YOU Can Draw This NIGHT SCENE Landscape in PROCREATE | easy landscape drawing tutorial

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you can draw this in Procreate you can draw this  landscape in Procreate because I will walk you   through all the steps and all you need are the  free brushes that are already in Procreate and   a fun thing is that during this video you will  learn lots of stuff about procreate by just   following the tutorial we will be using layer  clipping mask free transform Gaussian blur and   lots more before we get started I want to thank  you all for sharing your artworks on Instagram   and also for all your lovely comments I really  enjoy reading them and I really enjoy watching   all of your tutorial results if you want to get  a chance of having your work featured in my next   you can draw this video then be sure to share  your work on instagram and tag me in the image   so i'll be able to find it let's get started  our canvas is 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels and   I've made a color palette which you can download  for free through a link in the description so you   can use the exact same colors that I'm using  in this video first thing we'll do is we will   draw a circle and we'll do that by using the  mono line brush which is under calligraphy and   we'll use this first blue for that let's zoom  out a little bit by pinching with our fingers   and we will make a perfect brown circle just draw  a circle first hold your pen in place and tap one   finger on your screen you can drag your pen like  this to make it bigger or smaller and then just   let go you can also click at a shape in case you  want to edit the shape a bit or you could just   use this arrow here and drag your circle around  and let's place it in the middle let's make it   a little bit smaller and to do that I will use  uniform that way you can't change the ratio of   your circle it will stay a perfect circle and  we'll move it up just a little bit let's place   it just around here and now we will drag in  the color like this and fill our circle but   we won't be painting in just a circle we want  a nice dripping effect to do that we will go   to our layer menu these two little squares and  click the plus to make a new layer and we will   use the mono line brush and to make smooth lines  you can turn up the streamline if you turn it to   0% all the smoothness just comes from your own  hand but if you turn it up procreate will help   you to create really smooth lines I'm going  to put it at let's say 90 percent but you can   do whatever you like let's move this up a little  bit and let's start drawing some drips let's just   put a pin here first and then go down to make our  first drip and try to make smooth confident lines and I try to do this and one go because I  want to make a shape that is closed so we   close it right here and if you're not sure  if it's closed you can just turn off that   first layer to see your shape beneath and  we can fill this now we can even adjust it   a little bit like here on the right side  I'm going to turn up the size of my brush   to 30% just go past here to smooth that  now let's merge these two layers and you   can do that by just squeezing them together  like that now I want to adjust these these   drips a little bit and we will do that by  using the eraser and I've set it to monitor slit aparts of our circle like this to make that  drip effect look even better so we'll go up here now here I'm just erase this I think it would be nice to   have a little hole here if you hold  your pen you can make a nice oval and I would also like to add a little drip here  so we'll go we'll go back to our brush and make   a little oval here as if it's really dripping  I feel like we can move it up a little bit so   we'll go to this arrow and drag it up just a  little bit let's also give our background of   color why does a bit boring don't you think we can  go to our layer menu click background color and   select this nice white blue next thing we'll do is  add a gradient to our landscape scene which will   be in our dripping circle now to make sure that  everything we paint ends up in our dripping circle   we will use clipping mask first make a new layer  click that new layer and select clipping mask   this way paint will only show up on our dripping  circle we will use a brush under airbrushing the   soft brush and we will pick this dark blue we'll  set our brush to 15% and our opacity is at 72% let's start making a gradient we'll have  the darkest blue at the top and we will   go lighter near the bottom but because  our sky will be reflected in the water   in our scene you will also have some  dark blue in our reflection at the   bottom here now let's pick this bright  blue here for the center of our gradient let's make our brush a bit bigger 20% that  way the edges will become a little bit softer and let's also add this purple in our gradient  just continue adding this color till you have a   nice-looking gradient finally I'm gonna add some  more of that dark color here on top and now we   can soften this gradient by using a magical  tool under the magic wand the Gaussian blur   and you can adjust a Gaussian blur by sliding  your pen on your screen to the right to adjust   a blur what you want it to be subtle let's go  for 25% for our next step we need to create a   new layer on top of this and again we need  it to be clipped to our Dripping circles so   click the layer and select clipping mask and  we will go back to the mono line brush under   calligraphy we will start making some mountains  we'll make our first mountains using this purple   and I think I want to turn down a stream line  a little bit right now so we'll click the mono   line brush and I'll set it to 70% because  when we make mountains we don't always want   it to be very smooth to be a little bit jagged  first thing we'll do is make a horizontal line   click one finger on your screen to make it  perfectly horizontal I'm gonna make my brush   a little bit smaller to 20% and let's start  drawing in some random mountains in the back just make some wobbly lines and be sure to  close the shape and drag in the purple color   to fill your mountains now we'll make another  row of mountains in front of this one so we'll   click the plus to make a new layer and select  clipping mask again and this time we will use   this dark blue for our mountains again we'll make  a horizontal line again and hold the finger on   your screen to make it perfectly horizontal and  let's make some more mountains just some wobbly   alliance and be sure that you're close to shape  on the outside here even though you can't see   it the shape needs to be closed there you could  just deselect clipping mask so you can see your   shape so you're sure that it's closed and then  just clip it again and fill it with that dark   color now let's add some stars to the sky we will  do that behind our mountain so we'll click this   gradient layer first and then click the plus to  make a layer that is between these layers and   as you can see it's already clipped because it's  underneath these other clipped layers we will go   to the luminance brushes and select the glimmer  brush I have set the spacing of this brush to   max and a cheater as well and I've also set the  scatter to max so be sure that you adjust the   settings of your brush as well let's pick this  very light color and I have my brush size set to   9% and I will fill the sky with stars I'll make  sure that you don't go all the way down to the   horizon because stars are usually mostly visible  at the top when you really look straight up to the   sky you will see the most stars and their horizon  you won't see that many stars because just be more   light there next let's add a moon we'll do that on  a layer on top of this one so let's click the plus   again and go back to the mono line brush and we  will use this grayish blue color to draw a moon   so again we will make a perfect round circle so  just draw a circle hold your pen in place and that   tap your finger on the screen you can adjust the  size a bit if you like and I'll let go and we will   fill it by dragging in a circle into the circle  and if you click the arrow here you can move it   around if you like until it's in a place of your  liking now we want to add a little bit of a glow   to this moon so let's duplicate it by swiping to  the left on the layer and click duplicate and I   will pick this layer underneath go to the magic  wand and select Gaussian blur and again use your   pen or your finger whatever you like and slide  it to the right to make it blurry now let's do   24 next click the top moon layer again click it  and select alpha lock this way we won't be able   to paint on the pixels well we will only be able  to paint on pixels that are already there to rest   which is transparent is locked we can't paint on  that we will go to texture brushes and we will   use Keira Wong and we will select this darker  gray here and I have my brush size set to 15%   and let's just add a little bit of texture to  our moon just like that finally we want to add   a reflection to our water to our lake and to  do that we need to duplicate the layers which   have the mountains the stars and the moon so we  need to duplicate them one by one lights wiping   to the left selecting duplicate this one as well  just duplicate all these layers by clicking them   swiping to the left and to placated them now  we need to select all these duplicate layers   and we can do that by swiping to the right swipe  to the right on each duplicate layer so we have   the stars the blurry moon the textured moon the  light mountains and the dark mountains and now   we will pick these up by holding your pen in  place and then we will move down to the top   and let's just merge them by squeezing them  together and we will select the arrow here   and now you can click flip vertical and now these  layers are flipped and we can drag them down and   make sure it touches the layer on top and now  let's turn down the opacity of this layer that   way the effect will be more subtle so click the  end on the layer and turn the slider to the left   and we'll take it to 50% there's our reflection  that's it you did it be sure to share your work   on Instagram so I can find it and I will see  you next time for the next digital art tutorial
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 1,712,625
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Keywords: you can draw this night scene, easy landscape drawing tutorial, you can draw this landscape, anyone can draw this landscape, easy landscape drawing tutorial with free brushes, you can draw this, anyone can draw this, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, art with flo, procreate ipad pro, procreate easy drawing, procreate, art with flo you can draw this, you can draw this procreate, procreate 5
Id: EJQpezkDuCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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