How To Win At Chess (Ep 9, 850-1600)

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welcome everybody to how to win at chess episode  number nine this is a series where i take on my   twitch subscribers in 10 minute games and i go up  the rating ladder talking you through the opening   middle game and end game now this episode is kind  of special and unique because i'm not recording   it live on stream normally i just kind of cut  the intro and then that part in together uh but   actually today i'm just playing completely offline  so the overlay looks a little bit different   i've still queued up some subscribers but uh yeah  i mean let's just get right into it uh today's   first opponent is rated 850. i'm going to play  the move d4 and oh let me just highlight last move   because i turned that off for a thumbnail but now  it's back um and the highest rated player will be   about 1600 so we have d4 d5 of course we have to  begin with something very standard which is what   everybody plays the london system now i'm gonna  be talking for an hour and a half today uh i've   never done that before a one and a half hour  offline recording okay e6 um e6 blocks in the   light square bishop it's not really a bad move but  it's uh you're gonna have to deal with kind of the   repercussions further down the line of finding  a way to develop this bishop somehow some way   but so far normal stuff i've put my pawn out  like this my knight i still don't really know   how my opponent is setting up i don't know  if they're gonna offer me a trait of bishops   or if they are going to play the move c5  c5 is one of the most critical moves that   you could play against the london in general  the rule of thumb is c5 just go c3 if they   play c5 go c3 there's no need to pre-move  this move but go c3 we have knight to c6   i'm gonna play knight to d2 and bishop to d3 if  the bishop trade is offered to me now uh generally   rocking back is the thing to do you should just  go back to g3 uh and then you should maybe play   knight e5 in the future if they ever taken  the center it's better to take with the e pawn   rather than the c pawn because if you take with  the c pawn and you have a symmetrical structure uh   that uh you should have moved your knight  to c3 knight to e4 very confrontational move   so when they jump into the center like this if you  just play bishop to d3 they're gonna play f5 it's   actually better believe it or not to take and you  say why would i do that i mean i'm just letting   them you know get attacked me well the problem  for black is that now this pawn is a weakness   in fact the only way to protect it is to play  f5 and then you are really overextending because   you have moves like queen to h5 check which  is not winning the game but it's definitely   unpleasant to deal with uh if you are playing  with the black pieces they have they have to play   a fight they have nothing else they have no other  way to defend that pawn uh they could take first   but then of course i'm gonna you know i'm gonna  take it like this okay c takes d4 interesting   um of course i can take back and i know i just  said i take like this but that's kind of the   general rule of thumb and we have to actually work  with uh right we have to work with specifics so   i can also take on e4 attacking the bishop the  bishop will take me i will take then they'll   take one of my pawns and i have knight d6 check in  that position but i can also take the bishop first   but you know what i don't think we need to  i mean i think i think what i was going to   do originally is completely fine and take  with my e-pawn i think this is completely   reasonable now again f5 is the only move there's  no need to over complicate things for the sake   of over-complicating them in the beginning of the  game f5 is still the only move that can be played um whoa okay i guess my opponent's logic is that  if i take they have this they can take my bishop   but it's guarded so yes in some ways they've  damaged my structure and again i don't want   you all to be like oh my god i have doubled  isolated pawns so are you losing one of them no   so now they've castled so i think i  should also castle but here's the question   if i develop my bishop i can castle short if i  develop my queen like there i could castle long   opposite side castling  could not be a bad idea here   like for example if i can somehow force my  opponent to make that trade with me and then   open up this maybe i'm not going to castle short  like for example what if i play knight to e4   and i attack the bishop oh clever opponent  doesn't want to take my bishop i don't blame them   uh now they have f5 so maybe this move will  come back to bite but i'm gonna just develop my   bishop for now still kind of keeping it mysterious  where i'm castling the good thing for me is that   my center is very strong so these pawns are all  very well guarded they're kind of providing a nice   little barrier for my my pieces e5 is a fantastic  move that is an excellent move they are castled i   am not so of course you want to open up the center  like right now taking is just a bad idea now here   i i have a really nice tactic um part of me wants  to play it for how beautiful it is and part of me   doesn't because i don't want to end the game  on such a flashy tactic so the move is d5 now   that doesn't look like it works because queen  takes but here's the thing that queen is   unguarded and there's a tactical pattern there if  my bishop moved my queen would see the queen right   and the queen would have no guard but if my  bishop moved with check that would be nice   but it can't because my knight is in the way so  i would be able to give a check the king would   take and then i would win the queen but how on  earth am i going to do that if my knight is here   i'm going to give the knight away first  so i'm going to play d5 take check   hitting the king and the  queen they take now bishop h7   and i'm really conflicted but i think for the  beauty of the game i have to play this move   now my opponent might realize that you know like  they're playing me so they're like oh he's got   something up his sleeve so i'm not gonna take the  pawn that's totally that totally might happen uh   but if you know they might get hit with with this  and that's just that's just and and it happens and   you know what i'm sorry to bailey but i hope  that you in the future can forgive me because   the way you spot things like this this is really  a great example of combining tactical play   and pattern recognition and all of that in this  in the middle of the game i had an idea it doesn't   work but if you just look for checks you look  for the most forcing moves in the position um   you will find things like this and and again you  know this series is about how to win at chess and   um everything that we just said came true and it  was all forced queen takes d5 was not forced but   okay opponent didn't didn't take but in  fact they should because i'm gonna win   the queen anyway in fact i could even maybe  go there and i have some sort of checkmate but why not just take the queen and they  do take and i mean now now we have the the   next stage of the game which is converting a  winning position so the material is queen and   pawn for bishop and knight the way you win  this there's two ways to win any position   where you have a big material advantage just  take it to the end game because the queen will   just be a superior piece and you will win the game  um or just go for a big attack and i i think in   this case with the open king we can kind of go to  that game plan so i'm just gonna go for the king   now there are going to be moments that you can  sacrifice just a little bit of material like if i   if i take with my rook on f5 and i get the bishop  and the f pawn for it that's not a bad trade um   don't just give checks and hang queens in one  move this is called how to win at chess after all   thinking bishop h4 maybe i like this move just  lining up black is defending but not for long and now i also should bring this rook i also have  the rook lift so up and over with the rook but   definitely this game is going to be won by virtue  of attack i don't think i even want this to get   to an end game and now we have exactly what i  talked about uh i'm gonna play rook takes f5   bishop takes and uh queen takes  and my opponent does have this   but the benefit is that now i have a check  i have a check that attacks both pieces   and uh otherwise that would have been a mistake  actually otherwise f5 would have been kind of   a nice trick there by my opponent queen h4 now  we have a queen for rook and knight which is uh   actually not that crazy of an imbalance but the  king is the problem like white is up three points   of material but really the reason white is so  winning here is because of how weak my opponent's   king is like my opponent's king has no shelter and  uh i'm gonna be able to attack a lot of black's   weaknesses just by attacking the king now how do  i do that probably check getting us to come up now   maybe e4 like just baiting the king forward  that's probably the way we're gonna win this   i gotta think maybe i do  have some sort of mating net   i probably do but i don't see one actually somehow  maybe king e4 i just don't let the king escape   and i play g4 i don't or maybe check yeah it's  probably it's probably this it's probably check   there's always some way to coordinate your pieces  and moments like this and i mean the king just   can't be the most advanced piece so now we have  check the king will go to the h file and probably   we have some ladder mate probably like for example  king here right so now we probably have check some sort of why is this so difficult uh oh  just queen g4 and then rook h5 yeah so there   you go i mean the the the king just cannot  be the most advanced piece and that is how   you would convert this position i feel a  little bit bad for detonating the move uh   uh d5 and then knight f6 but again i i hope  you all appreciate um yeah because that was that was really i mean just for the beauty of  the game now knight to e4 uh takes takes knight   d2 is all good cd4 is good now again just kind of  this is this would have been the critical position   and here the computer just likes knight c4 and  kind of the way we played this making them take   and or if they don't take just you know having  them play this move for example but then picking   up this pawn on c5 uh would have been the way to  go uh and the reason why this is why this is so   good for white is because black just has a lot of  structural weaknesses but again if you're rated   850 or like even a thousand or 1200 structural  weakness is a very abstract concept right like   just because i say structural weakness doesn't  mean you're like oh i know what that means okay   fantastic i know how to win the game now chess is  uh is a lot goes a lot further than that right so   but we used our london and the first move out of  the comfort zone was this now at this point if   you're just pre-moving the opening black is going  to go here and and virtually have no problems   so you really need to kind of be aware  of the fact that this early jump to e4   just isn't good because it gives black a very  very bad target in the center uh and ultimately   you know and ultimately this move e3 wasn't  great and then after that we we just we just   played a very unfortunate move d5 that results in  this beautiful tactical shot and that is really   what we're trying to do here is we're trying to  spot the tactic three moves before it happens   to have that foresight that's what this is all  about that is how you get better at the game   so now we have uh chupacho who's rated 1174 has  a picture of brett as a profile uh d4 man what   can we play i i wonder if this is going to  be a london are they going to london us now makes sense well i mean there's a few ways to  play against the london with black i'm trying   to think what would be the most interesting you  know let's play knight c6 this is non-standard   like it's not very good because it's supposed to  be not good if white plays c4 let's see if i play   c4 uh but i'm going to try to castle queen side so  i'm going to try to castle queen side against the   london player and see what happens if white knows  what they're doing c4 here's a very decent move and then you try to play queen b3 so e6 bishop d6  queen d7 and then long castle is what i'm gonna do   trying to castle long against okay all right  opponent seems to know what they're doing   now against c4 you probably shouldn't castle long  actually believe it or not but there is one trick   here like bishop to b4 check and what you can  do is you can okay i'm gonna play knight f6   there's a trick here where you can take this  knight unless my opponent plays knight c3 now   in which case we just have a very okay  we're just gonna have a very balanced   game i'm gonna pin the knight and uh it's  a london mixed in with the queen's gambit and we're just gonna play chess the london  is just one of these openings that you   you know you can run from it you can hide but  it's gonna happen bishop d3 okay so just like   in the last game i don't have to take i can  just rock back i can also drop my knight into   the middle because it's very well protected and  it also puts some extra pressure on this knight   i think i'm just gonna rock back i don't think  i have to drastically change the position   if the move a3 happens i'm going to make that  trade and i'm going to double my opponent's pawns   again if you put bishops out like this far you  you're you're hopefully going in with the with   with the logic that you're going to take now you  say well eve you said you were going to castle   queenside yeah but my opponent played the most  challenging approach if my opponent had stuck   to this kind of boring london with  c3 then i would have had to adapt   but in this case uh i decided to castle queenside  i wouldn't have had to adapt i would have just   castled queenside if uh they played boring but  because they played the most challenging way   like this i decided to go short side  knight to e5 now at this point we have   a million moves basically what we're gonna do  just like last game we're gonna take and if they   play this move we already know that dropping  the knight back here is completely fine for us   we also can take that bishop and we can  take that pawn and we can take that knight   it's very tough to read which of those trades is  better right so okay they're attacking our knight   if i take that knight i guard my knight through  this pawn backwards and i damaged the structure   so i think now i'm gonna make that trade rather  than moving my knight back and here's my logic   um that has two attackers so if i move my knight  back they would have taken me and then they   would have taken with the knight it's all about  visualizing what your opponent can do don't forget   where the pressure spots of the position  are that's what a lot of people forget they   they notice it for a move and then  it totally leaves their mind and   of course the hardest part here is  to visualize that backwards capture wait wait but why whoa whoa whoa what was that  why here i mean at least just take my bishop or   my knight this is just a little bit too fancy of  a move my opponent moves in to pin me but i just   took a knight so to not take anything back now  i have a free move and i can just take the pawn   and the worst part is my bishop is out of danger   and the knight is still pinned so that was just  a one move blunder that was an example of just   being too fancy i mean again just be simple just  take the bishop you don't even have to think here   you know just um just take the bishop because  bishop g5 is just a little bit unnecessary   and that's that's kind of how we run into  problems i would say is we we we don't   we don't see the the one movers we  don't see the kind of the simple spots   of the position which we should and the good  news is that one move blunders can absolutely   be avoided like like if that is  your biggest weakness in chess then   it's actually a good thing so i see a rook uh  i can take the bishop now that i'm up material   uh if i take the bishop the queen is out if i  take the pawn behind the bishop is the rook so   my opponent might take this because it's so close  and the logic might be well if i take this then i   can't take that but they do spot it they do spot  it now i could throw in the capture of the queen   uh i will just for instructional purposes now my  opponent can do something known as a desperado   okay so since they're going to lose the  bishop anyway they might as well take a pawn   and check me and then take my queen right that's  called a desperado you're going to lose it anyway   so you take check and then i respond but if you  take this i take with the knight and then i attack   your other bishop there's a difference that's  the difference between general and specific in   chess right so they take like this i'll take like  this uh it's better than taking with the f pawn   because then my pawn is just a weakness this way  my pawns kind of stay together uh now we have a   knight up and a two pawns up knight and two pawns  up okay well that's a very simple move see just   back to d6 not complicated guarded if it wasn't  guarded i wouldn't be able to play that move   and now we transfer the knight to the  middle or to d5 we go after the weakness   we try to trade a rook or two and we just win  the end game here probably we will not be winning   uh any crazy attacking game can i just push like  why wouldn't i just push this pawn i understand   i just said trade but it's also nice to just  have a pawn two squares away from promotion   so and then just of course i anticipated  that they would attack me and now you   have to anticipate defending the pawn so again  when you push it's not like oh i'm just pushing   it's like i'm pushing but what if they attack  me okay i can defend my pawn okay great   and there you go knight to e4 and if they attack  my knight first of all i can just take the bishop   but second of all i can glue my knight in to the  e4 square with the pawn and that square would be   known as an outpost square an outpost square is  a square on usually on your opponent's side of   the board where you can plant a piece of yours  like a knight or a bishop and it exerts pressure   and it can't be kicked out generally what that  means is you can guard it against pieces of higher   value like rooks or queens a bishop targeting  it would mean that it's not an outpost because   it can be taken and if this pawn was there  then of course i would just get kicked out   so okay they want my pawn i guess i'll play bishop  before i'm really hanging onto this pawn here   and then next i guess i'll i'll go and  trade the rooks and we'll just be winning maybe rook here oop not there  rook here attacking my bishop   i'll play c5 guarding the  bishop and attacking the rook there you go now please don't go  here because your rook gets trapped   generally you don't want to put your  rook where it has no breathing room like before you go here you got to ask  yourself can i be attacked because i have no   way out anywhere i move i would anticipate this  probably just to go after one of my weaknesses   that i could just play rook f7 yep see chess is  all about prediction okay they take and now i take   back and now i've traded off one of their rooks  i'm still saving this up i can't push it yet but   if the rook moves here i can push it they might  play a3 removing my bishop from guarding that pawn   but then i take and i attack the rook so g3 rogue  goes to the middle just like i just said that and at some point you will always have tactics  like if i push and they take i take the bishop   for example right but if push and they take my  bishop well then they're gonna win this next so um what if i attack the rook it cannot take and then  what i'm gonna do when it moves up one square is   glue the pawn together with the bishop this way  rather than being here i'm gonna go and i'm gonna   or i'm just gonna do that that's not good okay  now now we go to the next phase of the game   converting this rook in and this is  easy because it's just bishops and   it's just the bishop and pawns right so this  one is uh more or less straightforward we'll   pick this up we'll go here and if  you really want to simplify this   you really want to simplify this take a pawn  and then at some point just sack for the bishop   leave the opponent with just pawns and then just  push the pawns right and that's it i mean we have   the three on one here if they push we'll take if  they push we'll take so we take just don't stay on   mate no stalemates no stalemates always looking  for them to have legal moves always looking for   them to have legal moves they can still move the  king if they take i take right we push right um   check and you don't need a second queen in fact  i would i would really recommend that you just   practice the easiest mate do the most practical  thing cut the king off make sure it has moves   and just go mate with the king and queen be  practical okay practice this during your games   just do that that is the easiest thing forget  about the rest of the pieces simplify it down   in your head king and queen and that's it this  next move is made no matter where the king goes   that's mate good game now this game was very  good it was just a very solid game and then   the second that we clashed my opponent just  didn't take my bishop and that's kind of a um that's just you know that's a one-move oversight  and that happens okay like that right what more uh   what more to say um and then after that the rest  of the game is this kind of simplification and   solid cleanup process that pawn the outpost square  and then finding a way to just trade off at the   right moment make those right infiltrating moves  and then the simplification process which is just   this getting it down to uh to an end game that's  super easy to win ultimately the final thing here   is that is is seeing through all of this forest  of pieces right like you don't need two queens   and you don't need to simplest thing you have  a queen that's all you need okay right and um   less one move blunders just those one move  captures i'm hoping throughout the video that   uh we don't have too many of those because  that will be that'll be a little bit rough but   next up is mr cobble so last game i played  d4 of course this game i have to play e4   karo khan okay um i mean there's a lot of there's  a lot of openings i want to play against the karo   khan but i will play just d4 now i have a new  gambit's repertoire which goes like this knight   c3 of course link is in the description and here  f3 and kind of playing this in the style of an   opening known as the black mardemer gambit  which is after d4 d5 e4 like this but c6 has   been played so see that there's an inclusion of a  couple of moves now after pawn takes knight takes   white is down a pawn but we have two knights  developed and we're gonna develop a bishop   and a and castle very quickly and i'm maybe not  even gonna castle short maybe i'll castle along   um bishop out bishop out we'll see so for example  bishop f5 i might just trade the bishop just to   get my queen oop might get my queen developed  that's not a bad move here bishop c4 is strong   now here bishop g4 is a big mistake you have to  go bishop f5 bishop g4 is a big mistake because   of a tactic involving my knight my bishop and my  queen and see my opponent blocks in their bishop   so that helps the guy playing the gambit because  now i'm gonna have open lines the other benefit   of moving this pawn is that when i castle my rook  will be open right so by blocking in their bishop   the whole point of a gambit is to get a lead in  development and by getting a lead in development   my opponent negating their own development  throughout this game is going to hurt them they're   probably going to play like bishop d6 bishop e7  and castle they should not get confrontational   with c5 when you are lacking development  the last thing that you want to do is start   clashing with the enemy meanwhile i will continue  developing my pieces in an aggressive way right all right now i'm gonna play queen  out and rook out and that is the   way you play game it's like here knight  e4 adds pressure to this pinned piece i   can also go oh i can also go knight to  e5 knight to e5 looks like a nice move   because then my rook joins up i don't know i  can also go queenie one queen h4 and that's   another benefit of having pushed my f pawn very  early is that i i that that whole thing is open   so maybe i will do that actually i will put my  queen on h4 and put a little bit of pressure   also i will put some pressure on the h7 square and  then maybe i actually want to draw my bishop back   so i put my bishop out here but maybe it'll  be to my benefit to actually reroute it   now c5 makes more sense because my opponent has  at least castled but just because you can take a   pawn and it will be checked to you doesn't mean  anything bad now we will continue our plan to   move the queen out to h4 i feel bad for my rook  but it i think it'll come out in in in a moment   now they're retreating i'm thinking  to make this kind of lineup here   that looks very annoying for black i'm not gonna  lie to you that looks very annoying and we are   threatening bishop takes h7 by the way we're not  threatening bishop takes because knight takes   the knight takes and then h7 is protected but  we are threatening bishop h7 knight h7 bishop   e7 so oftentimes when you have this kind of  crisscross applesauce of tactics there's always   something there bishop h7 just wins the game  for white now if my opponent plays the move h6   i'm thinking to sacrifice you know and just  shred it open the general rule of thumb of   sacrificing in positions like this is if you have  two more attacking pieces then they have defenders   you're in good shape you know if you have three  or four you're probably just gonna win the game   but um yeah uh that's uh that's that's one way  to do it is to sacrifice now g6 is actually very   good move because that blocks my my bishop and  i don't have an immediate just knockout punch   so i will have to work a little bit harder trying  to think you know i want to move my knight i'll   i'll also definitely want to sacrifice something  definitely also want to go here here a lot of   things look good right now this knight can't move  because i'm threatening to take there right so we don't need to sacrifice so early knight  to e5 looks that just looks like a really   good move so does knight to e4 because of  that pressure that we're building up here   i don't know they all look good they all look good i think i'm gonna go with  this one just adding another attacker to the   fire here we are soon gonna have six attacking  pieces and maybe a seventh when we bring in   this rook or double up but doubling up takes two  moves so now if knight takes we're just winning   um the other thing is i just just i don't know  it's the whole position looks there's a lot of   moves here that that look good for white and in  those moments you you won't solve the position   you know you have to realize that you need to you  need to play the clock as well just improve your   position and don't blunder anything it's too  early to play move like bishop takes f6 and by   playing g6 my opponent completely just will never  be able to play h6 so i'm gonna stay here forever   my pieces will stay right here lurking around  that king forever maybe i can also play c3 at   some point now that i've moved my knight just kind  of making sure i have no weaknesses at all because   if we're anticipating counter play maybe this  queen comes out and targets the pawns here right that's one thing to think about but that is also  negated by the fact that i've just played knight   to e4 because that queen and that bishop need  to guard that knight and if the queen comes out   it it stops guarding him alright rook 2v8  that move is designed to guard that bishop   so now my opponent can take here  now if i take if i play knight to e5   they can take and then i can take on f6 and there  we are probably winning take take yeah that looks   terrible so then can my opponent take here this is  how you calculate in chess if they if if this and   then this the bishops open up and see each other  but so does my rook and my rook can go in there   and then if my root goes in there i'm threatening  queen to h7 which should just be winning but but   they can play knight takes bishop guarding the h7  square okay okay so knight to e5 might not work   that might not be a good move but then taking  on f6 is probably also i mean i just don't   want to make too many trades the guy who's  attacking doesn't want to make too many trades   and i don't want to queen trade for sure   so maybe for now what we do is we just continue to  improve our position yeah maybe we play rook to d1   we don't change too much we just bring another  piece to the game and then in the future i will   have my center pawn guarded and we let my  opponent make a decision and they have made   a pretty bold decision and that decision is  to move the knight so of course if i take you   know the queen comes out and i don't i'm really  sure i want to get involved in that now if i see   this knight i want to go here my bishop is well  protected so i don't need to do anything about   it right just because the bishops see each other  doesn't mean you have to do something about it g4 and knight can go here how about we we go back  to that original idea knight to e5 the idea of   knight to e5 being the fact that that night our  knight in the center is now not going anywhere   um knight e5 the bishop can take us we will take  that looks very different than it did before   and we are also now utilizing the  fact that we've moved the rook here   because now if knight e5 happens at least you  know our rook is playing down the middle of the   board potentially now there is 95 de5 and then  queen into d4 check but i just move and i just   don't believe in my opponent surviving an attack  where i have so much activity and they're barely   guarding their position with two pieces it just  it just doesn't make any sense optically it just   doesn't make sense this move is coming next now  g4 in the last move could have been good but so knight to e5 and now we have the f7 target okay  of course don't trade queens i mean if you're if   you're trying to attack somebody do not trade the  queens now we have two and three attackers there   and any pawn push looks like it's going to attack  us but when you have five attackers lurking and   about to destroy your king one pawn push could  make all the difference so for example f6   now i'm probably looking to sacrifice there  or looking to sacrifice on h7 i'm not looking   to sacrifice the queen but i am looking to  sacrifice um another one of the pieces although   although there could be some mates with the  queen sacrifice but not after this so after f6   uh probably knight e7 oh sorry knight h7 but also  knight g6 take bishop takes and i'm attacking this   knight and that looks pretty darn good uh what  about take t oh no no no but but but if but if   take take then i take the knife okay so it's just  knight g6 yeah it's all over one two three four   five one defender for my opponent queen's not  guarding the king this knight is not guarding   the king because none of the important squares  near the king are guarded by anybody except the   king you could say that that nightguard's g7 but  that knight is about to die in the crossfire so   that is how you build up an attack slowly  after playing a gambit uh and that is how you   really evaluate sacrifices and when they're good  and when they're not gonna work and a lot of   this comes down to the fact that because black  responded so passively passively to my gambit   early on they are not able to withstand the  pressure we are shredding open the remaining   guards of the king which were the pawns this  is just over because the knight either moves   and allows my king pat my queen passage to h7  or it doesn't move gets taken and then i get to   h7 anyway the other problem for black is that  after f takes g5 i have a rook that sees the   other side of the board which a couple of moves  ago was not the case at all but because this   whole side of the board opens up you see how  powerful my rook becomes and now you see that   uh and i i mean i i gotta is there maybe like  a bulletproof way to do this i probably just   couldn't there's nothing nothing crazy to think  about i mean i could have given a check you know   and this is where people like get confused like  oh i could just take the rook yeah and hang your   queen like that's how we lose games because we  we don't keep it simple we don't stay focused um   my opponent can stop queen h7 here but they cannot  stop losing the rook so the problem is that i just   have too many threats and attack doesn't need to  end in a checkmate it can end with a massive win   of material because you pillaged you know the  opponent's king safety and you won everything   and now you're easily winning now that's not  a bad move because now i can't take the rook   but first of all i can go queen takes g5 because  now the queen is no longer guarding the pawn   i can give a check but then  the king goes here here it's actually funny bishop h7 wins also  because after knight h7 i probably have   queen check and then rook f7 and nobody can  stop mate but they don't have to take me again   i think we keep it simple here just queen takes  g5 lining up another threat on the king and now i mean i just i just don't  know the knight is also hanging   if rook f8 probably would just move the  bishop like anywhere maybe to e8 for example   or let's not forget what we did last  game i mean we've got rook lifts also   right like or two games ago was it could also  bring a rook somehow so definitely winning uh but gotta be precise gotta be precise maybe queen g5  wasn't even the best move now by the way by the   way by the way by the way if you're thinking why  didn't you sacrifice i could have done that too   i could have played rook f6 we'd have six and then  taken check there and also i had rook f1 there was   a lot a lot of a lot of a lot of things sometimes  i don't verbalize things that i do see um   and you know if uh if you want to be like yo i  saw something he didn't by all means absolutely   okay now it's time to take with the rook  again do not trade queens i understand   that you're still winning in the end game  but there is zero need to trade here i mean   just keep your queen on the  board and you're going to win maybe i can bring this too i think right now we're threatening mate and  two we're threatening double check with the   queen and the bishop and then we have a mate  no matter where the king goes king f8 queen g8   and shade queen h6 or rook h6 king h7 rook h6 or queen h6 so rook f8 will run into bishop f7 double  check and mate and it's crazy because my   opponent never got to move two pieces which  is why gambits are just so powerful which is   why if you've made it this far in this video  you should highly consider my openings courses okay if i take i lose my queen i don't  like losing my queen so bishop f7 bishop f7 probably am still now if the king  goes here i can take the rook and it's discover   check or i can play bishop takes but i think i'm  just going to do this because that's the easiest   now it's checked so my queen cannot get  taken that is why you always look for checks   now we have check my opponent will get  to finally move their bishop probably   but now i bring my rook and it is all over but  bishop d7 and maybe there is some way to run away but maybe not or maybe maybe they will  not be able to move their bishop actually so what's gonna happen is um check that's mate check and mate nice so they  never actually got to move their piece now we take a look at this game   everything that we kind of said it was a gambit  it was a very passive gambit by my opponent   and this queenie1 queen h4 idea just made  it so difficult for my opponent to move uh knight e4 was good apparently here i could  have taken i'm looking at the engine now and uh take knight e5 okay wow i could have  done it like this and if bishop takes wow takes a knight to g5 interesting knight to g5  threatening some rook f6 sacrifices okay but i   like how we did that i like how we did that and my  opponent's light squared bishop never made it out   all right next up is uh chestnite  who is not online that's very good i'm telling my subscribers  that chestnite is not online   so instead we will play soroka here we go so  last game i played e4 i guess i'll play e4 again another karo khan okay this time i'll play d4 and i guess i'll  i'll play the fantasy variation let's play f3 f3 the fantasy reinforcing the center okay e6 there's one way to do it now  here personally i like to just play   knight c3 bishop e3 queen d2 and long castle this  is one more way to play against the carl khan the problem with e6 and and i know you would  think well he's blocking in his bishop actually   e6 is a line it is one of the lines against  the fantasy and the reason it's okay to do this   against the fantasy variation is because white  has already made some strange pawn moves also   so you build up for the future with the queen side   queen b6 is a that that is definitely a  move it prevents me from moving my bishop um here there's this move a3 the idea of  a3 is that actually by moving my bishop   now i can lose this pawn  because i have knight to a4 so for example bishop e3 queen b2 knight  a4 traps the queen a common queen trap right now we let our opponent think knight f6  runs into a fork please don't blunder that no excuse to blunder central pawn forks as uh as a 1540 uh if you're going to play  anything it's got to be knight to e7 come back to d7 that's also reasonable  uh this cannot be taken still   i cannot push by the way because  just bishop takes because i'm pinned   be careful not to make blunders like that i think  i will just finish my development with knight to   e2 bishop d3 and then probably just shortcastle  that's that's the plan that is the plan again 97 probably by black and then short castle and black is thinking i wouldn't even think here just finish your  development knight e7 you can't go to f6   so you might as well go to e7   you don't need to you know solve world  hunger here although that would be nice   your bishop on d6 is never getting  trapped in fact at this point black   is basically out of moves like you have  to go 97 i mean what else can you do okay so i guess bishop e7 is preparing this move but see this is this is an example of people  just overthinking in the beginning of the game   like now when you go knight f6 i'm gonna castle  and like why did you ever go bishop d6 in the   first place right so but it is a closed  position and in close positions you can   afford to lose a move or two because it's  again no open lines no no obvious targets   uh but i will say this when the knight  comes to f6 i actually can go e5   you say well didn't you just say that  they could take because of this yes   but let's do the math knight f6 e5 take take  they take my bishop but my pawn now has a new   thing that it can take you see how subtly the  position changes a move ago if they played uh   knight to f like if they played for example knight  to e7 and i played e5 then it would have been take   take take that would have been the end of the  capture sequence and it would have been check   on top of that it would have been check  but even here you know if if like 97 92   and then i played pawn push my pawn which  lands on e5 cannot take anything else   but by putting the knight on f6  you now give me a new target right now e5 is a good move it's a very  confrontational move but that pawn used to guard   that i think i can just take that i don't need  to get caught up because this is well protected   he takes d5 oh chestnite is back let  me just tell chestnut they will play after this that's the thing people sign up to play  and then they're you know a lot of uh   for the winner chess series i'll randomly  tell people in discord that um they're you   know they're playing and then they volunteer and  then they're like actually have class like why   would you volunteer if you had class you know  people are trying to play chess while at school   not that i didn't do that when i was in school but  you know do as i say not as i do it's one of these   things i got to tell people to pay attention  in school even though i barely ever did so so he takes d5 this is an opening problem  for my opponent so what a 1500 has to do   after a game like this is they have to go back  and they got to study the fantasy variation   because clearly they were unprepared they  they did not get a very good position   and again i haven't done anything crazy have i  done anything crazy i've just developed my pieces   but they started moving the bishop there and  back and then like they already played e6   and now two moves later they play  e5 and now they've just blundered   in the opening right like check attacks but i  can just go back okay so now i mean i can go here   probably like why not just take the bishop now  i have two bishops on top of everything else i   still don't care if i get taken cause i'm i'm  guarded now i'm gonna cast so we've emerged   from the opening with a nice development and an  extra pawn and two bishops what can you complain about now i'm gonna take if knight  takes two games of this climb we'll   have a we'll have this bishop h7 queen  takes pawn so they have to play queen e5   counter attacking me then i will move my  bishop counter attacking them and life goes on nice bishop to d4 bishop to d4 and we've got this very  strong attack going toward their king okay so the first thing i look at when i see  this is can i attack the uh queen with my knight   now if i have to choose between one of those two  moves i'm thinking this one because it's more   stable my knight is actually guarded whereas this  looks aggressive but my knight doesn't have a   guard kinda like this move more it's just you know  improving the position knight comes out attacks   the queen can't be a bad move because you're also  improving your position like my knight is super   passive here right so now the queen will move here  and maybe attack my bishop and you would think   you have this trick check and this but you're in  check sometimes we've i've blundered that against   you know grand masters before i see a combination  that ends with me checking them and i forget that   i'm in check and i'm an idiot and i lose a piece  so now if they attack my bishop i will probably   just guard it with the pawn or move my bishop out  of the way so my queen protects like for example   this i will probably go here attacking the queen  and also guarding my bishop with my own queen   slowly improving my position next is probably rook  here okay does that move have a threat no doesn't   look like it knight f5 is just a trade there's  no need for that we can offer a trade of queens   we can also move our rook to the middle  attacking the knight that doesn't look   bad the knight will probably go here attacking  our bishop which also doesn't look bad for them   or there but now this move is a lot stronger  because that knight used to guard that square   that move attacks the queen and that pawn on g7  and that must be good for us that must be good   for us once we can kind of add that extra layer  now like we were just up a pawn with active pieces   and a 900 point rating advantage but now now  it's the real deal now it's really bad for my   opponent because once g7 falls that's a good move  though because if i take i lose my bishop and my   knight because let's check uh but the queen  also doesn't have a lot of moves by the way so for example if i take on g7 with my bishop i attack the rook right and then i can  bring it back now my opponent might move   the knight which attacks my knight  but there's a rook hanging so right not bad not bad can't be bad whoa i guess the pressure paid off   the pressure paid off i mean ultimately that that  is what happens you know you get there's a lot of there's a lot of pressure on your position  and ultimately you just make a blunder   which uh this game is not a one-move blunder as  much as it is an accumulation of pressure from   the opening in the middle game that's all i know  it looks like the game ends with a queen blunder   but the most important thing for my opponent is  to not leave this game and go oh damn i was in   the game and i blundered a queen i can't stress  this enough you have to identify what went wrong   in the game and what went wrong in the game  is the opening they got a very bad position   from the opening so you work on that opening  this game was not decided by a queen blunder   this game was decided by an accumulation of  pressure from a bad opening that ultimately   results in a blunder of a queen and my opponent  resigns because after this there was just this   um although they could pin me i  suppose but uh then check and so on so   the fantasy variation is very good i mean what  what can i say there's a lot of ways to play   against it so if you ever watch one of these  series and you're like oh the fantasy looks   really good where can i learn more about it or wow  the fantasy looks really strong how do i refute it   i can't combine a video like this into you know  into being uh playing games and opening theory   the whole point of this is to generate thoughts  for you so if you see something in one of these   videos and you're like wow go look up some stuff  that that's your kind of i'm pushing you to go and   do some further research and work on your chest i  can't give you all the answers in one video that   would take hours and hours okay now  it's chess night time and then we have   one more game against harry potter not harry  potter but tally potter e4 i'm gonna play e5   uh we are going to play my gambits  repertoire so if knight two f3 b3 what okay i mean i guess just develop just  develop put our knights out this is not   good this is not good this is the opposite of good this is  not a good opening by my opponent i mean   i'm gonna develop my bishop next b3 and e4 do not  go together because this bishop just stares into   a pawn there's no benefit of uh of playing like  this for white because your your bishop just has   no role in the game you're gonna have to play  d4 at some point and even that simplification   will help me because i will castle and open  up my e file right so now i mean now you're   not even playing d4 so there's a lot of things  going wrong here in the opening i'm actually   going to wait for my opponent to castle short  and i'm gonna go long that's what i'm gonna do okay my opponent doesn't seem to want a castle  either so i'm gonna threaten to trap their bishop   there's a lot of strange  coordination here by white   okay four's not a bad move obviously  stopping b5 i wanna play h6 i'm just   waiting honestly i just wanna see  which way they're gonna castle okay there it is short castle um maybe  queen d7 maybe g5 start an attack queen d7   maybe if h3 i just sacrifice i don't know  you know it's a little bit scary castling   into pawns that are already advanced  because the thing about long castles   here is that when we go opposite there's going  to be a big attack by my opponent queen to e1 by   take they just go like this that's there's nothing  there one move threads don't really do the trick   uh although i can i also have this move b5 which  i cannot play now because the rooks right so if   i play knight before rook c1 the rook is off the  file then b5 doesn't make isn't as bad of a move uh there's also another way to play this  position i know i said i was going to castle long   but i'm going to castle short move my king  and play f5 that's what i want to do same side   attacking the same side attacking mechanism only  works if you can play the move f5 the f pawn to   activate the rook as we saw in that game where  i played with the white pieces i cannot play   the move f5 with this bishop here so i will play  king h8 move my knight and play f5 that's the plan i'm gonna tell mr soroka  that he needs a anti-fantasy telling him they need an antece anti-fantasy line   king h1 by my opponent my opponent is doing what  i want to do let's both play king h1 king h8   maybe my opponent also wants to move the  knight and create an f-pawn attack that's very   interesting and my opponent actually thought  of the exact same idea maybe i will i will   wow credit to my opponent okay let's go knight  b4 not because we want a one move threat but   because we want to move the rook and play  b5 and this bishop doesn't have any squares right so b5 by moving the  knight we've opened up our queen   so we have this b5 move which a move ago we did  not have since our queen wasn't guarding the b5   store so this move has two purposes not just this  but you also want to get to the b5 square move b5   and you want to get this bishop of course bishop  for nitrate is maybe slightly advantageous for us   so they play this now if take take take that  looks nice but we also have knight to a2 and then   take in fact that is a lot better we have this  move so i can take and lose my knight that way   but i'm gonna go here and lose my knight that way  since that doesn't open my opponent's lines okay   that is maybe the most constructive moment of this  game you see this this this and you just play it   or you're like wait a minute i have knight a2 and  now two things are hanging oh that's very creative i didn't even think about that wow and my night  egg oh wow and instead of taking my knight   wow nice move nice move and now my knight is  trapped and i might have to do my own desperado ah   i have to do my own desperado maybe  because i'm going to lose my knight   i'm going to do my own desperado like this i'm  going to let them take my knight and then i'm   going to take this pawn again i don't want to  open my opponent's position so if i take on   c3 they just get development so i'm going to take  like this and now my opponent's position at least   stays closed but material is equal so credit to  my opponent now i imagine this is going to happen   because that was their plan a long time ago the  difference is that they've blocked their bishop   so playing f4 loses a lot of its oomph  because the bishop is not involved in the game okay that's a simple move let's  drop back and target the knight   that is a trade that we would like to work that is a trade we would like to work  because then they have destroyed structure   that pawn is horrible on c4 that  pawn is weak on a4 and they have   doubled pawns so this is a bishop for  night trade definitely worth doing   it's not always good to trade those two but by  the way you say why didn't you just take here   well the knight is guarding it's a very strange  position but the knight is guarding that is a   blunder because even though i can take and they  can take they forgot about the rook that is just a   that is just a tactical mistake by my opponent  my opponent opened up the position when they   shouldn't be opening up the position they have a  lot of pieces in strange positions before you go   and open up the board you need your pieces to be  coordinated this root can't move that knight can't   move right barely this root can barely move so now  i can do a handful of things probably i mean now   my bishop is hanging i can just move it i can  also take the knight i don't know uh i guess   i'll just move my bishop and now i just have  a piece up i was just a blunder by my opponent   but it happens these one movers definitely  happens it shows you why watching these games is   so good and hopefully so useful again i want  to take just to start trading everything but   i also don't want to trade too many pieces like  i don't want to open up my opponent's position   it's a conundrum i'm going to play knight h5  this move threatens bishop takes takes check   it also allows me to play f5 which would be  nice again just opening the board in a way so the other thing is that would not have been  possible unless my opponent played the move f3   so f3 weakens this and my opponent oh the rook  is guarding wait a second the rook is guarding if i move then i attack that as well   now i think it might be time to take  because this bishop is gone from the defense so now i can take and then take again and my  bishop is super strong so i like how that looks and then this might happen let's try  prediction time take take okay so   take take they're not going to take like this  because of this they're going to take like this   i'm going to take they're going to push i'm going  to sack my rook take take rook h2 only move knight   g3 queen g3 queen f1 queen of one quincy one  takes let's see if that happens okay so takes takes takes here oh no that was the whole point no i'm sad okay i will just take the queen and   we will move on take the pawn and we will move  on damn i would have liked for that to happen all right well now we'll  play something like f5 and   open up the board maybe take this pawn maybe pin  the bishop to the rook just just pressure here and uh that'll be that'll be the end the easiest way to win this is is just to open  all the lines toward the king i mean with a   queen advantage you you don't need to simplify  everything you what i always say is in end games   like this where there's you know barely any  pieces for the opponent you should have uh   the responsibility is on you not  to blunder anything because they   don't have a lot of pieces left  so for you to blunder in one move   against this few pieces you know you got to own  that now here there's a nice trick first of all   i can push the pawn or you know the because the  bishop is pinned to the rook but i also have this and then after takes i pin the rook to the king so  this is simplifying we are simplifying doing a mix   of a couple of things in in this one we are we're  going to take the rook and then the rook and the   queen team up look at that it's very important to  see how the board changes as trades happen check check check check check check  mate and it's walking the plank   wow it's a very famous checkmate sequence  that's very nice so the king gets walked   only it's a set of only moves with the queen  and then the rook and then the queen and   then the rook and then you walk the king wow  it's a very very funny one at the end here um   well what went wrong and by the way i just want  to show you all what i was talking about here so   i saw this this f4 now f4 doesn't have to happen  but f4 opens the door to my rook and my queen   after i take they cannot go here so this is the  only move the reason i was able to calculate this   is because it's a series of only moves only move  is to take only move is now to block only move   is to sacrifice and only move is this right queen  g1 and then takes i wasn't some sort of you know   wizard that was just it was a sequence of only  moves so how do i get good at how do i see that   practice play chess for 20 years i'm 25 i've been  playing since i was you know five and a half so   i'm not some sort of you know chess savant it just  that's just the tactical sequence that i've seen   before i've seen patterns similar to that one and  it allows me to just to spot that but that game   was an interesting one we have another person with  my flair we'll end with tally potter from greece   right except hallie potter is not  moving all right e4 i'm gonna go d5   so this is uh from my my gambit's repertoire has  e5 and d5 in it of course link in the description   and now i like to play this move knight to f6  knight to f6 leaves that pawn there for a moment   and the other idea is that you want to  play bishop to g4 so now my opponent has some variation here that they could play knight  to f3 i'm gonna play bishop to g4 uh this is still   well within the realm of the chorus now white  can play d4 bishop e2 c4 they play bishop to e2   so i can go queen d5 here or knight d5 to try  to go in here uh there's also an extra gambit   line you can play i'm gonna take with the queen so  now we're kind of back into a scandinavian defense   kind of because it's sort of like  here i just took with the queen   and now we have this kind of queen knight bishop  queen always rotates to the to this square in   these situations so when the knight attacks the  queen we can just move it to h5 where it will   exert pressure with the bishop or to f5  as well f5 is also an option uh i will go   to h5 and lurk and h3 is not a problem because  there's a pin so you don't need to do anything   now my opponent might be scared of castling  because they don't want to you know they're   scared they don't want to deal with my queen  my next moves are knight c6 and long castle   without even thinking unless they blunt  or something but knight c6 and long castle   now there's two ways to advance after that  either you play pawn up and bishop here but   that's only if they castle or e5 or g5 rook  g8 and g5 rook g8 and g5 that is what you   do so i'm gonna play knight to c6 again i'm  not worried this is the least of my concerns   at least to my concerns if white castle  short they are threatening to take   and then when i take with the knight i'm i'm  really kind of hoping to get to h2 at some moment and that could be a big problem opponent is   already kind of getting that deer in  the headlights feel they're like whoa   you know i can't take but i also don't want  a castle but if i don't castle i can't take   you know if i just play a move like this  they're gonna oh it's kind of scary for me and letting my opponent think here uh i don't know how to kill time i've been  talking for like over an hour hope you're all   doing well by the way you know um normally i make  shorter videos like 20 30 minute videos and uh   i uh i always tell you like in the 15th or 20th  minute thanks for sticking around but if you've   made it 67 minutes into the video feel free to  leave a comment letting me know you did this   could be our little conversation you know i  break the fourth wall a lot um i'm not just   a youtuber who makes a video and then puts it out  there and leaves it alone i do enjoy interacting   with you all i do frequently kind of jump into  the not not jump into the comment section and   talk but at least read your comments that is a  fascinating move that that this is the sign of   a person who is really overthinking the opening i  have to take the bishop though because if i leave   it this is kind of blocked so and now really the  question is do i want a queen trade or do i just   want to play a chess game and not trade queens i  think i'm gonna drop my queen back here because   now i have two threats so this is the danger by  the opponent of getting too creative you know um it's just you can't be playing this wacky  stuff in the opening you're gonna get punished   now having said that a handful of people would  have just taken this queen because that's the   easy move and then they would have castled then  then your position is equal you have equalized   in the opening that is really the goal of the  opening is to equalize in the opening right so um   that's fine but at this point black is actually  already fighting for the advantage we have gone   from stage one which is just getting a playable  and good position in the first 10 moves   to legitimately trying to already take  advantage and that's primarily due to   my opponent's passive play due to them playing  knight to h2 which just cannot be a good move   you know you at the end of the day you really need  to stick to the principles you cannot be making up   this kind of crazy stuff so early i want to  take this pawn and to be honest it looks like   the right move i'm not really fearful of my  queen getting trapped i mean if d3 i just take   you know if queen to b5 i have long castle like my  queen is always gonna be able to get out queen is   just too powerful of a piece it can go there and  it can go back you're not gonna trap it right so you're not gonna trap it long castle is  next unless they play d3 and you're not   going to trap it this way on b3 because i had  no intention of moving that way anyway right so   and notice you know i'm not playing moves like  knight to d4 because knight to d4 knight c2 at   least attacks the queen and does get in there  but i need my knight kind of guarding this   area i would much rather do the damage with the  queen which is a lot less clumsy it goes there   it goes back it's like a knife whereas my knight  it goes there and drunkenly stumbles in and then   maybe tries to attack the rook and then needs  several moves no no i think we castle long now   knight to g5 attacks f7 but again as i said  the queen's always coming back in one move   so they still can't trap the queen my queen's  here to stay i mean if you leave it there right   uh and of course since we've castled on  opposite sides you should be thinking pawn storm   so g5 rook g8 g5 h5 g4 that is that  is the next plan of action in a lot of   these positions not just this one  because i've won that pawn on c2   it's to create that king side attack so that  is how we will play this position and um that is all that is all i think my opponent's  also very nervous tally potter was saying   before the game that they were very nervous and  i get it i mean listen a lot of these games you   know our opponents might not play up to par  just because they are legitimately terrified   you know number one they're ending up in  a youtube video number two they're playing   a stronger player in this case it's myself  and you know people really freak out so   when they play like a streamer  or something like that   completely understandable and they also play a  lot slower happens to me too i also get nervous   queen will go back to g6 we target the knight  and we guard f7 and now you know if if this   knight goes back my g pawn attack has been  sort of stopped uh maybe i push my h-pawn   maybe i just move my pawn and finish my  development i guess i can also trade the knights okay let's take again here i have a million  options like i can play knight d4 for example   in fact knight d4 i think was just straight  up stronger than the move that i played   but i can trade queens uh let's trade  queens just for the sake of the end game   so we know that the knight wants to go here  right don't forget about that right so uh i guess i can go h6 or f6  f6 e5 f6e5 looks quite nice   and this is known as an isolated pawn it has no  neighbors so i can't really push my pawn right e5 knight c5 is also a move to try to get in here   so something like this attacking the knight knight  e6 i move up they take the thing about that is   that you might think well knight for bishop is not  a good trade but i gotta tell y'all this is the   only active piece the opponent has i mean if they  have four pieces on the back rank i think a lot of   their moves are going to be bad for them they just  don't have a lot of positivity in the position move my knight here and just bishop b2 sorry guys i'm being a little bit  more quiet 70 minutes into this but my opponent is taking a lot of time and i'm  sort of running out of things to talk about this   is a very slow game that we're ending on here  might be a little bit boring so i apologize i'm thinking to go here the knights entry  squares have been taken away and now bishop to f6   is next that's a good move so i'm gonna play  probably g so here's the thing about pawns is   that the knight will just go back to the middle so  right if like i just played f6 and f5 don't go f4   pawns are much better used as a kind of  barrier to prevent pieces from coming forward   rather than just a belligerent  attacking mechanism yeah so that is how you got to think about it you  shouldn't just be belligerently pushing your uh   your pawns to attack pieces you also have to think  about how you're changing the structure of the position so knight back to e2 now i would  love to go here but there's this so probably just rook to the middle d4 so i can take but i kind  of like the prospect of   leaving them with a pawn here and  then bishop f6 on the next move so leaving them with a pawn first of all  i get connect four so eric rosen somewhere   just squealed in happiness but really the  bigger problem is they just have a target   like i just have something i'm attacking and  they can't really do anything about it whereas   if i had just taken this pawn because like oh  i'm up material so simplifying is good you know   i wouldn't be able to win this pawn now i just  bring my rook up and over or drop and double   up i have d5 but then i have knight to b4 hitting  both or d5 and then i take which is also nice now   i've doubled up spawn's a big weakness i think  i take they can't take because they're pinned   and now i take and i have two pawns up there  we go see that's why we didn't trade earlier   go rook into d3 knight here gets  trapped so don't just go out wandering   you have no way back knight a4 doesn't get trapped  that also doesn't get trapped maybe knight d4   simplifying trade of rooks now a knights now  it's a rook end game we have two extra pawns   king might try to come out maybe we just shut  that down right away we don't let the king   out again don't always have to take we can  push or we can reinforce so we can reinforce   h4 we would have just guarded uh h5 don't  let the king out do not let the king out   now we bring our own king we can push pawns but  at this point it also doesn't really matter if f3   push push push push protected pass pawn  check rook trade wins for us obviously   you can play a5 a4 creating this outside weakness  since this is a past pawn the king cannot leave   and uh now any move and we're winning now we  can go after this if king here we just promote okay but really what helped us is the time  management our opponent played so slow this   game so slow and really overthought the opening so  this is not what you want in the opening okay like   this was way too slow way way way way too slow you  know and then immediately you know we just got a   better position and we were up like three minutes  so the best thing to do here for white is just to   castle i mean i i know it looks a bit scary this  position like take take looks a bit scary but   it's completely fine for white and furthermore the  best move is not even to take it's i mean not to   sacrifice it's just to you know do something  like this and this position is better for white   um so actually the best move here is queen of five  not that that would lose a queen queen five is the   best move and then after h3 you have take take and  uh knight c6 and your queen is not a target you   know but practically speaking playing queen h5 is  actually pretty scary because to the uninitiated   that looks you know that looks freaky but in  this position you know queen d5 and knight d5 are   kind of equal they're both they're both moves  this is a very solid approach by white one of   the best approaches and uh anyway that wraps up  this episode of win it chess how to win a chess   as always uh leave a comment like  the video if you've made it this far   and um nothing else to say i've got other  playlists on openings middle games and all   that you all know that already and  i will see you in the next episode
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: L2-tLcMBUy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 56sec (4736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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