You Can Draw This AURORA BOREALIS in PROCREATE | Procreate tutorial step by step

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you can draw this aim procreate in this video tutorial we will be drawing this scene with Northern Lights and we will only be using the brushes that are already in procreate plus two free brushes that you can download through a link in the description it'll be quite a challenging tutorial but I'm sure you can do it I will guide you through every step and if you still find it challenging they can always try one of my other you can draw it as video tutorials and speaking of utter you can draw it as video tutorials thank you for sending in your work through Instagram if you want to get a chance of seeing your artwork in the next you can draw this video then be sure to share your tutorial result on instagram and tag me in the image that way I can find it the great thing about this video tutorial is that you will be learning by doing I will show you procreate features like the symmetry tool motion blur different brushes and more so grab your pencil and get ready first our canvas it is 2000 by 3000 pixels and the first thing we'll do is make a selection and you can make selections by going to the s-shaped ribbon in the menu and we will use rectangle and we will make a rectangle and we will start at the bottom here that way you can just move up and down to decide how big you want your selection to be and we are going to make well the land with the road on it we want it to be below halfway of our canvas I guess about here how do we have made a selection we can fill it with the color and as always I have made a color palette which you can also download for free and we will fill it with this color that first color here for our next step we will make a new layer below this layer that we have just created you can just click that s shape ribbon again to turn off the selection and let's make a new layer just click the plus click and hold it and drag it underneath and on this layer we will make a gradient for our sky we'll grab a airbrush for that the soft brush and we will turn up the opacity to a hundred percent and let's set the brush to 20% and now we'll pick this dark color first the second color in the color palette we will go over the top part of our sky first just make these horizontal strokes and then switch to the lighter color that's the fourth color in the color palette and we will put that at the bottom then we'll grab that third color here that blue and we'll put that in the middle now to make this gradient look more soft a soft transition we can go to the magic wand and a menu and use Gaussian blur just slide your pencil or your finger to the right now let's go to around thirty eight thirty nine percent something like that next let's make the road we'll make a new layer for that so we'll go to the layer palette click that layer with the rectangle on it and then make a new layer by clicking the plus and we will use clipping mask for this layer when you use clipping mask whatever you paint on that new layer that is clipped to that layer underneath whatever you paint there will only show up in the places where there are already pixels on that layer underneath so here we only have that rectangle and everything is transparent so nothing will show up in two places that are still transparent let's go back to that layer that is clipped to layer one and we will turn on symmetry you can do that by going to the wrench then to canvas turn on your drawing guide and then go to edit drawing guide and then select symmetry and now if you click them whatever you paint on this layer on the left side will also show up on the right side and vice versa so let's draw a road we will do that with the mono line brush which you can find under calligraphy and let's just pick this dark blue color for our road right now and I have to brush set to twelve percent and we'll make a line that starts about here and we'll make a diagonal line towards the middle because at the end well the road will appear thinner or smaller so make a diagonal line a bit like this and if you don't like the line that you just made you can just tap with two fingers or click the undo right here to try again now make sure that you close your shape here in the middle so go to that center line and then you can drag in your color to fill that road for our next step we are going to add some texture to our road and we'll make a new layer for that and we can use clipping mask again that way nothing will appear on that transparent part right here and we'll go to charcoals and use the burn tree to add some texture to our road we'll go to this fifth color first I'll set the brush to 12% and what I'll also do is turn on symmetry for this layer as well so whatever we on the left side of the road will show up on the right side all you have to do is click that new layer and turn on drawing assist now it says assistant that means that we have symmetry turned on for this layer as you can see right here let's just add some slide texture and just move along that direction of the road and we'll switch up the size of our brush let's go to 6% for example make sure that you follow that shape of the road and we'll make that road appear as if it is a bit icy if there is some snow on the road let's also grab this color that's the 6th in the color palette let's draw some lines moving towards that Center very far on the road and we'll also grab that lighter blue color now let's make the brush even smaller 3% to add even more texture and especially make sure that you use a small brush let's go to 2% right near dat horizon because everything will appear to be smaller near the horizon just bury your brush size I'll go to 8 percent right now just add some rough texture I think we can turn off symmetry right now so we can click the layer and click drawing assist again to turn it off and what we'll do now is we will use the smudge tool to smudge disk texture a bit and what you can do is click on the smudge tool here and hold it and that way it'll automatically select that burn treat brush that we just use to create this texture so now it'll be used as a smudge tool and I have to brush size set to 10% now let's just much everything in the direction of the road and the reason that I have turned off symmetry is so that the road won't appear perfectly symmetrical because then it would look a bit unnatural just smear it out if there is ice and snow on the road and because Oh a lot of cars have driven over it everything is a bit just crushed and flat so it's much a bit on this side and make sure that you make your brush smaller when you work on that part at the end on to 4% a bit like this for our next step will be using the two free brushes that I spoke about earlier you can download them through a link in the description if you don't already have them because you might have followed some other you can draw this tutorials we will be using the Pinetree brushes let me just grab them first let's use the Pinetree broad first and to paint these well to drop in these trees we will make a new layer again and let's also turn off that that line in the center we don't need that anymore and also don't use clipping mask on this layer because we want the trees to appear above that rectangle on layer one so no clipping mask is needed let's go to the wrench to turn off the drawing guide we'll pick this dark color right here and let's drop in some trees and for this brush also vary the size of your trees make sure that you make big and small trees but do keep in mind that the trees will appear to be bigger near the foreground and a lot smaller near the horizon don't paint big trees near to rise and that would look very unnatural just vary the size I'll go to 21 and drop in multiple trees and I'll go a lot smaller near the horizon I'm at 10 percent right now and don't just vary the size of your brush but also use that utter pine tree brush the pine tree along to vary the shape of the trees as well those smaller for the brushes near to horizon about 15 percent right now [Music] 9% [Music] let's fill both sides of the road going back to the pine tree brought again and if you don't like a tree just use two finger the two finger tap or the undo icon right there to undo your stroke I think that's enough now I want to merge these trees a bit more with that underground we can do that by using a layer mask I'll go to the layer palette while I have this layer fire selected I'll just click on it and use masks now whatever we paint black on this mask will get masked whatever is white on this layer will be visible so if we paint on this layer with black we can mask some parts let's go to the charcoal ZAR gonna use the burn tree brush set to black to to mask some parts near that soil near it underground give it some texture that way the trees will look less artificial and now it's time for the most exciting part the sky to work on the sky we have to go all the way down to layer two that's where we have our gradient and make a new layer on top of this layer so just click the plus in that way a new layer will appear above our layer two and we will use a luminance brush that glimmer brush now let's take a look at my settings I have scatter set to max you can find that under shape when you go to stroke path you can see that my spacing and jitter are both set to max and let's just pick white I don't have to put that into color palette right I think you can find pure white let's start making some stars now if you push your pen harder on your screen you will get bigger stars and if you press only lightly you will get smaller stars try to make some bigger ones at the top you want to create more brightness there and make them smaller when you come near the horizon you will see a lot more stars and brighter stars when you look straight up to the sky compared to that area near the horizon so very the pressure vary the size of the stars to make it look more natural I think that's enough and now let's get started with that northern light effect inner sky again we will make a new layer this time above our star layer so click the plus to make a new layer and this time we'll use the lightly crush I will pick this nice bright green color and while using this bright green let's add a little bit of a base for our Northern Light just gently go over the sky area above the horizon to add some light leak if you are passionate about creating digital art on your iPad and you want to learn more then you might like my patreon page as well because there I share a lot of fully narrated video tutorials ranging from beginner level to more advanced levels so if you want to learn more go check that out let's also use that bright pink here to also add a little bit of base pink light I think that's enough let's continue let's make a new layer above this one so we'll click the plus again and this layer we will set to at just click the end and we will change the layer blending mode we'll scroll down and select add now whatever we paint here will appear lighter we are going to the airbrushing precious and we'll use the soft airbrush this might be the most challenging part of the tutorial but don't worry I'm sure you can do it and also you are working on a new layer so if you don't like the way it'll look you can just start over with a fresh layer no worries we'll use that bright green color again and I have to brush opacity set to 30% and the size set to 30% because we are using a low opacity we have a lot of control over our brush we can make multiple strokes slowly building up the color we are going to make something of a zigzaggy well not really a zig zaggy s-shaped line I'll make the brush a bit bigger go to 50% making these s shapes in the sky I'm turning up the opacity just a little bit to 40% but if you feel more comfortable using a lower opacity just go for it I'm going to set the brush to 60% make it a bit broader [Music] I'm going back smaller again let's go to 35 for example I'm gonna make some these lights here and what we'll do now is use the motion blur tool you can go to the magic wand and select motion blur and now whatever direction you are swiping your pen in that way you will get a motion blur let me just demonstrate if we slide like this the motion blur will go in that direction if we go up it'll go that way so keep in mind in what direction you are pulling it don't want too much let's go for around 44 45 percent and click it again to get out of that motion blur menu now let's add a new layer above this first layer that we just created click the plus set this layer to add as well and let's add some more colors to our sky still using a soft airbrush I'll set the brush size to 60% opacity is at 40% and let's add some of this bright blue add some glue to this part of the sky think we can go even bigger with our brush let's go to 85 and make sure that you make your strokes in the same direction as that call that motion blur making those same diagonal strokes let's also add some of these pinks I hear near the horizon and let's also use this red in our color palette just keep making those same diagonal strokes I'm going to 55% brush size you can also use some of that green again make my brush bigger again I'll go 200% [Music] and we can just choose a slight motion blur for this layer so we'll go to the magic wand again use motion blur and just use it slightly too soft and everything up a little bit now we'll make a new layer again click the plus and all these layers they will just give you total control you can play around with the opacity of your layers switch things up adjust things up very handy set at you add again keep using this bright green and I'll make the brush smaller 20% now let's make some small dots [Music] now let's do the same thing with the paints just a few and I will use the motion blur again and swipe it up let's go to 80% and if you feel like these lights these lines are a bit too well they're not visible enough you can always just duplicate this layer and then you have double effects I want to go for the subtle effect and set up the double effects but that's a way to brighten it up for some final tweaks in the sky I'll make another new layer and again set that to add wrap that green again and I'll set the brush to 70% I'm going over that zigzag again [Music] making that a bit more prominent [Music] going a bit smaller 50% [Music] [Music] the final edition you could add some brighter colors to our road letting that those colors of the sky reflect on the road a little bit and we can do that by clicking on that road layer where we added that texture add a new layer and sent that layer to overlay I really like using overlay layers to add some color variation to my digital artworks we use the soft brush and let's well let's just keep it at 30% and we can glaze over a road a little bit to add some color variation there and letting that green of the sky reflect on our road it's all of that blue let's turn down the opacity of our brush a little bit let's go to 40% just gently glaze over the road clipping mask to make sure that the colors won't end up on your sky now let's also add a little bit of pink and some more green as you can see you get a lot more color variation by using that overlay layer and that's it our scene with Northern Lights I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you didn't they might like these two videos as well I will see you next time
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 138,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this aurora borealis, anyone can draw this aurora borealis, how to draw aurora borealis, anyone can draw northern lights, Procreate tutorial step by step, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, you can draw this landscape in procreate, procreate tutorial you can draw this, you can draw this procreate, procreate easy drawing tutorial, art with flo you can draw this, procreate 5 tutorial, procreate tutorial drawing, art with flo, you can draw this
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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