Magnus Carlsen Battles His Rival | ROUND 10 TATA STEEL

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it's the tenth round of the tata steel 2021  chess tournament and today's an exciting one   because we have magnus carlsen versus fabiano  caruana which is the rematch of the 2018   world chess championship anytime they play  each other is exciting i also have games by   andre sipenko the junior who's broken out into the  field beating magnus carlson a couple rounds ago   maxine vashaylagrav looking to bounce back  from his slump and anish giri the local hero   so first things first the world championship  rematch here we go fabiano starts with d4   magnus goes knight f6 and i should just say  that i really hope that there was no lag in   the beginning of the video the past few recaps  it's been happening and i don't know why because   i always test in the first few seconds and it  ended up just two times in a row so if there   was a lag this time listen i love you and i am  apologizing so fabiano carawana plays the move g3   he's looking for bishop g2 and knight f3 this  is known as the catalan magnus carlson plays d5   knight up more exactly as i said and now bishop  to b4 check black can play bishop e7 bishop b4   black can also take on c4 in these positions the  point is to make white put a bishop awkwardly in   front of their own king and then slide the  bishop back to d6 to the uninitiated this   just looks like it's bogus uh but again black is  sort of saying i could have put my bishop here but   i like the fact that you've awkwardly put this guy  here now you can't put your knight there and there   is some meta strategies going on in in this case  but after that magnus carlsen castles his king and   fabiano plays the move bishop to g5 and volunteers  his bishop for capture and then plays the move   queen to b3 fabiano is delaying the move short  castle although he does it on the very next turn   and magnus voluntarily retreats back to e7 so  let's take stock of this position what is going   on well white has developed every single piece  that they could have possibly developed and in the   catalan you put your queen out onto the queen side  to pressure this b7 pawn black is extremely solid   having the little you know pyramid you can extend  it all the way to to this very pretty but the   bishop is very bad and you're gonna have to get  this bishop out by playing b6 and bishop b7 and   looking for a break c5 or e5 white meanwhile will  either look to gain space or play the break e4 to   open up this diagonal for their bishop let's see  what happens fabiano chooses both of those ideas   he plays c5 and then e4 but magnus carlsen plays  b6 and there's a tension here amongst the pawns   we get e takes d5 e takes d5 and now rookie one  queen f6 and fabiano caruana detonates a sacrifice   on d5 takes takes rook slides over and he plays c6  looks like oh wow this is gonna be a swashbuckling   contest between two hungry grandmasters looking  to assert dominance the number one and two in   the world but magnus carlsen says i don't need  to indulge in any of that i just take my knight   take back and um what happens now is magnus  carlsen is down a pawn but he's very active he's   counterbalancing this even with this capture he's  counterbalancing this position with the fact that   white's extra pawn is in this four on three it's  this e pawn but it's not going anywhere and watch   as magnus defends this position he immediately  takes control of the open files he's got the queen   always threatening to to walk in he's got bishop  pressure on the pawn and essentially what he has   here is dominance over all of white's entry points  into the position he then begins he even goes for   a queen trade voluntarily even though he's losing  by one pawn because he's constantly threatening   to break in and just you know like like a horse  in the living room just kick everything over uh   break the sofa break the table and then you know  take back his extra pawn he also of course uses   his queen side pawns to push away and chip away at  fabiano's structure fabiano goes for a rook trade   now magnus carlsen does not indulge fabiano  would love a trade like this uh because even   if magnus were to take on a2 for example this  would allow fabiano for the cost of one pawn   to activate his rook and hunt down magnus's  weaknesses so you see this this counterbalance   in all end games of material versus activity  so magnus carlsen doesn't do that and continues   to pressure doesn't allow fabi's rook out uh and  after rook c2 rook b4 the queen side pawns end up   being the difference right magnus activates all  his pieces to their maximum and look at this he   stayed so patient for a moment that fabiano has  three extra pawns i mean it's kind of a fake   three extra pawns because both these pawns will  be picked up but one pawn is gone and then the   players here just simply repeated and it's crazy  because fabiano simply cannot do anything there is   nothing he can do like bishop g4 attacking his  rook he moves away and bishop comes back to f5   and the game is just a draw his only alternative  is to sacrifice this rook which obviously he is   not going to do so magnus holds down fobby uh even  though fombi's got the two extra pawns with the uh   activity of the pieces the constant pressure  instructive game you guys know when i i call   out you know these instructive moments in games  and it's a little bit disappointing obviously that   the world number one and two with this intense  rivalry uh drew the game in three hours they   were the first ones done but uh what can you do  you know that's life another person who was for   almost done first is uh maxima shilograph who  going into today's round was tied for last place   which is crazy because maxim is currently leading  the tournament of the candidates which is the   tournament to determine who will play magnus  carlson in the next world championship match   if you are not aware it was paused because  it took place right when coronavirus was   getting started really in march of last year  and it was paused halfway but he is currently   the leader so it's crazy to see this and he is  playing alexander donchenko who obviously is uh is   a a touch lower rater than the other participants  and also was a last minute replacement he plays a   karo khan with black and and mvl plays the fantasy  variation uh dunchenko plays e6 which is something   that i recommend in my carl concourse link in the  description nudge nudge knight to c3 and bishop b4   bishop d2 knight e7 this is a very standard  way for black to develop the position here   bishop d3 b6 and dunchenko volunteers this bishop  for capture and castles why does he give away   this bishop well because white's bishop on c3 is  hardly doing anything it's stuck between the pawns   bishops like open space which is exactly why mvl  went for f4 the problem is that even with this   explosion of the position look at this envious  going for queen h5 ed5 and queen takes h7 mate   dunchenko accurately trades off his bishop  going for the trade here uh shuts down the   dark squared bishop and then says wait a second  i don't gotta trade with anybody let me just   roll these pawns down the board with c4 look at  this move bishop a5 defended by the queen on the   other side of the board attacking the queen this  game was a weird one uh it was a very strange game   and i'm gonna i'm gonna show you why so knight c6  attacking the bishop queen c5 at this point maxime   vashiligrav is completely lost he is completely  lost with the white pieces after 15 moves   which is astounding that that is actually  crazy dunchenko pushes in attacking   the bishop has to slide back now we get  this this one move from dunchenko and an   mvl is never castling i mean of course it's a  sacrifice of a pawn so dunchenko just activates   his rook to try to get rook down to b2 so now  b3 and rook to d8 trying to push the pawn to d2   here apparently dunchenko had to lash out with f5  a nice move targeting this pawn and mvl has a very   unpleasant choice does he take or does he push  right uh and if he pushes this gives the d5 square   so this would have been this would have been  very bad for mvl i don't know did i just say   dunchenko had a bad choice or nvl had a bad choice  sometimes i say the wrong name i hope i didn't say   the wrong name so rook d8 but this gave nvl time  to castle and then when dunchenko pushed this   pawn forward to attack uh the rook with the  bishop from the distance we just got rook f2   and you're like what are you doing here buddy i  think you wandered into the wrong part of town   you know we better beat you up let me see that  wallet that watch looks nice let me take that   watch too off of you and uh well mvl consolidates  and he wins the pawn now mvl is just you know   up a pawn but of course dunchenko has a very  active piece you know active piece on c1 this   forces queen takes a6 uh if you take on d1 with  shaq and attacking my knight what does my knight   do of course i drop back and now uh well queen  comes back to d4 and this so dunchenko has now   queen nine five versus queen knight and five okay  mvl of course uh does uh what super gm's do in   equal positions he just keeps playing a little  bit he doesn't you know maybe maybe maybe maybe   maybe okay let me give a check let me come back  offering a trade of queens no trade of queens   b4 let me push my pawns i'm gonna bring  my king to the middle very equal position   very equal game but let me push my pawns yeah  push my pawns on the queens i got two on one   i got two on one what's the harm in pushing my  pawns here right and trying to create a pass pawn   knight d5 offering a trade of knights queen d4  wait a second wait a minute wait a minute this is   hit this has hit this is a pin wait a minute wait  a minute queenie seven okay now now my king's safe   i got the pawns they're gonna roll oh i'll take  that what you're gonna take on a4 well i'm gonna   take on h5 now it's a four on three magnus  carlsen won one of these yesterday i think   i could do it too watch me do it watch me do it  better than magnus carlsen the hope here for black   is to trade enough pawns that you get into a  drawn end game like a three on two like this   so mvl plays queen f3 and let's just see what  happens did dunchenko seamlessly draw this game no   denchenko recreationally allowed the pawn to  walk all the way down the board wait a second   let's see an instant replay of that f5 g5 queen e1  not realizing that actually after the move g6 uh   this is very difficult for black black's gotta  play king f8 now it's the only move apparently   to try to prolong the game a little bit  maybe you give a check on a8 like this   king e7 queen b7 and black has  to apparently play king to d6   volunteering to part ways with this pawn because  it's a perpetual check apparently apparently   apparently black had to do that black didn't do  that he brought back the queen now mvl plays queen   d5 check and picks up the pawn now it's a three  on one now unveal's winning i don't know how this   happened out of it was time trouble but uh he  walks this king up protects himself again this   is not what you want even though you get a check  because i go queen h4 i move out of the way i   check you and i'm winning so we've seen a couple  of days now where in a queen and pawn end game   the pawn majority and the advancement the  coordinated advancement on one side of the board   basically did the other opponent in and then  that's a nice move f6 that's a nice move setting   up queen to c8 look at that so if you take i  have queen c8 and if g takes f6 i have queen   c8 anyway king g7 queen d7 and my pawn covering  these two squares is going to win the game a   little boomerang technique little check action no  notice notice notice you're not just going here to   give a mate because then you get mated you need  to give a check be more forcing king g7 win d7   and then you deliver mate in the next few moves so  a nice game from mvl because he was on the verge   of of just disaster he would have had 3 out of  10 had he lost this game i think that is not what   the leader of the candidates wants obviously  so looking for him to get back into the event   now um la uh we will also take a look at the game  between andreas sipenko and david anton andres   penco uh half a point out of first place and  playing against this spanish number one who   is having an okay tournament i think but andre is  having a fantastic tournament this one is spanish   uh with a very strange move on move eight a move  that actually looks like a mouse slip it looks   like you meant to move your bishop further  so the bishop goes out to e3 bishop g5 but   bishop d2 is uh the move that's g that  gets played whatever i don't know what   they're doing nowadays with their opening  preparation rookie one it's still not so   clear by the way why you haven't moved your  knight but okay it's still not so clear why hold up what what what what what ha what wha i you  know what i'm not i'm not even gonna lie to you my   friends i don't know why he did that i don't  know i'm supposed to be your your your pr you   know your your guardian angel i'm supposed to take  you through the land of the complications i don't   know why he did this i don't know what the big  brain idea here was but let's just pretend that   didn't happen knight f1 knight g3 this is much  more common in a closed position to route your   knight to a nice square kick out the bishop okay  andre okay you just trolling with me at this point   man you just i mean what do you want you want to  just show your opponent you know how bishops go ba   bob what do you think you're so strong you  just wait okay okay okay rook c1 nice nice   nice what's gonna happen on that there's gonna be  a pawn explosion at some point but andre in the   meanwhile in the meantime uses the outflanking  technique to secure control over the f5 square   and jump a knight into f5 how long has it been  since someone moved the pawn okay still no pawn   moves oh yay okay take on c4 nice so andrei wants  to close down the queen side and maybe attack on   the king's side oh yeah i i i see it does i smell  oh the bishop's been taken knight comes back to h4   king to g2 are we what are we doing we  trying to push on this side of the board   what are we trying to do this is all under control  no one's coming in here we're all good okay oh oh   oh andre had us fooled the whole time he actually  wanted to play on the queen side wait a minute   isn't this controlled three times doesn't matter  you could take it go ahead and take it i'm gonna   break through now it's a pawn break creating an  opportunity to attack the opponent and now we   take back you say levy why didn't you go back to  c8 like so the night in the in the wall because   you just take yeah but then what about this well  yeah but ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen   knight takes e5 of course removing  the defender of the central pawn   if queen e5 we have bishop f4 don't doubt the  vibe of andrei isipenko he knows what he's doing   and that is why knight b5 happened  but now we take back on b4 it's a very   complicated position but white is making  steady progress now the bishop is back   so davina anton decides to sacrifice a pawn that  andrei doesn't even take he activates his light   squad bishop this is the difference between the  two bishops look at this guy this guy's living   in an apartment with no windows this guy is living  on a penthouse he sees the valley from his balcony   right this bishop on c4 rook takes c3 all right  you take my pawn but look at me let me activate   this bishop so i can kick your knight out of the  center and let me take that pawn on a6 and you   know what my guardian angel is this pawn this is  my pride and joy this is the car that i take out   of my penthouse garage and then drive 150 miles  an hour don't actually do that that's speeding   you'll get in a lot of trouble um that's like  criminal speeding that's like the worst kind   you go like go to you lose your license and uh  well what did andre do for the rest of the game   he pushed his c pawn ladies and gentlemen it's not  too complicated well up until he got blocked and   then he spent the rest of the game trying to get  rid of the blockade and then creating a concept   of two weaknesses so in the end game you'll  notice that a person who has the advantage will   often play on both sides of the board this bishop  defends the pawn but also pressures the king so   andre sacrificed his h-pawn to activate his queen  and threaten queen takes pawn because of this pin   and uh well on this move uh davinton resigned  because frankly he can't defend his position   rome is being infiltrated from all three sides  here like literally this is actually fascinating   look at this the furthest points of infiltration  all meet at the same crossroads this is beautiful   honestly queen h6 rook a8 it's just double-sided  invasion and the pawn on c6 is a nice bonus   that bishop on d5 is such a killer fantastic game  from andre who continues to crush in this event   and last but not least ladies and  gentlemen that brings us to the game   of anish giri versus the number two polish player  radoslav tashik let's go anish let's see what you   got d4 all right baby let's see let's see let's  see oh anish giri said listen i got a couple   of courses but gotham chess also has a london  course link in the description below by the way   uh that's the second time i played one of my  courses in this video so e3 c5 knight f3 this is   all theory all well-known stuff the big question  is where's this bishop going and it goes to g4   sometimes black blocks it in anish geary plays an  early queen maneuver taking advantage of the fact   that the bishop has a bend in the b7 post now when  i used to teach this to my six-year-old students   black would then lose this pawn and then lose this  knight and then lose this rook and then lose this   pawn and then like get checkmated but waitashik  is a little bit stronger than some of my beginner   six-year-old students and plays the move queen  to c8 which defends the pawn so now anish just   naturally develops the rest of his pieces and  castles and uh you know gets bored so he brings   the queen back to the home square because he's  trying to set up the pieces for the next game   on a serious note what he's doing here is he's  threatening to move knight to e5 and maybe dc5 to   expand on the queen side let us see how anish giri  plays the game when nothing has been traded right   first he prepares with this rook queen d8 goes  back voitashik really liked bringing the queen   back to the home square and now dc5 knight c5  and a pawn advancement on this side of the board   knight goes back to d7 and now anish plays the  move a3 because he wants to give every single pawn   in his position a chance to participate this pawn  defends this pawn which enables this pawn to move   so that's why knight b6 happens and now anish  plays rook c1 seemingly preparing to move c4 but   then voitasic says i'm going to play e5 so when  he says i kind of like that idea let me play the   move e4 so that when you play e5 your center is  destabilized and we get e4 e5 the pawns clash and   the bishop retreats botashik retreats his bishop  solidifying his center and here in east geary   plays an absolutely fascinating move which will  be very very very instructive and i say that a lot   but pay attention aneesh giri trades his dark  squared bishop for the knight of voitasha and   you say why would he do that why would he do that  well what this does is it destabilizes the light   squares you've given away your dark squared bishop  for a knight a knight controls light and dark so   now white has three pieces that fight for the  light squares black only has two pieces that   fight for the light squares the dark squares are  pretty well blocked you'll notice the dark square   bishop is not really playing so anish goes here  here and then plays the move a4 to get his pawn   out of the danger of the rook he didn't just push  his pawn because he wants to show boy tasha he   knows how to do that he's getting his a  pawn out of danger so we get pawn to f5   and now b5 kicking the knight out of the way of  the center but boy tashik is down for a fight   so pawn takes knight pawn takes knight bishop  takes b takes and again an east plays bish a trait   of pieces why because watashi has to take with the  pawn if he takes with the queen let's not forget   that in all of this this rook sees this bishop so  pawn takes leaving vitasha with two pawn islands   anisha has two pawn islands of his own but the  light squares it's now a battle of light versus   dark squares right the knight can jump into the  lion squares the bishop cannot be held accountable   so the bishop covers the entrance points of the  knight on the dark squares so we get rook to e6   infiltrating on the light squares it's a  fascinating game of color complexes now   the pieces infiltrate on the light squares to a  dark squared target look at that rook takes b6   so we get rook takes a4 it's a nice and balanced  game and what ends up happening is we get this   we get a position of two rooks and a knight  versus two rooks and a bishop okay completely   symmetrical structure the one advantage  that in each geary has is he has activity   he has a lot more active pieces and in end games  rooks on the seventh rank are very very annoying   but in this case the bishop covers so anish is  going to use his flank pawn as an infiltration   decoy and if black ever pushes the pawn to stop  him two dark squared pawns means the light square   on g6 is going to be infiltrated by the knight  nobody in the black position can counter that   and that is why anish was able to slowly  improve his position avoiding the trade of rooks   avoiding the trade of rooks repeating wants to  gain some time on the clock but avoiding the trade   of rooks and finding a way to stack his rooks he's  trying to make some progress here and now this   is the moment of truth trying to create practical  problems for his opponent rook to a2 voitacic   activates his rook and tries to go for the f2  square by camping his bishop on the other side   of the board maintaining defense rook goes back to  a6 now we get knight to h4 who's gonna guard the   f5 pawn who's gonna guard the f5 pawn if you play  rook to f6 you're very passive but probably you're   hanging on here that's the truth white will slowly  try to improve the position but you're hanging on   most likely uh maybe you're still gonna go h6  looking to sacrifice the h-pawn for the f-pawn   but you should be okay just because this bishop  is from a faraway land but then we got this   and that move allowed white to play h6 and now  you have a serious problem because after the   move f4 trying to break into white's position i  play g4 and i don't take your pawn if i take your   pawn i activate your rook i open your rook's  vision now your rook stares into its own pawn   and then anishigiri finish this off in style  with rook takes h7 look at that the game ends   ultimately on a light square because king takes  h7 will be met with rook d7 check if the king goes   back to g8 h7 king h8 and what did i say a long  time ago ladies and gentlemen knight to g6 would   decide the game a rook sacrifice using your flank  pawn as an advancement your knight to jump in and   look at what color complex ended the game every  piece on a light square and with that anish giri   won yet another game in his tata steel campaign  this year and my goodness after 10 rounds we have   a solo leader for the first time in a while anish  giri leads the tara steel 2021 chess tournament   he's got seven points out of ten andre  isipenko up there half a point out of   first and fabiano caruana as well as  alireza farrugia with six and a half
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 257,984
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Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, tata steel, tata steel chess, tata steel chess live, chessbase, tata chess, tata, chessbase india tata steel, tata steel chess 2020, tata steel chess 2021, tata steel 2021, tata steel 2020, tata chess 2021, chess24, chess 24, tata steel live, tata steel chess 2021 live, magnus carlsen, anish giri, magnus, wijk aan zee, wijk aan zee chess, wijk aan zee chess 2021
Id: SbtY4vjfrDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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