You GAIN IMMORTALITY, But You're Sent Back 3000 Years. Do You Accept?

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like the video and subscribe right now and this monkey will not catfish your crush ass credit you're given immortality but as a costumer sent back three thousand years would you accept and what would you do does immortality include never ending youth I don't want to turn into a wrinkled Asian beetle carcass he did say that any limb chopped off would regenerate so I assume your cells would also be continuously regenerating keeping you young 3,000 years and immortal so back to 1000 BC I'll have a hard time since I don't have a good ear for languages job hash one would be the collection preservation and dissemination of knowledge the library at Alexandria wouldn't be founded until 300 BC so that gives me 700 years to establish myself collecting necessary works and making sure they're safe and secure around the time I'd arrived would see the first mass collections of cuneiform tablets storing them would be problematic so mass rubbings and etchings would have to be made I'd make sure that I hired staff to keep copies of all the works in multiple secret locations that way they would be kept safe from disaster war and the occasional witch hunt it may be necessary to found some sort of secret society to make this happen as time marched on I'd do my best to recover lost works before it was too late we all know the story of Newton and his dog Dimond preserving works that otherwise would have been lost to time carrying forward into the modern era the same thing would be necessary with television programs and other mass media things that would otherwise be lost using the vast wealth acquired over the centuries I'd make sure to fund various recording devices so as to preserve the early years of BBC recordings all the episodes of Doctor Who that were lost for example then the day after I was sent back in time 3000 years my immortal self would re-emerge and go public with the now digital archive of three millennia of lost knowledge free to anyone capable of accessing it hey look it's the founder of the Illuminati one of the best responses that I had never expected to read organized preservation of knowledge like this would be an invaluable asset I can't say that I would do anything much differently than this I would accept it and after I have waited 3,000 years doing whatever probably seeing world and many big history events I would come back the day I accepted this generous gift and take place of my former self and continue on as if nothing happened there would a butterfly effect way too big for yourself ever to be born and that would also be a paradox so I don't think your plans too solid hell yeah I could experience so much of history without fear of dying I would love to compete with the gladiators or fight in the American Revolution edit why does everyone assume I'd lose in the arena no faith shaking my head you're living the futures history right now would I still be white asking the real questions seriously my thought was I don't know I'm a black woman being white probably won't matter too much considering you're immortal and people would probably think you were some kind of God hate to break this to you but 3,000 years ago being white wouldn't be an advantage in any way I mean assume you arrived in the Year 985 BC here is what you find the world's population is about 50 million people that's in the entire world most of the planet is a complete wilderness and wouldn't even see human habitation for another 1000 years the latest and greatest technology is the ability to smell small quantities of iron Europe had very little going on at the time Rome was still hundreds of years off and the Greek hadn't written the literary and philosophical works that are the basis of Western civilization yet Western culture simply didn't exist yet and you're five hundred years too early to find Greece resemble what we think of today when we think of ancient Greece the Middle East was home to equip shion's Assyrians and Israelis as far as notable cultures go so there weren't any white people there either nor we're there any cultures you'd recognize because the Israelites had not even made the transition to monotheism yet so not even the Old Testament as you know it applies or had even been written yet King Solomon wasn't even born yet the Chinese were doing their own thing off in Asia but it's still hundreds of years before anyone in Europe would even become really aware of them the Americas and Africa are host to a bunch of cultures that left us few written records there are maybe a million white people in the entire world at this stage of human development and they live in small tribes in what is now Europe and Russia they don't particularly trust outsiders and are culturally about in the same place as you imagine Native Americans as being many of them are nomadic and they eke out a hard life in an untamed land a few thousand of them in the Danube Valley known as the Latins are getting kind of sick of the harsh winters in their rowdy neighbors and are looking to water forbidding mountain range we know as the Alps today they dream of finding fertile land on the other side where they can settle down and farm they will found roam and make a lot of history but that's still a few hundred years away so would being white be a great thing 3,000 years in the past no it wouldn't none of the foundations of Western culture exists yet and your 1,300 years too early to even encounter a form of the Abrahamic religions you remotely understand the white people who do exist live in tribes who follow a pagan culture we know only bits and pieces of today you wouldn't be able to relate to them in any way purely based on skin color and any of the more advanced nations like Egypt or Assyria would see you as some kind of wild man from the north also let's make one thing clear throughout all of human history no matter what the color of your skin 95% of people were slaves serfs or subjects in one way or another this idea that white people are treated better throughout all of history is total [ __ ] white people stopped being treated like their lives have no value by their rulers about 100 years earlier than everyone else and then worked pretty hard to extend that benefit to the world white bashing is so popular these days that people forget that slavery is not something white people came up with it's the standard of all human history and Western culture is what changed that also your chance of surviving an encounter with an Iron Age tribe as a man is a hell of a lot lower than as a woman if they decided to be hostile they would capture a woman they would kill a man yes I would train so hard six days a week for 3,000 years and have the sickest body and then hook up with all kinds of super hot babes this dude right here gets it bro five I just have a list of famous people men and women I'd want to dark just to say I did Cleopatra scissor Jesus Hitler Stalin Queen Elizabeth the list could go on for 3,000 years I do squats 24 / 7 for 3,000 years so I could have the sickest ass and hook up with all kinds of super hot mattress not even a girl yes discover electricity founding father of Atlantis youths infrastructure to build rockets and colonize space you'd first need to understand [ __ ] personally I would go back and create a cave painting of something like they're a dead alien just to mess with people I would set our culture 3,000 years ahead on dank memez what if that just became the inspiration for the reddit logo for that reality alternate timeline or something finally someone in this thread makes sense the scary thing is 3,000 years is insignificant to Eternity if you were truly immortal you would spend an infinite amount of time on the completely dark frozen rock that was earth unless protons decay or something then who knows after spending a few billion years roasting inside the Sun during its giant phase don't forget that death and immortality are equally terrifying one means the loss of consciousness the other means witnessing the end of the universe if you were immortal I think life would lose all meaning how much can you duck how long can you rule the world with an iron fist how many children can you have before all those things become boring and pointless anything you do any of your accomplishments everything is meaningless at the end because there will be nobody to remember what you did you'll be all alone at the end immortality makes only sense for geniuses for people like Mozart or da Vinci or Einstein you can create and do so much you know for people who are destined for greatness for people who have a clear purpose in life and are the best at what they do for them time is a constraint a reminder for us time is a gift we get to live and experience them just imagine what Mozart cold done if he lived to be a 100 let alone eternity the music that world existed it's mind-boggling to even begin to comprehend what Einstein world have been able to accomplish if he was given the gift of time the question is if you were to send someone mediocre back in time given enough time would he become another Mozart or in steam yes go to Greece share modern science knowledge become known as immortal Oracle wait around for a did to be invented and to enamor step 1 teach the Greeks how to write wait around for a few hundred years question mark question mark question mark question mark profit imagine how much of a letdown life will be once you reach the present you go back in time 3000 years the basic knowledge a person has in 2015 makes you our God among men not just the basic science and technology but the knowledge of the future history provided you don't change it too much people will worship you and then 2015 hits and suddenly you no longer know much of anything useful your followers catch you trying to make yourself sound smart by reading Wikipedia and bullshitting your way through everything just gotta wait 3,000 years to be back on reddit I've been alive for the last 3,000 years ask me anything just go to Egypt they worship cats and in writing on the walls you won't miss a thing yes I travel the world and sleep with all the historically significant people then I drank them from best to worst Catherine the Great more like Catherine the so-so a good test to see if that would really happen if you traveled back in time is to see how many significant people you are having sex with today it would really suck if you'd gotten standard and had to live with it forever if you get in standard cut your knob off it'll grow back sure why not I'd ride things down with what I had made Jesus Christ watch the Roman Empire rise and fall as we got closer to what I knew I would invest in all the major corporations it would be great if you meet Jesus and all he does his cheap card tricks and his story was blown way out of the proportion yes I would be around to observe so many historical events right on the Titanic I'm immortal [ __ ] invent stuff like velcro and the theory of relativity the friend Hitler and try to polish Schindler check out what really happened at Roswell with my truck fellow cameras the friend Bill Gates as a teenager lend him some cash of all the things you'd be able to invent and take credit for velcro about the Titanic idea you can still be trapped somewhere for eternity imagine being at the bottom of the ocean under a ducking bed or something I don't know giving up indoor plumbing is tough you're giving up toilet paper to two chicks at the same time I don't know if there's enough time for you to find two chicks that are willing to do you much less at the same time I'd be pretty wary of where I'd go back 3,000 years I'd have to constantly travel every five to ten years or so to keep people from becoming suspicious about my anti-aging qualities if they catch on I'd be called a witch and be burned at the stake and when that obviously doesn't kill me they'd resort to hundreds of other horrifying torturous ways to try to kill me and I imagine they'd eventually give up and just encase me in a very uncomfortable metal tomb and bury me deep deep below the earth for some excavator to hopefully find me one day since I obviously wouldn't want for that to happen I'd go to someplace like India where they worship deities many of whom are female which would make it easier for me that'd take often human ash forms and have magical powers and [ __ ] I just tell them that I was swimming or ttle goddess prove it to them by chopping off a hand and growing it back and then they'd build me a cushy temple and bring me food and massage my feet and stuff this was my thought would have to be always on the move I would probably travel to every continent learn their ways then I would spend my time reading books and become a wizard I believe it's 30 years to get your wizard license not 3000 same here if you tried to be a leader or someone too powerful I think there are high chances you draw too much attention and someone will find a way to imprison you forever I'd go for more of a traveling mystic who just happens to pop up and intervene with historical events or solve problems and then be on my way again I'd only ever accept immortality if I had the power to revoke it anytime I wanted I'm game for living as long as I like but not until the heat death of the universe also no I'd rather stay in my current time with my wife tell her it's rude to read over your shoulder you've been visited by hot dogger this daughter will bring you a hot dog oh when you're hungry but only if you comment you're the hottest dog er thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, immortal, immortality, sent back 3000 years
Id: 2j9XVecTW0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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