TOP 10 Chess Grandmaster CRUSHED In 10 Moves!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the ftx crypto cup being held in miami where eight of the best chess grand masters in the world are all in one venue but instead of playing on physical chess boards or playing on electronic ones and sitting there with two computers blocking their view of one another welcome to chess as an esport baby well after the first three rounds magnus carlsen is in first place with a perfect score which to the surprise of absolutely no one is occurring but prague nanda rameshbabu from india the other uh teenager superstar is tied with him on the other side of things we have uh aneesh giri uh with one point out of nine we have hans neiman who has yet to get on the board uh despite winning a game in every match that he's played in uh so it's it's it's tense it's exciting and we still have a few more days to go a lot of prize money up for grabs uh and today we have an interesting storyline and that's what we're going to start off today's recap with with how a top gm can lose in 10 moves 10 moves yes that's like double the amount of moves you might have lasted in this game right so prague is playing levon right and this is game number three so they've drawn two games this is their third rapid game uh best of four and rapid right uh knight f3 bishop g7 and we have a main line i mean this is one of the meanest of the main lines of the grunfeld uh here uh prague plays my line h3 and by my line i mean i played this line before uh the idea of this move is to prevent bishop to g4 that's it that's the whole idea and you know you wait to see what black is going to do so levon castles we have bishop e3 and now queen a5 and here the best move is bishop to d2 because you want to meet cd4 with cd4 counter attacking this and then i've had people put the queen on a3 against me uh in this position i play the move rook to c1 so that this rook laser beams the bishop it's a very complicated position um but levon plays the move b6 which is like already a losing move and it's going to get extremely bad extremely quickly um prague doesn't punish it in the best way according to stockfish here he plays the second best move but the point is that black's queen is stuck there is now a way you can mummify this queen with a4 bishop b5 and c4 if you get those three moves the queen is trapped it's completely nuts that levon played this it's just it's just insane and the whole reason you have to play a4 is that so you queen can't go to a3 i just showed you a line where the queen safely stands on a3 but levon tries to deviate from theory well i don't know if he tries to deviate from theory but all of a sudden the the queen is just there's no way there's nothing the queen could do white is just going to play bishop b5 and c4 stockfish shows some weird obscure ways that black could like not lose immediately but that just doesn't happen bishop b5 on the board suddenly levon's trying to break out but the queen is just completely trapped it just goes to a5 and dies there it's unbelievable i mean the power of my groonfield line huh h3 look at that i won a nice classical game with it against robert perez if you remember my my gm recaps uh my gm round robin recaps yeah i mean just a4 rook a2 bishop b5 and levon sacrifices upon but it's to no avail and when the dust settles one guy is just straight up up a queen one guy has a queen other guy doesn't now it's only plus three because uh levon has a two bishops for it but it is a queen and a pawn for two bishops so white has a four-point material advantage and the way he converts this which is very easy brings the queen to safety moves his pieces to safety and now he starts trading all right black trades and wins a pawn but it i mean one guy has a queen dude like what are we right there's there's nothing you can do if black tries to play a four there's queen before queen's just too powerful and the queen is more powerful the more help the queen has alright think a superstar player on a team surrounded by more superstar players right well actually not really because then you have psg and we all know how much of a problem uh their team is right i don't know much about football but i hear that having that many superstars on the team can't be healthy it's like a superstar with excellent role players all right and yeah i mean white just wins he queen verse two bishops that's this is how our recap is starting just a two three minute recap of a game where projects wins the queen now was it over oh it was anything but over prague was up 2-1 this was the fourth rapid game and lebron had the white pieces and prague played a very interesting opening he played this move at e4 and then he played c6 with the idea of playing d5 this is a gambit this is a very interesting gambit it doesn't have a name i don't think it has a name uh white just uh wins a pawn but black plays d5 and kicks this knight back and then plays h5 it's a super interesting line we're about to get a lot of analysis on this because it was played by the beast uh adiban baskaran against the uzbekistan team i believe it was in the olympiad uh and now it's being played here so yeah we're definitely gonna get some analysis on it look at brock's pieces from the opening i mean prague is so active here for just one pawn and actually prague sacrifices a second pawn and just castles down two pawns all his pieces are active levon plays well i mean he's trying to consolidate right he's trying to uh con you know he's trying to consolidate in castle but oh goodness me proc starts throwing haymakers knight takes d4 saxon knight saxa rook oh my gosh look at this if white castles he gets mated good game so how do you defend yourself rook is hanging this is under attack black is going to play a6 right kick the queen away from the defense if queen c4 then b5 what do you do how do you prevent all this so lemon attacks the the rook because if this he just goes king d2 is actually not that bad rookie eight now he blocks apparently in this position um in this position rather prague had to play queen f3 queen f3 here is lights out because you threaten mate if the knight moves uh then you sack and you win in this position by taking both rooks i think that's how you win you don't even have to take both ropes you might just be able to checkmate the king it's made in nine um if after queen f3 white plays queen takes b5 which is a very natural move you still sacrifice and then after f takes e3 you win with this this and this that was prague's prep 20 i mean i don't know if it was his prep maybe he didn't remember his prep but that would have been the icing on the cake of the preparation uh but instead of that prague did what any human would do he took a rook with check like who wouldn't play that move right the problem with the way he did this is that now levon consolidates tries to trade some pieces levels up three pawns let's not forget like he was given a lot of presence by pragnanda right and and i mean he's just up three pawns the problem is that the position is so difficult to handle with white that even though it's plus four try to play this with like no time on the clock right you don't know it's plus four and brock plays bishop b7 levon plays d5 which was the beginning of of uh beginning of his problems you should play rook a7 i guess but he plays d5 a rook a7 again but he played two passively he had to go rook a7 that was the that was the way forward by playing this he suddenly allows prague to get back into the game look at this squares near the king are weak queen f2 is on the way and unable to deal with this suddenly he begins losing pawns and prague takes over the game again and just wins this game is over bc3 there's a queen d5 and you're gonna take the rook it's insane prague wins prague is perfect 12 out of 12. he's beating everybody in rapid progress won 30 000 in four days it's not this is not bad there's 130 grand in like i don't know 12 hours of work 15 hours of work that's nice not too shabby yeah 2 000 an hour or whatever it is obviously many hours go into preparation and so on i'm joking but if you win the match in the rapid yeah you get a lot of good cash i mean it's crazy prog just showing good resilience fighting back prague keeps saying he's lucky he keeps saying he gets lucky games i want the kind of look that prague has okay um yeah just amazing i mean for a brief moment there was a scare it wasn't it wasn't as clean as it as we like but what are you gonna do now the next matchup that i have for you this is the final rapid game between hans neiman and anish giri so giri won the first rapid game and then han struck back uh a couple of games later in a game that probably he shouldn't have won and he kind of let it slip but it was a very nice comeback so hans has won a rapid game in every match that he's played but he has yet to get on the board against anybody right always comes down to like the last game they did against prague uh and in this game hans begins with a bishop b5 check sicilian and then he brings the bishop back this is a line i know it looks a little silly like why would white play bishop b5 bishop d3 bishop f1 if you do it you're dumb if they do it oh well they're just rerouting their bishop for the later stage of the game you wouldn't understand right it's just one of these things if you play like this i would fire you as my student i don't even know how that's possible because you would be paying me but you know we'll we'll figure that out so hans gets this set up plays d4 and creates this imbalance right plays f4 very aggressive in the opening uh anish here plays it in in a way that's uh very interesting he brings the queen out and then he plays g5 he sacrifices a pawn and sacrifices another pawn to try to open up the position then he's gonna try to get the knight over to these two squares and it each gets a very nice position here from the opening knight a4 we have a queen trade and anish is just bulldozing right king f1 b5 and each fighting on all sides of the board i always say this if you control the battle on one side of the board that's great but if you manage to control it on the king side queen side and the center that's it there's no other sides of the board left anish is just completely winning i mean this end game is just it's like a minus two end game anisha's pawn up dominant control of the position but hans never gives up all right and anish lets hans get this exchange down position like rook and bishop versus two rooks rook and bishop can hold two rooks as long as you don't allow the rooks into the position and as long as you continue to create threats and for a while that is exactly what hans was doing hans won the h4 pawn hans equalized it was bishop and pawn for a rook stockfish actually thought that the position was equal and here there was cd5 king d5 and rook b4 and now it's two pawns this is actually just straight up equal it's crazy but it's low time and people are gonna make mistakes and anish continues to pose problems and finally gets in and like i said you have to not allow the rooks into the position rooks get into the position uh it's bad news and it gets a little bit dicey here with the c pawn but just in time with rook c1 and anish cleans up anish was so unhappy about this game after he won the match he sat there staring at his computer shaking his head it looked like he had lost so poor guy you know must have been must have been real i don't know like i've never seen that kind of emotion actually out of a niche to be totally like totally honest with you because when he wins he's like chill when he loses he's also chill he's somehow very zen he was like pretty pissed off with the way he had handled the position hans on the other hand look uh hanza's probably had uh sound bite almost every single day of this event um from tweets to to to clips and uh he he gave an interview after like one of the one of the first rapid games here uh and he was saying something like yeah you know i'm playing really fast in my games because i want to lose as fast as possible and then i just want to go to my hotel room because i've sort of like given up on the tournament i just want to order like uber eats delivery uh and then he was saying that uh he wanted to go into the ocean and you know never return um and so now this has caused like an entire separate debate on social media between is hans just being edgy or is he like actually like is his mental health actually suffering um this i mean speaking from experience mental health definitely suffers all right and hans seems like a pretty intense guy i would not charge this up to ah you know he's just being edgy like that just seems like that just seems kind of like discounting the emotion is he being a little bit exaggerated sure perhaps but no having a disastrous result in chess and really really really plummeting on your expectations can ruin your day folks i have played three minute games on the toilet that i lost that ruined my day ruined it i was only i only felt better by the evening i can't imagine what it feels like right so hopefully just like you all tell me you know hans has a good uh some sort of stabilizer because he seems like an extremely hard working guy obviously sets really high expectations of himself yeah you can argue that you know whatever he he hasn't earned the right to trash talk to the to the microphone as much who cares what does that even mean what what like let him do what he's got to do because if he was winning nobody would be talking right so give him another shot in the future he's gonna he's gonna win uh win some games and the trash talk will be definitely backed up uh i'm willing to see what happens with hans up to this point he has called us shots like babe ruth he has said i'm gonna win this tournament and he does i'm gonna get this gm norm and he does so you know it's just one of these things um but yeah i mean like he seems like a very hard-working guy and it would be good if he had probably just some stabilizer like some trainer sports psychologist who's just like yo man chill although it's not that simple right people with anxiety are always like oh thanks just chill thanks oh why didn't i think of that right so anyway uh that's a little about hans he's he's got a lot of uh got a lot of sound bites uh going throughout uh throughout the event um i'm still cheering for him to get on the board uh this matchup between farouz and duda was crazy um it began with an anti-berlin candidate style bishop c6 this line with developing the knight and throughout the opening it was uh ali reza just pushing the pace in the center of the board he got a nice position he uh got knight versus bishop excuse me normally knight versus bishop is nothing special but you're going to be able to advance here with your center pawns and watch what ferrus does he centralizes takes a big center and deals with duda's counter play in a very nice way just has a target right it's kind of an end game mid to end game here with queen rook and bishop queen c5 it's a long game actually their first two games combined for 150 moves now you have a weak king so the way duda did this is he i guess he was just like i'm gonna move my king to c7 and the second that he did that forza was like where are you going where are you going i'm gonna sack this pawn i'm gonna get this pawn back and now your king is weak so utilizing your weak king i'm gonna get into your position by giving a few checks i've now won a pawn my king is actually more safe than yours and i'm gonna win this end game we have a queen in rook end game but it took a long time and it was equal for a while it was a rook end game that featured a three on one queen side majority and a two-on-one kingside majority stockfish might be able to hold this with black but it's very difficult for a human because it's just too many past pawns right so farruja being you know the guy who he is he just starts pushing and and give it a few moves and white is just completely winning here there's just not there's no way to defend the position because rook a5 cuts off the rook from hitting the pawn and uh that's it i mean the king can try to go stop it but this is just game over by the time the king gets over there white runs in that's it you take on a5 you take on c6 it's just the winning king in pawn end game because king is behind the pawn basically right you're gonna play c5 move the king and promote it takes 60 moves but faruga gets the job done all right now duda in the next game started out with d4 and we had the semitash variation cd5 cd4 but instead of queen d4 uh we had queen a4 check all right queen d4 this is a line all right and now e3 bringing the queen back and white is going to play against the isolated black pawn while he's going to play b3 trade bishop b2 and try to just control that square that's where the isolated pawn stands so we want to just try to control that square right black just has this point rogue d1 bishop f3 so another end game of queen rook and peace these guys just love these end games all right well let's see what they can come up with all right we have rook c3 good coordination here by white position is about balanced he trades the right now bishop of three so oliver's is doing the right thing ali reza has an isolated pawn he manages to push it forward and he's gonna trade it off now it's just equal whoa that breaks a lot of end game principles duda did not want to allow this but he damages his pawn structure okay rook in five versus rook and five levy why'd you show this game it's obviously going to be a draw rookie said okay no no no draw root d7 f5 all right what's up he wasn't doing here just shuffling back and forth dude asking a few questions of the position all right nothing's going on nothing's going on shuffling but now oliverasa plays b5 what was wrong with shuffling or going rookie 3 like rook c7 check you can just go back to e7 instead of that he plays b5 and now dude is like all right dope now i have a target and ali reza still tries to create counter plays probably still may be holdable but that white is just a pawn up he's got a pawn going check here in king g6 oh my goodness from the depths of an absolute draw emerges duda who captures all of alireza's remaining pawns and it's just two pawns up in the sand game this end game is actually still holdable sometimes because it's f and h the fnh endgame is holdable at times but you need to have the exact right coordination because if white pushes one of the pawns forward you need to be able to give back checks and this is not it this is not the right coordination because white can hide and white is too close already so king f6 there's rook b7 rook g7 rook g5 and uh you just harass the king you give up the pawn and you promote your f pawn and it takes 88 moves but these gentlemen are showing their end game prowess and it's now one one so it all comes down to their final rapid game we have d4 ali rez is like i could do it with both uh i could do with both first pawn moves as well nimso will ali raza play the bishop d2 line no it's a mainline nimso it's gonna be another isolated pawn position three isolated pawn positions all right castles h3 bishop d3 nice controlling the square in front of the isolated pawn these dudes love these isolated pawn positions okay bishop back to e1 right trying to apply as much pressure here as possible let's kick the knight out of the middle let's trade all right now you don't have this isolated pawn anymore but i've got the knight coming to c6 so i'm gonna use my piece activity to bother your pieces right rook d6 nice move pick up a pawn all right pawn never hurt nobody let's bring the rook back stop a pawn now now look at this counter play if you take the knight right black plays here knight f4 maybe there's some attacking chances some checkmates in the future i don't know white is winning but ollie wrestling i'm not even gonna take bozo l plus ratio you fell off make better content like i'm just no i'm just not taking the night dude i'm not taking the night dude is like all right well if you don't take the night i don't know what i'm going i don't know what i'm doing with my position there rook a2 white's just still upon up again queens rooks minor ps these dudes love these end games and it's up to alireza to consolidate and well he wins a second pawn he deals with dude's aggressions and he's up three pawns now and trust me that is more than enough material at this level to win and ali raza making it look easy in this game very nice win by him uh he beats duda duda now falls a little bit more on the rankings very nice win from ali reza picks up 7 500 bucks and picks up three games in one gotham recap video that is an asset that might even be worth more uh than uh than being uh you know then picking up 7 500 bucks that's cap everybody likes seven and a half thousand dollars now final game of the day all right as always i have put a timestamp to magnus carlson but he is not in the title he is not in the thumbnail you know for all the feedback folks that you and i we go back and forth right you're like oh magnus is in the thumbnails when i don't put magnus's name in videos you guys aren't interested that's a you problem that's just right like i this was an interesting recap but if i had named it like you know magnus picks up the monitor and throws it at his opponent well that didn't happen so that would be kind of ridiculous the truth is as much as you criticize magnus being in titles we are fascinated by magnus carlsen fascinated like a zoo exhibit you're like oh my god like an animal sanctuary oh my gosh look at that majestic sea beast land beast something about magnus we all love him does he does he love all of us oh god i don't know but he's playing like kuang liam in this round i'm sorry my nose has been extremely itchy today maybe something's blooming outside i don't know ready for magnus in their third rapid game uh h3 and here's something funny happens so peter lecko was really mad at uh he was really mad at liam here um the best move here by black is to play cd5 and keep the structure symmetrical magnus took with the c pawn in the center so black should also take with the c pawn in the center because then he would be able to put his knight on c6 also he would control the f5 square from white's advancements which look very natural because the bishop is going to be trapped and then after de5 liam played ed5 and peter lecko was yelling here about the fact that if lee kuang liam had been playing any other human on planet earth or sea beast he would have played the move c takes d5 like if i was playing liam here liam would play c takes d5 it's something about playing magnus that makes you act up maybe he's super handsome maybe he wears a very powerful cologne i don't know but something about playing magnus makes you want to be like oh i'm going to be cool and play an imbalanced position magnus is like okay well what are you gonna do about my pawns f5 all right i mean cool now your bishop is not playing and if you play for example this how are you gonna deal with all this right you're losing so king h8 and now magnus sacrifices the knight he's been sacrificing a lot of material in this event offers a queen trade and is just looking to bulldoze liam on these diagonals you might as well all these pieces are stuck right drunk in their bunkers fell asleep before the battle started and just rookie rook t1 the light squared bishop for black just isn't participating stop participating rook c3 nice move rook d5 the black is still balanced sure but now this move you take this i got this coming right you take this rook d6 defending myself and yes liam can defend this position for as long as possible but at the end of the day there's just a piece that isn't moving and finally it moves but by then the pawn majority is marching forward it's still equal here it's holdable for black but it's extremely unpleasant and that is why liam loses immediately now granted even here he was it was equal he could have played knight c6 and f6 but again it's something that magnus does to people zero zero zero zero point two to maiden four just blundering back rank you take the bishop i take you here you can't play king fa magnus wins some about playing magnus just makes you completely lose it's just i don't know but we have one more rapid game right so let's see how liam is going to bounce back liam plays a queen c2 triangle right magnus playing the triangle setup now we have a semislav dc b5 hitting the queen normal stuff black is going to look for c5 there it is and if black can have it his way he's going to push these pawns forward so after this move there's this and now the queen side blows up we have a trade castles and the position's balanced pawn structure is the same efgh and b minor pieces on the board we have a trade of bishops knight goes to b5 and row goes to c1 good control of the queen side for sure by liam but what are you gonna do next look at that knight a7 looking to get to the c6 square maybe queen c6 and then queen trade so we have knight c6 e5 magnus begins fighting back and here the engine wants you to replace the knight with the bishop which just looks so stupid i mean what even is that but you want to go queen c4 try to apply a little bit more pressure here bring the bishop back at some point i don't know i mean i would never play bishop a7 so naturally he does this and then goes that way and he does have a very nice position here in fact liam grabs a pawn liam's pawn up but liam misses this move knight e7 backwards night jump the queen is stuck defending the knight and after queen to f4 which is the only move knight g6 and you are simply walking directly into the line of attack because you are pinned knight back to e7 backwards night moves are the trickiest liam sacrifices a queen for two pieces but as we saw earlier in today's recap a queen is a queen all right and magnus sacrifices the rook comes forward with all the pieces and you are just not going to beat a queen it's just too powerful and magnus wins again and your standings after four days in the uh ftx crypto cup magnus carlson 12 out of 12. because you get three points for winning in the rapids so he is 12 out of 12. prague 12 out of 12. furuja eight out of twelve levon five four for duda and geary liam with three hands with zero i hope hans gets on the board today or in the remaining three rounds the final round matchup in round seven is prague vs magnus that's gonna be sick and uh may you all have a great rest of your friday and weekend i will catch you for more recaps don't lose your queen in 10 moves get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 232,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, ftx crypto cup, ftx crypto cup 2022, meltwater, meltwater chess tour, meltwater champions tour, chess tour, champions tour, champions chess tour, meltwater champions chess tour, ftx crypto cup miami, crypto cup, crypto cup miami, crypto cup 2022, chess crypto cup, crypto cup chess, ftx crypto cup chess, miami chess
Id: Jc3TgOaC_5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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