting what they didn't get you you had a motive to get something and you set men to fail you now they failed you now you're stereotyping their hearts and you're hurting even more you're trying to get something from them instead of lay down your life for jesus name and and if you go to another church and take this pain with you you're already going wounded and then you're going to get into another ministry now you've got two wounds now four churches later you're bitter and the church is one big fat hypocrite [Music] and the whole time you went for your sake not his name you weren't laying down your life for others you were waiting for accolade you wanted somebody to tell you you're amazing because you don't believe it through the blood [Applause] come on well but you don't understand my upbringing nobody ever encouraged me jesus is a great encourager he's hanging here i love you and know who you are come to me you're worthless to me that's your beats i hope you're happy now look what your sin did to me come unto me come unto me you who labor heavy laden come unto me i'll give you rest my yoke is easy my burden is light why because it looks like it's intense no it's easy to like because it's selfless it's all for the sake of the father and the sake of others so there's no hurt and offense in his yoke [Applause] come on in the world you have tribulation to me you have peace be of good cheer i've overcome the world wait a minute jesus if you overcame the world why do i have tribulation because you're in the world you're not of the world you think different now he overcame the world he brought a whole different mentality with him he brought his kingdom he brought his way he brought his heart his love his mindset and his motives and we miss that and always go after his power and we miss his heart come on we say it all the time your will be done on earth as it is in heaven binding and loosen what's bound and loose heaven and earth we're like yeah no cancer in heaven no cancer on the earth whoa i got faith to pray for cancer to leave and it's true it's scriptural it makes sense but why is it always the power of god why is our illustration always the power of god why is it always a miracle your will be done on earth as it is in why is it never the heart of god no animosity in heaven no unresolved conflicts no pride no bickering no bitterness no offense no discouragement no discouraged your will be done on as it is you sang amazing by the way tonight you really bless my heart phew girl i was like come on you really did and i could tell you love him you were just doing it to him i could tell you guys are so far from a performance but yet it looks amazing i don't even know how to define it that's why i came back i was probably in secret faith that a trip would cancel just so i could come to your worship service and you my man you need you need you need acknowledged in this you're so gifted your voice is incredible you got sweat pouring all over you but you know what he does he takes leads he steps in and out but he backs up he kneels and people are just all flowing he's got people stepping up when he's back here yeah he's just doing what he does yeah yeah i'm talking about you and he comes over here and he's just down here and she's just singing he just everything's just all good because it's just not about him is he gifted is he anointed does he have an amazing voice absolutely could he just totally take the lead and it would be awesome and everybody go whoa yes but there's so much expression up here there's a multiplicity of hearts it's called worship you're not putting it's not performance it's an army it's a good job you're doing a good job i felt that the last time i was here i was like i could sneak in here just for your worship service and then slip out not only because i've never heard you preach now if i hung out then i'd probably have to come back to hear you again so yeah yeah he's like you're supposed to just look at me pass and say hey man are you guys okay i hope so it'd be a shame if you're not cause i'm feeling pretty happy in god i thought man if i feel like this and they ain't all right there's something messed up how much scripture did i share with all these little points and illustrations lots lots it's all here i don't know how we ever got thinking anything else somewhere along the line we got tricked into preaching the gospel that benefited us instead it changed us we didn't need benefited as much as we needed change i know the lord will load us with benefits but that comes with the change there's a benefit to being selfless there's a benefit to becoming love there's a benefit to not taking account of a suffering wrong there's a benefit in being surrendered yeah i think we've turned him in to fill my vats fill my barns protect me and bless me and some of us are wondering where he's been and when you get in that kind of quandary and indecision your light ain't shining because you got too many questions yes and if he's in question like that you ain't having intimacy with him you ain't getting pregnant by him you ain't gonna give birth to what looks like him that's what that means that ain't weird i didn't talk about sexual with god i'm talking about him imparting into you through prayer and relationship to where everything that comes out of your life looks like it's father yeah people ain't getting intimate with him when they have questions about him if you don't see him clear i mean people you know in the world people do one night stand stuff when it comes to intimacy you can try that at an order just go get touched by god who but if he's all that and you gonna run to the otter whoo why ain't you like that in your kitchen why aren't you like that when you go into the bathroom to brush your teeth in the morning you ain't worried about your breath everything that has breath it didn't say if it was good or bad i got him on that one man [Applause] you just closed the door be bold be confident i laugh you lord [Laughter] some people have the hard time talking like this you should be free with the lord i've been in the shower used no it's more way more than once i've been in the shower used all the hot water never touched the soap no i don't do that especially you live in a family of three or four or five or seven but it just didn't happen that way on purpose you're just talking to him and you think in the shower you think you can sing you ain't like everybody else on the planet that can sing you need the shower and you're in the shower you think you can sing there's some about the water the steam you say it sounds good am i telling the truth who thinks they sound better in the shower and i don't know if your body's just happy because you're getting clean i don't know what's happening but when i'm in the shower i think i sound better than you better than you [Applause] [Laughter] but i don't so i'm thinking i'm just giving the lord a joyful noise forget about the in tune noise i'm just joyful but when i'm in the shower i'm like lord you're liking this [Applause] next thing you know the water's changing temperature and you got the hot crank especially in the winter when it's really cold coming in there into the tank you understand when the hot water is coming out of the hot water tank cold's feeding it so you might only use half of it but it's half filling with all coal you get so you in there this is how we overcome and you don't even pick up the soap why because you have relationship you don't have quandary you don't have issues he's not not good he loves me and i'm not ashamed i'm not in the shower or hiding [Laughter] not being weird don't get offended at that just having fun being lighthearted but serious man when you're good in your own skin in god not just your own skin your own skin in god because the world will tell you what good in your own skin should look like i'm talking in your own skin in god there's pressure on people people getting caught up in trying to be what you need to look like and what you need pressure on all kinds of people all the time yeah look at the lies and the weight that's fell on young ladies just trying to grow up under the pressure of what young womanhood is what accept it is what beautiful is what fashion is what figure is please don't be moved by an ounce of it so many people been crushed by it it's a topic that makes me cry i spend a lot of time praying and crying that's why i'm a little borderline emotional now you have no idea how i've cried for women over this topic because it just ain't the truth the whole time you're being crushed you're worth the blood of jesus and he absolutely loves and adores you wants to live in you and shine through you yeah ain't nothing wrong with taking up taking care of yourself but don't get extreme and overboard and weigh yourself by yourself away yourself by others and don't let it be the outward adorning let it be the inward person of the heart that is found pleasurable in the sight of god please don't let it be your figure i don't want to be your measurements don't let it be your genetics don't look at your body and say why did you have to give me this body it's only the world that can trick you into believing that you'd be thankful you're you because there's only one and you get so filled with god that people in a healthy way get envious for the jesus you know [Music] i can show you in isaiah 53 maybe you don't know it but jesus there was no comeliness or form of comeliness that we should desire him that means he wasn't a hunk of hunk of man that means you women wouldn't have been like walking down the street long oh wasn't that fitting i would think it would be fitting just to send him and be homely by human standards and then everybody throng him and women ministering to him and around him not because he's gorgeous because he's loved i promise you love's attractive you ever see anybody in fellowship with god and just worshipping jesus and it's the most beautiful thing man i've been around women of god i've been in ministry full-time ministry there's nothing sexual it's nothing wrong it's nothing in pure you just you just catch somebody one of you ladies is just in love with jesus and you just and you just see him and you're like oh my goodness and you just want to look that way because if not you're just going to keep looking and people going why is he staring at her during worship you ever see that you ever seen anybody just look so beautiful in the lord and had nothing to do with their face their figure their clothes i've seen it on guys i've seen it on girls more so on girls because they relate to this sometimes guys play it too cool you shouldn't be afraid to be in love with a man and have it be okay in the christian world i know being in love with a man in the world today is being pushed like never before but i'm in love with a man and it's legal in the christian world yeah yeah and it's not some weird sexual perverted thing it's not some insecure thing it's not something i need day i see his first love and he came to me when i had no idea who i was because he knew he came to me on my darkest day and didn't let my darkest day change his mind about who i was created to be and love never failed and he never lost sight of who i was in him and the whole time his blood was speaking better things over my life and where sin abounded grace sure did come greater and you don't even know where my life was on the night i got saved but i was going to make some major mistakes some bone-headed decisions and i was gonna follow out my pain and anger and frustration and i was gonna answer my own dilemma with my own dilemma in the long run right because that's what it would have been and right in the middle of that he intervened and rescued me like probably saved me within a couple days of making the most terrible choices of my life man why would he come to me how does he even know me why does he even care because he saw me before i was seen he's the author and giver of life and when i went in to my mama's egg from my daddy's loins it was on purpose 500 million sperm cells racing for mom's egg eat your heart out it's me swim as fast as you want get in the way try to trip each other you can get there first if you want don't matter i just take my time why because it's me from the foundation of the world chosen hand-picked time to be born by almighty god and then you're going to get earthy and get tricked into my life's an accident nobody cares i should never been born all this anti-truth that produces death come on be real with me whoever grew up toying with those ideas life's a mistake shouldn't be alive no no no never mean right be honest with me right now who grew up at some season in their life thinking those kind of thoughts in your life about yourself be honest with me be real honest class participation that doesn't mean you're there now you see how prevalent that is so on purpose it's the enemy trying to twist you from truth and get you 180 degrees from where life is and get you to believe this is life so that you dread it so much you don't want to participate you all good man it's early 7 no i told you some of you are zealots right in the front too right in the front somebody about halfway back saying knock don't encourage him too much i remember him last time he's borderline scary you don't pay attention to that clock don't cheer him on too loud no this is stuff watching this is stuff you got to take ernest t ernest you can say dan i hear you preach this before i preach the same stuff every time i preach i preach the same stuff every time i preach there's one tone every time i preach for the last couple years you can pull out a topic i'm pretty prepared to preach it you'd be amazed i've filled my heart with a word i could pull you can pull out a topic i'm pretty prepared to preach it i did a 52 day kingdom living school we covered everything in that school and i just show up like this every day we had no syllabus no plan we didn't even think about where we were heading i just showed up with my bible dressed ready to roll and fellowship with god and we just went with it we covered everything man scriptures brown people were like wow that school's so awesome it was just all god yeah there was no curriculum there was no plan no pre-study no nothing just coming in relationship with jesus right but yet for the last hand four years when i stand in front of people this is the only stuff that burns me it feels like it's a voice just crying out inside of me it just feels loud it feels urgent and it's like all i can see as soon as i stand up i could think i might talk about something else i get up here same place over and over and over why paul said in philippians 2 it's not tedious to write the same thing to you over and over and over because for you it's a safeguard hebrews 2 says take earnest of the things you've heard at least they slip away first peter chapter 2 or uh ii peter chapter 1 second peter chapter 1 halfway through the chapter he writes an amazing chapter of revelation of the gospel and then he says i write these things to you even though you know them and are established in them well if you know we know it we're established then why are you taking the time to write it write something fresh brother and then what people say i want some fresh manna you probably ought to become the manner you've heard come on we're not in this pursuit for more knowledge we want to know him not know about him yeah come on face i want that fresh word fresh word every day from god love you see it's one thing for me to tell you god loves you it's another thing for you to be loved by god that's where you come in you being loved by god that's a working thing right there you can tell people that are being loved by god they just look different they just all right when things ain't all right you think they're trying to talk faith but it's all they see because they've been with him yeah it's true peter said i write these things even though you know them and are established in them because i think it's safe to stir you by reminding what's he trying to say what's god trying to say through these men and all these sections of scripture i just bore witness of that life is constantly trying to distract you and get you off the beaten path of truth that's why in a colossians he says set your mind on things above and not the things of the earth two verses in a row he tells you to set your mind yeah why because he knows your mind is real quick to go this or there and there's a war going on to try to get your mind there he said the weapon of your warfare even though you're walking in the flesh it's not carnal weapon your warfare even though you have a body that doesn't mean you're living carnal even though you have a body you don't fight with your body the weapon of your warfare is not carnal it's not flesh driven but it's mighty in god for the pulling down of stronghold stronghold is a wrong belief that settles in starts with an impression starts with a thought pattern you start feeding on it then it's followed with some emotions that participate next thing you know it becomes a belief and it's a stronghold the only way to take over stronghold is to bring one in stronger wrong believing wrong believing there's spirits and assignments on people's lives i think they can pursue certain giftings or perceive certain giftings and big-time callings that's why whenever you see somebody really called that's why moses they all they tried to kill moses certainly tried to kill jesus there's a lot of stuff going on you see a lot of people that things are happening to try to cut them off early or get them on the wrong track quick get you to believe the wrong things follow what i'm saying man so let me kind of wrap this up then we're going to do some praying here tonight for a couple things but let me wrap up this teaching part here here's what i'm saying tonight in the lord i believe you got to be sure that the only place did you hear the emphasis that the only place you're finding your value your worth and your identity is in christ jesus because only then can you function healthy only then will your relationships be truly healthy with that if what i just said isn't the truth you're at risk in everything you're doing stuff will sneak up on you people catch you off guard break your heart you say well they just hurt me that's that's that's not a sign that they're all messed up that's a sign you're vulnerable and you get so used to being hurt that we just think it's a normal way of life and then preachers will say well you got to keep it real everybody gets hurt everybody's going to get hurt and da da da now we can't even preach change grace and transformation because we're trying to keep it real and relate to everybody's pain you show me where the bible says i have to be hurt by you the bible says there's no account of a suffered wrong if i'm walking in love and it says if i don't have that love i got nothing why because now i got a language that my life's not backing up and i'm super vulnerable because as much as i say i'm standing i can be cut down by a simple issue now all of a sudden what one person says or does can dictate how i'm doing and who i am and their name ain't jesus that's a problem [Music] do you ever see anybody come to church that's sincere but they're getting tricked into this thing and somebody in their life is dictating their emotions and disposition and their output do you ever see anybody's flame get quenched by circumstances do you ever see a relationship with a mom and a parent and a dad a mom and a dad with a child or a marriage that all of a sudden they're not flourishing they're greyed out they're hurt they need prayer all the time it's possible to have those situations and stay shining blessed are the peacemakers it's possible to have a motive where you're not waking up to get anything from anyone because he's your lifeline you're drawing your identity your focus your purpose and everything in him christ in you the hope of glory that doesn't doesn't mean he's going to save your circumstances and change your spouse's mind so they don't get on your nerves anymore it means he's going to change your nerves are you guys okay see my pastor's really cool lady comes up she's honoring him pastor you are such a man of god he said well thank you no i mean it when you pray god moves and blah blah and she's buttering him up really nice and it was sincere she said i need you to stand and agree with me at the end of the service and pray for my husband what's up with your husband he's just got in this place where he just knows how to work me he knows just how to work my buttons and push my buttons and get a rise out of me he does it on purpose and i think that's what makes me so mad about it and then i'm going to come home from church and he's going to have this strategy to just get to me and through the day he'll just do dude and i just want you to pray that god just caused him to stop desiring to push my butt that he'd have a change of heart now he wouldn't do that to me no more pastor said i tell you what i think i got a way better line of prayer since you respect me and think i'm a man of god and god hears me when i pray anything you want to pray what do you want to pray pastor he said let's just pray you go buttonless ain't that good wouldn't it be good to have no buttons out of order wore out don't push that thing so many times finally got a revelation [Laughter] you know satan's not even that creative the same old things have worked on humanity for generations there's nothing that's not common nothing new under the sun try to mess with you personally get your esteem in question your valuing question get yourself focused self-conscious insecure yeah intimidated self-conscious is a real battle he's done it a long time to a lot of folks he whispers some of the same lines to everybody he tries to flashback reminds your past the thing you're really sorry for is the thing you can't forget it's on purpose well if you're really sorry then stop worrying about remembering it it's not a problem believing what you're remembering is a problem when you remember it you ought to just flip it and say wow god i thank you you delivered me wow your forgiveness like you get that flashback who's ever had something they were really sorry about and then they couldn't get rid of the memory and sometimes we seek ministry ministry ministry thinking the memory's supposed to go away and if i keep thinking about it it must still be in me no when you're feeling bad about it it's a warning signal that it's not in you at all so why do we think we need prayer and counsel ministry because we remember the bad thing that we wish we never did you ought to rejoice every time you remember it you ought to freak out and have this fit with god you ought to be like don't even just don't even mention it don't rebuke the devil don't plead the blood over your mind as soon as that thing comes to you why don't you just go lord it is so cool to be sitting here totally forgiven of everything i've ever done like to be sitting here totally totally totally washed clean is amazing yeah it's the weapon of a warfare it's mighty in the breaking down of strongholds so satan keeps beep beep beep and he's trying to get a stronghold to where you start believing you're not clean and you need to get free and you need delivered and because i keep remembering this it still must be hiding on the inside of me i wonder if it's outside trying to get in i wonder if it's not who you are anymore but it wants you to sell cheap and buy back in see if you feel bad about it it ain't coming from you if it bothers you and you wish you weren't seeing it you ought to rejoice you don't have a problem you have an answer it's called transformation and change and freedom look i've counseled many people over the years that were bummed out and grayed out because of memories we've got ministries all over the planet trying to minister to memories flashbacks and impressions when truth's your simple answer you ought to lift your heart and your hands to god and worship him that you're changed and you're free [Applause] come on you know this happens to people right here's the biggest war and you're growing good you're on fire for god and you're doing good and then that identity thing tries to hit you and it's like oh yeah you're doing good we'll remember well yeah you thought you were doing good when now you flash back and you're like can you just pray with me i'm not feeling good no you're not believing good feeling has nothing to do with it you're not believing good the believing's creating the feeling you're buying into the memory you're buying into the flashback look you're not threatened by this stuff you're not threatened by memory remembering most of us can remember most of us haven't been washed blank of our past most of us can remember the darkest day of our life yeah so when that memory comes worship him and thank him for being transformed and changed and then he put a whole brand new heart in you and then if i saw what i see now i'd have never did what i did then i'm glad i'm changed i'm glad don't put on the old garment it doesn't fit you smells bad looks nasty [Applause] and ain't no washing it it ain't coming clean that old garment come on this is the number one way christians get attacked and the only reason it works is because people are sincere and they do care you can't condemn a person that's not alive inside come on we ought to teach that more you would never wear condemnation if you didn't care on the inside the people that are condemned are telling themselves awful things about themselves and they couldn't be that awful or they wouldn't care so much you can't condemn somebody that cares they would just say whatever and they conjured up and wouldn't even care they'd have no conviction be lost but the fact that you care means you're alive inside isn't that something so it's the bottom line of everything we're saying you gotta guard your identity the finished work of christ what he paid for and who he paid for you to be you wake up every day in that place thank him for it wear it excitedly keep the veil lifted and keep looking to him and what pastor started the service out with knowing him and that intimacy and that relationship you're totally positioned to be with him like totally like you won't have to set an hour a day and make an appointment with god or go on a date with god he's in you you're with him you'll be driving in your car talking to him if you're just walking through the house talking to him when i worked at work the co-worker my co-worker said you know what just freaks us out about you every time we see you you're talking to yourself i said never talk to myself yes every time every time you see you're going to be honest never talking to myself and they're like oh that's just freaky because they couldn't relate to communion with god and fellowship with god that he was real that i'm talking to him they think i'm either cuckoo or talking to myself no i'm talking to him and he's right there yeah so they didn't relate to that so they were like trying to find a negative in it isn't that what people do come on they put jesus on the cross they're not just gonna bow down to jesus just because you said you're saved they can be like really what should you go to then they're gonna be watching you like a hulk they're gonna be googling your church they'll be finding every negative review they can find and not even reading the 10 great reviews that's just a messed up thing we're in social media is really messed up people hear a name they don't even look to find out about the name they just look to find something negative so they're just gonna find it get a biased view of somebody's negative opinion and then they're gonna talk like it was true like everybody knows the news ain't legit but you hear someone in the news and then you harbor and then you talk about it at lunch like it's true ain't that something i know i've done this growing up did you ever do this you hear somebody talk about something in a conversation you don't even know to be true you just heard it it was kind of intriguing you were like whoa and then two three days later that topic comes up in another conversation you're in and now you're arguing over some that you don't even know because you heard somebody saying it now you're like that's your side and that's why well yeah but and you're acting like you've known your whole life and you just heard two days ago eavesdropping and said oh that's interesting and now you're defending what you heard and you don't even know it to be true do you ever get caught doing that i got caught doing that in my life social media is messed up like that paul said don't be wise in your own opinion we set up a platform for it and it's just a self-centered playground it's just debate forum anger pride audacity mean mean me and don't think because you're on a christian site it's me don't spend a lot of time there please and don't don't just think you know man i'm just called the minister there no you're called to take a walk down the street and look in somebody's eyes and hold their hand and pray yeah don't turn your whole ministry into computer get out of your car your house take a walk get real look in somebody's eyes yeah you don't even know you think you're ministering somebody and it's a room of atheists making fun of you because they telling you they're some 13 year old kid giving their life to jesus they're all sitting there drinking beer messing with you ty you don't know who you're talking to you know look at this idiot they actually think well i'm just being led by god right now that you ain't being led by nothing you think you're talking to a 13 year old don't think that stuff don't happen and people are laughing yes i'm not saying god never ministered to anybody over the internet but that's not your calling i've heard countless people tell me their calling is to minister on the internet no your your calling is to minister and walk in love and go to work and shine and go to the mall and shine and when you go to the grocery store be selfless and walk in the light that's jesus in the light that's your ministry yay and lay your hands on the sick amen pray for people bless people be kind to one another and tenderheart right i'm not saying i'm not i'm not busting you if you minister on the internet i'm saying don't make that your only ministry get real and be with people it was the founder of apple i think you can google this it's probably still out there somewhere his interview before he died and they asked him about the apple and your apple phones and apple bit they said that really resembles the apple is there any symbol to the bible oh absolutely it represents uh sensual he said that napo is directly taken from the book of genesis you can find the interview it's out there somewhere you all know it's out there or didn't you even look you just that's why everything has an eye in front of it ipad iphone ipod mimi me he said i wanted to come up with a technology that gave people contact with the world and at the same time isolated everyone that's what he said his motive was in designing apple so he used the apple and everybody's biting in he was a confessed atheist he said i wanted to design a technology that gave people contact to the world and at the same time isolated everyone so you got 500 contacts you think you're important you got a million followers and you're a superstar and you don't know anyone and you're looking for thumbs up and you're moved by thumbs down and you take it to heart and it's just an opinion out there somebody just being hateful just something to think about oh that's why i have an android [Applause] i'm going to get shot down by the apple corporation or something damn muller found dead in the parking lot just don't think i'm dead i'm not dead they said i was dead i'm not dead no i had a i had a i had a i had an android before i even knew about that testimony just because my family all had a family package and i didn't i've only had a cell phone for the last four years i'm such a caveman i could so live without technology oh i just think things were easier apps and passwords and codes it never ends it's just i i i said lord i know i know you're on time you don't make mistakes but every once why i feel like i was born about 70 years too late i'd have done a lot better 70 years ago i don't know about you but i'm challenged with technology i had a cell phone for four years i still don't own a computer i have zero desire to have a computer we don't have people say you got a terrible website like it's terrible i said i don't have any vision for a website well we could build you a great one i'm sorry i have no vision for a website hello no vision for a website don't need one why do i need a website i'm not advertising anything i'm not building anything i'm just ministering the kingdom i'm not looking for partners i'm not asking for money i'm not saying look at me here's all our testimonies i don't i don't need a website so but people are kind and they want to build me this website because they see my website and they go that is terrible so it must be bad i don't even know what it looks like i just told them keep it super humble and all that stuff and they let me view it i think i viewed it one time and said i guess that's all good and it's been the same since 2007. and there's nothing on there it's just a place to email me if you want to invite me but there's nothing on there but i don't really care what do i need on there [Applause] mike make sure when you wake up in the morning your number one reason to wake up is to be in love with him and to live that day for what you're here for if you'll do that if you if you do that like like put it on the mirror the first place you see the moon like if you get up and you have trouble in the morning waking up or you feel moody or you're like a little fleshy when you wake up you can you can fix all that you just put little sticky notes somewhere go to the mirror everybody well some people avoid the mirror where you know you're going to be where you know you're going to see coffee machine coffee pot refrigerator put something where you got to grab the handle put this wild colored thing remember who you are or remember why and give your conscience a reason to be convicted and right there you'll have the opportunity to respond to truth or to just get religious and open the fridge and do what you got to do but at least you'll trigger yourself and you can't say you didn't see come on remember who you are you know how many people are finding their identity through so many wrong things good hearted people i'm not talking to roman hypocrites tonight you guys love jesus you're here on a saturday night are you kidding me i'm not talking to roman hypocrites you didn't wake up this morning and say i wonder how i could miss god and get away with it i mean it might be somebody that did that here but that's not the room i'm not talking to a room of hypocrites i'm talking to his kids but yet we tend to get things mixed up and a lot of things matter more than what matters most next thing you know we're barely getting by or we're planned out or we're not all that super stoked where life's concerned next thing you know worship service is a bailout instead of worship it's a break it's like oh i gotta go get with my my peeps man i can't wait to get to church man world is crazy don't let that happen to you we will kick you right back out into the world you're somebody's here for the wrong reason who came here just to escape the world wanting to be around a bunch of christians go get out go be with the world kick them out that's why you're getting a new job you've been praying for a new one because you can't stand the one you're at jesus won't let you get a new one he'll chain you to the one you're at till you get a revelation and walk in love he won't let you leave your job because you're mad at people he's just gonna empower your mad and then your next job doesn't suit you now you're four jobs later you have no desire to work because people are idiots but then you agree [Music] jesus all that stuff needs challenged you don't leave your work because you're discontented there and frustrating you gotta always work beside johnny and johnny needs jesus well you're supposed to have jesus like he's working beside johnny every day introduce him take christianity be past and beyond yeah i go to such and such a church let them see christ amen that's the beautiful thing about love let's just do it and i'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna shut down i gotta quit i gotta quit i got tomorrow morning yet with y'all it is kind of early though but i'm gonna quit early i know you don't believe me i was here for a weekend i scared you probably though i speak with the tongues of men and angels but not have love i become a sounding grass and a clanging symbol then this reads stuff like this when nobody's around it's just you and jesus in a room you and holy spirit you talk this out and you pray this out and you ask holy spirit to work these truths into your heart where it's the absolute reality of your life watch this gets heavy this gets intense watch though i have the gift of prophecy oh i won't prophesy and understand all mystery see it's nothing unscriptural here we're supposed to pray for understanding though i have the gift of prophecy understand all mysteries what and though i have all faith as to could move every any mountain that means every mountain because it's all faith and yet i have not love i don't have anything watch this he just described a christian icon hello he just described a christian icon the closest thing to jesus we've ever seen if a man's living like that he's our hero we're throwing in the conference to get hensley [Music] isn't that amazing how powerful scripture is that scripture is not impressed with the the doings it's impressed with the bee because if the being is in sound the doing will have a catch to it somewhere down the line i know people hear me harsh on this sometimes i'm not trying to be harsh the only reason pastors are sleeping with somebody else's wife people in worship are getting caught up with people on the team stuff like this is because we're not living what i'm preaching you can't do that stuff when you're in fellowship with god so people don't like this kind of teaching but i'm telling you you can't do that stuff when you're in fellowship with god i have scripture for it if you live by the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh but if you're living by the flesh you'll feel sorry for yourself you'll try to accommodate something that'll never actually be a true accommodation and you'll just create worse things you don't fall in and out of love you don't feel forsaken by your spouse so you go find someone else that's not for sake it's jesus see like sleeping around is never an option why is fornication an option it's the number one thing on the list of every christian list it's the number one thing on every new testament list that cuts you off from walking in the kingdom well i did it because they weren't loving me that means you weren't receiving his love see now you feel sorry for yourself and you're going to tell me that was love that was love that emotional rampant thing was love that was love no that was somebody available that took advantage of your vulnerability and it was an emotional high because you were hurt and hurt produced desire it's all eyes it could never be blessed and it's never jesus so you can't tell me you can just walk into that blindly if you're in fellowship with god you have a thousand chances to say no come on somebody ought to just talk about this that doesn't condemn people that made those mistakes it gives them a higher answer they're not saying well flesh can be flesh you know it's just amazing you just never know what people it's just amazing god even loves us i mean one day we're on next day we can be way off how's that fit in a christianity that walks in a matter worthy of him that does all things without grumbling and complaining so you can be seen as innocent harmless children in the midst of a twisted up world whom you shining forth as a light are holding forth the word of life that does not sound like being offended are you guys with me i don't know i got on that sexual thing but it hit me a little hard so don't get funny about it don't feel weird about it listen it's never your answer it's never an option jesus makes it no option there's so much sexual perversion on the earth today and it's in the church big time most people have slept together way before they even talked about getting married and it's a sign that we're finding ourselves through ourselves and we have emotional needs and physical needs that can only be truly met and aligned by the lord jesus christ yeah where there's true honor where there's true health and wholeness come on fornication is the number one thing on every new testament list of the flesh it's the very first thing on every list i can turn you to four of them right now boom boom boom boom and read them all off i know right where they are i could read them all off the first thing on every list so it must be deceptive and it must be prevalent if he's talking about it all the time like that if it's the first thing on the list it must be the most deceptive and the most prevalent it amazes me that a spouse can get hurt by a spouse and their option is to go find somebody like why is that even an option in christ like where do you even find that as a possibility this is not christian soap opera this is christ in us they're not trashing somebody that got deceived and made a mistake but i'm saying most of us need to settle this and know better because i've pastored long enough i've seen people mind boggling people i've interceded with people that have been in leadership people i've known personally and wept with and prayed and experienced the presence of the lord with at times in ministry settings but they're not guarding their heart now their heart flows and they're getting hurt and unreconciled and and unresolved conflicts and times go and all of a sudden something becomes an option that's not an option it means they drifted out of fellowship with god you with me and this whole temptation thing man i wish we would just attack it you can only attempt to tempt people that are vulnerable in those things like why is everything always such a temptation when does who you are in christ override that stuff why why why why can't where's the joseph's of the world where potiphar's wife who had to be a beautiful woman because in those days the men with authority hand-picked the beautiful women of the land hello by the world standards potiphar's wife was probably as attractive as anybody you could find and she's throwing herself on young joseph who's been done wrong sold out by his brothers man you can manipulate that into oh this is a blessing i'm through a hard road i'm gonna finally eat some cake here friend i got dessert i'm just being real and potiphar's wife's throwing herself on the man she'd come on him a couple times and she catches him alone and she's to say come see literally flat out in your scripture in the bible in your word says come lie with me that's pretty forward do you know what the average-minded christian man would do even if he wouldn't lie with her he'd reminisce fantasize wish he wasn't a christian for the next five minutes because it wouldn't be much more yeah am i messing up too bad are we okay [Applause] come on somebody ought to just get real and talk about some stuff where's the josephs of today that aren't even moved by potiphar's wife that says whether you're this man or yours your husband what didn't he give me authority over in his whole household except number one spot of authority and you look you're the only thing he would withhold from me he's given me total authority in his whole home except for i'm second in command he's first so he didn't give me the number one spot and he sure didn't give me you besides how could i do this thing before my god he didn't have the blood of jesus he didn't have the infilling of the holy spirit he just had integrity and character and he was done wrong wrong wrong he was done wrong boy did he have a story if he chose to identify with it and now he's in potiphar's house he'd get some twisted theology whoa god is just doing stuff in my life i've been treated so wrong he's making things work on every end you can get deceived when you feel sorry for yourself real quick and justify things that you know deep in your heart can't be true but for a minute you'll believe them i'll be honest i had a friend one time that called me on the phone who was in the house of a woman who wasn't his wife and i had already told him don't you dare even think about it man you should heard how i talked to him in the car you thought i was mad i was trying to save him i mean i i was like besides myself i was so aggressive pointing my fingers at him and i was bawling she was telling me he was going to this and this because she this and this i said what about jesus who cares so she says that's just a sign of her own why are you any less of a man why are you less of a man of god why are you letting where she's not decide where you are she's going to be your justification what about jesus that was us in the car and it didn't look happy it was intense i'm trying to snatch a brother out of fire he got so deceived in that thing felt sorry for himself kept justifying himself sorry for himself calls me on the phone from her house and tells me i know you are in agreement with this but i'm here and it's been amazing he said we've realized we both have the same marital situation and god is giving us the season to be healing to one another and i'm just the wrong person to try to talk to like that i'm not going to say oh well brother i've been praying for your happiness and i snapped i totally snapped and i quoted scriptures that i didn't even know were in me they came out like fire clouds without water spot in the left feet scriptures one after the other came out like a sermon i studied and prepared for and i slammed the phone down and hung up on him now i wouldn't hung up on you when i wasn't saved let alone when i am saved that's what i did then i got horrified because i take my life serious in god and then i crawled under the desk because you always have that to slide your chair in at your desk you always have that space so guess where i am i'm in under there oh you wanted to hug me pastor i was in under that space curled up in a ball crying thinking that i missed it thinking that i left him get me to where i never want to be and took his actions personal i'm under there rocking and crying and i was confused and i was asking for god's mercy and the whole time i'm under there the phone's ringing right above me i had an administrator very young girl in her mid-20s in an office right across from me when i freaked out on the phone that's on my mind because she was still there she was leaving because we wouldn't let a man and the ladies stay in the office at the same time for over a couple minutes till it took to read up and go because somebody else had to leave so there was only two of us she was on her way out because i had things to do but she was still in her office when i flipped out i'm under there crying thinking i missed god and i'm hurting for my friend and phone's ringing the lord said hey phone's ringing better get it well i felt like the biggest hypocrite in the world because i come out from the table and i got mascara everywhere i'm a mess i'm a mess i try everything off i pick up the phone hello say the name of the church the best i can't sound like i'm okay i hear somebody crying on the other end so hard they can't even speak and i realized it was him you know what he told me later he said i know you i know your life and i know you're a man of god and i know you're a man of no compromise he said and when you talk to me like you did and slammed that phone i knew i must have been in hell itself because when i answered the phone i heard him crying that same thing came back on me and i said why are you calling back what do you want that's how i talk to him now that doesn't sound kind but it's what he needed in that moment to break him out of that delusion he's trying to call what he's doing the lord and he said you got to help me i'm in hell i'm in hell i don't know what to do i said i'll tell you what you do real loud and stern way beyond how i'm playing it out i'll tell you what you do you pack your things you get your stuff get in your car and get home now and i slammed the phone back down called his wife and said he'll be here it's an 11 hour drive he'll probably be here in 10 and a half how do you know he's coming he's coming i said make sure you call me the second he drives into the driveway the second you see him pull in i only live several blocks away you call me the second he pulls in the driveway you call me you got it she said okay a lot of time went by i called and said he hasn't come yet ah oh yeah he's he's been here for a while why didn't you call it's amazing how we think sexual stuff's always our answer so he used her as his excuse for doing what he's doing she knew his excuse was true in the natural that she was being that way so she started feeling like she made him do that and she was guilty so she's going to try to make up in the next hour for a couple years of neglect and i knew he'd come home expecting that pushing that on her to try to get that that's the last thing this man needs is his wife to jump in bed with him the last thing he needs he's in a twisted place needs to repent and i'm about ready to beat the devil out of the man among my close friends we have this language we speak if you ever see me that just kill me and then raise me from the dead so i can get up right and we'll say don't worry if i see you doing that i will i will kill you see if you're living that way you're already dead it's just not good so you know what happened she felt guilty he come in she cried and wept and greeted him from the arms of another woman instead of being hostile heard upset i'm sorry i did this to you now she's trying to make up for whatever now he's living like a king having his end on both worlds here he's like and it's the sickness and weakness in his life he nobody's on the earth to scratch your itch don't reduce somebody to meeting your need you're on the earth to love like jesus loved you period yeah don't reduce people to meeting your needs so i said on the phone i said you slept with him [Music] because you know what happened as soon as she did she felt dirty and defiled and like it wasn't the answer and then i came over and got in the middle and then he fussed me because he didn't want me to like shut that down so he said well what's it matter she's my wife i said you better stop right now and then i talked to her i got her out of the room close the door and talk to him like a man it was tough it just shows how we're so self-driven if we're not careful and the whole time we're serving in ministry and we're praying and interceding and we're even prophesying and praying for the sick that person did all the above and i saw god move through his life many times but he wasn't guarding his heart and he was slowly getting hurt by his wife and he gave himself a justification spiritualized it to do something he was never created to do ain't that something you can have all knowledge of all mysteries faith to move every mountain and if you don't have love you've got nothing watch this i can bestow all my goods to feed the poor and give my body to be burned but if i don't have love it profits me nothing why would somebody give everything they have to the poor and give their body burn because they want to make a name for they want somebody to say you're amazing maybe put a statue in the middle of their town for of you for long after you die i don't know but if it's not for love it'll never stand the test of time isn't this amazing that prophecy is considered a very important gift understanding all mysteries is scriptural faith to move every mountain is something we're all called to pursue and given to the poor is absolutely god's heart so he uses everything that's god in here and says if you don't do it from love you got absolutely nothing and everything on the list is god please make sure you're not trying to walk in this list instead of walk in him come on this list is not your goal love's your goal this list will be in your life if love's in your life if love's in your life you have no trouble with good the poor if love's in your life faith is a given cause faith works through love yeah he can trust you with prophecy you'll get impressions of words he told me one time dan i can tell myself anything you'll be one with my heart you're in he was giving me visions of things that were very discreet and very personal he said do you know why i'm showing you these things i said yes so i can pray he said i'm showing you because i can i heard a sadness in his heart as if he had emotion in his heart and said there's many things i want to show my people and i can't because they won't respond like me they'll respond like flesh he said i can tell myself anything you be one with my heart you're in i'll let you know what you need to know when you need to know it i'll trust you with information because you won't mishandle it and use it like a man that's even when it pertains to me personally he's shown me stuff about my kids my family he's shown me stuff that if i wasn't saved and didn't know i would have reacted not loved i'm glad he can show me yeah i've worked secular for a long time after i got saved at two different jobs i can't tell you the countless things he showed me about my co-workers why because i wouldn't judge him through it i'd love him through it and god would rock man after man i watch full grown men on forklifts in warehouses where they swear every other word and i've watched them break down and cry through the ministration of god's gift and spirit and love and they would break down and cry and get right with god right on the job on the forklift while they were yelling at me because god would just disclose something i'd come right at the thing because i'd see why they were really angry that i wasn't their problem they were just venting bam how can you know that he knows everything and he lives in me then you get aggressive and you get real close to him and he lifts in me and he wants to live in you and there's no way to stop it holy spirit he's going he's an unchained yeah i like it [Music] now somebody will write a thing dan called holy spirit a dog that's what they'll do and they'll have that little clip on youtube he's an unchanged they'll say dan called holy spirit at all see he's not from the lord it's amazing what people do with your sermons love suffers long it's kind doesn't envy it doesn't parade itself around it's not puffed up it's not rude it doesn't seek its own it's not provoked and man it thinks no evil do you know why the lord told us to avoid the appearance of evil because if it's just the appearance of not evil why should you avoid it why should it matter because men think evil he doesn't want people to stumble over what it looks like he's so humble why do men think evil because they're not formed and perfected in love so because men aren't perfected in love we have to avoid the appearance of evil because love doesn't think evil men aren't established in love they'll think evil i was in a ministry situation picked up a prostitute to find a lady that actually she was going to take me to her if you just saw her get in my car on the street where men pick up women and i drive off and it's pastor dan you'd be tested and tempted in your mind what to think most people would go and by morning the whole christian community would know so they could pray and nobody would have even talked to me rather than man i don't know what that girl was thinking got in that man's truck he is gone that man is gone that girl got in his truck she is gonna get it i don't even know what she's thinking because she did get it she freaked out she has never loved in her life she looked like she was demonized she was back against my truck swinging at the air saying why do you care so much why do you care about me i was just getting to my i was just trying to find a lost lady and use her to get me to her and i can't not love her in the meantime she ain't never been loved in her life she's been used her whole life by men her whole life by men she's been used she's never been loved she's been used her whole life and when you love her she has no idea what it is it's freaking her out why do you care so much because i know who you are you ain't never met me i still know who you are i shared her value created purpose god's will for her life and then i asked to pray for her and she fell on me and held i held her like she was my own daughter in my car in a dark alley and just she cried and cried i ain't afraid of that alley and i afraid to hold her and she has zero temptation to me why because i'm a man of god because i got the spirit of god in me you know what i realized a long time ago i'm not on the earth to accommodate somebody's vulnerability i'm on the earth to set them free i'm on the earth to give them jesus not use them isn't it funny how twisted the world is man don't we make fun of prostitutes isn't there a lot of language and a lot of jokes and sarcasm and there's a lot of terms for prostitutes there's a lot of jokes and yet the men that are joking about them in the bars and stuff or soliciting them but they're tearing them up with their words and they're drinking and they're talking them down but they're using them but isn't it amazing how it's the prostitute that's always talked about and it ain't never the man that's picking them up see here's the thing the man that's picking them up is on the earth to minister life and jesus and freedom to them not take advantage of their dilemma every man that ever picked a prostitute up has the destiny of giving her christ and he's going to answer for not giving her christ he's going to answer for using her and and tapping into her vulnerability or feeding her addiction taking advantage of her dilemma yeah because i'll tell you what she picked in my window and said hey honey what are you doing in this part of town i had her hand so quick i grabbed her by the wrist i wasn't letting it go them girls got knives some of them are packing they're street girls i grew up in the street i'm very aware of all that stuff but i didn't let her go i held her she's cursing me she's trying to get away from me and i got her i was holding her and i burst into tears and i said you're asking me the wrong question the question is what are you doing in this part of town because if you knew who you were you wouldn't be doing what you're doing i was just bald i'm already emotional i'm looking for a lady to backslide i'm already emotional now you're going to come in and sell your honor sell yourself and sell your body because you've been so degraded and so berated in life and you've got an addiction driving you and you're going to come in my truck a man you don't even know give me a sexual favor for your next high i'm not on the earth to oblige her how many years to give her the kingdom of god and it ain't about who's looking and who knows and hey maybe i can pull this off no you're looking you know your conscience knows and surely the lord knows hello nobody ever talks about the men i am not sure the men won't be in more hot water than the women that jumped in those cars because those women were so deceived overwhelmed with addiction and the men were just being total flesh-driven and carnal and abusing the woman for her situation you might be amazed how accountable these men are going to stand before the lord because they're on the earth to give the kingdom not take advantage yes yeah that's just a good word doesn't rejoice in iniquity it rejoices in the truth it bears all things believes all things hopes all things and endures all things love never fails guys you don't fall in and out of love that's hollywood that's secular love never fails you don't fall in and out of love you love it's i love you it's not i love you do you love me that's hollywood the kingdom is i love you that's all it ever says and then it backs it up with its life are you with me yes it's not frustration animosity tit for tat well you made me well how come you well you just never agree with me why is no way you make me well you just make me mad don't let that stuff in your lives don't let it in your homes please don't let any relationships it takes two to do that takes one to pursue peace it takes one to pursue peace blessed are the not the issue driven blessed are the peacemakers for they are the sons of god see children of god isn't an expression on the earth it's or a confession on the earth it's not just some new phrase that we're all supposed to talk about it's something we're supposed to live and become love never fails where there's prophecy these are going to fail where there's tongues these are going to cease do you see why love is greater than this whole list of christian things that he listed because it's all going to cease and there's going to be no reason for it someday but guess what's going to be the glue that holds everything together love so all this stuff's gonna fade away and love's gonna remain and knowledge that's gonna vanish away for we know in part we prophesy in part and when that which is perfect comes then that which is in part will be done away when i was a child i spoke as a child when understood as a child i thought as a child but when i become a man i put away childish things for now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face now i know in part but then i shall know just as i also am known did you ever catch that he knows you and now abide faith and hope and love these three but the greatest of these is so powerful so the goal of our instructions love first timothy 1 5 through pure heart clear conscience unfeigned faith if god loved us this way or we not love one another for anyone that loves has no cause for stumbling because of his brother beloved let us love one another because love is of god and everyone who loveth is born of god and knows god he loveth not just doesn't know god like they could there's a lot of scripture about love yeah and that's something he who loveth not just doesn't know god it didn't say you don't pastor itinerate you don't lead worship you don't go on mission trips you don't go feed the hungry he didn't say that he said but if you don't love there's one reason you don't know him like he could that means i can't know him without being changed i can't have that kind of relationship with him that's intimate without him rubbing off in me you get it i'm convinced of this i'll pass it on because i was closing 45 minutes ago so i'll pass it on try to break within an hour here what was lost in the garden through sin we can say it was relationship with god because it was but in that relationship with god what was lost is who god made man to be that's what was lost and we were born into the flesh so now we have to get born back into the spirit that's what he said to nicodemus be born again he said after man go back into his moment no no what's born of flesh is flesh which born of so you must be born no one in my life ever taught me that born again was getting restored back to what god intended me to be in the first place they said born again was my passport to heaven when i die that's all i was ever told my whole life that born again was a prayer that entitled me to heaven when i die that born again wasn't the transformation my life where old passed away and all things came new where i came out of the light how the darkness into the light yeah so what god create men to be to be love what got lost through sin love and man became completely self-centered self-focused self-defending self-justified self-proclaimed you must be born again if any man come after me he's going to have to deny yeah pick up his so what's the prerequisite for following him denying yourself why because living for yourself is the total opposite of love because love doesn't seek its own you see the twist the seek in your own is what allows anger to be so easy discouragement so easy opinionation so easy first impressions so easy none of us had to work even a little bit to live those ways it's just part of the package in the response to self-centeredness it's a messy ugly problem and jesus said i have a bigger answer i'll give my innocent and pure life to die for your guilty lives and i'll put my innocent and pure spirit in you and you can stand before god through my blood and have fellowship communion union with him as if nothing was ever lost as if adam and eve ate the tree as if sin never happened and in john 20 he breathed on his disciples after he said as the father sent me i send you doesn't sound like anything's lost is that all good yeah so let's live this thing let's be a house right here i probably have mostly have the church here tonight because this was a quick thing this ain't a whole bunch of people from outside this is probably mostly the house let's make sure this house goes down in history where god's concerned the history of god not your earthly history the history of god is a house that walked in love that pursued peace that manifested the kingdom and sought first the kingdom that handled in inside conflicts and got resolved and communicated and didn't get hurt and offended and find a reason to not live in the spirit come on i got enough people here man right now this is like a small army really you're all spread out it's a big sanctuary it holds a lot but i got a small army here like if if we decide we're going to live this way we could do some damage [Laughter] yeah we could bust some things up yeah i wonder if you said in your heart that i'm going to go after this love thing i'm going to talk to the lord when nobody's looking and i'm going to pursue become in love because if i have all these other things and a badge and a title and even gifting and don't have love i'm missing the point come on you're gonna have gifting and be honored for your gifting and not walk in love then you'll find your identity through your gifting and you get your esteem through your gifting and the way people stroke you for your gifting that's where you'll find your encouragement don't ever live that way please why don't you do me a favor man i saw some movement back there i thought somebody's coming to help me y'all gonna help me go ahead just help me man listen with him playing sweet i'm not a real water call guy i feel like the word is is the auto call i feel like you can come to an order and still not come to him when you leave now sometimes he tells me to water calls and i'll do him if he tells me but i'm not a super fan of altar calls i'm a fan of just preaching the gospel and trusting the work of holy spirit and i get a lot of emails where people were just alone watching and what they were listening to made them go like this and then they started doing this and everything changed i get a lot of those emails they're not asking for anything they wouldn't take the time director's emails if that wasn't their legitimate story and it's humbling and it's fun but with him playing sweet like that i want you to think about this like the real why behind my own life talking to you what really makes me tick this thing he keeps talking about now over and over and over tonight for a long time now same thing over and over and over is it really my pursuit do i think about this stuff through the day because man it sounds like if i'm living this way it really changes everything yeah you talk about freedom and you get free from yourself if you're not free from yourself you'll never know what freedom is because you're bound to yourself somebody's always going to own you emotions are always going to own you something's going to own you if you're not selfless if you get selfless you'll know what freedom is so make some simple commitments in your heart tonight don't be afraid of failure be more afraid of not stepping out and commit because grace will take you there if you're sincere and willing but make some simple commitments like this like man i want i want to walk in love i want this first corinthians 13 lifestyle more than i want gifting i want who you are to be relevant in my life i want love the way you loved me is the way i want to love others the way you saw me in my most struggled times is the way i want to see people when they're struggling and i always want to have an answer i always want to see a future for him i never want to judge a book by the cover i don't want to regard a man according to the flesh just the way you always saw me for destiny i want to see men for their destiny i want to walk in this love i don't want any man to owe me anything and if i'm clay and something's going to influence and mold me i sure want it to be you would you turn your heart in that direction right now as you sit here and be personal with god and would you be sincere and let him know that apart from any other factor or trial in your life you actually believe you can walk in love and that he'll help take you there that no one on this earth owes you a thing you do not find your identity through people even your marriage come on if you're finding your identity through your marriage you're always on guard and you're always in need and your love's not even love it's need you don't find your identity in your marriage but i'll tell you what you can express a healthy identity in your marriage and you can manifest jesus in your marriage husbands you love your wives like christ loves who see when you're in fellowship with god and you're receiving that kind of love and you realize it's why you're on the earth what's the automatic response all of a sudden your wife is the recipient of the very love that god has for his church that doesn't sound like bickering backbiting fighting and pushing to get your way that doesn't sound like going to bed with unresolved conflicts and tension in the air that doesn't sound like leaving in the morning with feelings and no communication come on i'm just getting real he says wives submit to your husbands and we've created a whole doctrine out of it the word submit just means yield and adapt your husband as you would to the lord and then the rest of the section is husband's husband's husbands so husbands we got this amazing honor to be in fellowship with god to be in union with god through the person of holy spirit through the blood of jesus christ so that when we look through our eyes we see what he always sees and all of a sudden we begin to love our wives as he loves us and loves the church if you're not walking in the love of god by receiving it if you're not in fellowship relationship what pastor talked about in the beginning how will you ever manifest it this way if you're not walking in it this way if you're not in a viable union with god how will you reflect that union into your relationships are you all with me listen nothing can keep you from him but you either not going towards him or believing you can't and that's always a lie it says come draw near and he'll draw near seek him in the secretives so tonight if you need to strengthen that and refresh that you need to just refresh your i'm coming to you god do it right now as i'm talking just lord man i'm convicted by this i'm coming after you man i want to love like you love and to do that i need to just keep being loved by you wow you really do love me some of you would be healthy to acknowledge that you haven't necessarily believed that you really do love me you value me you've forgiven me of everything i've ever done i asked the lord one time why people struggle so much with unforgiveness he said they don't see the beauty of how forgiven they are in my presence once they're touched by the beauty of forgiveness they'll become living forgiveness [Music] he said people that struggle with anger and unforgiveness haven't truly received that they're completely clean and free and forgiven the man that did was labeled an evil and wicked servant for not treating his brother the same i don't think everybody's just evil and wicked i think sometimes we're destroyed for the lack of knowledge [Music] unforgiveness should not be easy we should not have such a grid for unforgiveness people are trying to talk us into forgiveness and we're buying time well it's not easy some things take time i'm trying to forgive why do we have such a grid for something he never is why do we hold on and justify being something he never is because we were born into a lie and we must be born again so surrender that stuff as i'm talking tonight it's just an order call from your seat it's just you dealing with your heart just aligning things and making sure you're in a healthy place when you leave here yeah so father i'm just praying over this this whole congregation and i am i'm asking you to mark their hearts god for the things you said tonight almost feel redundant like i felt done three different times and kept talking and talking and lord i just i just i just feel like there's nothing else we need to hear right now where are we living from what's the motive in my life what's my reason for being what's the why behind my life god i want that clean and i'm asking you that everyone will want that clean that lord god you would give us the grace to align that tonight and live from a healthy place of knowing you and being in relationship with you because while we were yet sinners you sent the son while we were astray and how far off you drew us near when we were enemies and alienated and our minds were thinking wicked you reconciled us through the death of your son man you came to us and you loved us when it seems like we were very unlovable but you couldn't see unlovable you saw purpose and you saw destiny and you never changed your mind because love never failed god would you overwhelm us with that truth and let it not just be doctrinal agreement would you let it hit our hearts and be personal would you let us see your first love so that we would absolutely love and adore you and when we open our eyes and look in front of us we see what's always been there in you god would you do that for us tonight would you touch us in that intimate way don't let one person that was here tonight live separate from you or feel far from you god i'm asking for dramatic healing in home fronts and i'm praying that what we experience here in worship services is the legitimate reality of the things we're experiencing in our lives and even if there's some reverb and vibration we are working through it we are walking through it because we're not claiming perfection but we are claiming purity and we're saying we're sincere and we're going to do our part to walk in love and yield god i'm asking for that in homes i'm asking for that in families that there be no condemnation it's not about failing it's about becoming and it's about loving and lord i pray that our children our children would grow up and see christ lived out that the things they hear about him from the pulpit the songs we sing they would at a young age go well that's what i'm experiencing well that's my daddy that's how he that's my mom god would you let us see the honor that we have and not see it as pressure that we could yield to you and be filled with you and manifest you in our lives what a joy let us never get tricked into this self-lie let it never be about just about me and how i feel and what i think please god teach us to live for your name's sake and teach us how to bring glory to your great name [Music] god in jesus name
Channel: City Center Church
Views: 6,056
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 23sec (8303 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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