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just another day that the lord has kept us and he's kept us from all evil i am so grateful that god has preserved your life in the middle of this day we learned eerily that 400 000 lives have been snatched to covet 19 and yet god has kept you alive you've kept your life alive for a purpose for a reason and for an assignment and i believe that while you still have breath in your body that there was something significant that god would have you accomplish just a day ago all of the earth paused to thank god for the apostle of peace martin luther king jr but today the baton has dropped in to your hands this is going to be a different kind of bible study encounter different kind of group therapy i want you to please uh galvanize and pull together all of the people who are in your sphere of influence people who you know that are dreamers who are innovators who are creatives those of you who are right on the cutting edge of shutting down everything that is not purposeful powerful and productive in your life i want to engage with you on tonight uh for the entire month i've been dealing under the banner i'm working on something but for far too many of us there is an obstacle between what you should be doing and what you are doing tonight we're going to break through it to establish you in a sure and a strong footing for where you need to be in this era in this season and in this hour can you imagine that in under 24 hours there will be a shift in power and under 24 hours new people will come to the helm who will lead who will direct and who will guide and i'm not just talking about president-elect biden and vice president harris i'm talking about you i believe that the scepter of authority is about to fall into your hands and so tonight i want to engage with you as a consequence here's what i need you to do i need you to go get a journal i need you to go get something to write with i need you to have something that you can chronicle and here are the people who need to be with it with you on tonight as you go through this odyssey i want your children to do this with you i want your spouse to do this with you i want your significant other anybody who claims to be interested in you anybody who lives in your house somebody who is always bouncing off ideas somebody who is brimming with potential but doesn't know their capacity they're going to want to hear what it is that god is saying to them and in a real way what he's saying to all of us and so i need you to tag somebody i need you to text somebody i need you to tell somebody minister tiffany is going to prepare our hearts and our spirits for the word of god uh so that we can really have a fireside chat as it were so that we can in fact have a uh a kitchen counter kitchen table encounter tonight is going to be very informal i want to talk to you and i want you to talk back to me uh but uh it doesn't work until all of us are plugged in and so whether you're on youtube whether you're on periscope on our own secure website on our facebook page i can see all of them tonight from where it is that i sit and so i want to see while it is that minister tiffany brings us into the holy of holies i want to hear from you uh what are you working on what is your dream what is your idea what is your concept what is the thing you just need a nudge or push in order to take off and so she's going to get us ready but i want to meet you tonight in our chat room and i want to hear what what it is that you're going through what it is that you're navigating and how it is as your pastor that i can best help you uh in this moment mr tiffany prepare our hearts for the word of god god we bless you we honor you we magnify your name you're so worthy tonight so we give you everything wherever you are just lift up your hands as a sign of surrendering everything to god we're surrendering to him tonight we're giving ourselves away we want to be available to him to be used by him we love you tonight god thank you jesus hallelujah song just says this all [Music] to jesus hi surrender all to him i freely give i will never [Music] i surrender oh yes i do i surrender all all to thee my blessed i give my myself away yes god we're giving ourselves away to like god yes lord i give my myself away just so you i just want you to use me i give myself away not my will but yours be done lord i give myself away i'll show you can use me yes god i give myself away i lift my hands in your presence and i worship you in spirit and in truth i give myself away just so you you can use me so here i am and here i stand lord my life my life is in it's in your hands and lord i'm longing i'm longing i'm longing i'm longing to see your desires revealed in me so this is what i do i give myself away yes i do lord at the beginning of the week i do it lord i give myself away guess not because i need you to use me use me i give myself away oh hallelujah jesus i give myself away yeah so you can use me yes god so my life is not my own and to you i belong i give myself yes i give myself to you come on can you just give god your heart tonight my life is not my own to you i belong so i give myself i give myself to you i shall render all to you come on we're just worshiping tonight everything everything i give i give it all to you and i'm withholding nothing all of my dreams i'm withholding nothing all of my ghosts i'm withholding nothing no no withholding nothing i give you all of me i give you all of me everything i have i give you all of me i give you all of me i surrender all to you lord yes i do yes i give you all of me i give you all [Music] hallelujah i want you to uh join me in the book of nehemiah and i want to look at nehemiah chapter 4 and only just one verse nehemiah chapter 4 verse number 6. i hope that you'll open up your bible if you have the new birth app you'll be able to find it nehemiah chapter four verse number six here's what it says in the king james version so built we the wall and the wall was joined together [Music] until the half thereof here's what i wanted to get you to for the people had a mind to work if that is your bible i want you to highlight that last clause for the people who had a mind to work those of you old school i want you to just highlight it i won't use that pen use that highlighter that last clause nehemiah chapter four verse number six for the people had a mind to work i want to download in part share with you as a subject tonight i'm trying to make up my mind i'm trying to make up my mind yesterday uh so many people quoted dr king's dream and quoted snapshots from his speeches and from his sermons but there was one quote from dr king i didn't hear all day that i want you to have here's what dr king said we must learn to expect god to do everything while we do nothing that's not faith it's superstition dr king said i don't know where we learned that god was going to do everything while we do nothing that is not faith it's superstition last time i want you to write it down if we expect god to do everything and we do nothing it's not faith it's superstition nehemiah is a incredible book and in it we learn about how nehemiah finds out that his old neighborhood is falling apart it's being condemned it's dilapidated his old community is a place that we know as the hallmark of faith protestant jewish and muslim all point back to jerusalem and the amazing thing about jerusalem is that jerusalem was built on the mountains and when nehemiah hears about other walls falling apart those walls were made out of the stone weighed in as tons and they rolled down into the valley the valley looked like a bowling alley except there were no pins just boulders and in order for him to restore the wall i need you to hear this intently all of those boulders that had rolled into the valley had to be hauled back up the mountain they had to be cleaned they had to be reshaped and they had to be fitted back into the wall now you have to understand that when nehemiah has a vision for this there are no cranes no trucks no construction companies so the people in whom he's galvanizing to help rebuild the wall have got to literally take boulders from the valley and bring them back up to the mountain clean them reshape them and fit them back into the place where they fell out the interesting thing that i wanted to uh really uh put a pin in tonight is those who he got to help him were not masons or construction workers hear this they were priests perfume makers policemen and businessmen they did not have a background in the assignment they did not have experience in the assignment here it is but they had a mind for the assignment many of you are overwhelmed because what god is calling you to do is heavy lifting and to be honest you don't know how to do it you have no experience in it it doesn't match your background but you have a burden for it because god has put it on your mind it requires of you a skill set that you do not have if you don't have the skill set somebody please write this down you have to have the mindset somebody please put that in exclamation points if you don't have the skill set you have to have the mindset the reason why it's so critical is because the enemy is trying to convince you that you can't do it what it is that this motley crew of workers is now charged to do hear this requires muscle it requires sweat requires unity requires cooperation requires focus tiffany they're not gonna believe this because nowhere in this book are there any miracles it's just work that's one of the things that a lot of modern day believers don't want they do not want sweat equity they just want god's intervention what if what god is calling you to do no angels are assigned but your strength is expected what if god does not send down a cloud or a dove but you really got to get up six o'clock every morning you're gonna have to stay up with the laptop in your bed and google and type it out what you are required can you imagine it you ain't never heard this in church but i gotta give it to you sometimes what god is asking you to do is all work say that again pastor sometimes what god is requiring you to do is all work after hearing of this devastation calls his friends calls people who buy into the vision hear this and says to them come let us build now the amazing thing is nehemiah uh is not a pastor he's just a person with a vision and a person with a burden and people buy into it without him having a title i am believing by faith that god is going to join people to you who believe in what you are working on who can see what you are conceptualizing who have all of the confidence that it is going to come to pass here it is nehemiah performed no great miracles but he had a mind to be productive many of you for what it is that you're going to achieve what you're going to accomplish and what you're going to conquer the first step is you're going to have to have the mind no matter what this takes i'm going to get it done no matter what is required of me because this was not my idea i was going on placidly doing what it is that i knew how to do and then god disrupted my life with a vision am i talking to anybody tonight that god will come at the most inopportune time and kick over tables in your life and then you got to sit with yourself say to yourself listen god got me out here looking crazy god is stretching the elasticity of who it is that i am god is pushing me out of my comfort zone god is pricking me in my side he is robbing me of my sleep he is diminishing my appetite he is closing in my circle of friends why because he needs my mind on the assignment and so what i want to talk about tonight is uh five things that you're gonna have to do in order to get your mind right to get your mind in the right place six things uh that i'm gonna need for you to do here is the first one i want you to have it please write this down i'm doing this a little bit different i've never done this in all of my years of pastoring in baltimore and in atlanta i've never done this hear what i'm doing tonight i am so serious about this i am only leaving this on the page for 48 hours those of you who are serious you got to get it after it i'm taking it down but i need you right now to tag somebody text somebody tell somebody ring the bell class is in session those of you who are serious about it you're going to have to get it tonight or get it tomorrow it's gonna be gone thursday i need you to eat all of this here's the first thing that you've got to do to make up your mind teresa baker i need you to hear this a rebecca caldwell you've got to hear this liz johnson don't miss it lisa leake please write this down is the very first thing you've got to do to make up in your mind is number one put this on your paper possibilities possibilities somebody please put that on the screen that's not point number one in making up your mind is possibilities latonya shelton this is gonna be a life life-changing moment for you miss hayes i need you to hear this this is going to be a life altering defining light bulb moment for you possibilities the first thing that you got to write down in making up your mind write down the possibilities what is possible if i make this decision if i go through with this what will happen if i get this done how will my life change y'all got to write this down if god gives me the grace and the favor for this how will it alter my reality i didn't tell you to think about the possibilities i said write them down according to psychology today writing a list writing a list gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment the first step to accomplishing a task is to write it down those are your part of new birth you heard me say it a million times i'm gonna say it to you again my middle school teacher said the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory you got to be able to write it down when you write it down it becomes real write down the possibilities of this task i got a scripture for it i want you to have it it is rebecca chapter two verse number two have becca chapter two verse number two somebody write it in the comments for me uh catherine beverly write that down for me linda brown i help you pastor wendy george write it down on on the chat for me rebecca two and two write the vision and make it plain write the vision and make it plain i want 10 people before i go on to the next point i need 10 people to write on uh the screen in the chat right on the screen it's possible come on i need you to write that down on the screen it's possible i'm pausing right here just so that you could write it on the screen it's possible it's possible i only got eight of you who have written it so far i need ten of you it's possible it's possible that's number one in making up your mind here's the second thing that i need you to do in order for you to make up your mind here it is the first one is possibilities the second one is pros and cons pros and cons what do you mean pros and cons pastor if i do this what's going to happen if i don't do it what's going to happen there's a remarkable quote that i want to give you on tonight i want you to write it down i need your child to hear it i need your husband to hear it i need your fiance to hear it here's what i need you to do while you're wearing the pros and cons here's what i want you to hear if you quit now you'll end up where you started did you hear what i just said if you quit now you will end up where you started i need somebody to write that down if i quit now i'll end up where i started what are the pros of me getting it done what are the cons what is the assets what is the liability what is the perks what is the detraction last week in uh our revival uh one of our revivalists talked about esther and gave an amazing analogy about how it is that s vashtai was called to come dance uh for her husband and refuse to do it esther comes in as the replacement and finds out there's a conspiracy uh to kill all the jews and her uncle mordecai says you gotta go in and warn him what's getting ready to happen she says ordinarily i gotta be invited but i'm gonna take the risk if i perish let me perish i got to ask you this are you willing to do something that will cost you your reputation are you willing to follow god and do something that makes you look hear this unstable are you willing to do something that will cause family members to question your sanity are you willing to do something knowing that you could be laughed at your second point in making up your mind is pros and cons the first one is possibilities first one is possibilities second is pros and cons i need somebody to write in the chat it's gonna be worth it it's going to be worth it i need somebody to write that down it's going to be worth it do you know how i had to wrestle with god in leaving a church i started to go to a church i had no dna in says no way in the world i could have stayed where it is that i was but i understood the voice of god the pro was to make the biggest walk of faith in my life the con was once i left i couldn't go back and so i had to ask myself do i trust god or do i trust what i know that's heavy y'all i'm i'm saying something to you who do i trust more the experience of what i've done or the unknown for what god has promised god said go to new birth hear this and never tiffany did he say when you go to new birth it's gonna blow up never did he say when you get there the debts will be canceled never did he say when you get there hear this you're gonna be in a more a strategic lauded position in the nation he said go and trust me on the journey that's the call for somebody and weighing out the pros and the cons hear this i want to say this to you your ego is the khan your pride is the khan your can i say it experience is the con the pro is i've never seen the righteous forsaken or see begging for bread and making up your mind what are the possibilities number two in making up your mind what are the pros and what are the cons here's the third one i've i got to have you write this down it's practical imperfection practical imperfections somebody write that on the screen uh for me bedelia ellis would you write that for me practical imperfection elder harris write that on the screen for me uh patricia prather write that on the screen practical imperfection pastor what is a practical imperfection practical imperfection is deal with everything not being right when you start i just said something deal with everything not being right when you start can you imagine that uh president biden will take the oath tomorrow with more military than there has ever been for a presidential inauguration 300 000 troops are sleeping in the streets of dc tonight can you imagine tomorrow he starts his presidency with 400 000 deaths from covet and with a health crisis and a security risk i got to ask you a question do you think he ain't gonna take the oath with people threatening to walk away and to cause trouble you think he ain't gonna take the oath with them saying they're gonna start riots in all 50 states is he not going to take it there is i got to say this to somebody there is no perfect time for obedience the situation will never be right for what you are supposed to do for what god is calling you to do i better say this uh thomas nobody's going to believe it when god called the 12 disciples he didn't call any of them while they were swimming while they were eating or in the shade he called all of them while they already had a job what god is calling you to do is going to disrupt your life it's going to mess up your plan it's going to shake up your agenda it's gonna rattle your expectation it's gonna disrupt your sleep that's how you know it's god because hear this god when giving you the directive does not wait for your buy-in then wait on your affirmation can i give you the flip side of it he doesn't wait for other people to see it he doesn't wait for other people to affirm it and he doesn't wait for other people hear this to invest in it says i need to see will you trust me in a bad season martin luther king jr said it's always the right time to do right it is always the right time to do right lisa leake i need you to write that down for me because the people on this thread are not getting it it's always the right time to do right kim wilson is just me and you in the room it's always the right time to do right if you're waiting for perfect conditions it'll never get done the people hear this who are waiting for covet to pass before they get married are not serious they want a ceremony not a covenant you got to make up in your mind it is not the call for perfect conditions it is the time for perfect faith do you trust god here's the big one tiffany they're not gonna get it can you trust god um not the economy not the politics can you trust god when i'm not right yet it's some brokenness in me it's some stuff i gotta iron out it's some stuff i can't afford to get exposed there's some things i ain't ready to talk about can you trust him when it's stuff not right in you not in your partner not in your job not in dc in you that brokenness still needs to be dealt with um number one it's possibilities y'all got to get this i'm only leaving this on the screen for 48 hours i'm snatching it down because i need the real ones to get this did johnny come lately this is not for you you ought to be tagging somebody right now you ought to be texting somebody right now you need to be elbowing somebody you need to be dm it say girl homie you got to get on this what pastor is dropping right now is not running the mill this is life altering teaching that i need you to have in making up your mind you gotta write down the possibilities number two you gotta weigh your pros and cons number three you have to be prepared for practical imperfection for practical imperfection here's number four is paralysis number four is paralysis will somebody write that on the screen for me please number four is paralysis uh dr king uh warned and i'm quoting him just because i'm still in the overflow of his life celebration uh dr king warned the in one speech that america not get caught up in the paralysis of analysis that we study the issue but never executed pastor michael mcbride said the church is guilty of always being in the huddle but never running the play that we practice but we don't hit the field in second kings chapter seven verse number three second kings chapter seven verse number three i can't go into all of these tonight but somebody write it on the screen for me second kings chapter seven verse number three uh is uh four leprous men and they sit in the outside of the city and they're getting ready to die they got the final stages of covet they've lost their sense of taste can't smell anything bone de decomp decomposition is taking place they're seeing themselves frail and dehydrated and the enemy is right across the street and they ask themselves am i going to sit here and die or am i going to run for it some of you are stuck trying to analyze today tiffany kamala harris resigned from the senate which is a six-year term tiffany you ain't gonna believe it it's a six-year term and she only did four years it's her first time being a senator and she never even finished the term can you imagine how she would have thrown her life away listening to people who said you need more experience you need more time this ain't right for you there are more senior people with more experience but she jumped out there because she refused to be paralyzed waiting can you imagine i'm telling you don't get stuck in the paralysis of analysis there are those who think you shouldn't go for it why because you don't have a degree there are people who think you shouldn't go for it why because you got a criminal record there are people who think you shouldn't go for it cause you don't have more experience i got to tell you this part of the requirement to be the pastor of new birth is you had to be married god y'all don't like me today and i had the nerve to submit a resume anyway as a divorcee i'm telling you you cannot get stuck with expectation because god will break the rules for your assignment he'll break the rules for your destiny he'll break the rules for your call all he requires is your obedience and your submission i feel like i'm the only one out here it's just it's the chocolate crew me tiffany and thomas we just out here together that's all we got i i need uh to break free those are y'all that have been stuck yes don't feel like you're gonna make it over uh make it over the hump you have got to stop analyzing it because you uh at the mall should just pull up into the handicapped parking space because you were not paralyzed from the waist down you are paralyzed from the shoulders up you have stopped thinking you have stopped dreaming you have stopped imagining you have stopped believing i got to go a step further you stopped praying when is the last time you put a mandate on the father to ask him show me something different show me a concept show me a way show me an idea show me a possibility i need you today to go not through physical therapy but spiritual therapy i need you to get your legs back i need you to get your backbone back i need to get your stamina back since when have you been afraid of failing any person uh thomas tiffany myself all of us are parents uh and all of us can remember when our children were one year old two years old hear this and they would fall down trying to walk we'd all laugh take pictures prop them back up they'd walk take two steps they fall again fall again fall again tiffany thomas nor i ever send out children after they fail well i guess walking ain't for you no said you gotta get back up and try it again there are some of you who gotta try walking again can i say it to you even though you might fall again even though it may not work again even though there may be some issues you still got to get back up and walk again i think i'm at number four it's possibilities are y'all helping me carlos thank you for rocking with me pros and cons lakeisha allen i appreciate you practical imperfection andy crosby thank you so much number four is paralysis here's the fifth one i only got six of them here is the fifth one in making up your mind again that the church fails in underscoring for us to do the fifth one hear this uh after possibilities after pros and cons after practical imperfection after paralysis here's the fifth one peers peers p e e r s peers proverbs 27 and 17. iron sharpens iron les brown often says this if you hang around with four broke friends you will be the fifth one i better give that to you again if you hang out with four miserable friends you will be the fifth one if you hang out with four hear this unhappy friends you will be the fifth one are are they friends enough for you to dream with your friends y'all eat together y'all hang out y'all send funny dms and gifts but i gotta ask you do you dream with them and if you're scared to dream with them how are they your friend i am giving you permission in 2021 to downgrade the title of people in your life because some of them are associates they are not friends if they're really friends can you be vulnerable with them say hey man hey girl can i talk to you for a minute this is what i'm dreaming about this is what i'm thinking about this is what it is that god has put into my spirit has put into my life my friends uh you all saw most of them uh on last week my inner circle uh bishop sapp our bishop mckissick uh pastor uh matthew uh bishop murphy is that we get on the prayer line together to talk about what we are afraid of talk about what is the hopes for our children i want to go a step further i got to be transparent and naked we've had to have moments of talking each other off the cliff with issues about the irs we've had to try to coach each other back to sanity because all of us been in blogs y'all ain't saying nothing we've had to walk each other through on what's going on in our marriages what's going on in our dreams what's going on in the ministry because it's got to be real friends not hey doc that's right come on i'm i'm asking you the dream that you have do you have safe space to download it do you have arenas do you have vistas by which you can talk it through proverbs 27 and 17. somebody write this on the screen for me uh proverbs 27 17 darius i need you to write this down for me proverbs 27 and 17 says iron sharpens iron demeter win write that down proverbs 27 and 17 iron sharpens iron i need you to have that many of you are not as sharp as you need because you are taking your iron and running it up against plastic you are taking your iron and you're running it up against rubber because they are not made of what you are made of if you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room god help me somebody write that down if you're the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room many of you your iron don't sharpen iron because they're using their iron to stab you in the back wow god did i just say something here that they're using their iron to cause a wedge between you and your other friends iron is supposed to sharpen the iron who are you bouncing your ideas off joseph thomas gets frustrated because he was crazy enough to think he could bounce his dream off the people in his family god help me isn't it amazing tiffany all three of us grew up in church in the crazy um that joseph got this amazing dream but i can't find one friend joe ever had it's a lonely journey for a dreamer it is a lonely journey for dreamer he gets hurt he gets hurt by family members he gets set up by people who he works with he is used just as an instrument for the people who he's blessed his gift has been drained by the people who he's in jail with and joseph lee lives and imbalance life because he is iron alone god help me and i feel bad my soul is being pulled out of my chest tonight my heart is bleeding without a band-aid cause i got so many people who are on this live tonight who are iron man and iron woman you are so used to being strong that you don't know how to be vulnerable [Music] you're so busy pretending like nothing has impacted you nothing has affected you nothing has bothered you that you have become the iron man reduced to the tin man i better give that to you again the iron man the iron woman has been reduced to the 10 man to the 10 woman you remember uh the wizard of oz the tin man is just stuck out there watch this because uh during the storm they leave them outside did y'all forget that the tin man loses his flexibility because in the storm the people who needed them left him outside and the only thing that made him work again was the oil god help me there's some of you all who are listening to me tonight who are listening to me tonight who don't even know the only way you gonna get your flexibility after you've been left after you've been divorced after you've been dumped after you've been isolated after you've been terminated after you've been written off after it is that you've been exiled the only thing that's going to help you flow again is for you to get your oil back and i'm believing that some of you in making up your mind cheryl i know i'm preaching good it's just me and you in the room uh the only way you gonna be able to flow in that gift flowing that assignment is you got to get your oil back natasha mister come on help me is uh the fifth one is peers making up your mind you gotta list out the possibilities you gotta weigh your pros and cons you gotta deal with the reality of practical imperfection you gotta get over your paralysis of analysis you gotta find your right circle appears i got to do something i ain't never done because guess what uh if i was in the church right now just be turned to your neighbor we ain't in church i'm in the cyber sanctuary uh so this is what i need to do real quick those of you all who need somebody to walk you through this journey from imagination to manifestation i need to know this i need to know this i need you to put it in the chat i put it in a check be vaughn this is gonna be your most vulnerable moment it's gonna be your most vulnerable moment i need you to put in the chat if you ain't got people in your life in your circle in your family i need you to put it in the chat i need somebody to run with god would you please put that in the chat for me please i need somebody to run with i need an accountability partner i need somebody who's gonna wake me up and say come on you you got too much on you i i i've got my own little circle my own little circle uh we go to the gym together ben benny uh release all of us you you on the line even right now is when i oversleep for the gym they calling me doc where you at i'll be there in 15 minutes i thought y'all's gonna give me give me give me a window uh just to sleep uh because i needed people and and when they waiting for me at the gym they ain't think about no rhyme doctor that's right the thing about no new birth say listen you made a covenant a goal set of what you want to do we waiting here for you and i i need those of you that need somebody to run with i need somebody shay reese is on here somebody tag her right now she needs somebody to run with liz johnson y'all get with her right now she needs somebody to run with a blossom austin y'all tag her right now she's in this thing she's trying to do something major for god amanda needs somebody to run with don't y'all leave her by herself please i need somebody who will pick him up linda brown is trying to get something done kimberly woodard is getting ready to make family history sharon church is getting ready to break generational curses but she needs somebody to run with i'm sick of folk coming to church and still feeling alone i'm sick of people being in ministry but feeling isolated i'm tired of people surrounded by people but still not having a person [Music] beloved dylan somebody connect with her right now she needs somebody to run with nancy holmes needs somebody to run with ingrid willard needs somebody to run with and i got to qualify this they not looking for a date come on come on now listen they're not looking to go out to dinner this is not the dayton club they need somebody who will push them because they got a long year ahead they got in the words of dr king at mason temple church of god in christ in memphis we got some difficult days ahead of us and i'm gonna need somebody to push me when i feel like collapsing i i need somebody to run with number one in making up my mind i gotta figure out what are the possibilities number two i gotta weigh my pros and cons number three i gotta deal with the reality of practical imperfections number four i've gotta break free from the paralysis of analysis number five is i've gotta make sure that my peers are in the circle are sharpening me and not dulling me and here's the sixth one the sixth one i've got to have you write this down in order for me to make up my mind i need thomas you got to have this i need prayer i need prayer ephesians chapter 1 ephesians chapter one somebody write that down ephesians chapter 1 verses 16 through 18 ephesians chapter 1 verses 16 through 18. here's what paul says to the church at ephesus i have not stopped thanking god for you i better say that hi mary michael i have not stopped thanking god for you sister foster i have not stopped thanking god layla rodney i have not stopped thanking god for you celeste johnson i have not stopped thanking god for you and after i thank god for you as your pastor i need you to know what i asked god to do i didn't ask god to make you rich i didn't ask god to get your account verified i didn't ask god for him to find you a man by valentine's day i after thanking god for you i asked god i'm in ephesians chapter one verse number 16 i asked god to give you spiritual wisdom i asked him to help you make sound deficit decisions i asked him that you may grow in the knowledge of who god is i'm getting ready to pray for you in just one moment but god can't use you it's one of the basic mantles of my ministry philosophy of my theology is god can't trust you as long as you're selfish i better say this again god can't trust you as long as you're selfish tiffany the line is giving me blow up the chat room is getting ready to implode here's what i need you to do because i know you got a dream i know you got a call i know you got a concept i know you got an idea here's what's given me give the devil an aneurysm and a nervous breakdown here's what i want you to do i want you to put in the chat somebody who you want god to bless don't you write your own name i want you to put in the chat whose idea who's blessed whose concept whose vision whose business do you want to see god bless now all of a sudden the threat done got slow because when it was about you y'all were able to do it uh jerry parand you the kind of friend i want you praying for keisha that's that's what i'm looking for right now write down the name of the person whose idea you want to see god bless who is the individual who you need to see god bless who it is that got so much potential that you need to see god bless them would you write that name y'all going real slow y'all are making me scared there's a whole lot of plastic knives in this drawer cause y'all ain't writing nobody else's name you've got to write somebody outside of yourself who is it that you want to see god bless who is it would you write their names for me even right now tracy holliday i need you to know you got a good friend entire adams i want a friend like tara adams i need you to write that name ella jackson you want to thank god for king yada even right now i want you thomas to begin praying i plan i prayed for you there it is tiffany uh right there rosslyn brookins i need you to know the whole bryant family is praying for you warnell i need you to know that we're praying for you uh derek davis we praying for you right now ann brown hallelujah come on write those names down my time is dwindling and watch god change things come on write it down real quick real quick tanisha dunlap we praying for you i pray for you i pray for you keisha oldham we're praying for you last victoria allen roxanna we're praying for you i'm praying for you hallelujah you pray robbie brown we praying for you cookie debbie sean we praying for you [Music] eddie holmes i need you to know your mother's praying for you tonight carlos dawson i want you to know your brother is praying for you tonight doris lemon we praying for you tonight brandy ryan clarence tamika janice come on we praying for you just one minute left 60 seconds i pray for you stephen mccoy we praying for you you pray for me hallelujah i'm praying for your merits to get reconciled a miracle is coming for you bradley parker get ready for what god's getting ready to do watch god change things rochelle the whole intercessory ministry is praying for you i only got 30 seconds left i pray for you pray for you come on i pray for you you pray for me yes and watch god change things you only got 10 seconds left eddie ursula donald come on i pray for you i pray for you come on you pray you pray for me i'm praying for you cheyenne kendrick i'm praying for you [Music] frederick wilkins you got a good wife she praying for you right now and watch god change things charity i'm praying for your marriage i'm believing that mckinsey brown your grandmother got your name on the altar i pray for you listen i got to give you this this is our prayer my mother gave me this prayer my first day at morehouse and i've been praying it ever since august 18th 1989 to this moment this is the prayer for innovators for creatives for entrepreneurs for risk takers for dreamers for curse breakers this is your prayer lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else amen new birth y'all know that's how we rock i came in with this prayer when they bring me out of here when i turn 70. and my retirement banquet that's what's going to be on that back wall come on everybody lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else amen i need y'all to write that on the screen lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else amen i'ma keep saying it till i see it on the screen lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing else amen i'ma keep saying it till i see it lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing left nothing else amen i'ma keep saying it till i see it lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing less nothing else amen amen y'all gonna get it in a minute i'ma keep saying it until i see it lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing nothing else amen amen it's just us in the room lord your will your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing else amen i'm trying to let it go i gotta keep saying it until i see it lord your will amen amen that's my prayer for you lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else amen i gotta make up my mind [Music] i'ma write down the possibilities i'm away the pros and cons i'm a deal with the reality of practical imperfections i'ma break free from paralysis i got to inspect my peers and then i'm going to pray they got to give me wisdom got to give me knowledge got to give me understanding come on tiffany thomas together it's our last time lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing else amen amen come on let's do it one last time it feel good in here lord your will nothing more nothing more nothing less nothing less nothing else nothing now amen amen my time has fully elapsed i want to challenge those of you who are believing god is going to help you make up your mind i want you to sow a seed tonight of 21 many of you are in the middle of a daniel fast many of you are in the midst of consecration i need god to do something for me in the next 21 days in the next 21 days i need to see the possibilities i need the pros to outweigh the cons i will not be stuck god is going to evaluate who needs to be in my circle and he's going to answer my prayer i'm challenge you right now sow a seed of 21 every person that can every person that will all of the giving prompts are beneath me whether that's push pay whether that's giblify ways to give text to give i'm sorry i'll secure website newbirth.org uh then i want you to mail it in now 21 i'm asking all of you all of you uh dev y'all can stop the uh stop the clock i'm gonna do something i have not done in the two years that i have been your pastor the two years uh that i have uh been here in all of my years of pastoring i've not done it i am getting ready to release you but i am not going offline i'm getting ready to release you but i'm not going offline i want you to sow that seed of 21 right now i want you to sow that seed of 21 and i want you to do it right now and here's what i want you to do as a leap of faith i want you to not just sow for you this is your act of selflessness your act of selflessness tiffany i want you to sow 21 on behalf of whoever is your friend that's getting ready to launch something thomas you've been praying about doing a major step for god i'ma sow 21 that god will give you clarity about timing and about place and about direction i want every person every person after you've sown that initial 21 i want you to sow 21 on behalf of somebody you care about somebody you love uh i uh am grateful to be able to share i want to spend just a few moments uh in dialogue and interaction with those of you who are on my periscope now uh those of you who are on my facebook those of you who are on youtube and i've never because of the size the velocity the depth i'm the number of our church i'm never able to do this but i just felt compelled i uh text my media team tonight i said i just feel like going doing something different going in a different direction those of you that uh just need uh some insight some direction i'm going to talk to just about three of you tonight uh you want to ask me about your idea about your concept uh february is going to be crazy uh my team's been on me one of the gifts that god has given me is the gift of interpretation of dreams uh somewhere uh between uh february and easter i'm gonna flow in that gift uh and give you understanding clarity and confirmation about dreams you've been having uh what they mean and what it is that god has been endeavoring to share and to show with show you uh but let me just take about three minutes i i just lost 20 people i need you all to text them telling me they know if it ain't through uh don't jump off the ship just yet uh you want to ask your pastor something relative to your dream uh relative to your idea your concept uh your business plan i'm going to give you just a few moments for you to share them with me uh so that i can uh dialogue with you it's far too many of you for me to set up appointments we're going to do it right here uh in this open space so those of you that may have a question for me something that you want to run by me i'm going to open open it up just for about five minutes so those of you that want uh to pull on me you're able to do it uh janelle howell uh i'm available to you michelle lang i'm available to you whatever it is uh that you might need i'm just gonna do it for just about four minutes i don't want you to ever say you can't get to your pastor uh that you're not able to talk to your pastor uh so i want to open it up for just uh a few moments uh shawnee thank you for putting your daughter's name i'm believing she's gonna be blessed on her 21st birthday that is 21 days away look at god uh it's all right latonya god is going to give increase to you brandy shaw you want your book published i i'm encourage you i sold a hundred thousand books with no publisher i'm telling you in this album this electronic uh area era i want you to look at self publishing don't wait for somebody else to recognize your gift sunday i told you that god is gonna help you build something tall without a scaffold uh without any support uh those of you that uh uh that are gonna have to trust god god is gonna be your underwriter he's gonna be your developer he's gonna be your uh project manager what is your suggestion for opening a christian education school uh lynn i would uh tell you in this hour uh one of the things that i would do uh is push you to do an after-school after-school christian tutorial program uh we've got a great wedge that is taking place of parents who have to go back to work but children is not safe for them to go back to school so they don't have anything productive or healthy to do so i would uh encourage you to buy a couple of private zoom uh licenses based off of what is that great level and then offer it to those parents here's the good news is you can do it and see them so that they'll have to give full accountability and so i would ask you in route and in line to opening up a school that in this hybrid virtual space because we don't know whether or not people will go to physical school before next fall i would look at an after school program that you can do online uh aretha i'm praying for your daughter and her mcat test need to leave teaching to open up uh my pr preschool uh erica godfrey i am praying for you uh there's mounds of money uh in so doing it uh what i would encourage you to do is look for what it where are the areas in your city that have a dearth in it where there's a high level of those who are already working uh and employed but have a low place of of safety where it is that they can take their children but if that's where it is that you feel called uh i push you i encourage you and i i celebrate you uh in advance uh let me take uh just one more uh let me see uh rhonda wingfield i'm with you she got this uh thank you verna i love you too uh thank you so much yolanda adam sanders i thank you so very much uh for watching uh shipping container houses uh destiny i'm not sure what you're at oh these are your dreams christy hair loss and color academy i'm cheering for you i'm celebrating you and i'm believing god uh for you uh latonya clark uh latonya's wig collection uh let me say to you regrettably latonya uh the asian community has a corner on black hair care uh we spend more on hair products than any other ethnicity on the planet as a consequence most of our hair care provider stores are owned by koreans vietnamese and uh uh filipinos uh who understand the value of what it is that we spend and what it is that we place on our hair uh so it's a wide open market uh i encourage you to get in it uh with both feet i'm excited we're gonna do some things in the near future uh for entrepreneurs and business leaders i'm going to be able to pray over your business i'm going to do a special virtual prayer breakfast just for entrepreneurs uh just so i can pour into you and pray over your business and believe god for the increase those of you who have not already done it i need you to sow that seed of 21 uh we're believing by faith that within 21 days god is going to give you clarity of mind precision of purpose and soundness of your decisions i want you to lift up that hand even if you're doing it virtually on the screen i'm going to pray over your life lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else amen have a great night your pastor loves you i'm praying for you and i'm excited about your future i can't wait to see you tomorrow night i'm going to do a recap of the inauguration many of you don't know it i was actually i'm actually on the inauguration committee and uh because of covet and uh because of a security risk they asked me not to come but i'm gonna do a recap tomorrow night at 7 30 tomorrow night at 7 30 live on whatever platform you're watching me have a great night and we'll see you on tomorrow and prosperity it is a new season and it's coming to me oh it's a new season we believe that it's a new day yes it is yes it is fresh anointing yes it's flowing your way it's a season of power and prosperity it's a new season coming to you we believe it's a new season we declare that it's a new day yes fresh anointing yes it's flowing my way it's a season of power and prosperity it's a new season coming to me thank you jesus thank you you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 41,667
Rating: 4.8927975 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 15sec (4395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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