I Can't Believe I'm Defending Apple...

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you know man never thought i'd be making a video where i'm defending good old apple now as you all know i'm not the biggest apple fan in the audience um i i've said my piece you know it is what it is if you ever want to know what i think of apple i made several videos on it but if you haven't known what's going on uh epic games the creators of uh the local video game cancer known as fortnite have uh got their little app removed from the app store and not just the app store apparently google's been done with them too so the play store and app store are now rid free of fortnite i know some people are writing this off with a massive w but i don't think epic games is but let's get into what actually kind of happened now if you don't know epic games introduce something called direct payments where you can give your money right to them for all your good old v bucks now apple didn't take too kindly to this this is clearly violation this is a violation of their actual store policy so apple finding a violation of their store policy removed the app now to understand this whole thing pretty much starts off with money and how much money well think about it like this apple charges thirty percent of micro transaction fees uh app fees uh if you use their storefront and i've seen a lot of people throwing apple under the bus for the apple tax but let's just be [ __ ] honest here that tax is pretty standard for everywhere you go whether it be valve whether it be playstation whether it be uh whether it be google whether it be whatever okay that 30 tax goes around but let's we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves they've got some complaints let's read some of these over apple completely bans innovation in a central part of this ecosystem namely any app that could compete with apple for its distribution of apps in ios through its control over ios and through a variety of unlawful contractual restrictions that it forces app developers to accept apple prevents ios users from downloading any apps from any source other than apple's own storefront the app store true true words the result is that developers are prevented from selling or distributing ios apps unless they use apple's app store and a seed to apple's oppressive terms and conditions for doing so for example as the sole distributor of ios apps apple collects the money from every ios user's app purchase remits only 70 percent of that payment to the app's developers yeah so they keep a 30 tax right what we just covered among the oppressive terms that app developers have to accept apple courses all app developers who wish to use its store the only means with which to distribute apps to ios users to use exclusively apple's own payment processing platform for all in-app purchases of in-app content oh you heard that evil apple now here you can see a complaint where we're going to read a couple things real quick this i guess was filed against apple now here let's let's read a couple things epic brings the suit to end apple's unfair and anti-competitive action that apples undertake to unlawfully maintain its monopoly in two distinct multi-billion dollar markets the ios app distribution market and the in-app payment processing market epic is not seeking monetary compensation from this court for the injuries it has suffered nor is epic seeking favorable treatment for itself oh how how nice of you epic god damn instead epic is seeking injunctive relief to allow fair competition in these two key markets that directly affect hundreds of millions of consumers and tens of thousands if not more third-party app developers all right fair enough they're fighting for everyone okay this is a big company standing up to another big company and of course if epic wins a lot of the smaller people win as well too you can even see later down that uh their prayer for relief also introduced awarding any other equitable relief necessary to prevent and remedy apple's anti-competitive condo well you want money or not just goddamn say it now of course this triggered the free fortnight [Laughter] oh man oh you can't say those words seriously now free fortnight was actually something that's being thrown all across if you've logged into fortnite epic basically promoted a trailer which is a call back to apple's own 1984 trailer where they stood up to the evil evil corporations of yesteryear and look at apple now oh man dude the click bait is real fortnite is banned no dude no it's not it's it's it's one storefront stop lying to people dude free fortnight event explained all right that's that's it that's enough of youtube for me baby now here we're gonna watch this video okay yesterday i showed you a clip of of when i was uh when i when i was showing you apple's 1984 uh trailer to show you how much apple has changed from the fight the system type of company to uh oh we are the borg we will consume all type of company and uh this is something that fortnite produced let's get let's give it a quick watch man they're they really shot this thing verbatim wow this is like this is a shot for shot remake oh god damn this is amazing i can't i can't take like anti-competitive 1984 stuff seriously when it's all fortnite however i will say that i i don't expect much of the community to actually get this reference epic games has defied the app store monopoly in retaliation apple is blocking fortnite from the billion devices joined the fight to stop 2020 from becoming 1984. as the company that has a foot 40 percent ownership by 10 cent is outright saying right man i'm supposed to fall for that by the way do you know what this whole cgi trailer has told me is they planned this [ __ ] from the start this all is lawsuit stuff all of this is his plan this was like this was premeditated it's not like this came out of epic's ass no no they wanted to stand up they wanted to cause some pr hullabaloo and boy oh boy do they actually do it you know even google got rid of their services right google removed fortnite from its official store meaning the only way you can get google on an android phone is to download the epic launcher on your phone and uh even they're even suing google all right let's read this one real quick android has always been about openness right this is what like i guess android android founder andy rubin had said the father of android since then google has deliberately and systemically closed the android ecosystem to competition breaking the promises it made google's anti-competitive conduct has been condemned by regulators the world over it has don't get me wrong epic brings claims under section one and two of the sherman act under california law to end google's unlawful monopolization and anti-competitive restraints in two separate markets oh boys through this one the market for the distribution of mobile apps to android users which that's not a monopoly we'll get to that the market for processing payments for digital content within android mobile apps that's also not a thing uh i don't know if epic knew this they do actually is on an android phone you can actually install third-party apks programs directly to the android system and that's how you actually get fortnite you actually install epic launcher to your android phone whatever it is download fortnight through that so google doesn't actually have a monopoly yes they have a storefront but on android you have plenty of storefronts with samsung phones you actually get samsung store or the galaxy store and that's pushed to you pretty heavily there's also amazon store as far as i know uh there's plenty of third-party stores on android so this whole like google lawsuit kind of [ __ ] i'm just gonna say it but again they don't seek monetary compensation that's glad okay they're they're fighting for the system but okay sure now on apple understand this the 30 apple charges is a bit high i mean imagine for this right like you make a million dollars in app revenue apple immediately takes three hundred thousand dollars of it right if we're gonna go with the rough you know pre-tax assessment of it now here's the thing thirty percent is i like i said earlier the industry standard if you're gonna get mad at apple which trust me i would take any reason to get pissed at apple you should be pissed at sony playstation you should be pissed at microsoft's xbox platform you should be pissed at valve you should be pissed at google you should be pissed at various platforms because all these services charge that 30 tax when you buy fortnite v bucks on playstation yes you are giving 30 of that purchase roughly give or take maybe it's higher or lower i don't know the exact percentage but you are giving the percentage to sony in fact if you actually look there's some of these journalists who brought out the actual like net sales for sony right where uh what 41 was from add-on content micro transactions dlc xbox revenue went up 39 percent because of third-party titles right microsoft is seeing a boost in revenue on the xbox platforms the company refers to third-party title strength which is almost certainly a reference to fortnite the game that made 1 billion in digital sales since its debut last year's i wouldn't doubt that i wouldn't doubt it at all so a lot of these guys are profiting heavily just because fortnite is on their storefront now this is where it gets hazy how much of these companies are actually earning 30 right i would say it's it's dependent now for apple i actually say to give them credit they probably put in a lot more effort to get the 30 percent you know not only are they running the distribution network which you know granted it's not that big of a deal but understand this uh with the verification systems for ios they actually do take a lot of security to heart a lot of malware checks are done a lot of people do look over code and make sure that it's kosher for deployment on ios devices which actually is good for the end user if they're worried about safety and ease of use right whereas on google's play store how many cases of malware do you just see in the hundreds of thousands being spread on that store now this isn't to say that ios doesn't have a malware problem either just from personal experience i found that it actually happens far less than on the google platform and i hear far less about it uh from one side to the other so again the 30 that companies charge some do more than others some do way less i wouldn't doubt that apple is still putting in some effort to make sure so maybe i can see it kind of happen but it is a very big amount and a lot of indie game developers will tell you that this sucks it really does suck but you know what let's just cover it real quick okay if epic finds is bad or anybody finds it bad i'm just gonna say it like it is too bad all right too [ __ ] bad all right it is what it is apple has made a brand apple has made probably one of the most successful lineup of smartphones i may not like their smartphones i may not like their products but i can't deny that they're popular and tons of people will buy them every year that they come out they have that power so now that you've gotten one of the biggest uh one one of the biggest smartphone manufacturers right hosting your application i could easily just if i was apple i could just go to epic and say just make your own [ __ ] phone bro okay make your own storefront release it that way um and call it a day i mean listen if you're going to develop things for apple's iphone devices and you're going to be using their store don't be surprised that they're going to kick you out when you start breaking their terms of service terms and services are for reasons right i'm not saying it's ethical i'm just saying apple is technically on the right if you don't like it don't make ios apps that goes for anybody that hates apple for the same reason just don't [ __ ] develop for apple devices it is what it is uh you might say that wow but there's a huge chunk of people that i can't sell to well that's unfortunately the cost of doing business i'm sorry to say it it's how things work and again i'm not saying this is purely ethical either i mean apple is on the right but if to get if you're going to get mad at apple for owning one app store on their devices you also should get mad at sony or microsoft for basically allowing only their storefront on their specific respective consoles i mean that that's kind of the that's kind of the situation we're looking at now let's just get down to the real thing i'm not here to just totally defend apple apple is anti-competitive let me just show you a case that also happened this is a case of cloud applications gaming services things like stadia xcloud uh that apparently are violating app store guidelines right so xcloud and stadia as far as i know xcloud at least cannot be releasing on on the ios platforms it just can't here's a reason why the app store was created to be a safe and trusted place for customers to discover and download apps and a great business opportunity for all developers before they go on our store all apps are reviewed against the same set of guidelines that are intended to protect consumers and provide a fair and level playing field to developers [ __ ] our customers enjoy great apps and games for millions of developers and gaming services can absolutely launch on the app store as long as they follow the same set of guidelines so basically they remove streaming services you know services that stream video to you right games you know let's just get let's just get to the reality that apple just wasn't making money off xcloud and stadia you buy their subscription on their websites and use an app to stream it to you okay that's really what it came down to the crux of it but also what was more important in this to understand is now that these services are violating app store guidelines where you get to the anti-competitive nonsense is just give it a few months maybe give it a year but come back to this video and tell past muda if he was right that apple decided to make their own video game streaming service you know apple has something called apple arcade that people made months for i wouldn't be surprised if down the road apple makes their own game streaming service see that's where the anti-competitive [ __ ] is apple is so big they can look at these popular ideas and say huh game streaming well if we just get rid of microsoft and google on our store and make the app ourselves bam we're kosher game streaming is something any company can do and apple can control whatever goes on their store and what doesn't it is what it is so you get what i'm saying with it they basically look at a successful idea and say that idea doesn't work in the play store or or the app store and then the next two months they just make it themselves and sell millions upon millions of uh of subscription purchases it's kind of it's kind of messed up if you think about it i'm not so worried about the 30 tax apple charges okay because that's industry standard getting pissed at apple for that i should be pissed at everyone i think it would be great if ios apple added an option in the settings screen like a little you know dialog option like a yes or no that simply allowed users to download third-party apps ipas or apks or packages and install them on their own phone and just give a giant warning that says you may install malware you may get hacked all of this is on you fam if apple did that and let's be honest apple's operating system is pretty awesome on the mobile devices they could pretty much sandbox the [ __ ] out of anything it'd be great if apple allowed users the choice to install third-party things on their phone but again apple and good ideas and giving users choices that's that's that's a foreign concept let's be real but with that said if they did it a lot of these complaints epic games is bringing would kind of be shot in the dark then all that apple could say then is hey we have the option for you to make your own launcher and just tell people to download it epic did that on google you want to know what happened they probably weren't making a lot of money because when you tell people to download third party stuff they get a little weirded out so they had to eventually concede and go on to the play store which they now got kicked off of again so hey it's it's a weird world we live in but that's kind of one of the scenarios that i'm bringing you might say that that might make ios apps uh piratable you know people would pirate apps but if you know anything about xcode if you have a mac if you know anything about development on ios you could probably deploy apps on your phone for development reasons if you know what i mean but yeah ladies and gentlemen that's all i really have to say a lot that we've covered a lot that we've looked at nobody's really right in this situation but i think apple has the right to pretty much charge whatever they want again it's their platform just as much as any developer can eventually just say [ __ ] apple we're not going to release on your platform i think that's the best thing it's great that epic got their app removed you know fortnite isn't going to die but i hope that developers may be able to look at this and say if we all just protest alongside epic or go to another competing uh service i don't know maybe something can happen uh it is wrong it's unethical but apple isn't wrong in any of it as far as the whole x-cloud example i showed you where they started removing apps with certain capabilities just be mindful of when they start removing apps with certain capabilities and then release the same like similar app two months down the road exclusively but ladies and gentlemen that was the whole epic games and apple nonsense uh if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me mudahar and i am out [Music] 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Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 688,719
Rating: 4.8276868 out of 5
Id: wsS5Ji8DQw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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