You Get One SUPEROWER, If Anyone Finds Out = You Die. Your SUPERPOWER?

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like the video and subscribe right now and the police dog Oh will not arrest you ask ridic you're given one superpower however if anyone finds out you instantly die what's your superpower and why when I die I simply respond keeping all my knowledge etc no matter if anybody finds out about my power I don't care New Game+ won't you be stuck in an infinite death loop if someone found out you might want to do it like Kenny so noone ever remembers that you died the ability to pull a non counterfeit $20 out of my pocket every time I reached in it super inconspicuous power to have but all I gotta do for essentially infinite money is just reach in my pocket over and over again power works every time regardless of if the first $20 is removed so I could just casually reach in and out without removing anything but a new $20 would appear every time so by the end of the day I could put a few hundred dollars out of my pants every single day you'll have to have one hell of a laundering scheme edit obviously you don't need to think of any laundering scheme but to make the most of an unlimited supply of cash you'd want a less fishy way to pull in $20 per second just go to a casino and keep playing til you win big no issues with the extra cash in your account then able to see 15 seconds into the future would bet money on roulette every time I need money and get duck out tether no one suspects but I have money whenever I need why don't you just make it a few hours and play the lottery the ability to gain someone's technical knowledge by shaking their hand want to know how to fix cars shake a few master mechanics hands joke's on you when you find out no one knows what they are doing and everyone is just making it up as they go until you shake hands with the random co-worker and suddenly know exactly how to get away with being a serial killer visit CERN become super villian shake a porn stirs hand and you'll learn things you've never wanted to know I'm immortal but my appearance also gradually changes so people won't recognize me pictures and paintings over time edit yes like Pinot Reeves the best kind of immortality would be you would age normally until exactly 90 years old then revert back to early 20s or late teens you would just have to make sure you mysteriously disappear every time you hit 90 I like this one cause would likely work for long enough that you wouldn't mind getting caught sometimes you just want that sweet embrace of death to read minds I'd make a lot of money playing poker and everyone would just think I'm good and you just have to intentionally lose every now and again except everyone got the same offer now everyone who can read mind is dead because they read each other's mind discovering each other superpower having a pocket universe empty of people and out of sync with the universe's time nothing ages and no matter how long you spend there it's an instant of normal time that I can enter at any time and leave at any place people would assume it would be teleportation and since I'd never bring anyone into it nobody would ever find out oh oh unique strategy disguise your power is another power this would make for an interesting writing prompt if I had a pocket universe I'd have a burning internal conflict on how long to spend in my pocket universe your time is infinite in there but since there are no people its Sun fulfilling to stay there long then when you're in the real world everything seems to go by so fast because of all the time spent in the pocket universe I'd pop in the real world but be overwhelmed and go back to the pocket universe often choosing when to revert back and forth would be troubling but it had make for a good story if someone took the time to write one so it's can from their route oh yes yes yes you could put your biology book in there when you're writing a test because it's instant nobody will notice I'm not telling you luck isn't a superpower it's not very cinematic yes it is power of no you if someone hurts me physically or mentally I say no you and it happens to them Lou Mayo you stabbed me eh no you sir Oh if I squeeze my left pinky whoever I'm looking at orgasms I'm blaming last night's poor performance on you I would abuse that power so hard officer did you know how fast you were going up never mind commentator Messi is about to score to win the World Cup what is he doing oh god is he doing what I think he's doing news anchor on a world leader trip this afternoon Donald Trump ejaculated mid speech followed by Vladimir Putin who else just squeezed their left pinky able to influence the odds of anything what's the likelihood there will be a million bucks in my room when I get home oh I dunno maybe 100 percent what's the likelihood anyone will ever figure out my power and cause my death though let's set that at 0% what's the likelihood anyone will ever figure out my power and caused my death though let's set that at 0% the easiest way for the universe to do that would be to give you a sudden heart attack so you would like to be from Jesus himself the ability to master any skill instantly be that a language or a musical instrument etcetera you just have to pretend you learned quickly and pretend to pick the skill up over a month or so this would be great until one day you're chilling in a bar showing off your language skills and a buddy goes man you pick up stuff so fast it's almost like that's your superpower and then you keel over Bing the best superpower ever to fall asleep instantly when I want I sleep alone so easy to hide and because I want to sleep but can't put down my phone I have to wake up at 5 duck I wish I had this power why you gotta do this to me to teleport when people aren't aware of me you can't fast travel when enemies are nearby reminds me of invisible boy from Mystery Men he can only turn invisible when no one is looking at him as long as the caveat is they know you have a superpower not just some teenager that's annoyed you beat them at poker they must be cheating I bet they can read my mind yeah finding out and making wild accusations is a totally different things I'd choose true immortality then I'd prove it to people just to see if nature could handle the paradox I create extreme apathy and everyone nothing I do matters I could have sex with the Queen on live TV while kids are decapitated behind us and the world would collectively go mad I can get away with anything I'll never get credit for anything though I could walk right up and kick him and K in his balls people would just go about their day I could stroll into Fort Knox and slowly load up all the gold nobody would care I'm now an invisible King allowed to do whatever I want whenever I want to but nobody cares man they asked for a superpower not an autobiography congratulations you now live in the most boring universe noone will ever be your friend again because they don't care about you nor eating in fact everyone dies of thirst power stops working because people didn't show up to work and food stops being delivered you are now alone in the world going up two dogs and saying hey look at me having fun the dog just smiles back at you because it doesn't know the horrors you are responsible for you ponder the meaning of life you laugh to yourself anything with Dini ability is clearly the way to go here you could disguise a whole lot of super strength as long as you were already a huge mother duck er anybody gets suspicious and it's like of course he can lift the car have you seen the side of at Dhaka flashy powers like flight or shooting laser beams are out but shape-shifting would be easy you can even get away with using it in public as long as nobody saw the original form they'll be seeing somebody shappers shift but never be able to know who or at the size of you lat immortality as long as there is someone else in the world I've got a kill switch edit everyone saying people will see how I haven't aged and say I'm immortal it's a good point but I would just tell people that I have the ability to live up to five hundred years old they'll be dead by the time I'm 600 anyways earth is wiped out but you of course survive over the eons you start searching the universe for intelligent life eventually you create life in your just to have someone that can kill you but you changed your mind wanting to foster your progeny then they start worshiping you as an immortal God and you die Dormammu I've come to bargain that power would be pretty cool this would be my choice setting up a time loop to revert back to a specific point would be balm and there wouldn't really be a way for anybody to prove anything or accurately guess the power loads of applications to want to relive at night in Vegas no problem want to make a few million playing stalks easy getting old and feeling like playing new game plus go for it full penis control yours or others name checks out to be able to mind-control everyone on earth I would tell them to never think about me ever then proceed to make the world a better place congratulations now payroll completely forgets to pay you your friends never invite you anywhere and your mother never calls you've been visited by dog herb herb this burg will teach you how to survive winter but only if you comment with what give me seed thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 1,476,762
Rating: 4.9298182 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, superpower
Id: 2ZLQXWZzyxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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