HOW TO PAINT A GALAXY - Apple Pencil painting and drawing tutorial on iPad Pro in Procreate

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[Music] the next user I'm going to be showing you how to paint a galaxy spiral like this as well as a general starry background I'll say a massive thank you to the people that have already shown me some support over and my patreon page if you're interested to hear more about that and some of the rewards but I offer to my patrons please check out the link in the description below okay the first thing we will do is going to change the background now by default it will be on a white background core but I want to change it to obviously the color of space of and I guess you could go for something in some very deep blues and just make it a touch off from the darkest of blacks so before I even begin on the Galaxy shape and spiral itself I'm going to create a general source setting of stars where that I'm going to begin that is first of all select a hard brush and I'm going to select quite a small size for this but it does matter in Dominica's I'll show you what things I can do to change the scale of that anyway and I'm going to use two different course stars I'm going to use a Capell blue and I'm also going to use a pale orange I'll start with a pale blue it's probably going to be more of this color and there is going to be the orange so these the ones I'm going to start with I'll do them on separate layers so the way one I'm going to start with some general sort of blue points just takes a few minutes just to do some random stars across the screen so that something might be close together some of the more spaced apart just generally one start fill-in screen so there's no obviously some blank areas screen to need to take too long this just a couple of minutes okay so I've got enough to begin with for now I'm going to create another layer but I'm going to on this second layer do some warmer kind of stars now initially when you start doing that there might not be darkness or tend to notice it when you shrink down the scale I'll just get some more in before commit to doing that I said I don't think of it as many of the warm core I just want to sort of break up the the monotony of the blue skiddoo a few points of interest really amongst it and I'll do for those two layers I'm quite happy with the the cold and me will the warm and make the cold colors there so I'm going to merge two so just pinch the two layers together and it should merge them working digitally so let's use the medium to our advantage and it's going to swap the left and duplicate a layer now what I can do is go to the arrow here and I can move our layer around so I think just to fill the sky them all I'm going to do is in a flip it here and it's instantly created sort of double of the effects over to show you with and without I'm going to duplicate a layer again but this time when I selected I'm going to take the corn I'm going to drag it down fill a quarter of flat screen or approximately a course or anyway I'm going to choose to duplicate that again again to give us a course here I'm going to repeat that process so it'll not for all four quarters so I'm going to take this top four pinch them together so and you can see that I've added quite a lot now I'm going to do is duplicate that layer again I'm going to click I'm really start to fill up the sky now so what might do is merge all those layers together I think I'm going to duplicate them again and this time I'm really going to do quite a lot of this wall and once I get a variety of sizes some of these stars are going to be in the distance or further in the distance they're going to be much subtler the effect of them this time I'm going to do quite a few of them I'm going to take that one I just created duplicate a select again leave it longer it's going to start to pile them up you want to click everyone again just to remove any sense and Lobby repetition or bands doing good we shouldn't really notice that kind of thing anyway so there we go we've got thousands of little tiny points of light now that's kind of the perfect kind of general Spacey I've got one main layer there and all the rest are small ones if I think that they're completing to image with the bigger lies because remember something the distance I guess it would be emitting less light but wanted to subdue it slightly I could just send me a pasty down to get a bit more of a knocking back so put it out especially pretend something in that region and now let us show you some of them are definitely more apparently other than of grain that means that if you do zoom in there seems to be death more more and more depth as you zoom in which is great that's for the general canoe starry sky or monster though you would tend to get some that stand down more than others so I'm going to create another layer and I'm going to go back around the color wheel some are cooler schoolers this time I'm going to move off the hard core I want to go to a soft brush this time but on the size of the brush quite low really low opacity and let's now go around the canvas creating a few areas where might be some brightest task once we create all those and do need to then go back over them with a white turns brush size down maybe zoom in a little bit this time just honker could really bright light right in the center that way it's going to give a real focus point of light in the center of that kind of hazy or blue go back to the blue and I'll just pick on this one is turn the brush down to the apostate way down better turn it really way down and build up gradually just a slight sense of like a proper star where the light is kind of so brightening you know these starbursts might be the same for all until the others if you're doing it like this me doing one vertical one horizontal then do them all that done start twisting them and getting a going in different directions I think it's just a more a feature of a lens that's taking the photograph than anything really and these are all in a separate layer so if I wanted to duplicate that again I could make more of these so I could make smaller versions move around with it so does an obvious duplication I could even go on to my clause and change the set of color schemes and so can certainly richness of the OP and whether you can notice it here but it's here so it's gone from the blue versions for more adventures I have a green one or a blue one totally whatever colors really and costing with a wall an orange I'm going to start thinking about more of the kind of galaxy spiral features at this point the way I'm going to begin I'm going to create another layer so I'm using lots of layers on this so sometimes I'm creating than been emerging demand occurring more than merging them rather than keeping all the layers intact because you can see I've used lots of layers to create this overall effect so really would become completely unmanageable to leave them all condense or flatten the layers where necessary but some of the features of the galaxy spiral now I gave you lapses or one flattened layers the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my kind of blueish cause you know make sure that I'm scones good its own size a hook capacity way down to a test that they chemically soar like just want to create a general kind of lightness in the area of a constructive pregnant or shot down as a gradually not flatten my shape out a little bit so I just wanted to create a sense of overall light in my area primarily focusing all the attention to therapy the Galaxy itself is going to be emitting a lot lots of light now the outskirts how can the galaxy spiral is going to be mainly cool the colors what was in the center I just need to generally show the impacts of the of the galaxies the whole area I feel like now looking at that layer I want to change the course while it's more towards B Berkeley and not too much going to show you how it started slightly greeny blue wanna change its analogous Holly model perfectly versions now I'm going to create another layer and using the same brush book taking the size of it way down I'm going to start creating the overall and alarms and texture of the galaxy sunspots so be more individuals of strands and features now that would start to show up amongst it before I do any more need to move more towards end of that keeping it quiet Lee's not doing solid lines and conniving throat in texture so though you might get like a general even a recognizable sort of spinning off arm on the galaxy Laurel it's not going to be one solid line it's very much kind of my cloud texture really [Music] this time I'm going to go to the warmer end I'm going to not go for the orange like was before us I'm gonna go the slightly more ready orange color the same thing again so I'm going to go for a large-size really low opacity but I'm just going to start adding more of the warmth in that middle section again stand soft and brush and fill in some warm colors just remember this isn't a separate layer some concentrating cause bit more for some center to do is go to the lighter versions the same thing to the brush size down and start adding more of an intense in fact not in the process just to get slightly bigger shade in my very first it was white turn it down slightly and we start to focus in that light source and essentially it gets brighter I can really start to reduce the size of the brush it is going to come to almost like a a point in the center think what I'd like to do is create another layer and this time go for something between the orange in the blue which would get me more self pinks and purples when I show a real kind of range of cause some kind start to bright still not want me to go back towards the perfectly cause maybe slightly redder version do you want it to sort of work with the orange exact and the opacity way down again nothing that's going to look quite nice and actually going to bring the orange in the blue together just a hint of of a pinky purple and if I want that I can go back to the orange and restate that open source center area so we're just absolutely yellow before I guess to the brightest white ghosts you can see a transition from blue to purple to pinky colors to more of a ready orange and then more we yellow for a guess - the white so that's the general kind of shape and color scheme but now what I'm going to start doing is adding more texture into there so I'm going to use more towards the red one Samia passed you down having Center I think prefer the effect of building things up in subtleties now I'm going to start doing is in this sort of purple area remember the color of chosen is quite already color anyone else especially suitors in this particular area not going to be completely black it's going to not going to be so dark it's definite going to have some color in it remember this is the top layer now I'm working on so it's going to go over the light source in areas you cannot find your way with a little bit chances are it's going to get less apparent if it goes behind there and it's going to be stronger and block out some of that light as it comes out in front of it you can probably hear from the clicking of the Apple pencil I'm not doing this in solid movements and allowing it to be quite textured it's not really a brush this ideal for this so I'm just using like a say the airbrush and just doing the texture manually so the light source is going to obstruct those shapes it's going to be behind the light source so you won't see it as dark in the background but when it comes in front of it you start to see it a bit more vividly you can follow the line of the spiral it will blink around it's loose but it does kind of clump together as a general spiral shape so actually I'm going to move to slightly more the orange and then when it gets towards the center this texture it's going to be comprised more of a kind of a dark orange I think it needs to be even brighter it's going to seem pretty dark next to the whitest of white anyway I don't want to have a look jet black I want to inject some warmth and for that I won't be texture to look illuminated by the light when you go back to the dark Laura Graham ready version I'm just going to darken up some of these areas walk around really a bit more elastic so can really get some darker areas in Nana because of this it can be even darker slightly less reading it has come it's maybe some arms of the galaxy spiral seem to be sort of heading off away I'm going up in this direction one coming off this side perhaps you decide so I'm just going to darken up sort of the texture in the bit that's closest so you might if it's a camera taking a picture I'm gonna do the darker tones in this more foreground area can able to give it back to my lighter calls drink some more towards the center it's great another layer and I'm going to go to the lightest sources slightly yellow version of it feel like I just want to create a bit more light on the top area here I'm going to do next it's kind of like I'm going to go back to my blue tones it might be slightly more towards the rich blue rather than the greeny blue I'm going to start working some extra areas of light into some of the bits that go around here so I don't want it to look like the only light source is going to be from the center it would be sort of extra concentrations of not quite sure what it would be called of such Williams not an astronomer typically know more about the cosmos could comment in the comments below and actually inform the rest of us what these kind of names of the features are going to be there might be some extra sort of illuminated areas around the edges to give you a little bit of light escaping from how underneath well helps if you can try and imagine it as more of a 3d form really only opacity up and the side of the brush down I'm going to go from a lighter version just really focus the eye in certain areas again some sort of broken texture kind of model what - it would be good some more and around different areas too [Music] just a little bit time on another layer going back and create some more stars this time I'm going to stick with some cooler colors I'm going to concentrate the cooler stars around it kind of outskirts and I'll do a series of warmer one can keep those concentrates towards the center you know turn the opacity up put it back to a hard brush this time because only want some really strong spots of light so I'm going to move to the warmer versions now I mean start picking out so they the warm the core scraps more towards the center until you size up can give some real bright Y ones now in there too so because this is such a bright light source compared to the rest of its probably blown out some of that images on camera so I'm going to turn the brightness way down so that perhaps you can see that he tell a bit more on camera I'm going to start working in some other texture into this area now so I'm going to use quite a dark red color I'm just going to go into some of these areas so just playing around with some of the colors a little bit now so maybe use some more of the purples and some of them to lose some of the effects mix them to get a little bit in areas again no more or feet to blue only outer edge the moccasin layer is ready mingle together but generally it's more of the blue focused on the outside so much still want to now where we're gonna get a real bright star in the midst I'm going to turn the size up and they passed it way down I put one in here and the gradually and towards the white and reduce the precise put it in the center of there you should get rid of kind of glowing effect then right and the brush size down the center continue working until you get the brightest why Brian in it so it's going to spend a little bit more time now just adding some fine-tune details to make sure some bright points and little stars around the galaxy spiral and then we'll see what we end up with in the end [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm going to leave it there for today anyway I've enjoyed the demonstration can anybody do a lot more kind of space art as well as tutorials on how to show different elements like water via skies and landscapes as well please check through my playlist I'll leave them in the description and also likely a massive thank you to the people that have already been over to my patreon page and show me some support I'd like to do this full-time in the future and the more support I get the more videos like this I'm going to be able to create in the future to really appreciate taking it on for the video I have to catch you back here again
Channel: James Julier Art Tutorials
Views: 419,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a galaxy, how to paint stars, how to paint space, how to paint cosmos, how to paint the milky way, apple pencil drawing, apple pencil painting, apple pencil art, ipad art, ipad painting, ipad drawing, procreate art, procreate painting, procreate drawing, procreate tutorial, procreate artist, ipad artist, procreate guide easy, painting on the ipad, painting with the apple pencil, drawing with apple pencil, digital painting tutorial on ipad, procreate app
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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