How to Replace Anxiety with Joy | Sadie Robertson Huff and Dante Bowe

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all right dante bo welcome to the whoa that's good podcast what's up thanks for having me so excited that you're here we're so excited uh christian and i have both been pumped for this interview because your music is some of our favorite in fact when your new album circles just came out literally the second i saw it draw i was like stayed up in my hotel room and listened to every single song so big big fan love your music and um incredible worship leaders so seriously so stoked to have you on um but i will start this podcast the way i start every podcast on the show with what is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given wow just just drop it like it's hot okay there's been so many great things i feel like people have told me um over the years but just this one came to my head um it was like it was a manager in the industry and they said be careful how you pe treat people going up because they'll be the same people you have to meet when they're coming up on when you're coming down so wow you know just be careful how you treat people going up and um that's so good like the lower your the lower you're supposed to be so that's so good i love that humility is definitely key we i was actually talking to somebody the other day about how so many times we focus so much on like our public appearance and not our private life but it's actually your private life that gives life to anything you do publicly and so i love that it's so much more important for the behind the scenes moments well i haven't just loved watching your life just like explode in the past two years or so it's been amazing through maverick city or i know you're with bethel music now and you have your own stuff going on so everybody knows your voice but who is dante beau behind the voice what's your life look like um behind the voice i am a country boy from north carolina super simple low maintenance like just love like i literally live in the middle of nowhere i mean i'm in columbus georgia but yeah i'd say behind the voice i'm just a small town boy um that really really loves god so that's awesome did you always know that you wanted to lead worship or sing i think yeah i always felt like i was a good singer but i didn't i don't i wouldn't say i wanted to be that because i just never saw anyone in my family or around me ever accomplished anything like that but um i always felt like man i think i'm pretty good at this i always i always wonder if people who are really good like know that they're really good before people tell them you know because sometimes like you'll be i'll be like singing i'm like i wonder if like i'm actually good but i mean i clearly am not or i would have made it in that area of life but that's cool to hear you say that you kind of knew you had this talent um i love that you bring up your family and in your album i know you talk about your family a lot one of my favorite songs was the family tree song and how you talk about just that lie that people say it's not gonna get better and stuff what has your how has your family kind of helped the journey that you've been on like i am like super super close to my my mom my dad my grandparents and uh me losing my grandfather in 2020 the beginning of 2020 and um which was really a big year for me and it was supposed to be an exciting year and um that kind of shaped my music in and of itself you know i put out voice of god which was written when i found out he passed wow it was raining that day and the first line i wrote was uh i can hear it when the rain falls on my windowsill because i felt the presence of god in that moment even though it was a gloomy day but anyway yeah so i'd say like i have a close-knit family and they pretty much you know impacted my music in every way you know the lyrical content even sonically the r b undertones are like gospels soul undertones so even sonically and just lyrically they've impacted the whole thing if you ask me wow that's incredible that's so cool because i love that song so much it's so good i love promises too promises is like my favorite song especially during quarantine i just remember singing that song every day from the rising sun to the setting same because it just felt like our days were so repetitive you know just being locked in the house but knowing like god you're still faithful where did that song come from in you yeah we i wrote that song with a few of my friends from maverick joelle barnes the one that led it actually came to my house one day and he was in my living room he's like we want to record this song but we don't have a bridge and we don't know what we want to say and i'm like i might play it for me i'll try like i'll give my input and he plays it and i'm just like breaking down wow because um and this is before quarantine so we didn't even know wow how much of an impact this song would have this is before quarantine and so i'm just like oh my god this song is so beautiful and we ended up riding that bridge i put my trust in jesus my anchor to the ground my hope and firm foundation um he'll never let me down and we were just thinking about our friends and how some of them you know they started out with us and you know along the way kind of given up on the faith or just you know things got really really hard and they kind of you know doubted you know whether this whole thing is even real and honestly we wrote that bridge to prophesy over our friends one of our friends in particular and uh it was just a prophecy that maybe one day he'll sing this wow i put my faith in jesus my my anchor to the ground my hope and firm foundation he'll never let me down so wow yeah that's incredible i love how you you say stuff and it's so powerful and then you just go yeah like it's so good so you clearly have such a strong foundation in your own faith have you always been a christian or take us back when did your journey of faith really begin or maybe if you grew up a christian when did it strengthen yeah so i i i don't remember having an altar call moment in in and of itself i mean my my grandparents on both sides were pastors so i just always remember kind of being in church i guess from birth and um but i always say i had my first real encounter when i was 16 years old and in my room and i was a christian and did all the church things but also had all this peer pressure you know in school and like all the stuff that we all we've all been through and uh just kind of battling like man i'm living like two lifestyles like i want to just be all in with god but then it's hard when you have all these other things and you're young and you want to explore and you know you've been sheltered your whole life and all these different things but um at age 16 i was in my room listening to this gospel singer cara sheared i would listen to gospel all the time and um i broke down and just had this like life-changing encounter with god he just kind of like he just kind of overwhelmed me with i don't know i just felt like love wow i just felt really really loved and it led to an encounter that would literally mark my life wow um and that was when i was um i say i'm set free from you know i was dyslexic my whole life and so after that encounter i um i asked god i'm like okay if you are used to you say you are and you know i've been serving you my whole life and all this stuff i'm like i'm gonna pick up this bible it was a kjv bible and i was like i'm gonna be able to read this bible you know what i mean i'm gonna actually just pick it up and start reading it wow with clarity and um it that happened wow that happened come on tell my mom we started reading the bible every day together my mom wasn't really a believer she's straight away but she ended up giving her life to the lord when i was 16. wow i let my mom to christ oh my god and now i'm a songwriter oh my gosh that is amazing that's one of the coolest stories ever that is so crazy because i've struggled with dyslexia in my life too whenever i went through school and i didn't even realize it i always struggled with reading and i was like so embarrassed to read out loud because i pronounced everything wrong and like the whole thing and then like when i started doing what i'm doing now i would have never thought i would openly read the bible on stage in front of people and like like that is it would be crazy to me because i wouldn't even read in front of like 10 people because i would be embarrassed i'd say something wrong or pronounce it wrong and people would laugh and so it is so crazy like that god you know if he's calling you something everybody says like he will equip you but he really will and he'll walk you through those hard things in life or those things that you know the enemy presents as a challenge and so that is just like the coolest thing ever yeah that's dope i didn't know you went through that yeah that's so crazy so you said i was like wow and somebody just asked me um she started with dyslexia and she wants to be a leader and like she won't start a bible study but she's worried about reading the bible and she was asking me about how and i was telling her like well it's amazing you can listen to the bible on your phone and there are different ways but it's also cool that you can literally ask god to help you you know come out of that and that's amazing i know that's going to help a lot of people [Music] fam i get to tell you about my favorite socks i'm not even being dramatic and i know that might sound funny to have a favorite sock but when you choose a sock that actually fits your feet and actually feels good it is a game changer i mean it's kind of crazy that we spend so much on our shoes but we don't really care about our socks but how annoying is it whenever your sock slips off the back of your heel or you get blisters because it didn't stay in place well don't have to worry about that with feature socks features are absolutely amazing i wear them on walks when 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com slash woah that's f e e t u r e s dot com woah w-h-o-a for ten dollars off your first pair of features [Music] so i know you've been through some hard stuff too and actually i didn't know much about your life before doing this interview besides i loved your music so started reading up and i read that you were actually homeless just a few years ago and so in those moments where you're homeless and i want to hear a little bit about that how did you keep your faith to continue on the path that you felt like god was calling you to when it didn't look like it was going anywhere yeah so i i was a missionary for six years and ended up like being this worship pastor at this um at this huge church in north carolina and i i felt like god wanted me to follow my dreams i just i don't know i just i've never been that guy i'm always like more like just like i'm like what like what's more practical like how can i sleep pay my rent and like you know but i felt like the lord was like you should follow your dreams so i ended up doing that i had a promising thing waiting for me and it fell you just fell through wow work and so i moved in with my friend and i was just like can i stay here until you know i get on my feet or whatever i could have went home to my mom and dad but like i just i don't know i just felt like no i need to like i need to do this like i felt like god told me to do this and so didn't expect to fall into depression wow and anxiety and doubt and fear you know and when i was once confident where i was once confident i literally was like the most insecure you know what i mean um person and um my manager now who's my manager now came over to the house one day i used to order chick-fil-a every single day i like ubereats because i didn't want to leave i just slept on the couch and didn't want me and my manager came over and was just like what are you doing we shouldn't do music we should we should just like write stuff write about your you know experience whatever and so you know him he's the reason why i kind of got out of that whole depression to be honest and started doing more music and uh i moved to columbus into a one bedroom trailer and um i wrote every like all of the maverick city songs wow while i was living in this trailer my pastor was paying for the rent because i couldn't afford the rent come on ultimately just in there kind of like david in the field wow i was doing it up to nothing but i was right i wrote take me back in that kitchen that's like a small it's like a little blue that is the coolest thing oh those are the songs that came and my life changed because of those oh my god season of my life yeah yeah and a lot of other people's lives changed too because of that season of your life and that's what's cool even about your story when you came to have this encounter i think that's so cool you were listening to gospel because i just feel like so many people are having similar encounters because of the music that you put out and the lyrics that you've said like the voice of god all those things i mean i know i've cried to a lot of your songs many times and so it's just really cool that you're able to reach people in that way from a season of your life that you know was maybe harder different than it is now and so that that's amazing that's a good lesson and don't ever underestimate where god has you people look at things and they think like the stage is where it's at but it's actually sometimes in the one bedroom trailer that god really meets you in those powerful ways so that's incredible i i want you to write a book because your life is so cool like you need to write a book how about that the one who i just like writes the book um that's awesome another song that i love so much is your song joyful which i didn't know that you struggle with depression and anxiety so that makes that song even cooler that you have a song joyful first of all i love just like the beat and the whole vibe of the song but also the words are really cool where do you find your joy how do you find your joy in in those times that are hard because i think a lot of people they want to be joyful but they're like how is joy even obtainable in the world that we live in yeah i think for for me i just joy is just a choice that i've decided to kind of like make and um also in and i might freak people out but like just also like joy to me is just based on like my eternity like i feel like this is not the end so i'm not even like being joyful because of like good things happening in my life or like all those things i mean happiness comes with that stuff yeah i'm like oh this is cool like i prayed for this it happened awesome and but like my my joy is just based on what i know the end is and it's good you know i'm gonna be with jesus forever and i just feel like even if you're dealing with cancer or if you're dealing with dyslexia or like anything it's like you know i know this is not the end for me that there's always light at the end of the tunnel and um i i noticed a pattern when i was in i was a missionary for six years and i used to always have these seasons where i get really really upset like something would happen i'm like oh my gosh i can't believe this happened to me or oh my mom's going through this or you know my dad just had this problem and all these different things and i always get really really upset and i realized like oh it's a new season and that didn't even it's like it's funny now we're telling jokes like yeah family gatherings about it and we're like laughing about it with friends on the couch and when i when i started noticing that pattern i'm like that's cool okay so i know when i'm feeling this like anger or like this just overwhelming feeling i i always automatically think to myself oh this is not going to last night i'm actually viewing this from being in the middle of it instead of like hindsight and i need to just step outside of myself a little bit and view it that way so that's so good no it does that's such a good that's such good advice and such a good perspective because you're right like i think that's whenever we let you know the world still our joys when we get super narrow minded or we get super like this is the season that i'm in and it's horrible and is it ever gonna end all those things and i love how you said it's not like circumstantial joy it's like no matter what my circumstances are i'm looking towards an eternal joy and an eternal hope and so no that that's so good i love that [Music] have you guys heard of if you haven't this is about to save you a whole lot of time because let's be honest nobody wants to spend all their time having to go to the post office but makes it so much easier pretty much bringing the post office to you it's amazing has saved small businesses like etsy shops thousands of hours and tons of money with you get the services of the post office and ups all in one place plus you get a big discount on mailing and 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and you said i love that music can change a way sorry i love that music can find a way to inspire change and i thought that was really really cool and i mean all your songs are so powerful and the words really matter what do you hope as an artist and as a leader that people experience whenever they come and listen to your music um i hope they feel comfort and and loved and um and understood i guess yeah but i always try to write music that's really really honest to my life and if i'm saying it i live it like you know how legit live it and so i hope that people can like find themselves and just the different stories that i tell or even if it's like an intimate song with god i hope they can just find themselves in all of that and just feel like a little like man like i'm understood like someone else is going through this yep and being honest about it you know yep so that's so good well i can say from someone who listens i do feel understood and it helps put language to things i'm going through that i don't know what to say or it helps even give me language of truth that i need to sing over myself before i might even believe it and so your stuff is so good dante thank you so much for being on the school podcast everything you said is well that's good and i can't wait for people to listen to this and go listen to your album circles it's so so good um and i love how just genuine you are back to your original piece of advice you really do treat people in such a kind way even when i met you at passion and today you're authentically who you are and that means a lot it shines through so thank you so much thank you so much congrats on the baby thank you so excited we just made our uh baby playlist for you know the the day that we're going to labor and that you better believe we got some maverick city songs up in there we got all kinds of so we will be declaring that yeah well thank you dante thank you so much all right have a good one oh welcome to the podcast how's your day going hey oh my gosh it's so so great um michigan and so when we have a 70 degree day in april we just spend the day outside so i actually took a nap on the back deck because it is so beautiful and i love it that sounds like a great day i love it well what was the question that you sent in yeah well first off i just want to thank you guys so much for giving us this opportunity to connect and i've just heard these other questions from other people and it's so awesome to hear your perspective but i think a lot of people will um really relate to this especially your listeners um can we have another baby name hint oh shoot oh shoot she hit us with it that is a that that that's a mic drop i know and you know i guess we haven't given a baby name hit in a while have we nope we have not that but that was for a specific purpose yeah that was but now we're getting really close to baby so i will give you a hint okay this is a pretty good hint that is a good hand okay her first name and her last name start with the same letter oh that is a good hint that was a good hit so go ponder on that with all the other you know which oh i can't even say ponder because last time i said go ponder that somebody was convinced that it had to do with the word ponder i saw that tick tock that made me laugh and thought it was price but now that is exposed because it starts with an h all right or an r because we don't know what last name she's going to have so that's not true yes we do christian's trying to throw you off go ponder that one it could be that well thanks for being interested in our baby and um and being interested in her name and thanks for calling and asking the question absolutely thanks guys have a great day okay bye have a good day you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 57,895
Rating: 4.9618502 out of 5
Id: MyW87NwWrcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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