The YouTube Scam Ads!

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hello guys and gals me muta har and not using adblock on YouTube can sometimes end up being a truly wonderful thing don't worry I'm not trying to you know do some weird [ __ ] hypnosis on you right now I'm just saying I use YouTube without adblock I use YouTube without adblock for a lot of reasons there's like a few people i watch and i really do like to support them but there is one reason that i really do enjoy watching this site without any form of AD prevention software and that's because i come across amazing video ideas like this and in hot memes like ty Lopez for example now today i came across a recent surge of scamming advertisements on youtube now this is a video is very similar to the minecraft for a bit whole like looking for that as a creepypasta except here i got five nights at freddy's right here and this was linked to me by a lovely advertisement available on youtube telling me to playfun a five nights at freddy's completely for free now for those of you don't know what five nights at freddy's is five nights at freddy's is a horror game centered around jump scares and very acute micromanaging and for the most part it's actually a pretty decent game you know I can't really get into the much later games but I'm not a huge fan of five nights at freddy's i think a lot of us know this by now but I do get the games credit where credit is due you it's got definitely got a fanbase for a very for very obvious reason now the reason why I'm making this video in particular is not because it's like a league of angels to type clickbait scenario or naruto online where you know you play it for the lulz i'm doing this video because this [ __ ] is actually affecting the [ __ ] children who watch this website okay or go on and watch their favorite youtubers now look this is something that I think most adults are [ __ ] intelligent enough to not fall for you know what I mean most adults don't give a [ __ ] about and I think anybody my age younger than me and slightly younger teenage older than me will not fall for this [ __ ] okay there might be that outlier out there but then again they're people that really don't give a crap about this stuff in particular um adults could fall for this [ __ ] if their kids really like five nights at Freddy's and they're like gotta get the [ __ ] game and they click on this and here they go now this is run by thug gamers if you haven't [ __ ] cringed enough by looking at that before I mentioned it out yes thousands of thrilling games for free on thud gamers gaming portal now for those of you don't know what a gaming portal is it's kind of like [ __ ] Tube sites okay you go on there's millions of them they make a [ __ ] ton of money you go there you'll watch porn you jerk off and you're done this is designed for flash games and [ __ ] now the reason why I'm covering this as well too is not because you obviously you're not gonna [ __ ] see actual fin a scam playing you won't okay thud gamers does not give you a free version of finality very obvious there but you get free to play and would you [ __ ] look at that oh man thug gamers advertising whoa what'd you catch sir surely you're kidding ladies and gentlemen that's got about a 1 out of 5 star rating alright and at 19,000 people at least as of this video have actually downloaded this plugin now I can read and change all the data on the websites you visit kind of kind of [ __ ] weird well I think that's basically implanting ads I don't think that's really weird communicate with cooperating websites and managing your downloads ladies and gentlemen thug gamers is really just an advertising front kids click on this [ __ ] they they add the extension and whoa thug gamers makes money and the kids don't get to play finesse but we're gonna add the extension yes I am using a virtual machine there is no [ __ ] way I'm actually accessing stuff without any form of an internet condom and would you look at that League of angels 2 makes an appearance whoa but ladies and gentlemen do you notice one thing there's no five nights at freddys I almost feel like I was lied to oh my [ __ ] god but I'm gonna click up the top left and go to thug gamers ladies and gentlemen thug gamers is portal is now readily available - here there if you're noticing one thing there is no [ __ ] fin a fear ladies and gentlemen there is absolutely no fin ass and I think most people don't get this sight enough of a chance because some of these games have like eight plays three plays all right [ __ ] bubble gems at six all right let's see yeah let's see [ __ ] Kurt crane crane it up is 13 oh man dude is clearly the most popular [ __ ] sight I've ever seen in my life but let's go to popular gain maybe that might be different 151 play is GTA 5 played 101 times one thing to note no [ __ ] five nights at freddys clearly we were all lied to am I talk clearly I'm not ladies and gentlemen there is no five nights at freddys to be played now look I know some people might be a little disappointed but you know what I think since we're here we're on this scam site and I'm on a VM and I'm gonna wipe this [ __ ] clean we might as well see some of the hot games thud gamers is presenting us right now you know we clicked on GTA 5 already he gave us [ __ ] GTA 4 it's even got achievements and strife I think I might have played this before it likes it play create your own avatar oh that's ice not even like actual Niko Bellic you just want to like [ __ ] deviantART and dug out like a really shitty made one here let's uh let's change my clothing alright how about that hey I can't listen play dude I totally played this before what the [ __ ] I swear I played this this is some [ __ ] wait a minute wait let me go see dude I totally played this what the [ __ ] is this dude this is a photo game could I steal the car it's really laggy by the way alright we got the car the dude died apparently as I throw him out gamers is your sight need some [ __ ] optimization because this thing can't run for [ __ ] clearly it's not gta5 right total deception let's go to something else there's more of me playing GTA than it is actually for Nath what what the [ __ ] am i oh my god wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute how the [ __ ] is this GTA craft hold on if you guys are looking at this game this is not GTA Craft this is a lie I'm getting [ __ ] destroyed right now what to do with mine crap what the [ __ ] in my axe will be playing right now I mean don't get me wrong like a much better game than the other GTA 5 I was playing but this is what you just blow things up you just shoot stuff out it's like what what is it's so it's so easy it's like what the hell it's like you can't really destroy them to like good like it's wow wow this is bad that's not GTA craft that doesn't have anything to do with GTA or minecraft thug gamers you are out like a zero to 2 right now here you go ladies and gentlemen flappy sheep multiplayer well at least this looks somewhat similar to what is being ripped off from let's just hit start okay get ready tap is it am I actually playing with people what the [ __ ] I literally just started the game oh my god the aggressiveness of the advertising is like what what am I seeing here I now dude is some aggressive ass advertise and like it's so bad like the page and the plug-in they give is so absolutely horseshit that it just freezes up the browser oh my god do three games I like I mean at this point I'm like why am I surprised right cuz I'm clearly not but it's like oh my god oh it's like it's like those memes you look at you know it's like those pictures it's like this gets worse after every look this is literally what it is it's an ad for another game alright here we go I died clearly I can't I can't play this game I can't [ __ ] play this game alright here we go I'm getting to it's like higher than anything while I'm doing [ __ ] good dude holy [ __ ] I'm like flat every time you touch dude you're gonna get an ad alright you know what this should drive anybody [ __ ] insane I guess it might be doing it with the VM that I have but like oh man this hurts the place alright let's let's go away get out of that this is actually the best game I play it's still no fan have all right let's go on let's go mind block how about that mind block looks pretty freakin interesting I mean as interesting as one of these games can get and already it's like taking me to advertisements like again it's five nights at freddy's i am not finding Fanaa fright here my whole rabbit hole is [ __ ] I'm not finding fanaa fear let's go new game okay you know what this is actually the most legit game that we've actually played out of this whole situation okay it's not capturing the mouse properly but you know whatever it's still actually a million times better then whatever the [ __ ] we were playing earlier on I don't know how to actually play this game what is this one two items in an ad tree Oh AD tree okay f1 is HUD yeah let's wait what is it again [ __ ] ad tree is like see yeah there you go ladies gentlemen this is actually the one game that has not [ __ ] light to us at all now the entire I don't know why but I feel like I'm zoomed into this character a hardcore right now but ladies and gentlemen the only [ __ ] game that actually has not lied to us entirely oh my god it's like I don't know how to place anything though it just seems like yeah I know I'm just able to like demolish oh wait there it is I can play stuff like that okay oh my god I cannot do this I cannot do this it's not capturing my scrollwheel ladies and gentlemen but you know what you want to know something this is actually the most Fanaa actually played literally this is so much more this is like this is the only thing that is not the deceptive part of this site now from what I can do what the [ __ ] that is that like a [ __ ] cloud made out of jellybeans and [ __ ] well apparently it's like mine it's mine block and you know what that is the only [ __ ] game that's not really a deceptive game and you want to know something else too the one we played flat all those last two were fine yet I have still to discover five nights at Freddy's so I spent about like [ __ ] what 20 30 minutes trying to look for five nights at Freddy's ladies and gentlemen I have not found one Finn Afghan yet and if I have they're hidden so well within this that I cannot find it all the way from alien bio lab to bury bug ladies and gents so you know what this ends up being throws if you don't know or can feel like you know for those of you don't know what we're basically witnessing over here is that they have like skeleton flash games and they keep adding [ __ ] into or like they might like palette swap stuff around or change like assets or sometimes blatantly rip flash files and you just post it over here they makes these portals so that kids end up clicking on it and waste their goddamn time playing games that frankly are doing more harm to their computer than they're really [ __ ] doing to to anything else and you know potentially brains or something like that ladies and gents this is [ __ ] thug gamers is gaming portal this was our YouTube scam at not much of a rabbit hole I would say or frankly if it was a rabbit hole god I'm so glad we're at the end of the video this is the YouTube scamming ad problem and the fact is YouTube fights against scamming advertisements all the time but it's kind of weird how like I've been seeing this on every single video and it's not like I've seen this for a week I've seen this for like at least a solid month and usually when I see something like this for so long I'll click on it and when I clicked on it Boyd that I need to make this video so I don't know what you think about the video I just wanted to make this a sort of a PSA type thing while playing some of these games never found fit a felt completely lied to I hate myself I waste my time you know is it a good solid 40 minutes but if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it this is me muta Hara and I hope you have an amazing day I am out [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,089,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SomeOrdinaryGamers, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, gaming, gameplay, pc, fnaf, five nights at freddies, rabbit hole, scamming, scam, ads, youtube
Id: UnsJki5zGJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2017
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