ANYONE Can Draw This Planet in PROCREATE | How to draw Saturn using FREE Procreate brushes

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anyone can draw this in procreate you can draw this planet as well if you just follow these easy steps in this video all you need is procreate and we will be using the brushes that come standard with procreate so you don't need to get anything else let's get started first we will make a circle and we will use the Mona line brush for that it is part of the calligraphy brush set that is already in procreate so the Mona line and we will pick a color for our planet let's do a little bit of orange and we will just draw a circle it doesn't have to be perfect just hold your pen and then tap with your finger on the screen to make a perfect circle now you can click this little arrow to move it around you want it to be in the center maybe let's go down just a little bit there and now you can drag the color into that circle to fill it now that we have our planet let's add the Rings to Saturn like rings we'll make a new layer for this just click the plus here and let's make some rings I'll pick a lighter color for this just for some variation now let's make a circle around our planet just hold your pen again tap your finger and we have a perfect circle and we can use that arrow again to move it around just a little and we will make a disk so we need another circle that's bigger than this one perhaps a bit like this hold it again and use that arrow there and to fill this disk we need to merge these two layers you can do it up by just squeezing them together and then dragging that color there and then we have our first disk for our planet but we want to get some more and we don't have a lot of space so let's make them a little bit smaller I select both layers you can do that by dragging you gotta want a little bit to the right now we have both layer selects it and we can make it a bit small of it look like this we don't want it to be squashed so make sure that you select uniform that way you can squash your planet drag it to the middle again and let's make some extra disks around that first disk so we'll make a new layer again we'll make a smaller disk or thinner disk this time we'll just adjust it by using the transform tool maybe a little bit smaller it's very close to that first disk and again make a new layer and go around that circle and as you can see you don't have to be great at drawing circles oh yeah you don't have to be great at drawing circles because procreate will up we'll fix that for you and again squeeze them together to be able to fill that disk now let's make one final very thin disk Oh increase the brush size a little bit and we'll make a small outer ring tap the screen there and we can move it around with that little arrow there now we have created three disks in varying sizes and to make things a little bit more interesting let's vary the opacity as well let's take this one too perhaps 65% and then we have that outer ring maybe 275 now we have some variation in opacity now of course we want a more of a side view of the planet not this we had this view from up top of course so we will transform the Rings to fit them around our planet we need to do first is merge these layers of the Rings there they're all merged now and we will transform the Rings let's make this a little bit smaller there we'll go to the selection tool and then click distort now we can just drag this part and as you can see it's flipping it's flipping those rings and will enable to give that nice perspective we can stretch it a little bit here a little bit here there it fits nicely around the planet now and of course we don't want this part here to be visible because that will be behind a planet so how can we remove this little part in a handy way well what we can do is go to that planet layer and select it we'll use this the selection tool and select automatic now if you click or if you touch that planet it automatically selects the planet and if we go to the Rings now and use the eraser we can only erase anything that is inside the selection so we won't be able to erase this part but we are able to erase this part part that we want to erase there perfect of course we're not finished here this is not it we want to add some texture to our planet a way to do that is by going to your planet layer and then select alpha lock this way we can add texture on the planet and not go outside of the edges because we already have this perfect round shape and we don't want to mess that up like I said we'll be using procreate standard brushes and let's try using the spray paints well go for the splatter brush and we will first pick a color that is a little bit more reddish and a little bit darker than the color that our planet has right now we'll just drop in some of that splatter texture just go over the entire ball and now we want to create some bands like this and you want to take care that you since it's a ball shape a planet shape it's round so you want to get a nice curve here you don't want to make straight lines you want that you want that ball like shape so make slight curves [Music] there now let's also grab a lighter color there's a lighter bands [Music] just make a slight curve there now wouldn't it be nice to have a cool background for this maybe a little bit darker since a planet like this wouldn't be floating in a white space so we can just click the background color and then look for a nice purplish blue make it look a little bit more blue something like this okay now let's work on the Rings they're a bit boring and flat right now it's a cool way to make them look a little bit more translucent and more like there's those little well actually there are very large rocks of course but a little bit more spackled we can use a layer mask just click the layer and go to mask and let's fill it with black first oh they're gone out and now we'll use the splatter brush again to paint the rubble the the Rings back in now if you want to grab white because you want to paint it back in with white an easy way to do that is by double tapping in this white corner to grab the white and I will just paint those rings back in a little bit bigger and now they look nice and spackled there and let's also give them some more color variation I'd like a little bit of life purple maybe oops of course we do need to select alpha lock otherwise we will be painting outside the shape I'm just gonna light it up a little bit I'm still using that same splatter brush and also some very light blues [Music] there what i'd like to do now is add a shadow' to the planet to give it a little bit more well a little touch of realism to do that I will be making a new layer and set it to clipping mask now we'll paint a shadow on this new layer that is clipped to the planet layer and to do this we will make a selection now select the ellipse selection tool and make a nice circle something like this and we will select invert but because we want the shadow to be on this side and not here we're going to invert the selection and we'll use feather to make it a bit softer now [Music] let's fill let's fill it with a nice dark bluish tone just drag it on your layer and let's set it to multiply here and we can also adjust the opacity a little bit and if you don't like the way your shadow is looking if you want to change it a little bit you can just go to that little arrow and perhaps turn it around a little bit [Music] like this and you can play around with the opacity making it darker or lighter and if you feel like this edge is maybe a little bit too harsh what you could also do is go to that little magic wand and then to Gaussian blur and slide it to make that edge even more subtle there our background is looking a little bit boring just that flat dark blue purple we want to add something like that to the environment so we'll make a new layer and drag that below our planet layer appropriate is a pretty cool brush it's called the nebula brush here under luminance and that will allow us to make some cool nebula cloud like shapes here I grab some blue and let's just add a little bit of nebula a little touch of nebula magic maybe some purple just some light purple Derrida already looks so much cooler and maybe we also want to add some stars now procreate also has a brush with some stars this glimmer brush let's select it but when you use it what you see is these are way too many stars we don't want that many so let's tweak the brush a little bit just select a brush here and we'll go to stroke you want the spacing to be a lot bigger let's turn it to max and we also want there to be small and bigger stars so we'll go to dynamics and here you see size dynamics we want them to change up we want big big stars little stars we want them all so you want to turn up that cheater will turn it all the way to max now let's see what that will look there that's a lot better don't you think you can just drop all these stars here whoa there now we have a nice background for our saturn-like planet but these stars this brush might also be cool to use for these drinks to add a little bit of extra to these rings some sparkly sparkly extra rings so let's do that I'll make a new layer above the Rings layer and we will have to tweak this glimmer brush again maybe we'll turn down the jitter a little bit because we don't want too much jitter and we'll also turn down the spacing we want them to be wait closer and we'll also turn the cheater hair down a little bit and let's just look what it looks like let's make a line let's not worry about about it going through that that planet we'll fix that later and you can just pull these handles to tweak it a little bit and you can also play around with the opacity turn it down and we'll make a new layer for more of these ellipses and just hold at it shape and we'll continue to make more of these ellipses to add some interest to our rings and play around with the capacity you know with the size just vary the size of the brush and the placement and we can also play around with the color a little bit let's also try some bright purple for instance and let's adjust a spacing just varied these rings a little bit [Music] maybe one that's a little bit bigger there now we have created a variety of rings and we can start fixing this area again so we'll merge these all by squeezing them and again we can select the planet we'll go to the selection tool to automatic and select the planet and again we can use the eraser to erase this part of the Ring [Music] there now we have a pretty cool-looking planet we can tweak a little bit more by adding some more light let's go to the spray paint again medium nozzle maybe add some light here maybe some shadow on this part and now that we've made this area a little bit darker these these sparkly lights are a little bit too bright so we can use the mask just select the layer and select mask now let's go to where is it airbrushing soft brush and we'll pick a gray to mask this out a little bit make it a little bit more subtle this is it a planet created using all the brushes that well not all the brushes the brushes that come with procreate now I'm just going to continue working on it a little bit longer using my new texture brushes and some glitter brushes to spice this planet up a little bit more if you want to use those brushes as well you can find a link in the description if you like this video and if you really like digital art just like me then consider subscribing I will see you next time for the next video have a great day [Music]
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 87,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anyone can draw this planet, how to draw saturn, real time drawing tutorial, digital painting tutorial for beginners procreate, procreate free brush, real time digital drawing tutorial, how to draw saturn step by step easy, how to draw digital art step by step, easy digital art tutorial, things to draw on procreate for beginners, procreate drawing tutorial for beginners, procreate tutorial real time, procreate, art with flo, procreate tutorial, anyone can draw this
Id: vFupq7n-Ia8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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