How to Trust God With Our Brokenness | Sadie Robertson Huff & Ellie Holcomb

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what's up what that's good fam i am so excited it is wednesday and this is a very special day i have someone on the podcast that i honestly can't believe we're not like real life friends and we should be because we have so many mutual friends um she has a new album out called canyon she's amazing her name is ellie holcomb and we want to welcome you to the word that's good podcast so welcome ellie so glad to be here i know i'm like air hug i love you so much from afar and so many of my people love you and that are your people too so it's fun to finally get to talk it's so great i'm so excited and i was kind of telling you this before we popped on but no matter who i get to interview it's so exciting because i get to really dive into their life and listen to their album and read whatever book they have or watch all the videos that they've done and you were so inspiring and every time i get to do that i feel so blessed to receive you know the things that you put out and so just a little sidebar for anyone who follows ellie or if you don't if you just go like stalk her life like i did you'll be very blessed because you have so many great things out in the world um you seem like just an incredible wife and mom and leader and just all the things and so before we get into all that i got to ask you the question of the way let's go podcast what is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given you know what my mom it's first it's just from my mom and it's it didn't even come in the form of advice but it just she just prayed first she prayed for her scripture that's good i and it's so interesting i was thinking you know with my kids i've got three kids and i was thinking how did i learn how to pray and nobody sat down and taught me my mom didn't say this is how you do it she just prayed over everything and so um i think i think uh i feel to me it feels the way that she if i could say it in a form of advice what she did it was talk to the friend talk to talk to the talk to the friend he's the he's the dearest person i know jesus and so i just am i think i think for me that has been um a really good one and then if i can do follow that up with a second i would say from my mother-in-law she uh is just lead with gratitude talk to the friend and lead with gratitude or like that's so pretty solid way to roll through life i love that and what better person people to come from than the moms in your life i love that so much and it's also cool whenever people it's like yes people give you advice and sometimes that sticks with you but it's also like the advice people live with is like sometimes it is the coolest thing ever like there have been people in my life that i look up to that honestly don't really know that well but i've learned so much from them not because they like said sadie you need to know this but because i just see how they live and i'm like that like that's how i want to live you know that's exactly that's exactly right and it's that is the kind that i don't know it just like rubs off it rubs off on you and sinks in really really deep yep it's so true okay it's so true because that's why you like you see instead of somebody just saying you should do this like you actually get to see the benefit of like why to do that it's like well i see this person talk to god i see the fruit of her life i want to do that too you know i think that's really exactly that's exactly right and i mean i will say this it used to make me i'm just thinking back to when i was in college you know and um or in high school drama we all know we all have that in our lives you know drama people saying things that hurt your feelings or whatever harder relationship things and and i mean my mom would just be like okay we're gonna pray i want you to pray about this and it honestly it used to make me mad yeah do you know like i just was like no tell me what tell me what to do mom i need i want you to like i want you to give me advice and she did plenty of that but never before having me get before the lord and she always said ellie here's the thing she was like you cannot get into the presence of god and stay the same wow you can't that's so good and so she was like i'm not saying that you're the only one that needs changing in here but you can for sure bet that your heart will change and that what god wants to do in you through this trial will happen if you spend time talking with him in his presence it's already thought well it used to make me really mad but it's really true it's really true that is so good i love that i was just telling someone um literally right before this podcast i was like right before i did this like i was trying to ask all these mentors like what should i do and like i wanted someone to say like either like do it or don't do it and nobody did either they didn't say do it they didn't sit on it they said ask god what you should do. and i was the same was kind of frustrated i was like well i really just would rather you tell me what to do but i was so glad like they didn't and because you're right like when i talk to god i i it changes me and it actually leads me to what he wants me to do and it's always the best thing for me to do and no other person can tell me you know what i need to know more than god himself and yes they can encourage you and influence you and we all need mentors and we want to be humble enough to receive but at the same time like unless we allow god to change through us and we're never going to do it you know we're never even going to take the advice they give so and he is like the best listener and the kindest ear to pour out your heart there's one psalm that i love that talks about i pour out my size before the lord and i just i i love that i think right now especially all of us no matter what stage of life we're in there are lots of things to sigh about like just oh god i am weary from this season and so i just i for i still i still have to be reminded to go get in front of him and my and my mom and my husband there are people in my life that remind me to do that where i'm like stressing out what do i need to do and it's like no go talk to three friends go talk to the friend i love it that is such good advice so you mentioned your husband you and drew are both like artists musicians and which i find incredible me and christian are not like that at all like i can't even imagine us like trying to be like that because it would be so funny but i love that about y'all so back it up you know a lot of people know y'all now but how did y'all how did y'all actually meet yeah he was my best guy friend in college we went to the university of tennessee which makes me want to say like go balls but really i'm like ah we've struggled for a while now just go sports we go sports go athleticism um i but he was we were very very dear friends we met literally actually on the steps of a party i was coming down he was coming up and i'm super friendly and i you know i said hey what's your name said my name's drew what's yours ellie and i said what'd you do today and he actually said sadie he said i actually flew a plane for the first time by myself he was getting his pilot wow that's so cool so we fast forward uh a lot of heartbreak in between there he best girlfriend had a super like awful like hard relationship in uh college um a lot of like um i don't know how deep are we gonna go here like spiritual uh physical like all some abuse you know just not great and so um i had and and god you know i knew better than to be in a situation like that like i knew all the right things yeah and and just kind of lost my way and so i found myself um just grieving uh when that came to an end and i didn't even have the courage to end it um the the the guy ended it thank god he had some sweet mentors in his life so this is a great reason to have mentors who just said you've pretended to be a lot of things that you are not in this relationship um and do you want to pretend for the rest of your life wow or not and he had the ring sadie i mean it was like you know like he like so on the day that he was supposed to propose to me ended up calling calling it off which was like super embarrassing and sad and devastating but sadie the way that god met me wow like i just i felt like i had done um just like not made the best decisions not made the healthiest decisions that got myself into this unhealthy relationship and the way that god met me i'm like all i feel like i have done is spit in your face god and run in the other direction say i know you love me god but i just i so my idol was i think i just want a man to love me like i just want to i want some somebody to love me i think my idol was kind of this like getting married kind of thing and and man when that ended and god said i am still here and i still love you and i see you and i know that you've been running hard and fast in the other direction and i you are still my beloved it's like that hosea story i started reading redeeming love by francine rivers and i was like i just felt i was like i'm going to go join a convent he is the one he is the one true lover of your soul and i think i had gotten to this point in that unhealthy relationship where i felt um i don't know i and i talked to a lot of other girls we've volunteered with young life over the years and i hear this in a lot of girls story but feeling very much used and then discarded and feeling i think the words that would have described me would have been unloved unwanted and unworthy and in that place god came and said no you are my beloved and i am yours i am the one true lover of your soul and nobody is gonna be able no man is gonna be able to love you like i'm gonna be able to love you and i was like yeah what comment do you want me to join god that's amazing love with him and it was uh you know it's so interesting i think sometimes the broken parts of our story i spent so much of my life um trying to be good enough and love god and other people enough and that's not really the gospel you know like the gospel tim coming hard and fast when we're running in the other direction and louis giglio says this our friend but god didn't come to make bad people good people he came to make dead people alive people yeah and so that is what he did in my life and why i am so grateful and uh here i thought this was this thing this relationship was this thing and that ended and it felt like a death and god just said watch what i'm going to do with this i'm going to transform your heart i actually have this person that you never thought that you would marry i swore sadie that i would never i'll get back to drukes i love him so much i swear i would never marry a musician wow i swore i would never do music myself and i swore that i would never marry my best guy friend from college drew holcomb because we would sing together and everybody would be like oh that's a thing and i was like oh no it is not he is like my brother that's so weird and i think god has a sense of humor and i'm so happy about it is that not crazy [Music] all right friends i want to tell you something that's going to save a lot of time if you are anything like me and you know like to shop but don't always have the time to go actually shop for clothes in this world of zoom meetings and all the different things that we're doing constantly being photographed sometimes it's nice to have something new but again you don't want to spend that much money you don't want to go shopping but stitch fix makes it so easy to shop for clothes that i think you'll absolutely love stitch fix offers clothing hand selected by expert stylist for your unique style size and budget it's completely different and it's a very fun way to find clothes that you'll love to wear every piece is chosen for you and to fit you and your lifestyle but it's done by experts and sometimes that's the hard part of shopping it's like maybe this is cute maybe it's not 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actually gonna marry my best guy friend and i am gonna be a musician and like how did you let god change your plan how did he change that course so i um was so happy when that relationship ended uh drew and i had you know not been as close because i'm here like preparing to be married to this other guy but i missed drew so much and so i saw him and i was just like oh my gosh it is so good to get to be your friend again so we started talking immediately and he had kind of he always says he was like i was always like oh yeah i'm gonna see we're gonna see about that later i know she's not ready to date this other guy whatever so he had really been like sad but just hands off you know respectfully like she's gonna marry this other guy and when he heard he was driving knoxville he heard that we had broken up he was like oh no oh no i got it he was like um okay dang it now i'm scared my heart's gonna get broken so he six months we start hanging out six months into that he says he sits me down plays a song called i like to do with me when i'm with you that night and i remember thinking i wish that like i couldn't breathe when i heard him i was in the crowd uh when he sang it and i was like oh my gosh i i wish that was about me but that's weird because he's like my brother that's so weird well he sits down that night and says i'm crazy about you i know that you've been my best friend for a long time but he i love this city he said i know that you're healing right now and i want you to do everything that you need to do to to i know you're on a journey with the lord and i want to give you all the space to do that um and so but i also when you're ready to ever date again i think i will i i feel like i could maybe deserve the first shot like if you would let me take you out whenever you're ready so six months later wow we went on our first date and we walked into the ryman auditorium to see a girl named patty griffin an artist play who i love and sadie it was like we walked in he held my hand walking in and i was like oh no this is gonna be terrible this is like he's just my brother he's i just had him in like that friend zone right and i promise you over the course of one concert one concert by the end of the show i i was i knew i was going to spend every the rest of my life wow every single day for the rest of that is so sweet oh my gosh i love your story that is amazing and to be honest it's it's very similar i see a lot of similarities in our story i had a pretty bad relationship and the same thing and then similar things and right after i felt like i always say i felt like i actually found love when we broke up because that's whenever i met god in the realest way and it was just the sweetest thing and it was like the same thing it was like all of a sudden i had like not felt beautiful for all this time and then i felt like when god says in the bible you're all together beautiful my darling those verses were coming to life and i'm like why do i feel this being real whenever it's like i should be at my most broken like my ugliest moment like the most unloved but yeah i feel like the most loved the most beautiful the most alive and that is what god does and so hearing your story i'm like yes like that's what god does and so i hope girls hear this if they're in that situation they can know that like god has more and it's not more in like another god yes god is good and like brought drew into your life and brought christian into mind but before that it was just him and like and just him alone like it was good and it was the ultimate like feeling of love and beauty and all the things and so i love to hear that i love it too well and then say to you come into a relationship whether that's husband whatever what whatever kind of relationship you're coming in not needing this sense of validation you already know that you are beloved like yes perfectly known and perfectly loved at the same time it's so true because that's the thing i would get in other relationships whenever i was broken and i like just kept feeling broken and it wasn't anything they were doing it was just what i believed about myself and so like until i believed that from god that i wasn't that and that i was loved and that i was you know worthy of love and you know it i was a joy to him and all these different things then i could believe that from a person like even if i met christian and my brokenness i don't know if i would have been able to believe his love for me until i believed god's first and so that's really cool that you said that and one thing i noticed in your story is you talked about how like you're a super friendly person and obviously you are like i feel like i've already known you for way longer than like 20 minutes um but like you're so friendly you're even to say to him like what'd you do today like that's just like very rare in our like world um we're like how can you encourage girls in that and also do you feel like before like whenever you're in that relationship were you the same where did it did you feel like it kind of took away a little bit about like the good things about who you are because i feel like sometimes like in relationships people ask me like how do i know if it's a bad relationship and i'm like what is it like still the joy of like who you are you know because i think sometimes we get in relationships and like all of a sudden like we're not as friendly and we're like not having that much fun in life and we're like crying way more than we're laughing and like we don't even realize it and we're like but i love you you know [Laughter] this isn't this isn't good i would say i think i i think one of the most beautiful things about drew the the song that he wrote this is gonna sound kind of cheesy because i've been like quote this song they wrote about me but it's i like to be with me when i'm with you like i am in my own skin and and when i'm with you and it came from uh he said it's like putting on my favorite pair of shoes and it's this story from his aunt tish and his uncle twyford his his name was twyford so it was tish and twiff wow tish was belle of the ball like back in the day when you used to have a different you had a different date every night of the year yeah that's sort of how people dated like her dance card was always full and twiff was her dearest friend in the world and so she would go out on all of these dates and then she would come home and he lived down the street from her family and they would talk and have the best and so she finally she had all these this doctor who wanted to marry her all these kind of like very well like you know big reputations money status social status who were proposing to her and she came home one day she said to her mom she said mom when i am with all these other guys i feel like i'm putting on like my fancy heels but when i'm with twiff i feel like i'm in my slippers oh that says and twist asked her three times to marry him and she had said no twice wow and the third time he asked her she was just like i'm i'm the most comfortable in my own skin when i'm with you and so i do think i love that you're asking that question say because i do think um god i i used to think uh growing up in the church like you're just supposed to become you're supposed to become one that's definitely a biblical like beautiful thing but what i thought that meant was that i completely lost who i was and i was just only about this and that would be such a loss for for us to not be who god made us to be as individual women and as individual men and then you come together and you're who god made each of you be together walking side by side together and it is full um i'm thankful for a reorienting of that understanding of that truth because i think for a long time i would disappear right go away sad you know yeah in relationships totally understand wow that was beautifully put i feel like i'm in my slippers i love that [Music] all right 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grew up in um nashville and studios my dad's a producer and so i saw from a really young age as a kid um the power that music can have to like bring deep hope to people and to connect with people but i also saw um i was pretty much like zero percent enamored with fame like i watched you know families like have a really hard time and and fall apart like i i could see as a kid the cost that if that fame could take on your family and so yeah and it's and for me that was in the scope of music is what i was watching and so that's why i swore i was like i i am not doing music i got my master's in education i i was an english teacher for two years i loved that that's awesome but i've always loved writing songs and songwriting has been like breathing to me and in college i was like basically because i was having all the heartbreak times i was like a bad version of taylor swift oh yes that's amazing that's amazing you know sad sassy like heartbreak songs on the guitar um but not as good as t swifty so um but i would sing here's what happened though that was really important in that time i would sing in the the dorm room stairwell because hey sounds great in there yeah like the other one and then uh be so i wouldn't wake up my roommates and so um what would inevitably happen is i would be playing these songs like these like sad songs and girls would start lining the stairwell like wow half the time crying not all of them sober for sure um and that would end up happening it was it would be i mean kind of awkward like i would just be like close my eyes little ellie in college sing and play these songs and look up and there would be like a host of girls in there and they would end up sitting down say on the steps next and be like thank you for playing that song like thank you i that happened to me too wow you know i'd be like hey my name's ellie what is your name again but i saw in college the power of a song to connect our stories wow and i that has been and it continues to be my favorite part of my job when i was a teacher an english teacher i use music all the time in the classroom staying in the classroom wrapped in the classroom i'm not that's incredible incredible pretty more like urban environments you know it and so i was just trying to like get the kids engaged and i'd be like rapping about anyway they are mainly hilarious but but music was always a huge part and i and i sang a song when i told them i was quitting my teaching job and joining my husband's fanny asked me to consider joining his band which we thought we would do for a year and here we are like 15 years later doing this music thing together but i when i quit we the first thing we did was we went to volunteer at a young life camp and we sang songs at a young left camp and what i saw at young live camp and this is a huge thing for me i remember calling my mom and dad and we've been playing our our songs like one song a night we did a concert in the middle of the week and i saw the same thing happen at young life camp all these girls all these girls wanted to tell me their story just because i played a song and then at young life camp i had the opportunity to not just let the song be a bridge to our stories but to let that's cool the song be an opportunity for me to connect their story to the most beautiful story that i know which is the story of god sending his son here and of love beating death and i called my mom and dad after that first week of young life camp city and i was like i am firing on all cylinders like god made me to do this yeah i feel so alive i love this so much and so um it's so interesting because i i still at that point i was just like background singer utility player in my husband's band um not really ever knowing i would be writing my own music and release like have a whole other career but um it was a it was such a powerful moment and that's you know we're we're playing with my husband's band and clubs and and theaters and you know we did that in the summer but in the years just bars and whatever yeah playing and not like christian said he's just telling stories through songs it's awesome um it's just been a beautiful thing over the years to just continue to connect with people in that way i'm so deeply grateful i love that i think that's the coolest thing and i just want girls to recognize like what you were doing like you were just sitting in the stairwell playing you you all were just volunteering at places and i think a lot of times especially in the college age um group and young adults it's like they just want to to be on the stage you know that just if i was gonna do this that would mean that this and this would have to just work out and that's not the case like and it doesn't just like work out like that like you have to you know volunteer you have to sit in the stairwell like you just have to like use the gift that god gave you organically and naturally as if he just gave it to you to bless the world instead of for you to be on a stage and god will blow your mind in a million different ways whether it's with a platform or whether it's with changing an impact in the life of the girls in the stairwell and so i just think too many times like we hold on to our gifts and like try to wait for like there to be a moment to just like go for it when in reality it's like just start saying yes to him every day with those gifts and people are gonna see it and you're gonna impact so many people along the way it's not just when it works out and so when i heard your story i was like that is so so cool and now obviously worked out and you have a huge platform you and your husband get to sing together and do so many great things and you just had an album out and i want to talk to you about it so tell me about your new album by the way i listened all the way through and it is so incredible we're gonna talk some more about specific songs but as a album in general like where did the album where did the inspiration for canyon come from yeah so i had been on a journey uh via counseling i'm a huge advocate for counseling i never ever thought that i would need to go and it has totally changed my life i think because uh the count my counselor repeated to me the invitation that jesus gives to all of us that where there's truth there's freedom yeah and the truth can be hard their truth can be hard uh brene brown says the heart it's the hardest thing to own and stand up and the brokenness in our own story but it is a great deal harder to spend our lives running from it that's so true and i i have been in counseling for years you know working through the hard parts of my story some of the wounds from childhood college that unhealthy relationship all of that but what i had never allowed myself to do was to grieve those ones and so i had acknowledged them i talked about them i prayed through them i've grown a ton like i feel like i'm like a pretty you know it's like i've done a lot of like heart spirit work over the years praise god and am in a different place than i was but what i realized um actually when my daughter went to kindergarten all of these like kind of childhood wins that i've had started coming i think if we don't grieve properly it ends up later coming out sideways um or at least for me at dayton and so i've been on this journey of visiting some of the most painful places in my story and allowing myself to just breathe there and weep and grief there and as i did that which was visiting places sometimes that felt like they were going to kill me you know i don't know you're just like why would i go back to that like god is heal me from that why would i go grieve that but man i was missing so i what happened as i did that sadie is i encountered the nearness and the tenderness cool empathy and the places i thought would kill me to visit actually god brought a deeper level of healing and brought me to life in ways that i didn't know i needed to be brought to life and so that i had written this whole record about that process well then march 3rd of 2020 hits an ef4 tornado like tears through our nashville neighborhood scariest night of my life it went right behind her house woke up to the house shaking three kids out of town getting them down it was just it was so scary and then so much beauty in the wake of that rebuilding strangers loving strangers neighbors loving neighbors but then a week later coven 19's favorite home hit and it felt like hope and community got quarantined i think we all know i mean that i think that's how it felt for a lot of us and then in the wake of george floyd a lot of the racial tension there was so much political tension racial tension division even within the church and i it was just heavy it was so heavy so many people were losing so much and so i think because i learned a grief personally i began to grieve on a global scale to lament to lament um the experience of some black and brown i started listening intentionally black and brown brothers and sisters whose stories were totally different than mine just because they looked different their skin was a different color than mine and i just didn't know that that was their experience so there's this like just grieving season um where i was like man this world is a heavy broken place and in the midst of all of this i went to the grand canyon have you been yes it is incredible we were just driving to l.a one time so we literally just stopped by and saw it but even just like seeing it it's just like mind-blowing for real it's it's crazy and i you know we ended up when the numbers were low last year in august going which i don't like highly recommend doing the kind of trip we did in august because it is like a hundred and seventeen years oh my god really hot um but we camped on the northern rim went down into the grand canyon uh rafted the colorado river wow camped on the river banks and then rafted out and so that's amazing it was honestly very epic i'm like arizona river runners they were a great company i'm like go book the trip they were awesome but it i will never forget our guide telling us when we were down there he was saying like the grand canyon walls tell this story of disaster upon disaster upon disaster it's like and you can see it he's like that's a landslide then a mudslide that was an earthquake there's a volcano and i just was looking up at this this picture and i just thought this looks exactly like our hearts look especially after the past year and a half that we've had like loss on loss trauma on trauma wound upon weary wound and and i just i think to be human is to be broken like i we all know what it's like to have our hearts split wide open like a canyon but there in the very deepest part of the king and there was this river running through and i just thought oh my goodness this is the gospel because as it turns out there is a current of living water there is a current of god's love that runs deeper than our deepest sorrow than our deepest ache than our deepest pain and that will carry us when it feels like we can't carry on any longer and i left the grand canyon city and i couldn't shake it and i feel like what happened is my understanding of the gospel of the way that god had met me and my own personal story um was like a raindrop like this necessary like i can't survive without the beauty and the nourishment that is in this raindrop and what happened when i started to grieve on a global scale a national scale and then went down into that grand canyon he was like ellie my love is not a raindrop it's the ocean it's all of the water and we are all invited to join up as molecules of that of that living current of water like streams in the wasteland we get to join up with that current of living water as we're carried and transformed by the refreshment that comes from that place from our deepest not when we are on our a game like crushing yeah from our deepest places of mistakes wounds pain ache when our dreams didn't turn out like they that we thought that they would god is there and will meet us in that place and and when i look at when you look at a canyon i read this national geographic article i love how god proclaims his glory through the earth first of all but i read this national geographic article i'm like this person isn't i don't know where their faith perspective is coming from but i'm like this is the backwards upside down nature of the gospel that to to blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted blessed are the poor it's it's the opposite of what i think it's i always thought god wanted me to climb high go reach her and he's like no i'm actually down here wow i am in the lowest place that you can go i'm up there too yeah it's not that he's not there but he is in the lowest place that you'll ever be and and he is there with life and healing and hope that our suffering never gets the final word because of who jesus is and what he did for us so i shoved a pile of 35 songs off my desk and i was like okay this is bigger you're bigger if i understanding is being expanded as my heart is breaking there is more room for your love to flood in and a canyon that national geographic article says that a canyon is actually an upside down mountain come on and so our deepest places of wounding and ache and pain are actually the places if you will invite god into those moments you are going to look back on your story and say this is actually my power let me and it's not my power it's his power yeah it's his power to meet me in my most wounded weakest aching breaking place that ash places out by the grave that he is there yeah and the stories that we tell or that i end up telling are not the ones where i got it all right and just crushed it it's when i was on my in a pile like weeping in the fetal position in my shower and and god met me even there and said yeah you're my beloved wow even right here come on girl why don't you just preach for a second that was so good i can't wait for people to hear that and just amen and just see a new perspective of who god is you know what is making me laugh so hard too is that um back okay in seventh grade my seventh grade year so my teacher had a board called the stupid board and if you said something stupid your quote got put on the board okay yo listen to what i said in seventh grade you're gonna love this i said we're learning about the grand canyon and i said is the grand canyon a mountain and he put it on the board because he was like no it's a canyon why would you ask if the grand canyon's mountain i was like well if you're standing at the bottom then it looks like a mountain and so that is just so crazy that you just said that it was an upside down mountain because like everyone has made fun of me for that quote and i'm like no it's just your perspective but doesn't it look like a mountain if you're at the bottom of it and so that is so cool that you just said that you were just being a little proper hey i was just looking out with some spiritual eyes okay no one else saw what i was saying i knew it i knew it had something to it anywho um that is hilarious i want to ask you and wrapping up shortly because you've said so much that i really want people to like genuinely listen to and take hold of and take to heart but there was uh some a quote that you said in the song color and you said um you were talking to a god who you're scared to trust and i just thought that was like when you said that like paused it and like rewind i was like yes like sometimes it is really hard to talk to god whenever like you're scared to trust him you know and sometimes i think that we shy away from prayers that we really maybe even want to pray because we're scared what the answer will be you know and um i don't know that really gripped me and so for people who are listening to you and you're like yes that's amazing yes god is there yes god is the river running through it but like i'm scared to trust in that god what is some encouragement that you've found from choosing to trust even when you're scared and afraid yeah it's such a great question because i um i call myself a worrier in progress i just i know god says that we're not supposed to do it and i continue like to do it and so it is really good for me to talk to the friend yeah because he's such a dear friend um but i am often scared to trust him and i think i think for me i would just answer that question if it's okay with another story that happened to me in the cane and this is the only way i know i love it um when we went to sleep that night on the riverbanks um our guide first was just told us to jump in the river it's 50 degrees the water is 50 degrees which is very cold if you don't have like uh that's very cold yeah so he's like just take the little sheet that we gave you and they they had these little cots that we could sleep on take the sheet and go literally jump in the water and with your sheet and i'm like i'm totally not doing that because that's crazy um but it was you know like 95 degrees at night so i ended up he was like so that's the first piece of advice i have you second thing you need to do is wake up make sure you wake up in the middle of night because there's this thing that happens called the rim effect and i had never heard of that but he said when the moon sets behind the canyon walls he said you will be in the darkest place that you have ever been in your life because there's no light there's no light in this place you're over a mile into the surface of the earth and you'll be further away from the stars than you've ever been in your life but because it is so dark the stars will shine brighter than they have ever shown before and they will appear closer than they have ever appeared before and i think what happened i woke up in the middle of night because i got really hot and i was so grateful because the stars sadie were like right here and i think for me when i've taken the risk to trust god even when i'm scared to trust him because i'm i'm hurting it's usually when i'm hurting and i'm like why you're a good god why would you let this hard thing happen like and and that's when sometimes i think when i i don't know when i'm more fearful to approach him because i'm mad honestly and confused and sad but when i can come to him with all that he says we can come as we learn so i think for me i have i have been i think that is the times when i have encountered his light yes um in the most palpable way when i can kind of push through those fears and trust him even when i'm scared because i'm in such a dark place his light has shown so bright and his nearness has felt um well i don't know almost palpable and so i would just encourage you if you were in that place as a fellow sojourner like your fellow sister on the road on the journey who's been scared a lot to trust god um i would say i have never regretted trusting him i have never regretted it i have zero regrets ever pouring my heart whether it's been tears questions spewing like like i mean i have come angry and raw before him and he can handle that and um and he has helped me in those places and so i just there is such freedom because of who jesus is for us to just come as we are broken stumbling um doubting questioning he and and to and no i just want you to know that you are coming to the safest place imaginable like to the most place where you will belong no matter what you are kind of carrying and because of who jesus is and how he loves you so good oh my gosh i just feel like this is just going to help so many people i know it is it's so good i just want to end it with one a quote from your song that i love so much it says got a lot of bad days still coming our way but it's sweet ever after and i just think that's so good and it's so hope filled it's like yes times are hard yes things are going to continue to be hard probably for a little bit but it's sweet ever after and i think that you just have put so much um real authentic things that you're going through they're very vulnerable and very hard and everyone can connect on that but you've also filled it with hope and there is a hope and there is a future and that it is good because god is there and i just want to thank you for that because that is what we need these days thanks for pushing aside the 35 which i'm sure we're all amazing songs and you know listening to what god had for the now because it speaks volumes and so if uh girls if you are you know listening to this and guys too i know there's some guys listening and you were impacted by the things that she said i just encourage you go listen to her album canyon i think it will continue to bless you and ellie thank you so much for being on the what it's good podcast and pouring in so much good advice and just being such a real and bubbly and friendly authentic version of you thank you friend thank you for having me and it's so good to finally meet you i love you and hey you take that quote off this stupid board that was thank you that was a spiritual download you put it on thank you we are taking that off we are putting the eraser over that thank you so much well i love you already too let's for real hang out in real life one day and uh god bless your family [Music] you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 33,503
Rating: 4.9458547 out of 5
Id: qYstt7yODik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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