YouTube Is Promoting Nonsense...

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welcome to the best club on youtube ladies and gentlemen oh that dark side i love recording videos at night it's almost like i have a totally different mood within myself now a couple nights ago i was uh watching some videos okay and i came across a lovely advertisement on youtube now you might be wondering mudo why would you cover this well today's story is about stopping youtube from promoting this nonsense because what we're about to see should in theory be a direct violation of its terms of services not for the advertisers get it ready buckles we're gonna go into the first video people are being replaced by computers and i mean we're on the internet anyway facebook twitter whatever else well you are right the uh the world is being replaced by computers soon elon musk's ai will run a supreme please ignore that i'm watching gta 5 wanted level music theme one i'm working on a yakuza video it's gonna be a banger so just give me a break on that okay or else and why not make money while doing it so i found this opportunity and it is legit i did a lot of research it's always good when you tell me the opportunity is quote unquote legit really really reinforcing my belief right there okay all right we're going to stop this over here real quick as you can see this is one of those classic videos where uh it's sort of on a personal tunes right like a little personal vlog about hey we we want to get you guys in on something we want to get you in on a little action to make a couple extra bucks on the side maybe it might be the whole pie of income you have now it's an ad as you can see on this video and it leads me to a website called wanda and so i know it's a canadian affair ladies and gentlemen let's let's go to it whoa we're helping thousands of hard-working people switch it up and become online entrepreneurs oh if this is an amazon fba or multi-level thing let's see marketing training we use social media to attract high quality customers the ones that buy [ __ ] sales systems how to find and use automated systems to close the sale for you product research how to find products and that convert into high revenue this is definitely coming across as a little amazon fba or a multi-level scheme or anything like that or a pyramid scheme if you don't know what i'm talking about basically they're going to get like 100 people into the system they're going to give them a little course like hey guys here's how you sell [ __ ] online if you don't know what amazon fba is i think this i think the very quick and dirty explanation is you like ship products to amazon and they sell it and if that product sells on amazon through their fulfillment system then they'll pay you a fraction or or a bit of that actual cost it's so weird how it works but that's kind of like the rough spot you're getting into okay uh the reason why i'm throwing it into it is these people don't actually teach the the money that's made through these programs if you're the one hosting them isn't through the amazon fba system it's through getting a hundred or a thousand people into your free lesson so eventually you get to a paid segment and they end up paying you cash so you make money and they use your advice to try and make money it's a [ __ ] pyramid anyways let's go through it the disclaimer oh let's go look at the disclaimer we understand uh no i don't want to read about personally identifiable information let me know about the earnings ah earnings disclaimer can we just look at how big of a [ __ ] earnings disclaimer this is all right let's see any earnings or income statements or income examples are not typical which means they're not common or typically normal results right that's the word as such there is no assurance you'll do as well if you rely upon those figures displayed on the site you must accept the risk of not doing as well the risk is also very high all right let's see how much they reiterate this too you agree that our company is not responsible for the success and failure of your business decisions related to any information presented by our company or our company products or services any earnings on income statements or earnings are income examples or only estimates of what we think you could earn oh yeah if i was to run this program and i think yeah maybe you could earn 65 billion dollars in a week see i think you could earn it the rest of it is how much you put your faith in the system which for a lot of these people who need to make a lot of money people who are economically disenfranchised probably have a lot of [ __ ] high hopes for anyways all right well maybe i have to maybe i have to sign up to get this information so let's do uh why the hell would this be the actual autofill uh let's enter my name um let's do code sog because uh you know our partner is g-fuel best flavor is sonic tub i can't even pronounce it right dot com yeah make sure you use code sog by the way look at it they even sent me a little sonic cup too a little sonic on it imagine me telling myself that i'd be sipping g fuel from that one day in my life oh what's that what's that a webinar wait let's let's see how big this is now the webinar what's funny about it is i don't actually see like i don't actually see like wanda or joseph in the situation at all what they do tell you okay is they tell you about the sales funnel the high quality traffic revenue so basically guiding people from social media and selling them uh products affiliate through affiliate programs from amazon or whatever alibaba they'll tell you hey here's how you use click funnels infusionsoft click magic easy webinar when you join our team you get personal coaching access to our supportive community access to our sleeping giant product that produces commissions of up to five grand per sale it gets even better and it's like all these people are just like falling for the scenario uh again i don't know how many of these people could be potentially paid actors or legitimate individuals i mean at this point this stuff works so well that it could be either or right oh wait i thought this was [ __ ] free 149 can change your life wait a minute what my chance of a lifetime oh mudo muda muda muda don't give it up you could be jeff bezos rich yes i want to learn how to build a successful online business click the button there's no button they're like join these recent job quitters oh wow dude i believe it 100 there's no citations or anything yeah i thought it was free so you get again like i said earlier you give them 149 bucks and they give you generic bs information and you walk away with it possibly potentially getting rich who knows 99.9 of the people who do this fail pretty hard i love how they also said make sure to add our email address to your inbox because i bet it goes right to [ __ ] spam if you don't do it right i wonder why hey join us on facebook the page may have been removed i'm pretty sure facebook doesn't allow this [ __ ] at all and if facebook doesn't allow it you know you've really generated far in life now why am i going through this for you well if you go to youtube's terms of service with the community guidelines you know how that was really reinforced about a week or two ago uh they say what these policies mean let's read one in particular uh scams content offering cash gifts get rich quick schemes or pyramid schemes sending money without a tangible product in a pyramid structure oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah what's that is the 149 investment a tangible product i think look now maybe that product works maybe it doesn't who [ __ ] knows uh i know i'm not dumb enough to pay 149 i mean i could burn 149 right there but that's like that's like good beer money and trust me your boy don't [ __ ] with this beer money let's go to my one of my favorite channels which is coffeezilla you may remember this channel from the time we covered the youtube doxxing situation regarding a fellow brethren of mine tren black a fellow brown programmer well coffeezilla is somebody that focuses on a lot of these mlm scams these great day trading scams and uh he he's a he's a pretty solid content creator give him a chance he he knows what he's doing he knows what he's covering and it's genuinely interesting material in a sea of youtube stuff uh well i went to one of his videos and look what i found oh my first amazon product wait let me see this let's go sell this on amazon are you ready uh oh oh wait it's a master class on what wait let's go to it sign up baby [ __ ] it take me what's that learn the system that repeatedly finds me everyday products to sell on amazon another amazon fba now i'm going to show you one thing that's enough to tell you how [ __ ] scammy this actually is uh let me show you something real quick you see how they said today they're having a webinar at 5 30 in the morning well let papa muta okay fire up my [ __ ] time machine like this i don't actually have a time machine i have the adjust date and time settings we're actually going to go an hour back in time okay so uh let's do what is that what let me change it all right let's do it boys let's do it let's go back one hour or so [Music] oh yeah pseudo password oh we're back in time and let me refresh the page look at this boys look at this oh what wait wait i went back in time wait no here's a more logical explanation the website's code pretty much is tied to what what time it registers on your device and it just like adds 15 minutes into it like you better sign up now this webinar is about to happen boy you what could you be doing better you could be making some money oh yeah sure let's go into it [ __ ] whoa dude whoa dude how i created a seven figure per year amazon fba business oh my god wait when does it start in 11 minutes whoa let me fire up my time machine boys what are we doing here what the hell are we doing here where's my time machine let's go uh let's go let's go forward in time dude let's go to like 420 let's go to like 429 hell yeah apply that oh 32 seconds it's like it's like looking at a discount version of a [ __ ] spacex launch right 15 14 13 12 11 10 power of editing oh wait it plays the video over here oh wow the two minute long webinar link wait a minute let me go to the webinar oh [ __ ] it's gonna start in six minutes time machine i have way too much [ __ ] fun with this [ __ ] dude oh dude it's speeding up 15 14. dude if only all things were like that in life right man i want to play cyberpunk fast forward two months dude connecting the room yeah this site sucks a-hole dude it's like this site sucks droopy elephant butthole we're gonna back out of it and go some but wait a minute whoa what's that what's that what's that scams why is why oh it's because they paid you to play the ad they don't [ __ ] community guidelines don't work there do they exclusive training reveal the strategies i'm just gonna i'm just gonna read you guys something that's super [ __ ] stupid i love how you read this sign right like jt typically charges three grand to 27 000 to work one on one i believe somebody actually paid him that much but this master class will expose the exact same strategies to you for free register now before this is taken offline in the next few days i've been i've been like pre-doing this like this video i've been doing for like two weeks now the website has not gone offline once it has stayed online all right and may i remind you who do you think is the bigger dumbass you for falling for it or the person that may have actually paid 27 000 to receive the same nonsense information but you got it for free dude my god there is definitely a dumbass in this situation and fun part we all might be the dumbass wait don't leave empty-handed i was gonna leave empty-handed regardless doesn't matter total money magnetism is the six-step system that automatically reprograms your brain into the brain of a millionaire so that you can get the wealth success and total financial freedom you've always wanted okay all right here's another thing when you go down over here here's what the experts are saying about oh you want to see the experts who do i have a do i have do i have let's get ready for this one uh so here you got like four experts right you might be like wow these look like proper experts oh wow total money magnetism is jam-packed with rock solid advice that any success driven person needs let's go check out all these experts i'm going to do i'm going to do what most people who fall for this don't do and that's called google searching them so if you just highlight their website it's so easy to do in modern browsers just right click and go to and bam here we are this is aiden booth lifestyle financial freedom and flexibility do you want a hands-off offline income get the get the blueprint below to get instant access uh well if you can learn how to html first maybe i'll fall for it let's get the blueprint oh you want me to give you my email 100 free i hate spam and promise to keep oh dude dude i love that i love how simple the privacy policy is i hate spam and promise to keep your email safe sure man let's give you a totally legitimate email right who's an entrepreneur and author oh let's go to that's not how men work let's go to this website what's this about a simple guide to meeting dating men and making every man in the room want you make sure your sound is turned on if you oh it's one of those generic videos where it's like hey guys what follow the simple stuff wait wait a minute wait a minute how much is this information got 47 make him love you today for 47 i can get me a nice man well [ __ ] yeah dude i'm gonna fall for this nonsense oh here's a here's heater which is entrepreneur and author let's go to heater's website real quick let's go there um heater stop being an expert it's time to step it up get your message out into the very loud and become an influencer ooh in my exclusive influencer growth formula none of these experts have been great so far by the way uh let me show you how great of an influencer heather is by the way also known with her with her alternate name heater they don't care they don't care they don't care oh boy ah bye mind force hypnosis let's go to this one this is thomas who's a hypnotic influence specialist let's go there uh let's see what this one's about this this one this one sounds kind of cool oh wait a minute not secure website couldn't update unleash your powers of hypnotic and subliminal influence and become a total controller that that sounds really really creepy now they say thousands of happy customers don't believe it banned you weren't supposed to see this information you were warned and these are like the most influential persuaders on the planet secrets revealed find out some of the top hypnotists in the worlds don't want find out why they don't want you to release this information this is like going to like your favorite like hentai website and it's like find out the secret trip to a secret trick to getting a 10 inch dong oh all of them don't want you to see it warning this is not for everyone they see they're like psychologically goading you into buying this [ __ ] how much does this cost again let's see this oh wait for 9.95 wait this offer is times again i've been doing this video for two weeks this price has never changed but i can sell for 30 dollars but he's given me such for 9.95 a day wait a minute clickbank why what it's always them dude it's always them it's insanity now to understand okay i'm not gonna throw youtube under the bus here either they have a google ad system where basically you upload your ad on youtube you choose who sees your ad and you choose how much you want to spend it's a very automated system so obviously there's no human review on it until and unless you report it and there's a thing youtube does allow you to report bad ads right like it does allow you to report it they definitely come into it unfortunately it's weird how the [ __ ] community guideline system which by the way these videos are uploaded to the system anyways uh they fall under the community guidelines the fact that they're not enforced but like we can get guideline strikes for like what videos of like uh mickey mouse and like spongebob like beating up some like driver or something the fact that we get strike for that kind of odd i've literally showed you all these pyramid schemes they all fall under the scam section but how much do you think they're going to get enforced by youtube probably not much at all ladies and gentlemen this video is already long enough i wanted to have a laugh at it and honestly i wanted to save a lot of people who fall for this kind of stuff from multi-level marketing scams all of this fba mlm day trading [ __ ] that these youtubers and like social media influencers try to go to users into doesn't [ __ ] work earning money takes blood sweat and tears understand that [ __ ] and once you understand it you'll truly reach a rich nirvana or whatever you want to call it and honestly life isn't about being rich satisfy yourself learn something i don't know but don't fall for this nonsense there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme okay all right bye g fuel ladies and gentlemen mudahar use code sog i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 704,888
Rating: 4.9671021 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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