This Is What Happens When You SLEEP With Your Best Friend...

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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of seal pupper ready three two one for those who slept with your best friend what happened nsfw we were best friends for three years then we became transition lovers for each other to help get over bad breakups it worked out so well that we are now married we have been together romantically for 10 years it is the easiest relationship ever i don't have a best friend but a group of friends and i slept with one of them both of us regretted it and decided to hush it up that was about two months ago and haven't heard anything about it yet she has told her best friend though it could still bite me in the ass i misread the first sentence and thought you and a group of friends all slept with one girl i married the [ __ ] out of her haha same here ducking a friend will and this shows i'm a total psychic either turn out badly neutrally or wonderfully yes totally psychic it is annoying when people suggest sleeping with a friend is some universally bad idea i like seeing how many answers here end in we got married it's great i remember asking my husband once if he would have been friends with any of his ex's absent the shreks and adorned on him holy [ __ ] no that deep friendship really needs to be there i went to work and messaged her the next day to see if we were still hanging out that night received nothing few weeks later after not hearing anything she told me to duck off she got convinced a few days later by her friend that i raped her i was drunk and trying to go home she came on to me i was going to sleep on the floor haven't heard from her since we were best friends since 2012 even when i went off to the military i never understood how shreks can go from consensual to rape after a few weeks i understand calling it rape the next morning if there were substances involved but not when they are sober we got drunk we slept together we woke in the morning looked at each other laughed carried on we are still best mates 13 years later she was my best woman at my wedding your life sounds like the plot to a romantic comedy didn't know these kind of people existed in real life she really enjoyed it talked about what she wanted to try next time a couple days later she said she didn't want to do any of it and only consented because she didn't want me to be upset she then ghosted the duck out of me even after i tried to explain that i'm okay with not having a physical relationship but she wanted nothing to do with it so i lost her best friend who used to shreks me because i acted on some of her shrek's fantasies i'm sorry man if it's any consolation at least you found out earlier rather than later i knocked her up then had to make her wife so she could get on my insurance we are still good friends though we weren't best friends but we were really close i was 19 she was 31 should have realized the age gap would be an issue we got drunk and ended up sleeping together decided it wasn't the best idea then she went on a trip with with me as friends got drunk and ended up sleeping together decided to see how this could go had a couple of great months then she decided to end it on christmas eve we got drunk and ended up sleeping together she then decided to teach me a lesson why and what that lesson was i'm still trying to work out nearly 20 years later and shacked up with some other guy and mention him at almost every opportunity she could before cutting me out of her life was weird the only time she got weird with me was when i asked her how she felt about me guess that was the beginning of the end saw her once since decided not to say hello she looked annoyed with something so yeah went well we got drunk at a party and she invited me back to her place for a night cap we did it it was magical for me it felt better than anyone else i've ever had shreks with she came for the first time so we started dating now 10.5 years later we are married and just had our first child my best friend and i actually met by way of an awkward drunken one-night stand we just ended up getting on super well the next morning and started hanging out a whole lot there was never any serious hint of relationship potential there not at all what either of us was looking for at the time but something obviously clicked that was about five years ago now we live together destroyed our friendship the shreks wasn't good and it was just awkward every time i saw her after that we had just built it up in our head and the pressure caused the shreks to be forced and took the fun out of it i would not recommend yup same banged one out for a few weeks and i caught feelings and she caught new dick totally destroyed our friendship her life you a very downward path so i'm glad i dodged a bullet well we got married turns out neither of us particularly understood why people seem to insist on dating strangers mostly because my friends are guys taken or no interest in them that way strangers is the only option i was on vacation with a group of friends one of my best friends was in that group we were drunk and dancing one night and we started kissing and one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together multiple times on that vacation we were both worried the other would be weirded out because we've known each other for almost 10 years but it wasn't weird at all up until then i had only been curious about being with other women and at 26 had only ever slept with and dated men so kind of nerve-wracking but it was amazing she and i are now in a relationship and insanely in love i wouldn't take back that first night for anything in the world we had been really close through high school and went to the same college so stayed close she was the girl my girlfriends didn't want me hanging out with because we were so close and i can be flirty without meaning to be one night we were out together and had both just gotten out of relationships we went back to her place and hooked up went to breakfast in the morning and it was weird we both talked about how it felt weird and we shouldn't do this again because we are so close never happened again and we are still really close to this day my brother is engaged to her sister so we will probably be close forever and i couldn't be happier about how things went it was awkward cause we were both drunk and i really wasn't attracted to her so i didn't even try to perform pulled out after a couple of minutes of boredom and the next day she pretended that she blacked out and didn't remember a thing when i tried to bring the incident up she did me a favor by saving me from an awkward conversation and we never spoke to each other again it's been at least five to six years now she came over we sat on the bed a while talking then my wife undressed her and we all ducked each other's brains out so like threesome or is this that she was my wife all a long thing he was my rumored in college and also my then boyfriend's best friend my then boyfriend cheated on me when he went home for the weekend best friend and i got super drunk and he ended up kissing me and we hooked up don't remember anything at all the only time we bring it up is if either one of us get into new relationships and if we should tell their new significant other or not five years later we are still best friends and he's actually the only person who i talk to on a consistent basis and we go on vacations together we are getting married in about 16 days eight hours 35 minutes and 14 13 12 11 seconds is this timer based on the start of the ceremony when you both say i do when you're legally pronounced man and wife if it's the latter two how did you account for the variation of the time it takes to say your vows [Music] one of my good friends had recently broken up with her boyfriend one drunken night we slept together after that i kind of fell for her but i didn't want to move too quickly so i said we should hold off on doing the deed again she lost interest and banged a series of guys which caused me to lose interest when i started dating someone else she tried to get me to cheat and i stopped talking to her high school best friend i was gay and out of the closet to everyone but my family he i assumed was straight one day after school we were playing video games in the den at my house when he put his hand on my knee i laughed at him assuming he was joking around when he leaned over and kissed me on the lips we didn't do a lot of talking in the moment but he later confessed to being gay slash closeted and having a crush on me he was from a super religious family and had no intentions on coming out but throughout the rest of high school we were best friends in public and boyfriends in private got into a huge fight the summer after graduation about him being in the closet though and that was that we both said some pretty terrible things to each other and looking back i'm not even sure if he was ever interested in me as a friend so much as a warm body 20 years later we are still in the same circle of friends but he's still in the closet and i just rolled my eyes and went along with the story he told everyone about why we are no longer close a bunch of our friends suspect the truth but i've always shot them down since it's not exactly my secret to share nothing happened it's just shreks we bang when we get together but there aren't any pretenses that we are anything more than tightly knit duck friends we do actively encourage and enable each other to see slash duck other people and we talk shop about it like best friends do because we both get off on winning for each other i get way too attached to do anything like this 12-year friendship after dating briefly when we were 18 hooked up last summer he told me he wanted more i'd just come out of a relationship and ask to take things slowly and he agreed after that he kept cancelling plans on me avoiding calls i eventually saw him a few months later we acted couple y and arranged to meet the next day he cancelled again i decided to reactivate my facebook account and snoop i'm not proud and found out he'd had a girlfriend for five months a relationship which started about a week after i asked if we could take things slowly i haven't spoken to him since christmas and don't plan to again our friendship is ruined and i will always remember how easily he threw me away duck that guy he doesn't deserve you stay strong you aren't easy to throw away he's just an [ __ ] who used you that's on him not you it happened three or four weeks ago we've been close friends for maybe five years but had the drunken kiss a few times and never taken it further she was over at my place drinking wine the other week and we got talking about why we drunkenly kissed and we ended up doing it again then went upstairs and had amazing passionate shreks it just felt so good the next day she texted me and said it was fun but can we leave it to that i don't want either of us to be hurt or uncomfortable and we haven't spoken about it again i feel like it's changed our friendship we don't talk to each other like we used to before and i don't know if we can get that back while it's not awkward it's just different now she seems shy and nervous now i don't know if it will happen again i don't know what to do i feel like there are things we both want to say i feel like it meant something to her too and it scared the [ __ ] out of her so she's retreated i'm somewhere between happy that it happened optimistic that it might happen again pessimistic that we've ducked it up and regretful that we may have lost something only time will tell she took my virginity i was a late bloomer and we continued to date and had four years of awesome shreks the combination of young love with a best friend is fantastic we eventually parted ways as marriage would not work for us although both of us have been happily married for quite a while i still think of her often and on the few times i have spoken to her recently it was just like a comfortable conversation with any old friend while we were at his bachelor's party for it a group of us guys went camping it was about two weeks before his wedding he got a little drunk and so i played the straight man for it making sure they didn't get into too much trouble after he went skinny dipping because he forgot to bring shorts he was pretty cold we ended up sitting near the fire until they got warm but they continued drinking they eventually had to lie down because the world was spinning and that was about as drunk as i had ever seen them i brought him to his tent so that he could go to sleep but he had the fear that he was going to fall asleep and choke on his vomit i'm a light sleeper though so he wanted me to stay in the tent with him through the night and help him if he ended up throwing up we slept together in the same tent and luckily he didn't throw up we both slept through the night it was nothing special we are still good friends and now he is also friends with my husband who does know we slept together he was a groomsman at our wedding in fact but things always have this slight awkwardness to them when he and i are alone together that there never was before we slept together we both woke up naked and in the tent the smell of jim bean blood and salmon filled the tent we both got up and got dressed without saying a word we shaved our beards and never talked about it again we still never talk sometimes we were dating for three years before she became my best friend i proposed and she said yes last week she said we needed to take a break to work on ourselves and that the relationship is over but maybe in the future when i've got my [ __ ] together and she's finished school we can try again that's what i'm hoping for anyways i'll love her until the day that i die slept with a friend and co-worker we'd hang out four years after work and drink a lot and she'd talk about all the dudes she'd slept with one night of drunken jenga and whiskey we just got it on and woke up on the sofa with several used condoms strewn around we decided to pretend this never happened which the good friend i might have been doing evidence she's now had a kid with an older jew that plays guitar earns good money and have been in jail and seems happy no regrets though it was all that i'd been hoping it would be you've been visited by a broccoli toad from now on your broccoli will always turn into a real toad unless you comment i don't eat toads thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 170,434
Rating: 4.9554834 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, slept, best friend, bf, boyfriend, girlfriend
Id: 60FbtSx9sqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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