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[Music] hallelujah are there any worshipers out there this morning somebody that came to worship the Lord for real can you just lift your hands in the atmosphere and while your hands are lifted can you open up your mouth and reverence his presence he's here come on just open up your mouth and bless him give him everything come on bless him at all times come on let me hear your church lift up your best worship in the atmosphere he's allowed us to celebrate Christmas with our families he's allowed us to be able to celebrate Hill so let's bless you clap your hands all you people in Charlotte to God with the voice of triumph or the washer in the praises come on I'm listening for you [Music] our best question hallelujah from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same [Music] he's it's not in the five so ugly chance I get my hands up [Music] come on talk to us blossom my name is great his name is great so we're gonna shout his name this morning because we like to call his name his name is great put something together we love to call your name it's something cannot explain ha proclaim your [Music] come on call [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning new birds come on y'all let's pray father we bless you we honor you we praise you we magnify you we glorify you we lift you up there is no other god beside our God you are holy you are righteous you are magnificent you are awesome you are wonderful you are counselor you are healing you are deliverer you're a keeper God you are the everlasting God you are the same yesterday today and forever more you are God of all you are God of every one you are our God and we are your people we bless you God today because you are El Elyon you are the most a god we bless you because you are El Shaddai you are our God we thank you because you are our God Jehovah suppose you alone are Jehovah Rapha you are Jehovah Jireh there is no other god beside you we thank you God that your presence has been invoked in this blazer we bless you because your glory fills this house we thank you God that the people know it the people feeling the people senses the people believe God that you are here and we thank you God that we have gathered from all over the world thank you for our virtual worshippers and thank you for those who are worshiping in the sanctuary father we thank you that for 52 Sundays you've kept us for 52 Sundays you've let us worship you for 52 Sundays God we abound before you and we honor you God because of who you are thank you for giving us father an angel in this house who has the heart of you dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant thank you God for all of the leaders and those who feel your pews now father as we release the balance of this service to you we promise you that we will give you all the brains we will give you all the glory and we will give you all of the honor and we thank you in advance for the healing the deliverance and the souls that will be saved in Jesus matchless name we pray and the people of God said amen amen and amen [Music] all of the worshippers let's worship together [Music] to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] chuckle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so right here there ought to be some testimonies in the atmosphere it's never a quiet moment because when you think of everything that he's done from January [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir that's a large sum them I'm gonna get Batroc [Applause] the real real [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning good morning new birth you can have everyone stand for the reigning of the lignin [Music] [Music] [Applause] I tell you one it's the last Sunday of the year and the people around you don't know why you shout like that they don't know how the hell you've been through but if you gotta shout at you would you open up y'all [Music] now you to dip into [Music] [Music] [Music] take it up [Music] [Music] real quick would you just tell the person beside you one thing God did for you in 2019 one thing one thing God did for you in 2019 if they don't shout over your testimony you better shop for yourself I need three of you to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tifany great is that mercy towards me your loving-kindness my cheese I see day after day [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] real quick this what I want you to do real quick would you break it into circles of three no more than four people real quick I want you to get into circles of three no more than four people you're gonna pray for the people who are in your circle that the year will not end without them getting closure everything that is left undone God has gone handle in the next 48 hours I'm believing that everything that you need to have resolve God is gonna deal with it would you take one moment just pray for the people who are in your circle that God give them healing God give him closure [Music] you're loving kind [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing broken nothing missing nothing left undone because we serve a prayer answering God I want to loose that hand and give God glory by answered prayer come on give him a faster [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you to pull out your cell phone pull out yourself get it grab it I want you to take a us a with the closest three people to you take a picture with the closest people to you you got posted on social media under the caption I survived 2019 hashtag new birth now come on take that picture take that picture you look better now than you did a year ago you ought to be giving God glory cuz you don't look like what you came out of mister how you look people don't even know what you survived we have a rule of thumb here at new birth our rule of thumb is you can't be saved to end stuck up can't be saved and stuck up real quick would you just go real quick and introduce yourself to three people you don't know find three people you don't know real quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with your hands if you're excited about your future I say clap your hands if you're [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the Lord with all the teeth you got left would you just smile like you happy to be here I was glad when they said unto me hallelujah I'm thankful under God not only did you survive the year but you survived your family this week come on you you ought to thank God they didn't bring out the worst in you you know you've grown amen you didn't even leave early this year God's hand is completely on your life we're thankful under God for all of you who are present allow me a point of personal privilege to celebrate and underscore the presence of Bishop Sullivan from gospel truth Global Apostolic where you Bishop as such you'll stand Oh bishop thank you so very much we're honored to have you please if you would you and your lovely wife come join me in the pulpit I can't add a bishop that far back thank you [Applause] Elda Carolyn Sullivan will you Elda Kellan Sullivan from Harrisburg Pennsylvania we're glad to have you in dr. Angela Sullivan yes oh yeah y'all related all right thank you so much all of you who are visiting if you're visiting for the very first time would you please stand your first time hanging out with new birth I want you to stay where you are come on give God some glory are y'all happy they're here come on remain standing for just one moment it is obvious that you got good taste and operate at the optimum of wisdom and discernment as over three thousand churches in Atlanta but you came to the best one I am vennett we are so grateful if there's somebody standing near you would you embrace them and tell them the rest of your life is gonna be the best of your life the rest of your life [Music] the rest of your life is gonna be the best to your life our friends what an incredible opportunity we have we appreciative for those who are worshiping with us literally from around the world would you clap your hands for our virtual worshippers come on give God glory form some 40,000 of them are connected to us already this morning online we are in between a Christmas and New Year's and I'm telling you whatever plans you got for New Year's if they do not include new birth you playing yourself I'm telling you that that the best party in town is gonna happen right here at new birth Cathedral of both at 12:00 noon and at 10:00 p.m. how many of you plan on bringing in the new year right here in your church come on clap your hands if you're excited about it you gonna bring in the new year right here I want you to bring you everybody you know with you bring the people who don't like you with you they gonna get saved on New Year's night amen and in between Christmas and New Year's since 1966 many of us have been celebrating Kwanzaa which is the celebration of our culture our heritage and our history and we're so thankful that today is the day of the fourth day of Kwanzaa centers and navigates around cooperative economics I would suggest if we do not do business with each other there's no way that we're gonna be able to get to the next level I want all of our entrepreneurs would you raise your hand all of our entrepreneurs raise that hand wave that hand entrepreneurs wave that hand I want you to wave your hand why cuz you wave in hello to all little new contracts coming all of the money that's coming into your bank account I can't hear nobody all the clients that are getting ready to come into your business all of the property that you getting ready to own all of the checks that you get ready to cash I did somebody to be excited did you be excited about what God's going to do in 2020 in terms of your business in the aging community in the Asian community the dollar circulates 17 times before it leaves 17 times in the Asian community does it circulate in the Jewish community it circulates 12 times before it goes in the hands of somebody else the larger Caucasian community it circulates 9 times before it is that they put their dollars in the hands of somebody outside of their community in the black community our dollars on which stay with us within 30 minutes y'all think I'm joking within 30 minutes and we're giving our money over to somebody else I'm telling you that God has given me to do something for you your season of having to ask for somebody else to help you has come to an end how many of you believe you are anointed you're annoying it hallelujah I'm speaking something over your life I said how many of you believe your unknowing it here's four the anointed people when I say it something ought to respond in your spirit you are anointed here's your shout to be a lender did y'all hear what I just said you are anointed to be a lender God is get ready to anoint you with a treasure trove of resources that people who are in need will know they can come to you yo y'all ain't saying nothing to me how many of you believe your season of being a borrower is over I want to speak something for those of y'all that Creek got crazy faith everything you buy in 20/20 you getting it in cash god I can't hear nobody I said everything you buy in 2020 you mind it in cash I keep telling you God is committed to raise up a debt-free church a debt-free ministry and you don't even know that the next millionaire is sitting on your own what's wrong with y'all does this might work I said the next millionaire is sitting on your row I got the wrong church I wish I was that new bird I said the next millionaire is said knowing y'all row God has anointed you to be captains of industry to be influences of culture what it is that God is going to rest on your life you are not gonna be dependent on what takes place on a New York Stock Exchange I can't hear nobody you don't matter if the rest of the country collapses I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord I want us to exercise our faith on this the last Sunday of the year I want us to exercise our faith I'm telling you if God has blessed you this year I need you to just blink your eyes twice at me if he's blessed you if every day you had something to wear come on I can't hear nobody if you put a roof over your head some of y'all coming in late cuz you tried on three different things you ought to thank God for options amen I want us to give a tribute unto our God on this the last Sunday of a December the last Sunday of 2019 hear this in the last Sunday of a decade I want all of us collectively corporately in lockstep I want all of us tithing on this day I want us to give a tribute on now God saying lord I appreciate how you have bless me Father forgive me for being greedy but the way my faith is set up what you've done it in 2019 don't even compare to what you gonna do in 2020 how many of y'all got that kind of faith our ushers are moving amongst you now if you're in need of an envelope I want you to lift up that hand our partners our friends those of you who are part of our cyber sanctuary just as we're giving on this physical campus I want you to give albeit electronically are there five different platforms for you to be able to do that whether that's to give the fire whether it's through cash share text to give or on our secure website new dot org how many of you are believing God for greater you're believing God for greater Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results I expect something different in 2020 than what I experienced in 2019 as a consequence I'm giving my seat this morning I'm giving my offering up this morning has got to be above what I did the last time I was in worship why because I'm expecting God to go above what he did for me the last time he blessed me you don't even understand that giving is the only time God signs our permission slip and says tests me on this says if you think I'm God I want you to give and I want you to step back and watch and see how I don't give it back to you I want you get that seed in your hand I want you to get that seed in your hand get that gift in your hand all the more want you to get your tithe in your hand those of you who have not reached the level of tithe and yet I want to challenge you to give an offering this morning of at least $52 if you haven't reached their place of tithing yet I want you to give a seed this morning of at least $52 this is God thank you for how you covered me every week thank you for how you made away every week thank you for how you rescued me every week now that you've completed your offering envelope would you lift it above your head please repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is in expectation for what you're gonna do next year amen bless the Lord a music ministry is going to guide us through our giving our Usher's are gonna help facilitate your giving as is the culture of our church if you want to sow your seed for yourself at the altar after the ushers would have passed your role you're able to do so I need you to know offering is not intermission we are stealing in worship and we're giving God glory for how he has blessed us in bountiful ways come on music ministry need us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody you've got a hank lever phrase maybe y'all didn't hear me I said give God a hand clever praise I want to share this with you on media minister if you have it prepared if you'll put it on the screen for me how to get stuff done how to get stuff done do we have that on the screen anywhere today in 2019 maybe this is for 2020 there it is I love y'all which I'll give a hand clap for our media ministry [Applause] 90% of New Year's resolutions are broken before dr. King's birthday did you hear what I just said 90% of New Year's resolutions are broken before dr. King's birthday and so I'm going to give you I want all of you if you'll scream shout it out Millennials Gen Xers Baby Boomers find a pencil in your purse I want you to get this how to get things done number one make a plan make a plan it's not real until you write it down the Bible says write the vision make it plain I told you many Sundays ago my middle school teacher told me the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory make a plan write it down if you write it down there's an 87% chance that you'll carry it out after you make a plan number two done is better than perfect somebody needed debt I said done is better than perfect when it's done leave it alone move on some of y'all messed up that dish you keep adding stuff when it's done is better than perfect pick the hardest thing to do in the morning pick the hardest thing to do in the morning before you check social media it just got quiet right through here I felt tomatoes coming at me before you get on the phone start working on your plan working on your business idea write one page for the book you're trying to get published and get it down the in the morning five students take your hardest classes in the morning you do it after lunch that I just gonna get you next principle don't waste time proving to others that you are getting your stuff done do it in silence announce your completion don't announce your process did you hear what I just said I said announce your completion don't announce your process I read this week please don't let blind people proofread your vision don't let blind people proofread your vision the only two different kinds of people those who are in constructive criticism and those who are in the demolition crew do not take constructive criticism hear me write this all in caps raise the font do not take constructive criticism from people who haven't built anything they don't have anything to measure it up against next principal reward yourself but do it for yourself not for others so if you want to get it for you you don't need another pair of shoes you just want it El Porto person beside you and tell them I refuse to apologize for spoiling myself some I just got delivered right there take yourself on a trip take yourself to lunch one of the best practices that you can do going into 2020 for self-care is beginning journaling to begin journaling I want you to do that when I was growing up my sister had a diary had a key I knew how to open it anyway without the key and many of you the reason why I am challenging you to get to start journaling is because I do not want you to use Facebook for therapy y'all ain't sayin nothin to me whatever's going on in your marriage with your children which it please do not post pictures of you in the hospital don't nobody want to see that just right pray for me but I do not want to see you five days after you've been discharged still wearing that Hospital bracelet you bet thank God for your healing I need you to look at the person beside you tell them 2020 is the year I'm gonna get it done come on look at somebody or tell them 2020 I'm moving from imagination come on repeat after me 2020 I'm moving from imagination to manifestation how many of you believe everything that God has given to your spirit is going to materialize by next year this time now the people beside you they don't know what you're working on they don't know what you dreaming about they don't know what you praying for but if you believe in God for something you know you can't do by yourself but if God gets involved in it it's gonna take all the way off would you give God glory like you know it's gonna happen you gotta believe God for the night yet like it's already here I just said something you got to believe God for the not yet like it's already here I'm waiting for five of y'all to get the prophecy I just spoke over your life you got to believe God for the not yet like it's already here those are y'all with outlandish faiths which you shout out loud it's already done it's come on I can't hear nobody shouted out loud it's already my my staff came to me and said pastor what you want for Christmas said Lord you sure say yeah pastor tell us what you want for Christmas I said that I don't know what y'all make you sure you want me to tell you they say yeah parents to tell us I said I want a Sunday that I can get preached to I said I'm pouring out all over the country although I need a word for me anybody ever just need God to talk to you this it ain't for your neighbor you need God to say something for you you don't want nothing warmed over you don't want nothing generic you don't want nothing random how many you all need something with your name on it and I said to my staff if you won't get somebody just preach to me I think I can make it jumping over troops and tall buildings in a single bound they said who do you want have preach for you I said y'all got to get my best friend you got to get my best friend down in Jacksonville Florida I'm telling you if you get him to walk away from his pulpit on a Sunday morning it's a miracle ain't no way he's gonna leave out of there and they came back and said we gather we gather and so let me say new birth this ain't even for you okay if you don't clap I just this ain't your gift this is for me but I am so grateful that Bishop Rudolph McKissack Junior he's here from Jacksonville Florida not only is he here but his lovely wife you see her his oldest daughter as here our music ministry is going to sing this a monic selection and then after the singing of the semantic selection I'm gonna open my Christmas gift I I am so grateful for the life of the ministry and for the oriole that risk ambition mckissick would you stretch your right hand of faith towards our preacher for this morning and declare out loud bishop give us everything that God put in you amen oh yeah all of the worshipers lift your hands with me and while your hands are lifted let's speak well of him into the atmosphere we're speaking well of him because we know who he is he's worthy of our worship he's worthy to be magnified thank you lord come on the shake everything go ahead and prophesy before 2020 gets here come on [Music] come on the claret over your own life the great I am he provides for me that's why I got everything I need come on listing it the great I am he provides I see you let's sing it again everybody sing I [Music] come on prophesy tell you see it with your faith every car that I got at my house I got it [Music] because the great I am you but it's because of hell he provides yes slow [Music] you are my strength when I am [Applause] your witness our he'll give you strength [Music] you are [Music] oh great [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because I have everything I have breathing he's Pro that's it I heard your church sing it come on sing [Music] one more time in the house one more time in the house I have [Music] come on shake it I have everything you ought to let the people at the next exit here you come on [Music] ha ha [Music] I have every come on Church lift it up lift it up thank you for your provisions [Music] [Music] Oh Oh now listen if you're grateful that God is a provider I need you to lift up a sound in this atmosphere come on lift up a sound all over this sanctuary y'all aren't really lifting it if you know he's the great I am he is your provider he is your sustainer can you lift up a sound in this sanctuary like you're thankful that everything you need God has already provided hallelujah father we thank you today for your total sufficiency thank you today that you are our provider you are sustaining you are our Liberator we've come in this sacred space today just to give you a name the praise the end of a year and at the end of a decade where many people counted us out we're still here it's a matter of fact we're better than we thought we would be so we just give your name to praise today now use your servant for your own pleasure loose your spirit in this place we move every distraction out of the way so that we can hear what the Spirit has to say to the church then don't just bless me but bless my neighbor on my right and my left bless my neighbor behind me and in front of me it's a matter of fact I want my whole Road and know I'm on intercessory duty and I want to serve notice on the devil that if he wants to get to my neighbor he's got to come through me today Holy Spirit have your way it's my prayer in Jesus name Amen listen before you take your seats would you help me honor my best friend next to my wife in the entire world you're incredible pastor let's honor today dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan Oh y'all can do better than that come on we honor him today you may take your seats in the presence of the Lord I'm so glad to have with me on this day my girlfriend of almost 29 years my wife of 27 years she's the finest thing in the room even if you don't think so I think so she's the executive pastor of our church as well my lovely wife lady Kim right there look at all golden and Gucci that girl is fine I don't care what y'all say sitting right behind her is our oldest daughter she lives here in Atlanta and she thinks her uncle Jamal walks on water she just she just don't know all the secrets I know that's the only reason she takes that but joseline is sitting right behind that's our oldest daughter I'm just so honored to be here at the New Birth Church I would be remiss if I did not did not honor one who peeps over the balcony of heaven and Bishop Eddie Long [Applause] yeah [Music] absolutely when we were getting ready to build our new sanctuary the first place we came to visit the first person we came to visit my father and I was Bishop Eddie Long took us all through he what was the current edifice at that time and from that moment on whenever we were in Atlanta we would always have breakfast with him together so I honor him today in his legacy and thank God for his ministry in this place y'all got the baddest preacher on the planet is your pastor I say that without any fear of contradiction that Jamal is a bad mother shut your mouth he's he's a bad boy and he's probably worried right now cuz I got the mic in no telling what I might tell y'all but just follow me on instagram at rudolf McKissack DM me and i'll tell you anything you won't know about it for the right price no but he is he is my brother he is my best friend in the entire world I love him dearly and I am thankful for how God is using him in this place in Atlanta can y'all just shout your boy out one more time your pastor give God some praise for him all right let's go to work take your copy of the word of the Lord you know that's what you have to say now not your Bible you got a copy of the word of the Lord on your phone take your copy of the word of the Lord and go with me to the Old Testament book of 1st Samuel if you don't mind standing with me for the reading of God's Word 1st Samuel chapter 16 first samuel chapter 16 Tiffany and praise team y'all off the hook y'all the bad-to-the-bone bless God for y'all today for a samuel chapter 16 i'm going to begin reading at verse 1 i'm reading from the New International Version you follow along the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for souls since I have rejected him as king over Israel fill your horn with oil and be on your way I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem I have chosen one of his sons to be king but Samuel said how can I go if Saul hears about it he will kill me the Lord said take a heifer with you and say I've come to sacrifice to the Lord invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show you what to do you are to anoint for me the one I indicate Samuel did what the Lord said when he arrived at Bethlehem the elders of the town trembled when they met him they asked do you come in peace Samuel replied yes in peace I have come to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice when they arrived samuel saw Ely AB and thought surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks the heart then Jesse called Abinadab and had him passed in front of Samuel but Samuel said the Lord has not chosen this one either Jesse then had Shama passed by but Samuel said no has the Lord chosen this one Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel but Samuel said to him the Lord has not chosen these so he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have they're still the youngest Jesse answered he's tending the Sheep samuel said send for him we will not sit down until he arrives so si sent for him and had him brought in he was glowing with health had a fine appearance and some features the Lord said rise and anoint him this is the one so Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers from that day on the Lord came powerfully upon David Samuel then went to Rhema amen you may be seated in the presence of our God I want to preach this morning under the the aid and the unction of the Holy Spirit with this thought in our minds the anointing of an afterthought the anointing of an afterthought touch your neighbor tell them don't ever count me out don't ever count me out don't ever count me out this is one of the more familiar stories in all of the Bible the story of the anointing of the shepherd boy David as the new king of Israel after the rejection of Saul God as you heard me read has told Samuel listen that it's time to stop grieving over the rejection of Saul as the King hid himself together for his next assignment god says since I have rejected Saul don't waste your tears on something I've rejected you have an assignment that needs your attention and soul your assignment has to be more important than your disappointment Samuel you're crying because you still want soul but so is dead make sure you aren't holding on to what God has already let go of I don't know who that's for but if you're holding on to the dream that's already dead you miss the dream God's trying to give you sometimes I've discovered y'all sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away from what you had in mind Jesus sometimes an old dream has to die before a new dream can begin touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor quit crying over stuff that's already gone quit crying over where God's no will no longer working quit crying over what God has rejected God gives instructions in Samuel to fill his horn with oil because I've chosen the new king amongst the sons of Jesse and he gets to Jesse's house and tell him tells him that he has a horn of oil and that somebody in his house has a word spoken over their life about their destiny and about their purpose and that when that Horn of oil gets poured on their head it will be the sign of the Lord that it is their destiny to be the next king now what we learn from this text is about the selection process of God notice what God says I have chosen a king already which means Samuel did not go down there to do a process of elimination Samuel did not go down there to do an interview for qualifications all Samuel went down there to do was to bring to manifestation a decision God had already made y'all don't even get your first shout God said I've already chosen somebody which means that when and whatever you get chosen for does not happen because somebody else chose you here we go God chose you long before they picked you y'all ain't happy I'll come back later God chose you long before they picked you do you know why that ought to make you shout because what that means is you don't have to politic you don't have to manipulate you ain't got to kiss up you ain't got to get the right connection because when God has chosen you even those who would not pick you cannot stop God from choosing you I know I'm early in the sermon but would you shake your neighbors hand and tell him God chose me yep that was the wrong neighberhood turn on the other side and tell somebody God chose me and I don't even know why he chose me I'm just glad he chose me is there anybody other than me today that can say sometimes you wake up and have to kiss yourself because you reminded that when Nick rose rejected you God still chose you and I don't even know why but I'm glad he's like the Isley Brothers he's a choosing lover shake somebody's hand and tell him God chose me you'll sit down I'm just getting started God God God chose me y'all better hear me today when God has chosen you can't nobody stop me and sometimes the person God has in mind in the eyes of people is not the first thought but sometimes two people you're the after you're the one nobody looked at you're the one nobody thought about you're the one nobody ever would have selected you're the one that turned nobody's head you're the one that didn't raise anybody's curiosity but I'm glad today that God anoints afterthoughts he annoys people nobody else y'all sit down sit down the Bible the Bible tells us that Jesse David's father didn't even include David in the lineup of sons I I don't know who I'm talking to but somebody all been carrying around insecurity because your own family didn't want nothing to do with you god help me he was an afterthought to Jesse because when Samuel and Jesse were looking at Ely app God was looking at David Jesus let's be honest can we put it on the table some of us in here have never been people's first choice I know you dressed good today and you look fine you don't want your neighbor to fake it but some of us have never been people's first choice we didn't seem to fit what others thought was needed but when you were not the one to others you were the only one to God God have had your neighbor and tell them I'm the only one to God some of us in here are anointed afterthoughts you got where you are in spite of who didn't want you to be there you can't what you got in spite of others not wanting you to have it and if you know you're an afterthought with your holla at your boy real quick and just thank God that God chooses see see that's why you can't concern yourself with where people place you that that's why you can't concern yourself with people's opinions about your potential and your qualifications because while they got their eyes on others God's got his only you and if God has chosen you then k nobody take it from you and the only person that can mess it up is you that matter who's ahead of you nobody can steal what's yours Jesus you better hear what I'm about to tell you don't allow people's rejection to define God's selection as a matter of fact I better not say this as a matter of fact sometimes God's selection was the result of people's rejection no didn't hear what I just said sometimes what qualified you who was the folk that walked away from you because they had to walk away from you for you to really know what God had for okay I'm not coming through most of us in here probably been to Disneyworld what a lot of people don't know dr. Brian is that Walt Disney started out working for the Orlando Sentinel he got fired because the owner of The Sentinel said he didn't have enough creativity [Laughter] y'all did hear what I just said so the owner of The Sentinel fired Walt Disney for not having creativity it was when he got fired Jesus that he got the idea but Disney where y'all don't even know when the shout some folk had to fire you for God to birth in you what he had I want y'all to go home today and send the t-word email to all y'all haters thank you because when you rejected me you burnt something in me when you walked away from me you set me up for what God had for me is there anybody in new birth today who can give God a shout but everybody that walked away from you because in position so now all I want to leave you with today on the last Sunday of the year in the decade is that when nobody else picks you God's already chosen you you don't even know it God's already lined up your blessings for 2020 you haven't even figured it out God's already mapped out every breakthrough every blessing every miracle and no matter what anybody else says God's already chosen you so what's what's the text but what's the tick's home text teaches us a couple of things here it is you gotta learn how to trust your insight over your eyesight that's kind of good because the enemy can only work with your eyesight okay come here this is a Bible Church in the book of beginnings the words are particular in Genesis about Eve it said when II saw what the fruit was good for she ate are y'all hearing me because the only thing that enemy can work with is your eyesight and he tries to cause you to make a contract with your mind to let your mind think what your eyes see okay here's my word this all somebody came from right here you can put your Baptist bang up and go home after I tell you this um sometimes you've got to learn how to appreciate the nose while you're waiting for the yes I still ain't got y'all like I want you you you round here being mad cuz you ain't found what you lookin for and you don't even realize that not finding it yet is a reason to celebrate cuz you had enough sense to know that wasn't it come here it's gonna get good in here watch the text I'm in the book notice the text the text says that Elliot comes right and God says to Samuel he says Sam he ain't the one now I know why I am I'm in dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant's church who has an eye for the peculiar in every text and what I notice in the text is that seven of the sons come back watch this but God only talked to Samuel about the first [Applause] but after every other one that came Samuel said that ain't him I'm pinning to come get you after God yes told Samuel what to look for God didn't have to keep coming back to Samuel yeah cuz see there's some things God not on how to have to talk to you about there's some stuff God's giving you common sense and wisdom and discernment and if God got to talk to you about every decision that says something about your immaturity what what what I'm going somewhere so all these sons come back Samuel says I don't see any more boys but God told me that the one I'm supposed to anoint is one of yours watch this and while I'm not sure who it is I know the ones I'm looking at ain't it watch me so there has to be another boy somewhere because I know what God told me Jesus I know this is where God told me to be and I know what God told me to do where he told me to be so until I see it I will stay here because God is not a man that he should lie and even though I don't see it it's got to be here somewhere because God said so hey here's where we mess up we leave places too quick we get frustrated God helped me today and because you haven't seen or found what you want your frustration causes you to leave but I came to tell somebody today don't leave until you see what God said yes y'all better hear me frustration is not always the evidence of error [Applause] frustration is the enemy's weapon against your expectation Jesus because he thinks if he can get you frustrated enough you'll lower your expectation and you'll settle for something God didn't have for you I want you to shake somebody's hand and tell him keep on expecting it I know you don't see it yet but if God told you he was gonna pay the bills keep on expecting it I know you don't see it yet but if God told you he was going straight the tumor keep on expecting it I know you don't see it yet but if God told you you were gonna open the business keep on expecting it I'm looking for some of y'all today who can serve notice on the devil that you will I get frustrated and you keep expecting what God said for you I'm trying to tell you it's as much of a blessing to be able to know what it is not even while you wait for God to show you what it is we get so concerned trying to figure out what is and then we get frustrated when we can't find it but it's just as good a thing to be discerning enough to be able to walk into a place into a room or into a job or into a connection and say I don't know yet what God has for me but I know that ain't it see some of y'all should have been running around this church right now because you've had some people who tried to tell you they were the one and you ought to be thanking God you had enough sense to say I want somebody but you ain't it I want that job but you ain't it I won't that situation but you ain't it and I'm gonna walk away thanking God that I had enough sense to love me enough to know you ate it I want you to shout over everybody you walked away from in 2019 cuz you knew they were [Music] hey can I tell you why let me tell you why because if you if you waste your oil trying to anoint all the stuff that's not it by the time the right thing shows up you ain't got no oil left for where you were supposed to pour it it's about to get dark in here because too many people have lost their oil because they wasted it losing patience on the timing of God Jesus and when the right assignment or win the right person or win the right job showed up you had no oil left god help me don't you get caught up on your eye sight because the word over your life and the anointing on you is too valuable to get mixed up with anything that's not the right thing you've got to know how to hold onto your oil and not wasted on the wrong thing it may look like the right thing it may even feel like the right thing everything may look like it's in order but if you don't hear God walk away and thank God you had enough maturity to know that's not where your are you belong I came to make an announcement because the reason some of y'all cash out is cuz you're out of oil the oil of your presence the oil of your value you wasted the oil of your time I hope you ready for this anoint announcement God said in 2020 he's replenishing your audio everything you wasted he's about to give it back to you everything you wasted he's about to double it shake your neighbors hand and tell him I'm getting my time back I'm getting my sanity back I'm getting my mind back I'm getting my job back I'm getting my piss back I'm getting me back God's given me I want you to shout like you bout to get it up [Applause] [Music] I want you to find three people and tell them get it all back get it all back get it all back by the time the clock strikes midnight on Tuesday night you can't get out y'all hire you got to have some form ed with you because they thought they took all your oil but God's about to restore it all in the presence of your enemies because he prepares a table in the very presence of my enemies and I get had to fight when is bad to eat shake your neighbors hand and tell himself Oh gonna be mad with you because they thought they got your oil they thought they'd drag your audio they thought they snatched your oil but God's about to give it all [Music] I said get it on let me keep going let me keep going I'm about to get my oil back yeah come on take your seat but nudge your neighbour when you're sitting down tell them I'm getting my oil back I'm getting my oil back you do know in the Bible oils is symbolic for anointing come on nudging em tell em I'm getting my anointing back I'm getting my oil back and my anointing is about to aggravate some demons some folk ain't gonna like me because their demons can't handle my oil when I go back to work after Christmas they go wonder what happened to me and I'ma tell them I got my oil back when I talk to my friends they gonna say you look different I got my nothing we learned from the text you you've got to know the difference between favor and favoritism [Applause] God helped me today David didn't have favoritism but he did have God's favor I told he he wasn't anybody in the rooms first Pig but he was God's only people I don't know about you I would rather have favor then favoritism dr. Bryant most people confuse the two we see favoritism in our life and call it faith now see favoritism is based on your performance or another person's agenda you're performing for favor is the tangible blessing of God when the odds are against you god help me I know none of y'all they never had the odds against you see ya y'all can't really shout right here but when the odds are against you and God does it anyway that's called faith hey faint favoritism y'all they gonna like me right through here favoritism is an advantage you gain by comparative performance and here's what people don't realize when you always trying to get favoritism you got to deal with the ugly side the demands the pressure the performance because favoritism demands that you keep doing the most of whatever you did to get your status [Applause] so you're always a performer and never authentic I know you're gonna like me right through here so you change the way you talk depending on who you in front of because you're trying to perform to get favoritism yeah y'all ain't talking to me now yeah you got to keep doing whatever you did that got you the favoritism from the person but here's what I've discovered favoritism can run out because they can always find somebody who does it better than you but when I got God's faith somebody can be better than me but God still selects me somebody can have more money than me but God still selects me somebody can have a better degree than me but God still selects me as a matter of fact the only reason some of y'all have survived some of the stuff you did it's cuz God has favored hanging over your life would you just put your hand over your neighbor and tell them that's why you still here waivers hanging over your life that's why you survived the divorce that's why you survived the crack that's why you survived the liquor that's why you survived the divorce that's why you survived the abuse cuz there's babe [Music] somebody oughta shout for the favor of blood that's any online as a matter of fact as my friend here's your favor for 2020 dr. Brian please forgive me if they tear the room up I'll pay for it in about 15 years here's the favor over your life for 2020 God is about to open some doors you ain't even knocking on [Applause] [Music] I know that ain't for all y'all but is there anybody in this room who says I'm ready for God to open some doors ain't even knock you know I ain't even standing in front of I ain't even thought as a matter of fact if you bold enough if you wait too bad in busi range right chop-chop get out you'll see and just not watch it I've walked it through some doors God's opening for me then I did not even come on walk through it you didn't even ask for it you weren't even looking for it you weren't even thinking about it it wasn't even on your mind but God said because you've been faithful God said because you never quit God says because you kept serving me I'm about to open some doors you not even [Music] I don't know who this is for but God told me not just doing it for you but if you holler he gonna do it for your children he's gonna do it for your grandchildren he's gonna do it for everybody that's connected to you he's go open doors they that even y'all a hollering holla for your children holla for your grandchildren holla by your nieces Alafia nephews [Applause] throw your head back and just yell open that down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm thinking about some blessings I'm about to get I ain't even prayed for I'm thinking about some blessings I'm about to get our deep thinking about I'm thinking about some great cruise I'm about to have what people don't does I walk in [Music] I'm done I'm done here's last thing I'm done I'm done here's last thing here's last thing you got to understand you got to understand the difference between preparation and qualification okay I promise I'll show it to you in the text um Jack Jessee said or sadness said brother you got any other sons Jessie say yeah home but he's outside watching the Sheep now you can't get the vocal inflection and the shade he threw at his son by just reading it so let me put a hermeneutical spin on it and put it put it on your coffee table um dude is that all you got well I I got another child but they been to jail [Applause] um I got another child yes well but she just 19 and she got three babies I thought I was in Newport he Alden got Bujji now huh I got another one yes but but he didn't even finish high school I got another one but he 45 still living in his mama's house when throwback jerseys like he's 16 for some of y'all y'all thought I was talking about somebody else I'm talking about you watch this Samuel said go get him cuz the party Kate's not to the one God won't shows up god help me in here I want you to find three people look him in the face and tell him the party can't start till I get there y'all can't do nothing till I show up because I'm the one God's been looking for I'm the one God's been waiting oh oh what now here we go and I'm done I'm out of time here we go um when you read the story when Samuel gets to the town and the brothers in the town say a witch won't know you here in peace or are you here bringing smoke and Samuel say no I'm here in peace I've come watch to anoint and consecrate somebody they sell watch what he says to all the man in the town go consecrate yourselves and come to the house when it gets to the house all the sons get consecrated wood it's gonna get good because you could not participate in an anointing process without first going through the purification Rite of consecration because it was consecration that purified you from whatever sin you had done that might block you from the presence of God this gonna get good so you had to get purified consecrate it before you could come into the presence of God read the text when they get David god this is gonna get good he comes in from the sheep pasture he does not get consecrated which means watch this he comes in looking and smelling like where he came from y'all they ready for me he he gotta come in looking like church he doesn't come in looking like one of the Baptist mothers he gotta come in looking like one of the Deacons he doesn't come in looking like the bishop he comes in smelling like Johnny Walker red he comes in smelling y'all ain't talking to me y'all ain't saying nothin to me he comes in smelling like blue weed he comes in smell y'all to think I knew about that he comes in smelling like crap he comes in smelling like a hoe and he's been doing and God says that's the one hour here we go he doesn't get cleaned up which means he doesn't get prepared but he is qualified do you know what some folk don't like you because they got prepared but you got the position some folk don't like you because they got the degree you got the job they got the credit you got the house they got the purity but you got the husband shake your neighbors hand and tell them I prepared but I am qualified somebody else should have told this church up because you didn't grow up in church you didn't go to Sunday School you don't know all the doctrines you don't know all the theology but God took you through some stuff that qualifies you for the anointing I want you to go to five people and tell them I'm qualified y'all they found the right vote tell them I'm qualified y'all still ain't found the right folk with my dirty self with my nasty self with my smelling self with my drunk self with my hoe and self with my crazy self now can I tell you how God qualified him and I'm done he qualified him in the sheep pasture which means he qualified him in private see some fun don't understand how you got where you got cuz God wasn't working on you in public he was working on you in private is anybody in here got some private victories and some private battles and some private pain here's my last prophetic declaration swimming swimmy is the year where you go public with what God's been working on him man let's hit the flour my boy is back there come on shake your neighbors hand and tell them I'm getting ready to go public with everything God's been doing that was the wrong neighbor find somebody else and tell your neighbor I'm getting ready to go public with what God's been doing in private this is the date where you give God a public praise for all your private victories this is the day when you give God a public shop for all your private ears this is the day when you give God a public dance for all your private forty's good morning new birds may the Lord God bless you real good but is there anybody in here that can help me close this sir wave your hand if you've got private victories if you got private battles if you had private struggles but the Lord used it all to prepare you for public I promise this the last but would you take one neighbor take them by the hand that was the wrong neighbor turn on the other side put your arms around somebody shake American Rock amazed shake shake a man rock until the name about to go public I'm giving God a public praise I'm giving God a public shot I'm giving God or public dance I'm giving God a public clap I'm giving God a public ride I'm giving God a public hallelujah because I've got to test the fact that God will make a way out of no way God will open doors I ain't even nothing on won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't fight your battles won't he make your enemies your footstool won't he give you joy in sorrow won't he give you a hope huh tomorrow won't he dry your tears won't he won't he won't he won't [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] man you three people and tell of the glourious here the oil is here the power is here his presence is here now let's walk in it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever hand lifted [Applause] [Applause] come on ever hand lifted lift your hand and then open your mouth come on come on if you read the Bible the move is always preceded by a sound come on open your mouth because that sound is the setup for the move come on come on open your mouth come on open your mouth your sound is the set up for the moon yeah that mo closed come on open your mouth come on your children's future is in your sound your family's future is in your sound your marriage is in your sound your sanity is in your sound your breakthrough is in your sanity [Applause] [Music] come on Oh make the sound make the sound for some of you this is the first public sound over some private stuff you've been dealing with you didn't tell nobody about god help me some of y'all been struggling privately all this year but God told me to tell you you ain't ending this year in private you get ready to have your coming-out party for some stuff people didn't even know you were dealing with your hands somebody ought to be thanking him that he kept you in private long enough to introduce you in public the folks standing next to you don't know the nights you had to cry yourself to sleep the folks standing next to you don't know the nights you had to take pills to go to sleep the next to you don't know the nights you planned out your own suicide but God said you shall live and you shall not die and now you'll get a nap on out [Music] I don't know who this is for but God said there's somebody in here who feels helpless and hopeless because you feel like 2019 was a wasted year because everything you touched everything you chose didn't work out God told me to tell you today you win some you learn some but you never lose any and that he's getting ready to restore to you everything you gave out to people that didn't appreciate it everything you gave out to people who weren't the right ones God said I'm getting ready to give it back RAAA [Music] as a god we declare today that oil is being restored we declare today oil is being replenished we declare today that everything we walked away from we weren't supposed to have and that you are about to walk us into your favor thank you today that we are not concerned with the people that didn't choose us and didn't select us because you've got something waiting on us and God thank you today that our private struggles have turned into public praise [Music] we give your name to praise 2020 is our coming-out party we've been in process in private but you get ready to show us off in public we're gonna give you the praise and not just for us but we've got children that's been fighting private demons and private struggles but God thank you that you are about to bring them out qualified for their breakthrough and their healing and their anointing a bind the spirit of frustration Toyota buckles buying the spirit of impatience bind the spirit of insecurity and by the spirit of thirstiness we're gonna walk away from stuff we know it for us we gonna delete some numbers we know we ain't supposed to have we can't block some folk we know we ain't supposed to talk to and we're gonna wait on what you have for us [Music] I called it already done I called it already done I called the oil already restored I called the anointing already replenished I call it all already revived now if they will agree with me today and if every word spoken is what you are in agreement with I want you to throw your head back and give God the loudest public shout [Applause] Oh y'all playin with it I said give God the loudest [Applause] y'all still playing with it the loudest public shop y'all still playing games [Music] don't stop cuddle give him that shelf give him that shelf give him that shap [Music] about release the sound in this place release the sound in this place release the sad [Music] [Music] I want you to grab your neighbors hand and I want you to look at your neighbor and tell them the next sound I make is for what God's about to do for you it's when it's windy now release a sound audio neighbors she'll forgive Ava release it boyo Ramiz [Music] [Music] for me listen I want to do one last thing to seal the deal before I leave [Music] you know there's something a colloquial phrase we use that's really improper when somebody's done a complete turnaround a flip of the script we always say they did a 360 that ain't true because if I do a 360 and I'm right back where I was a turn around is a 180 let me hear everybody yell 180 no you now you yelled at that time like you were yelling it because I told you to yell it but if you really believe in turn around and if God has turned things around for you I want you to yell 180 [Applause] [Music] here's what we're going to do your pastor gave you several bullet points about how to make things happen for you in 2020 then I've come with the last Sunday word of the year the decade almost magnifying one of the points he gave you keep the process private and the conclusion will be public for some of you it's gonna be the year of restoration when he's gonna restore your oil that you gave away in places that didn't deserve it here's what I want you to do y'all gonna call me crazy but I came to I came to stretch your faith on the last Sunday of the year the last Sunday of the year I'm believing God today and I'm I'm the first one cuz I'm believing baby I want you to do it for me on don't give the fire I'm believing God I hear it in my spirit that at least 50 of you I'm going to stretch in so 180 dollars see at least 50 at least means it's gonna be more let me tell you something that that that God has really gifted me with in faith God has never told me to to say anything about seed sowing that wasn't in the house every time God's told me to do it it's in the house those of you that are going to stretch with me as my catalyst givers and I believe they're more than 50 here's what we're going to do I want you to get your check or your cash or your your phone or your iPad or whatever that droid instrument is I don't even know what they call that thing yeah and I want you to go to keep the file cash out push pay I want you to get an envelope the ushers are going to be moving and a hundred and eighty because you're sealing the conviction of your faith that this is my season watch this of a public turnaround you didn't hear what I just said God's not gonna let folk talk about you in public and then not show you off in public god I hear it today here's what I want you to do yes you can bring it in lay it on the altar pastor can they do that they can do you can lay it right here soon as you get it soon as you fill it out check me out I'm gonna do something real crazy Bishop I'm not doing a check for the cash I'm going I'm gonna do it on my phone soon as you get ready as soon as you could do it get it I want you to just run down here and touch my fists even if you just gonna do it on your phone now I want everybody but if you're gonna do it cash your check I want you to come right now as soon as you get it those are you you say I'm gonna show this 180 dollar see today I'm believing it for my life I'm believing it from my children bless you I'm believing it from my family come on they're coming already come on come on all over the room all over the room stretch your faith today soon as you get it ready soon as you get it ready I need everybody else shouting as they come because turnarounds are coming all over the room y'all a shout like I need you to I need you praising God yes cuz the turnaround is happening all over this room come on come on everybody come on stretch your faith I believe it hallelujah I believe it yes I believe it I believe it I believe it yeah they're coming they're coming they're coming whoa they're coming yes yeah come on come on come on come on we don't break 50 God said we're going into overflow God said we're going into overflow God said we're going into overflow Animoto see [Music] come on we're in overflow we're in overflow we in overflow we an overflow we an overflow y'all they shout like I need you to I need you praising God yes bless you bless you bless you yes yeah Wow a hundred and eighty it's the year but turn around it's the year my turn around it's the year of my turn around it's the year of my turn around [Music] hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah they're coming they're coming from everywhere they're coming from everywhere they're coming from everywhere they come in from everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere whoa everywhere yes yes bless you bless you bless you now listen Bishop I want to show it you don't have to walk down here the ushers are gonna move amongst you or Bishop I don't quite have that 180 I need everybody else to get as close to an $80 seat as you can everybody get as close to an $80 seed as you can you ain't got it you've been hugging and shaking your neighbor all servants tell them let me hold something I don't want anybody to go without giving hey daughter I don't want anybody to go without giving today and as soon as you get your seed in your hand as the ushers move among you you give it that way or you bringing and laying right in here cuz we're believing God for the public turn around everybody everybody everybody [Music] you ought to be shouting as you come bless your baby I go mission bless you [Music] don't miss it today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now listen while people are still coming I'm getting ready to drop tonight like Barack Obama but I need everybody who know to overflowing to turn around is yours to just jump up one last time and give God a crazy crazy [Music] yes [Music] [Music] come on have you expected to overflow which you give God glory for it publically I need every person standing every person standing would you help me salute and celebrate bishop Rudolph McLean come on give God some praise for were you blessed by the Word of God on today did you off what an amazing gift even while those are sewing and sharing would you bow your heads just for one moment God's been working on somebody in this room privately you've been going through something over the past couple of days he's been whispering into your inner ear today God gave you the confirmation you needed to resolve to bring closure to illuminate the very issue the very idea the very object that you've been wrestling over there is no room for you to even deliberate a moment further everything that has happened in the course of this day has confirmed for you this is where you go and join the church God has made it absolutely clear that this is the day you're going to give your life over to him God has given you an absolute peace this is where you and your family are gonna blossom where you're gonna grow where you're gonna develop and where you're going to evolve I'm gonna say to you forthrightly that I want to be your pastor but more than anything I want Jesus to be your Lord I want a new birth to be your church we're more important than that I want heaven to be your home our servant leaders are flanked around this altar view in this room and you know you heard the Word of God speak to you through the choir speak to you through this bishop speak to you through the Spirit of God that is pervasive in this place how much you just slide out of your role I want you to come meet me at this altar I'm telling you God's been waiting on you all of the Heaven has collectively been hoping it's worth waiting for you to come to ply with the mandate on your life that's who you are that's where you are I want you to come off new birth when they start coming I want you to give God glory for come on he's turning around [Music] bless the Lord hallelujah I'm thankful for you I'm excited I'm believing God that he spared your life for the last 12 months just to get you to this moment nothing you went through this year was by accident it was preparation for your qualification I'm telling you in spite of all of the doors that have been shut the doors of the church are now over clip your hands they're coming even now turning around from me even those of you who are watching online the last Sunday of the year you've been eavesdropping on new perk you've been sneaking a peek you've been trying to figure out how you can get connected you can be a part of our cyber sanctuary Newburgh do me a favor please would you now evangelize your role evangelize your section I want you to talk to the people around us come on they say ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God come on is turning around if there's somebody else here give God glory for families that have come along [Music] if there's somebody else I'd lead you here don't let this moment pass you by it's gonna whack in your face [Music] such a right hand to faith for those who have come if there's somebody else hurry up now come on come on around for me come on give God some cover they still coming some young person needs to come some couple needs to come some brother needs to be at this altar some sister trying to pull it together I need y'all to shout for this family coming alone oh [Music] come on give God's embrace [Music] Lord time [Music] [Music] oh no music ministry I believe in God for just 3 more to come I don't know where you are but the three of you you holding me up come on now I got to take the preacher to go eat I need you to come home before porn show's over come on son I got an appointment you open up the whole service because you worried about what other people don't say what other people think here come one I need y'all to give God glory I'm only waiting on two more to come here comes another one I'm only waiting on one more to come when that last person comes I need y'all to go crazy in here come on come on come on [Applause] [Music] bless his name would you all pull in just a little bit for me here comes somebody else [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Gloria's in this house paper is in this room is that a whole nother family coming new birth is y'all don't get excited I don't know what's wrong with y'all [Music] God said he'll do exceedingly abundantly beyond which you can think dream open or even imagine how they dreamed about three more coming now you can ready to exceed that I want to believe God just for two more now Larry knew we was coming I'm believing God for two more I don't know where you are I'll know who you are for two more of you I need you to come come so I don't look crazy come on here come one I'm waiting on that last one bizarre you come out [Applause] [Music] the salon those of you who are watching online I want you to be a part of what God is doing ask that you'll go to new birth or you can join the church and it doesn't matter where it is that you are you can be a Minnesota you can be a Maryland you can be a Mississippi I don't care where it is that you are you can still be connected to what God is doing right here at new birth new birth are you excited about those who have come today they came as friends but they're leaving as family stretcher right handed to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if your norm right shall thank you god bless all or ESSID you'll please follow us out this way new birth would you be seated right where you are we are not running over time we are not running over time we making up for the Sun did you miss amen clap your hands for this harvest of souls that have come s that you'll please that give your attention to our morning announcements and then preparing ourselves to new birth grab a pen and get ready because these are your upcoming announcements brought to you by the ministries here at new birth and our pastor dr. Jamal Bryan are you ready because your announcements starts now in Tuesday December 31st with two services 12 noon and 2 p.m. with this year's special musical guest the Angela Johnson the biggest service of the year its new Birds 2019 New Year's Eve service and in both of our New Year's Eve launch night services we encourage everyone to wear black as a show of unity and for those of you who have 2020 goals please bring them to service with you along with the self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience stamps and envelopes will be available for purchase in our call to conquer bookstore we will mail them to you during the year to assist you with remaining on track and also we will be corporately so on the seed for three hundred and sixty-five dollars for adults and $36.50 for youth and children a commemorative 2020 watch will be available watch tonight to support our scholarship ministry its new votes 2019 New Year's Eve service the celebration continues with our 2020 New Year's revival every Tuesday in January we'll have guest speakers apostle Jonathan Ferguson dr. Jasmine school art dr. John guns and dr. Shawn McMillan every Tuesday drop the month of January at 7:30 p.m. or get there early for time management classes build in our chapel at 6:30 whatever you do don't miss out all new births 2020 New Year's revival are you an entrepreneur or running a company do you have a business a dream or even a gift well if so dr. Bryant would like to have breakfast with you so we would like to invite you and all of your ambitions to this year's entrepreneurs breakfast don't miss this opportunity to rub shoulders with like-minded visionaries a mix and mingle blessing for networking exposure event we'll even have information tables where you can distribute more about your business and services upon registration it's an opportunity to water and plant and watch God do the increase and that's when dr. Brian steps and proclaiming New Year's blessings over your business and all of its entities on Saturday January 11 starting at 10 a.m. be sure to grab a seat register a table and don't miss out on this year's entrepreneurs breakfast with dr. Brian Yoda inside the multi-purpose room right here at Newburgh [Music] be sure to join new birth for King service with guest speaker Reverend Al Sharpton joining doctor Jamal Bryan and the new birth family in a moment as we look back in order to move forward on January 19th 2020 we will be honored to have the great speaker the right reverend al sharpton in a service celebrating dr. Martin Luther King Junior's birthday so join us for King's service January 19th with guest speaker Reverend Al Sharpton and that about do it for now this concludes today's announcements we'll see you next week bless the Lord give God handclaps of praise for a healthy church for help administrate up New Year's Eve again let me underscore two opportunities for worship 12:00 at noon and 10:00 p.m. dr. Benjamin Mays former president Morehouse College said to be on time is to be late so service starts at 12:00 you shouldn't be getting off to exit at 12:00 you should be in your seat at 12 o'clock or at 10:00 p.m. respectively as that you'll please invite your friends and your family members out once again let me ask all of our entrepreneurs would you raise your hand raise your hand on January 11th January 11th God put something a burden on my heart for the entrepreneurs of our church to do a breakfast on that day I want to make a deposit in your life and in your future I'm gonna be praying over every entrepreneurial business that is connected to new birth I want God to bless your business in innumerable incalculable ways in 2020 so as that you will please register for that breakfast so that we can all be in lockstep on 2020 how many of you are excited about your future you're excited exciting about your future Tuesday night is gonna be an amazing night on Tuesday night I'm thankful a year ago I made a covenant a commitment to you and I'm honoring that on Tuesday night I'll be introducing to you our new full-time youth and young adult pastor who will be leading our young people come on give God Hankel at the phrase as well as our new assistant pastor will be here on Tuesday night you'll be able to meet them as well as our new internet innovation pastor we've had over 4,000 people join us online somebody give God a hand clap a phrase and they will be completely dedicated to meeting the needs of them once more and again help me thank God for my man's in them bishop rudolph and the kiss said he's already gone give God Hank left for praise form [Applause] I'm glad to I have our chair here both he and I had a long night and both of us made up were waked up for I don't even know what I'm saying what do we do both of us got up this morning Thank You chairman Tom Medora chief gaunt Hank let the praise for him alum be a point of our personal privilege because I have been overwhelmed all year with all these Falcon fans but I got some Baltimore Ravens in the house represent men so all of my family members who are here are from Baltimore god bless you miss all of you glad to see you see you at the Super Bowl everybody would you stand to your feet all the Falcon fans will be watching thank you we're gonna wave at y'all thank you so very much as we leave this place but never from God's presence would you repeat after me walk with God and you'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and you'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me before we leave this place and never from God's presence be mindful that we believe here at new birth readers are leaders as a consequence we have a book of the month a book for the month of January is maximized the moment by Bishop TD jakes s that you're pleased to get a copy of it in the bookstore today as well as our bookstore is running ahead into the future our bookstore today has every book for 2020 they have every book for 2020 and they're selling them as a bundle so you can run ahead of the race and able to catch up on what it is you're going to do I'm gonna challenge you you'll spend more time this year reading than watching Netflix amen I want you to sharpen your mind so that you'll be able to rule the world and step into what God has for you now when the hem who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away here's for now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said Amen your pastor loves you I can't wait to see you next year [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 48,283
Rating: 4.8636808 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, GEORGIA, STONECREST, I Want More Presence
Id: 97vZm9aOuTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 58sec (8998 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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