Your Rock-Bottom Moments

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what was rock bottom in your life i was in the aiku after breaking my spine in a car accident c7 vertebrae i couldn't move anything but my head and arms and i couldn't move them much either i couldn't talk because i had a tube in a hole in my throat giving me oxygen i was given liquids intravenously i was fed through a peg a tube in the abdomen leading to my stomach i had a catheter up my urethra for my urine and a diaper for my uncontrolled bowl movements from a healthy highly athletic independent 20 year old i was physically reduced into a piece of flesh basically being kept alive mechanically all this time my brain at least once they lowered the morphine dosage enough was working perfectly so i was very aware of how pathetic i was and of how much i had lost that was rock bottom but i can say i crawled back up little by little i'm still in a chair but i'm independent and generally happy unemployed unable to walk old injury from the military got worse all of a sudden almost no food in the fridge no painkillers unable to stand up without massive pain or to stand for more than a few minutes crawling around on the floor of my apartment thank something for cool neighbors the va hospital and not having a gun in the house lumbar ridiculopathy bud s class 228 229 and 238 spinal arthritis now a year later i can walk and run and most days are pain free i've got to sort of job offer for federal leo and get a check for 243 every month you pay for it thanks i am glad to pay taxes to help people in situations like yours in general not just because your military don't think twice about the checks getting addicted to him i lost my job and my car was repossessed i moved into my mother's basement where i did them all day every day for a year it was disgusting the worst part was buying it i generally kept to myself but when i went to the m house to pick some there would be tweakers everywhere freaking and shooting up and talking non-stop about paranoid nonsense one time i went to my dealers and told there that the guy i had been hooking up with was hiv plus turns out i was too i was a successful person before this btw i had a loft and a good job lost everything in a year five years clean now and i have everything i had back again but i'm still have plus of course it is a direct consequence of idiotic behavior seriously kids not even once m is the absolutely worst man it twisted me up in ways no other substance ever has i'm going on eight months clean and i am so grateful to not have hiv or hepatitis from stupidity from iv use i know a ton of people in my program who weren't so fortunate i'm glad you have been clean so long thanks for sharing man i lived in a warehouse and could eat only 29 hamburgers from mcdonald's on wednesdays for five months unless i found food in a dumpster behind the grocery store oh and i used a five-gallon bucket with a toilet seat on it for a toilet in said warehouse row i hope all is well now when i was 15 my father died he was an incredible guy my mom was a recovering cancer patient and hadn't worked in years because she was a stay-at-home mom for my brother and i she worked at burger king and some odd jobs and tried to make ends meet i basically turned into a crazy person with everything going on i started dating a guy who was abusive to me by 16 i was strung out on drugs including h and getting the crap kicked out of myself on a pretty regular basis by my boyfriend my mom worked so much and when i was home i went right to my room i was still getting all a's at school so people didn't question much i overdosed at school and was taken to the hospital where i was clinically dead for a minute and revived i had taken pills that day and in an attempt to save face convinced my mother this was a suicide attempt rather than habitual drug use i continue to do drugs and see this guy who had basically degraded my self-worth to nothing until my 17th birthday on that day he accused me of cheating on him because i wanted to go see some friends for my birthday one of whom was male we physically fought he cut me and himself with a knife saying he'd kill us both after quite the struggle i locked myself in a room on the second floor of his house and jumped out the window i ran three miles home got a restraining order quit drugs from that day forward and vowed to change my life no light task for a 17 year old age junkie for some reason i don't have issues telling this story because it feels more like telling someone else's story that person wasn't me i'm now 27 i've been married for seven years to a wonderful man i love to pieces i live in my dream home i have a full-time job but more importantly i get to do my art on the side and i have so much work that i sometimes actually have to turn jobs down i realize often that my life had two ways to go from that point and i somehow made the right choice rock bottom is a turning point it isn't the end those without hope hold on for it you have to find it life gets better rock bottom is a turning point it isn't the end this needed to be repeated thank you the week after my mother was diagnosed with multiple personalities my best friend died my dad was afraid to hug me because mother accused him of sexual abuse he was completely innocent i was holding it all together until i saw him fear of comforting me and i just went to my room and stayed there for three days not crying or anything just kidding off lying there i left home a month ago and no one here knows who i am i'm feeling a whole lot better and hug my dad all the goddamn time dad hugging is the best feeling in the world the day my husband died he had died from an accidental overdose on prescription pills he had been struggling with addiction the night he died he was at his grandparents house as he couldn't be around our boys at that time ages 9 8 and 4 when he while he was having problems with that i got the phone call at 5 45 a.m i immediately started throwing up i couldn't bring myself to tell my boys they heard me scream and came through but i couldn't get the words out i told them everything would be okay i just had a big shock and that i would talk to them after school but not to worry they were having an award ceremony at school that day at 9 00 am i had promised them i would be there somehow i made it there i don't remember a thing i told them after school it was absolutely without doubt the hardest most harrowing day of my life the week that followed was heck the months that followed two actually just pure heck i am just so sorry mine seems kind of petty compared to a lot of the other posts but it was after i had my daughter about seven years ago her father had decided she was more important than us i had kicked him out i had no car no phone was living in a tiny apartment in a bad side of town and was about two months behind in rent because i had no way to work i had no idea what to do i let my friend baba sit and i borrowed a neighbor's bicycle to drive about four miles down a busy street in florida july whether to use my wick check to get my daughter four cans of formula on the way back i put the bags that carried the cans on the handlebars of my bike some kid in a car driving past threw a half full 20 ounces coke bottle at me and it hit me i crashed the bike the formula spilled all over the sidewalk and i just sat there and cried no one helped me my heart feels so broken for you i'm sorry that happened you did not deserve it 20 years old and homeless with a pregnant abusive girlfriend i was selling plasma for drug money with no hope for the future it was rough times indeed lost my job company went under car got stolen pocket got picked for my wallet cc's were maxed within a few hours gf dumped me and let me know by moving all her stuff out while i was at work xgf moved him next door with her new husband another xgf moved in a block away my cat died my mother announced she had terminal cancer probably come other stuff i've forgotten two this all happened in the space of one week the week before christmas sorry but that sounds like a bad country song if this were an interview question i'd say to move in with your mother to be with her in her last few months preserve your savings escape your exes and avoid going home to a now empty apartment otherwise i can't believe all this crap happened in one week all you're missing is jobs boils i hope things have gotten better got out of college in may 2009 no job lined up almost a year later april 2010 i got really fat still no job no gf and lost any friends i had just by not talking to anyone i was absolutely miserable that month april 2010 i decided to turn everything around i ran six days a week and had a strict diet four months and 40 pounds later i was skinny as a rail and it gave me so much confidence i was never completely in shape in my life i maintain it to this day may 2011 after many interviews i finally got my first job that i work out still today it can be stressful but everything is going well there and my co-workers are cool i was also able to get my first car with the money too looks great and works great i am still working on the gf and friend issues it's really difficult once you've been out of it so long i actually think it's for the best that i lost all my friends because it's forcing me to not be the guy that follows along with everyone now i'm forced to be the organizer leader and get everyone together instead of sitting around hoping that someone will invite me somewhere the bottom line is anyone who is at a low point in their life trying to make things better it takes three things a lot of time a lot of trying and a lot of doing what you've never done before i can't say that in actual events i had a singular moment in time where i hit rock bottom however there was a point in my life where i had 100 stopped giving a frick about even trying i wouldn't take care of myself didn't love myself and would go to bed night after night with someone who made me unhappy because i honestly believed that one night i might just not wake up again i became so nihilistic that things that used to make me happy meant nothing anymore there just no longer seemed a point in trying if any moment some drunk butthole could swerve into my lane and kill me i hadn't lost a job a loved one hadn't been dumped or come under any ill will all of it was in my head i didn't ask to exist but i do one day i won't simple as that and i can't change it so i might as well enjoy the ride and work towards self-improvement and finding new ways to be happy this was two years ago to put it into context hey kid once the big sleep comes you'll have not a single worry left until then try to enjoy yourself remember you are at the center of your own personal universe other people are just that other people this might be a little long my rock bottom came about three years ago i had just turned 20 and being a frisky forever elena met a girl online but we just wanted to frick so we did like rabbits she said she couldn't get pregnant but i wrapped my crap up anyway alas it was to no avail two months after meeting her she's pregnant and then begins the fast-paced race to the bottom once we move in together in the month or so we lived together all of the following happened she told her co-workers i beat her she completed alienated me from my very good friends who rented us the bottom floor of their house she got drunk numerous times completely destroyed just about everything i owned and then the kicker while i was out looking for a job i came back to find that she had scheduled an intervention for the age addict and she falsely believed i had cue nervous breakdown i spend a week and a half in a psychiatric hospital and when i get out i find she's harassed my friends and family to no end even accusing my father of being a child molester and at the end no lie she ran off with another man who turned out to be a woman beating transvestite which was lovely luckily the kid wasn't mine anyway the year after that was the darkest period of my life and i'm still having a hard time getting back on my feet and trusting women today but you know when reading don't stick your dong in crazy on this site i usually attributed it to inexperienced daters who hate their ex because they got dumped then you gave a perfect example of what that phrase actually fits not all us women are crazy let alone that crazy glad you got out of that situation once in the depths of my addiction to painkillers i stepped out of my car at a gas station and promptly threw up the seven victim i had just eaten i stared at them for a few seconds and since i didn't have any more or money to get any more and because i could still read the 357 clearly stamped on the pills i picked them out of my vomit and ate them again and managed to keep them down the second time got arrested twice lost my license got fired and knocked up my girlfriend in a one-month period it was bad enough to make me cry had to join the army and get married to provide for them all got three kids now and life seems good i love my grammar i'd say the past month culminating in this week have been tremendously awful i'm living abroad currently and met a girl almost two months back now we agreed to meet up for language exchange though it soon became apparent that wasn't all she wanted to exchange she assured me she was on the pill but i used a condom anyway it broke and then she said she wasn't actually on the pill panic go to a clinic the next morning because plan b isn't available over the counter tell the girl i'm pee at her for lying and don't want to see her again she scratches herself until she bleeds becomes unable to hear or speak and has difficulty standing what in any case i thought i was free a couple weeks pass and she calls and tells me one she hasn't had her period yet me too oh by the way she threw up the plan b pill three she's pregnant what frick everything about this we had discussed abortion when we initially got plan b should it somehow come to this but now she's telling me she wants to keep the baby and we can raise it together no no number we talked long and hard about abortion and finally she had the procedure today she thinks her meeting tomorrow to talk about our future i am trying to figure out how to never see her again and the anxiety is killing me tl dr c username you're very lucky to be in a country where abortion is legal last year i was on the run from an abusive relationship with nothing but my car and what i could fit into a green army duffel bag i tried to go back to school full tuition scholarship no housing and ended up living between about three or four different people rarely staying in the same place for more than a week any money i got was from reddit on the r favors board taking digital art commissions and work as i could get them the threads are still in my post history i knew i did rock bottom really the night before i left i was staying in some girl's house but i slept in the basement which was unheated and uninsulated in the middle of winter it was probably 10 or 20 degrees outside and i could see my breath i'd been sick for a week or so and got progressively weaker my parents and i weren't speaking and hadn't been for about two years due of falling out when they'd found out i was moving in with my boyfriend that i wasn't a christian or straight and that i was cross-dressing as a guy in my spare time i hadn't heard from my brother in about four months and none of my friends had contacted me in about seven months save for a one or two in pittsburgh i hadn't eaten anything in about four days and i had some sort of severe fury the week of finals my host threw me out i got on the road ended up calling just about everyone i knew drove six hours on no sleep and no food to jackson ms slept for two days my life is now a heck of a lot better i still live in jackson in the art district i have a wonderful caring partner and work as an independent contractor in the graphic arts field coma i am warm loved happy and a little bit chubby thank you reddit for supporting me last year you probably saved my life tl dr homeless for seven months in northern alabama realized i'd hit rock bottom in a basement in the middle of winter cold alone hungry and completely out of contact with anyone i cared about i'm much better now one year ago i fell off a rooftop suffering numerous injuries of which the most devastating was a spinal cord injury that left me paralyzed from the belly down in one minute i went from a happy successful young 27 man to a wheelchair-bound disabled person those first few months were the hardest and most upsetting times of my life but my friends family and girlfriend have helped keep me going and i now once again feel a purpose in life there are still dark depressing days but i deal and carry on sometimes my smile is not always genuine but mostly i'm happy to still be breathing and now i bust wheelies to show off and get the best parking spots so it's not all bad my wife of 20 years walked out on our marriage on christmas eve first she only wanted some space then i discovered the asha she was cheating on me with then came the divorce then came losing all my stuff and half my savings of which she contributed none then my best friend's wife befriending her and in turn i lose my best friend to her and the new guy then came the facebook discovery that she was engaged to set a shot within a few months of our divorce the pain anger confusion stress uncertainty self-loathing and depression created by being abandoned led to my suicide attempt in october 2009 i used a leather belt one of the kinds twisted by three thin leather braids wrapped it around a bar in my closet wrote letters to my mom ex-wife and niece set out enough cat food for a few weeks put my head in the loop tightened it up and dropped out of here i had to have blacked out shouldn't be here where the belt connects to the loop hook it broke from my weight after some amount of time the only benefits to being overweight i woke up on the floor resting in a nice pool of blood from the large gash in the back of my head after having hit a corner piece of furniture on my way down it was night my cat was licking my face the biggest dumbest mistake i had ever made but i was alive never again will i sacrifice myself in that way for someone who does not and did not deserve me for anyone who thinks cheating on someone you purport to love is cool or exciting or the best way to end a marriage or relationship think again infidelity ruins people families friends kids it creates more problems in our country than you can imagine and it never gets talked about in more than a passing light socially it seems to be nothing anymore an inconvenience that most people are cool enough to deal with immediately the amount of times i've heard dead wrong pointless and innate advice like just suck it up or man up and move on with fill a book all i'm saying is the effects of this behavior can kill at least the cat stuck by your side frick everything else when i was seven my mom got cancer and my dad left we didn't know what to do because all of the medical expenses were going to be a problem with my dad gone my mom died because she couldn't cover the costs i was wrestling with my female roommate after we had some drinks in a hot tub she was 19 and it was completely platonic the neighbors heard and called the cops they arrested me for domestic violence and possibly rape she was afraid of getting busted for mips so she just they're scared of the cops but she did tell them that nothing bad happened as soon as she got to the hospital she told the nurses that nothing happened she told the judge that nothing happened on the first court date she told the prosecuting attorney nothing happened she told the judge nothing happened on the second and every subsequent court date nothing happened the de still attempted a conviction to the very day right before the actual court date until he finally gave up during the months i moved in with a girl i was seeing and she knew how pained i was during the whole process and when i broke it off with her she filed a police report that i abused her to get back at me nothing ever came of that as i obviously had never abused her for over a year i was terrorized by the legal system and a woman all the while i was and am innocent it was horrible just now failed university for the second time and can't return until i can pay for it myself no job prospects an amazing capacity for making people dislike me what seems like dwindling intelligence debt collectors at the door and an unholy compulsion to give up on anything i try once it becomes the least bit difficult or inconveniencing on top of all that i've convinced myself i might be transgendered but it's more than likely just an overactive imagination and unhealthy pornography intake which makes me fawn over and idealize the women i meet to a degree that makes a man of my appearance seem like a crazy disgusting pervert but it's not a patch on those people with real problems i've got to comfy life and really shouldn't moan to the op it may have been a crappy time but if your mom didn't three sometimes four jobs it could have been a heck of a lot shittier women like this often work themselves into an early grave be sure to express your understanding and gratitude to her by making her life a little easier after you're done staring at that fridge dad had cancer quit my odd job foreman on an oil rig to be around him for a year getting painkillers and drugs was difficult expensively and unavailable all the time had to drive him for the first time to hospital in pain he was shouting instructions on how to change gear all the way he used to beg me to use the iron on his back to distract him feeling the deep pain i used to tearfully kiss his hand he was very happy with the care and dedication i gave him i kept nursing him and help him smoke his cigarettes he asked me to smoke with him instead of sneaking out in the cold his skin reached a point where no spot is suitable for another shot of painkillers i think it was morphine or some other drug he died and with him i lost the careful life walked into my room to find gf in bed with roommate's little brother turned to my friend jack d came back to full consciousness in jail with three criminal charges being laid on me what a day i was a rage addict for two years during that time i went from a college student to a junkie i was dating someone who was an even bigger crack head so this didn't help my addiction i was dope sick almost every day i had so much hate for myself and my life i didn't care i stayed with his parents during the most of this two-year sickness they were very unstable and always fighting and kicking us out every other day my parents were so ashamed i couldn't bear to stay with them i was homeless and addicted to the worst drug in my mind and living almost an hour away from anyone i knew i hit my rock bottom one night when i had a fight with his mom and had to take all my stuff and leave trash bag full down the street it was so cold out i remember just shivering dope sick and weak as heck i noticed my shirt became very moist so i looked to see what had spilled it was blood not from anything completely weird but my nose had bled very badly everywhere so now at this point it's like 1am and i am bloody as crap with a trash bag crying walking down a dark street in pa i had no money no food and no phone i was alone i was so sick of my life i felt i had died that night well the good part i woke the next day somehow in a bed and phoned my mom with a friend's cell phone i told her i was done and i needed her to come and take me home i never went back and i have been clean for almost five years i do not relate to the person i was all the memories feel like stories i made up to myself one thing i've learned is that there is no such thing as rock bottom things can always get worse without limits it is possible that one can never reach the bottom if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 17,046
Rating: 4.9535961 out of 5
Keywords: hitting rock bottom, hitting rock bottom in life, hitting rock bottom motivation, rock bottom, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: yf_GMuRdlAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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