ANYONE Can Draw This Mushroom in PROCREATE | Procreate drawing tutorial for beginners

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you can draw this and procreate you can draw these magical looking mushrooms and procreate all you need are the brushes that are already in the app I will walk you through all the steps in this video and you will be learning by doing we will be using alpha lock Gaussian blur layer masks and more and I will teach you all about those features in procreate and if you like this video then be sure to check out my other you can draw these videos as well I've seen so many great results on Instagram if you want to get a chance to have your work featured in my next video then be sure to share it on Instagram and tag me in the image and maybe we'll see your artwork in the next you can draw this video well let's get started the canvas we'll be using in this video is 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels and I've made a color palette for you so if you want to use the exact same colors I'm using in this tutorial then you can just download them for free through a link in the description we will start with the foreground and we'll use this dark blue color and we will go to the brushes and select the mono line brush which is under calligraphy and our brush size is 20% and opacity is set to a hundred percent and we will start making a foreground we'll start just about here and we will make kind of a wobbly line because this is of course a church and which those magical looking mushrooms are growing all the way to the right side and now we can drag in the color just by dragging the circle onto our layer and now we will move to the background so we will need to make a new layer by clicking the plus here and we will drag it below our four groans they're just pick up that layer and drag it underneath that foreground layer and we will switch brushes now we will go to airbrushing and select the soft brush and we will start making a gradient in the background first let's pick this lighter blue and I have my brush size set to about 22% and let's just turn up the opacity to a hundred percent now let's start glazing in color some lighter blue here and we'll use this darker blue at the top and I'm going to turn down the opacity for some more subtle effects let's go to 70% I'm going back to that lighter blue now let's set the brush size to 30% I don't want to get some variation in that background some liar spots and also some darker spots you don't have to give this too much thought it's like a blurry background which you can also see in a photo when yeah when you have a sharp-looking but foreground and a a more blurry looking background let's also use this light purple you can add some of that as well Darrin if you would like to soften the whole gradient soft look a little bit more then you can go to the magic wand here and use Gaussian blur and you can increase the blur by sliding your pen to the right you can go all the way to 100% but then you won't see any of those details that we made so let's just do 5% a very subtle blur now we'll make a new layer on top of this blurry background there and we will switch brushes we will go to the soft airbrush and let's pick this dark blue my brush size is at 20% and the opacity is at 44% and now let's just add some random branches in the background just some wobbly lines and this will give our painting a a bit more interest in me it makes it look a little bit more interesting with a background like this it gives some context to our mushrooms so just place some random branches like this and now let's also add some light effects we use this light purple for that let me make the brush a little bit bigger let's go to 30% you know let's just add some random lights here's an extra little magical touch to our scene just randomly place some of these lights now let's blur this background just a little bit more by going to the magical well the magic Wang again and then use Gaussian blur and slide to the right just a little bit too let's do 5 percent again there now we have a nice-looking background let's work on that for brown a little bit more well click layer 1 which is the foreground and click the plus to add a new layer and I will click this new layer and select clipping mask this way whatever we paint on layer 4 will only show up on the place where there are pixels on layer 1 so let's just demonstrate let me grab this pink there you can see that the paint is only showing up on that layer 1 even though it is all over the layer 4 you can still only see it where there are pixels on layer 1 now we are going to add some texture to that foreground and we will go to the texture brushes where are they here texture brushes and we will use the Keira Wong brush to add yeah some some texture to this foreground I have my brush size set to 10% and I'll I'll press only slightly to add a subtle effect as if this is real soil we can make the brush a bit smaller let's say 7% just maybe a bit bigger I'd say 20 and I'm only using very slight pressure I think the edge of the soil looks a bit too smooth right now so let's fix that by going back to that layer one and selecting that dark color again and we will use a charcoal brush right here we will use the burnt tree and I have to brush size set to three percent and let's just go over that edge to make it look a bit more well soily a bit more like soil a bit more textured because of course that four round wouldn't look so smooth soil doesn't have these smooth lines so let's just add this textured edge perhaps you know it already but I actually have a patreon page where I share lots of fully narrated digital art tutorials so if you want to go more in depth and learn more about digital painting techniques then be sure to check that out I think that looks better let's get started drawing those magical looking mushrooms we will use the mono line brush for that which is under calligraphy let's select this color here and let's set the brush to 10% and let's draw the stems of our mushrooms first we will make three mushrooms and of course we do need to make a new layer for it so go to your layer palette select the layer that is on top of all the others and then click the plus to make a new layer above the others and on this one we will start painting those stems let's make one diagonal here you can make it look a little bit wobbly that line and let's close this shape and you can drag in a color to fill your little stem now let's make one here as well also diagonal make a parallel line next to it and close that shape again so you can drag in the color like this and fill it now I've heard there were some people that have some trouble filling shapes sometimes and they experience that their whole canvas would fill with the color so let me show you a little trick on how you can adjust the weight your shape is filled you can drag in the color and then you can't slide like this and nothing will really happen well if I turn it up to 100% my whole screen will fill and you can turn it down to lower that threshold and that is extremely useful when you are using a pencil like brush for example which is a little bit textured if you lower that threshold then you are able to fill shapes which are made with eight chalk pencil for example so very useful but it could happen that you have it at a hundred percent and then every time we try to fill a shape your whole canvas will fill so that's what you can do to adjust that let's move on let's start drawing those little hoots on these mushrooms we'll make a new layer again yeah bleh your five selected and click the plus to make a new layer and we will select this nice pink color and we still have the mono line brush selected we will start making these hoots first we'll make kind of like a half oval on top then we close the shape with some wobbly Alliance and if you go too far you can just use the eraser to fix that and again you can drag in the color to fill it let's go to this one on the left again make a big oval and then close the shape with a wiggly wavy line like this and I will make another hood on the one in front and we'll make a new layer for that so make sure you have layer six select it and click the plus to make a new one and again make half a novel and close the shape with a wavy line and fix it if needed using the eraser you can drag in a color to fill this shape now we have three basic mushrooms for the next step we will make a new layer below these mushroom layers so let's click layer four which has that texture on it and click the plus so now we have a layer that is below the stems and below those hoods and I want to get a good few of the mushrooms in the back so I'll turn off the hood and front right now you can just click this little square to make it invisible now we're going to make the inside of the hood start here on the outside and make a wavy line to the other side and then be sure to close to your shape by looping around and now you can fill it like this and let's do the same thing on this side make a wavy line to the other side and close your shape like that and we will turn down the opacity of this layer so that that hood has a little bit of a transparency just click the end on the layer and slide this to the left to 60% and now it has a nice transparency and we can turn on layer seven again now let's have some fun and add some light to these mushrooms we will make new layers again and we will make these above these hood layers first we'll make a new layer above layer six which has these two hoods on it click the plus and use a layer clipping mask so whatever we paint will only show up on these hoods and we will also pick another layer blending mode we can do that by clicking the end and then we'll go to add and now we'll select another brush we will go to airbrushing again and pick the soft brush and we will pick this yellowish color our brush size is still well let's turn down our brush size to 14 percent and our opacity is at 70% and now let's add some light to these mushrooms just glaze on top near the top of that mushroom and on this side just add some light on top let's add an even brighter light by picking this yellow just a little bit of that brightest light on top and let's do the same for the mushroom in front so now click layer 7 which has that single hood on it click the plus and then select clipping mask and again click the end and set the layer blending mode to at first we'll pick this yellow again gently glaze on top to add that light and then we'll pick the brightest yellow again or that top next let's have some fun with some luminance brushes in the brush menu we will go to luminance right here and select the light brush and we will go back to the roots layer like layer six the one with the two boots and we will select alpha lock this kind of locks the pixels that are already on the layer making it impossible to add pixels in places where there aren't any pixels yet so we will only be able to paint on the pixels that are already there now we will pick the pink and we will start making some lines upwards towards that top of the mushroom [Music] and my brush size is 7% [Music] just follow the shape of the mushroom and make it flow towards that top [Music] let's do the same for this one [Music] [Music] you just follow that shape let's also go along this edge here to lighten that up and also here for this mushroom now let's do the same on this layer with the single hood again click the layer select alpha lock and make these lines towards the top of the mushroom and for this one we'll also add a little light along the edge [Music] just like that and we'll do this same thing for the inside of the hood so we need to go to this layer with the purple on it layer eight click it again and use alpha lock and we'll pick this purple and again we will make these lines going to the top of the mushroom and also for this side [Music] for our next step we will start to work on the stems they look a bit boring right now don't you think so let's go to that layer with the stem sonnet layer 5 and click the plus to make a new layer and we will clip this new layer to our stems layers so what you need to do is click the new layer and select clipping mask and we will set this layer to add so we will add some light on this layer to do that we will go back to our airbrush the soft brush right here and let's pick this yellow first we'll set our brush to 5% and we'll start painting on this left side of the stem all the way down here on this stem we will lighten the right side [Music] and some of this part of this stem here [Music] now let's also use the pink right here to add a little bit of pink light as well I'll make the brush a little bit smaller let's say 2 percent the opacity is at 70 just give it a little bit of a rim light now let's add another layer on top of this one by clicking the plus and selecting clipping mask again and for this layer we will pick multiply so slide up and select multiply this will make everything darker and let's select the purple for now [Music] and let's darken this right side here let's put a brush at 5% start with this one as well and the left side here finally one little touch a final touch as you can see these stems they don't really blend with the underground now to fix that we can use a layer mask let's go to the layer with the stems click it and select mask now using black as a color we can mask part of this layer and we will use this burn tree charcoal for that and now we'll just block some little parts of these stems and that way they will blend with the underground a bit more just making some little dabs to make them blend there it is you did it magical looking mushrooms see you next time for the next digital art tutorial [Music]
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 102,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anyone can draw this mushroom, you can draw this mushroom, you can draw this, art with flo you can draw this, anyone can draw this, free procreate brushes, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, procreate tutorial, art with flo, digital art, digital painting, procreate ipad pro, procreate easy drawing tutorial, procreate easy drawing, ipad pro, ipad pro procreate drawing tutorial, procreate, you can draw this procreate
Id: RjFZjok2bvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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