TRICKY Blitz Chess vs @akaNemsko

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how did this match come to be so you see there's this thing called discord and i have eric rosen added on discord one day i was like hey eric do you want to play a match against me and he was like yeah sure nemo when do you want to play and i'm like how about sometime next week and he's like yes that sounds good please let me know what time works for you and i was like okay how about wednesday at 5 p.m it was like okay see you then that's how it came to be okay i am rosa um okay i'll 3-0 i'll make it unrated because my rating is really low right now i mean if you want to fire me i'm not i don't want to i'm going to lose rating yeah i could farm you i don't know that's true i mean we can do it raided but also like it's okay it's okay we already have our egos online i think that's enough okay that sounds like enough for me yeah sounds good all right best of luck we'll call after the three minute portion okay good luck all right good luck bye bye okay sorry if the audio was off i i wasn't um paying so so close attention to the the levels um oh what did i prepare i prepared taimana first let me close all my tabs too uh okay okay should be good okay deep breath oh i prepared jalalabad too oh she's playing uh she's playing something a bit quieter um did chess weave teach her this wait a minute let me think for a moment here i'm gonna play um look at this and we're gonna have a more kind of closed sicilian position um i spent a lot of time the first like five moves but uh okay finding some groove we'll play play b6 maybe go for d5 and yeah she wants to play this so play rook e8 and probably go bishop h8 still want to play d5 eventually i think i want to take and then it looks scary like the whole king side is um it looks a little bit delicate but the bishop covers f6 uh there's another five which is a move uh then we can trade i don't mind that actually i guess she has bishop g5 but then f6 wait a minute it takes takes i think it's okay this bishop might get stuck especially after f4 yes i'll take opening the file now both sender files are open um down on time queen queen d7 is natural i'm gonna stay focused here oh thank you nylon r yeah i appreciate all the support the 10 donation too um from earlier okay so what to do i like the position overall but i just want to i want to max my maximize pressure i think i'll offer the trade of bishops and then try and get the knight either into e3 or to f6 [Music] um and g4 is one plan do i play f6 right now it's a funny move oh i could because then 93 is coming so i have a double threat i'm down a minute position's good though let's take and i should offer the trade no let's um make her think if i play this and easy move for white and now we'll do this oh there's a trap or is there no but maybe bishop e4 first okay this is a beautiful position i want to play rook c2 okay stay calm i mean there's so many good options or good looking options that it's hard to choose sometimes the move to go for uh let's just push upon i just want to keep moving quickly and try and make up the time deficit a4 okay i had rook c1 knight d3 here we trade oh wait a minute play this move let's play rook a1 are you going to defend it's not so easy to win with the time situation h6 and g5 i know she's fast okay here we go so now i win the thing oh wait what oh she resigned and i would have blundered my queen i thought queen of three was made she resigned before i could actually blunder my queen that's so funny no one tell her wow okay man i got nervous there i was low on time what a start to the match yeah she wouldn't she wouldn't know like um obviously it was losing her for white but oh she wants to do things i feel like she prepared for my london okay we'll play one of these i want to start okay so i have to manage my time better um if she's playing bishop g4 i'm gonna mix up the move order next game wait did she fall for this trap last time she may have i vaguely remember like getting her with this bishop a6 idea um there should be seven is a better move so there's certain variations where the queen will win the bishop um and already like if rook c8 here i take rook takes i bishop b5 maybe now i can win a pawn and this is uh rook beats prevented oh thank you uh thanks to so many people um if i have a time advantage maybe i'll read off people who are subbing ashton reese trying to learn one two three four uh flavordaver and yeah thanks everyone i guess everyone previously too that's a good move if i yeah let's just do this typical london stuff hmm i didn't want to allow bishopdix d2 so now holding my ground two moves away from castling palm structure is a little bit ugly oh i should have played bishop e2 wait this is just not a good position because f4 is in box control have some idea of this g6 would be nice for me let's back up preventing queen c2 i probably just wanna like hunker down it's a really sad move like just completely undeveloping but i want a pawn i'm just holding on for dear life now the idea is to play queen d3 i might not end up casting this game like the rook might come here she's gonna attack on the b file too okay but i do have a time advantage king d1 it's such an ugly move but yeah e5 is coming okay i'm gonna run the king and then kind of fake castle on the queen side i let's i could no what do i do here yeah i'm getting crushed uh maybe rook and just say goodbye to the h pawn gonna try and prevent the d-file from opening [Music] this is really bad play this move okay maybe trade queens okay at least i have a position i can work with so attack something e2 is still covered attack the bishop attack the pawn put the work on each file maybe before perhaps kind of weakening move but we're going to start pushing oh my rook my brook is just trapped this move trying to be tricky let's go tricks are for kids but also for whatever i am okay let's play this uh wait my time i'm queening with chuck let's go okay oh that was really close she outplayed me completely and then i guess i was tricky enough okay rematch i mean these games are so stressful okay the first game i was better and then i almost didn't win and then that game i was much worse um but somehow one okay um what did i prepare oh yeah let's let's go in into at least one stafford she's probably prepared this time oh okay let's play this so she's just avoiding the saffron but we're getting um a reverse fried liver wait i don't know this line this is exactly reverse fried liver she doesn't play e5 as as black so she hopefully she doesn't know the theory here um there are some like carlson wesley so chessable course type thing um yeah i know this move is like the trendy thing people do these days okay so i'm out of any sort of prep but i am up a pawn that's the one good thing about this opening is it's kind of up to white to get compensation maybe queen h4 it's actually very pleasant because the structure is a bit off for white too his pawn's attacked oh can i take on h3 and play queen f4 it's almost winning but there's rookie one oh also our she was just taking my bishop never mind but it's an idea just to keep in mind can i trap the knight b5 ah so everything's so close to working let's start with b5 make the light move backwards i was thinking b4 i'm just trusting instinct as takes takes takes maybe i don't have anything wait a minute can i take it's getting weird she could take here it takes etc i also play this move threatening bishop a6 i think i'll just go for this oh yeah that was less expected but also looks playable okay i'm gonna be tricky threatening bishop a6 yeah it's a nice kind of skewer kebab not sure what my thread is maybe nightier so the queen's tied down to the bishop bishop's pinned to the rook yeah there was some nice double skewer kebab okay i think i'll be up the exchange because both bishops are hanging so we could trade she could take cure but i'd take and then the knights pinned put the bishop back okay so i'm down on time but position is very good maybe this move actually that maybe doesn't work a4 because the pawn was attacked okay i want to play f5 i think maybe now it's more playable so if takes i take on e2 first wow confusing position that's a good move now my time whoa it's regretful chlamydia thanks for gifting subs regretful chlamydia good to see you okay i have to stay focused so if takes i mean the rook's ready to come to e1 [Music] anytime i could try and simplify there's also this idea c5 it's not hang a queen um take your first oh let's check i forgot let's check no okay i'm kind of losing here and down on time can i pull some more dirt no that was a mouth slip i'm just dead yeah all my pieces um i was hoping she would pre-move some pawn move there yeah i got needed so the hope is that um they pre-move this because if i queen the pre-move gets canceled so like promoting to rook is uh the hope well played yeah i've um i mean i made one mouse slip but i was already kind of worse um okay let's play play e4 what did we go into last time oh i played london the um the previous game wait she plays e5 i'll play ponziani oh i remember i trapped her uh last time in ponziani there was some fun um trap where yeah she took the the pawn she took the pawn and then i um i played d5 and won the knight but she's not falling into it this time okay so we're gonna have a more kind of solid position oh thanks so much regretful chlamydia says love your content and love this community i love you and the community as well i really appreciate that i play queen b1 so she wants to play f5 which is kind of a very thematic move queen b1 also this move the drawback of this move is if takes takes as knight b4 so if takes all take with knight and here okay now i'm preparing to take back with pawn knight before zen prevented i don't know where my rooks should should go maybe b4 or rook t1 when in doubt align your rook with the opponent's queen like in general you should put your rooks ooh she wants to hurt me you should put your rooks on files which might become open just play king h2 here knight c4 is a legal move so i'm throwing the pawn three times it's defended three times now and queen e2 a lot of pieces just kind of clustered on the king's side [Music] so throwing in takes doesn't work knight a5 is kind of interesting there's knight d2 play knight a5 so i'm attacking the pawn when i play b4 and this is kind of a decoration it looks pretty but it's not really doing much i'll play b4 maybe prepare c4 wait are we playing ten games total or first to ten i forget i think it's first to ten okay so this is nice actually because now my bishop's gonna open up um this pawn's gonna be a long-term weakness first to ten okay good to know this move and there's g6 oh but then i win the pawn so it's a double attack now it's another double attack so if takes takes it's another double attack but there's bishop f6 so i think oh she wants to pin me but let's just take a pawn so i'm up two pawns down on time oh prediction going i'm not going to look at the prediction because i don't want to be influenced but it's probably like win or lose also thank you gerch subbing with prime okay uh can we can i take there's a lot of ways to convert this maybe this move just lift another piece into the attack at some point i do want to sack i guess i could have taken there i probably should have an easy calculation okay we're gonna i'm just gonna play low risk chess i could even uh lift the rook up to h4 second attack um i'm gonna do that but without the sack so i'll just attack yeah okay that's nice um i feel like that was the cleanest game out of all the games i avoided like severe time trouble and i don't think i blundered too much that game uh what to play oh i'm gonna play the jalalabad no do i oh i can't even if not f3 i was considering playing e5 i'll play one of these b5 okay so this is what i like to play against close sicilian um yeah going to pressure the pawn also thank you wallace pao for the victory bits so this is a typical move very often the knight will come back to h6 and then f5 it takes a lot of time but the position [Music] gets pretty closed so um the fact that i'm moving my knight a bunch of times it's hopefully not going to be too relevant in the grand scheme of things and yeah this is a very typical setup if white ever plays g4 i'll take and play knight h4 and this is usually what i'm going for against close sicilian when i play a6 on move two is this exact setup for the pieces um bishop a6 is pretty typical hitting d3 and keep building up kind of aligning myself with the bishop but it's also aligned with the king there's some idea to play h4 g4 knight g3 i have takes i would take with knight interesting i might play like some rook move like rook b b8 just so the bishop's not pinned and i might be threatening b3 [Music] b3 here it's interesting or takes i don't know what to do i'll play g6 because what else maybe i'll put my king on g7 i just don't want to change things too drastically because i do like the setup this is typical just to get the rooks connected g4 is never coming because of the x-ray vision okay so pawns are very v-shaped i'm going to leave the tension because i'm not sure if i want to take or push anytime soon and bishop here and then fight for the a file or bishop [Music] yeah she wants to double up 95 doesn't quite work in b3 there might be some g4 in the end i'm not sure what to do here i might play b3 just make the rook move back and then because there's these squares are oh wait but okay now they're all controlled so we're have to move back and now queen b7 and i'll fight for the file yeah she wants to play g4 interesting okay so i'm getting the file very positional game g4 might happen really building up here my time connect five yeah what to do maybe this move oh can i win oh my queen is trapped if we're okay one she didn't quite see it i'm in trouble here yeah she dirty uh but actually she she played well because she was winning too well played very well played okay so it's 2-3 oh okay that was i was kind of intense let's play another london and this time i'll i'll mix up the the move order because now with bishop g4 i have knight e5 yeah otherwise the knight would be pinned i could have played i could still play h4 here there's some fun ideas i think i'll play h4 here wait a minute maybe i'll start with this like there's already ideas of trapping the bishop with f3 and g4 h5 i played knight c3 to avoid bishop takes b1 i don't want to give the bishop any escape now black could play bishop g6 g4 and then h6 but then i or h6 immediately um but i can get good pawn structure yeah this is this is really nice e3 is also e4 and queen c2 will provoke king f7 so maybe i can start with queen c2 and then e3 bishop d3 yeah this looks really nice she would like to play g5 but after takes there's a pin oh forgot about that move and it shouldn't be a big deal castle so the knight and king are tied down to the sad um g6 pawn it still takes work to to crack the position i think you t drive subbing at tier one if i it's a good move she wants to simplify just play king here if takes i'll take with pawn play king a1 and then maybe if this bishop goes away i can play this takes and win the pawn yeah so if takes i'll play knight e2 and then just control the c file this it's tough for black when the rooks are not connected so there's no works he ate hello hello brix zero nine zero zero subbing for 26 months welcome back it's been some uh yeah a lot of i've been seeing a lot more subs like subbing for over two years i do appreciate the longevity am i trapping the queen here here it's close i shouldn't take too much time here it's just okay let's start with a simple move like these positions i sometimes need to work at is like when things are really good i just have to keep playing quickly keep the pressure maybe e4 okay now we're going to pin from behind because if rookie had i taken that wins material and the thread is to play this and king is really safe here so we might see knight d7 and then then the rooks get connected over that move huh might as well take first make knight f4 i'm keeping all the tension just trying to maximize pressure so now there's three attackers on g6 um let's take it threatening made in one queen e7 [Music] this is a cool move [Music] i just want a pretty mate some really like cool mating possibilities let's play this first the king's really stuck still i'll take okay go for the back rank mate oh no my rook checkmate okay i didn't see a way to force it but i saw a way to bait the bishop to move away okay okay and she was really low on time so that worked out um okay we're gonna play another sicilian i guess i'll play i'll play the jalalabad for the lolz it's a jalalabad i haven't played jalalabad in so long how do you even play it this move it's like a stafford but you get a you can't develop your bishop to c5 um but there's some you get some development i guess in this line probably not enough compensation for being down upon but it's something trying to make this jalala good so i wanna i'd like to castle queenside but i should just castle kingside okay defending the knight there's actually some compensation here because this bishop is a bit stuck my bishops are nice bishop g5 probably coming a good move so f6 also queen d7 there's cases where the bishop tries to move back and then i play a quick f5 f4 and then try and trap the bishop for example if i get an h6 bishop h4 then mean she might end up stacking but we'll see yeah this is actually working out really well because knight has to move back and then i trap the bishop okay it's jalala very good oh she's gonna sack though so what's the best way to do this i could play this move i wonder if i can play bishop f4 preserving bishop f4 there's knight h1 i mean let's oh there's my h5 too never mind huh maybe i'll play this first no no let's just win the bishop i was trying to be too fancy there um my king will be a little bit naked but there will still be attacking potential on the king's side like f4 [Music] we're both trying to attack on the king's side at this point queen g7 a lot of it's about initiative like making threats while improving pieces whoa trying to learn gifting five subs thank you trying to learn really appreciate that bishop f3 attacking the counter-attack in the night let's play this move i hope you're learning something um or trying to learn something from these games i'm attacking the bishop threatening maybe f oh f4 is really nice f4 attacks the knight and obstructs the queen oh my knight defends the bishop honestly didn't see that coming h4 is probably coming next my time is dwindling what to do just trade no let's start with rook f5 and then i'll trade so i induced a weakness with h4 maybe 95 just put everything in the center yeah i just kind of saw that i assumed this move i might lose f pawn but then win the h pawn so my queen is protecting my naked king let's play this move a rook here coming oh triple four coming i mean mainly this fork she's gonna try and dirty flag me but i'm threatening some kind of mate i think it's just mate next move unless she takes okay plenty of time okay that was a fun game joe walla yeah until lala success will rematch okay oh some people what was the prediction prediction was about something okay um play another one of e4 if she plays this maybe i'll i'll mix it up i check her smith more games oh no i was gonna play i was gonna play this mcdonald attack transposing into grand prix attack so 97's wait bishop d7 kind of a new move play this anyway i mean eventually i do want to play f5 oh she's really mixing things up i'll play f5 one of the points is it takes i got the d5 square for the knight wow a very bold decision um huh this move dazzles me it shouldn't be good but i'm i'm slightly confused maybe i'll play bishop f4 like target d6 and then go for knight b5 by the way this is um this is vitamin c it's like water and the um what's it called emergency it helps boost my immune system yeah this not sponsored in case people were wondering but i also have tea green um some kind of like honey green tea okay so if takes and i'll have some nice compensation um this is probably the clear threat oh there's a really cool idea so if black ever plays d5 and i get in this and this i can say oh no my queen and then mate because the bishop will control these squares but it's uh yeah it's not gonna happen it's kind of sad before that's a good move because c2 is attacked i wonder if i can play knight e4 here it's weird like in this opening i played queen e1 with the intention of attacking on the king side for when black would usually castle king's side but with queen e1 i also have the possibility of queen a5 wait what oh knights can move backwards okay let's play this move i didn't even realize that was attacked i saw this in this but um okay this is nice because the pawn's attacked and this pawn is pinned to the mating square so i'm threatening i was fighting knight c5 oh i could play this move now that i've remembered knights moved backwards and i can say oh no my bishop but then knight d5 and i'd fork stuff um so bishop c6 she's yeah she's being aware of my tricks bishop bishop g5 okay now i probably don't want to lose a bishop yeah how do i crack the position i have to save the bishop just sadly move here f6 and then move back i didn't see i didn't see any thing clear or better so i'm down on time i mean there's still some attacking ideas my king is still quite safe too just have to be more patient oh takes in d5 so if takes i might play knight b5 first try and keep things messy wow let's play this move these pawns kind of terrify me i just have to pretend that they don't exist and do my own thing up on time [Music] hide in the corner because i want to take and i don't want this to be check okay so now the idea is to black has everything defended though i might just win this on time uh it takes maybe this move there we go that was only one check though i want to lift the rope let's play g4 first very thankful that was defended that was i was a little bit too close for comfort i uh 15 now okay i'll set t i almost flagged there i was really close yeah she played really well and really quickly man it was very unsettling okay um i'll play a scandi keep mixing up the openings d4 wait what is this i guess this is playable okay we're just going to have some simple developments yeah i'll get kind of the the nice scandi setup trying to make john bartholomew proud even though jon usually takes on d5 of the queen play a5 so if c4 i can play this move some idea knight f4 as well 95's coming let's do this make it interesting thank you apple babel subbing with prime also thanks to aj chess and hey tj uh appreciate the the prime subs okay so talking various things ooh uh wait what oh okay white has three defenders i have three attackers so we could trade a lot hmm i played this move i don't know what to do here takes i could be normal in castle i'd just be normal i'll be normal for once i do like castling for so long but it's usually usually like not a bad thing to follow principles i think you already subbing with prime so she wants to destroy my queen um play knight knight d5 rook f3 i'll always have the square for the queen now it's a confusing center position knights occupy 75 percent of the center i might have knight f4 coming the rook might be a target oh you should be considering these moves oh she's really close to trapping my queen okay not anymore also thank you andrew rsk and red hot jacob yeah so many people using their prime subs i do appreciate it to do here i don't know what my plan is in life i can play this by the four a4 hikaru did this to me once like one of the last times i played hikaru he just did this and then destroyed me i forget how though i have to uncover suppressed memories okay maybe i'll i'll try and milk like both sides of the board my queen side is nice lights pawns are fixed now i can maybe go for this idea there's also a g5 g4 like a g if knight moves here oh that would be a good move i was thinking i could take and play g4 because this pawn is now kind of pinned to the h2 square oh time is good for me keep forgetting about time like the position distracts me from the clock so g4 and just put the rook somewhere oh maybe e5 i don't know i'll put the rook here first now e5 whoa blunder prone gifting subs thank you blender prone oh no my pawn i had tactics with bishop h2 okay oh no white spawn wait this is good for me now because i might win both pawns and win the queen or just win one pawn good move oh we both wondered there oh another dirty flag man she's played so well in these time scrambles oh i'll let the heart rate cool down a little bit drink some more tea oh let's go again okay a lot of these games are coming down to the the wire um i'll try one of these maybe i'll play c3 sicilian oop never mind do i play i'll play a four knights um ah she's playing okay yeah she's playing solid chess i don't know what i play against this maybe i'll play i'll just play normal developing moves whoa it's johnob thanks john hub gifting 5 subs do appreciate that i'm doing my best to to stay focused uh but yeah thanks to so many people for being here i do appreciate uh everyone sharing positive vibes in chat stay on this diagonal bishop b2 may have been more principled but i'm gonna play this in a more kind of aggressive attacking fashion as i calmly move the king into the corner that's very typical when you play f4 like the king is happier here my idea is probably to lift the queen maybe at some point play f5 or knight f5 enjoy the space advantage bishop b6 be coming if bishop a6 i'll play this in this one of the lifting moves now knight f5 hitting the bishop kind of so c5 is probably going to come soon yeah rookie it's a good move not entirely sure what to do here i think i'll play wait a minute oh there's a really cool idea maybe not i was envisioning like check and then queen c4 but i don't think that would work okay so i'm threatening to take the knight and double the pawns i don't think she can get away with this okay i always have to be considering bishop f7 queen here first and i have so many pieces like aimed at the king side if c5 i have knight b5 and then some like takes in queen b3 maybe feels so close sad that you weren't in the streamer team arena leap school oh i think i was maybe busy forget exactly when that was okay so i'm contemplating sagging both bishops um it's probably dubious it looks so much fun i could play queen b3 immediately and d5 not seeing it if i take maybe i'll take on g7 oh my time i'll take on g7 it's probably dubious i mean the position was so good there was no great reason to sack but i mean this might this might actually be good for whites knight's undefended aligned with a rook f7 is a big big target now i can take and if rook takes i take the knight and attack stuff rook is pinned okay this is turning into actually a really nice attacking game okay okay yeah she didn't go for the dirty flag um i felt like it was still gonna take some work but um okay keeping some streak um repeat one of these maybe offer a stafford god they have at least one stafford right i think she usually plays bishop e3 here but she might be yeah she might mix things up we'll see um okay oh she was expecting king f2 too i wonder if she was it seems like she's not oh this this is a drawing line i don't want to draw though this is usually something i would play against a gm just just get an easy draw uh [Music] i'm gonna play on for a win attack the rook please play this because it gets mated instantly okay so this is uh objectively not good for black um so people should not try this at home or at work just gonna leave all the tension have a small time advantage so i will get um i'll get the work eventually and then i'll have a rook and a pawn for two minor pieces i'm pretty sure stockfish gives something like plus two or three for white because white has a bishop here uh maybe i can play this first just trying to drain her time castle it's funny the rook still can't move because it's meat funny mating idea but this is yeah it's beginning to be just new territory uh we'll repeat once more i'll play rook e8 so there's some pressure against this bishop okay now i'll probably have to take the rook unless i can repeat again but then bishop f2 there's also bishop d5 or queen e3 spending too much time here i will go for this yeah that was a mouse slip actually i meant to take but now i'm hesitating t4 i don't know this actually looks more fun i'm gonna be down a piece after it takes takes takes takes but this rook is hard to get out i think there's some queen e3 check idea some rook lifting idea yeah so i kind of saw to this point like rookie one and i'm not sure how white defends actually i guess king f1 but the rook is completely stuck this move oh queen f3 coming [Music] oh but i have queen g6 trapping the bishop only move i think or queen g5 okay so the bishop's trapped sees the staffing gambit pawn structure is so solid okay interesting if i play rook i want to play rookie one i don't think it works though unless it does no too risky not my time play this so all i want to do is attack on the kingside g3i rookie 2 and then if kg1 probably g5 play this i just want to chase the queen off the diagonal the queen g5 i don't know what i do yeah what do i do here i have discoveries that don't really do much i guess i play this one with a pawn somehow uptime another time scramble and b4 is covered take this thing b5 i know she's fast but i'm not on time there we go okay i think she's winning in the end game that was a messy game that was a weird game a stafford gambit line man it's a cool variation though because if i had this position let's say against takaru i can just force a draw and why can't get out of it so it's one way to equalize wait rematch cool finish oh thank you hey it's zippy welcome back to bee um i sent a rematch i think oh okay game starting cool um yeah i want to do something fun maybe king's gambit yeah okay king's game of time i'm not so well prepared but uh we'll see what she plays ah so she's sticking with the same kind of setup bishop e6 interesting yeah someone like before this match started told me to go for king's gambit [Music] ooh i guess it'll be a sharper position so there's a lot of captures to consider i don't think anything leads to anything so i'll develop sometimes it's best just to keep all the tension i am allowing this move after which i probably move back okay move into the corner oh queen's gambit accepted uh well she doesn't really play d4 so that might be hard to achieve and i i checked her um her games against d4 she plays queen's game declined which maybe we'll have at some points of this move still actually i think i'll play this move because i'll induce bishop takes b3 and then i'll get the file for the rook which is kind of nice maybe this move yeah we're gonna have the bishop and the rook aimed at a7 [Music] she doesn't really care about my i mean the pawn's defended so h6 is logical i kind of want a sack queen d4 because knight c6 is queen a4 unfortunately there is b6 there you can stack again okay one king b7 but then i'm down too much okay i'll move back that's the move i should have played just instantly i'm having too much fun calculating okay so i'm going to attack the pawn probably inducing this and then we'll try and trade off the the main defender of the the king i'm kind of blundering upon but hopefully it's okay b6 i win the a6 pawn i'm not sure if this is actually a real threat it feels like it should be like the king runs there's some cool idea to like play knight here and then some combination of knight e5 or t1 [Music] yeah good move uh let's do i mean i have to go in right and g4 is probably coming play this move so i'm trying to remove the rook from from the back ring so i can check and win the other rook easier said than done yeah i could move oh but now maybe i can take oh i could set up the pork the majestic pork combination of a pin and a fork did i miss eric play the king's gambit you did but slow motion replay or that was kind of fast motion but this did emerge from a king's gambit thank you broom ruby aloe subbing for three months okay she saw my my porking threat so i could play this move uh move all the way back d5 i have c4 if rook here i i fork like this i need check i take the knight so discoveries don't work oh but she has a counter pin and then i deflect it's getting complicated wow how's this working let's just move over threatening the rook and threatening this looks tied down to the night should be winning am i not meeting it's close to mate solid move not seeing meat wow that was a tactic she had meat there dirty flag time that's going to be a draw maybe that's a draw what was that game oh i have a good position and then i lost all my material no oh everyone say their favorite opening yeah what should i play as black nimsovich okay i'll play knight c6 that was the first thing i saw how do i play this opening d6 d6 carlson played this once it just kind of transposes to a pierce i guess ah she's gonna go for the stuff so i usually don't play this um i guess e5 is logical uh this move i don't know what i'm doing here you guys should queenside castle it's also this move no i usually like to play this sort of battery thing as white um i'll play a6 okay trying to not get crushed in the opening also trying to launch some attack before coming maybe pinning the thing losing a pawn kind of but every pawn lost as the file opened okay we could take and play this move if ever f4 then my bishop gets really really happy so ooh i'm not sure if i want to take right away i might leave the tension for a moment there's a cool mating idea a3 takes and then bishop b2 mates i'm going to go for it so if takes i take your threatening yeah oh it doesn't work she's gonna play bishop d4 so i'll play c5 fur first i don't know not seeing how this works i'll play this queen d6 no my time i'm trying to figure out how to mate take their rook a6 just like a quiet move i want to defend the pawn and the event of c5 takes takes oh i'm sacking kind of hey eric hey how's it going i don't know what to do here why is my mouse mouse keeps dying too what's this wait i'm down a piece no my queen no ah she sees it that's unfortunate okay double attack knights oh but knight's going to defend the other nights [Music] play this move play this move yeah we'll play ah my rook she could have taken it actually i was trying to be too creative that game no okay all i need is one draw to like clinch this match okay um let's play one of these again uh yeah i'll play c3 sicilian um yeah she's playing a lot of uh these kind of oh what does this move b6 i can take and then trap a rook hey it's an opening trap winning winning material after five moves okay it's a nice way to soothe the pain of the previous game that's a really weird opening trap yeah that's why like the combination of b6 and d6 is not i guess recommended but it's good to like experience this this type of thing once and then uh like hopefully from her perspective she won't fall into this again oh she wants to trap my queen um i don't think my queen is getting trapped knight 26 i have this move that was a nice kind of puzzle position because not every day you just put your queen in black's territory so quickly also thank you robidope13 subbing with prime um bishop here the queen has no moves currently but it should be okay let's start with this move because this is really the only way to attack it and then i take the pawn now i can probably develop somehow get the rook to d1 but yeah i mean this is what black should be doing is trying to create some some ounce of hope oh is there a prediction prediction whether i'll win the match in this game it's looking promising but can never let my guard down wait a minute my queen getting trapped takes takes i could take and then the bishop's pinned and meanwhile i'm creating some [Music] counter play [Music] oh how to do this my queen might actually get trapped though i have to play this and bishop's still pinned i don't know how i kind of let this happen i guess i got too complacent uh if i take on d6 wait a minute yeah takes not seeing it let's try this and rook d1 so now the bishop's into the rook and i'm fighting this i might just lose this though this is really bad take on c5 how much material do i have wait maybe it's not so bad is this bad wait oh no box queen okay wait how am i i'm up a pawn what just happened there i'm up upon up on time too so i lost my queen but then somehow it worked out okay let's just not flag this game and go for the fork okay knight d5 coming there we go okay that was a weird game i think i was losing at some point was that game um yeah it was weird because uh like here the queen's trapped but the bishop's trapped and then it comes with a fork okay um how bad was it i think i'm losing around here yeah i'm losing around here and then oh so bishop a6 was a blunder yeah black just has to only move to wins c takes b4 because b4 was uh the trickiest move okay we're gonna hop on call nemo hello good games our last opening i played was so troll yeah it's uh i was telling my chat it's usually not a good idea to combine b6 and d6 yes somehow i still managed to trap your queen but i then i just blundered after the whole thing that was really weird yeah i was uh i was flustered because i thought it was going to be an easy win and then out of nowhere out of nowhere my queen was getting trapped and yes had to pull off some desperate moves it was pretty cool though i mean he's still got the end game up a pawn so definitely not a line i want to play in the future yeah if you're gonna play d6 on move two then i don't want to i'm i'm gonna i'll i know how to play the island it's just i never expect people to play c3 so i usually already have d6 play so oh interesting okay yeah it's just one of those pre-move things that you always gotcha yeah i'm trying i've been trying to mix up the openings as much as possible and take advantage of things like that same i mean i think i think this time went a lot better than last time i didn't even like prepare any of the openings really against you but like it just felt like you were avoiding some certain lines yeah i feel like you you've definitely played a lot better this time or maybe i got worse i don't know but i think let's go with i got better so it feels both of us feel better you know yeah your openings seem like they were improved like you just played more quickly it seemed like you were more confident um with not taking too much time and a lot of games you had time advantages and it was harder to get you into like opening traps apart from this last game but uh yeah i was very impressed with like a lot of your play a lot of games that i won even you you probably should have won it came down to yes there's a lot of games where the in the time scramble it just it became so crazy actually i really like that yeah that's the case with uh i guess with no increments then a lot it can come down to dirty flagging if uh if either of us uh gets too low but makes it entertaining yeah i think it was really good i think the games were honestly pretty high quality and like it was just like the tactics was really crazy i i really like that part when i play against it oh definitely yeah and uh i think it was at the second to last game i tried to fake and oh no my queen i let you just take my queen but i did it and i was like oh my god okay because i actually you you owned your rook once and i got checkmated so now i'm learning uh yeah you should always think twice before taking what looks like free material exactly i think that is definitely not just for chat it's all mostly for me yeah i mean it's good for uh it's good kind of life lesson not everything in life is free so for sure well do you want to move on to uh
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 96,853
Rating: 4.9379339 out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, chess 2020, wgm, nemo zhou, qiyu zhou, akanemsko, nemo chess, stafford gambit, london opening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 36sec (5316 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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