Opening Traps, Gambits, & Rare Ideas MASTERCLASS | ft. Grandmaster Aman Hambleton

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okay i usually don't do this but i want to do a quick intro before the video begins so a few weeks ago i met with grandmaster aman hamilton of chess bra on stream and we basically taught each other all the different tricky openings and traps and very rare ideas that that we know i learned a lot i'm sure he learned a lot i think it was super educational for the viewers and we we not only kind of discussed and analyzed ideas but we also played games against viewers where we teamed up and tried to come up with uh with even more novel ideas so i think there's a ton of value in this and what i'm going to do is put time stamps for every different kind of segment and opening that we cover so feel free to kind of skip around and look at the openings that are most interesting to you on top of that i will link a leachate study which i just created um and by the time this video is posted uh the the chapters will hopefully be a bit more kind of thorough and annotated but these are all of the kind of different ideas that we looked at some are full games some are opening traps but i think there's a ton of things that people can learn um if you're a beginner or even if you're a more experienced player a lot of these these lines that we covered can be very effective in blitz and also can catch even strong players off guard so without further ado i'll let the video play and uh and i hope you enjoy it and also feel free to leave comments with any questions or any recommendations of what you would like to see in the future yes we got mr rosen here it's a it's a privilege a pleasure yeah no i i think this is our first like real collaboration yes it is and it's surprising at that yeah no i i think i was on your channel like once when i first moved here it was like the first week and fabiano came over and there was some like blindfold chess i remember um yeah yeah it was fun but uh yeah looking forward to there's a lot of people um i think a lot of people do know but i'm willing to say there's a good percentage that like don't know that we like share the place in in st louis and that uh i think i was reading a nice article of yours some interview about like the chess boom and it's a little chess bra billboard in the background in your setup there well when i um when i first moved here it was april 1st and i posted a tweet saying i'm moving into the chest bra apartment and no one believed it understandable and i think understandable several months later people like began to realize that it was true so it was a slight trick we didn't think uh we didn't think the announcement date through very well we should have coordinated it yeah i'll get comments from time to time like people now know like i kind of live in and i share an apartment with you guys and then there's comments asking how are we both streaming at the same time if we share the same place right i don't think they realize like you're also kind of based in canada so yeah like primarily based in canada and i guess pre-pre-covered i i think it's fair to say we spent a like a good chunk uh of time in st louis kind of going back and forth so we would actually cross paths a lot more often than than lately definitely yeah yeah and um i feel like we both kind of have this traveling lifestyle to uh pre-covered where um like at least last year i remember i feel like last time i saw eric like you guys were about to go to japan or something um maybe that was the last uh last like international trip for a while yeah my i actually maybe was the person that traveled like most recently um like maybe anyone in the world i played a chess tournament in czech republic in prague and it was like february so it's like right before they closed like absolutely everything so that's good timing yeah i snuck one in nice yeah yeah my last trip was uh i went to israel for 10 days in january so it was also like decent timing yep but then i wanted to go to like vietnam in march and then all of that just fell through yeah yeah we had a few plans that fell through but hoping to pick up where we left off you know as soon as we can for sure so um what did you have in mind for uh like i i know like tricky okay tricky openings and dubious gambits or whatever it will be the theme did you want to play each other or um are we gonna play subscribers or yeah so first and foremost like i know that you're pretty flexible and i am as well so i just i was like i like you honestly i'm a big fan myself of the like your youtube and the videos that you make and i was thinking that they align so well with the videos that i like to make where it's just kind of playing like slightly intentionally subpar stuff with some great uh tricks and honestly it works like a good percentage of time and people really enjoy that kind of stuff so i was thinking the way that i usually do those is you know i get games against people and either i'm trying things that i've i've already sort of worked out or i have an idea might be tricky enough and worth a try or i you know just play a crazy move and i i just repeat it enough times that i call it an opening at the end of the day so i guess i was figuring we might start with um playing some games against other people and see if we you know come up with anything fancy or if you have some i know you have some openings that i probably haven't even seen you know some some tricky openings uh that you've done some videos on that maybe people in my chat haven't been exposed to as much yeah no no this is one of my biggest loves in chess is like tricky gambits and weird openings and especially like when it comes to blitz and bullet i have a whole kind of separate trappy repertoire um and also like especially against lower rated players too there's certain lines that just beginners are more likely to just walk into and lose quickly so yeah exactly and as you might have seen as you may have seen from my over-the-board tournament my my crappy dubious openings have you know leaked into my classical chess as well so yeah no i was um i was so amazed watching your game i think it was against steven zurich exactly in this tournament uh like this high level gm norm tournament where you're playing this dumb england gambit queen sack and you got to like a table based drawn position after like yeah exactly exactly it did it's it did its job honestly i didn't do my job as a chess player but it did its job as an opening and ironically i think that was my last time that i was in st louis ah yeah there you go so i i actually made like a small list of openings i'm happy to like share with you that maybe you haven't encountered or um and like i tried to have a list that are like it's relatively they're relatively rare openings so um i'd be happy to like have an analysis board or we can just jump straight into playing sure well do you want to start maybe um like um going over a few things from that list yeah let's do it then we can see if we like have some favorites and try to get them instant games sounds good the pro so the problem with showing them is there's some like trappy lines which if i show them people aren't going to walk into but i can still show them and um maybe maybe maybe you just maybe you just show me and i look at it off stream and we we team up against the chat that might be better um yeah there's a few ways to do it um i mean some of them yeah i can show and like they're it's more about just getting like a novel position from early on yeah because i've actually noticed that maybe one of the um one of the differences that i think let's say low-rated players or even unsuspecting players is a more accurate term um might fall into is they think like that oh if it's if it's not good on the engine it's not a good opening but oftentimes especially with some of the sacrifices or crazy lines i like to play i people know what the position is they know the best line against it they still play it and they still lose like it's you know it doesn't necessarily beat the opening or something yeah no this is this is an issue with a lot of players as though they'll just see the numbers cheers cheers getting alerts that makes it difficult for me to talk um but yeah that i guess my main point is the engine doesn't reflect how difficult a position is to play and there's positions which can be like plus two for white but are really really difficult to play yeah and those are the sort of positions i i really strive to to try and get yes there's like this sweet spot yeah so like my favorite i'm sure you're aware of this is like stafford gambit is one example of this where it's instantly plus two for white and there's a lot of lines which um so-called like refute opening but even those lines like they're still really difficult to play and it requires a lot of precise moves which yeah most players won't well no and even stronger players won't be able to figure out and the i guess the best the best part is um that no matter what you're doing you're doing it extremely quickly because you know the ins and outs so at the very least you're guaranteed some sort of time edge right exactly yeah no and this is a great thing when um i guess when it comes to blitzer bullet is if you're prepared in these like offbeat dubious lines at the very least you're going to get a time advantage and that can be enough uh when it comes to compensation so yeah if you want to jump into like some kind of analysis board yeah i can share hopefully a few secrets i'm just uh going to log into different accounts i'll be on um i'll be on kmvb okay and okay yeah i'm looking at my list here uh showing it on my screen i think i'll show you one that i like almost positive you probably haven't seen before and it's inspired it's just like a three move opening and that's nice and simple it requires so it requires black to play like i guess the two most natural moves on move one uh and you can start with either e3 or knight c3 but it it just requires a combination of these two moves um so let's say knight c3 um most players will play either e5 or d5 yeah um and what you're going for is this position um and i'll give some backstory because uh i first learned about logical enough yeah so i first learned about this line a few years ago like some one of my webster teammates just casually mentioned this as like a cool like tricky line and then more recently i was watching an xqc video he was playing vr chess and he played knight c3 and e3 and um it reminded me of like this this opening that i was told about like years ago um and the move to play here is queen h5 and like all of a sudden if if black doesn't play precisely white is uh like applying a lot a lot of pressure to black yeah if you just try and think what to do for black without an engine ideally yeah like it's not something i imagine imagine the the i mean knight c6 seems like the move that most people would play yeah so we're attacking the e5 pawn we're preventing f6 and um the bishop d6 would defend e5 but lose d5 so after knight c6 we played bishop b5 yeah yeah and like the combination of the knight bishop and queen they're applying pressure in like so many different ways um and then on top of that like we're ready to play knight f3 or even f4 or d4 in some cases so i'll admit i haven't studied this like so deeply with with engine but um from a practical standpoint it's fun for white yeah and like most most moves lose a pawn i would say almost all moves loose upon here like the natural moves yeah like what you what you do v6 queen e7 bishop e6 they all drop something as he said f6 is impossible like we're threatening to take this pawn and like the natural moves to the fan e5 will lose d5 yeah um so i think queen d6 is probably the best move here um and then we can continue um i think knight f3 or d4 are both playable and it just guts you kind of get a novel position from early on with the queen the queen on g6 is a bit weird for black exactly no i i i like it already because it seems like uh it doesn't require a lot for your opponent to enter it like who isn't really going to play d5 and e5 on the first couple moves like they might not but i think you're dealing with good percentages here yeah no it's it's a very likely possibility i mean if if they play knight f6 then you can still kind of um get kind of a a novel position with f4 and then play somewhat of a reverse dutch or the so-called polar bear setup with um like the knight f3 b3 and bishop b2 and then you go for like the the middle game kingside attack so um i went through a phase a little bit where i was trying to develop a rapper tour around this line but uh yeah and it seems to me like maybe starting with knight c3 is the more provocative way to start it seems like you'll get them playing d5 and e5 more if you start with knight than if you start with e3 that's very true yeah because they'll be like oh you know what the hell is this i'm just going to take the center this guy doesn't know how to play but e3 it's like you know they'll probably play maybe e5 but um yeah it might not follow up with d5 so i like knight c3 it seems like the the bait move no for sure and i mean there's some weird people who will play c5 like the sicilian players and then those weirdos like you can transpose into close sicilian or uh you could maybe keep it weird and do this and then have like a reverse this is like a reverse night's tango um so there's opportunities to keep it uh unique to the repertoire yep i'm a big fan of that so this is actually similar and just another opening like on my list it actually um happened in a recent hikaru magnus game and you you probably at least saw it it came from an english opening okay um and it basically uses the same idea of let me see if i can remember i think it's e3 actually it doesn't matter between e3 or knight c3 but you play both of these moves let's say black goes for like the most common um like reverse open sicilian takes takes and then queen h5 here was played by magnus yeah um and magnus just crushed shikaru without really any effort like he won the pawn from the opening after knight c6 bishop b5 i forgot exactly what happened i think karo went for some knight before move queen d6 should be played at some point but hikaru just went for like counter play and then it didn't work because queen takes and then queen e4 defended the the light squares um so just another cool idea that you can potentially use totally relatable english yeah especially pretty much the same thing exactly especially like world like one of the top blitz players in the world doesn't uh wasn't prepared for this yeah the karu so yeah whenever you see this this queen h5 i mean some people like to play the i don't even know what they call it like the passers-opening or something it's like the e4 e5 and you you bring the the queen out super early and uh and even that is like you know tricky enough for for certain levels but this looks like the advanced version of that the more reliable version definitely and like if you check with engine white's not i mean white's maybe um a little bit worse but like black again has to play precisely i think the best case scenario is like some close to equality so and are most of your like do you do you look do you actively look up um interesting or dubious things or are they often born of maybe like you know a game against someone where you're intentionally trying to like mess around or spice up the position it just turns into something that's a good question um i guess it's a mix of different things i'm just passionate about like exploring new lines in general so all i'll often like encounter just weird i'll i'll actively seek out like players who play kind of weird openings um i mean richard rapport is kind of a role model uh timor grave does insane things um so i guess having having some role models is nice but then um also like i guess one of the things that's helped is playing like playing a lot of viewers on stream like i'm constantly playing amateur players and then i'll kind of get a sense of what works well against those players and i'll keep experimenting with trappy lines yep yeah i think what you touched on at the end is pretty much nearly 100 of where it comes from for me it's just just like playing uh you know subscribers or viewers it like entirely shifts the way that i play because you know i i won't just like go 100 try hard mode to like wipe them off the board every time and sometimes i might sack a piece and then i'll learn to play a certain way a more solid way trying to avoid trades and you know sometimes i might sack a pawn or i might just throw in g4 just to throw it in sure so so yeah it's usually usually born of something something like that for me where i'm just intentionally kind of messing around and hey it works out sometimes but oftentimes it backfires so you know you have to take your take your losses with with this strategy as well another thing that helps is to i know it's sometimes hard to discipline yourself but to go over every game that you play and then look for like small improvements or look for the the weird ideas that you could perhaps use in the future and then another thing i guess i didn't mention is just getting recommendations from twitch chat i all on occasion like take opening requests or people will just tell me weird lines i've never heard of before um and then that can lead to some some discovery of some hidden gems so i probably actually say half the openings i i discover these days are from twitch chat uh something like this they're passionate about weird things oh they definitely are chats are non-chess related they definitely have their their passions but i think the two um like the the undefeated opening that i like to play um is definitely one that i happened to invent which was like is it separate from a twitch thing and it was it was honestly like kind of lucky that i was trying to show someone the classic like the classic trap and it kind of backfired because the guy was really good and i was trying to demonstrate how you know hey this is you know a trap they can fall into and then he played knight c3 and i was like well wait a minute i actually have no idea what to do and like the guy's like gonna play an 85 and start like winning the game and and then just to stack the queen here was was purely based off that and the fact that i often give queen odds to the viewers anyway um whereas the other two that i've played a lot on my channel uh like the the fred and the jerome are two two openings which i've played quite a bit of and those were actually twitch chat being like hey have you heard of this and just the names of both of those openings like they're just first names of people they just sounded so funny to me i had to investigate them so those were the two that that i've played uh thanks to twitch nice yeah yeah i feel like you kind of spiked the popularity for i mean this england and okay i haven't seen this too much or too often uh this is fred i i think there's there is um there was a quip a twitch clip a while ago of magnus being interviewed and he was sharing like a playable thread defense which emerges from some vienna gambit i i won't be able to remember it but um it comes from like white plays it and it involves whites playing an early f4 i'm not going to remember it like it's like an f4 followed by a king f2 type of thing something yeah it might be this line with takes and then like d4 [Music] so this is a line um in itself this is called the we'll know yeah i thought that was called the no kunski gambit but this is like a playable blonde cloud definitely um and this has been featured in like high level grand master games uh where even though white like white's king is ridiculous we play knight f3 we attack the queen and um the center kind of gives white some compensation yep um i think asparav actually played this in one of the like st louis rapid and blitz events uh within the last few years yeah there's a few but the great thing about f4 is that like i mean you can play like this is another line and just go king f1 if you're not not so ambitious with king e2 but the nice thing about f4 as white is you kind of have the initiative in most lines and you get that thrill of uh moving your king without castling definitely yeah and like if you're a beginner or like at a lower level queen h4 looks so enticing for black but then it's white who gets initiative with knight f3 and i think this is effective for a lot of players um and you can even start with uh you don't even need knight c3 like if you play this position just play the immediate bishop c4 and i know this has this has a name of some sort um the names i'm terrible with i'm bad with them too yeah like people will say like have you heard of so and so opening in the chat and um i'll usually need notation to to assist well it helps a little bit if it's like you know jerome and fred are easier because they're like they're like people's names so that's a little more helpful to remember but um yeah i mean we can uh we can just try to get in some games and see yeah let's do it if you wanna i can observe you yeah i was gonna say we can take chat with different challenges like i know i can play one and then you can play one you can follow sounds good um follow along so i mean to i guess speaking to people in both chats um i know your username is i am rosen mine is kn v [Music] nice and short um so yeah if you want to send some challenges and i don't know i usually go less than five minute games as a as a rule to get thank you yeah get get some different uh opponents in there but yeah i mean pretty much any rating any uh any time control less than less than five minutes is uh will work and i mean i'm not gonna be able to maybe get something every game but i think you'll actually i think you have a more diverse like a wider set of options for like uh you know if someone plays c4 or d4 e4 you have something whereas like i have a really good option if they play certain things but not not all the time well maybe i i can hopefully give you some uh some inspiration to exactly in your repertoire that's that's why i'm here i want to build i want to build off uh some of your advice so here do you want me to start i'll do the first game yeah let's do it do you um should i like is it okay if i tell you what to do in some cases i think that's the i think that's definitely the point like it's pretty much like you and i against someone but we'll try to keep it as like as messy and try to get the the most fun position possible okay yeah so maybe it's better if people challenge the casual or like unrated oh yeah i guess i forgot to mention i in in my chat it's a it's a regular thing all my challenges are unrated because um at this point they've taken so much of my reading that now my rating is so low that you know they're worried about their rate you know they don't want me to take it back so unrated is good i'm trying to figure out how to follow oh i guess i can just use the command yeah if you slash follow came to be the chat box there sweet that should work as well okay i think i'm following you now cool okay so i will take a game here and take one here from 1546 from australia all right we're white and i feel like most most interesting openings are born and bred from e4 and unless i'm playing knight c3 no no london system well the london i feel like uh you know is i've already exhausted all the traps and believe me i love looking for traps in london but yeah that's something i can probably spend hours talking about um there's a few like tricky lines but uh oh okay okay i like what i'm saying already we'll start with something simple uh okay we're obviously gonna go here i'm waiting for that queen h4 move yeah yeah he's uh he's being quite friendly right now this is nice and when it works this well then you know you can start to build an opening repertoire around allowing queen h4 just as long as the king goes to e2 i'm sure there's a full bomb cloud repertoire available out there yeah no it's a very uh reliable bomb cloud oh defying opening principles well you want to try to to get your king to e2 with tempo i feel like if i had played voluntarily i look bad so i'm really trying to beat that queen over mm-hmm [Music] and the nice thing is now i guess you don't have to worry about queen h4 yes but that's kind of what we were hoping for so exactly so my plan was to play e5 and and make sure that queen h4 is available again yeah oh c takes very anti-positional yep but he's maybe doing the same thing as us he's trying to spice the game up yeah this is already like pawn structure i've never seen before yeah honestly i can i can say might be the first time i've ever seen this and it's been a while since i've played king's gambit but i have some vague memory of having having games like resembling at least okay not this exact position but kind of the resulting development scheme and there's there's cases where black can easily fall for a greek gift right yeah 100. so i'm hoping that doesn't discourage our opponent i don't know if our opponent is watching but uh maybe we can hopefully he's watching but not listening that's that's the sweet spot that's true so we still we're still looking for queen h4 i like this bishop c4 move because black can't really defend oh there it is it worked oh we got i don't know if i'm like supposed to be super happy with this but this looks like a a win i get to play my teammate too i mean it's important to play king e2 and not king f1 because first of all bong cloud but secondly if knight e3 then we can take twice and our king can become active exactly and at this point i think he's uh he's just helping helping me develop i really can't complain yeah it was helpful that he played f3 otherwise maybe knight f3 would have been harder to find yeah i i wasn't sure about my next move but f3 kind of forced me and these two would be the unfortunate mistake of the century it's funny like earlier after bishop c4 i was going to say that black doesn't have a good way of defending the knights but i think black found the only way to and defeat now of course we have to you got a jerome delayed jerome yes combined with the delayed king's gambit pawn cloud the whole thing worked out brilliantly and the knight's gonna have an outpost created by my opponent's c takes v6 move i mean obviously we keep it oh that's g6 square gotta develop the king because if you didn't play d5 there were potentially some really grotesque checkmates there now this is a difficult situation oh okay i was going to say you could on passant but i guess knight d6 is more powerful so i at this point in the in the game i i am only exclusively thinking of like where a very very sexy checkmate might lie it is pretty close so i'm going to try i'm going to try to go for like i actually really like that move d5 e6 type of push that's what i'm thinking oh that's a that's an interesting yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna respect it that's a strong move yeah bishop h4 there's g5 and bishop would get trapped so i want to open things up queen g4 is looking tempting but let's see yeah see if there's any meats here no oh okay three minutes i would be panicking with this time let's give a chat there we go oh see if we can get a pawn mate or something damn it yeah watch your time okay we'll pre-move this one [Laughter] you know the worst part did i a mate knight c7 if i didn't move uh okay no i didn't blocked it yeah i mean that's i was going to win i was going rook f1 to try to get uh like a nightmare somewhere ah and his bishop at five was better than i gave it credit for no the opponent was very resourceful and playing like a great move that's exactly how you you don't allow you know yourself i mean that was such a beautiful game on so many levels too bishop f7 you know like the it's nice how we incorporated a few techniques in there bong cloud and jerome it's kind of like a masterpiece yeah no that doesn't happen every day in some ways i think his best move was actually thought do you think it really freed him from his shackles oh yeah i know it helps the bishop develop the knights of d6 i'm i'm picturing some nasty mates where the king runs to d8 and c7 it's just stuck there oh there's so many possibilities i like it that was that was definitely a good start but yeah you know the right energy oh for sure f4 yeah that game worked out pretty well that was just king's bandit but i think in general the king's gambit has a really high ceiling for turning into like a like a stop just getting getting e4 d4 pawns um against low-rated players often leads to really active positions with lots of tactics yeah and most players who are rated like less than 1800 won't really know what to do and they'll just let you get a massive center right it's so fun exactly gg alpacas so here i'll follow you now yeah i just realized uh there's a like with you can have a challenge link it's play slash username so i'm going to add that yeah i have a exclamation mark challenge link in my chat and yeah it's like um knbb i have a whole bunch of other things after my link like some numbers i'm not sure if they're necessary oh or you can like have the default time control something that people can figure out yeah i just added a chest challenge command now now i'm getting challenges there you go uh oh people are listening everything's unrated and blitz that's a very respectable i always have a few guys sneaking a rated one that's where all my reading disappears okay i'm gonna play i'm gonna play the highest rated person challenging me which is snell 6969 oh they have the chest bra flare okay so i'm going to play my um my tricky gambit repertoire which uh it starts with e5 oh they're they're okay they want to play a gambit so i'm gonna play the counter gambit this is actually a fun line so here as white when people play this against me i always play pont d4 as white that's my counter counter gambit i think that's a playable move actually yeah it's not they take on d4 and then you go e5 i hope our opponent's not stream sniping it's okay it's not a good move so we'll lead him astray okay so this is the main line so um taking on that f4 is playable but i like to play the the pure gambit and against someone who's not so well prepared it's not so easy to develop for white uh with our pawn on e4 preventing that f3 and then very often the bishop can come to c5 yep so this is actually the main line uh bishop b4 and then there's a cool idea coming up if bishop d2 i have e3 deflecting the bishop and then basically getting initiative for a few moves and the best pretty much the best part is you're you're about to castle and yeah as soon as the rook ends up on e8 it's worth being down upon especially like given that white has not developed anything on the king side yeah and we're already like getting the open e file um and there's a bunch of targets in the position i had a really cool trap like opening trap from this position oh except not this position queen d2 i'll have to show you after this game because there's a cool trap which can emerge after bishop d okay okay um okay so i'm looking at queen e7 or just castling i think i'll just castle you just want that yeah that's a pretty pretty permanent pin there on c3 yeah like even even if the king or queen move away i mean it's going to be pinned to something looks like a solid okay we're gonna keep applying the pressure yeah positions like this you just want to have as many pieces applying pressure as possible i'm a thing okay we're gonna bring another piece man so both knights are pinned okay now this is usually where players are are supposed to collapse like the when there's like two major pins in a position you should be able to often win by tactics yeah i'm looking for the i mean okay there's a lot of like forcing moves here um not a lot of kos though no no it still takes work i mean there's lines where we force b takes c3 and then we just attack i think that's what i want to go for and yeah for the time being the nylon e2 okay as i say in the night and ichi was stuck but now we can just win the exchange i'm going to try and make i'm going to try and not make the same mistake you made in the previous game which is management yourself too much yeah yeah you can't enjoy yourself too much in life but it's you have a easier job because your position is like marginally better but not so good that you can really enjoy it so i that was my issues i got too good of a advantage in the last game that's true yeah it was just like you had so many good options and then and you're just paralyzed that was yeah that was my fault for that um white's king moving okay let's and be aggressive oh did i blunder oh i was enjoying myself too much the good thing is you you never blunder until the game's over if you end up losing this game this will be a blunder but if you end up winning it's exactly yes that's true yeah that's very true nice just giving my opponent a false sense of confidence yep nice stack okay so opposite color bishops oh let's prevent the king from going back and then i'm preparing for some beautiful meat i'm a big fan of that white one connect four yep there's only one thing let's go beautiful beautiful i'm gonna give that a ko yeah everyone everyone watching on my stream should check out chess bra stream they have a cool kale graphic man as a pond mate game one so i mean if you guys are wondering what kind of stream it's going to be i think this is just an indication of future energy definitely so i'm trying to figure out how to bring this game into the analysis board to show you this cool trap yeah it's like i'm figuring it out are you just grabbing the pgm yeah should be able to drop it in okay i think i did i see that okay so um i'll get i'll give it to you as a puzzle but then chad can try and solve the puzzle too okay so this comes from a game it was like over-the-board blitz game i played years ago um probably like 2011-ish uh had this position um [Music] and here okay here our opponent play queen d2 but the main move is bishop d2 this is what i encountered uh i took on c3 and this position might play queen e2 check kind of inter meso now it's black to move and find the way to stay up material so we just took a piece white is obviously wanting to recapture so it's black to move and basically guarantee be up material um but you also have to get out of check yeah don't forget that we're gonna have some dudes submitting bishop takes b2 ah yeah yeah in a tournament game that would be unfortunate if you touch your bishop and you'd be forced to play vision e5 yeah that would that would be real bad yeah some people in my chat have seen it before i i've shown this maybe once in a stress club lecture my my chat has a 100 success rate wow um but we we had someone suggest a long time viewer of the channel suggested castling here for black oh dear so that's not actually a bad thing like if you if you touch your king and attempt to castle you can't legally castle but then you would have to move your king and then you would be more likely to find the best move so some guys you know would be like you know debating between all these but the guy who's just castling he would grab the king he'd be told by the arbiter hey dude you can't be doing that and then he'd be like oh man i have to move my king and then as you said he's 200 iq yeah it's still a one and two chance i guess there's two legal king moves but yeah good job to everyone in chat finding the very aesthetic king d7 the delayed reverse flipped bomb cloud and yeah the whole idea is to just clear the eight square it's basically a clearance tactic um and yeah we get out of check and make a threat so white doesn't have time to take because of this threat should note if white so there's a few lines to show of course if white takes here we um oops we don't mouse slip we win the queen if white takes here then we don't want to play rook at allowing bishop e5 so we take and then we win the queen in this line so what happened in my game my opponent played queen g4 check after king d7 and then i played king c6 which is actually probably like the best move and we just attack the wait like our king now finds a safe place and we attack the queen with the bishop so again white doesn't have time to take and then we're just gonna be up a piece yep so it's not every day you can win material in the opening by developing your king especially this line it really emphasizes that you know the last two moves king d7 king c6 winning yeah probably the la you know move 10 to see that on the notation sheet and maybe white resigns after this would be maybe one of the only games that you could find like that right i think my opponent tried like i tried to explain my king but um it turned out that white's king was more of a target after queen f6 i'm just winning more material and my king is just chilling plays a crucial role in defending my knight it's fantastic yeah so good memories yep but yeah this is a fun line like there's a lot of uh like nifty tricks um i've like i also went through a phase where i was preparing this very deeply and there's one really cool trap i'm gonna try and remember it's it's not really a trap it's just like a cool idea uh it comes from a main line this is one of like the main lines like stronger players will play um hopefully i can remember it so queen h4 g3 uh knight takes g3 and if you look this up in like the database this is uh this is pretty standard theory uh queen e2 takes um takes i'm trying to remember it's so interesting to me that we could still have a trap come from this it looks like yeah so the main idea i forget exactly the main move here i think it's bishop c4 i think it's some bishop move but i'll just get to the point so the main like cool idea is let's say light just develops a bishop black to move in wind material it looks crazy because like white's covering everything and um we're we only have a bishop developed but it's just such a bizarre move it actually reminds me of um wasn't it i mean i'm pretty sure it was like wesley so had a bishop c1 from like vikings a one year um and it might have been against report or it was reported against wesley so it was one of the other um i'm pretty sure it involved uh those guys but there's this like crazy bishop c1 move and like maybe king's indian or something it was like it was like winning is like the best move [Music] i just googled wesley so report bishop f or bishop c1 here i'll look it up in the background i just got a raid by the way from another extremely eccentric and very entertaining player mr joe bava so thanks so much uh thanks so much bador nice yeah i know he's he's been streaming a lot lately and he also shows like a bunch of tricky openings on his stream it's fun to watch yes without revealing too many secrets i hope yeah yeah i've seen him stream a lot more recently so big shout out to uh bad door for the raid there welcome everybody just i'm just hanging out with uh mr i am rosen here and we're we're going over like some some crazy weird openings that we like to play on our streams and trying them out against the chat so i actually found the uh the wesley so game um and maybe i can paste it in but just to show this um uh as we mentioned and good job to people who were suggesting in chat bishop c1 um and black is winning a pawn there's no good way for white to defend b2 if like moves upon we trap the rook uh i think this position is still like relatively balanced after knight d2 we win the pawn white's gonna have some compensation um but it's a cool idea and it goes along with the spirit of this uh this gambit line yep so i'm pasting in i don't think i saw this game so closely but um is this the moment or is it yeah this one yeah exactly this is just such a just a cool move an exact same idea it's like just a way to like either get the bishop traded for the knight or bring it around to d4 or like to a3 i just thought that this bishop c1 was such a shot in the dark in a position that looks pretty pretty closed off no it's the type of thing you would almost never consider but it's nice you take advantage of this knight d3 tactic yeah and like it's also really nice of queen c2 here we can still take on b2 because there's still a fork yes it's crazy yes it actually reminds me um last thing before we uh maybe get back into another game i know i'm tangenting here but the um speaking of the you know the london they have the i think the pretty classic trap i think it's like this i think it's um e5 and like bishop takes uh c3 here and so this is kind of like how black gets out of the opening and you're kind of scrambling trying to figure out what to do and it's like rook b1 knight c4 and no matter what black takes on b2 next move and goes like knight c3 oh oh that's dirty i actually haven't seen this one before oh yeah this is pretty much this is pretty much why i think this setup is a little kind of suspicious against this so i usually play knight c3 myself when i when i see they're going to go g6 but most london players especially when they're starting out you know you just want to play this triangle against anything that comes at you so i think it's pretty easy to get um caught by this and i've had a number of strong blitz players on catch me when i'm just like pre-moving in a bullet game or something and i'm like oh man i'm in this again and it's just so hard to stop rookie 8 you kind of have to get castle then and yeah it's bishop that's actually really nice yeah no i would imagine like white just played kind of the natural london setup yep um but same idea as what we just looked at where it's like this rogue bishop basically can take everything in its path yeah it's incredible like white just doesn't have resources to defend yeah um anyway yeah i can uh get in another game there sounds good i like the uh i like the post mortem as well yeah no it's so easy to tangent to like different uh uh different type like like you all show one idea that will remind you like of another idea i think this is uh this is the case when when speaking to like high-level chess players is you just have like a whole knowledge base of information that's fun to share yep and uh just to everyone i guess in both chats i mean you guys can always keep the challenges coming in never hurts to have too many or you know an assortment of ratings to to choose from so i'm just gonna take this one here oh we got white again so this is uh this is nice let's see what d4 brings us this time oh oh i have a tricky line against this oh this is perfect so you take it i don't know if you've looked at this before for the e6 and then knight c3 and then the idea is bishop takes c5 knight e4 that's one of my like favorite tricky lines if they play an f6 you play e4 and then when they take on c5 you play e5 and then oh but they're not uh but he's not to the degree of like maybe not getting that pawn back yeah so now you kind of have to improvise you could be greedy here um i'll probably leave it up to you but so my i have a lot of uh i have a few options here and i i generally don't pick the ones that look like bishop e3 because they're they're too good the move is too good so i'm gonna play knight b5 and see what happens wow leaving two pawns hanging yeah like i would have played bishop e3 and then just tried to hold on to the extra pawn and as you saw you know although i was maybe chatting a little bit more than i'm used to in the first game that's the risk of playing a little bit too eccentric you know you can just lose those games either you take too much time or your position actually gets so bad or they play some good moves and punish you for your ambitions yeah no you have to be careful okay bishop did we takes bishop f4 or i was probably planning on continuing the sacrificial nature and hoping that he wouldn't play king e7 there perfect i feel like this is one of those weird sicilian variations but you're just down [Music] a tempo like your knight should be on c3 and not g1 exactly but that's okay and two bishops we got dark squares for black yeah tons of reasons to like this position well queen a3 is um it's nice we just want to prevent black from castling oh i think we have to i think we have to take yeah we're going to take that for sure also thank you charlotte chess center with a raid hey welcome people yeah so if you're just joining i know there's people trickling in maybe in both chats um but this is a a tricky opening collaboration stream with chess bra and we're we're trying to play as many tricky openings as possible trying to i guess share some secrets yeah try not to give too much away but um i think both eric and myself have found a lot of enjoyment in chess lately through just kind of experimenting and messing around with openings so definitely actually so these days i'm i don't really hold back when it comes to exposing secrets because i'm not really a competitive or serious player um especially these days without really any over-the-board tournaments um so it's been nice to just like share share everything i know and then i'll learn more as a result oh those nights are asking to be punished yeah that's a little awkward it's amazing how poorly coordinated two nights so close to one another can actually be yeah like knights knights are not good when they're like diagonal one square or two squares from each other i gotta put those those bishops to work yep this is a uh there's also a position i'm always looking at pawn storming on the king side yeah yeah even when queens are off the board that doesn't mean that you can't just king side attack just throw all the pawns on the rest of the pieces i mean hey it helps to be up a piece you know but it helps to be up at peace oh i like that rook lift so did he apparently he wasn't he wasn't trying to have any of it knight b4 now he wants you to take the free pawn i think i'm probably too attached to my bishop honestly what it might do is sack my rook for the the knight just to keep that bishop at some it's a nice bit like the your bishop on d6 is probably better than most of like all of box pieces combined so let's nice do that quickly and we'll just start advancing these okay so i'll take that okay this time you have to deliver checkmate before you flag is that the rule got it hopefully oh see he knows how good my bishop is man oh man i'm not falling for it again no he's not taking my bishops i promise you that yeah you gotta promote to another bishop yeah okay we were on the same page there we go i didn't even have to tell you that oh oh i was gonna bring the other bishop to a6 and go for rookie aid a nice little that's funny we were totally on the same page it wasn't i i basically had it promoted and you were saying the same thing do you have auto queen turned on or you do the like keyboard holding down i held the the alt button okay yeah that's the pro the pro approach oh believe me i've i've under promoted my a good share of times nice so i could share maybe a few tidbits about this line yeah it's basically i think it's called the benoni gambit accepted going back to analysis board um yeah a lot of players just don't know how to deal with this like a lot of people play um they'll first take they'll run into knight e4 they'll play bishop e7 and then you just enjoy life i've had this countless countless times in blitz there is kind of a more nifty way for black to play so there's two moves that people will play here uh is knight f6 and d5 those are those are pro moves yeah where you like black allows knight takes bishop and then queen a5 to win back the piece um i'll say that knight f6 is objectively the best move and then it's like close to equality in both lines you got the bishop here um but after d5 a lot of players will at least good players will start thinking here and then play d5 and then there's like a cool idea for white uh engine approved it's actually engine's top choices after takes black wins back the piece and then there's a really nice move for white that that goes in the spirit of the position is e4 it's not even like a pawn sacrifice um because after black takes you have queen g4 yes and then like you're opening the position you have the two bishops you're getting very quick initiative and development looks great yeah i guess black could defend with queen e5 but then you just keep developing and it's a fun position that's usually the best part when they they try to keep the pawn exactly yeah and then there's some like i guess there's some more concrete ideas like if queen six you can take and then bishop b5 and take away box castling rights and then went back the pawn and um yeah so there's like much deeper preparation you can do beyond just this like kind of cool ideon move three um and yeah it's great because most people like most black players who play c5 usually run into d5 yeah this is a pretty rare move already i would say so like or at least if it's if it's ever played whoever's playing with the black pieces probably has the confidence like oh this is not a good move i just take back i have the center yeah yeah um not realizing like whites white has tricks and then i've had a lot of games after knight f6 and then bishop takes c5 where we just start punishing black because then the knight has no good squares but to go back to yeah let me play g8 combination of knight e4 queen g4 and it's so much fun oof so that's my um yeah that's my little uh pat line with pawn c5 i like it yeah and it's nice that there's not too many options like it's not a ton to remember in terms of every position kind of has the same structure yeah i know it's really simple like because after it takes like you're pretty much guaranteed to get this and then um or like what happened in our game you get an e4 i guess we can you kind of improvised with with this yeah i don't think i don't think you're supposed to play b5 that's for damn sure yeah so actually um this is this approach from black it's interesting objectively it's dubious and i know you didn't want to play like the the civil move here bishop e3 but there is a nice idea here after queen a5 um i was using i thought there was some a3 move but maybe i was checking the engine line maybe this isn't anything special to play b4 eventually yeah maybe this doesn't quite work because b4 there's knight c3 it gets a little bit murky so this would probably take like further analysis exactly like maybe just bishop d3 and we we play chess just play normal but but from black's point of view you're you're kind of in a more comfortable position than anything like allowing pawn e5 or any of that stuff that's true yeah that's very true um yeah so there's there's always drawbacks to sometimes playing these these weird lines but um anyway fun game yep i can go ahead and yep i'm following still okay a lot more people challenging me so i uh people can use the chest challenge command in my chats um i'm gonna play the first person who sent the challenge from long ago bazman i'm white i'll play e4 he's from the netherlands there's like michael bassman right is the the the guy from the netherlands who's pretty well-known as well for playing some quite eccentric stuff i'm not too well versed in uh in pop culture but maybe yeah i i recognize the name like b-a-s-m-a-n i'm pretty sure it's like that or or maybe it's emmanuel bazboom or something like that there's there's definitely a quite a famous dutch guy who who also i played with him once in a like a rapid tournament and uh and he was you know type of guy that was playing chess um as if he'd had multiple beers and he was also having the multiple beers interesting oh so it kind of hides it you feel that you feel like it shouldn't yeah you feel like he's you know like he's kind of blundering and playing lackadaisically he's actually totally like in control and that's how you would play normally so interesting false sense of security so uh alejandro did that to me once the first time i ever played alejandro ramirez was like this world open blitz tournament he like stumbled into the playing hall had like a i think a glass of wine from the bar and then he just whipped out like some nasty opening trap and he was completely like in the zone of like playing good chess yeah and like i completely underestimated him um okay so we're actually we're playing online i recently covered this in a youtube video i was i was sharing this or sharing my preparation to another streamer uh kimmy liu because she was saying how like she plays a grand prix but like this idea with e6 and d5 is really annoying um oh black's not going into hoping for but okay so with this this is a bit more positional i'm wondering if we can make it can make it more tricky [Music] i'm going to play i'm going to be civil here i'm gonna follow my style and just share like a nice sort of positional idea when the black pawns are doubled on the c file yep um like usually in the grand prix white wants to attack on the king side but in this position there's a positional idea knight a4 a b3 c4 where we just like try and massage the queen side pawns it's funny he's actually chosen a variation with knight e7 it works terribly against what you just outlined yeah so black like black has to be very careful not to just get dominated by um by positional play um so 97 was actually the main line instead of a6 wow jeez oh i just want to play some nine on f6 oh man drop knight at f6 if this were bug house i'd be stalling uh i'm so tempted to now just go crazy listen to your heart okay f5 it's a typical grand prix like sacrifice but it's funny that maybe you wouldn't have played it last move but now that he's defended the square more times you'll play it yeah because there's just more potential for files to open [Music] looking for i could leave the time okay let's take once here so we could see a similar theme [Music] from uh the previous game i think this king's gambit game where we were castled black's underdeveloped on the king sign the black king is going to be in the center for is maybe the rest of the game [Music] oh could take with knight though let's take with rook i think this this actually wins more material i think you do this even if there was no bishop on g7 definitely yeah the the more annoying move to see as black because after the knights on e6 he can't castle in either direction it's like terrible i'll admit i didn't see bishop d4 but i guess we're getting something kind of uh similar anyway yep debating bishop e3 let's keep our bishop i still think this is great maybe that shows how low my standards are so with the nylon e6 it just controls so many squares in black's territory and prevents black from castling either way um the queen is likely to move and then probably queen e2 is coming next bishop f4 incoming that's a good move i really want to keep this knight here okay let's turn the fork sure that was probably a bad move but okay this looks fun yeah you'd rather keep the pieces on this is definitely a w yeah yeah sometimes bad decisions lead to better stories yeah what was this yeah so black kind of suffered with kind of being behind the development and um probably was objectively typically better but yeah it's difficult to play after especially after the e-file opens yep yeah he's not castling safely anytime soon that's for sure yeah like there's too many too many ways we basically develop and attack at the same time the 97 pawn and d5 so i can quickly show just like one one more tidbit of opening prep um maybe absolutely back on [Music] yeah um so this is a more specific line um i guess it's it's nice for anyone who plays like knight c3 sicilian or plays grand prix um and with this specific position uh the main line here is 97. um should note if d4 d4 is a positional mistake because then we take and we get like just a very nice kind of center structure and black spawns are weak um so 97 would be an attempt to avoid uh bishop take c6 and avoid the double pawns so here we can take once on d5 if knight takes e5 we double box pawns so pawn digs e5 then here there's a nice positional move queen e2 and we pin the knight we're threatening again positional play with taking and it's not so easy for black to like cover everything um and a lot of natural moves for black just don't work like bishop d7 breaking the pin hangs this pawn g6 allows queen e5 bishop e6 attempting to break the pin we still take and black can't take with knight because f5 so there's just a lot of like annoying things black has to worry about um it's nice like we're more developed anyway in blacks both of black's developed pieces are pinned and the queen often goes to e2 in this line so it's not like you're making some weird concession exactly so yeah i first saw this line years ago there's a book on grand prix by gawain jones and he covered this pretty in depth i i mean a grand prix attack is it's a very very tricky opening it's not like a it's not an opening that has a clear answer to it yeah no there and there's a lot of like um choices for white too in in these various lines even against e6 like you could you could play g3 you could play close sicilian you can then later transpose into open sicilian so i play this in like high level tournament play especially against players who maybe play something different against knight c3 than they're doing it's like f3 because there's always a possibility of transposing into open sicilian yes of course so flexible yeah and then there's this like this new kind of line like after d6 i think this carlson inspired line d4 and then like going for this like b3 bishop b2 setup yeah this has become quite popular recently i'm a fan yeah but then against like lower rated players i just love grand prix and like in general because a lot of players will just get like brutally attacked on the king's side um f5 is so strong the the problem is like even if you play f5 when it's not a good move it's still probably a good move or it'll still work out can still usually make it work for like blitzer bullets like it's just more fun to play with attack yeah there's a typical line i think here like this is a very like well-known position where after e takes f5 black's pretty much lost due to queen h4 and like the attack is so so strong like this idea there's just yeah you're not surprised so yeah as black if you play sicilian you have to know something against uh against grand prix yeah the grand prix especially like as you're starting out i mean the percentage of people that play it against the sicilian i think it would be like super high yeah i've noticed that like a lot of like just in general it seems like more people these days are playing anti-sicilians than the the classic like open sicilian which maybe makes sense like white is keeping the game in their their territory and not giving black so many options i think that because the computers have become so strong it maybe makes more and more sense to get a position that you know better than your opponent not that your computer knows better than theirs that's very true yeah and this is sometimes the problem with like these theoretical like open sicilian lines is like they're so concrete and i can come down to computer preparation all right well let me get another game in here another another unsuspecting uh chap okay we're gonna go for it with a guy from finland i'm getting white every game these are great you know shout out to on these this is perfect treat every game like uh like a brand new 50 50 coin flip is that how they do it is just 50 50 because then i have no idea but if that was the case then it looks like i'm winning every coin flip do you have any like tricky lines against carol khan so i basically the character like especially this um this c6 d5 and whenever i get to go knight c3 knight f3 um i i usually end up with like a pretty decisive attack in this line so i've never really felt compelled to search for something because the traditional positions are often so crushing at least in my experience interesting yeah i know it's it's an easy line to play i was going to say this line specifically a lot of players will play bishop f5 instead of h6 and then there's like there's a really cool trappy line that a lot of amateurs will fall into yeah i i think i get that one a fair bit and then if they don't do that i mean for example h6 here is like definitely making me think about all sorts of 95 queen h5 stuff so now now he goes bishop there which is uh quite intelligent intelligent i'm definitely uh okay i'm definitely going to start with the only reasonable move any sane humans yeah for a moment i was thinking maybe you could jerome like bishop f7 knight e5 queen h5 but this is i think the the problem with that is you you hand the initiative over to him after king e6 and suddenly he's the one practicing yeah yeah i mean you and i witnessed the the power of the white king you know reaching the middle of the board earlier on in our our stream so that's very true i can't be handing that out too easily you know man he didn't take your free knight he's he's an amateur queen said he's an amateur player yeah okay to go well gotta be careful not to like hang every single piece to queen d4 next move or something oh that's true oh wow that's like a triple man it is a triple but i'm gonna play queen f3 in in anticipation of queen d4 i mean queen d4 is kind of kind of hard to refuse yeah i'll admit like when i first saw position after e6 like i would have played queen f3 instantly without even thinking but queen d4 wow as you said you know sometimes sometimes you got to make some questionable decisions to end up on the desired path okay queen yeah our opponent's playing very uh very safe very safe h6 e6 queen c7 so i'm just easy to crack finally get some space here with d4 i am curious after queen d4 where you you were planning not f7 right so i was planning to go knight f7 to which i think he only has one reasonable response which would be bishop takes e4 and you know i obviously don't want to reveal my you know my prep after that yeah i don't want to let everyone know obviously okay um i'm gonna can't go to f3 again okay here definitely thinking of just castling offering that yeah i would have played bishop f4 there but i i like the pawn sack well i'm also kind of hoping that i'm more innocuous from the starting rank to play bishop takes h6 like it's more unsuspecting if i play bishop f4 i don't know my bishop's already out my king's in the middle okay and now it's like i i got that pawn sack in except he's missing an h pawn somehow yeah i bet he regrets playing h6 so long ago wow he regretted so much he wanted to get another pawn to h6 yeah if he doesn't have a pawn there what is he without his pawn okay let's take this and it looks kind of hard to stop me here honestly i see a few moves but no when you have a white pawn on f6 against the castle king especially if you're not down material yeah like usually you sack a lot of things to make this happen i like that move yeah you prevent box queen from really helping out yeah i definitely don't want to deal with um queen h3 or queen h5 and then queen f4 or something like that queen g3 would be the the oops so let's grab this handle mercy well the the only problem about this position is that my opponent has a couple seconds because that this is the type of position where i could pretty much work as straight up pawn checkmate if i wanted to because yeah i mean i'm in full control here right like there's so many oh that's that's so cruel yeah no this is my this is my specialty you know you just can butcher someone real badly yeah if they continue to play i mean they're in trouble i mean your rook was kind of like lonely on a1 the whole game so at least you gave it some purpose in life so now if someone tunes in to the stream you know maybe some new viewers what's up everyone as you can see grand master always make sure all his pieces are working you know everyone's part of the attack here and that's why my opponent lost this game yeah a smooth game i feel like that was one of your smoothest schemes yet of this uh this stream yeah i i'm just a big fan of knight c3 knife that's like always what i tell people if anyone's like hey what do i do against the chirok coward con is a really solid opening honestly um but this two night variation pretty much means that you get like kind of the bare minimum is you get two bishops in a really comfortable game and you know anything other than that is you know anywhere from a 10 move win to you know a queen sack for mate so i i think it has a very high ceiling and it's not like it has a floor either it's not like you're risking a terrible position so it's just like a i find it super comfy i completely agree yeah no this is like this is what i recommend for for e4 players who want something against caro khan i think it's very effective at the lower levels even at the higher levels too yeah absolutely and it's it's definitely counterintuitive to to enter some of the like some of the lines that are kind of recommended for black here i think are really counter-intuitive to to play so you won't see them too much you'll see exactly i think the most common one is what you and i were both mentioning which was like taking on on e4 and bishop f5 and playing it as if there was a pawn on d4 and just not noticing that there's a significant difference so it's incredible like so many carol khan players who are maybe new to the opening or lesser experience will walk into this line it's incredible how big how bad bishop f5 is for black yeah you really have to be to be conscious of of exactly what could happen to you yeah because i assume that this is the line you're referring to exactly yep um bishop h7 and it keeps getting worse for black yeah either bishop or so queen h5 i i recommend first oh because then there's a potential for like this oh no my queen moment yes yeah you want to play c4 as quickly as possible make it seem yeah what i usually do is i pre-move it that's the best way to do it um so if you pre-move queen here the nice thing is there's there's nothing that black could really do except bishop g6 and the likelihood of him doing that is pretty low because he just moved it away so if he goes like knight f6 and blunders mate and you accidentally pre-moved this then you know it's even better it's like you know what an idiot and then you get him anyway so that's the best way to do it yeah and then the like the other way to defend f7 is queen d5 which then bishops e4 is just winning tactic yeah and then after uh after g6 of course we threatened mate and then black pretty much so this is all pretty much like the most expected line starting when black played bishop f5 yep like black is subjecting himself to just such misery and bishop is the only devout piece now caged in and now what move do you play here uh queen f3 oh so i play queen e2 queenie two i think is slightly slightly trickier because you're threatening obviously queen f3 you're threatening maiden one but queenie two you're threatening knight takes f7 and all the natural moves for black so bishop here uh knight d7 bishop d6 knight f6 they all are blunders because of knight f7 yep so black has to play like one more awkward move to defend against the threat so if if here then this is mating um so yeah this is such a great line and then queen is it queen c7 that they have to some sort of weird queen so queen yeah queen c7 queen e7 i mean queen c7 there's probably d4 bishop f4 coming yeah so uh yeah and the goal is to get castle queen side and bring the rook to e1 and basically the guy's gonna be mated sometime soon definitely yeah i can't tell you like how many people i've i've trapped in this like over the years and i've shown this to students who go on to trap players too so it's uh that's a nice line yeah so that was that was a smooth one and he didn't really go into any of this stuff but as we saw he sort of was playing very timidly in general and like all all i really did was pieces to the the squares that were kind of talking about in this game as well and d4 like nothing nothing too special that the pieces i find really flow in this opening is quite nice right so i'm just having a suppressed memory i i should bring up um i remember watching peters fiddler play this as white and he played like a new idea i had never seen before and i i didn't really check it afterwards but new idea is black or white so as white uh it was just like a one of these like banter blitz sessions he played queen f3 um obviously threatening mate and after knight f6 you play queen b3 i think this is another like fine approach for white um i probably prefer this this queen h5 line but this just wins a clean pawn so you say it wins a clean pawn but um i'm imagining that after queen here um if knight f6 you go queen v3 and you're kind of happy and the great thing is that um let's say queen d5 like the thing that i like for black is that if you go queen takes b7 queen takes e5 is that you know you can dream of like trapping the queen with queen c7 and even that just being in the position kind of kind of scares me a little bit as white like having my queen in the corner like that but oftentimes what people do is they are waiting for this to happen and they'll blender mate or something that's like yeah this uh this england gambit style mates you know so they'll like defend their night or it's some something to like prepare this and just walk into that's from me yeah it reminds me of the whatever that queen's gambit line is that kind of goes like this i think i don't think i've seen this one before um yeah i'm pretty sure it's like this and some sort of like knight h4 bishop here and you oh yeah you end up threatening oh that's so nice oh wow wow you end up threatening knight g6 like i haven't seen obviously before they're crippled with f takes and then you're threatening this queen c8 which we'll get the beep on as well wow soy's just better here yeah so this is just yeah and this it's just very like um it preys on the people who have no clue you could ever be threatening queen h3 so you play queen b3 and they they have the option to play queen c7 let's say but everyone is gonna play queen b6 because it's just sort of more natural and you don't have your bishop on f4 which is usually the indicator that queen b6 is safe yeah i'm actually curious like because this is kind of a common opening for black i guess the weird move is knight d2 yeah i think i might be like giving it away too early i was just i knew that this was part of it so when i was trying to think of it right now i played this first but i'm pretty sure you would kind of go there and then they would go here and you go knight d2 and to them it's like oh this is a free bishop f5 there's no bishop f4 i get e6 next like the black player is going to be very interested in getting their bishop out and they won't go bishop g4 because 95 right is you're not pinned yet so they'll all go here and then from here you can't start with queen b3 because it could take so you have to start with the knight and again they know they're gonna like end up giving you free pawn moves here and bishop back is never enticing so it's pretty common they just draw back and try to go for that solid thing and the likelihood at this point when you're this deep in the line that you get it is nearly 100. that's awesome yeah that's really nice so this reminds me of something completely ridiculous but i figure i'll show it because it's kind of it's a nice party trick um imagine you know that your opponent will copy all of your moves so your opponent just plays copy catch us you can win in three moves by doing this garbage so just a cool party like if you're ever gonna like play a friend and like who's new to chess and they say they're going to copy your moves you can uh yeah can win like this that's a good one because i have this rule that i like to repeat that generally players who are rated under 1000 don't have a vision range longer than about three squares so there's no way they would see bishop takes h3 so you're you're totally safe playing this move and they would definitely cut it's not like they would stop copying and be like ah hang on i'm not falling for that and they take the queen so no worries there that's good i like that yeah no it takes it takes time to develop like full board vision and then there's another even more garbage uh c4 c5 and then this is another three or whatever how maybe four moves uh these are great yeah these are perfect for parties because at least the kind of parties i might have there's often people that have no clue about chess and of course they're asking all these questions so it's like yeah you sit them down and you give them false hope yeah you know i'm really really good at this game i'm a professional just copy my moves and just bait them in yeah no this is uh that's it's nice all right i'm gonna uh i'm probably gonna find another victim yeah i'm just gonna go in order uh edvards and foreign ff are we going to keep up our whites oh we're not okay so i'm black okay so trappy repertoire involves pre-moving e5 i definitely agree um oh how familiar are you with the stafford gambit uh i would say like um honestly speaking i'm going to say unfamiliar like i sort of know the basic moves and like i watched a video for example but overall i would say unfamiliar okay i'm scared my opponent's playing really quickly so i assume uh is probably like knows what to do um you've seen a video or two yeah no he's playing so there is this pog champs match between uh hafu and david pakman and hafu was prepared i think by robert hess and like she she whipped this out and um it was like a really nice opening as white or black as white and david was like he played the stafford i think inspired by me um so and and uh nier ditzki did a whole breakdown of like how to refute the stafford and he showed he showed this as a recommendation for whites so the what's your stance on the let's say the refutations that might be out there like does it make it unplayable to a degree or is it still a position you can like it's still you can kind of work with okay um that's good like white has to be really really really well prepared but almost no one is um like people will know c3 but they won't know um beyond actually this is a new move for me because most people play d4 here yeah um yeah i think debating bishop and there's also like weird move queen h4 here um but generally the compensation when they do trade on g4 is to leverage this uh this half open each file i like it um i'll have a lot of things to show like after this game [Music] um because after neroditsky made like this refutation video jonathan tronce came out with a video where he drew stockfish like the highest level of stockfish in this exact line in the line that naradiski recommends damn and um i i think like he did a lot of preparation with like leela um but it was like such a cool variation and that's what i kind of tried picking up um i explored myself a bit the thing i i like about some of the openings that i play is that um nobody can really release a video refuting them because i mean in essence they are they are refuted as soon as i play it it's like you know the eval is so bad and it's not like any specific line is worse for me than any other one so that's kind of sad [Music] so white's playing actually very solidly and this is sometimes what will happen is like white will play solid stuff and then we're kind of forced to go insane but that's what makes life this happens that that's kind of the uh the entire lifespan of an opening like this is it's really fun at the beginning and then you get people posting videos refuting it and people like yeah but there's so many more layers to unpeel like honestly when i saw this nirajitsky video i thought stafford's just dead like he was so thorough and then jonathan just came out with this magic trick wow i want to play f4 when in doubt on poisson also uh jonathan insurance is in my chat shout out to vampire chicken hey yeah i've seen him uh on twitch and more importantly on youtube where i mean if you're like interested in kind of random super fun openings that are presented in a very matter-of-fact way um jonathan's youtube is is like kind of the og full of them no he's very much like a trendsetter like the ortho schnapp and ackmanson i think he recently came out with a course on the nagmanson adjustable one yeah yeah i think i saw that as well okay i'm i'm finding ways to have fun just gonna like keep pushing pawns and take everything [Music] an important decision so wait what's the material oh i'm just up a rook and i have the bishop here but white wants a castle okay let's castle before white castles nice thing about losing pawns is you open files this is correct man i don't know if i can live up to to your ability to promote to another well you're the only one with a pawn track made in this stream so that's true oh more than holding up can i get another pawn checkmate yeah i was gonna say if he had more time oh can i get that oh no i can't i wanted to set up on poisson checkmates i think you just win at that point yeah okay oh that was gonna be a pawn checkmate right like one more move that's upon me oh yeah i actually didn't oh on the same square as previously two yep i mean that's just unlucky that's that's a pawn checkmate and a half i'll give you yeah okay yeah i could spend hours talking about stafford gambits but uh can at least cover the what happened in this game um pace of pgn yeah so i've like i recently realized i can just have a repertoire where i pre-move e5 on move one and whatever white plays i'll i'll have some preparation so like d4 you play the england e4 obviously like go into hopefully sapphire gambit if knight f3 this is called the walrus and if takes you play knight c6 um it's objectively bad but it's it's a walrus so it's fun um and if tapes it has a name then you know yeah basically animal name after e4 does it transpose to the staffers yeah i was gonna say e4 it's just a direct transposition okay so that's probably the best part of it yeah yeah it's like the main reason to play the walrus and if they play um d4 e5 the nice thing is that if you don't feel like playing the uh england you can always play whatever this is called oh i was going to show this to you but you've seen it already yeah okay yeah we're on we're on the same page here this is all i ever do these days in addition just saffron but you have you have to pre-move 97 yes and then you got to play with this if they play bishop f4 uh you've pre-moved 97 and then you pre-move knight c6 here yeah the first time i ever had this in the live stream was against jonathan trance and he he walked into us he uh yeah he took that i i think i saw derek get like narratives yeah yeah that that was like the clip i saw yeah no i've had this probably five or six times on stream um it's fun because you like it looks like complete garbage it looks like you're just pre-moving nonsense and then you win their queen yep anyhow continue so okay so stafford gambit uh opponent was probably like clearly prepared here because played then moves instantly um i mean there's so many traps uh just to start with like if bishop g5 this loses to 94 you say oh no my queen and then you mate so i get tweets almost on like a these days it's probably a weekly basis of people like sending me their games from this position um another trap if knight c3 actually hikaru walked into this as white in one of his like gambit speed runs this just walks into knight g4 and blocks battery right bishop e3 we take and we we're happy um then there's some other cool lines like if white tries to be really really safe in place h3 we we take on f2 and then this is just a fun line like it's fun to analyze um the engine the engine will give castling here and it's just like equal a white's king could like take and um the engine says equal find some perpetual but i can blitz her bullet we just play this for a win yeah yeah of course always playing for a win it's it's funny like move nine white's only develop piece is a king on e4 and yeah why not get all the way to the center if you're going to commit that much yeah and then similar line like if i play c3 here um in this line we take on e4 first hit f2 because if takes we win the queen and if queen e2 we take and then uh play f5 um f5 king c2 and then castle and like we're going to lose a piece but it's a it's a fun position so yeah um yeah i have a lot of like expensive crap in a lot of these lines but yeah so this bishop e2 line see it seems like he chose one that somebody who had either seen a video or had something bad happen to them in this language play right right yeah a lot of people like will maybe see this first and then walk into one of the traps so actually my most viewed video on youtube uh it's called beating everyone with the same opening trap and it features this position like three games i had in the same day yeah or after castling knight g4 uh h3 and then queen d6 yes this this to me is like um the essence of the staffer i don't know if that's true and maybe things have changed but this position is i think of the staffer one i think definitely no the like there's a lot of similar lines where like these same ideas apply where you uh yeah you use your rook pawn the knight the bishop the queen um it's funny like how many people play g3 here and then just get mated um yeah i mean what else so the blade only has one move not to lose which is kind of hard to find i'll just go ahead and show it as e5 and it it works because if you take with the queen then then bishop takes and there's rookie one um but after e5 it's playable like you win back your pawn and it's a game actually in some cases you're still wanting to go back yeah i was gonna say you might just return yeah so there's still venom so anyway our opponent played this nerdetsky recommendation um [Music] i like i like that you know just yeah the snare it is key recommendation this is trashy yeah no it's um like he he went really like it's a half hour video like breaking down like everything that can do and how to punish every every line so in in his video he covers mainly bishop b6 which is what i was actually like this was still kind of my prep uh before i saw jonathan trance's video where like you're you're discouraging white to play d4 because then you win the e4 pawn um and if castling then you still have these ideas um the problem is after knight d2 it's really hard to find active play for black yeah i mean the issue looks like knight c4 is just happening you flew as that bishop you kind of lose everything right yeah so um so this is where jonathan tron says prep comes in where like he amazingly just like if you turn on sockfish it'll say plus like three and he found a way to get a position which even stockfish doesn't understand uh and after d4 best move queen h4 yep threatening me this is actually what i thought i can't castle so g3 and then queen f6 threading mate or not mate yeah this isn't mate but we want to win f2 um most natural move for white appears to be f3 at this point stockfish says plus five there's a lot of things hanging yeah um knight and bishop are hanging and objectively like it's pr it's probably losing for black somehow in one of these lines but h4 yeah like we just leave the pieces hanging and i don't remember the full game but i can encourage people to look up the jonathan trance video because i know it took him probably hours and hours of prep to actually find a line that works against stockfish um and there is some really really cool idea in the video too involving i think after rook g1 we take we take and play like rook h2 i'm not remembering though so people will have to check out the video yeah you have to check the video okay h2 dc5 and then some like bishop bishop e6 i think it's actually this line and then queen d4 is it this and then bishop c4 i think it's this line actually that he had because i i have stockfish turned on and like it said plus five but now it's only saying like plus three so it's super cool like bishop c4 like comes out of nowhere wow and like bishop can be taken with two different things if if queen takes knight e5 and like blocks down two pieces but has monster initiative if queen takes queen we take we actually just made in two yep and then if um [Music] if bishop takes we take on actually 95 is still strongest and white's getting forked somehow wow so there's like a lot of unexplored territory in these lines which uh still has room for development so cool anyway so that's uh i don't think i've formally shown this on stream yet like the response to nerditsuki's video but uh right it's um yeah software gambit i think is still alive even against strong players that's cool that's good that's reassuring yeah oh i can show one more actually there's one more [Music] so there's another move here h3 makes a lot of sense honestly yeah like just preventing and it seems like okay all of black's counterplay is stopped because you can't play knight g4 but um i'll give some backstory this is uh this is what carlson played against stafford gambit he's encountered it twice in online games and he played h3 and then his opponent played actually the best move though really the only move to still stir up counter play is queen d4 and then carlson here just played the bad move and then black was uh was doing completely fine he just also played bishop e3 and then after this block's completely fine sure and probably objectively better because after this this this there's a nice idea a queen here and eventually like this stuff so like if i were to play carlson and had the chance to play stafford i would hoping he repeats this line and then if he if if white plays the best move here castling um white has to walk a really really thin tightrope to not lose and we play queen d6 and again we have this this threat i was going to say they're they're about to get re-stafforded yeah like this is the exact same thing as as before basically someone is asking in my chat why am i showing this yeah i guess i'm revealing some secrets but i mean it's it's so deep and elaborate that i can't show everything but um i mean the main idea is after c3 knight g4 and like the the fun continues yep same stuff and the only move that doesn't lose for white is e5 and so we're kind of harder to find that a bullet game but uh the e5 is is kind of annoying but then there's some line like we can take on f2 and like still try and fight like takes takes and gets some end game rook for two pieces if that's the the worst you know considering all the upsides here not not that bad yeah like and then like you're probably guaranteed the time advantage if if you know this uh if you haven't memorized and um yeah definitely not bad for bullets so anyway um yeah i i could spend many more hours but uh yeah save some of the secrets to keep something secret yeah yeah yeah because you still wanted to you still want to get those positions that's true yeah i mean my logic is that um i mean i put more more time than most people that even if people know know some lines i'll hopefully know them better so uh-huh agreed um so here i'll take maybe one of the higher highest rated guys challenging right now 1600 a few challenges this is good disappeared so let's do this one man i'm just rolling the whites today maybe everyone took black like as part of their challenge i'm not sure i'm not sure oh this one again ha well i mean i think so you know you could do you could play e4 and play a smith mora it's just another like but up to you well the thing is he's definitely watching so i feel like he's ready for dtc5 so it's definitely you know you definitely don't give people what they're what they want yeah you know we want to be in control here yeah smith mora is like a danger especially when they accept the smithmore is very dangerous i i don't know what this is called but oh like the danish inspired yeah one more one more and in this position you know i'm pretty sure it's to some people's liking to go queen b3 and hope they take on a1 but the problem is they can take on c1 you know i mean in general you can't complain about three extra moves of development yeah and three open files for whites like you said you start hanging pawns or losing them or trading them it just opens everything up yeah oh mark asterman would be proud seeing some sermon emotes so i wonder what the what the prescribed uh medication is here yeah there's some cases in the mora where like you don't really try and bite them immediately you just kind of put your pieces on good squares and let them suffer trying to develop exactly start with a with a rook i think there's probably no position where it doesn't belong here okay so we're going to bite them immediately or at least we're going to invite the bike oh yeah this is a very thematic move honestly i would have played like queen e2 rook d1 yeah threading e5 exactly i guess we're trying to get this classic situation where we have the open e file and lock's not castled like we've already had that in a few games so far so my plan was like takes takes 95 to take it and give this bishop b5 check and try to push d6 and he's having none of the above so i think the good thing here is like i just probably take the dark squirt bishop and try to be satisfied with that go like queen d2 rook d1 and probably like queen g5 at some point i like it yeah no this dark straight bishop especially because now black doesn't have a bishop to contest it that'll be with tempo that'll be with tempo too i'll give him that okay okay i was thinking for a moment bishop d5 but yeah me too i don't know black doesn't need to take it exactly exactly e5 i've seen quite nearly works i'm getting the feeling that it doesn't i'm going to uh stick with the mo i like it yeah i think with the bishops they just kind of sit there they apply pressure and then you just have to bring in some more weapons yep and then like mathematically you're going to have more attackers than black house defenders hopefully i hope so i hope so okay so i'm just going to throw that there now i'll never get mated that's all i can tell myself i can feel good about that all you have to do is not get mated and not get flagged yes the nice thing about knight a5 is it's going to provoke this questionable move i like it wait this is actually looking and you got your your e-file i i got what i want got the pressure but can you orchestrate a pawn mate that's the real issue my h-pawn is the closest uh closest thing i have okay it's gotta be with the rook i'm not sure that really helped him out here though yeah i was expecting queen f8 but nobody is it's actually like it was the bishop on v2 that kind of was the thing that annoyed black the the entire game um and pretty much secured the win i think that when you're dealing with this line i know it's i know it's maybe counter-intuitive but i'm sure that the light squared bishop is the lesser of two evils so i might play e5 if i was black just kill the dark squared bishop and let the light square bishop in rather than deal with the dark square bishop on the diagonal yeah like one of the bishops are gonna is gonna be um powerful but yeah it's it's great like your bishop your bishop got to b2 on move five and didn't move for the rest of the game but it was one of like your key players throughout and i never felt like i had to spend time developing it like it just sort of got developed for me that's very true yeah that was smooth yeah that's a nice thing like another like tidbit with the c5 move on move on to just transpose into a gambit of your choosing yep and i think um i'm just on the analysis board but i think another one that we haven't really mentioned it's not too special but just any time against the french against the sicilian that you can consider the wing gambit i find it like really works well just you get a quick bishop often on b2 or a3 and you know the the dark squares in the center um just the the way that you can attack in general especially against like the french or something in this line uh whenever you have like a pawn on on e5 and i can't put a knight there it's just the likelihood of somebody getting gifted is so high that's very true yeah i've actually um i used to show this as like one of the main weapons against the french to to students like in the 1000 to 2000 range because it's relatively obscure and uh like once you if you get this position it's so easy to play for white because the center like you're going to get in d4 the center is not contested you have i mean there's a positional trap of getting your knight to d6 and i think you hit the nail on the head which is that the center can't be contested like most of the time when players play the french as white especially at the lower levels like they'll just run into issues where they'll they'll have their entire center just be undermined by moves like this like simple stuff and they will like play bishop here and lose b2 or they'll block d4 with knight t2 or something like that and they'll hang upon and it's so so common um that the center falls apart like as soon as this pawn drops the e-pun often drops right after so that happens all the time yeah no there's so many um i mean there's a lot of tricky lines against the french it's the one maybe one of the defenses that like i have the most amount of just fun openings to play against um right like there is uh oh man of course there's enochmanson if you want to get an open position against a french player it's so fun because like all after queen d3 it's uh i like this a lot i like this a lot yeah i played this against varakovian he's been playing the french for 30 years never seen it before i think i saw i don't know if it was a video but i definitely i definitely saw that game yeah yeah it's on youtube um you can also so you can play the the do i call it nagmansen um orthochop um you can play the ortho schnapp against uh if you play c4 e6 you could play e4 here yeah so a few different move orders um yeah and then kudos again to uh jonathan trance i think i i said nagminson because i was thinking about uh jonathan trunts and like all all his uh yeah and a few other like french lines like this b3 line is kind of cool usually ends up being a gambit after d5 you sack the e-pawn and then there's a cool line g4 and you do stuff this looks nice i think there's a lot of success to be had with like um random fianchettos like this one looks looks really nice the other one is when like when people play the closed sicilian i think it's really normal for people to play like e65 almost as a reflex and we were talking about the grand prix but um i think this is pretty underrated um opening where they play d5 kind of automatically and after like bishop here or even bishop b5 is an idea but the point is you go bishop here and you hit the pawn and you know there's this like thing with knight f6 where you kind of have to deal with bishop g5 hitting you at some point and um you you basically deal with d4 by going knight d5 and you get this weird position where the the guy's gonna like check you really soon and bishop b6 is like often met by you know knight f4 which is kind of annoying so like really really quickly it's like easy to go wrong in in this position i find yeah no i think the common theme with a lot of the openings we're discussing is like we're we're getting of the early lead in development and then it creates more opportunities for the opponent to fall into traps or just to create difficult situations for the opponent to develop i think this was actually a fischer spassky game or spassky fischer um i've have a clear memory of them going into this variation i think they went into the 95 line at some point yeah i don't know anything about like this that's the one thing is like i think most of the things that i play i haven't even um i haven't ever checked the engine not even once because i'm almost worried that i'm always worried he's gonna spoil the fun that's interesting so i actually i use the engine almost always when when stud like just studying on my own just to get its perspective um and i don't care if it's like if it gives me my position like a terrible evaluation but sometimes it will offer like ideas i wouldn't normally consider i think what you're learning about me is i just don't study chess that's the maybe a small problem but that's the least yeah but sometimes like you like if you're playing on stream you can quickly check and that's how i study a lot these days like playing and then checking real quick should we do one more game yeah yeah go for it i'm hungry for another stafford gambit again so i'm just going in order like i'm rewarding the people who are patient hey i'm black okay i'm gonna pre-move do my um my pre-move repertoire oh i have to play in england yes d4 e5 and hopefully whoever this is was not watching the game yeah i'm just pre-moving every move yeah that's what you do i'm gonna try and flag the point with oh no my knight oh but white doesn't take it and he was really ready for it yeah that's crazy i guess he knew it was coming okay yeah this will happen every time and again so um gm derek who i discovered this trap from has recommended that black goes for like this early queenside castling yeah i can only imagine that's we'll play c6 first maybe not let's just develop i was just preaching about developing quicker than the opponent so try and live up to that yep looks solid yeah all i want is a position with opposite side castling which it looks like we're getting you're going to get that yeah that's a good move unfortunately i don't really want to trade queens so this to me is the the bane of the existence of this opening yeah simply knight c3 knight e4 forces an extremely uncomfortable bishop exchange or queen trade and both are undesirable yeah no i'm like this is where i probably use the engine to see of course after the game like see what it would recommend if there's any ideas to to deal with this uh from lights this is definitely um the highest impact trick in the opening but like also in some ways to me it has the lowest floor like yeah the the position that you can get especially a guy just knight c3 knight b5 or knight e4 um seems to kind of force what what white wants and i i haven't been able to really get out of it that's unfortunate i'm actually considering going completely insane here let's do it so i'm going to avoid like some bad structure if um if knight takes d6 i'll take with knights and g4 yeah so this is what i was looking at i'm kind of losing a piece but only kind of but only kind exactly uh what's my idea you're probably long castling and then preparing some stuff what was your ending uh a good question so what does he do after long castle because it looks like you take on f5 no like rook takes e6 i kind of want to take on g4 first to have the pawn as a target and then castle but then i lose a knight i guess i'll just i'll move back and then now i'm threatening g4 and i'll have h5 coming and the good thing about you know 1473 rated opponent after each five as soon as there's tension on the board everyone always captures they they don't think twice the file is guaranteed to open exactly just a matter of when and even if i'm down material and down on time i'll have compensation in the form of rating rate income plus the plus 1100. yeah and like okay there's actually like compensation in the position too i have a threat i've identified the problem with your threat is if you execute your threat on taking the pawn on g4 you can never open the h file again oh that's true so it's better he defended it uh i'm so reckless here i hope there's no small children watching oh well this is perfect this is really yeah there's bishop to b5 ideas but you've reached the twilight zone this is you know i think the two-piece deficit territory is where most dubious things come to life it's true okay gotta lose all the pawns and open all the files he's a dangerous bishop g4 guy yeah that's okay he's i'm losing more pieces does it work it might work oh maybe it doesn't work am i meeting probably not ah don't do it i definitely think it's still possible ah you did it okay we're about to find out queen takes d6 would be oh my d-pawn damn it okay this is why dirty flagging is it exists exactly why else perfect i mean just pristine execution gotta deliver the spike checks oh he's speaking of spike checks wow titan tanner little smokes this is a tough game i'm not proud of that game [Music] what a game yeah yeah when it when it doesn't when it doesn't go go well it usually goes very downhill that's that's pretty typical but i still think if you long castled i i i think he would have been in trouble i think he would have thrown him off although he played some really good chess to be honest he kind of defended and like made his own threats as well he never let up yeah definitely um no the uh i think that the play overall was was very solid from light this time was the culprit in the end yeah yeah i'm not sure um i'm just checking the engine to see like so like i i haven't really ever looked at this but i don't like this being just like an unpreventable thing i feel like if i played this again i might consider something like knight g6 or knight f5 just encourage more captures and then get more open lines and definitely avoid any shenanigans on like queen trades or knight takes my bishop that's interesting yeah there's an idea i was pondering the other day of like in this position instead of pre-moving 97 pre-moving pawn f6 where so after takes here then i it's not the same sort of trap you're trying to increase the the amount of baiting that you're doing right that 97 is almost too obvious and this is like oh man i you know he he was supposed to maybe take this way and now that he's gotten away with this it's so natural to keep going and f6 might make a little more sense in the position um but maybe it's similar that light's going to come to e7 anyway so um yeah this takes further work this is kind of like a one-trick opening it is it is it really is uh for the shock value and the more people talk about it then it's just too easy to prevent e3 is also kind of a natural move so some people are going to block it accidentally that's true yeah but i've tried the online opening database and like the most common moves for white are the ones which fall into the trap like these are all the most common moves and then this is played i think more than 50 of the time that makes sense so i mean there's not too many games in it but uh obviously yeah maybe there will be there will be more after uh after this stream i'm gonna have a youtube video on this at some point yeah yeah exactly no the this one is like really really good and there are just some that are as we said more shock value like the ceiling is super hot you pretty much immediately win the game or the floor can be a little like kind of a rough position or simply the the trick of the opening fizzles out in essentially any game where they're not taking your knight they're it's just a regular game pretty much that's true yeah yeah kind of some risk versus reward scenario yep exactly but there's definitely um there's definitely some like it's nice to have a repertoire like if you're really interested in this stuff and you sort of don't want to deal with too much theory it's like yeah pre-move e5 as you're saying have a have a tricky opening that you can play against literally anything and a move that you're ready for no matter what yeah like i think for me i i have different repertoires for obviously over-the-board chess but then also for blitz and bullet against strong players and then blitz against weaker players like um sometimes you just adjust to who you're playing and what the format is yeah i think probably the the opening that i've i've actually played it like a significant amount of times over the board probably with an average rating of about 2 000 but up to maybe 2 300 and it's not really a secret of any sort but i play like this owens like all the time interesting and it's kind of my my favorite opening like hands down like it really is my favorite because the most likely situation if everyone plays sort of very obvious moves is that you end up in this position and they just defend everything the way they should and the amount of success that stems from this particular position is kind of crazy that after bishop d2 you you always take and if they take with the pawn you go knight c6 and really really common is let's say the castle or something that's fine you sort of play like knight a5 h6 and you're all about the light squares but some people will take because they realize that there's no like 94 or no 95 and although they've planned knight a5 queen g4 um it's i think it's pretty much losing for white after this like i guess just like yeah so much pretty much everything happens pretty much everything happens at once and as you can imagine there's lots of like quite pretty checkmates and whatnot thinking like two-ish yeah all sorts of stuff like you know i've had this many times just kind of cute but yeah white positions all natural moves too yeah the position is like really comfy and if they take with the bishop the amount of times that after just quick c5 the amount of people that blunder their their bishop to this trick is just c4 yes and it's just crazy it's just crazy yeah this is my favorite yeah i've never really explored like the main i guess the main lines for black with b6 yeah it all it all stems from like this d5 move and there's so many ways to play it like some people just have a preference to go for a quick d5 they'll go like c5 but i'm always trying to like pretty much give this bishop away and put so much pressure that eventually should either get them taking or pushing either way i think mostly yeah it's all about the light squares for me is there a line with f5 i i have some big memory of like f5 i don't know if it's if it's bad for black so f5 like bishop d3 f5 yeah f5 i think it works for white if i'm not just like it's i think it wins for white but they have to know like 15 moves gotcha or something like like really really specific moves um so yeah the rule is generally if the bishop's on f8 f5 is bad like according the engine but it's really fun i know there's like specifically videos out there on youtube that outline exactly like every single move you have to know here so those are kind of fun too because it's like you know if they if they don't know what's what's going on you have this stuff i think it's bishop g7 and the king goes over some knight g5 but if white makes one blender it's like boom just like black wins or something yeah i guess this is where engine preparation would come in yes this is where you bust out an engine and try to solve it if you want to try it um it's worth a try maybe but just know i think the evaluation is pretty significant for for white here if they play right yeah it's not something i've really dug into so much yep but there is one line i um i guess i discovered recently i first discovered it by just searching ray robson's games and saw he plays it and then then jonathan trance made a video about it it's called the nozzle loss the nozzle i mean did they name it themselves i think it's like one of the if you just play the moves it's what should tell you right um so in this position after bishop b7 you can play bishop g5 yeah the nozzle was so one so the nice thing about this if it's bullet i've trapped so many people like recently with e6 and then because people pre-move e6 and you just take the queen exactly but then it's a gambit too like if they take the free pawn you play d5 and the bishop can't return to its home and then you attack the bishop with tempo e6 pawn is or e7 pawn is pinned and there's some cool i mean there's just fun to be had in this position for white but all it takes is a simple idea like you can start with the idea of uh yeah don't let this guy have his bishop on this diagonal that's where he's comfortable and don't let him play e6 ever and then that's as an idea is enough to like build an entire opening around it and just yeah simple exact simple idea and simple foundation yeah and engine i've checked this with engine and it gives like close to equal so that's probably sufficient compensation for white's uh being down the pawn yep that looks solid and and the the only other funny one i can think of at the moment is you you've probably seen it but it's the one that that hikaru uses to to beat like every grand master in his oh is bishop a3 yeah this is probably one of my favorite sort of i would say on this on the higher end level of things high level opening just because it's kind of built around i don't even know the the exact opening moves yeah i think i actually first saw this in like an agmater video um and it's just so natural that yeah you went back upon [Music] yeah this is nice and you just win this pawn and then you like take the knight and like plant your knight on d4 it's a disaster yeah and white style up looks so non-threatening here too yeah and you're not expecting like the vision you just the whole position crumbles for lack yeah yeah so this is not like it's pretty specific but um i think at the higher level it's fair to say that what black has done is so common honestly so he really gets like tons of gms if i played fiance which i don't i'm sure he'd get me as well but i just luckily haven't encountered it yeah i know there's this whole other category of like um i guess opening traps or like even like small nuances that are still effective at high level play that maybe we don't touch on because we're playing amateurs all the time but um yeah this is this is a big passion of mine especially when it comes to preparing for players to find even like small small tricks in the opening to um to throw the opponent off and get even some small advantage definitely so definitely there's one i'll just share one in the london uh i'm i would imagine you've seen it by now but this line with um [Music] e6 b6 this queen f3 line like stockfish lila approved engines will give like plus point five and they're like there's cool ideas with like knight c3 eventually pawn storm on the king side just super fun opening to um to look into and like a lot of players just haven't seen this move before even at the top level and is there some sort of queen g3 that happens eventually uh so first of all black has to commit either knight c6 or d5 which is usually yeah there are two moves that you don't really want to play in the structure um imagine yeah imagine d5 eventually yeah we do want to um probably play g4 and then queen g3 but we can start with like 92 castling and then do the king side stuff yeah the the queen f3 followed by like g4 is always really nice because the queen always protects the rook on h1 i think it's the best feeling you could possibly have like launching the pawns forward yeah if you ever like if black ever plays h6 you can safely play g5 and not worry about the each file opening yep oh this reminds me oh one of my uh favorite dumb dirty openings it's like a long kind of line but it's like it's super fun and bullet because you just get so much initiative and it's relevant to this h file opening uh okay dumb and dirty let's go yeah i'll quickly show it it starts with a budapest i haven't played it in a while actually because i've been playing this england garbage but um a buddha pass gambit umass like has a bunch of traps that uh are like pretty well known but this is a bit lesser well-known so main move here is bishop f4 and then we play bishop b4 knight d2 is main move and then d6 and it's just a super fun gambit like after he takes queen f6 and white has all these targets and i guess i was reminded because there's a line where the h file opens like the most natural move for white e3 we play g4 and the fact that queen's defending the rook is relevant because after this we want to trap the bishop white plays h3 we still attack the bishop and then we do this weird trade thing like takes takes takes takes and then imagine takes and then takes just the possibly the worst pawns to ever exist yeah like white structure is hilarious and we're threatening takes takes takes and winning everything and if if knight f3 defending we do this and again we're fighting takes takes takes so yeah and this doesn't really help whites no usually taking the c7 helps black which is kind of funny counter-intuitive yeah we just develop and the pawn's going to be weak yeah this is great the budapest has the problem with the budapest is that i feel like if they give the pawn back i'm never a huge fan of it but that's like with any gambit there's always like nothing lines that aren't too nice to play against but the upside is so high well i i have i can show a few like lines against the the buddha like if you're white here there's a few traps you can play against budapest um one of which someone just like randomly commented in like in a youtube comments and i looked into it and it was like engine approved it was really cool i had never seen it before is knight g4 e3 takes and then f4 knight g6 is natural and then h4 yeah an engine will just give this as like um like pleasant advantage for white if we if black takes and uh i think there's there's random like just central compensation better development half open each file yep yeah not so easy to castle king side yeah but then okay then i have a more like concrete trap which i fell into i fell into like a few times before i realized like what i should do against it uh white can play not a three here allowing black to do this thing and provoking e3 so usually like black's happy to shut in this bishop and then black will go after and win the pawn now key move bishop d2 imagine black wins upon white trade is now bishop c3 now what would you play as black here e6 i would play this d6 d6 uh looks natural a loses a piece uh white is winning a piece after b4 and it's nice yeah like it's not too often like gets the bishop on c3 so early but um it's a reason to go for this early idea and then and we can take and eventually trap the bishop nice so yeah very innocuous bishop d2 like it's not really up to anything seemingly yeah no again it looks like non-threatening and um [Music] but it has this this clever idea and i like the fact that it starts with e3 because e3 the amount of times that people just hang their knight and just play knight c6 is actually overwhelming because they're so used to white playing knight f3 that's true yeah like usually as black you're getting ready to play knight c6 so anyway i've like i feel like we were like continually tangenting yeah yeah every everyday territory every like one thing will remind of something else like as soon as you did the london you of course reminded me of the like the the best london uh trap which is h5 yeah so it's like you know something will remind me of this and this will remind us something else so we could be here for for ages yeah but i think we covered some uh covered so many different things so people uh maybe learned a thing or two yep or maybe uh know which openings they're going to take up now we might you know apologies in advance to everyone in the you know sub 1500 range who has to deal with these for a bit more often for the next week yeah like you you can learn how to use these traps but then you also have to kind of understand how to not get trapped yourself yes yeah quickly identify which ones could be coming at you because there are certain ones you're going to have to deal with with certain opening repertoires like if your e4 player d4 player can adjust accordingly definitely yeah yeah i mean these days i don't really consider myself one or the other i'm just like all around like continue to to experiment so anyway this is great we should um i'd be happy to do this again like again i could spend hours and hours probably days or years talking about these sort of books no absolutely this is definitely fun i i i think that it's fair to say that um i haven't really like obviously we haven't um collab but i don't think i've really done this type of thing where it's like a slightly more serious approach because that people always see me do shenanigans and random openings but it's like okay it's a little more serious where you can actually take a few notes and kind of apply these to your games and stuff so i mean uh if people liked it i'm definitely definitely down to to do it again and get some more games in it's always nice i guess when people get to see it in practice that's what really sells it's like yeah we can talk about these cool traps but it's when you like play it and people actually fall for it that it's like wow this actually works even at that level whatever it is definitely yeah i mean um i i think people appreciate the educational value and uh yeah i'm seeing some kind words in chat more and more and more yeah people people on my channel have actually been bugging me for a little bit to get in touch with you about this sort of stuff so i'm glad they did and i know i know that a lot of people here have a great deal of appreciation for you that's awesome i appreciate that yeah and uh yeah i might be happy to to do this again um i am i'm really tired right now i played like two and a half hours of tennis earlier i'm on a weird schedule like i went to sleep at like 7 30 p.m last night so you're so i'm up past my bedtime yeah i got you but you you obviously have a tennis dome a uh like an indoor uh outdoor oh it's still warm enough okay yeah sorry i just you know canadian is you know minus minus 10 plus over here you know it's uh there's snow on the ground yeah it's still like decent autumn weather here it's like it was in the mid 50s fahrenheit you know what that translates to but um warm it was nice yeah no yeah still tennis weather yeah we were able to live stream it and the sun was out oh wow yeah okay now you're gonna have to stop the story right there and we get too jealous anyway um yeah i'm gonna wrap things up are you gonna keep streaming yeah so we we usually stream like a thursday night uh stream so i thought that like um that this would be a perfect kind of warm up for the evening and i know people aren't gonna learn anything for the rest of the night uh so i thought we'd get our session in in right now so yeah this was this was great honestly yeah got to get that education out of the way before you can have fun eating the veggies first nice yeah so i'm gonna probably wrap things up with my chat and then uh and send a raid over oh that's very nice yeah well i know what uh what it's like being too tired to stream yesterday i i was just dead so i had to cut it so i had would have energy for today but that's uh that's nice of you buddy well i'm glad you uh you agreed to do this this was a lot of fun i think people enjoyed it and like like you said i mean i echo your um sentiment would be totally down to do it again so we'll be in touch sounds good yeah definitely be in touch yeah thanks for everything yeah thanks sir take care you too bye bye
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 295,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,,, chess explained, chess 2020, opening traps, chess gambits, best chess gambits, Englund Gambit, Budapest Gambit, Stafford Gambit, Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, ChessBrah, Aman Hambleton
Id: D2Rlg3oVPZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 51sec (9531 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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