The "Cash App" Scam is Out of Control...

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these channels are disgusting..

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ExplodingFistz 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

people will never give out free money; people need to remember that (unless your mrbeast then discard what I said)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kinder_Benno 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

It appears that a number of channels may have been hacked within the last two months due to the sudden change in content provided, to now serve scam content which is all suspiciously similar not only in the titles and thumbnails, but also in style of the video, and the voice, phone and background too.

However, it doesn't end there, if you review the comments of these videos they all have a very similar inhuman quality to it, with many of theses comments seemily very similar accross the videos and channels, and if you comment on these you seem to get a fairly quick response (within about 5 mins) from one of these accounts with a very similar looking comment.

Thus I personally conclude that these videos are also using bots to give them the illusion of authenticity...

Victim channels sorted by the assumed hackers:

Hacker 1:

marbleteethmusic03  [](

Hacker 2:

JahJahCream     [](

Kathy Nguygen       [\_UYptlI5\_IGDxSPA](

Hacker 3:

FreeSound       [\_yneQ](

Zdriwa Woda     [](

Michal Stefankiewicz    [\_WRLs\_JQ](

plipiethefish       [](


Hacker 4:

FameTop         [\_Y08l-KhH0ww](

Edit: Ive found another victim of Hacker 3

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/6dwavenminer 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

My Cashapp was cumstain44. So that's where that $100 came from. . .

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VictorChen1 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've always been seeing these kind of videos advertised to me. I would leave funny comments trashing the video creator.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lil_beaner445 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

you needa do the forex scam next

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PristineSwing2 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have tried this since I was younger. These surveys always pissed me off. They don't ever stop and say,"you've done enough! And shall it happen!"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Satan_No7 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’ve seen countless of advertising their shitty scams (who are all the same anyway) even on YouTube, which is insane. Yet those type of scams never seem to be taken down by YouTube even though I’ve already reported 100+ of them I’ve seen in pre-video ads. This platform is fucked up, and so are the people hosting these sites

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZetShock 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's amazing how these continue to flourish.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/greymanbomber 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me muta har and I'm gonna be a little tilted in this video alright you know it takes a lot of energy for me to put on it to put on a smile sometimes but you know I figured I might as well put it on for this when I ladies and gentlemen all the clickbait channels that I look at aren't actually bad in comparison to the trash content we are about to look at today now I've talked about cash app before I wasn't exactly familiar with it at the time but we looked at cash app scams right now they're the app that would give me free money here's the YouTube videos free money free money there's no [ __ ] easy path to free money but you know a ladies and gentlemen cash app for those of you don't know is an application developed by Square limited I believe Square Inc where their whole thing is it's it's an application restraint transfer money between user to user kind of like Apple pay kind of like venmo whatever you want to call it PayPal at the end of the day it's a money transfer program now when you go to youtube and type in the words cash app free right obviously every wants [ __ ] free money okay kids are like wow I can get my fee bucks for free yeah no no let's look into it so you type in cash app free there's like a [ __ ] ton of channels who talk about this [ __ ] now one of these channels we're just gonna pick one at random okay some at random so I'm here talk about cash app scams like I think tap lab I watched this one do did it okay it covered it and then like focused on whatever later here are are some things though that I can't excuse me of these channels one is for example jaw jaw cream one week ago typed cash app free money Dolan sign how to get free cash at money check mark cash at back okay you go to the channel over here and it's a channel that has almost 20,000 subscribers 23 million views joined in 2008 now what we're about to witness is an actual violation of YouTube's Terms & Service is something that should actually be borderline illegal in today's day and age but as you can see over time this content was uploaded where we talked about get free cash at money Dublin Dolan Dolan or movie Pro Pokemon go spoofing hack spoofer teleport no ban get free tinder go yeah boys swipe right get that [ __ ] for free spotify premium hack free fire diamonds get free PayPal money now is there any legitimacy to these [ __ ] claims no there's not and we're gonna debunk this together because yeah there might be one person in the comments all right let's [ __ ] do it boys just put on the goddamn headset put in the mic and let's [ __ ] get this done and I'm gonna open up how to get a little gap right now this is an actual video uploaded by the person I don't know if this or voice or whatever but they've got an iPhone X or XS or whatever the [ __ ] the iPhones are called these days I don't know high-five I phone at cost way too goddamn much you've got you've got this this this dead animal we're recording on dead animals skin whatever we want to call it fur I don't care dude I'm too tired and drunk to notice a Kindle and and whatever whatever Amazon Alexa thing that I'm looking at but beyond here you get this website called get hacks dotnet which I'm gonna open up in a virtual machine of course because there ain't no way I'm letting my internet condom off for this kind of [ __ ] now get hax calm before we begin as a website that talks about downloading hacks for pokemons go movie box Pro show box let's look at the Netflix premium hack for an instance right Netflix premium injector status no injuries this is just basic [ __ ] to like get boomers to believe that they're actually hacking into Netflix you think this is how they're gonna hack in they're giving you surveys okay know anything involving a survey is a lie okay it's basically they hidden commandment of the Bible okay commandment number 11 any time you do a [ __ ] survey on the Internet you are eight you are a tool that's what it is okay so don't be a [ __ ] tool though yeah today I'm gonna show you how you can get free money on the cash app before I show you guys how to do it I just want to get hacks net and you guys can see I'm gaining $100 loaded right into my account and this is all thanks to get hacks dotnet which allowed me to get this free $100 no no it didn't get hack star net did not do that because get hack star net is leading me to surveys it's a landing site that you could download off any other [ __ ] landing site selling website and just peddle it this is not legitimate but let's get further into it let's let's see this content for what it is and once you click the app it's going to redirect you to this page here it's a very simple two-step process step one all you have to do is enter your cash app ID and step two select your operating system so I'm going to go ahead and enter my cash app ID none of this is gonna work none of this is gonna work okay ladies and gentlemen we've seen this time and time again you know when I ripped on stuff like fortnight V box scam every single time it always led you to a landing page where over time okay it may sometimes these things get pretty intense okay like when we went to the four nine one for instance you saw that there was like a fake chat system there was like money being spent he tried to give the impression that it was actually being used but little did we know it was just a landing page that would give you the same chat results over time okay it would give you nothing to really look at it was basically all pointless [ __ ] and make sure there are no typos and then for step two I can just select a platform and then three I could just hit get free cash button to get the free $100 assent to my cash app ID and now what you can see what it's doing here is it's connecting to the cash app database and finding my cash app ID so it can go ahead and inject packet so I can get that $100 I hate that so much this is the most generic [ __ ] it's like when somebody is working in the film and TV industry and the talk should about over scanning injecting packets oh well I SQL injected into cash app servers it's a financial platform it takes a little bit more than injecting packets to actually [ __ ] cause this and if I sound tilted it's because I am okay this is the false impression of hacking being given okay not only that if this was actually what it is congratulations you've just committed a federal [ __ ] felony on video I mean if it was real which it isn't because if it was reeled and trust me the feds would be clamping on the [ __ ] day what the minute its upload you think you think that Coppa kids-friendly [ __ ] is bad trust me the IRS the feds they get a hard-on for this kind of stuff dude it's like [ __ ] fielding on this to do on this page is installed two apps from this list and followed the instructions below each app you install so I'm gonna go ahead and just install this first I've had to do what it's going to do is read right due to a list of apps so once you hit verify now like I said it's gonna redirect you to this page here so what you have to do on this page is install two apps from this list and follow the instructions below each app you install so I'm gonna go ahead and just install this first app let's go with this okay this again he's trying to he's showing the fact that hey here's the here just a time where they show you you gotta prove that you're a human you got to do these offers this is a scheme where this dude leads people into doing this so when these schemes are completed the money obviously goes back to this individual it is a [ __ ] scam it is a lie and it is it should be and I believe it is punishable by the full extent of the law if it turns out that this is the case which it is now if you go to the comments section it sounds like this stuff is real you know what I mean like it's got five hundred two likes twenty eight dislikes you wondering how the [ __ ] is as possible well if you look at the actual comments section it's complete [ __ ] because these individuals have completely brand-new account so let's go into like this school thing has worked for me definitely free cash app fro one and only thing this worked well personally it's actually free cash Pro Isle is also helped by hacker Gary with twelve hundred dollars now I can pay my fees and still take care of myself I've been good with the help of Morrison crews on IG C you see how like Generic these comments are I mean all of it is a [ __ ] lie I mean if you go to any one of these sock puppet channels you'll find out very quickly that these sock puppet channels don't really do much else but actually cover things like hey here's a here's code giveaways here's random uploads and I mean it all of it is just channels that have literally just been created and channels that are literally literally literally down to 80 giving fake comments and everything so none of it is real you can easily like lower the veil you can you can you can pull the curtain out and find the [ __ ] beyond now the thing about this is no matter what one has to put their [ __ ] money where their mouth is so get hacks dotnet now I typed in cash up and I guess if I go to download right it's gonna take me to the cash app hack money now if I type in you know come-come stayin come-come stayin 44 right and I don't know it's [ __ ] through Android I mean it doesn't [ __ ] matter amount of money $100 via cash app so you hit get free money okay and it's connecting to cash app servers verifying cum-stained 44 oh boy they got the sound effects is trash generating a hundred bucks prepared to save generate a cash scheduled okay saving all changes finish the saving sure and you can see this is like jinda generic stuff down over here Oh Vera fine I'll sure take me to the oh damn dude play Magic the Gathering for free so they have a mobile app you tards I don't need this get a six month Netflix subscription you you keep going down the rabbit hole and it just takes you to like discount landing pages so yeah none of its real none of it should be given anything none of it should be given any credence ladies and gentlemen you are being lied to you know there's like a billion channels like this okay there's ton of okay there might be hyperbolic there's there's a ton of channels like this out there and they all talk about getting money the freeway cash app nonsense and normally I would be nicer about this like I would probably know I wouldn't be nicer about this normally normally I have this happy-go-lucky face on but as you can see what the evil strip club lighting okay all of the employees are gone right now you're witnessing an Indian man okay really [ __ ] angry about this I hate scams I hate scams that prey on people like this because the problem is I know tons of family who fall for this kind of [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen there are no free cash app hack scams what are you just witnessed if it was real would be a federal felony now I'm gonna go on a limb I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a bet okay I bet my left nut I will cut my left nut off fry it up make ravioli out of it and eat it on camera if any of the [ __ ] was real to begin with you might be wondering well that's quite a bet trust me I would wait you know I'm willing to wager both enough so I'll go fully unique for this [ __ ] you know I just want to make these videos to kind of stop you guys going from it I know I kind of goof and laugh but I'm not really having a happy-go-lucky tom I'm a little pissed to be honest with you so that being said ladies and gentlemen don't fall for this kind of stuff and and honestly I'm embarrassed that I'm sharing a platform with these kind of videos out there so my whole thing to youtube is look I get that you have machine learning going on I get that it's going on over there but like ladies and gentlemen they're not even trying to hide this it took me one Google search one unit one search on YouTube and it was the second video and there are many like it ladies and gentlemen I think this attention need to be needs to be brought on because it's more important than anything else on this platform that this kind of scammy [ __ ] gets dealt with as time goes on because it's just so blatantly done all right like they have no disregard this is so against the Terms of Service that it's not even funny well that being said though I'm gonna go back and play some more Deus Ex I've kind of been consumed by it so ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it this is me muda and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,644,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: these, channels, promise, free, money, sog, some ordinary gamers, cash app, youtube
Id: IKVhk93BO9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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