Stafford Gambit, Tricky London, Ponziani & More! | IM Rosen vs NM Del Puerto CHESS MATCH FINALE

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okay i think i'm live i think i'm live uh i restarted the computer and it fixed nothing the key the keyboard is just i don't know what's wrong i i i hit all the keys try to make sure that nothing's stuck there might be a literal crumb stuck under a key you might want to just try flipping the keyboard over and just shaking it a bit that's what i'm did i doing anything [Music] let's go i can play chess now yes okay oh i feel played among us i have not i feel i feel revived let's go okay let me close our stream so i'm not sniping i close all the things um okay let's do this i have to remember my dragon theory or my not my dragon what is this opening spanish this is spanish a spanish theory okay so i i still have the blue arrow d3 i know there's some variation where i can still try a marshall is it here let's play d6 okay okay let's do this which i even played here i guess i'll play knight a5 and c5 um in queen c7 rook e8 i don't know any theory here but hopefully it's okay play g6 okay so i want to go for this maneuver and he's playing quicker this time so i unnecessarily switched out the mouse i'm not entirely used to this mouse is a little bit faster but that's okay it's not too different i'll play this move expecting that yeah i think i'll preserve the bishop and go for 96. [Music] 96 some eventual b4 ideas i mean white has potential to attack maybe f4 this is reminding me of the first game i was black the attack was very vicious but f4 shouldn't scare me i can take twice okay c4 is interesting here i'm trying to justify my knight also trying to destabilize the structure um what is this that's actually oh that's an interesting move let's just pretend it's not scary yeah i'm not it's too too scary to take that knight the pawn and g-file opening i feel like i've played into my opponent's comfort zone it's getting messy considering i make it even more messy let's do it so much tension let's take this i just realized okay yeah i need to anytime i click like a button it prompts it down it like downloads html file what does this move do i dare take i mean this bishop is my main defender i don't think i want to take it i'll go for this now this bishop is strong and the bishop's been working out let's retreat going for maybe queen here and eventually mating some before positional idea but time is very good this game [Music] [Music] be safe and be aggressive i could probably i should call my opponent's bluff and take the knight or just take a pawn okay so i'm scared i'm scared to click the rematch oh it works okay good beautiful uh i'll play d4 again i'll stick with my main repertoire so that was the first three minute game okay i think i i assume we're gonna play all the games um in the match no matter what so i just want to keep being solid keep some sanity um play this move it's interesting idea hmm i like this position because black's committed to h6g5 so it's likely the king won't want to castle on the king's side i'll probably be stuck in the center um i could take with a rook e5 is also interesting here i'll just play e5 because takes takes there's a pin [Music] i can take on c7 yeah and then rookie one also bishop d6 i give casting bishop d6 wins exchange okay this is this is nice i got i won a pawn and i have the compensation [Music] i really don't know what black does here yeah okay let's um let's go for this take this pawn and idea bishop c4 i have queen d8 i could also like taking on h6 looks kind of appealing i'll start with this i i i see the top of the chat so what is this move the favorite color question wait what's material oh black has two bishops for a queen so that's good for me play g3 do you enjoy going to the casino or what's your favorite card game oh poker or choker i i used to um the first time i ever [Music] played what's the best way to phrase this uh first yeah first casino experience was vegas it was national open 20 2014 2015. and uh wait okay let me let me focus um i've i played poker for the first time i i'd play the chess term i did terribly in the chest room and then i played poker and i won back like all my all my travel expenses so it was nice i went through a poker phase for several months but i haven't played too much recently i don't play any other like casino game i don't like to gamble but i like games where like you have some control over um over your destiny okay nice position so my opponent's a fighter it's good to know like he's lost material but it's not resigning oh green wins the pole dad really i really don't know what the issue is it might just be the keyboard but no time to worry do okay and this as long as the mouse keeps working okay the king is safe and sound uh yeah this is a threat and i'll win the bishop okay rematch let's go okay no mercy i think now's the time for stafford yeah stafford time let's go let's get in the rhythm he might he might be prepared if he did any preparation the f3 is a a sign of preparation um this is still interesting though is f5 f4 is one of the ideas there's a weird line now g4 queen h4 queen f2 knight g3 rook g1 bishop f2 or bishop um bishop c5 and if takes i take and i win the queen i don't know if that's objectively good but it's interesting keep it up please say hello to me even though i don't have the channel points it's okay hello to finney finney i think finney finney was like the original inspiration of the hello redemption because finney finney would say hello and no one would would respond so everyone say hello to finney finney thanks for subbing yet again for five months i like the fact it's leading to a nice time advantage there is some goal of breaking 2500. uh it's logical i'm still probably much worse here but still fighting right come on i want to do tactics maybe bishop here idea if um if g4 i have bishop h4 very sneaky i'm also just preparing castling put more pressure on the file and this is honestly a a line in the stafford i don't really have so much experience in but it looks fun move the king over hopefully those are not my my last words bishop g4 is kind of insane bishop g4 takes takes probably probably too dubious you play b5 i'll play b5 why not tempo move gaining space just trying to apply pressure play b4 now i have some square for the bishop i'm not sure where the bishop wants to to settle okay idea of taking and unleashing the rook it's weird like white has a nice center but the pieces and pieces lack harmony bishop c4 is a good move hmm i'm debating whether to go insane i think yeah let's go slightly insane sake attacking another pawn i'm expecting d5 and i'll play c6 i just want to open i want to like poke holes in the center make my opponent think some more oh i kind of forgot that was possible player b6 idea of g6 again g4 i still have this bishop h4 idea wow let's keep attacking wow so many pieces directed at g3 it's so beautiful white surviving though kind of where's my win the queen where's my win oh f3 is kind of weak let's play queen c8 idea bishop f1 i don't know white's on the flag though it's a cool position i actually don't know what's going on in the final position but that was a fun game the stafford gambit success hi eric you're my favorite do you want to know how to pronounce sergey zigor name oh the zedh is pronounced like a jade oh wait what treasure oh like gigaco gigano opponent's playing this can be a tricky move order do i say it right i feel like i've always been criticized for for mispronouncing his name okay we have we actually have a mainline london it's interesting because my opponent i think sometimes plays the london himself so probably knows like a bunch of different lines to play so this is actually one of my favorite main lines in the london there's a lot of traps here [Music] um and yeah the whole idea of bishop b5 was to take and basically set up this is one of the traps is uh now white is winning this pawn there might be some way for boxing compensation i'll wind up with double c pawns but yeah it's yet another another reason to fear the london let's trade queens yeah there's definitely some i guess sort of positional compensation at the center black has an extra like half open file so i'm going to be going to try and be solid get the king involved always play off three oh there's some knight a5 idea and knight a5 could be nice and just kind of restrict the rooks apply constant pressure to the pawn also yeah basically preventing bishop c4 these pawns are menacing black winds connect five man of all these pawns it doesn't even feel like i'm up upon but i am up upon hmm but what to do i can double up maybe it's hard to make progress because my pawns are blockaded i actually don't know what to do at some point i want to open a file maybe king maybe i can take let's take king g1 and i'll fight for that file this could lead to trading all the rooks be careful okay now i don't have rook f1 hmm what do i do here this bishop is actually really strong i have knight b3 but i don't see what that accomplishes okay i have an idea i'm going to play am i scared of g3 [Music] g3 is actually kind of scary but let's start with this in g3 i play rook f4 rook d2 black's going for the the end game kingside attack three maybe i'm probably not working though oh i might want to play f4 actually or no uh or a4 i mean i have to play a4 at the right time [Music] let's go for this this looks interesting down my knight yeah oh that was a really bad move i had my time [Music] not my proudest game ah really not my proudest game well flame wow i just didn't know what to do i got i got clobbered well played man the opening went so well but i just didn't know what to do in the end game there goes my rating okay let's let's repeat the stafford let's actually play this line that's a funny line d4 interesting oh he's a scotch player have you heard of doctor doom defense would have been useful there can i get his weapons by the way what uh i haven't heard of it but it sounds scary thanks for the bits let's play this move i think i studied this at some point it looks nice is one of these like tricky gambit lines or at least attempted gambit lines which i don't don't think really works out for white now the pieces develop nicely there's always queen b3 this is probably the main resource but if takes i have rook b8 knight g5 i have no h6 or knight e5 f7 is always defended by pretty much everything oh yeah don't don't redeem the blindfold uh that'd be i wouldn't be able to really type if so definitely please know okay i really like this position this is nice um i'd like to punish the queen but how maybe king maybe this move yeah just getting off the diagonal and unpinning the pawn because i want to play f6 kick away the knight to one of these sad squares we might see h3 here probably bishop h5 yeah i think time is probably the biggest culprit for my opponent [Music] almost almost as big of a culprit as my keyboard issues the keyboard the keyboard's still unplugged okay always play f6 bam yeah i don't know what it does here maybe each h3 is a try i think i'll just move back because the knight still doesn't have a good square and g4 would be kind of self-destructive and that always covers e6 [Music] okay so i want a piece that's nice just have to stay solid i'm actually i'm contemplating this move it's a fancy move let's do it opponent's low on time try and end and the suffering oh okay i have this move a funny position i want to play king ga mate i'm threatening this oh it doesn't quite work i can play this oh look at this move bishop g4 it's such a funny move oh but then the pawn can take what wait how do i make this work ah i can play rook look at this move rook b4 because the queen was annoyingly controlling g8 and now i take and then king g8 is not made because the bishop can block or the queen can block but king j8 is kind of cool okay rick b4 was cool yeah like it it led to i wanted to stack the rook because it led to the bishop sack okay rematch wait did we all wait i can't do math six plus we played 11 games right oh so we play 14 okay so once we hit 14 then we play 10 in one minute okay i'll probably bust out e4 in the bullets but london's been working well so might as well stay with this i would just have to improve on the previous game wow it's eg positively fabulous mate oh thanks so much eg appreciate that i'm gonna mix up the opening i'll play bishop d3 this is more of a main line and the main main line is b6 e4 etc i think knight h5 there's some weird lines um which i should oh yeah bishop e7 e5 knight h5 and then there's a very very long theoretical variation um which i know it's supposed to be kind of dangerous for black okay knight g7 i don't i haven't really seen before 90 tries the main move so i'm playing h4 to prepare a greek gift oh opponent's tempting me do i do it let's do it king g6 coming king g6 where's my mate oh okay now i think it's mating every line right f5 g6 very important move same thing f6 g6 so a couple a couple nice attacking games it's nice to have so the best try for black is queen h4 hoping i pre-move this uh okay that was nice yeah otherwise like it's just unstoppable mates okay that was a nice game 16 moves that was the shortest game um goes to show the the danger of some of these lines let's repeat the stafford whoa it's joking thanks joking gifting subs oh so f3 again i'll repeat the same line yeah so we're repeating the one of the previous games interesting i'm not scared of this because i have queen h4 i know uh f3 is one of like the engine's top choices but it leads to like these weird crazy positions and c3 is probably a good move i'll play bishop d6 and going for the sack yeah there's so many like kind of fun interesting ideas and it still might just be dubious or objectively good for white but for blitz it's really fun yeah i'm not going to calculate too much even though maybe i should i should have an idea of what's going on here there's a funny line king e2 queen e7 king here and then this is mate oh uh [Music] i wanna i wanna punish white somehow with some moves i guess i'll play this first i'm looking for moves after king f2 like there is there's 94 94 takes takes and then the king really has nowhere safe to go i'm threatening to castle with check the most ironic move protecting miking and attacking white's king simultaneously opponent might be considering this but then queen h4 yeah so the point i'm preventing the king from really escaping like the king has no safe place bishops control these squares um g6 is probably decent okay now i can castle i see the point so the king wants to move back and then my queen is attacked i probably still will castle here always nice to castle with check if king here i could maybe maybe go for this move if king here i double check i have to calculate king here takes takes bishop here here queen e4 king h3 queen here rook here bishop f1 king here i mean let's go for it oh i forgot the the bishop defends the queen too i i assume that rook was tied down oh no my attack i forgot the bishop moves diagonally there's still some hope like i'm still threatening discoveries that was really bad though queen here i have to be as tricky as possible threatening this and maybe this or this the queen can't actually oh it could defend the rook but then still this now this is actually tricky again i'm only down a rook for a pawn and these pieces are are kind of out of play i've wrote that fade here considering like queen queen g4 queen h5 and rook f8 seems to do a nice job because the queen covers e6 bishop defends the rook calarook's attack knight d2 expected okay it's a topsy-turvy game and these stafford gamut lines are fun i'm gonna keep the rook pins oh white has two rooks for the queen uh let's not plunder keep this bishop aimed at e2 take this thing here we go oh it's meeting that's mate next move oh that's a cool game i got i got a little bit reckless so okay we play one more three minute and then then we go into bullets okay um i'll play e4 i don't know what he plays i think he plays e5 i'll play a ponziani i like playing ponziano against like newer players against beginners against stronger players sometimes it's kind of a risk okay d6 is very welcoming so there's a trap here if it takes i play d5 um i'll play bishop and bishop e3 so takes d5 knight moves and queen a4 wins the knight black could take if i take back there's knight b4 i'll take with knight yeah the the bishop was maybe better on e2 oh i'm just losing a pawn i was careless should have put the bishop on c2 let's stay focused final blitz game oh if i win this game i might i might get back to 2500. maybe i'm just down careless opening mistake down the pawn so this pawn is a target idea rook d1 black wants to play d5 at some point i'm gonna keep the pace and this tension is kind of annoying i could place e4 c4 b3 trying to secure some control also preventing b5 so there's some what we call positional compensation uh just solely just with the pawn structure the fact that the pawn is backwards and i have control over d5 and i'm okay with trading like if we if we trade off the knights of bishops or rooks um that'll have very good control over d5 with queen that's a good move i'll play play knight h4 hmm i'm considering bishop some crazy like bishop d3 it's probably no good okay let's attack the bishop i'm 94 coming wow maybe bishop h5 box playing this well and my knight really it's kind of stuck i can't access f5 this knight's so strong so i'll probably want to trade it off i have to be aware of 92 ideas wow g5 i mean g5 i mean maybe just knight f3 i don't think 92 is so harmful because i take take knight g5 and attack the rook yeah i think opponent missed this um but yeah this is one of the drawbacks of g5 that gives me some some opportunity to attack on the king side now the bishop's not defended i'm gonna come out of this probably winning if queen takes i play this and i win the rook if it takes or takes i win the the bishop i turned that turns around really quickly control the file go in for the kill eventually okay maybe we take a break so i'm just trying to think how to accept the next challenge because i wanted to i don't want to run into the same issues as earlier but i guess we'll take a break i'm ready to accept the challenge whenever i just request that he sends the challenge i'll accept it for my phone okay bullet time let's go let's do this um 10 games of 1-0 good luck so we'll end when we have 24 games total um i'll probably mix up the openings we'll have some fun uh which maybe maybe we'll start after this game because i'm i'm probably gonna play london here [Music] i could use an external app oh maybe there's a chrome extension oh spam shift oh i'll look at it afterwards okay this is a fun line we had this earlier f3 so earlier he played g5 which allowed h4 um yeah i'm going to defend the because i want to play g5 eventually and before i play knight here and then to c1 that's a scary move the thing is i just want a pawn oh that's a really scary move uh let's weather the storm maybe wow i want to move oh that's really scary let's play this it's getting really weird and he's playing quicker than me too don't hurt me so there's no queen b6 but there's queen a5 oh but the knight's attacked i can take queen a5 queen c4 i think it's okay have this move too ah actually forgot about that but i think i'm alive now thankfully kind of a little bit of time let's attack on the king side [Music] what is going on here uh i don't know what's going on ah no oh wow okay i felt i felt a little bit slow but i got the job done okay oh this again ah um i'll play into whatever he wants to play into i guess max lange type thing i actually don't know the theory in this line there's some crazy variations where things happen um bishop e7 and bishop i have no idea what to do here let's play bishop i could bomb cloud okay i could move the queen back i was more scared of like losing d4 i think now everything's okay or is it it's an annoying move bomb cloud kind of i just want to save the king there we go this pawn's annoying uh now my time i don't know what to do here let's play 97 to try and exploit the the light squares only save your kids oh no the rook wasn't hanging okay defending mates f3 i take it it's hard for white to stop meats okay man crazy that was a scary game i think he's kind of outplayed me both games like kind of we've been getting really crazy positions um i'll play let's try in that manson i'm gonna play the same opening that he kind of just played magmanson oh no okay so this is kind of scotch-like i'll take that f3 by the way i've i should mention this more but my opponent is also streaming the match people can use the rodrigo command uh to to watch from his channel um and i believe there's commentators there there's a grand master and international master doing commentary on this which people should definitely check out um i've just been kind of wrapped up in trying to survive here i'm down upon he's outplaying me like every game but i'm oh i'm down on time too the last few games i've been good on time i'm losing another pawn i should see one da the rook is almost stuck but d3 wow okay i can't give up hope what is this pawn structure we both have menacing pawns ooh that's a fork oh you can take a check okay defending [Music] take attacking down my queen no ah i got made it ah good game well played okay let's focus let's focus i'll play stafford again oh he wants to play this oh tricky um so he's tricking me into whatever this is do we have this we have this in earlier game where i delete knight f6 i can take and play this move um just develop this is pleasant i think okay i have to really watch time and some queen g3 and i hear idea when she stops [Music] let's move back f4 is a good move i want to go for mating ideas like knight h5 yeah okay so if i if i lose a night i fork i triple fork my knight is trapped my knight's trapped i'm threading this good move just have to survive i'm up on time damn my bishop okay it's gonna be dirty it's gonna be real dirty small children close your eyes [Music] okay i hope no small children were watching there it was really dirty okay purell sanitize let's move on okay um let's go back to london let's um oh it's uh this is called a horowitz defense maybe soon to be hippo what is this h5 coming oh it thinks gabador lies oh keep reminding me it'll it'll happen it'll happen sooner the more you keep reminding me okay i want to play f3 interesting oh the square is available this pawn's weak now the pawn's now defended i'll keep attacking the pawn idea 92 take this play g4 oh g4 hangs upon okay this pawn is also attacked going for f4 maybe defend the pawn yeah at this point i'm just going for a queen side attack knight c6 coming yeah it's it's a party with a la queen pawn and black's king okay that was nice nice little mating pattern rematch okay i'll play oh this again what do i do against this i like knight f6 maybe tachopong oh this is like a petrov kind of the white kind of gambiting looks fine though i have a nice uh oh that's a good move let's take and play this yeah nice pawn structure uh let's keep trading i'm gonna try and play a clean game for once trade oh and not get mated maybe we can oh oh f7 is a target too how do i defend everything can i defend it oh i can take the rook first yeah oh it's still scary though play this move i've wasted a lot of time there but if i if i didn't play the right move i would lose okay still alive interesting we're gonna trade down everything i think i'll be up a pawn in the end though there's queen queen b7 but i can take now my rook is still pinned unfortunately okay so i'm up upon okay i wasn't scared of stalemate might have too many pawns okay four more games let's go i'm trying to think what to play like what can i play to be tricky what is we played the weird like hippo stuff that actually works well oh it's an england gambit england time kind of yeah i don't mind this i guess i lost back the pawn okay so we just have kind of a balanced position and we both have double pawns bishop versus knight the box probably a little bit better the knight is more effective than the bishop the rook somewhere [Music] going after the knights a5 is a good move i think i'll just sack it's interesting i have to sneeze ah i can't sneeze i don't know why there there in this move this is scary okay positional chess more positional chess hmm if i need to take maybe so i have a lot of pawns i want to keep the rook on the board oh it's a time scramble f5 yes it's a fork okay let's go three more games what to play i'll play one of these colorado time an attempted colorado gambit uh i can take maybe this is either really good or really bad oh it's probably really good um let's go for this now this is getting interesting g3 g3 probably h5 h4 this bishop is such a hero oh am i in trouble i might be in trouble uh-oh uh oh wait this is really bad um where is my survival chances do this move i have eight seconds left ah oh there we go okay some hope again i was close i pre-moved like the last 20 30 moves man ah good game good game okay let's play bishop c4 and queen e2 cool line play rook that's a good move um give away the bishop hair my heart rates went up that uh that last game to calm down calm down um play knight c3 95 offering the queen trade it's so tempting to take the knights but i'll resist okay we can trade so black is a bishop here but the pawns are kind of locked not sure what my plan is f6 is a good move oh that's a good move too my time i'm sacking pawns for i guess positional reasons i'm getting outplayed go for this move here goes all my pawns no yes oh wow i won dirty flag oh he played really well i feel kind of bad but one more game one more game let's go um this d4 moves coming i can play a scandy i'll play scandi i'll try and get like icelandic or portuguese oh what's icelandic like e6 i think this is icelandic actually bishop b4 and castling so i'm trying to gambit opponents not behaving though okay so i have the of this file we actually have kind of a normal position play this move and take and take queen e7 bishop f6 maybe i take with pawn even because i just want to keep the pressure that's a good move i forgot about rook a2 play this and bishop b7 okay so i have a time advantage that's nice i have a nice fiend caddo oh there goes my fiance it's still pleasant also up upon um long rookie two or rookie one oh free knight okay that was a nice break okay i got through the match the the games were definitely closer than the score indicates i was losing a lot of the bullet games um i had some interesting fights that was fun uh shout out again i wish i how do i pronounce this this name amboa so vitika um people should check them out link is in the chat i think i'll try and join the um the call again give me one moment okay i'm joining hello eric hey how's it going hey man how are you right i'm doing well i'm not a north american i am the result of the match not with simon yeah now i i'm sorry for all these technical issues the keyboard just stopped functioning but uh had some uh some fun final games there it was it was a lot um yeah i think there were really interesting positions you never disappoint so it was always very fun to see the positions that we got into with you and um i know that rodrigo is um i'm sure he's gonna be wanting to study a little more and get the rematch going in a couple of months maybe um sure definitely yeah definitely some some openings to uh to review with a lot of these london lines a few stafford gambits we saw that the stafford and then the funny thing is like they played the london normally but i guess because you know you're like leading the world's leading expert in the london he didn't want to play that ah yeah no i i checked a few of his like openings beforehand so i was expecting a london i had some interesting things prepared but i'll have to keep them secret but yeah thank you thank you again for accepting the uh the challenge we uh we went full uh full eric rosen mode here you know eating thai food drinking tea using alexa wow oh i'll have to watch it that that sound that sounds like heaven yeah it was like it was a fun time it was a fun time and we really appreciate everybody in your channel that came over to follow um and i know that someone that jika came over and and he gifted a few subs so we appreciate that oh that's awesome yeah it was really awesome it was really awesome i i know like chat was being very helpful with like communication to like trying to um there was a one moment i sent a challenge and i don't think it went through and then we were both kind of stalling and then yeah chad eventually caught helping us comments as well oh very nice i'll have to re-watch the commentary i think as the match went on there were there were more and more blunders from uh from both of us but that was expected it was expected but i mean any overall impressions over the match anything that uh you would suggest for the future or anything like that um i enjoyed it i i i really um i enjoy matches like this where it's like uh it's a nice mix of the blitz and bullets and um it's nice to kind of uh i guess play a few dozen games against the same person and try and scout out like their weaknesses um and in terms of suggestions for the future i don't know maybe that's a better question for chats if uh if they have if they have any feedback or want to see a different format um very good fair enough for enough i think um so i mean hopefully we'll be able to do this again in the not too distant future i sent you a whisper um you know just whenever you get a chance to want to get me there oh sure yeah thank you again thank you so much for your time uh marcelo rodrigo do you guys want to say anything yeah no first of all congrats eric for winning the match and again also thank you i mean we really enjoyed the match we enjoyed really interesting chess of both of you guys actually i i really just have uh one question that uh one chess question sure is some curiosity on this staff for gambit uh you know i i know the i think the f3 is the the best move against this stat for so f3 is one of the computer's top recommendations i was talking about this on stream it's one of like the best moves according to the engine but it's tricky to play because of this knight h5 f5 idea so okay yeah there there's a different line involving d3 and bishop e2 and c3 which i think is if you just know a few moves it it kind of kills the whole opening all right well i i actually i don't know if you remember but i have a game with you in the stafford that was really interesting f3 and c3 and i luckily was able to win that game but you had me like very you were mating me even to the end oh wow i'll have to dig it up yeah um yeah it requires like doing very awkward stuff where you just like push pawns like f3 c3 d3 and trying to be solid my king went to like [Music] right yeah it's one of these openings like if you know what to do against then i'll probably like stop playing but and the games we had were actually it was it was fun right now for me and especially for bullet i mean should work very well right the staff oh definitely yeah i mean if the if the opponent doesn't know it um but if they know it and they're prepared then it's uh it's not the best opening choice yeah they have to change it really tricky say it again it was really tricky right yeah like even if you know f3 and you know like a few ideas like sometimes you you have to to know it deeper um yeah i i i was i was fully expecting to see like a halloween game i forgot about the halloween i was trying to get a nakmansen towards the end but we didn't go into the line i really loved one checkmate you you made uh made um the ruby rock before yeah [Music] i was disappointed that king g8 wasn't mate because it's not too often you move your king with checkmates but yeah okay yeah yeah there's a there's a game i don't remember now who commented it if it was feingold or if it was uh if it was yasser and i think it was one of those where it was either rook or you could long cast when it was checkmate and they asked him why uh he played the rook as opposed to the long castles and the guy was like well you know i'm an engineer so i look for whatever's going to be the easiest and it requires this effort to move the route yeah i know what you're talking about i think it was like some lasker game this uh this famous queen yeah it was crazy thank you eric thank you guys for uh for the i appreciate it yeah more and more people are doing that these days so congratulations thanks so much yeah yeah i will try and make sure that uh the people like every everyone in my chat can can check you guys out on twitch and youtube so thank you thank you very much sounds good well have a good night take care
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 167,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, chess 2020, Rodrigo Del Puerto, London System, Stafford Gambit, Ponziani, Nakhmanson, Scotch Gambit, Boasovietica94, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 4sec (4384 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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