Pastor Tolan Morgan • Tokens Of A Triumphant Life: The Blessing Of The Father

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church if you've been with us for the last uh month and a half we've been in this journey on the tokens of a triumphant life and uh we round in third we round in third have this has this series been blessing your life has it been blessing your life i know it's been blessed in my life and i pray for those of you that have not uh caught up with the series i want to invite you uh to uh go to our church's website uh youtube facebook you can catch yourself up with the series we started in genesis 37 we are currently at genesis 49 today god has kept us amen and we praise god that uh he is giving us some tokens for a triumphant life let's go today to genesis chapter number 49 genesis 49. [Music] and it is there that the holy spirit has highlighted for us this context of scripture beginning with verse number 22. genesis chapter number 49 beginning with verse number 22 your bible should read joseph is a fruitful bowl even a fruitful bowl by a whale whose branches run over the wall the archers have sorely grieved him and shouted him and hated him but his bow abode in strength and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty god of jacob from there is the shepherd the stone of israel even by the god of your father who shall help you and by the almighty who shall bless you with blessings of heaven above blessings of the deep that lies under blessings of the breasts and of the womb the blessings of your father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills they shall be on the head of joseph and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brothers i want to just tag this text the blessing of the father you may be seated in the lord's church the blessing of the father when we normally think of being blessed we think of the gift of some temporal tangible or spiritual endowment that comes from god when we say that we're blessed we we are referring to either some type of spiritual volume that we are experiencing or some type of tangible volume that we have been given or gifted and we accredit the gift to god but if we do an investigation of the word bless from its ancient audience it's a special posture of god that word bless in its original hebrew language translates from the word bayrock it is a similar spelling to the former president barack obama he spells his with ck the hebrew word is b-a-r-a-k it is the hebrew word that means to kneel it means to kneel so to the hebrew audience when they blessed god they were kneeling to god giving him some type of spiritual or physical tangible offering but it takes on a different nuance when we say that god is the one doing the blessing because to say that god blesses us to the ancient audience it means that god kneeled and it gives this posture that when god kneels he brings his face forward to the hebrew audience that when god blesses you it is a posture and picture of god bringing his face forward and sh and allowing his face to be evident in your life that's why at the end of service i quote numbers 26 and 22 which says the lord god bless and keep you the lord make his face come on help me preach it to shine on you the lord lift the light of his countenance i can't get no help here upon you and if you're not from the ancient audience you're from the kindergarten class in sunday school that taught you the most famous church song of all time god has smiled on me he has set me free god has smiled on me he's been good to me when god blesses it is the posture of god kneeling to bring his face down to your life and whenever god's face is shining in your life blessings come with the countenance and face of god kneeling forward to bend himself down and to look your way i i thought i had about several of y'all who would testify that god's been looking in my life god's been shining in my direction god's face has been evident in my life such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of genesis chapter number 49 here is in genesis 49 ladies and gentlemen uh this death bed pronouncement given by the patriarch jacob whose alias is named israel he is on his deathbed he brings all of his 12 sons together he had 13 children by four different women 12 boys and one girl he brings his 12 boys together in this death bed pronouncement in genesis chapter 49 and in this deathbed pronouncement he has a particular pronouncement for all 12 of his boys starting from the oldest to the youngest from reuben to benjamin and what you and i just read is the pronouncement that he had for joseph who was second to the youngest of the boys he says in verses 22 through 26 that joseph is a fruitful bowl by a whale he says the the well has been a source of nutrients for him that his branches have run over the wall and while he's been growing the archers tried to assassinate him they turned their bow in his direction to shoot arrows at him but while he was there he had his own bow but he never shot back his bow remained strong and sturdy unmoved and unchanged while he had assassination attempts from fellow archers and by the time we get to verse verse 23 and 24 the bible says the reason why they didn't take him out is because god stepped in and strengthened his arms i wish i had a church around here somewhere and when god stepped in and strengthened his arms jacob couldn't talk about god's divine intervention through one word john jackson he had to use four different words to talk about the same god he called him the mighty one of jacob he called him the god of our fathers he called him the stone of israel he called him the almighty he couldn't talk about him in one just word he had to talk about how good god was the talking about the synonyms that spoke to the strength of a sovereign god and while he discussed god's divine intervention he says now if y'all got a bible and can read it he said i started verse 22 in the present tense shifted to the past tense but by the time i get to verse 25 and 26 it is moved to the future tense he says now there are some blessings that are in his life that you can't see lord have mercy but because he was faithful in helping god's people this is not his blessing his blessing is on the way his children will be blessed his prosperity will be blessed his his his the ground that he walks under is going to yield him fruit the heavens are going to open up over him and what he walks in now is not what he gonna walk in later lord i wish i had a church around here somewhere i wish i had about 20 of y'all that would testify that the season you in right now is not the ultimate season of your life there is some not yet on the way that you don't even know coming you can't see coming and by the way if you can't stand me of what i got right now you can't handle what god is going to bless me with in the future [Applause] deandre there are three different time frames in this context stance in the present tense speaks to the past of what he went through and then shifts to the future blessings that are on his life now here's the joke of the text daniel foster the joke of the text is the father who declared the summation of joseph's life missed 20 years of it the daddy who sums up joel's life ruther jackson what now when the archers were shooting he was at the crib thinking the boy was dead i wish i had some bible folk around here and by the time we get to the end of the story the father sums up a life that he had missed significantly really ladies and gentlemen it tells us that it wasn't jacob that was doing the talking i can't get no help here it was god speaking through the father to declare the summation of this boy's whole life and he wasn't even there for the whole story that's how you and i know that we are hearing from god through the mouth of this father sometimes ladies and gentlemen the blessings of the father are not always about if the father was there the father got blessings on your life even in seasons where the father was missing [Music] that's god's word for you today that when you walk in the blessings of the father it isn't always contingent upon how he provides it's contingent upon how god wants to bless you now that's the story that that's the story let me walk through this text very quickly as a matter of fact don't rush me i'll take as much time as i need when we read this verse he says uh rick that joel is a fruitful bowl it's a simile to a fruitful vine a fruitful tree and his fruitfulness is in relationship to his foundation he's a fruitful bowl by a whale lord have mercy oh well y'all see see that's i'm i'm struggling with some of y'all cause some of y'all got two two dollars and forgot how country you are [Applause] so you sit up here act like you don't know what a whale is got your little tiny little suit on and act like you don't know what a whale is so let me educate your country self and tell you a whale ladies and gentlemen is an underground flow of natural water he says that joel's life looks like a tree that's very fruitful because it's stationed either near or in natural flowing water from which it can draw nutrients that even if water ain't falling on it there's water under it to give it what it needs from a natural resource come here ladies and gentlemen if i don't look like i'm blessed if you can't see where i'm getting my energy from it's cause i got something under me that's providing the foundation that i need for the life god wants me to have he says he's a fruitful bold by a whale and his fruitfulness is highlighted by a wall you missed it he is established in a whale but expanded up a wall his life is couched between a whale and a wall but that but how he aggravated people is that the text says he grew beyond the wall now i i i'm gonna shout myself because this don't apply to y'all y'all acting brand new uh he said he said joel's life from a simile standpoint is grounded in a covenant that god established with his great-grandfather abraham but the issue is he has outgrown the reach of his granddaddy because he was planted in canaan but he growing in egypt [Applause] see ladies and gentlemen everybody is cool with you as long as you stay where they want you to stay as long as you grow where they put you but the minute you outgrow the boundaries that people have put on you now you gonna have a problem i'm preaching good in here all by myself cause some of y'all have allowed people to let you stay in the wall they put up a boundary and says you can go only here but the god i serve is a god that will stretch you beyond the boundaries that people have put up for you [Applause] everybody cool with you as long as you stay where they're comfortable at but the minute you start stretching beyond the boundaries that people have said if he grew up the wall that's elevation if he grew over the wall that's expansion and the expansion and the elevation is based on the establishment of a whale come on help me preach it the way whale ladies and gentlemen is his foundation the wall is his reach and ladies and gentlemen here's token number eight i got it early deandre here we go y'all ready here's token number eight you will live a triumphant life if you stick to a firm foundation stop letting people make you switch every month to try to find some firm foundation christ is our firm foundation and no matter what is happening in the world i'm sticking and staying in a firm foundation [Applause] write it down you will live a triumphant life if you don't allow life to shake you from a firm foundation i said you will live a triumphant life if you don't allow life to shake you from a firm foundation every shift of culture you with it every shift of doctrine you win it you join a different church every year you find you a new person to follow and click with every six months can't keep stable friends because you're moving with every little shift and every little vibe that comes your way sit down and stay stable somewhere be grounded and not shift every time somebody says this is the way to go because a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways i don't know how you feel about it but my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and his righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but holy lean on jesus name on christ the solid rock i stand all of the crown is sinking you will live a triumphant life if you don't allow life to shake you from a firm foundation he says joel's life is fruitful because joe was like a tree planet by the rivers of waters whose fruit comes in his season and his leaf does not wither but whatever he does shall prosper joe is a fruitful bone and because but watch this church he's a fruitful which speaks to his present reality but his present reality had some past attacks i'm in verse 23 and 24. you won't say nothing right long here he says he got to his present reality but he had to go through some attacks to get there come here i'm in verse 23. he says the archers sorely grieved him and shot at him because they couldn't stand them i didn't make that up it's in the verse right tex says they hated him wait y'all it's only appropriate lord hold your board right here carol watson is only appropriate that joseph would tell this story that jacob would tell this story about joseph because they shot at joseph because of jacob cause if you wouldn't have never gave him the coat they wouldn't have never shot at him if you wouldn't have favor on his life your other sons wouldn't have developed hate and thus i need to pitch my tent right there because some of y'all want to be blessed but you can't stand haters [Applause] the question today is can you stand to be blessed because being blessed comes with haters okay y'all clapping cause y'all still ain't got it the haters are not your enemy they in your family [Applause] preach soul and morgan they're not the foreigners they're the people you grew up with they the people that were under your own roof they the people you share blood with it was his family that was always the issue if you can't stand to be betrayed you can't stand to be blessed if you can't stand to get hurt you can't stand to be blessed if you can't stand to have people who you thought would be on your team to break your heart you can't stand to be blessed i knew you wasn't gonna say nothing come here the archer shot at him only to discover that he had a bow himself i didn't make it up it's right there in the text they shot at him he had a bow himself which means the people who shot at him was of his own training they were of his own kind they were not foreign enemies he had listen he got to fruitfulness y'all because he had to survive friendly fire see you have the misnomer and the misunderstanding if i get blessed i'm gonna be everybody's favorite everybody gonna like me no no no no no no no no no it's it's the exact opposite laura can't get no help here it's the exact opposite because people know reasons why you ought not to be blessed and because they grew up with you know your flaws and faults and fallacies no reasons why it should be them and not you they will rise up in envy he says people of his same training of his same kind shot at him but they didn't know [Music] [Applause] they didn't anticipate that when they shot at joseph god was gonna respond y'all missed it this way i need to run across this church ladies and gentlemen we have been reading 12 chapters of joseph's biography from chapter 37 to chapter 49 and god made his presence known in joseph's life only twice i'm going to try it again we've been reading 12 chapters of joseph's life and ruther jackson god only showed up twice the first time he showed up was in genesis chapter 39 verse 1 and 2 when they sold them into slavery and verse two says and the lord was with joseph the second time he showed up was in genesis chapter 39 verse 26 when they threw him in prison and the bible says and the lord was with joseph y'all slept so hard did y'all notice every time trouble broke out god showed up do i got anybody that will testify that's your testimony you saw me in my success but god showed up in my struggles you see me in my fruitful season but if you want to really see god come with me to my prison come with me to trouble come with me to slavery you'll see how god really showed up in my life god got this knack of showing up at bad times i said god got this neck of showing up at bad times judges chapter 14 verse 6. samson was attacked by a little lion and the bible says and the holy ghost filled samson and gave him strength to kill a little lion judges chapter 16 he was apprehended had his eyes poked out by the philistines they apprehend him and strapped him to some pillars he prays to god in judges chapter 16 verse 28 and said god can you give me strength one more time i ain't got no sight but can you give me strength the bible says he gave him strength and he tore down those pillars and took out 3 000 people at one time you still ain't feeling me psalm 46 verse 1 says our god is a very present help in the time of trouble he is our refuge and our strength you still ain't feeling me psalm 73 verse 26 says my heart and my flesh fails but god is my strength and my portion my strength forever ladies and gentlemen when you are in your weakest time god will give you strength [Applause] the worst times of your life [Music] is when god really shows up people see your glory but they don't know your story they don't know the stuff you went through to get to where you are therefore you cannot have my success [Music] if you don't want my fights therefore you cannot covet my fruit if you don't want the battles that i've been through that nobody knows about he says listen i got to this place of fruitfulness cause i've survived friendly fire i've gotten to this place of fruitfulness because i had to endure people who couldn't stand not only my life they couldn't stand my growth i aggravated some people because i couldn't i wouldn't stay where they wanted me to stay i wouldn't i wouldn't be still and shut up i wouldn't stay in one spot and they were not aggravated by my life they were aggravated by my growth and that ain't my problem because you can sow seed but you can't control the harvest preach pastor morgan ladies and gentlemen what god will do for your life he'll blow you up beyond people who had limits for you [Music] i bid you all farewell that's it here we go i've been talking to get to this one point did y'all hear jacob he's in his deathbed pronouncement i read genesis chapter 49 y'all didn't read it but you're going to read it after today you're going to read it before you go home tonight before you go to bed tonight go home and read genesis chapter 49. he pulled all 12 of his boys together sherwin and joseph was the only one of the twelve that he pronounced blessings on linked to god i'm gonna try this one more time y'all didn't hear me he's passing out death bed pronouncements he got 12 of them to pass out joseph was the only one that he linked to god i'm gonna try this one more again for fred [Applause] all the other boys he about cussed them out when it gets to joe he said joe blessings gonna be on you and god's gonna strengthen you help you and bless you and the god of the almighty is going to give you blessings beyond what you could hold out of 12 boys joe was the only one that his dad is blessed i'ma say it one more time cause brianna is not getting this i need her to get this at the talk show he got 12 boys in genesis 49 the only one he blessed was joseph i'ma try one more time he got 12 boys the only one he blessed was joseph well being it makes sense cause this the same boy [Applause] that you blessed only in genesis 37 so it makes sense that if the father started it [Applause] the father go finish it for he that has begun a good work in you shall perform it until the day of jesus christ when this whole story started you was the only boy i blessed when this story ends you gonna be the only boy i bless because god's word to you is whatever god started in your life god is going to finish it so he makes an announcement to his other sons y'all loss you tried to sabotage my favor on this boy and i'm telling you at the end what i told you at the beginning imma end it cause i'm the one who started it i'm done thank y'all i'm done that's the second line i'm told in this sermon [Applause] here it is kent jordan he said you shall be blessed you shall get help you shall get strength that's future tense right that means y'all that the father bless joseph while still in the famine in genesis chapter 49 they not out of the famine yet lord have mercy today as a matter of fact they still in the famine and jacob looks at joseph and says hey man you're going to have more children you're going to have a blessed future and therefore if i've already scheduled your future you can't die in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] good night church can i tell you why you ain't dead yet because god has already scheduled some stuff for you that you don't see coming yet cause eyes have not seen and ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what god has for you help me close this sermon and look at somebody and tell them neighbor you are surviving the right now because of the not yet they didn't get happy i said look at somebody and tell them neighbor you are surviving the right now because of the not yet [Applause] you can't die now there's some more life ahead of you there's some more blessings ahead of you there's some more family ahead of you as a matter of fact i'm done the last verse of the book of genesis says joseph lived to be 110 years old which means you're blessing other people in the famine but when the famine is over your stuff is coming because you've been faithful over a few things and now i'm gonna make you ruler over many ladies and gentlemen if you hang on and hang in there god has another season for you if you learn how to serve other people your blessing is coming [Applause] see they thought joe was at the height of his life he wasn't the height of his life hadn't even come yet because what he was doing so far was helping everybody else his had not come yet and because the father already scheduled the future he could survive the right now because of the not yet everybody's standing man some of you realize where you are now and people see you now but they don't know the archers that have tried to shoot you people see you now but they don't know the familiar friendly fire that you have had to endure to get to this place of fruitfulness all you can do is say father thank you for letting me be grounded for not letting life uproot me so much has come and so much has happened to try to take us away from what we've been grounded in but my testimony today is that i'm blessed of the father and as a result i will let nothing separate me from the love of jesus christ that's all i want to be i want to be found faithful and grounded you will live a triumphant life if you don't allow life to shake you from your firm foundation [Applause] there's so much going on out here that pulls us there's so much out here that seeks to pull our attention to pull our narrative to pull our commentary i said on wednesday and i'll say again you ain't got to comment on everything you ain't got to fall for the kool-aid every day it's some stuff that does not require your commentary there are some things that don't require for you to say anything because there are certain things out there that's designed for your attention i can't get no healthier just stay grounded stay grounded the winds blow in different directions but a good strong tree that's rooted and grounded does not move [Music] stays grounded his fruitfulness was based on a firm foundation and because of that foundation watch this it also birthed in him a future that he didn't even know yet god's word to some of you is there is an even greater life beyond when we come out of this but god is testing you to see will you stay grounded see we always want the blessings but we don't want the requirements that come with it here it is isaiah the prophet said in chapter 1 of isaiah if you be willing and obedient you will eat of the good of the land that's the promise but you got to meet the condition don't shake stand and if you do that there's a blessing in just being faithful father in jesus name we give you praise for your word today we thank you for blessing us thank you that you plan to bless us and thank you that there are blessings attached to the plan sometimes you bless us lord just because you want to but other times you bless us when we meet certain conditions so i pray for my brother and my sister today that you give them the stamina to meet your requirements to be found faithful [Music] faithful and unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord being steadfast and god as a result of our faithfulness we thank you for a fruitful future in jesus name amen come on thank the lord for the blessings of the father [Music] come on give him praise for the blessings of the father hey what's up family i pray that you've been blessed by this ministry through this youtube channel thank you so very much for subscribing to the fellowship bible baptist church youtube channel would you do me a favor would you pass the word along to your friends to your family that they're more than welcome to subscribe so that they can tap onto those notification bells and get indications of when we've uploaded new ministry for you we'd love to continue to be a part of your walk with god and we love you in jesus name
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 1,007
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church Warner Robins GA, Tokens Of A Triumphant Life, The Blessing Of The Father, Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Black Pastors, Black Preachers
Id: wwNZgcVCK-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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