Catching a Liar Red Handed

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what's the worst example of an op court in a liar controversy you've seen i've lost the link but i remember this case where someone posted a picture of a guy and his girlfriend and said he was my best friend they were getting married but he died in a tragic accident and got a shitload of sympathy comments and upvotes until someone who knew the guy in the photo came across it and showed it to him who in turn posted a photo proving he's alive and said he'd never heard of eop it was amusing seeing that threat crash and burn i got to say oh god i wish i had the link or username but a guy came on our pics and posted a photo of him in his fatigues with a german shepherd on his lap with something to the effects of i just got back from afghanistan haven't seen my boy in years about a week later another editor posted the same photo saying this is actually me and i'm still in afghanistan for another four months man the k hunt was on that went to our karma court and everything was resolved he apologized and i guess it got better i think one of my faves had to be the tom hanks on ama his older son commented in it causing everyone to check out his user history lots of interesting gone wild comments and lots of bragging next thing he posts to askra did asking how to hide his comment history a while back a guy posted his sob story about his cheating wife he basically found explicit text messages and emails to and from his best friend he asked ridic for advice and everyone is super sympathetic and tells him to move out from the house he shares with his wife and mother-in-law during the middle of the day then his best friend posts proof about how much a [ __ ] the opie is and how he sits around all day smoking pot crack and going out to frick strippers in the club opie sends him a nasty personal message which the best friend then posts for everyone to see please tell me someone else remembers this the guy that did an ama about being shocked or one of his co-workers was electrocuted i forget exactly in the thread someone called him out on doing a ton of ammo's previously including one about having some super rare disease and another about losing his virginity to his mother's friend reddit flipped the frick out and started sending him death threats and he deleted the account then he made a new one and posted a new thread in which he provided proof for all the other rammers and ridic felt like crap that day i remember that one of the things he got called out on was some post he made about something supernatural happening to him turns out it was a post in our lep a bit before christmas a guy was asking for an xbox 360 for his kids present since he and his wife were having a tough time people started looking around on his profile to make sure he wasn't scamming us and they found some inconsistencies with his post and comment history i think he posted about having his copy of borderlands 2 stolen and maybe got someone to send him a new one so if he didn't have an xbox why would he need the game someone found his username linked to other websites and he definitely seemed to be scamming good people it was sad and angering to see the guy trying to take advantage of the kind hearts of redditors especially during the holiday season thousands of people got out their pitchforks and kept trying to get him to admit that he was a liar everyone was saying horrible things to him in the time i've been a member of this site i have never seen a downvote brigade and witch hunt mob form like this one before or since he deleted his account after a couple hours of being harassed and having his overall karma go into the negative although i didn't participate i remember refreshing his page a couple times out of curiosity and watching his comments go from -10 to -100 to minus 300 in a matter of minutes the top post of our funny is a really crappy very racist joke about black people not being able to read and the title says something along the lines of i'm black and i laughed but people looking through his comment history showed he was actually white and especially a racist this has happened so many times if you want someone caught in a lie this past christmas there was an op who was talking about not having enough money to get his kids presents it soon turned out that he was trying to get money from redditors and if i recall he was fairly well off and already had the present he wanted to get his kids which was an xbox or how about an op who lied just for a reaction you warfalunje had the idea to go to our gaming i believe and post that he had cancer and got a game something to that effect which is posted all the time front page super quickly a few hours in he revealed that he didn't have cancer and he put up the post just to see if predators would eat it up if you look at his profile now i guarantee plenty of those down votes are people who have emrez tagged or remember him doing this you commonwealth deleted an ama from someone who claimed to be bad luck brian and who everyone believed was bad luck brian turns out the guy wasn't blb after all but people still hate him for that they also hate him because multiple accounts or something like that people care too much about karma there are plenty more you potato in my owners was subject of a lot of self-inflicted controversy and probably the worst controversy was you violent accress sp who was publicly doxxed after supporting the likes of our jailbait and our creepshirts so he lost his job i imagine all the links in this paragraph led to dead ends all banned deleted users and subreddits i remember the one from the guy who wanted presents for his daughter i believe it was on our random acts of christmas his story was very touching raising a daughter and living in a homeless shelter etc then when i go to the amazon wish list it is full of expensive electronics like a wii u ipad etc i knew immediately it was bs i remember some woman posting a picture of herself after being mugged or beaten or raped or something she had some pretty bad cuts bruises and swelling someone decided that it looked like makeup based on the severity i guess then someone dug up a post she had made in her makeup addiction of some zombie makeup she did for halloween and that was all ridic needed they went on this huge crusade about how awful this woman was for faking her story for karma and what an awful bw every other gendered slur you could think of she was anyway then she posted her hospital bracelet or some other such proof but for a while there there was a freaking mob out after this woman who didn't even do anything i remember a while ago a guy posted a picture of a giant beehive inside the wall of his house it was massive about the size of a washing machine everyone was telling him that he should call an apiary a bee farm to get them removed safely since bee populations are at risk opie replied that he ended up having to poison the hive and the downvote brigade came down like nothing i had ever seen hundreds of comments berating him for not doing the right thing and letting them live how horrible he was for killing them with some naive environmentalists even bitching about why couldn't he just live in the house with them the op eventually explained that a family member had already had in a scare due to the bees and that he had already tried getting an apiary to remove the bees safely and they flat out turned him down by the time he had said this though the mob had done its damage no mention of you trapped in reddit yet he was a fellow who used karma decay to look up earlier instances of reposts take the top comment and then copy it to the repost it was actually pretty clever and so was the guy who caught him but he was a reddit celebrity at the time he was all over the site with insanely witty quotes at the top all the time so inexplicably people felt cheated out of their precious precious up votes i didn't mind i'd never seen the comment before and it made me laugh i don't mind reposted comments any more than reposted content i remember seeing him in a credit thread a few days later the question was where are you banned from he answered read it never saw him again i guess because he's never at the top anymore because i totally just checked and saw he still posts actually someone went ahead and checked his posts after that and discovered only a very small percentage of them were from karma decay so it was merely a single method he employed to gain karma but it wasn't his main practice what about the one where someone said that a hobo handed them some encrypted note or something i remember it led to a building but i don't remember reading what came out of it it was a pr move for some detective museum bulls that was opening up i remember that lol at christmas 2012 a post made the front page after a guy got a bible as his ridic gift exchange gift even though his history clearly showed that to be something he wouldn't want i bought him an rc helicopter and had it shipped in time for christmas to replace his crappy gift all i asked for in return was for him to tell me if he liked it and if it was fun to use he wouldn't respond to either of my two messages even though he's still active on reddit you twitter king tl dr opie is and butthole but i guess the joke is on me i still don't think i was asking for too much that girl who got caught cheating via read it one time a girl posted a pic of two joints to our trees and claimed she was going to pick her boyfriend up from the airport her actual bf saw it on reddit recognized her car and cigarette box and called her out on it thus ending the relationship i'll post a link if i can find it someone tried to invoke laraditomy to prank his friend and asked people to post to a sub he created for that very purpose he wanted you to say that you found a mysterious piece of paper with a piece of encrypted message and a city on it or something like that then he was going to send his friend a similar note send him to the sub and his friend would be all like horror dude conspiracy exclamation point one almost no one went for it people instantly began pointing out all the reasons why the joke made no sense and there was a ton of were not your army backlash then inevitably angry redditers hit the sub he made and commented on every thread with links back to the joke description i don't think it was ever nearly as big as most of the others mentioned here but the whole post was so cringe-worthy and i thought it was hilarious seeing how fired up people on both sides of it got this didn't involve the op directly but he started a thread in our art showcasing some of his best friend's artwork that was going to get published turns out it was stolen and not just that her entire portfolio was either plagiarized or copied from other artists online in a matter of hours this person's entire reputation was torn apart people had her facebook page shut down called up her school left death threats all over her website and put up her personal info before the thread was completely shut down the original artists who had their work stolen also sent her emails i think her name was mary baxter if i remember correctly and i don't think she's working as an artist anymore i remember one a few months back where a guy claimed that his brother had died that day at first of course people were sympathetic it went on like this for a while then the guys dead brothers boss ends up saying that he saw him at work earlier that day the boss then posted a picture of the dead brother holding a sign with redid on it and the date as proof everything was anarchy that day the amazing atheist a somewhat famous youtuber has a ruined it account or had the scumbag made a comment to a girl who said she was raped telling her how he bet she enjoyed it and other sickening things the witch hunt from then was amazing i think lately a photo was found of him buck but nude he sent to some girl to try to pick her up the photo has since been spread everywhere he deserves a long drawn out but kicking somebody told a story about how him and his girlfriend were just walking home and a group of thugs tried to jump them he stated he pulled out his gun and killed each one because you know he plays iron with auto lock on when sombadi pointed out how he was complete bulls the op bounced and deleted his account there was a kid that said he was homeless and was afraid for his life future because he had no money and didn't know what to do people offered advice and a place to stay and the kid open up a paypal account so people could donate money to him i think he probably got over a one thousand dollar others did research and found out it was a scam he's was some rich kid on a macbook i remember on our pokemon get on your serious business socks folks some guy showed off his bonus disc for pokemon xd coliseum or something and how he had access to jericho a rare pokemon for those not in the know he then offered to get a bunch in the game trade them up to the current generation of games and give them away to people people gave him gold and showered him in the ever precious karma because he was being a good guy and all people were trading him their favorites and raris to also show appreciation then it came to light that he was trading hacked fake jerichis which is a big deal to a lot of people who thought they were getting a real genuine pokemon needless to say the pope community got upset i know this is about others but i once posted a picture of a guy who put a buckinator and double down together and ate it i made a mistake and put double down and big mac it was my first post people made it seem like i clubbed a puppy there was a guy in iyama who claimed to be a blacksmith weapons specialist fighter survivalist who was trained and raised by an old man in the woods somewhere and then someone noticed the pictures he previously posted in our lady boners our lady boners things went downhill pretty quickly after that he tried to play it off for a bit too i can't remember exactly who what debunked him but he ended up deleting the account there was a thread in life pro tips of a kid who was giving out horrendous advice about credit cards and he didn't quite grasp simple economics about lending credit and a lot of people were arguing with him about it but that wasn't the big lie controversy though people searched through his profile and found that he lied about many things such as buying a ferrari or lambo or some other sports car and the kid also claimed he was an adult and he showed proof that he was an adult by uploading a picture of a django unchained movie ticket and his rated m games his entire profile took an avalanche of down votes in a matter of hours as his infamy was exposed coma and he showed proof that he was an adult by uploading a picture of a django unchained movie ticket and his rated m games that is hilarious the one where the guy claimed he had a consensual sexual relationship with his sister i was actually glad that turned out to be fake thanks riddick for all the great responses i had no idea this would generate this much interest i have been reading these all evening the amount of liars and scammers out there is astounding i think part of what makes the redneck community so great is the way we police ourselves swiftly and mercilessly i've had it happen to me i posted in our picks and made it to the front page with 2 000 plus up votes i began getting a lot of sexual comments because i was a teenage girl and my face was in the picture someone then decided to go through all my history and figure out all of my information i don't know how and he posted my other social websites my name the town i live in and even the school i went to it was quite terrifying and i ended up erasing my account and starting brand new because i got a lot of messages from people saying how sorry they were and it was probably a good idea ahmad even suggested it it sucked gaining all of that karma and then losing it in one day but i didn't want to risk anything i was just about 15 years old when it happened you weren't caught in a lie though you were caught in the clutches of nasty basement dwellers who have jerked their dongs to nerve damage sorry that happened to you the guy that posted a wonderful piece of art and claimed his girlfriend created it it reached the front page and got called out deared it today i learned that people andre did will send death threats if you're not careful also everybody cares about karma more than i do sincerely bm the guy who posted today about the murder caught on google maps satellite he even said the police are now investigating if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 33,843
Rating: 4.9121842 out of 5
Keywords: catching a liar, red handed, red handed denial, catching a liar red handed, pants on fire, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: EEOO_c8zIY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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