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hello guys and gals me mood aha and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing I think Lesseps so 202 which means we are a way into the series you know way into this and virus investigations which I kind of them slowly loving a little bit more but you know what I'm getting pretty nostalgic and I tend to do that at at 2:30 in the morning so as you can see my sleep schedule is still a shot to [ __ ] doesn't help that there's a certain Reverend my neighborhood but you know what we're gonna calm down because this week I've gone on far longer than I should let's go to our very first web site I think the more and more I spend time doing this at 2:30 more and more have like a legit mental breakdown but hey that's that's fine that's ok because we had the North Korean cookbook alright so we haven't seen a cookbook in a while so yeah Mamamia we got a we got some [ __ ] food to learn about today dude all the content is scraped from North Korean chef Association which I highly doubt as a thing but we'll load it up anyways I was curious on what they cook over there but the site is really slow so I scraped the whole thing and ran it through Google Translate API now one thing real quickly as far as is the Korean know that yeah no thanks I'm [ __ ] stupid know the Korean is same regardless do they I don't think they have it do they have any variance between South Korea and North Korean like some word off differences because I honestly think that the change in language like that well there is no change in language but I think there's like a difference in like dialect and word spoken I maybe I'm not so sure but I don't know dude obviously I don't know anything about Korea you know more more than most average people but I always had that thought in my head anyways the site is very content rich but Google Translate made a very poor job of translating it all halyard you don't doubt that [ __ ] at all let's see what staple North Korean food is man hell yeah dude they got things called bonging no stoop dude wow that's actually gangster dude that's really sick so these are all North Korean delicacies that they have and some of them look good like at a corn grinding and apparently that's that's an acorn like dude Koreans have made acorns look delicious do not I bite down on that any day dude I turn into a little squirrel boy for that one Jesus they've got Apple milk okay all right kyu Jong's taking the golden shower quite literally dude eat corn rice all right there's a lot of acorns brought in now I think a lot of that has to do with the North Korea is a very famine prone country as you see you to the fact that their leadership likes to test out [ __ ] nukes in Japan more than they like to actually feed their people so yeah that's a thing I mean Kim Jong certainly can get his hands on some food that's for goddamn sure bike birdsong sold ye buk bike Bakri own solji totally mispronounced that his rice cake that's actually very similar to Indian food as well too like we we have like rice based desserts as well to Asia rice works anywhere so the more you go you got bean pots bean jam flour picker dude that [ __ ] looks amazing I am ready for some I am ready for some goddamn rhythm Korean food I bet bibimbap once which is really good Korean spicy food is probably one of my all-time favorite foods like it's up there for sure like if you've never had if you've never had really spicy good Korean barbecue then I don't think you've ever really lived man Korean food is great but this site kind of goes on and on and on I didn't know North Korea had this much food now again a lot of this could probably be like food that's staple in like Korea Japan China any Asian country like Vietnam for instance right like E you would kind of see this anywhere I think you would go to so let's go to like where's the where is what's in store I want to see what a North Korean store a browser e looks like let me see real quick well you've got one that's in stores all right pull a kebab re apricot candy pickles oh there's anchovy sick all right I'm not I'm not I'm like hit or miss on anchovies but God bless if you can beef cannabis oh yeah yeah it's dried and married you a knee and then dried and baked okay I can get high off a cow right wait because you got beef illegal like in parts of India so you also have marijuana legal it's like double illegal doesn't like cancel each other out dude is that it's that where we're going with this Boston kimchi kimchi is also pretty gangster yeah oh wow of course I got a [ __ ] it this is the same cabbage kimchi they're just like grandma's secret recipe every every grandma's got the best recipe right it's most vied for position bong yang all right let's read what that is has in Korea the country that that that made the mukbang a real popular treat yeah let's go to Angelica Dux a mockingbird a sting a ste the stinky beetle is a steamed rice paddy which is cooked in a sauce look you have things like stinky beetle and your in your food and I don't care if it tastes amazing I don't care if it tastes like the best goddamn thing in the world but if you got beetle in the name I'm probably not eating it for sure all right never gonna happen apricot seed rock looks looks more like cheese bars to me my guy beef chorizo with fennel I'm sure Theresa isn't exactly known to be a Korean dish but hey man you know Kim Jong Il all who said he built the world in like 11 days or some [ __ ] so Who am I to say Who am I to say Mexico or Latin America came up with chorizo first right you look do I look like I wanna get [ __ ] decapitated by a North Korean dictator hell naw dude blindfold it also shares the same that's also how they treat that's also how they treat some of their citizens when they've talked too much right buckwheat charging yeah there's just a whole side of why is this on the Deep Web why is a North Korean [ __ ] cookbook on the Deep Web like Kim do you not let your people look at how to make food what the hell is this was a good let's look at some of their gamey food all right they've got a deer all right that's a rare commodity to get on in Korea by the way I'm pretty goddamn sure shit's like the hunger games out there bare bears you get to eat bears how could you eat a bear those things are like the cutest things in the world dude I'll be honest with you if there are ways to die that you would prefer the cutest way a man could die a woman could die is probably getting mauled by a bear like you would get killed by such cuteness you know what I mean I don't know where the [ __ ] I'm going with this actually but Bob shellfish crust is another goddamn dude is this North Korean food so I guess if you ever wanted to learn what North Riaan food is like then you got it this is right here for you that being said though we're gonna back out and just go somewhere else Oh bad boy bad boys what you gonna do what you gonna do do you remember G for how it used to turn them to just straight-up reruns of cops yeah I remember that but this is bad cops all right beware alright so anyways please don't turn the comment section to a [ __ ] political turf war please because honestly this isn't the place for it I'm not really gonna give my opinions of cops either to be honest with you um it to be to be to be totally fair at one point in my life you know way before you know when the whole prospect of college came up and like affordability of colleges I used to I used to really be on the whole join the military to learn from it so there's a pretty good chance that I probably might have ended up being like a federal cop or something out of out of the army if I choose to chosen to go down that route to begin with right so I usually have a pretty like you know I kind of have this like it's a tense job type mentality you know what I mean like if you go into being a cop yeah there's some shitty cops out there for sure I think usually when you have the cops that sort of don't have any real training like you know like three weeks of training isn't enough to be a cop and you're also paid jack-shit and whatnot to then I don't think you really make for a good cop I think usually to be a cop you should have some form of uh you know education you know what I mean like that's why federal cop when I was gonna be in it you have to you have to be like what is it you have to have a garage poke my eye you have to be uh you have to have like a back floors and like criminology or some [ __ ] you have to have like full years experience and stuff but then again you get paid way more so you know that's also a reason why but yeah I have a sort of thing but anyways totally beyond that point we have a new website that's all about talking with bad cops so they got three YouTube videos they posted which I believe are YouTube videos I mean yeah they're they'll link back to YouTube so you can go right here view one it's loading real quick yeah give me your ID okay see that yeah you got you've got like just some you've got some yeah yeah got some pullover stuff so it's about 20 minute videos like Jesus crisis long police state in Alba D new york new body cam released all right the incident began last month when officers were called to a First Street residence where police said that they responded in the past for loud disturbances the incident was recorded by bystanders holding cell phones and also captured by multiple police body cams yeah I mean the way this guy's sort of putting up his hands right now look man if a cop ever pulls me over you know they got a gun and [ __ ] I'll probably just you know be like yes officer yeah no no no problem what do you want to know officer all that kind of [ __ ] I mean you can be well within your rights but if you're getting belligerent at a guy that has the ability to pop you in the head I'd be a little more careful you know Boulder Colorado Boulder cops racial profiling of college student officer quits before investigation completes so basically there's a bunch of victims over here thief coward coward coward coward tyrant so basically the cops beat up on some dude or whatever and yeah yeah you know there's bad examples Trevor there's bad eggs everywhere you go right like I mean there's good cops there's bad cops yeah there's I mavin watch the video so I can't tell Blanchard PD Oklahoma tyrants and the Blanchard PD exposed body cam footage so I don't know how they get body cam footage per se like does it get leaked out of a police station because because I know cops have to have body cams now right like for sure just to protect themselves and and the other people around them and within their department as well to like it got for a bit like a superior officer like [ __ ] starts to bully somebody below body cams are a requirement as far as I know but how does it get leaked out to like do they just leak it out from like internal offices that are like a mole and in the police Network like huh I'm looking way too into it but I just I'm just trying to get a beat on what's going on we're a group of individuals who expose bad cops the site provides an anonymous way to report bad cops in your area and not really anonymous when you got a whole youtube channel for it by the way but we will use our platforms on clear net to expose these tyrants we do not condone violence in any way so they've been exposing bad cops since 2019 which is uh which is very [ __ ] recent this year the thing is there's not much more to the site other than it just started so I think what I'll do is I'll actually save the onion route for this so just let me copy that I'll save it for later just because um I think I might want to come back to the site and see if it regularly does get updated or is it like you know queue summits home where it just sort of goes away because uh yeah I would like to see more of it again keep the politics away from here whatever you think about cops is whatever it's all up to you let's just keep things about the video in hand but ya know that's um that's what we got dude bad cops let's back out of here and that go somewhere else oh [ __ ] dude we just came across the world oldest webcam what life San Francisco view since 1984 you've got to be kidding with me my god Jesus Christ so ladies and gentlemen apparently we have the oldest camera imaginable so it's through this fog cam sprang to life in 1994 is a student project in the department of instructional technologies at San Francisco State University fog cam is the oldest continuously operating webcam in the world Wikipedia confer that's not exactly the smartest thing to do like Wikipedia confer actually to be fair with you Wikipedia was like the college strat like you just look at their sources and just quote them so I won't even say anything yeah they've got they got a whole showcase on webcams is that actually what it is let me let me control f that let me let me do some fact yeah the oldest web cam still operating is at San Francisco State University like is it oldest operating like the device hasn't stopped working because that is that is pretty sick so yeah you can even see for cam on Wikipedia's list of oldest web sites and that would be an interesting to look through we've slightly changed campus locations a few times as necessary over the years to prevent being shut down by the University historically the first web cam actually predated the web the Trojan room coffee pot cam at the University of Cambridge came online way back in 1991 and it was retired in 2001 so they're not the oldest camera the oldest one is like a Trojan room coffee pop cam but that got retired to 2001 so it's it's not the oldest running but this certainly has aged further than her I like that that thing got like glock to the head before her before reaching the world even though I kind of want to pull that up and check it out real quick too so they got a BBC article how the world's first web cam made a coffee pot famous so that a black-and-white web cam of a coffee pot alright so it was just a shot of the coffee pot Jesus Christ okay all right okay ladies and gentlemen they just streamed the coffee so if you ever wanted to see if you don't want to see coffee being poured and all that good stuff well the University of Cambridge was uh was where it was at and apparently the coffee pot sold for three thousand three hundred and fifty pounds on [ __ ] Wow that is impressive god damn that is crazy good I am actually fairly impressed by that Jesus Christ whoever would have thought I'd get some good stuff out of the BBC right now god damn frock ham created and operated by Webb dog and Dana Dana still has some amusing 1995 fraud cam pictures on his website nine website pioneers WWE turns 25 so they got whole articles on it right and it was last updated January 2 second 2019 and apparently they also have a Twitter account where you can communicate and talk to them and whatnot they've went online for some maintenance so yeah they they they have to switch our cameras I'm pretty sure like there's no way that same camera can run for God's sakes so right here you can actually see that in fog can what's going on is 20 1905 26 140 146 am so far cam at this francisco state university view of holloway avenue updates every 20 seconds and whatnot so they have gotten what appears to be hey webcam actually running so yeah it is in fact 142 a.m. in San Francisco right now and I believe in the morning like in the noon time you can see people walking by it updates every 20 seconds obviously you're not getting like a live feed of it it's it's really just every 20 seconds so every minute you're seeing three frames of this place which is pretty cool now I've noticed one thing the resolution has an upgrade of like we haven't got like a 1080p webcam going or anything so yeah there are some limitations and technology going on I kind of half expect that I mean it for the oldest running you know camera on the Internet I got to give it some slack you know if you don't give things some slack you can have a pretty shitty life but anyways that was the Frog cam dude or [ __ ] why I calling it frog cam its fog cam okay mother stating an F og say a.m. fog cam two words you got this buddy you got this but ya know they've got photos as well I don't know if I can exactly show you the photos I don't know the privacy situations on there there was a cute little dog or though so so be known for that but I think that's enough of the fog cam I'm gonna back out of it I mean I was born in 1994 so I'm as old as this [ __ ] [ __ ] cam right now so that set it up there I was born in 94 and I'm as old as a goddamn web cam project Jesus I kind of feel like a baby god damn alright see you guys in the next website and it appears we have our video of the week ladies and gentlemen we seem to have two minutes something long video 2 minutes and 13 seconds long and what's interesting is it is way above our actual average for the dank web videos that we find so let me hit play it let's get static and see what we can find with this one holy [ __ ] Lana's a waiter in a waiter would have wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute dude this is um I've seen this it's on the it's on the red it's floating around dude hold on a second um so I boy Eric scare theater by the way he has a video that he just I think posted on this so what this is real quick thing before we to be watching it is basically this dude allegedly has been trippin for like three months or something to want two three months or something on like acid or whatever DMT and and he's been like straight trippin like it seems like it's a permanent something trip it's a video that was lost for years so now it's resurfaced well let's hit play see what we got real quick ah wait a minute do you guys notice for a second like the handgun up there like it's really hard to see but he's got I think that's a revolver like you can see by the grip and the yeah that's a he's got a revolver just up there Jesus this dudes disheveled he's got a revolver sitting out right there man goddamn I mean he looks like he's on something for sure March 2008 don't seem to be coming down so like right now he's on so right now what's going on it is he is on he is on like DMT right now and what's happened is apparently to him it's two months have passed while he's totally like on DMT right now and it's just [ __ ] it's just there Jesus he looks really disheveled by the way like he looks pretty gone like the way that he's staring off like he might be reading some script he's probably looking at some hallucinogen like he's actually tripping and like Jesus Christ feeling sinner back pcap boils the roots right I did what it said in the book so he drank a tea version of it okay so I think we can stop it right over there basically what's going on is like the dude basically took like DMT and combined it with a I believe a tea leaf that basically allows you to drink DMT and it what it does is it like it restricts certain cells or what are those like enzymes in your body that what happens is like they restrict and usually if you drink DMT nothing should happen but like what he's done is he's also drank something along side the DMT drug that has restricted him that has basically prevented his body from breaking down like or from stopping the the absorption I guess of the DMT so right now he's got DMT in his bloodstream and he's like [ __ ] on a trip and I can't confirm or deny that I've ever done DMT in my life but I will tell you tripping is pretty serious you know if you ever a trip if you ever have something as strong like that right like it can do so many things to your body like you can have so many kinds of hallucinations like it can get to a phase where it's almost borderline schizophrenia truth be told so what this guy is going through is is for two months apparently he has taken this drug whatever it is like I don't know what it is I think it's like dnt datura something of the sort could be scopolamine for all I [ __ ] know and he's taking this drug and for two months it hasn't worn off now the thing is I believe medically you can't take a drug once it passes through your bodily systems right like it once it excretes out of you you should be off that drug once it passes you can't be high anymore but I believe there is a case that you can have some lingering effects mentally after you've taken a drug but those are rare and this guy apparently is still tripping for two months straight he hasn't left the house or anything now he's got a gun up there just like out in the open he looks pretty disheveled by the way like he looks like he's not looking too good honest to god so I can definitely say like if this is fake right by any chance like if he's faking like he's a really great actor because like he's like this is hard to fake you know I mean like from what I'm seeing like dudes actually legitimately tripping right now and it's kind of scary to be honest with you um yeah but this is this is a weird situation like this guy is he's taken a drug alright and as drug has absolutely just consumed his life for two months now the thing is from what I know is when you take hallucinogenics or drugs like these in the DMT class or you know LSD your time distortion is is massive right like some people what is it like a couple minutes could be like hours and so on and so forth so like there could be a pretty good chance that you know he's just [ __ ] tripping and for him it's probably like oh [ __ ] it's been several weeks when a you know it could have been like [ __ ] two and a half seconds or something like two two months for this guy could have been like two seconds I don't know dude i that that is one thing that i do know about drugs from back in the day but yeah i don't know it could be like it could be any of the things again like scare theater has a good video that he's made on this - i know like basic points of it because i seem that I've seen the reddit postings of this [ __ ] everywhere it just recently popped up so it kind of explains why we've caught it on the dank web I think after this I'm definitely have to watch a scare theaters video on this for sure like right after I've record because it just applies so [ __ ] well so yeah that's uh that's the man trippin on marriage you wanna for for a long time tripping on will something way stronger than marijuana ask for damn sure but yeah interesting video to shovel dude um this is 2008 things don't really have an update so I don't know what the [ __ ] happened to this guy I hope he's doing fine I really do like I mean [ __ ] series if he's legitimately been tripping for two months it's like a breakthrough in science by the way but he also needs to get some goddamn help like if this is real on the off chance that gun really really like sends me like scared like that is a gun for sure you can see it you can see like the grip you can see you can you can see the [ __ ] you can just see everything you can see the hammer the grip whatever you want to call it so that is goddamn revolver honest dressing-table so I'm just putting that one out there I hope this dude's fine he don't look like he's doing too well right now so [ __ ] dude bottom line don't do drugs there you go here's the there's the morale of the day so even if you hate me you'll learn something today and you saw an example of it me so it's a back out numb no somewhere else oh hell yeah did the token rock community like this dude the third eye the third eye is known as the Gateway to higher consciousness all right is it now can I get some higher consciousness this week's been [ __ ] weird dude bad cops North Korean cookbooks all right dude I mean why not anyways let's read this the third eye is known as the gateway to higher consciousness it may alternatively symbolize a state of enlightenment in eastern and western spiritual traditions the third eye is known as the inner eye then mystical the esoteric concept referring to the archana chakra the third eye is associated with clairvoyance out-of-body experiences visions and prick ignitions people who have developed their third eyes are known as seers well that's that's best painfully generic for God's sakes come on dude can we think of a better character class name for crying out loud Hinduism and Buddhism use the third eyes as symbolism for enlightenment is referred to the eye of knowledge in Indian tradition East Asian and Indian iconography show the third eye as a dot eye or mark on the forehead of deities and other enlightened beings Hindus place a Tillich between the eyebrows and the representation of the third eye and that they look right here and for sure there are too small organs in the brain known as the pituitary body and the pineal gland medical science reverses the pineal gland is the atrophy third eye it is said that neither that's first time I heard of it by the way it is said that night of these glands are atrophied these glands were once used in the past as a means for man to get in touch with the inner world his way to ingress these glands will again serve that purpose man will again possess the ability of clairvoyance by remembering how to establish a connection to the pineal gland and the pituitary body I mean it could just be there are parts of our bodies right where they're not so useful anymore that we just have dormant reigning inside them just give evolution some time it wipe out dude for sure but on a much grander scale by connecting the pineal gland of the pituitary grain with a cerebral spinal nervous system once it is accomplished it will be under control of man's will activating the third eye can be accomplished through meditation mastering the art of meditation will help to activate the pineal gland and pituitary body as well as teaching you to relax and open your mind all possibilities once this is accomplished clairvoyance is easily reached dude meditation does [ __ ] wonders by the way just give it a try honestly you like completely change your life around for the better if you tried you just like [ __ ] 10 15 20 minutes a day will change it I'm not even kidding like straight up go for that [ __ ] oh thank you rants are in the chakra system the chakra systems the third eye is a sixth chakra it is associated with the color indigo the chakras often refer to as the avenue to wisdom here we can tap into our own inner wisdom and put our own learning perspectives in okay so basically what it is is it's a way this site is all about opening the third eye which is a way for us to to see into the inner world to to become clairvoyant and you know it's it's part of those things where usually I would sit inside and kind of go but I almost have somewhat of a belief in this like I mean first of all I'm kind of one of those people is like how can I prove something wrong right like I usually keep an open mind on a lot of these things so like when it comes to the third eye for this case I'm usually all for it by the way like I'm all I'm all for open openness and and thought-provoking ideology like this so for me the third eye is if something I do have somewhat of a belief in you know this kind of stuff of course at the same time like I'm very skeptical so maybe it exists maybe it doesn't again it's kind of like the Flat Earth theory right like yeah we all kind of laugh at it but if somebody can 100% proof to me the earth is flat then guess what I'm gonna be a flat earther tomorrow like I can I can except you know when I'm wrong so if I'm wrong then I guess I'm [ __ ] wrong so I'll accept that to the end of the day there are some things though that'll probably sit there and kind of laugh at any hey if I get those things told that they're right there I'll just laugh even harder and say I [ __ ] up I was wrong but anyways let's go into this so list of subjects community Oh essential oils I love reading about essential oil of god damn dude welcome to the wonderful world of a hundred percent based essential oils here at oak and rock we are passionate ik about holistic health dude if you told my dad about this [ __ ] my dad's a doctor by the way it's like you just started telling my dad about like homeopathic medicine my dad like flips a [ __ ] nipple area is like I think I remember talking to about it so well son if you like it just gets pretty out there again I don't care if you hey man if holistic medicine helps you then God bless you alright I'm glad you got help dude I'm just pointing out like what my dad would say holy al dude my dad have known bicker hound when it comes to that hey let's open up the expert as well two essential oils can be used to promote physical emotional and spiritual well-being and as long as they are certified pure therapeutic grade aka price three times up the ass than usual they can be as aromatically topically and most often but not always internally generally speaking us fall into the category of alternative or natural medicine similar to herbs and homeopathy essential oils however are 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs holding yeah I really want to see the mathematics behind this by the way please God I having been around for thousands of years dating all the way back to Egyptian culture where frankincense essential oil was considered more valuable than gold modern research now knows even more about the profound and vide spread applications that ia's offer the past the present and future have all met in the golden chalice which emanates a divine tune a symphony of aromatic botannical compounds and healing possibilities god damn dude I love it dude a sensual or I might rub me with some essential oils dude what is this my life past the number is the most important indicator of your life it was surprisingly the easiest number in the numerology chart to calculate so what is this what I just oh let me enter my birth date May 1st 1994 alright select the number or so unknown [ __ ] that I'm gonna select I'm just gonna go all right my birthday 5:1 my Life Path number is 11 what you I'm the healer dude there that's my new path in life I'm gonna be a [ __ ] white mage I know you're different but you know you're different you don't need other people to tell you that as a Life Path 11 life is filled with mysterious connections and experiences it just seemed to pop up you're more intuitive and sensitive than other people you know you are here to help people heal in some capacity and you may have already and you may already be in a classic classical healing profession but you may also help other people through your arts words and other creative outlets you may find a deeply gratifying to tap into your spiritual side and allow your essence or gifts to be fully realized or expanded upon you may have found that your life's ways from one intense situation to another who've got talked to talk monologue life about that one Jesus Christ although this can be draining at times know that it provides you with a greater depth of experiences so you can grow faster you are considered the wounded healer someone who helps themselves by helping others oh my [ __ ] god Jesus Christ some of the careers that are best suited for life paths include positions where they are listening and working to improve a person's life for instance a minister psychologist teacher and charity worker could you imagine me the Slayer honestly for say imagine me being a [ __ ] psychologist dude like imagine that and just laugh at the [ __ ] off I don't know if I could ever be a teacher either I'm a pretty terrible teacher to begin with so hell yeah dude some of your fellow life paths Elevens good yeah my life Pat Brothers alright let's see Who am I related to Michael Jordan oh hell yeah Bill Clinton Prince William David Beckham hell yeah Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Harry Houdini Oh God Bantam Jesus word of caution be mindful not to allow your search for spiritual enlightenment overcome your life in close relationships there have been many who feel that they must go on an arduous journey of self-discovery only to realize that it didn't meet the journey's harsh lessons in order to find out what they were looking for it yeah dude I look man I got great friends dude I'll just deal with all that Jesus Christ dude there's plenty of other number 11 brothers out here god damn alright so I find out my life path number I found out what the [ __ ] the third eye really is and all that good stuff so you know what the token Rock has certainly helped me look inside myself and I might just goddamn buy some I might just buy myself some some of some of those essential oils dude oh man let's do this what's my last name oh it's gonna give me a baby name oh hell yeah what if I had a boy desired expression what do I want yeah I want my kid to be a goddamn leader dude hell yes show me some names what do i name my kid Andy all right the Deep Web and Mark Luigi Woodrow will birth Tyrone halyard my kid gonna be named Tyrone hell yeah dude it's gonna be he's gonna be [ __ ] cucking some people when he grows up it's a goddamn leader and independent a bull you know what I mean anyways I think I'm getting way too carried oh I got somewhere and ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web browsing dank web browsing dark web browsing the part of the week where take a look at that banker side of the Internet oh this we've got some interesting stuff a nice little video that's all the rage all the sudden right now we've got what appears to be bad cops essential oils in a North Korean cookbook ladies and gentlemen it's been a [ __ ] weird week and you know what it's always at like 3:00 in the morning that things get really weird I think the witching hour takes into effect in the most [ __ ] of fashions but that being said ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it I am out [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 334,417
Rating: 4.9007983 out of 5
Keywords: who, is, this, guy, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers, exploration, browsing, internet, video, cookbook, web, episode 202, 202
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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