Worst Apology on Youtube

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Man, it is like he just literally cannot accept that he is a bad person in this situation (and probably in life). He is sorry he did it, sorry he got caught (both times!), sorry his fans feel bad about what he did, but he never says he is a piece of shit who cheated. He just could.not.say.it.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/shadoxalon 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Cr1tikal's love of YT drama is entertaining.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

I tried to watch to watch it all the way through but I couldn't. It just felt so slimy. He's a real shitty person.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SaxyPandaBear 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2017 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody it's critical I'm making this to say that I'm sorry I was wrong I [ __ ] up last year T Martin made an apology video where he almost kind of apologized for scamming eight-year-olds into wasting money on his [ __ ] a csgo website and I called it the worst apology video that could have ever been made and I was wrong because social repos has blown that [ __ ] out of the water with this new humdinger here so this man right here who looks like Marilyn Manson's [ __ ] is a youtuber by the name of social repos and he was dating another youtuber named Jacqueline Glynn and he cheated on her and obviously she's very upset so she made a video about the whole situation update people and that prompted him to make his own response to it and it's [ __ ] abysmal I'm not gonna make the bold claim I did last year and say it's the worst that could be ever given on this site but damn you're gonna have a hard time topping this one you've got your work cut out for you if you're trying to make a bad apology this year yeah I [ __ ] up I'm definitely going to lose some fans I'm going to lose some friends you know but there's there's two sides to every story I wouldn't really call this a defense yeah you're right this can't be a defense cuz there's no way you could defend yourself here but that doesn't stop him from trying he's out here looking like the Joker about to deliver a monologue ah you want to know how I got this gonorrhea so I just I guess I would like to explain some things all the brutal graphic details that she explains to everyone so I'd like to give some some very descriptive details of my own not to slander Jacqueline or anything just to kind of I guess give you a deeper context but why how can having a deeper understanding of the context provide any type of justification for the cheating I doubt it was some type of heroic sacrifice where the girl you [ __ ] had a bomb in her [ __ ] that would destroy the city if you didn't defuse it by sticking her [ __ ] in there it really just seems like he's doing this out of spite because Jacqueline went into such brutal detail as he described so he kind of just did this to try and throw some [ __ ] at her that would make her look kind of bad he actually even deleted her comments on this video I don't know entirely what the comments said I just saw a picture of it and I only got a little snippet but it was her kind of disproving some of the points he's about to make and naturally if you're making an apology to someone the next logical step is then to remove that comment from the person you're apologizing to to really let them know that you're sorry I do deeply I do deeply regret it honestly some pretty shitty acting from him during this arc of the anime it sounds like some House of the Dead to voice acting here it kind of was a classic case of social media it's showing the best parts of your relationship on social media so everyone thinks everything's just peaches and roses all the time and it's it's just not it's a lie we were happy but there's obviously a dark side to everything clearly I truly have no idea what point he was trying to make with this here oh just a classic case of us showing the best parts none of you had any ideas I was actually cheating on her behind her back just a classic case of one of those things you know because I did cheat on her just like I did my ex-girlfriend whichever one knows about because of our best friend I don't really see what there is to giggle about there oh ha ha ha you guys remember when I did this last time thanks to our best friend that blew that case wide open ha ha ha classic best friend yeah I've betrayed a lot of people ha ha ha I met Jacqueline and she was perfect she was an atheist she I don't know she just she she cared so much about me and just everything that I did and I I did care about her and everything just made sense I cut a few things out here but it really served no purpose I don't even see why he would talk about it unless he was really trying to stretch this video past 10 minutes for ad revenue it could be an incredibly douche-baggy thing to do but I wouldn't put it by modern YouTube creators what he was saying is he vowed never to have another public relationship since he cheated on his last girlfriend but then he met Jacqueline obviously had a public relationship and he also talked about another promise he made a while back where he said he would never ever cheat on anyone ever again and he was wrong just like my father when he said I would be six foot five when I grew up my dad is 6 foot 5 my mother is 5 foot 2 so luckily I split the [ __ ] difference and I'm five foot six so I'm really short for a 23 year old man and it really [ __ ] sucks why couldn't I be six foot dad huh why couldn't I at least get close to your six foot five towering cad height but anyway I love this line from social repose she was perfect she was an atheist what a low bar of entry to being perfect in this man's eyes in this moment I am euphoric because girl atheism yippee [ __ ] I don't know anything about these two and I'm sure Jacqueline's a great girl for a lot more than just being an atheist I imagine there's got to be a lot more to somebody to make them perfect than just being a [ __ ] atheist but for some reason this man cares so little about her he couldn't think of any more good qualities other than her atheism that's just [ __ ] sad really and she kind of took me on with with the thought that she could fix me and that you know there obviously there were there's a lot of there's a lot of good parts that she saw in me and I commend her for that but at the same time you know everyone did warn her and what an ironclad defense [ __ ] bulletproof Jacqueline you knew what you were getting into people warned you you should have expected this from me you knew this was gonna happen you shouldn't have been surprised you knew I was gonna put my small peepee into other lady buttholes this shouldn't have come as a surprise this is your fault it's incredible he kind of just blames her for this whole thing happening you should have expected it this was going to happen and people told you unbalance in the relationship even early on which terrified me and I I could never bring it up to her all the way we dated for 11 months and I could never talk to her about it just because I was so afraid because she got so attached to me so quickly she was just it's almost like she just after month 2 or 3 she was like ready to settle down with me and ready to get a house and it just seems so perfect and I was like what are you doing from the comment Jacqueline left the snippet I saw this is the part she was disproving apparently this wasn't a thing that happened it was him that brought up the idea of moving in together or some [ __ ] it doesn't really matter either way who's right or wrong on that subject because this point has just moved it serves absolutely no purpose in this video it looks like this man's skin is about to fall off of his [ __ ] body here he's like a reptilian shedding here his flaky dry skin I think he's suffering from extreme psoriasis or something but this man needs some moisturizer ASAP his face just must be made out of paper mache and it's starting to crack now I just would like to say that I'm sorry to anyone that looks up to me follows me well I'm glad you've apologized to the misguided teenagers that for some reason think you're a good role model that's very nice of you how about an apology to Jacqueline at no point throughout this entire thing does he say I am sorry for what I did Jacqueline I didn't hear that phrase if you're gonna apologize [ __ ] apologize here take some notes to any of you out there it may have [ __ ] up an hour thinking about doing a YouTube apology video eh don't do that and B if you really feel so inclined the Lord has chosen you to make this great apology video then do these things actually apologize for it say you [ __ ] up and you're going to work on fixing it say tell how you're going to work on fixing it and again apologize for the [ __ ] thing that happened this man goes on a 10-minute rant about [ __ ] that doesn't matter the next part of this he talks about his content on his channel why what is the point the video supposed to be an apology to jacqueline about what happened i cut a lot out to this point but basically he drew the conclusion that he shouldn't be in relationships he's not good at them he also speculates that maybe he has a sex problem and should get help but then says he doesn't believe in getting help so about nine minutes of this 10-minute video are just empty useless words he could have bent over and just farted into the camera for nine minutes and it would have had the same impact of this [ __ ] he talks about in here [ __ ] useless and it's clearly I'm a careerist I'm I'm so deeply entrenched in social repose just as an entity that it comes first it comes before all my love and relationships and even family to an extent this is my life I have chosen it and I put my all into it oh you poor hero all the sacrifices you made to make mediocre YouTube content god damn my hat's off to you social repos if only we cro-magnon understood what it meant to be in your shoes all the women you've had to [ __ ] behind your girlfriend's back damn we would have so much more appreciation for the art you create here you certainly are and spirt careerist by cheating on a youtube personality that's pretty [ __ ] big and then taking all of this negativity to your channel losing a lot of subs man you've really got career ism figured out social repost take notes out there any up-and-comers this man's got it down to a science I'm I'm a little hurt that she kind of broadcasted everything I'm not hurt that she talked about the cheating and you she would have she would have to talk about it that talk about that at some point but to go into such graphic detail feels a little unnecessary but it's out there so damn now I feel bad he's hurt that she talked about it to such an extent I mean there was a set amount that he was okay with and that he would have given his blessing to but to go past that that's a bit disrespectful Jacqueline you really hurt his feelings with this I hope you understand and honestly it made such a convincing argument I'm convinced he's the victim in all this Jacqueline made it all public and it really hurt his reputation yeah I guess I'm just I'm sorry I'm sorry I let you guys down I'm going to do better I'm going to make more art and more music and if you don't want to follow me anymore because you think I'm a shitty person or because I'm disgusting or because I just you can't stand the thought of ever watching me again because of what I did to Jacqueline I can't make you stay but I promise you all do better with my videos and my content and you know I'm once again just apologizing to the audience that found out not to Jacqueline but at least he's promising to do better with his content so I'm looking forward to his Minecraft Let's Plays that he's gonna steer towards and yeah just overall an absolutely atrocious apology here I cut a lot out but there was a big rant about the content on his channel and how he was unsatisfied with it - at least he understood what the big issue here which was his content starting to slip up not the cheating I was just second there is really all about the content but he's promising to do better content so yeah that's about it and this guy seems like a big douchebag to me so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,478,569
Rating: 4.9556255 out of 5
Keywords: Worst Apology on Youtube Funny Cr1TiKaL
Id: lWy1pPS9OM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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