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you can draw this in procreate you can draw this sunset scene in procreate all you have to do is follow this video tutorial till the end and just use the brushes that are already in the app I will walk you through every step well you will be learning everything about procreate by doing and don't forget that once you have reached the end of this video tutorial to share your result on Instagram I have already seen so many amazing results there be sure to tag me in the image though and not just in your description that way I will be able to find your work so are you ready let's get started first of all the canvas it is three thousand five two thousand pixels and I have created a color palette again you can download it for free through the link in the description first thing we'll do is fill our canvas with a basic color we'll pick this first color in the color palette you can just drag this color circle onto the canvas to fill it with this color and now we are going to make a gradient in our sky we'll pick this orange color that second color in the color palette for that and we will pick the soft brush which you can find under airbrushing let's make the brush a bit bigger let's say around 10% and the opacity is at 40% now remember these brush sizes will only make sense if you are using the same canvas size as I'm using because these are percentages so if you are using a different size then you'll just have to eyeball it and now we are going to make some horizontal strokes at the top of our canvas to create a gradient there and just make multiple strokes to build up that orange color and I'd like to add a little bit a tiny touch of red to our sky as well I'll pick that red from our color palette and I'll make the brush a little bit bigger let's go for around 15% and let's make a stroke at the top to make the sky even warmer now to make this transition look a bit smoother we can go to the magic wand tool and use the Gaussian blur I only have to do is slide your pen or your finger to the right of your screen to increase the blur and I want to go for somewhere around 30 to 33 percent and how we have a nice smooth transition next I would like to go to the water part of the scene we'll make a new layer for that so we'll go to the layer palette and click the plus and for our brush I would like to go to the mono lime brush which you can find under calligraphy and for the color we'll go for this third color and the color palette the first thing we'll do is draw a horizon just above halfway of our canvas so let's say about here make a horizontal line and hold your pen in place now tap one finger on your screen to make it snap to a perfect horizontal line and now you can just drag in the color to fill that part now I would like to add a gradient to our water part in our painting but I don't want my pain to go over the sky part now a way to do that is by clicking the layer and using alpha lock and if you've been watching my videos you might notice already but what alpha lock does is it locks the pixels that are already on the layer and you can see that checkerboard pattern those are transparent parts of the layer and we won't be able to paint on the so we'll just be able to paint on that that rectangle that we just created to make our gradient let's go back to the soft brush under airbrushing there it is and for the color will well let's first pick this fifth color in the color palette and I would like to add that to the bottom of the canvas so let's make some horizontal strokes again our brush is still at 15% and let's make some strokes you can just slowly build it up because our opacity is at 40% so that gives you a bit more control over the color so we're adding warm colors here and for the middle part let's switch to that fourth color in the color palette and we'll add that to the middle part just make some horizontal strokes almost to the top of our rectangle but I'd like to keep it a bit dark at the top let's make our brush a little bit smaller let's go for 8% now let's go just below the horizon like that and now we can use the Gaussian blur again to smoothen this transition let's go to the magic wand click Gaussian blur and slide to the right not too much let's go for around 15 to 16 percent and just click the brush icon to get out of the Gaussian blur menu next I would like to add a touch of well slight waves on our water the water is pretty quiet but we want some some kind of motion there so we'll make a new layer we'll click the plus and for this layer we will use layer clipping and what this does is that whatever we paint on layer three will only show up on layer two on the parts that we've painted and layer two so it won't show up on those areas where we have that checkerboard pattern and what we'll also do is change the layer blending mode of this layer we'll click the end and go to multiply now what multiply does is it darkens everything on the layer underneath so we can use that to create some darker waves and we'll do that by using the soft airbrush let's check our brush size let's put it at around 15% for now and the opacity is at 60% and now we will start making some thin horizontal lines and I am using very little pressure for this and if it's easier for you you can just rotate your canvas like this for instance if it's easier for your wrists to make these movements like that just make some slight horizontal lines and I'm using like I said I'm using very very little pressure on my pen so if you are using like your finger for painting then I'd advise to really turn down the opacity of your brush so you can make more transparent strokes and as we move towards the horizon strokes will become a bit thinner so you can make these in the front a bit a bit thicker because it's closer to the viewer you can just you can just slowly build it up [Music] you could go all the way to the horizon making your strokes thinner but I want to keep it a bit out of focus it's probable that if you were looking at this scene with even if you have healthy eyes that you wouldn't be seeing a lot of waves in the distance you'd be seeing them in the front but you will be able to see those waves in the front all right next step I would like to take is at a Sun to our scene you will make a new layer for that so we'll click the plus oh that's too much we'll delete one we just need one layer for now and let's go to the mana lime brush under calligraphy again and we'll pick this very light color and our brush size is at 6% but in this case it doesn't really matter we just want to make a circle so let's draw a circle hold your pen in place to make it snap to a circle and if you hold one finger on your screen it'll snap to a perfectly round circle and now let's just drag in the color to fill our sunny shape I want my son to be in the center of our painting but of course you can just move it around and place it anywhere you like except for at the bottom of course you can place it anywhere in the sky I'm just gonna place it here and now I would like to add a slight blur so we'll go to the magic wand again and use Gaussian blur and just slide to the right just slightly let's go for 4.5% but anything close is fine as well of course and now I would like to add a nice warm glow to our Sun and we will do that on a layer below that Sun shape that we just made so we'll need to select layer three and then click the plus to make a new layer and again we will change the layer blending mode let's click the end and this time let's set it to color Dodge that will really give you some bright lights some bright saturated lights and for our brush we'll go to the airbrushing brushes again and use the soft brush and next let's pick a color let's go for this bright orange and I will create a glow surrounding our Sun just make circular motions slowly building it up and let's also add some of that red so we'll pick the red from the color palette now let's create nice glow and let's use the Gaussian blur again so we'll go to the magic wand pick Gaussian blur and slide to the right I like it around 27.8% now this is the big soft glow but I also want to add some extra glow closer to that Sun so I'll make another color dodge layer so just click the end and pick color dodge and I'll pick that orange color again and again I'll make circular motions adding that glow like that and of course we'll want to use the Gaussian blur again so it slides it a ride a little bit less this time let's go for 15 percent this Setting Sun will leave a reflection on our water and propia has a pretty cool brush which we can use to add that reflection let's make a new layer on top of our water layer to add that we'll click layer three and make a new layer on top of that and again let's use layer clipping mask so nothing will accidentally show up on other places beside our water and the brush I'm talking about you can find that under luminance it's the light brush we will keep it set at this orange color right now I have the opacity set to 100% and the size is at 10% but you can play around with that and let me rotate the canvas a bit again so it's easier to make the horizontal well it's not horizontal anymore of course diagonal but if you move it like that it'll be horizontal it'll be easier to make those motions so let's make well let's slowly build up some horizontal lines here and these are horizontal of course because that water it is flat its horizontal because we don't have a storm here or anything the water is pretty calm so just keep making the strokes that are horizontal if you place your canvas in the right direction but sometimes it can really be handy to move around and rotate your canvas you can see that as we make multiple strokes it'll become brighter and you don't want it to be equally bribed everywhere we want to create bright Aries you see I didn't line it up with the Sun correctly here you can see that it's a bit too far to the left so let's just fix that and grab that arrow let's use the Move tool and place it a bit to the right because yeah when you rotate your canvas it is harder to see that but in any case we will make a brighter area at the bottom and make it less bright and turn more towards reds as we approach the horizon so continue making these strokes should go up and we want some really bright ones right here [Music] you and just make sure that you zoom out every once in a while to check your full painting see if it is looking good you can also switch to that some color that we use to make even a I'll make an EVA even brighter reflection [Music] so I'll just go over this area a bit brightening that up and as we move towards the horizon I want to but I want to add some red colors as well so I'll pick the red from the color palette and I'll continue adding these horizontal strokes [Music] all the way to just below that horizon and trying to vary these strokes a little bit make some a bit longer some a bit shorter and let's also add a little bit of rats to this area [Music] and we can also go over with those oranges and slightly brighten up this red area as if that well that reflection is slowly going towards reds instead of those oranges and very bright almost white color you now that we have our son and we have our water and the nice reflection it's time to move to our foreground and add some read let's put that on a new layer so go to the layer menu and above all the other layers we will be creating that read so click the plus and for our color we'll pick its darkest color all the way on the right in our color palette and for our brush we are going to the the inking brushes in procreate and use the dry ink brush I have the opacity set to 100% and the size is at 10% and now we are going to draw some Reed in our foreground just make smooth strokes try to make them in one movement and if there's one that you don't like then just use a two-finger tap or the undo option here and just try again and you'll make lots of Reed's try to vary the angle of the Reed's a bit and a length try to give it some variation just try making them in one go not like me where I missed that bottom part he can also make some really short ones that seem like they are cut off so very the length very thickness a bit and very deep angle of your read until your entire scene is pretty much covered well that's a bit too thick that it's pretty much covered with reeds it's already starting to look interesting like I said you can add some shorter ones some that are cut off or maybe someone ate it I don't know other animals that eat read and you can even make one that is almost horizontal just play around with it not much can go wrong here I think we pretty much have a nice variety of read here and next I want to add well I'm not sure what it's called like those plumes at the end of the reads we are going to add those on a separate layer and for our brush we will go to the drawing brushes and use the sticks and I have set this brush to a hundred percent opacity and a size is at 8 percent but like with the other brushes you can really play around with the brush size and see what you like and at the end of most of these reads we'll start adding these yeah well I'll just call them plumes but I'm not sure what the correct name is for these things and just add these at most of the ends but not all some yeah just like the shorter ones some might I've been cut off bit enough oh just somehow broke and lost our plume just to vary things up a little bit it makes them a bit bigger some longer I try to put most of these plumes on the same side I'm putting them all most of them on the right side because I imagine that there might be a slight wind blowing them all in the same direction it's not a hard wind just a subtle little wind pushing them in the right direction we'll just be repeating this step for the rest of the read so let me just speed up this process and while we're at it let me answer a question that I get asked a lot and that is what's the difference between Skillshare and patreon the short answer is whatever I share at patreon won't show up at Skillshare but whatever I share at Skillshare does show up at patreon and Skillshare I share one class every one or two months and at patreon I share a three to four fully narrated video tutorials every month plus I share all the skills share classes and a patreon I also share brushes working files reference images and also it's just the biggest Pro create community at patreon we have a special discord where you can share your work ask questions get feedback and critique and it's just an amazing group and if you want to check out skill share or patreon you'll find a link in the description and another question that I get asked a lot is if I use any screen protector for my iPad and the answer to that is very short note I don't use any screen protector I feel like all these reads are a bit long so I'd like to add some shorter ones so I'll go back to layer 8 and also go back to the inking brushes and use a dry ink brush and I'll just add some shorter reads so we can add some plumes of these as well I think that's nice so let's go back to layer at 9 and use that sticks brush again which you can find under drawing and let's add some of these plumes on these shorter reads as well but while talking about Skillshare if you are just getting started with procreate then you could check out my Skillshare class about getting started with procreate 5 and about getting started with digital painting how I'll just leave a link in the description because if you follow that link you can get 2 months of free Skillshare actually and there are also some other classes that skill shared that I made one more plume here I think that was all of them to create more depth in our scene I would like to add some Reed's that are a bit out of focus that are in front of the viewer close by the viewer and they'll be out of focus so I'll make a new layer on top of these and we'll go back to the inking brushes and use the dry ink and let's just make a couple of more Reed's just a few [Music] some shorter ones and some that are a bit longer and now let's turn off these other reads that we just created so we can see these reads that we just made because otherwise you won't be able to locate them and on this layer will also add those plumes with the sticks brush so just add some plumes here on every tip of every read right here and again I'm making every read every plume face to the right let's turn back on let's turn those other layers back on and I'll lay it in with those extra reads we'll give that a slight blur let's go to the magic wand and use prospective blur and now let's just slide to the right to make these a little bit blurry let's go for around ten percent that gives a nice out-of-focus effect finally as a final touch we will adjust these reeds a little bit because that sun is shining and well it's hitting these reeds from the from behind these will light up a little bit so let's add that let's move to these lines that we created first and let's use alpha lock so that way we will only be able to paint on those reeds and let's pick the soft brush under airbrushing and we are just going to add some red to these weeds so pick that red and just go over this area close to the Sun just to add a little bit of red and we can also add a little bit of that orange just to warm it up and let's do the same for the plumes let's use alpha lock on the layer so we'll only be able to paint on those plumes now let's go over the edges a little bit let's make our brush a bit smaller let's go for four percent and just go over the edges and using that orange now but you can also use some Reds if that light is shining through those weeds hitting them from the side like for this one it'll be hit by the light as well that'll just give it that final touch let's also add some red just a little bit and you did it you created this sunset scene I hope you enjoyed the process and if you did then you might like my other you can draw this videos as well or if you already followed all of those tutorials then you might want to check out my patreon page thanks for following along and I'm looking forward to seeing your work on Instagram
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 139,519
Rating: 4.9621453 out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this sunset, you can draw this landscape, you can draw this, anyone can draw this, anyone can draw this landscape, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, art with flo you can draw this, procreate tutorial easy, procreate tutorial layers, you can draw this landscape in procreate, art channels on youtube, procreate easy drawing tutorial, procreate tutorial landscape, procreate ipad pro, procreate tutorial you can draw this, art with flo, procreate tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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