Does God Love Me? | Sadie Robertson Preaching - Passion 2020

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[Music] [Applause] good morning how are we doing awesome well how many of you were thankful to be in this room today yeah me me too it's absolutely unbelievable to get to be in a room full of people the same age who just worshiping Jesus um I started to think about this when Levi was preaching and he was talking about how what happened in the 20s is kind of what ended up establishing what the 30s would look like and these we they didn't really realize that's what it was gonna be but that's what it became and I started to think about 1997 when he said in 1997 John Piper Louie Shelly all of them were sitting around and they were talking about passion well 1997 was the year I was born anybody else 1997 and so in 1997 they got together and they started praying and they started having a vision and now we get to step into that vision for something that we didn't even have to build we just get to step in and worship God there were seeds planted there was prayers prayed that now we get to be a part of and I just want to so recognize that and acknowledge that because what prayers are we praying today and seeds that we're gonna show when we walk out of here that people born this year are gonna get to step into and meet Jesus because of I don't want us to miss that that this started a long time ago and I'm excited to be here and I'm honored and blessed so I just want to pray before before I share with y'all laughs so the Lord is lighting me and just see what the Holy Spirit does father I thank you so much for this day I thank you for this new year January 1st 2020 gotta thank you that you're a God and new beginnings gotta thank you that you are a God of redemption gotta thank you that you are a God that goes from glory to glory to glory and God I thank you that you invite us into that god I pray that how we walk out of here is so different than how we walked in here god I pray that although the world might know is as the anxiety generation the selfie generation and all these other things that when we walk out of here we will be known as the generation carrying the light of the world to everyone in it the name of Jesus so god I pray that you use this moment fill me with your spirit to share this word guy have your way amen amen all right let's get started we're gonna start in John chapter 1 I'm gonna be reading a few verses so if you have your Bible you can turn to John 1 if not it'll be on the screen starting in verse 35 it says the next day again John was standing with two of his disciples so little backstory Jonathan John the Baptist he had been preaching that this Messiah was gonna come but the light of the world was about to come and so there was a lot of people anticipating this light of the world this Messiah coming that John the Baptist had been preaching about he was a man sent from God to say all these things and so it says the next day John was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at Jesus as Jesus walk by because in this time previously and John want it just talks about how Jesus this Messiah he had been talking about coming has just came so it is all going down finally so they're standing there he sees Jesus walks by and he says behold the lamb of God it says the two disciples heard him say this and so they followed Jesus Jesus turned and he saw them following and he said to them what are you seeking can everybody say what are you see going down a little further it said wanted it to heard John speak and followed Jesus with Andrew simon Peters brother he first went and found his brother Simon and said to him we have found the Messiah which means Christ he brought him to Jesus Jesus looked at him and said you Simon son of John you will be called Peter so we get to see in this text in John chapter 1 when the relationship with Jesus and Peter began we know Peter from a lot of different stories in the Bible he was the guy that walked with Jesus on the water he has some pretty epic moments with Jesus but this is where he was introduced to Jesus by his brother well the way that his discipleship started with Jesus it says in the Gospel of Mark taught one day Peter and Andrew they were fishermen and they were brothers and they're fishing and Jesus walks by and he says drop your nets follow me and I will make you fishers of men and it says that these two brothers immediately dropped everything that they had and they follow Jesus and I read these see two stories and I'm amazed at how fast they just drop everything they follow him they heard it was a messiah they followed him it was like wherever Jesus was they were magnetic they followed him you know a relationships nowadays a lot of times starts by a follow but there is a long process that goes from the follow to the actually commitment to being in a relationship with you but here there is no process it was just like I'm just gonna follow you because you're the Messiah and so I started to think how did they do that how was it so immediately how are they so confident and I think it goes back to that first question that Jesus hid him with the second that Andrews started following him Jesus turned around and said what are you seeking what are you seeking before we go any further what are you seeking and then it goes a little bit further than just that question it's really the response from Andrew we get to see what he was seeking because he went and found his brother and he said we found him we found the Messiah the title of my message today is called the search is over the search is over because when you know that you found everything that you're looking for you don't have to seek anywhere else to find it when you know you found the desire of your soul you don't have to go and just enjoy the temporary cravings of the world because you're completely satisfied and who he is they knew behold it's the Messiah drop it all we're following him we found what we were looking for for us there's a lot more of a process like I said I'm not against a relationship starting about following and there's a process honestly that's how my relationship started I'm about to give a lot of hope to a lot of people in the building because Christian and I actually can't even got together because of passion we were at passion I wasn't speaking I was just attending I love passion I've been here like four years Christian was attending and he somehow saw me and so he messaged me on Instagram it was a pretty bold message okay it's really sweet it was really kind told me it was beautiful but here's the thing I didn't see that message until two years later two years ago by never saw this message and then Christina and I'm me and I'm like well he's pretty cute and so I'm like I'll give him a follow right so I look up his Instagram I follow him on Instagram in the second I follow him I get this little message notification and I was like that was really fast turns out I was really slow because two years ago he a message that I'm just now see and I'm like oh wow I'm in this right so I craft my messages and I'm like sorry for the late reply haha so we start we start the process you don't know how the processor goes we start DME and then two weeks go by I kid you not we have the most stereotypical Christian relationship star he goes hey I'm trying to send you a sermon through dm's but the link won't go through Instagram y'all and Lucic the way he sent me he sent me the sermon single dating engaged married Ben Stuart that's right I told you it was bold okay well that's how he slid all the divs and then continuing on the process we start texting but that's not talking once we start actually talking the phone now we're talking continuing on the process then Kirsten decides to come up to Nashville and take me on a date we go on a date but we're not official there's a process we start dating right and then one day it was just kind of like we're official I'm your girlfriend you're my boyfriend awesome moving along the process and then these three words started coming out not the words not the big words the I like you but kinda like I like ya like it was so excited that we like each other well I don't know about y'all if y'all have experiences process but it's like there's no pressure and the DM inks it's kind of fun then the text thing there's really not much pressure either then you're on the phone you're just like being silly but then whenever the words I like you come out it's like I'm kind of nervous now like you like me you know I I'm getting weird and so like oh the sudden like I started getting nervous when Kirsten comes into town you know I start pouring out my I was like getting tens when he came in town I was getting my nails like I'm like Kenny I'm embarrassed to say my must be honest with y'all I started practicing the dance moves I was gonna do in the car on our way to our dates because I wanted to pull it all out like I was like almost and as I like you but of course nobody wants to say and they I like you you kind of want to get through that phase fast you kind of rushed that face and so I think that you rest that face except for Christian Hough does not rush that face I like you became I really like you to know I like you so much like now I like you with like six oh so much I like you so much he got to the point that it's some kind of crazy I now remember two months of all of these different ways of saying I like you I was like oh like just say it like clearly I don't want to hear I like you again because I feel like there's a little more than that because in that I like your face although there was interest there wasn't commitment right the definition of like is to be found agreeable enjoyable to bring satisfaction the social media definition of like is to win one's approval so you can see that to be like there's kind of pressure you feel like you got to be enjoyable yeah I got to be agreeable I want to win your approval so I gotta pull out everything I got so that I can be liked by you I remember there was one night I'm telling you it was perfect the sunset was beautiful we were on the beach on a vacation Christian looks over at me it's about two months into this I like you think and he says Sadie Robertson I gotta tell you something and I'm like yes I know but you can fight the look me in his eyes with the best puppy-dog eyes I can possibly give him and he's like I like you so much it's more than like but I'm not gonna say that yeah are you kidding well that night we end up having like the best conversation we'd ever had in our relationship and this conversation was different than a lot of other conversations we had it wasn't practiced it wasn't cute it wasn't very agreeable it probably didn't bring much satisfaction to the years to here it was real it was raw it was like hours of Tears and this is what I've experienced and this is what I've been through to make me who I am today and it's not pretty and it's not cute but it's what Jesus has done and as we begin to talk we actually truly begin to know each other and something that went a lot further than just being liked by each other and it was actually the next day that Christian looked at me and he said Sadie I love you isn't that crazy that after a moment that wasn't very likeable I got to hear the words I love you eventually Christian and I decided to commit to relationship and we just got married and yeah it's been awesome and even though that is so awesome and I've found the one that I'm gonna marry there was such a process to go through for that it's a lot different than when you find the desire of your soul there's not a process they immediately dropped everything they had and they just begin to follow him because Jesus skips all that phase that we go through he skips that confusion he skips the carrying you along he skips uh what are we doing he's what are you seeking he said let's just leave our options open for a little while see how this works out he's like yeah I know you're a fisherman drop your net because I'm gonna make you a Fisher of men no other option I am the option and he skips that hole I like you face and he goes straight to I love you and the thing is you really know that you might not have really realized that but you know that if you know John 3:16 for he's so loved you that he sent his one and only Son to die for you and then he so loved you that he died for you and then he loved you so much that he came back to life and offers you his spirit if you'll just believe in him he skipped all of that you have to do this he's like I am loved so I'm just gonna come I love you I loved you and sometimes we think that there's a process to go through in order for us to actually commit to a relationship with God we think we have to go through that whole well I don't know if God really likes me because I didn't do this this or this I didn't perform well I don't read enough I don't do enough I've done this in this we're not waiting on God to like us enough for him to say hey Jesus go he's not sitting up there in heaven saying hold up hold up let's wait until the Sun hits him just right let's wait till golden hour let's wait until they say the thing perfect and then I'll send you he already sent his son because before the foundation of the world began he knew you he knit you together in your mother's room so he can skip all that and fully sense it and commit to dying for you while you were still a sinner it wasn't about you being liked so why don't we get that confused I surveyed Instagram as I was preparing for this message and I said what are you seeking in life what are you seeking in life and I doubled that as a double question I said and where are you searching for that end and I was amazed at the response thousands and thousands and thousands of response literally and messages and response all kinds of sayings because people really took this seriously because they hadn't stopped long enough to think about that and what people were seeking was actually really powerful majority by far top four was love happiness peace and purpose top four things that most people my age that follow me on Instagram said they were looking for now I was like well that's that's pretty awesome but here's the kicker where are you searching for that in that is the response that got me this year as I was preparing to precess message as well I decided I don't want to just go up here and give fluff and not really know what y'all are going on on a heart level so I went to several college campuses and met with every sorority of the college campuses and I asked them these similar questions and I said as overview of your campus as somebody who's very liked on campus what do you see is the thing that people are struggling with the most and it's interesting because we're searching for all these things but when I was listening to what everybody on campus seemed to be struggling with it was these things let me see if they sound familiar to you it was perfectionism mental illness depression anxiety feelings of loneliness body image issues eating disorders and it was all kinds of things that they would confidently say most people on campus struggle with I heard this and I was shocked and I've been praying for what what I could say how do you preach to mental illness to depression to anxiety to all these things and as praying for this I come across this article by Time magazine that says why Instagram is the worst thing for your mental health so I click on the article very interesting and it's this whole article about how a group of people have presented through Instagram of requests to take the like button away that's interesting of all the things that social media is and has become the one thing that these people really feel is important to take away is the like button well now y'all know that's coming into play already seven countries they've removed the like button but the reason why is so interesting the reason why they're taking the like button away is because it is proven to have direct effect on mental illness to cause depression to lead to anxiety to cause people to feel lonely and left out in FOMO to cause comparison and eating disorders and it was every single thing that every sorority girl told me they were dealing with and so we might be seeking love happiness peace and purpose but my fear is we're searching for all those things right here and I don't know if you notice but you can't waste a lot of time searching and searching and scrolling and scrolling and looking and looking with no direction following and following the following and liking liking liking and not realize you're not finding anything that you're really looking for you know when we were little you used to play that game like you would hide something somewhere like you'd hide it right here and you would be directing somebody how to get to that thing and you'd be like if they were over here you'd be like oh you're kind of cold get a little closer you're a little warmer but you're still cold you're little warmer oh you're like so stout I kind of feel like that right now it's like we're sitting here with this and we're scrolling and scrolling and scrolling but we're saying oh yeah we're making for love for seeking happiness we're seeking peace we're seeking purpose and if you're holding this and you're seeking those things I would say it's really cold it's ice-cold you're not close right now and if you would put it down for a second and you begin to start to say okay a little warmer but if you would pick up this book I would say you are literally on fire you're literally on fire you know this word there's a promise in this word it says seek and you will find you will find because God is love if you're looking for love that's who God is did you say you're looking for love happiness and peace let me give you something better the top three fruits of the spirit of who he is love joy and peace it's who he is oh and you're seeking for purpose what better place to find it than from where you come from and who gives you purpose and your purpose I think we get confused on that too we think there's a process to get to our purpose once I finished college then maybe I'll reach my purpose once I get to the top of my job then maybe I'll reach top purpose we think one day we'll just magically show up when you find God when you find love you find your purpose your purpose is to love no matter where you are no matter what stage you're in no matter what age you're at what platform you're on if you love people and you point them to the love of God you were fulfilling your purpose the search is over well if the search is over then why don't we just commit to a relationship with him I think some of us might feel like because we messed up our relationship with him some of you in here wouldn't doubt it if you thought that's a great option but I think I lost that option because I did this this and this I'm gonna finish this well how Jesus finished the book of John and the story of Peter Peter did follow God he was a great man he followed God closely like almost too close like he didn't just social media follow him from afar and observe like one time he literally walked up on a mountain heard the voice of God and was like Jesus am I supposed to be here like that close they were close well there is this one night where it's kind of all coming to the end Jesus is washing their feet they're having an amazing conversation he's basically telling them what's about to happen he's laying it down he's like don't worry I'm how about to go somewhere y'all aren't gonna be able to go but I give you a new command of one another he's like trying to make sure it's all good but you're not gonna be able to follow me where I'm about to go and Peter gets all riled up about this he's like what do you mean I'm not gonna follow you Jesus I would give my life for you he was so on fire for God well the night goes on and just a little while later something's about to happen that Jesus had already told him was gonna happen he said actually before the rooster crows were gonna dine on me three times and Peter I'm sure could not imagine that he would ever deny Jesus three times and so they go on and it says all of a sudden they're praying in the garden and it says a band of soldiers walks up now a band is something a group of people who have the same interest in purpose so there is a group of people coming with the same purpose to arrest Jesus and watch the boldness of Peter Peter walks out in front of this band as soon as he's like routered I told you I give my life with a sword cuts it to tear off as you can see it doesn't seem like anything's about to happen to this relationship until he keeps following Jesus as Jesus gets arrested he gets all the way up to the door the courtyard where Jesus is getting arrested and he can't go any further in this and the Bible says something interesting it says Peter gets a little cold gets a little chilly and I want to make that point because that's normally when it happens when you get cold is normally when the toughest challenges come they might not be intimidating they might not be the band of soldiers but it's when you're facing doubt it's when you're facing fear it's when you're confused on where yours and Jesus's relationship is and you get a little cold and Peter's a little cold right now and it goes and stands by the fire to warm himself and you can imagine what he's feeling and it says the servant girl walked up and he says weren't you the guy that was with Jesus and Peter's like no and then he says another guy it was a relative of the guy whose ear he just cut off says weren't you the guy that just denied jeez I mean that just walked with Jesus and he said no like Peter was so bold the night before to cut his cousin's ear off and now he can't even say that he was with Jesus I he knew Jesus somebody else weren't you the guy that walked with Jesus and he's like no not me and it says as soon as the rooster crowed Peter wept bitterly he wept bitterly he messed it up as he musta thought you might have felt like that what do I do now my relationship with Jesus seems really far away now Jesus went on to die on the cross he was buried like a dead man in the great Peter wedding visit like what do I do now I just mess it up how do I get back to that relationship don't worry if you feel like that the way Peter was feeling it says Peter what he did was that he didn't go running he didn't go do anything he went back fishing which is what a lot of us do we just go back to what we knew before we're in relationship with Jesus we try to go back to the party we tried to go back to the lights we try to go back to the drinking back to the relationship back to the sex and we try to just see maybe this would just numb us maybe it'll just fill us up enough but just like Peter he kept pulling out that net and it was empty he caught nothing you're catching nothing and even if you caught something you'd be right back on the boat the next day looking again cuz it would not fill you up and he's out there he didn't do anything to get back to Jesus Jesus shows up where he's at right where he's at fishing once again and Peter was so excited he jumped out of the boat he actually stripped don't do that if you get excited he's strip he jumps in the water he swims up he's like death and pieces of like let's have breakfast and guess where they're about to have breakfast around a charcoal fire doesn't that happen that might have happened to you last night you get in the presence of Jesus and you're reminded of what it's like to have a relationship with Jesus and you're so excited and you're like yes and then you're reminded of your path you're reminded of what you just did and you do what so many people have asked me in this moment I've been to juvie prisons churches colleges middle schools high schools and I get this question everywhere I go Sadie because of what I've done before I even think about going and having this thought about a relationship with Jesus I need to ask you do you think he still loves me do you think he still loves me do you think I should even try is there so a purpose for me is there still this option for me because of what I've done and so what you would think would be happening is that Peter would be wondering I wonder if he still loves me I wonder if there's even a relationship left here I wonder all these things but let's read what actually happened John 21 when they finished breakfast jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of John do you love me more than these he said yes Lord you know I love you he said a second time Simon son of John do you love me he said yes Lord you know I love you he said take my sheep and he sent us third time Simon son of John do you love me notice something that went way different than what we probably would have thought would have happened you see what we wonder what we ask when we mess up is I wonder if God still loves me and so you would me Simon Peter after denying him would come up to Jesus and be like Jesus do you still love me after what I did but it wasn't Peter asking Jesus the question Jesus was asking Simon Peter the question do you love me the question didn't have to come from Peter because Peter knew Jesus loved him there was no question about it when a man he want to it died on the cross rose from the grave and after knowing he was gonna deny him because he already said he would he show back up to where he was at in cooked in breakfast he wants him he died for him just like he dies you God's love is not confusing it's not something you have to wonder about it's not something you have to worry about losing because he is loved his love is from the beginning to the end the Bible says about love it bears all things perfect love it hopes on things I believe all things endures all things it never fails because that it's who God is very different than I like you the I like you would be about you doing something to be light see I love you is about the person of love who he is giving up himself to you you don't do a saint he just is that good the question is do you love him and then he finishes it just like he started after he establishes that he loves him because he's basically saying with dr. John just said just you need to decide right now that I am the desire of your soul that you're not gonna go have to go out and seek anything else that might satisfy I'm gonna fill you up do you love me then feed my sheep met him with love gave him his purpose and ended it like this follow me don't go searching anywhere else I will give you your direction follow me so I want to ask you passion this is how we're gonna end it because there's a love language called words of affirmation sometimes you just need to affirm some things in your relationship because the enemy is gonna want to steal those things and make you question and make you wonder Peter was let you know this you know I love you but yet Jesus did it three times he's like we need to redeem something so three times you deny me do you love me do you love me do it okay it's a fern following me let's move on so today I went to affirm I want you to affirm your relationship with Jesus so that when you walk out of here you don't question anymore you don't go out searching for things from the world the only he can give you and you don't go out searching for things from him that he's already given you so I'm gonna ask that everybody closes their eyes and get in this moment with Jesus actually think about address the thoughts that you've been having about your past many people want to bail right before the breakfast because like I said the presence of Jesus begins to remind you of your past but only so that he can Redeemer His grace is so good he doesn't shame you he loves you address those things [Music] and now let's affirm some things as you sit here I'm gonna ask you the question that Jesus asked Peter do you love me and after I've posed that question I would like to really for you to hear yourself respond to that and affirm that yes Lord I know that I love you so I asked the question and then I just asked that you respond even if you've been a Christian your whole life or if you just came to Christ if you want to affirm this relationship and establish this so that you can move forward into a relationship that doesn't get cold cos you're filled with the spirit of who he is next time we saw Peter he was acts when he led the church he was known by his courage He healed people as he walked past him because he was filled with the Spirit of God and following his direction in this moment let's establish something so you don't want to laugh you don't look to the right and you don't look back do you love me [Music] I'm gonna say it one more time do you love me yes Lord you know that I love me of you know that I love you and you did this as many times this week as you need to every time the enemy challenged you with your past you say I know that I love him and I know that he loves me so do you still love me following God we thank you for this day I thank you for relationships that are established today that they won't have to go searching for anything else in the world that only you can give I praise you today that today people found the fullness of love the fullness of joy the fullness of peace their absolute purpose because today they found you and the search was over isn't your mighty Holy Name we pray amen [Music]
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 618,442
Rating: 4.9270496 out of 5
Keywords: Does God Love Me, Does God Love Me?, Sadie Robertson, Preaching, Passion 2020, Passion Conference, Sadie Robertson Preaching, Sadie Robertson Passion Conference, Passion, Passion Sermons, Passion Messages, Sermons, god's love, the search is over, does he love me, legitesadierob, sadierob, sadie rob, sadie roberts, sadie robertson huff, sadie huff, sadie and christian, sadie and christian huff, christian huff, sadie robertson dwts, dwts, dancing with the stars, duck dynasty
Id: 6sdbYRSBWe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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